Finishing putty Vetonit: types and applications. Subtleties of using finishing putty Vetonit LR

Trade brand "Weber" is one of the manufacturers of high-quality building mixtures. The high quality of their Vetonit products is guaranteed by the full certification of the manufacturing process. Apart from others building materials, the company produces finishing putty, designed to complete the alignment of the walls, eliminate small cracks and give the surface an aesthetic appearance.

Description and general features

The choice is offered various options finishing putty: gypsum, cement, polymer, each of which is designed for specific purposes and operating conditions.

The characteristic qualities of Vetonit products include the following features:

  • Putty is made from natural ingredients.
  • The composition easily lays down and stretches well over the surface.
  • The powder nature of the mixture ensures a smooth and even finish.
  • It is easy to grind.

  • Improves the soundproofing qualities of the finished surface.
  • Has a small consumption.
  • The release form is:
    1. dry mix;
    2. ready paste.
  • It is sold in durable three-layer bags weighing 5 and 25 kg.


Vetonit supplies the building materials market with the following options for finishing putty:

  • "AT" - cement plaster with high moisture resistance.
  • "VX" is suitable for facade works, having powerful waterproofing qualities.
  • "JS" and "LR" - putty for finishing and super finishing with increased strength and excellent appearance.
  • "T", "KR" - types intended for rooms with low humidity.
  • "LR Fine", "LR +" are used for places with low and normal levels of humidity.
  • "VH" and "KR" - lime finishing putty.

Vetonit LR+

Finishing putty made of high quality white limestone, finely ground marble and polymer additives. It is used for clean, pre-leveled surfaces, before applying the coating should be degreased and cleaned of small debris.

The main features include:

  • particle size up to 3 mm;
  • the thickness of the applied layer is from 1 to 5 millimeters, a thicker layer is recommended to be used on small surfaces and thinned with an increase in the processed web;
  • the rate of complete drying at a temperature of 20C - 24 hours;
  • should be used in rooms with a low level of humidity, otherwise the color will acquire a yellow tint;
  • putty consumption with a layer thickness of 1 mm - 1.2 kg / sq. m;
  • the shelf life of the mixed solution is a day in an open container, 48 hours in a closed container;
  • sold in bags weighing 5.25 kg;
  • in dry form, the mixture can be stored for 1.5 years.

"Vetonite JS"

Putty mix on polymeric glue with finely ground marble, used for finishing and superfinishing puttying for painting and wallpapering.

  • intended for:
    1. plasterboard plastering and grouting;
    2. application on a surface previously painted with any type of paint.
  • drying speed ranges from 3 to 24 hours;
  • very strong structure reinforced with reinforcing microfibres;
  • strong adhesion;
  • complete absence of cracks;
  • great looking, perfectly smooth and even surface.

"Vetonit LR"

polymer putty mixture, whose specific differences are:

  • use for wall and ceiling works;
  • excellent compatibility with plastered and concrete surfaces;
  • applied in one layer;
  • not applicable at high humidity;
  • sold in bags of 25 kg.

"Vetonit VH"

To the characteristic qualities of this facade finishing putty include the following features:

  • The composition is used on concrete and brick surfaces.
  • Do not use it on surfaces treated with lime and water-based products.
  • It is better to prepare the solution using a drill with a mixing nozzle.
  • It should stand for about 3 hours after cooking.
  • The mixture is applied in two layers no thicker than 3 millimeters, each next layer is applied after the previous one has dried.
  • Available high level waterproofing.

"Vetonit KR"

Putty from organic components for the finishing stage of finishing is used in rooms with low humidity.

Other features include:

  • used for walls and ceilings;
  • great for drywall work before painting or wallpapering;
  • average consumption with a layer of 1 mm - 1.2 / sq. m;
  • not applicable for:
    1. floor finishes;
    2. on a tiled surface;
  • elimination of seams and cracks.

Putty application methods

To achieve the desired result in the process of finishing work, you must follow established order actions.

For proper mixing of the solution, do the following:

  • The components of the putty mortar are prepared from an approximate calculation - 1.2 kg / m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm. A bag weighing 25 kg consumes about 8 liters of water.
  • The contents of the bag are laid out in water, the solution is stirred for about 10 minutes using an electric drill with a nozzle, manually the consistency will be worse. The mixture settles for an average of 20 minutes and then whipped again. The average shelf life of the mixed solution is about a day.
  • For application, narrow (30 cm) and wide (70 cm) spatulas are used.
  • The putty mixture is applied in one or two layers. With two-layer processing, the second layer is applied only to the completely dried first.
  • For priming, it is best to use an acrylic solution.

Wall puttying

The procedure includes the following steps:

  • Training. Before applying putty, the work surface is cleaned of small debris and old finishes. If there are minor defects on the surface, they must be eliminated with a starting putty or plaster and then sanded to approximately the same level. Next, the surface is degreased.
  • Padding. In order for the solution to adhere more firmly to the wall, it must be treated with a primer.

