How to smear the ends of the log house. Processing the ends of the logs of the log house from rounded logs. Do logs need additional protection?

To extend the life of the log house, a set of OCB or timber for assembly is treated with compounds that prevent biological damage. But this is not enough for full protection, since the ends of the logs after the erection of wall structures must be processed separately with special means.

The need for end protection

If you pay attention to the condition of a log that has been lying in the open air for a year or two, you can see that its ends have turned gray, covered with a network of cracks. It is the unprotected ends that are first attacked by woodworms, covered with mold spots, and overgrown with moss.

This is due to the fact that this part of the log is the most vulnerable to external influences - the location of wood fibers contributes to the penetration of moisture and its rapid evaporation, loose wood becomes a haven for insects and microorganisms.

Processing the ends of the log house also helps against cracking of the crowns. It takes about two years to fully dry the wood, in addition, the tree constantly absorbs and releases moisture, and if the end sections of the log are not covered with a special composition, moisture evaporation will occur unevenly, which leads to cracks and deformation of the crowns.

To prevent the log from cracking during natural shrinkage in the first years after the construction of the log house, the end sections of the rhinestone must be covered with a protective compound after construction is completed, which does not interfere with:

  • the release of moisture contained in wood along the longitudinal fibers through the ends;
  • the exit of moisture from the inside of the log to the outside along the transverse wood fibers;
  • evaporation from the surface layers.

At the same time, the processing of the ends slows down the release of moisture along the longitudinal fibers. This makes it possible to achieve more uniform evaporation, due to which, during drying, the logs are much less likely to crack. As a result, the aesthetic appearance of the building and its heat-shielding properties are preserved.

After the completion of the shrinkage of the log house, it is necessary to paint the end sections with a decorative and protective composition that clogs the pores so that during operation the walls absorb and release moisture evenly.

Popular remedies

When choosing how to treat the ends of logs, you should pay attention to special equipment with antiseptic properties. If you want to save money, you can resort to folk remedies. Traditionally, lime was used to process the ends of the logs immediately after the installation of the log house, which:

  • disinfects wood and prevents decay;
  • provides protection against ultraviolet radiation;
  • affordable.

After shrinkage of the log cabin, the end sections should be covered with a composition that forms a film on the surface. It can be drying oil, paint, which includes wax or oil.

Today, many foreign and domestic manufacturers offer special tools for end processing. Popular options on the Russian market include:

  • "Senezh Tor". Penetrates into the wood to a depth of several centimeters, creates a gas-permeable coating that does not allow moisture to pass through. This prevents cracking and the appearance of rot, damage by insect pests. The composition is environmentally friendly, does not contain components harmful to health. The treatment agent practically does not change the natural color of the wood and provides reliable protection for several years.
  • Biotor. As a result of staining, a moisture-proof film is formed on the surface of the wood. This protects the logs from deformation and the appearance of cracks during shrinkage, prevents the development of fungus.
  • "Neomid Tor Plus". Allows you to create a water-repellent coating, so that the fungus does not start in the logs, the wood does not rot and is not damaged by pests. Processing also prevents the appearance of cracks and distortions during shrinkage. The tool does not affect the natural color and structure of the tree.

Processing technology

In order to provide good protection for a log house made of rounded or chopped logs, a solid bar of natural moisture, it is necessary to follow a certain order of work.

At the first stage, the log house is trimmed immediately upon completion of the assembly. Trimming is the alignment of the protruding parts of the crowns (outlets). Usually a chainsaw or an electric saw is used. Traditionally, outlets are cut so that the end surfaces form a vertical plane.

To perform trimming with high quality, you need a good tool and experience working with wood, since the process requires accuracy and precision. Trimming allows you to give the log house an aesthetic appearance.

At the second stage, the end sections are polished. Grinding is necessary to prepare the surface for impregnation with a protective composition. In the process of grinding, irregularities are removed, if the log house was assembled some time ago - then various pollution, mold spots. It is important to strip down to a layer of clean, undamaged wood.

Rough peeling is performed with a belt type grinder, the grain of the abrasive surface should be large (P40-60). Then grinding is performed with a finer abrasive. Instead of a grinder, it is allowed to use a grinder equipped with a grinding petal nozzle.

