How to glue a ceiling plinth, cut the fillet corners correctly. What kind of glue to glue the ceiling plinth of foam plastic securely? There are two options for fixing the ceiling plinth

The ceiling plinth, also known as a baguette, molding or frieze, is a decorative element through which you can quickly and easily give aesthetics and completeness to the interior decoration of the room, hide flaws and irregularities at the junction of the ceiling with the walls.

Elements are made of various types of materials - foam, polystyrene, plastic, polyurethane, wood, laminated chipboard, gypsum and other materials. Depending on this, you should choose what to glue the ceiling plinth on.

Means for gluing ceiling plinth

So, what to glue the ceiling plinth on?

Consider the types and features of the most commonly used products for gluing ceiling plinths:

  • Special adhesive compositions made on a polymer basis. The most common adhesive solutions of this type are "Moment" and "Titan". They have an excellent binder base, set quite quickly, firmly and securely hold the elements glued with them (see). There are many other alternative polymer adhesive solutions, however their adhesive properties tend to be somewhat inferior compared to those mentioned above.

Adhesive solution "Titan" is excellent for many types of ceiling plinths

Advice! It must be remembered that polymer adhesive almost always contains a solvent that maintains it in a liquid state. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for gluing skirting boards with a fragile structure, such as foam.

  • Liquid Nails. The answer to the question of what is better to glue the ceiling plinth on can be the so-called liquid nails.

Such compounds are safe for almost any material and at the same time are able to perfectly hold the ceiling plinth for many years. Liquid nails come in two types:

  1. Neopropylene liquid nails. They are made from an organic solvent, have a pungent odor and, until they are completely dry, in case of non-compliance with safety measures, they can pose a danger to human health. However, such solutions perform well when used in rooms with high humidity.
  2. Acrylic liquid nails are safer from an environmental point of view, but they are afraid of moisture and are best used only in dry rooms.

Liquid nails "Moment" are actively used for fastening all types of decorative panels, including ceiling plinths

  • Acrylic putty.

This option is used by many professional tilers, since it is very convenient to glue the plinth on the putty:

  1. Firstly, there is no need to press the skirting board to the surface for a long time, waiting for it to seize.
  2. Secondly, with the same putty it is convenient to immediately cover up the gaps between the plinth and the wall in case there are bumps on the latter. Putty for gluing skirting boards holds the material securely, and you can use it indoors without fear for your own health.

Making an adhesive solution for ceiling plinths with your own hands

In order not to guess for a long time what to glue the ceiling skirting boards on, we suggest you make an adhesive mixture based on putty with your own hands.

This will require:

  • Putty mixture for the finishing layer.
  • PVA glue.
  • Pure water.
  • Container for preparing adhesive solution.

The process is carried out as follows:

  1. Pour the finishing putty into a clean container of sufficient volume.
  2. PVA glue is added to it in a ratio of 1: 4 by volume (4 parts of putty account for 1 part of PVA glue).
  3. Gradually add water and mix the solution thoroughly.

The adhesive solution must be stirred until it acquires a creamy consistency. Then you need to let the solution stand for 5-10 minutes and mix it thoroughly again. After that, the solution will be ready for use, and it will be possible to use it within 1.5-2 hours (see).

Advice! You should carefully monitor the presence of lumps and clots in the mixture. If found, they must be removed.

The choice of means for gluing ceiling plinths from various materials

Let's figure out what to glue ceiling plinths made of various materials:

  • Most often, foam and polystyrene ceiling plinths are chosen for finishing domestic premises, since they are one of the most practical and inexpensive materials. At the same time, they can look no worse than wood or plaster. Gluing polystyrene and foam skirting boards is safer and most effective to produce on acrylic putty. In this case, liquid nails and other mounting adhesive mixtures can only be used if indications for use in relation to these materials are indicated on their packaging. Otherwise, the glue can simply melt and ruin the baseboard.

  • Plastic ceiling plinths are often glued to acrylic putty if the finishing (for example, with wallpaper) in the room has not yet been carried out. If the wallpaper is already pasted, it will be advisable to glue the baseboard using silicone or adhesive sealant.
  • Polyurethane plinth must be glued with a special adhesive designed for polyurethane. In building supply stores, such glue is always present in a sufficient assortment, so there should not be any problems with choosing and buying it (see).
  • Skirting boards for the ceiling, made of gypsum, are glued with alabaster with PVA glue added to it. In some cases (when using massive stucco moldings), additional fastening of gypsum elements with self-tapping screws may be required.
  • Wooden ceiling plinths are used for finishing not so often. As for their fastening, it is carried out with the help of liquid nails and, if necessary, they also reinforce fasteners with self-tapping screws.