  • Application. The solution is drawn out smoothly from side to side. The thickness of the applied layer is determined by the specific type of putty, each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried. After the first layer has hardened, the surface can be sanded and then cleaned of construction dust. The coating is re-primed, then the final layer is drawn out.
  • Finalization. When the finish layer dries, the surface is sanded, cleaned and primed, after which the wall is ready for further finishing work: wallpapering, painting.

Ceiling putty

The process has a certain algorithm:

  • Training. The ceiling is cleaned from dirt and dust, the remnants of the previous finish are removed, the surface is polished and degreased.
  • Padding. Like the wall, the ceiling is primed with a roller.
  • Application. The putty is applied in small portions to a large spatula and pulled out along the plane of the ceiling. At the end, the surface is polished.

Subtleties of application

Surface. Before applying any Vetonit finishing putty, the work surface must be pre-levelled. Any defects must be smeared or sanded, the finishing solution is not designed to eliminate them. All excess dirt, dust, old finish, mold should be cleaned. After that, you need to degrease and primer.

For each brand of putty, you need to carefully study the instructions, despite the external similarity, the thickness of the applied layer, hardening time, water temperature, setting time and other properties differ. Please note that diluted putty in a closed container is stored twice as long.

Vetonit LR+. Vetonit LR+ Plus 25kg.

Price 595 rubles.

Finishing putty on a polymer binder for walls and ceilings inside dry rooms.

Areas of use

Walls and ceilings inside dry rooms. Suitable substrates: all smooth surfaces made of mineral materials; surfaces leveled with putty Vetonit L, V, TT, TT Light or Perlite putty; plaster surfaces; walls and ceilings from drywall boards(but not for grouting drywall boards). It is also possible to spray ceilings made of other boards, such as particle boards or porous fibreboards.

Attention! The mixture is not waterproof. The material is not suitable for leveling floors, for grouting drywall boards, or for use as a base or adhesive mortar under tiles.


Color white
Water resistance not waterproof
Aggregate limestone,
Binder polymer glue
base and mortar temperature not less than +10°C
Drying time at +20°C and good ventilation. ~ 1 day
Recommended layer thickness with partial alignment. Max. 5 mm
in full alignment 1-3 mm/single application
Consumption at a layer thickness of 1mm ~ 1.2 kg/sq.m
Required quantity of water 8–9 liters/25kg dry mix
Package bags of 5; 25kg
Shelf life 12 months from date of manufacture

The substrate must be clean, solid and dust-free. Substances that weaken adhesion such as grease, dust, etc. must be removed. Windows and other untreated surfaces must be carefully protected.

Attention! The base must be dry, no leaks and excessive moisture content in the structure is allowed, as this may cause discoloration of the leveled surface.


A bag of dry mix (25 kg) is mixed with 8–9 liters of clean water. Mixing is carried out with a powerful drill with a nozzle for 3-5 minutes. For better dissolution of the binder, the mixture is allowed to stand for about 10 minutes. After slight re-mixing, the mixture is ready for use. The mortar mixture is suitable for use within about 2 days from the moment of mixing with water. Unused mortar mixture must not be left in mixing containers, hoses, etc. equipment for more than 2 days (eg weekends).

Attention! Do not pour the mortar mixture into the sewer, so as not to clog the pipes.

Completing of the work

The mortar mixture is applied mechanically by spraying or manually using a steel spatula. For full leveling use a steel trowel 80 cm wide, for partial leveling a smaller steel trowel 30 cm wide. Excess mortar mixture is removed and reused. The ceiling after spraying putty can be left without further processing. If leveling is performed in several layers, it is necessary each time to make sure that the previous layer is completely dry (within 1 day). The dried surface is sanded with fine sanding paper after each layer.

Tool cleaning

The working tools and equipment are washed with water immediately after work is completed.

Surface Finishing and Additional Recommendations

The leveled and dried surface can be painted or wallpapered according to the wallpaper or paint manufacturer's instructions.

If dirty spots appear, the surface can be carefully wiped with a damp sponge or piece of cloth. If the stains do not go away, the surface can be re-covered with putty.

Helpful Hints

To improve adhesion to painted surfaces and to improve the wear resistance of the material, 10% mixing water can be replaced with Vetonit Dispersion (approx. 0.8–0.9 l of dispersion/25 kg of dry mix). Before starting the leveling work, it is necessary to make sure that the adhesion of the old paint to the substrate is good.

Packaging and storage

Putty Vetonit LR Plus is supplied in 25 and 5 kg bags. Shelf life in a dry place in closed packages is approx. 12 months from date of manufacture.

Hello dear visitors! This time we will get acquainted with a whole phenomenon in the world of finishing materials. The hero of the day today will be putty, whose name for craftsmen has long been a household name - putty Vetonit (weber.vetonit LR+).

Now in building stores there are dozens, if not hundreds of types of various putties: gypsum, cement, polymer. But two brands stand apart, they are available always and everywhere, and have been producing them for more than a dozen years. Yes, yes, the first one is Vetonit. And what is the second one? If you are a decorator, then you probably know the answer.
This is sheetrock. There will also be a separate article about him. This item is very, very high quality. In order not to miss the material about, subscribe to updates, the post will be very useful for everyone!

But for now, we are talking about the weber.vetonit LR+ product.