Grinding is performed only in dry weather, and only dried logs can be treated with an abrasive. When the grinder is exposed to a wet surface, small scuffs (pile) form on it, that is, it is impossible to do the job efficiently and achieve a smooth surface.

The third stage is impregnation. This term refers to the application of a protective composition for wood on the prepared ends of the log house. Regardless of the choice of means designed to protect the tree from decay, damage by pests and uneven shrinkage, the composition is applied with a wide paint brush.

Follow the equipment manufacturer's instructions. General recommendations are as follows: the composition is applied abundantly, in two or three layers with intermediate drying for several hours. You should work carefully, completely covering each end with the product and paying special attention to the edges.

Work is recommended to be carried out in dry weather. Before processing the ends of the log house, make sure that the wood is not damp. In this case, the protective composition will lie better and absorb better (if it has impregnating properties), while the consumption of the product will be less.

Additional processing

A wooden house will last longer if, after shrinking the log house, the end sections are additionally covered with a special sealant that provides reliable protection against moisture. For this type of work, specialized tools are used, including Zobel, Kordin WV456, etc. Painting the ends will add aesthetics to the appearance of a log building, if you choose a composition with the right color. When choosing wood protection products, it is better to give preference to environmentally friendly formulations.

Being a beginner in the use of wooden buildings, I did not know what kind of processing is necessary for a log house. Everyone knows that, being natural and environmentally friendly, the material is subject to the negative effects of the atmosphere and various beetles. Therefore, I had an understanding that a log house should be processed, however, I did not know at all how and with what to carry out the processes. A huge amount of information and a familiar builder, an expert in caring for log buildings, came to my aid. Let's look at how to process the ends of the log house logs after the construction of the house is completed and in what time frame all activities should be carried out.

We process the ends of log logs with our own hands

What tree care should be carried out

Processing the end logs of the log house on your own

Among the users of many forums there are very different opinions. Someone thinks that the processing of a structure from a log house should be carried out as soon as possible. And someone proves that the house does not need quick processing. For an answer, I turned to Valera, who has been building wooden houses for several years. And as it turned out, when building houses from solid logs, complete processing is not required at all for the first couple of years. Due to the fact that the frame is not sawn, it has a natural protection against the manifestations of fungus and decay. In this case, you just need to properly process the ends of the log house.

Important! If negative manifestations appeared in the new house, this means that the log house was not completely dried before the installation work.

Protection of the ends from the outside should be carried out at the end of the construction of the house, as they are the most vulnerable. Since the tree dries completely within a few years, the ends tend to dry out much faster. If the surface is not treated, then the ends will begin to darken, losing the natural color of the log house and soon a fungus will appear on them.

Materials for processing

We process the ends of log logs on our own

Before you purchase the material with which the log house will be protected, you should know that it should not be an obstacle to air exchange and uniform drying of the wood.

When processing with your own hands, you can use the classic method, which involves the use of lime. It is still used today in many villages. However, the modern construction market is full of possible mixtures, which, thanks to their components, provide good protection for a log house.

Let's use the example of a small table to look at the most common tools for end processing:

Name Manufacturer Properties
Senezh Tor Russia Good protection due to the penetration of the material a few cm deep into the log house. It has the ability to pass air, but it does not release moisture from the material. This means that the log house will dry as naturally as possible. Environmentally friendly product
Neomid Thor Plus Russia Forms a thin film on the surface of the log, which is water-repellent. Protects wood from the manifestation of cracks and putrefactive processes
Biotor Russia Thanks to the solution, the log will be deformed much less, as the product protects against dried cracks.

Important! When choosing a material, you should pay attention to Russian manufacturers, since their products are in no way inferior in quality to modern imported brands. A huge advantage lies in the good price, which is significantly lower than the cost of foreign mixtures.