It should be noted that there is no single correct means for gluing one or another type of ceiling plinth. There are only recommendations for use based on the experience and observations of professional practicing repairmen.

If you know from personal experience that the glue or putty you use is best suited for the baseboard, use this proven tool. For the rest, we recommend that you follow the rules and tips outlined in this article.

The concept of high-quality repair is changing at lightning speed with the birth of fresh design elements and ideas. In the recent past, neatly glued wallpaper combined with the correct edging, which is multi-colored paper strips, and sometimes even an ordinary tape, was considered the height of skill.

The modern decoration of the apartment is impossible to imagine without framing. After all, the correct, harmonious combination of the design of two planes is the key to the beauty and comfort of the room. Let us dwell in detail on how to glue baguettes soundly so that the finish looks exemplary.

Properties and features of baguettes

The use of such decor elements contains a number of significant advantages:

  • excellent masking of small defects in the ceiling and walls, such as drop, roughness and unevenness;
  • decoration of the junction of two surfaces;
  • simple installation that does not require professional skills;
  • lightness and flexibility of the material;
  • a large selection of designs;
  • saving money at a reasonable price.

Advice! Before choosing baguettes for the ceiling, it should be noted that they can be made from different materials, be of different textures, widths, have a smooth or patterned surface. These qualities affect not only their cost, but also the purpose, differences in application for a variety of interiors.

A baguette, also called a molding, a ceiling plinth or a frieze, is made from materials:

  • polyurethane;
  • polystyrene;
  • plastic;
  • gypsum;
  • tree.

In most cases, polyurethane and foam baguettes are used. Plastic molding is used only under stretch ceilings, wooden - in connection with the same ceilings.

Choosing the right glue

Each experienced master for mounting the frieze uses an adhesive composition that has been personally tested in the work. Such funds may be:

  • polymeric;
  • acrylic.

Polymeric the composition is characterized by low stickiness. In order to securely fix the molding with such glue, it must be held in the desired position for quite a long time, and this is not entirely easy to provide for a two-meter part.

On the silicone and acrylic glue to install the frieze quickly and comfortably. Manufacturers pack them in tubes for a pistol. The agent is applied with ease, and its consumption is controlled by the diameter of the outlet at the tip.

The procedure for gluing a baguette with silicone and acrylic compounds is usually set out in the instructions for the material. The negative side of such funds can be called their high price.

The most budgetary way of gluing baguettes on your own is the traditional finishing putty or composition for drywall if it is used in decoration. Such a mixture is reliable, it takes less time to harden, so that after half an hour it is already possible to paint the ceiling and baguettes.

However, there are also disadvantages of using putty as glue:

  • the inconvenience of applying a thin layer of the mixture with a spatula on the molding;
  • at the end of gluing, excess putty or drywall glue will need to be thoroughly removed with a dampened brush. Otherwise, pieces of the visible dry mixture will spoil the picture.

How to glue baguettes on the ceiling

There are two options for fixing the ceiling plinth:

  • on the surface of the wallpaper;
  • before wallpapering.

As a rule, baguettes are pure white in color, therefore, in order not to contaminate the product, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap before starting work.

Advice! To start the installation of baguettes, you can choose any corner of the room.

You should know some features of the work on the sticker of ceiling plinths:

  1. Much attention should be paid to cleaning the walls and ceiling from traces of the adhesive composition. Acrylic and silicone based products can be removed with a rubber spatula and a damp cloth. It is recommended to remove excess putty with a small wet brush.
  2. Filling with glue all the cracks around the molding is required. Corner joints should also be processed. Do not rely on these gaps to be masked by painting or wallpapering. This won't happen. And the glue that has got on the wall and ceiling should be carefully removed.
  3. Often, when the glue hardens at the joints, the end of the baguette moves away, and a step is obtained. To protect against such an effect, two adjacent ends must be fixed in the required position with sewing needles or pins. When the glue hardens, remove the needles and cover the holes with the adhesive mixture.
  4. Several layers of paint are applied to the baguettes. First, priming is performed, which allows masking the puttied joints. Then layers are applied that play a decorative role, and the ceiling is also painted at the same time.
  5. Excess glue along the skirting board should be trimmed with a sharp spatula.

Sticker baguettes on the wallpaper

The obvious advantage of this method is that there is no need to adjust the wallpaper to fit the baguette. The frieze will cover all the errors along the upper edge of the finish.