That is what they mean when they say "vetonit". This is a finishing putty on a polymer binder. What does "finish" mean? And the fact that after its application, wallpaper and / or painting, that is, finishing coatings, already go directly.

In other words, such a mixture forms a high-quality coating, ready for painting and wallpapering. As for the binder. Any mortar consists of filler and binder. The aggregate is usually sand, limestone is what forms the bulk of the composition. And the binder holds the aggregate particles together and, of course, provides adhesion to the base surface. In this putty, the binder is a kind of polymer glue, and limestone serves as a filler.

Our hero is produced by Weber-Vetonit, part of the Saint-Gobain group. Packed in paper bags of 25 and 5 kg.

Basic properties

The purpose of this putty mixture is to level walls and ceilings in dry rooms before wallpapering and painting. It is used on all types of smooth surfaces made of mineral materials and drywall. Formally, it has a white (in practice, slightly grayish) color, as well as its own weak specific smell.

By the way, it costs in our village (Ryazan is called, you may have heard) in the region of 650-700 rubles for 25 kg.

It should be remembered that it is not moisture resistant, not suitable as a base for laying tiles and as an adhesive for anything. For example, some people manage to glue ceiling plinths on it. This cannot be done. Its structure is rather loose and fragile, which, however, does not affect its ability to hold wallpaper on itself, but can play a fatal role when trying, for example, to seal the joints of the GK sheets with it.

Water consumption is 9 liters per 25 kg bag. The mixture is stirred with a drill or puncher with a mixer to the state of sour cream, after which it is allowed to infuse for 10 minutes. This time is needed for better dissolution of the binder. It is noticed that after these 10 minutes the mixture thickens a little. Then it is re-mixed.

Again, a separate article will be published about the technique of puttying walls and ceilings, the topic is very important, so subscribing to updates is a sacred thing!)) The article will contain a couple of my know-how, and I will just use Vetonit. And now it's time to find out what are the secrets of his popularity?

The main advantages of weber.vetonit LR+

I counted three of them:

  1. Ease of application with almost complete absence of layer differences. If desired and with due skill, you can putty the surface under the wallpaper so that grinding is not required at all.
  2. If necessary, the putty is very easy to grind due to its somewhat looseness. And this is very important. For example, gypsum (universal putty from Knauf) is polished just like a star, how hard. When I first tried Vetonit after him, I was amazed - no effort.
  3. Surprisingly long lifespan. If you have mixed too much putty and do not have time to work it all out, just cover the container with it with a lid. The next day, she will be waiting for you in the same condition in which you left her. It has been verified that for 2-3 days she calmly waits in the wings in a bucket, ready to go. You just need to stir it again.

Of course, the hero of the article also has a drawback. It's the lack of moisture resistance.

Let's say we are wallpapering. They glued the strip, when they suddenly noticed a jam or a bubble that just couldn’t be smoothed out. Needs to be removed and re-glued. So, there is some probability that the strip will be partially removed along with the putty. To be honest, this has never happened to me yet, because I carefully prime the surface before and after puttying, plus I apply it in a certain way so that it lies more densely. But such cases are known. But I don't know of any other disadvantages.

Unless I can recommend using it for painting. Still, his fraction is too big for this, and visually the surface turns out to be rougher than when using Sheetrock. But after all, I am a sophisticated user, for you, such a surface is likely to be more than acceptable. Once I had to paint the ceiling on the loggia according to Vetonit (there was no choice), I carefully sanded it and covered it with two layers of white paint. From the floor, I did not see even the slightest defects. Here is the ceiling:

Usually it is enough to apply putty in two layers. The first trims the surface a little, the second - the finish. Moreover, the second layer is applied only when the first is completely dry. If applied to a minimum, drying occurs in 3-4 hours. A layer 5 mm thick will dry for at least a day.


Putty Vetonit is definitely popular for a reason. When preparing the surface for wallpapering, I use only it. If somewhere he messed up a little - once and again with a grinding bar, and that's it, it's in the bag. I didn’t have time to use up the bucket - I covered it, the next day I came and “finished off”. The best thing for a finisher. I recommend.

When a finishing putty is needed, many prefer Weber products, choosing a mixture labeled Vetonit LR. This finishing material created for internal works, namely: for finishing walls and ceilings. However, one putty is not enough for quality coverage. The process of its application has a number of nuances that everyone who plans to use this plaster should know.


Vetonit LR putty is a product for final alignment enclosing structures. She represents plaster mixture on polymer glue base, which is designed for finishing dry rooms. It's material powder type with a fine fraction, produced in bags of 25 kg. The mixture is a semi-finished product, as it needs to be diluted with water before the actual application process. It has a basic white color, which allows you to change the shade of the plaster coating at the request of the customer.

It cannot be used to decorate the facade, since the composition is not designed for exposure to moisture and other weather factors. It is the composition that does not allow the use of this mixture on bases that can be deformed. It cannot be separated wooden houses, which shrink during operation. Such putty is not applicable in apartment buildings with a high moisture content. Under such conditions, it will absorb moisture from the outside, exfoliate from the base, which will be accompanied by cracks and chips.