DIY processing process

How to process the ends of the logs of the log house

Trimming a log house is the very first process that is performed after the construction of the building. Thanks to this, all logs become even and neat. Trimming is done with a chainsaw. If you are doing the trimming yourself, then be extremely focused on the important process and be careful in your work. All processes must be performed in a specific order:

  • Do-it-yourself sanding of a log house includes cleaning, which is necessary to remove all irregularities. During this process, possible manifestations of mold and fungus on the material are also removed. A belt sander will help with this process.
  • Surface grinding should be performed correctly and only in warm and dry weather conditions. At the same time, the log house itself must be dried - if it remains wet, then the hairiness of the material will not allow you to carry out the planned process
  • Impregnation is the term used to protect the log from the outside of the house from premature drying, fungal manifestations and cracks. As a tool, you can use a wide brush, and apply the solution itself quite abundantly. Protection is applied in two layers, the second is applied after the first has dried.
  • Next, sealants are applied, which create a durable moisture-resistant coating. If painting is necessary, then a special acrylic sealant is purchased.

When choosing a mixture with which the ends of the logs will be protected, preference should be given to environmentally friendly compounds. Do not forget that wood tends to absorb water well, so the solution will be applied in several layers. As you can see, the processing of the ends of the logs is a mandatory event, which should take place as soon as possible after the assembly of the structure.

Sheathing of logs

How and with what to process the ends of log cabins

Very often, the owners of old wooden buildings decide to sheathe the facade with inexpensive and modern materials. The fact is that the material, being natural, is exposed to the negative effects of precipitation, ultraviolet radiation, fungal manifestations and the invasion of beetles and rodents. Houses lose not only their original appearance, but also the properties that they possess in the first years of operation. Despite the huge number of various mixtures and impregnations, the actual option is to sheathe the facade of a wooden house with siding.

In order to decorate the building from the outside, you can use the following types of siding:

  1. Polymeric
  2. Metal
  3. fiber cement
  4. Wooden panels

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, so let's do a little overview of each of them:

  • Polymer - a cheap option for decorating the facade. There are enough imitations for wood or brick. Their disadvantages: the material does not have thermal insulation properties and, despite the manufacturers' assurances of incombustibility, it tends to melt
  • Metal - with its help you can sheathe a large area on your own. However, during its arrangement it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation. During rain or hail, a characteristic sound of impacts will be created, so without proper soundproofing, you will have to hear these sounds. Due to the susceptibility of the metal to corrosion, you will have to think about the use of solutions for processing fasteners
  • Fiber cement - of the advantages: good thermal insulation and sound insulation properties, does not deform and does not rot. Of the minuses: waterproofing is necessary, besides, the panels are quite heavy and it will not be easy to work with them
  • If you decide to sheathe your home from timber with wooden siding, you should be prepared for the fact that this material will also require the use of various impregnations. It is they who will protect the panels from rotting, fire and moisture. Despite this, the material is easy to install with your own hands, it is environmentally friendly and looks very good.

Being a beginner in the use of wooden buildings, I did not know what kind of processing is necessary for a log house. Everyone knows that, being natural and environmentally friendly, the material is subject to the negative effects of the atmosphere and various beetles. Therefore, I had an understanding that a log house should be processed, however, I did not know at all how and with what to carry out the processes. A huge amount of information and a familiar builder, an expert in caring for log buildings, came to my aid. Let's look at how to process the ends of the log house logs after the construction of the house is completed and in what time frame all activities should be carried out.

We process the ends of log logs with our own hands

What tree care should be carried out

Processing the end logs of the log house on your own

Among the users of many forums there are very different opinions. Someone thinks that the processing of a structure from a log house should be carried out as soon as possible. And someone proves that the house does not need quick processing. For an answer, I turned to Valera, who has been building wooden houses for several years. And as it turned out, when building houses from solid logs, complete processing is not required at all for the first couple of years. Due to the fact that the frame is not sawn, it has a natural protection against the manifestations of fungus and decay. In this case, you just need to properly process the ends of the log house.

Important! If negative manifestations appeared in the new house, this means that the log house was not completely dried before the installation work.

Protection of the ends from the outside should be carried out at the end of the construction of the house, as they are the most vulnerable. Since the tree dries completely within a few years, the ends tend to dry out much faster. If the surface is not treated, then the ends will begin to darken, losing the natural color of the log house and soon a fungus will appear on them.