  1. Trim the ends using a miter box.
  2. Apply a thin layer of glue to the surfaces of the skirting board to be glued.
  3. Attach the bar to the wall and hold, according to the instructions for the glue.
  4. Remove excess material with a sponge or cloth.
  5. Seal gaps with white sealant.
  6. To paint a baguette, use acrylic or water-based paint.

Advice! In order not to stain the wallpaper when coloring the plinth, lay masking tape along the baguette, and after the paint has dried, remove the protection.

How to fix a baguette before wallpapering

This is a professional method, which is performed in the following order:

  1. Prepare walls and ceiling. Get rid of roughness, irregularities with sandpaper, remove construction dust from the surface, then cover with a primer mixture.
  2. Trim the ends of the plinth using a miter box.
  3. Fasten the baguette to putty or drywall glue.
  4. Fill all cracks with putty, remove excess with a clean cloth.
  5. Wait for the putty to harden.
  6. Perform surface priming.
  7. Paint the ceiling and baguettes.
  8. Paste wallpaper. Trim the top overlap on the plinth evenly with a sharp knife, using a wide spatula.

The advantage of this method is the ease of correcting adhesive defects and the possibility of painting the baguette installed in place without fear of staining the wallpaper.

Features of mounting a baguette in the corners

It is necessary to adjust the last bar with a cut corner to prevent damage to the material when an error with the corner is detected.

If the room has even corners (90 degrees), then the corners between two walls and between the ceiling and the wall should be straight. In this case, it is possible to correctly cut corners using the miter box.

First you need to cut the corner baguettes with the help of a miter box. Then bring their ends to the required size with a sharp knife. Distribute the gaps evenly over both segments to prevent the effect of a step.

The procedure for using a joiner's miter box:

  1. If there is no experience of such work, we recommend that you practice on small pieces of the frieze.
  2. Place the bar in the miter box as it will be on the ceiling.
  3. Press the lower part of the frieze close to the sidewall of the miter box.

If there is no miter box, you can trim in this way:

  1. Attach the frieze to the corner on the left side.
  2. On the ceiling from the corner, draw a segment (10-15 cm) along the baseboard with a pencil.
  3. Do the same on the right side of the corner.
  4. Where the lines intersect is the start point of the cut.
  5. On the left and right strip, mark the intersection of the segments.
  6. From the mark to the opposite side of the left and right frieze, cut evenly with a construction blade at an angle of 45 degrees.
  7. Check the correctness of the trimming by attaching the processed friezes to the corner.

As you have seen, there is nothing complicated in gluing baguettes. Guided by our advice, you will successfully complete this work.

The use of a ceiling frieze allows you to give the decoration of the room more completeness and design: due to the presence of a clear border between the ceiling and wall finishes, additional decorative possibilities open up. For example, a frieze can be painted to match the color of the ceiling or wall, or completely different colors to create a beautiful buffer. Subsequently, it is very convenient and practical, since it is much more convenient to re-paste the same wallpaper when there is a ceiling plinth in the room.

Tips for sticking a frieze:

1. When to glue. In the old days, out of ignorance, they tried to glue the ceiling plinth after decorating the walls with wallpaper, and the ceiling - painting. As a result, the situation turned out that the frieze did not decorate the perimeter of the room, but, on the contrary, emphasized all the irregularities on the walls and ceiling. And even if these surfaces were more or less even, small gaps spoiled between them and the frieze spoiled the whole picture. To avoid such defects, it is best to glue the frieze in the process of arranging the ceiling and wall screed. This is usually done after the completion of leveling work, when puttying is carried out. This makes it possible along the way to cover up all the cracks and gaps between the plinth and the surface of the ceiling or wall, using the same putty.

2. What to glue on. If we are talking about concrete surfaces, then it is most convenient to use the same putty as an adhesive solution as for finishing walls and ceilings. Painters practice adding a small amount of PVA glue to such a solution to increase the elasticity of the material: this will protect against the appearance of cracks along the joints and edges of the friezes. If one of the surfaces it is finished with a different material, for example, if frame or suspended ceilings are used, then a suitable mounting adhesive can be used, and the cracks on the concrete side can be forged with putty.