Due to the poor resistance to water and fumes, such material can not be used in every room. For example, it is not applicable in the bathroom, kitchen, bathroom, glazed balcony or loggia. Condensation is the worst enemy of such plaster. Today, the manufacturer is trying to solve this problem by releasing varieties of LR putty. Unlike them, it consists of polymers and is intended for plastered and concrete bases.

hallmark material is a different number of layers of application. For example, LR is applied in one layer, so complex multi-layer decorative coatings are not made from it, as this may affect the durability of operation, despite the quality characteristics of the raw material. She is not equal to large differences: the composition is not designed for this.

  • cement-lime;
  • plaster;
  • cement;
  • drywall.

The material fits well not only on rough, mineral, but also smooth surface. In this case, the application, in addition to manual, can be mechanized. This will save part of the composition, apply it quickly, which will eliminate the visibility of joints: such a surface will look monolithic. The spraying method involves applying the composition to porous slabs.

However, Vetonit LR is not suitable for the floor, which is sometimes done by unfortunate finishers. Cannot be used as an adhesive for ceiling plinth: this mixture is not designed for weight load, it is not universal for all the needs of the master. You need to buy it strictly in accordance with the information indicated by the manufacturer on the label. This putty is not a tile base as it will not hold it. In addition, it is not a sealant: it is not bought for sealing gaps between drywall boards.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other plastering materials for finishing floors, Vetonit LR putty has its pros and cons.

  • It is created on modern equipment using new technologies, which improves the quality and performance characteristics of the material.
  • She is comfortable to work with. It is not difficult to apply the material to the floors, the mass does not stick to the trowel and does not fall off the base during operation.
  • With a small thickness of the applied layer, it trims the base, smoothing out minor irregularities in the starting leveler.
  • The material is environmentally friendly. The composition is harmless to health, the coating during operation will not emit toxic substances.

  • The mixture is fine-grained. Due to this, it is uniform, has a pleasant texture and smoothness of the finished coating.
  • In some cases, with sufficient experience, it does not need to be further polished.
  • She is economical. At the same time, due to the powder form, it practically does not form an overrun. Portions can be diluted in parts, which will eliminate the excess of the mixture.
  • Composition is different long term life cycle. After preparation, it is suitable for work during the day, which allows the master to finish without haste.

  • The material has noise and thermal insulation properties, despite the thin layer of application.
  • It is suitable for further finishing surfaces for painting or wallpapering.
  • The mixture is available to the buyer. It can be bought at any hardware store, while the cost of finishing putty will not hit the buyer's budget due to its economy.

In addition to the advantages, this material there are also disadvantages. For example, Vetonit LR putty must not be thinned again. From this, it loses its properties, which can negatively affect the quality of work. In addition, it is important to consider the storage conditions of the dry mix. If it is in a room with high humidity, it will become damp, which will make the composition unsuitable for work.

Vetonit LR is demanding on the base. Putty simply will not stick to a surface that is not properly prepared. On the expanses of the World Wide Web, you can find reviews talking about poor grip. However, few online commentators describe preliminary training, considering it a useless step, a waste of time and money. They also ignore the fact that there should be no drafts in the room during work.

In addition, they exceed the application layer, believing that the mixture will withstand everything. As a result, such a coating is short-lived. A prerequisite, which the manufacturer pays attention to, is the compliance of the characteristics of the material construction work. This mixture is not a base leveler, it does not mask serious defects, which beginners in the field of repair and decoration do not think about.

In case of non-compliance with the rules of preparation in further work with such a basis, difficulties may arise. For example, according to the opinions of the masters, when trying to re-paste the wallpaper, the canvas can be partially removed with putty. It is necessary to strengthen adhesion, even if the base looks good, and the overlap is made according to all the rules of construction and does not have a porous structure with shedding. Sometimes an ordinary buyer with limited budget you may not like the price of a large bag (about 600-650 rudders), which forces you to look for cheaper analogues on the market.


The physical and mechanical characteristics of Vetonit LR putty are as follows:

  • moisture resistance - non-moisture resistant;
  • filler - white limestone;
  • binder - polymer glue;
  • the vital activity of the finished solution - up to 24 hours after dilution;

  • optimum temperature application - from +10 to +30 degrees C;
  • drying time - up to 2 days at t +10 degrees, up to 24 hours at t +20 degrees C;
  • maximum layer thickness - up to 2 mm;
  • fraction of grains in the composition - up to 0.3 mm;

  • water consumption - 0.32-0.36 l / kg;
  • adhesion with concrete after 28 days - not less than 0.5 MPa;
  • resistance to pollution - weak;

  • dust formation after grinding - no;
  • application - with a wide spatula or spraying;
  • the volume of three-layer packaging - 5, 25 kg;
  • expiration date - 18 months;
  • final processing after drying the layer - not necessary for the ceiling, and sandpaper or sanding paper is used for walls.

Depending on the variety, the composition may vary slightly, which affects the quality and performance characteristics. According to the manufacturer, improved modifications are suitable for all types of bases and are particularly resistant.