Materials for processing

We process the ends of log logs on our own

Before you purchase the material with which the log house will be protected, you should know that it should not be an obstacle to air exchange and uniform drying of the wood.

When processing with your own hands, you can use the classic method, which involves the use of lime. It is still used today in many villages. However, the modern construction market is full of possible mixtures, which, thanks to their components, provide good protection for a log house.

Let's use the example of a small table to look at the most common tools for end processing:

Name Manufacturer Properties
Senezh Tor Russia Good protection due to the penetration of the material a few cm deep into the log house. It has the ability to pass air, but it does not release moisture from the material. This means that the log house will dry as naturally as possible. Environmentally friendly product
Neomid Thor Plus Russia Forms a thin film on the surface of the log, which is water-repellent. Protects wood from the manifestation of cracks and putrefactive processes
Biotor Russia Thanks to the solution, the log will be deformed much less, as the product protects against dried cracks.

Important! When choosing a material, you should pay attention to Russian manufacturers, since their products are in no way inferior in quality to modern imported brands. A huge advantage lies in the good price, which is significantly lower than the cost of foreign mixtures.

DIY processing process

Trimming a log house is the very first process that is performed after the construction of the building. Thanks to this, all logs become even and neat. Trimming is done with a chainsaw. If you are doing the trimming yourself, then be extremely focused on the important process and be careful in your work. All processes must be performed in a specific order:

  • Do-it-yourself sanding of a log house includes cleaning, which is necessary to remove all irregularities. During this process, possible manifestations of mold and fungus on the material are also removed. A belt sander will help with this process.
  • Surface grinding should be performed correctly and only in warm and dry weather conditions. At the same time, the log house itself must be dried - if it remains wet, then the hairiness of the material will not allow you to carry out the planned process
  • Impregnation is the term used to protect the log from the outside of the house from premature drying, fungal manifestations and cracks. As a tool, you can use a wide brush, and apply the solution itself quite abundantly. Protection is applied in two layers, the second is applied after the first has dried.
  • Next, sealants are applied, which create a durable moisture-resistant coating. If painting is necessary, then a special acrylic sealant is purchased.

When choosing a mixture with which the ends of the logs will be protected, preference should be given to environmentally friendly compounds. Do not forget that wood tends to absorb water well, so the solution will be applied in several layers. As you can see, the processing of the ends of the logs is a mandatory event, which should take place as soon as possible after the assembly of the structure.

Sheathing of logs

How and with what to process the ends of log cabins

Very often, the owners of old wooden buildings decide to sheathe the facade with inexpensive and modern materials. The fact is that the material, being natural, is exposed to the negative effects of precipitation, ultraviolet radiation, fungal manifestations and the invasion of beetles and rodents. Houses lose not only their original appearance, but also the properties that they possess in the first years of operation. Despite the huge number of various mixtures and impregnations, the actual option is to sheathe the facade of a wooden house with siding.

In order to decorate the building from the outside, you can use the following types of siding:

  1. Polymeric
  2. Metal
  3. fiber cement
  4. Wooden panels

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, so let's do a little overview of each of them:

  • Polymer - a cheap option for decorating the facade. There are enough imitations for wood or brick. Their disadvantages: the material does not have thermal insulation properties and, despite the manufacturers' assurances of incombustibility, it tends to melt
  • Metal - with its help you can sheathe a large area on your own. However, during its arrangement it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation. During rain or hail, a characteristic sound of impacts will be created, so without proper soundproofing, you will have to hear these sounds. Due to the susceptibility of the metal to corrosion, you will have to think about the use of solutions for processing fasteners
  • Fiber cement - of the advantages: good thermal insulation and sound insulation properties, does not deform and does not rot. Of the minuses: waterproofing is necessary, besides, the panels are quite heavy and it will not be easy to work with them
  • If you decide to sheathe your home from timber with wooden siding, you should be prepared for the fact that this material will also require the use of various impregnations. It is they who will protect the panels from rotting, fire and moisture. Despite this, the material is easy to install with your own hands, it is environmentally friendly and looks very good.

During the construction of wooden houses and the assembly of log cabins for shrinkage, the most unprotected area of ​​\u200b\u200bwood, even after applying water-repellent impregnation, remains the end sections of logs, timber and finishing boards. This is explained by the high hygroscopicity of wood.