3. How to glue. To make the frieze look even, you need to align the walls and ceilings as much as possible, especially in the areas where they adjoin. Further, in the process of gluing, some craftsmen practice beating horizontal guides along the wall and ceiling, using levels. If there is no such device, then the simplest method of visual control can be used, checking the evenness of each glued element by eye: when gluing on putty, the frieze can be easily corrected already at the installation site. It is very important to remove the remaining adhesive from the frieze, as it will be much more difficult to do after drying. For this, a clean sponge dipped in warm water is usually used: for this, one of the construction buckets can be separated in advance.

The ceiling is one of the most labor-intensive areas in the repair, especially when it is necessary to decorate and decorate the joints of the walls and ceiling. One of the most original and effective decorating solutions is to glue a baguette (ceiling plinth). To install a baguette, it is advisable to use the services of finishers, but if this is not possible, then you can do it yourself. First you need to know what a baguette is and how to glue baguettes on the ceiling.

What is a ceiling plinth

A baguette is a decorative element, a ceiling plinth that gives the repair a finished look and a certain style. Baguettes can be easily painted with water-based paint, so they can end up in different colors. Ceiling plinth can have various configurations. You can easily choose the type of ceiling decor you need, depending on the design and style of the room. The main thing is to choose a good glue for ceiling plinths and have the skills to work with baguettes.

As an adhesive for mounting a ceiling plinth, use:

  • gypsum mixture;
  • plaster putty;
  • plaster mixture without the addition of sand.

The use of building mixtures for gluing a baguette is explained by the fact that these materials will easily fill the gaps that occur between the baguette and walls or the ceiling and baguette.

Since modern baguettes are made of foam, liquid nails (glue) are also used for their installation. Using a special construction gun, liquid nails are applied to the surface and joints of the baguette.

Types of flow decor

Knowing the characteristics of the material from which the baguette is made, you can choose the desired type of ceiling decor:

  1. Baguettes are plastic. Economy option. Durable, strong and reliable. Do not be afraid of moisture or sunlight. Universal, suitable for any style and design of the room, due to the fact that they can be of different shapes and can be easily painted in any color.
  2. Aluminum baguettes. Strong, durable, but not cheap. Suitable for decorating apartments in a modern style, as well as for finishing office space.
  3. Wooden baguettes. Used in the design of rooms with a classic design. Expensive and noble. In order for wooden baguettes to serve for a long time, they are treated with special compounds, since wood is afraid of fire, moisture, dust and dampness.

Since it is quite difficult to glue baguettes without experience and certain knowledge, you need to learn how to cut a baguette correctly, as well as cut it in the corners with high quality. To cut corners and straight sections, a miter box is used - a tool designed to cut both ceiling and floor skirting boards made of different materials.

You can use the miter box only in those rooms where the angle between the walls and the ceiling is straight. As a rule, in apartments, the corners are not always 90 degrees, so the corners often have to be adjusted manually.

Work order

  • Training. This step is important. It includes cleaning the surface from dust and primer. The primer is used to level the surface.
  • The next step is marking, which will facilitate the process of gluing the ceiling plinth. To do this, the plinth is applied to the corner and the part that needs to be cut off is marked with a pencil. Marking is not required only if the angle between the ceiling and the wall is 90 degrees.
  • After the baguette joints have been adjusted, you can start gluing the plinth. If the room is large, it is advisable to start gluing the baguette from the corners. Glue on the entire surface of the ceiling plinth should be applied with excess, which after gluing should be removed with a sponge or a damp cloth.
  • If acrylic glue is used in the work, then before gluing the baguettes to the ceiling, you must consult with the seller of the hardware store or carefully study the instructions;
  • It is important to remember that after using silicone sealants, it is impossible to apply water-based paint on the baseboard.

  1. The baguette should be glued along the intended line. Distribute excess glue along the entire length of the skirting board. Then carefully remove the unnecessary amount of glue with a sponge or damp cloth.
  2. With a pencil it is necessary to mark the desired length of the ceiling plinth, remove the excess, smear the rest with glue. Do not forget to coat the joints of the baguette. Putty small gaps in the joints with further processing of the seams with sandpaper;
  3. To extend the life of the ceiling plinth, paint is applied to its surface in several layers.

The paint can be applied only after the glue and putty are completely dry.

The use of a ceiling plinth (baguette) in the decor immediately transforms the appearance of any room.


Installation instructions for the ceiling plinth:

When all the repair work on the arrangement of the ceiling is over, it remains only to give it a final look. And for this you need to use a product such as a plinth. And although today it is presented in a wide variety, most often it is the foam plinth that is purchased. Such popularity of products is associated with the ease of installation of the material and affordable price. Although he has one minus - high fragility. Mounting the ceiling plinth is absolutely easy if you choose the right adhesive.