Today, the range of Vetonit LR fillers includes varieties of Plus, KR, Pasta, Silk, Fine. Each modification has its own characteristics and differs from the base material. Materials are divided into two categories: for finishing wall putty for wallpaper and painting, as well as mixtures for perfect alignment(superfinish coatings for painting). However, under conditions of constant humidity, these coatings may yellow over time.

Weber Vetonit LR Plus, Weber Vetonit LR KR and Weber Vetonit LR Fine are polymer putties for interior use. They are superplastic, involve applying a thin layer, they are distinguished by a simple reduction of layers, which is convenient, since working with such plaster will save time and is suitable even for a beginner in the field of repair and decoration. Materials are easy to sand, clean white color and are a good base for painting. The disadvantage of Weber Vetonit LR Plus is the fact that it cannot be applied to previously painted surfaces.

Analog Fine categorically cannot be used for wet rooms. Silk is distinguished by the presence of finely ground marble. Weber Vetonit LR Pasta is a ready-to-use finishing polymer putty. It does not need to be adjusted or diluted with water: it is a mixture in the form of a creamy mass, which is used immediately after opening. plastic containers. It allows you to get a perfectly smooth surface and, according to the manufacturer, is characterized by improved hardness after drying. In other words, it is a scratch-resistant crack-resistant putty. The thickness of its layer can be ultra-thin (0.2 mm).

How to calculate the expense?

The consumption of material applied to the wall is calculated in kilograms per 1 m2. The manufacturer sets his own consumption rate, which is 1.2 kg / m2. However, in reality, the norm often diverges from the real consumption. Therefore, you have to buy raw materials with a margin, taking into account the formula: norm x cladding area. For example, if the area of ​​​​the wall is 2.5x4 \u003d 10 square meters. m, putty will need a minimum of 1.2x10 = 12 kg.

Since the norm indicators are approximate, and marriage is not excluded in the process of work, it is worth taking more material. If the putty remains, it is not a problem: it can be stored in dry conditions for up to 12 months. In addition, we must not forget that the application layer is actually more than recommended by the manufacturer. This will also affect the overall cost. Therefore, when buying, it is important to pay attention to the recommended thickness.

Solution preparation

Instructions for preparing putty are indicated on the package itself.

The manufacturer suggests diluting the material as follows:

  • prepare a clean and dry container and a drill with a mixing nozzle;
  • about 8-9 liters of clean water at room temperature are poured into the container;
  • the bag is opened and poured into a container;
  • the composition is stirred with a drill with a nozzle until smooth for 2-3 minutes at low speed;
  • the mixture is left for 10 minutes, then re-stirred.

After preparation, the composition will gradually begin to change its properties. Therefore, despite the assurances of the manufacturers that it is good for one to two days with sealed packaging, it is worth using it immediately. Over time, its consistency will change, the mass will become thick, which can complicate the lining of surfaces. The putty dries in different ways, which also depends on the conditions in the room at the time of work.

Application methods

Plaster can be applied by hand or mechanically. In the first case, it is collected on a trowel in portions and stretched over the surface, using the rule, as well as a trowel. This option is especially relevant if the customer uses plaster as decorative coating. This way you can mix different shades mixture, making the base look like marble. However, their total thickness should be minimal.

The second method is convenient because it allows you to complete the work in a short time. To do this, you can use a sprayer with a large nozzle, some craftsmen manage to apply such a putty with a construction bucket-hopper own production. The bucket is emptied in seconds, while the composition can cover the entire room in a short time. The mass is stretched over the surface by the rule. This method is convenient when a large amount of work is planned.


Sometimes an ordinary buyer is interested in what can replace the company's finishing putty, so as not to lose the quality characteristics of the material. Specialists in the field of construction and decoration offer several options for plastering material.

Among them, products of the following brands were especially highly rated:

  • sheetrock;
  • Dano;
  • Padecot;
  • Unis;
  • Knauf.

These materials have similar characteristics in terms of quality and application. However, experts note that in an attempt to save money, you can lose quality, because the difference between the analogue and Vetonit will be small. If you choose a gypsum-based analogue, such plaster will not be moisture resistant. Some experts are sure that if you have the skills, you can work with any finishing plaster. Reviews of builders are contradictory, because each master has his own priorities.

So that there are no problems in working with putty, you can take into account the main nuances of preparation and tricks of application.

Usually, preparation according to all the rules looks like this:

  • the room is freed from furniture;
  • carry out visual inspection coatings;
  • I remove the old coating, grease, oil stains;
  • dust from the surface is removed with a semi-dry sponge;
  • after drying, the base is treated with a primer.

These are the basic steps under the base material. At this stage, it is important to choose the right primer, since the alignment of the overlap structure and the level of adhesion of all layers will depend on it. A primer is needed in order to start, and then finishing material did not fall off the walls or ceiling. The base is treated with soil with greater penetrating power. This will make the structure of the walls homogeneous.

The primer will bind dust particles and microcracks. It is applied with a roller on the main part of the floors and with a flat brush in the corners and hard-to-reach places. The application must be uniform, since when the primer dries, a crystal lattice will form on the surface, which enhances adhesion. After the primer dries, the surface is leveled with the starting material. If necessary, it is trimmed after drying, and then re-primed. Now for bonding the starting and finishing layers.