When naturally dried, wood is prone to cracking. With an increase in air humidity, the raw ends of the timber and logs will absorb moisture from the atmosphere like a sponge. It remains to solve the question of how to process the ends of the logs of the log house.

Specialized materials for painting and protecting the ends of timber, log cabin logs

  • "Protection for ends" of the German brand "Biofa", filling the pores of the wood of the end cut, sealing, gluing, reducing the surface area of ​​evaporation and absorption of moisture, which prevents cracking and reduces the risk of fungus and mold. The coating creates an even rough layer, which allows painting the ends of the log house without additional primers. Used for external use.
  • A log house has unclosed sections of logs inside the house. Door and window openings will look more attractive if you give them some protection. For internal work on the protection of the ends of wood materials, the German company Remmers offers a product that forms a moisture-proof film.
  • The elastic agent of the Italian manufacturer Kantenschutz Borma is used a little more widely. It is a transparent, adhesive primer. Borma is a good base for applying water-based or alkyd-based paints and varnishes. You can simply add color to the transparent protective agent - an aqueous pigment paste, and additional painting is not required. When using this tool, the wood will receive protection from moisture, fungus, mold. It is used for outdoor work on sealing the ends and filling the resulting cracks.
  • The range of application of protective wax from the German manufacturer SAICOS, in addition to sealing the ends, consists in processing all external sections to prevent cracking. This means of protection against moisture is distinguished by a dirt-repellent surface, environmental friendliness of the composition.
  • The Hirnholz-Wachs wax, developed by the German company OSMO, will help protect the ends from external factors. Its penetration into the wood is capillary, which allows you to deeply seal the tubules of the end sections. Thanks to this, the log, beam, board will not receive much damage to the end sections, as happens with untreated wood.

Damage to the crowns, deformation of the building material is easier to avoid if the edges of the crowns are processed immediately, without waiting for the manifestation of exposure to excessive moisture, ultraviolet rays, and temperature changes.

Both waterlogging and overdrying of wood materials lead to damage. To reduce the area of ​​evaporation and absorption of moisture, special end treatment tools are used.

Special protective materials are viscous, because for reliable protection they must fill the pores of the cut. This is possible only on condition that the product will not be absorbed into the wood, take moisture from it, and peel off.

To get started, you will need a grinder and a grinding disc with P60-80 grain. Carefully grind the ends of the log house with a grinder, since the quality of these actions will depend on how deep the protective compound gets into the structure of the log.

Impregnators and septic tanks

As a primary protection, impregnating solutions can be used, which include various biocides that protect the tree from harmful bacteria, fungi and insects (the most dangerous of which, for example, bark beetle). Such solutions are produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers, for example, Tikkurilla offers seven positions of protective compounds.

Impregnation solutions are applied with a wide brush in several layers. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. It is recommended to apply two or three layers of this solution with a time interval of no more than 12 hours.

The disadvantages of impregnating solutions include the fact that they evaporate over time, therefore, in order to reliably protect the wood after processing, it is desirable to cover it with an additional layer of sealant.

Please note that the log house purchased from the manufacturer must already be treated with an antiseptic. Moreover, the processing should be deep - with immersion of logs in baths with a solution, i.e. one that cannot be done.


The main advantages of the sealant include the fact that it penetrates well into the structure of the tree and is fixed in it when it dries, preventing moisture from getting inside. The composition is applied with a brush, also in two layers. After drying, it forms an acrylic film on the end of the log, which will protect your log house.

Oils and paints

But there is also a more budgetary option to protect the log house - processing its ends with used engine oil, which you can find in any car service or garage cooperative. For reliable protection, double application of oil with a frequency of 8-12 hours is sufficient.

Once a year, preventive lubrication of the ends should be carried out. Drying oil can also be used to protect the log house, since it has an affordable price, and is similar in action to sealants, however, over time it will evaporate, and the treatment will have to be repeated. You can also paint the ends of the log house with paint that has been liquidly diluted with a solvent. This way of applying acrylates or oil formulations will allow them to penetrate the wood fibers and seal them, keeping them from moisture and fungus.