Which skirting board to choose

Today, the installation of the plinth can be done in two ways:

Stick on glue

Glue - this installation option is traditional. When using it, a number of difficulties and problems arise. Some types of glue serve as a bonding component, while others have leveling properties. If there are strong irregularities and drops on the surface, then it is better to putty them first.

In the photo - what to glue the foam ceiling plinth on

Attach to putty

Installation of a foam plinth can only be carried out by an experienced craftsman with putty. The essence of the method is that the ceiling plinth is attached to a not quite frozen putty. In this case, all work must be carried out before wallpaper is glued to the walls.

In the photo - putty for a ceiling plinth made of foam

Types of quick foam installation

Styrofoam baseboard adhesive today is presented in various versions. Each of them has its own characteristics and subtleties of use. There are the following types of glue: polymer and liquid nails.


Polymer - These are specially produced mixtures that perfectly glue the baseboard to the ceiling. All of them have high adhesive qualities, viscosity, and are able to withstand heavy loads. You can buy polymer compounds of instant hitch or gradually hardening. The advantage of the first type of glue is that it begins to set a few seconds after it is applied. But then you need to do all the work accurately and quickly. Gradually hardening compositions allow you to adjust the location of the plinth, if this did not work out right away. Polymer glue has a significant minus - harmful evaporation. When carrying out installation work, it is necessary to wear a respirator.

On the photo-polymer adhesive for foam ceiling skirting board

Liquid Nails

Liquid nails are a type of adhesive that has appeared on the construction market not so long ago, but has already gained wide popularity. This is a universal composition that is actively used for a variety of purposes, including the installation of foam ceiling skirting boards. Glue liquid nails is divided into two types: acrylic and neopropylene.

In the photo - liquid nails for ceiling plinth

The first option is not dangerous, since it is based on water. The disadvantages of acrylic liquid nails should be attributed to the fear of water. Neopropylene glue should only be used in a well-ventilated room, as the fumes that evaporate are hazardous to human health. It is with the help of such glue that they are fixed.


Most often, specialists use putty for the installation of a foam plinth for a ceiling. Such popularity of the material is due to the fact that it copes with its functions perfectly, does not need to observe the temperature regime and does not emit harmful components.

In the photo - putty for ceiling plinth

In addition, it will not be necessary to hold and fix the baseboard so that the glue grabs the surface of the product. Putty performs not only glue. It can be used to level the surface. The process of installing the skirting board with putty comes down to applying the composition to the wall with a spatula, fixing the skirting board by pressing it to the surface, and removing excess material.

Which ceiling to choose glossy or matte and what you should pay attention to, is described in this article:

But what kind of stretch ceiling should be used in the bathroom and how to make the right choice can be seen in the photo in this

Homemade composition

Today there are many complaints about certain brands of glue or putty. And indeed it is. Very often, when using glue, it happened that the master did not have time to bring the plinth to the ceiling, as the composition had already solidified. To be sure of the quality of the adhesive used, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, it will be necessary to use PVA and water.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Place putty into a clean container.
  2. Add glue - ¼ weaning of the mixture used.
  3. Add water. Its amount should be equal to the amount of putty. You can add more liquid during the mixing process.

On the video, what to glue the foam ceiling plinth on:

Proceed to thoroughly mixing the composition. This must be done carefully and well so that a thick mass without lumps is formed. Wait 10 minutes and you can apply frieze glue. Maybe after applying such glue you will really like the result and you will always use the presented recipe.

How to install

After you have decided on the choice of glue, you can proceed to the installation of the frieze. In order to install everything correctly, you need to adhere to the following plan of action:

  1. First of all, you need to markup. And then stick the corner pieces on the ceiling. Try on in place polystyrene foam slats that will connect these elements. Cut the material with a miter box. At first glance, it may seem that it is not advisable to use a miter box in this case, because sawing at an angle is not needed here. But the miter box is a very useful tool, because the accuracy of the angle and its correspondence to the right angle are extremely important for joining the frieze.
  2. Lubricate the finished elements from the back with glue. Apply to the surface and press. If you are using adhesive for installation, you will have to hold the baseboard a little until the composition grabs. When using plaster, nothing is tedious to wait. After applying the composition, attach the frieze to the position, press and release.
  3. Joints between individual parts deserve special attention.. If they look messy, then it immediately catches your eye.
  4. In the center of the ceiling, where the chandelier will be located, a round socket is first mounted, and only then a lighting fixture.

On the video installation of a foam ceiling plinth:

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