For example, so that the putty does not stick to the trowel, you should not use a spatula made of wood. It will absorb moisture, and with it, retain the mixture itself on the working canvas. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small, you can try out a metal spatula 30 cm wide or a two-handed tool. The mixture must not be applied to wet floors. It is necessary to dry the wall (ceiling).

Antiseptic treatment is also important. For example, to prevent the formation of mold and fungus on the surface of the wall or ceiling being finished, it is initially possible to process the floors special composition. In addition, in the process of work, it is important to observe temperature conditions in room. If the plaster mixture is applied in several layers, it is important that their thickness is minimal.

Does putty have an expiration date?
  • There is no expiration date. If it has dried, it is diluted with a little water, mixed well and used for its intended purpose.
  • If it's not dry, then it's fine...
  • The main thing is that it is stored correctly. as they say: I keep my fidelity to my bride in a cool, dry place!
  • If it is ready, it can dry out or even turn rotten. If it is dry, as it is almost always now, then if the bag is not wet and it does not become hard, then you can use it.
  • Look at the package, each has its own expiration date.
  • yes about 10 years

Building mixtures (putties, etc.) stood on the loggia for 4 years. Can they be used or discarded?
  • In principle it is possible. But gypsum mixtures can quickly harden / 5-10 minutes /
  • It is necessary to check. Putties / loose / if they have not been saturated with moisture, then they are suitable.

    Plasters on cement base, if not turned to stone, use it.

  • Unlikely
  • if you didn’t become a monolith, try
  • Dry mixes, if left "dry" are quite suitable. Ready-made mixtures are frozen-throw away.
  • well, if they didn’t get wet and didn’t turn into stone, then you can
  • For ejection. They became like alabaster.
  • putty, if it is suitable without lumps. In any case, throw out the bag. Sift the cement. Grout will do. Source: personal experience
  • Throw away, the expiration date has expired, when mixing such putty or gypsum plaster they harden like plaster.
  • you can if you don't get it
  • Additives that slow down the setting of gypsum and alabaster could become unusable. Therefore, it is necessary to check the hardening time. If it corresponds to the declared characteristics, you can work. If not, then you can slow down the drying by adding flour or brewed starch to the mixture.
  • Can be used!!! but for example, for sealing some holes, for irresponsible ones (plugging holes in the toilet at the dacha) is not desirable, frost spares nothing
  • an expiration date should be written on each bag, for putty mixtures it is somewhere around 6-12 months, after this period it will lose its properties, I checked it myself, it seizes very quickly, so you can still use it to cover up a hole or install a box for sockets, but if you produce surfaces, then don’t even try, you’ll only screw up the tool!
  • Throw away. There is no need to risk wasting efforts, provided that the result is not guaranteed, even if everything falls on the walls, that is, there is a risk that the service life will be short. For example, rotbant plaster has a shelf life of 6 months.
  • Stanislav. Source: Stanislav CEO builds. companies.

  • The shelf life in the general account of bulk products is two years, it is practically impossible to work with them further.

Knauf putty » construction from a to z

Now, so as not to go far to your eye on the article knauf putty, I will describe the existing putties produced by Knauf, look at the photo of the putty, and of course compare the properties of each type of putty. Highlight the pros and cons putty knauf. So:

Knauf putty is available in the following varieties: Putty HP start, Putty HP finish, Putty MULTI-FINISH (multi-finish), Putty Uniflott, Finishing putty Knauf Fugen-finish, universal gypsum putty Fugenfüller, adhesive putty LB KLEBESPACHTEL, mineral putty LB KNAUF MINERALSPACHTEL.

The very first and noteworthy putty, knauf putty start- is a dispersion of medium coarseness with a grinding of up to 80 microns, the starting putty Knauf is made on gypsum. look at the packaging, and I’ll say the following: the layer of application of the starting Knauf putty is up to 3 centimeters. The maximum shelf life is 6 months, it is unforgettable to look at the release date of the putty.

Hard putty NR finish knauf - dispersion putty with finely ground fraction up to 20 microns, based on gypsum with lime. Maximum application layer

Knauf finishing putty 3 mm. The maximum weight of the package is 25 kg. The shelf life in a non-humid room in the presence of sealed packaging is half a year. Environmentally friendly product.

Plaster putty universal MULTI-FINISH (multi-finish)- on the this moment the new kind varieties of finishing putty on the market. Knauf multi-finish putty has more fine fraction than finishing putty and also consists of gypsum and lime. It is used on top of the finishing putty, designed to create an ideal surface for painting. Application layer up to 3 mm. This putty is not intended for grouting. fine finish. Sold in bags of 25 kg. Shelf life in the package up to 6 months. Is easy to work with. The requirements are the same as for other putties, that is, it is kneaded once! You can stir to give elasticity, but you can not add water, dirty tools and containers for stirring reduce the time of work with the multi-finish putty mass.

Putty Knauf Uniflott- dry mix intended for sealing between plasterboard sheets. The composition of the substance was created for

limit loads. The thickness of the application layer is up to 2 centimeters, it is easy to work and when applied to the surface, the full solidification time is 2 hours at a temperature of + 20. Knauf uniflot putty is a white substance, sold by 25 kg. also available in 5 kg containers. Shelf life less than half a year in the presence of sealed packaging.

Finishing putty Knauf fugenfinish- high-quality dry mix based on gypsum. It adheres well to the surface, is easy to work with, kneaded with a mixer with the addition of water to the dry mass. The solution is plastic without lumps. As it dries, adhesion increases. The layer of application of fugen-finish putty is one - two millimeters. The main application technique is in two layers: the first is viscous, the second is more liquid, the base is even and smooth. Sold in 25 kg. Shelf life up to 6 months, taking into account storage for wooden floors or linings in a dry place. Consumption rates of putty fugenfinish when applying a layer of putty on a flat base is 1.2 kg per square meter, taking into account the application layer of one millimeter, while the maximum working time with the prepared solution is 40 minutes, at a temperature of at least plus five degrees Celsius. The time of complete hardening of the putty from the moment of application at an air temperature of +20 is 12 hours.

Universal gypsum putty Fugenfüller - putty mixture designed for puttying joints, puttying on concrete, gluing

drywall on a flat surface with a small layer of fugenfüller putty. The initial setting time of the putty is 30 minutes, the time for complete drying to continue working at a temperature environment 25 degrees is 6 hours. Shelf life 6 months.

Mineral putty LB KNAUF MINERALSPACHTEL- mineral mortar for the preparation of putty based on cement, lime. Designed for reinforcing structures based on mineral plates. material is 7-12 kg per 1m square. The setting time of the solution is up to one hour. Complete solidification of the solution occurs within 48 hours. Shelf life is half a year.

Video machine mixes from Knauf:

The article was prepared by the administration of the site Construction from a to z. Enakievo-Donetsk.

Using putty vetonit lr + expired?

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GOST 28379-89 putties ep-0010 and ep-0020. specifications Persons associated with the manufacture and use of putties should be provided with the means personal protection to 12.4.011. Fire extinguishing agents: sand, felt mat, fire extinguishers of the OP-05 brand, foam installations. The production of putties generates solid and gaseous wastes that can cause pollution atmospheric air and water.

Control over compliance with the maximum allowable emissions (MAE) must be carried out in accordance with GOST

All solid and liquid waste generated after filtration, washing of equipment, communications, cleaning of spray booths in the form of contaminated solvents and used filters must be collected in special tank trucks and containers, removed in a timely manner and subjected to liquidation in accordance with the procedure for accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal industrial waste.

1.3. Marking

1.3.1. Marking of putties EP-0010 and EP-0020 - in accordance with GOST 9980.4.

1.3.2. The handling sign "Afraid of heating" in accordance with GOST 14192, the danger sign and the classification code of the group dangerous goods 3212 according to GOST 19433, serial number UN - 1139.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Putty paste, hardener No. 1 and DEET are packed in accordance with GOST 9980.3.

1.4.2. Metal and polyethylene cans with putty intended for retail trade may be packed in boxes made of solid glued cardboard.


2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 9980.1.

2.2. Indicators 8 and 9 tab. 1 the manufacturer determines periodically in every tenth batch.

2.3. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of periodic tests, the manufacturer checks each lot until satisfactory test results are obtained in a row in at least three lots.


3.1. Sampling - according to GOST 9980.2.

Before testing, putty paste samples in a tightly closed container are brought to a temperature of (20 ± 2) °C.

AT winter time it is allowed to heat the putty paste in a tightly closed container at a temperature not exceeding 60 °C before sampling.

3.2. Preparation of samples for testing

The elasticity of the putty coating during bending is determined on plates of black tin according to GOST 13345 with a thickness of 0.25 - 0.32 mm and a size of 70 "170 mm.

Moisture absorption is determined on aluminum plates according to GOST 21631 or GOST 13726 with a size of 50 - 50 mm and a thickness of 0.2 - 0.3 mm.

The remaining indicators are determined on plates made of steel grades 08kp or 08ps according to GOST 16523 with a size of 70 "150 mm and a thickness of 0.8 - 0.9 mm.

For applying fillers, unprimed plates are used, prepared in accordance with GOST 8832, Sec. 3.

The conditional and mass fraction is determined in the putty paste. To determine the rest of the indicators, the putty paste mixed with the hardener, as indicated in clause 1.2.2, is kept for 15–20 minutes before being applied to the plates.

Putty is applied to the prepared plates with a spatula using a special device.

The device for applying fillers (Fig. 1 - 4) consists of a steel plate, to which are attached four brackets with stop lambs, a pressure steel frame and stencils different thickness. The board and frame surfaces must be ground.

The prepared plate is tightly clamped between the plate and the stencil using a frame and stop lambs and putty is applied to it with a metal spatula to the edges of the stencil, removing the excess. Stencil cutout size 50" 130mm.

To apply EP-0010 and EP-0020 fillers, a stencil 0.5 mm thick is used.

The thickness of the putty coating after drying should be no more than 350 microns.

The putties are dried at the temperature and for the time indicated in the table. one.

Putty applicator

Before hot drying, the plates with putty are kept at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° C for 1 hour.

After hot drying, the plates with putty are kept at a temperature of (20 ± 2) °C for 3 hours.

In case of disagreement in the assessment of putties EP-0010 and EP-0020 according to indicators 1, 5, 6 and 7 of the table. 1, the plates are dried at a temperature of (20 ± 2) °C for 24 hours.

3.3. The appearance of the putty coating is determined after it has dried visually, by examining the surface of the putty coating before and after sanding in diffused daylight.

Grinding (when wetting the plates with water) is carried out sandpaper grain size No. 4 - 6 according to GOST 6456 or GOST 10054.

3.4. The conditional viscosity of the putty paste is determined according to GOST 8420. Before the determination, the putty paste is diluted with toluene according to GOST 9880 or GOST 14710 in the ratio by weight: 1 part of the solvent and 4 parts of the putty paste.

3.5. The mass fraction of non-volatile substances is determined according to GOST 17537.

A sample weighing (2.0 ± 0.2) g is heated in drying cabinet at a temperature of (120 ± 2) °C. The first weighing is carried out after 3 hours of drying. Subsequent weighings are carried out every 30 minutes until a constant weight is reached.

Allowed mass fraction of non-volatile substances under an infrared lamp at a temperature of (120 ± 2) °C.

In case of disagreement in the assessment of the mass fraction of non-volatile substances, the determination carried out in an oven is taken as the final result.

3.6. Flexural Elasticity Determination

The elasticity of the putty coating during bending is determined on a device for determining the elasticity of putties (Fig. 5).

The device consists of a metal plate to which semi-cylinders with a diameter of 100 and 50 mm are attached, a movable frame with a pressure roller for pressing the plate against a cylindrical surface, a fastening screw and a wooden stand.

The plate is fixed at one end on the device with a fastening screw and when lowering the frame into horizontal position pressed with a roller to a cylindrical surface. The test is carried out on three samples.

The putty is considered to comply with this standard if, when bent along a half-cylinder with a diameter of 50 mm, no cracks are formed on its surface, visible without magnifying devices.

Cracks at a distance of up to 15 mm from the edges of the putty coating are not taken into account.

3.7. Sandability

After drying, the surface of the putty is sanded with a waterproof sandpaper with a grit size No. 4 - 6 according to GOST 10054, GOST 6456 or GOST 5009. Grinding is carried out evenly over the entire surface, wetting it with water. After grinding, the surface of the putty is washed with water and wiped dry. soft cloth.

Device for determining the elasticity of putties in bending

The putty complies with this standard if, after grinding for 15 minutes, it does not soak and a smooth matt surface is obtained.

3.8. Determining the shelf life of putties

3.8.1. The shelf life of putties when applied by pneumatic spraying is determined according to GOST 27271.

For testing, take (150.0 ± 0.2) g of EP-0010 putty paste, add (12.75 ± 0.2) g of hardener No. 1 or (4.5 ± 0.2) g of DETA, and on (150 .0 ± 0.2) g of EP-0020 putty paste - (12.75 ± 0.2) g of hardener No. 1 and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the mass is diluted to a viscosity of 18 - 20 s according to a VZ-246 (or VZ-4) type viscometer with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm with one of the solvents specified in paragraph 1.2.3, and kept in a tightly closed container at a temperature of (20 ± 2 ) °C for 6 hours, after which it is thoroughly mixed and the viscosity of the putty is determined again.

A putty is considered to comply with this standard if, after the specified time, the viscosity does not exceed 40 s.

3.8.2. To determine the shelf life of fillers when applied with a spatula, add (8.5 ± 0.2) g of hardener No. 1 or (3.0 ± 0.2) g of EP-0010 putty paste to (100.0 ± 0.2) g DEET, and (100.0 ± 0.2) g of EP-0020 putty paste add (8.5 ± 0.2) g of hardener No. 1, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and keep in a tightly closed container at a temperature of (20 ± 2) °С for 1.5 h.

A putty is considered to comply with this standard if, after the specified time, it can be easily applied with a trowel without curling under it.

3.9. Determination of moisture absorption

The test is carried out in accordance with GOST 21513. To determine the moisture absorption, putty EP-0020 is applied with a spatula on a stencil and dried at a temperature of 65 - 70 ° C for 7 hours. The thickness of the dried coating should be no more than 350 microns.


4.1. Transportation and storage of putties EP-0010 and EP-0020 - in accordance with GOST 9980.5.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of putties with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

5.2. Guarantee period storage of putty paste and hardener No. 1 - 1 year from the date of manufacture, diethylenetriamine (DETA) - 2 years from the date of manufacture.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR


V.V. Zadymov, cand. chem. sciences; E.N. Shubin, cand. tech. sciences; N.V. Lukyanov, cand. tech. sciences; N.B. Gurov; ABOUT. Babaeva

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree State Committee USSR on product quality management and standards dated 12/19/89 No. 3837

3. Inspection frequency - 5 years

4. INSTEAD OF GOST 10277-76 regarding putties EP-0010 and EP-0020

