The necessary qualities of a decent girl that will attract the attention of a decent man. Decent girl Be a decent girl

January 26, 2014, 18:00

Today, one problem is increasingly emerging: why does a good and worthy girl not have a personal life? There are many beautiful, well-groomed, educated, adequate, kind girls. In general, with all the advantages. But they are alone, very alone. It seems that there is attention, but everything is not right. It seems that “the same ones” exist, but somehow they don’t come across. It seems that relationships have long been wanted, and some have families, but everything does not work out. So what's the deal?

Of course, there can be many reasons, more precisely, everyone has their own. But there is a very common trend that prevents such worthy candidates from finding a suitable match for themselves.

The fact is that now class stratification is developing very strongly. The social structure of the state is changing more and more. In this regard, every young person has a lot of opportunities to be poor and stupid, rich and smart, just rich, just smart, beautiful and active, party and glamorous, and maybe all of them together. In general, there are a lot of options. Of course, among all these men there is a proportion of those who are smart, handsome, wealthy and decent at the same time. That is, some images of “real men” appeared, who seem to have quite a lot of virtues by modern social standards. This is the one you need, this one fits! But, alas, there are few of them.

Unfortunately, being the same worthy girl, the same worthy bride is much easier. Why? Because the most decent, worthy, good girl can earn any amount. And a man who counts on such a girl must earn a lot, even if he is a very young man, he must have a decent opportunity for courtship, probably a good car, and maybe living space ... We need such a prince, of course, is not it? whether?

Let's face it: is a beautiful, well-groomed and well-dressed girl ready for the courtship of a very good and decent young man, but without a car, who lives with her parents, she will rarely give gifts, sometimes she will take her somewhere to “Chocolate Girl” or sushi? I think this one must be gone. And this means that just a good person, a decent guy, disappears.

Then the stupid, drunkards, frank visitors, gays (of which there are many now), debauched and preoccupied, boors and cattle (even the wealthy) disappear by themselves. The circle of candidates for a decent girl is VERY narrow. Plus, let's not forget that we have, in principle, fewer women than men.

I'm not talking about the fact that everyone picks up a man for themselves, like shoes in a store, but our unconscious, our gaze, our emotions automatically “sift” all candidates through the prism of our own ideas and therefore no feelings arise, there are no loves, no sympathy. Each such girl complains that she does not see worthy, suitable, interesting. Of course, after all, the circle of potential “suitors” for such girls, pleasant in all respects, is very small. And so very active ladies begin to deal with them. As a result, the “good gentleman” himself becomes passive. And as a result: either he is busy, or he himself becomes spoiled and overly “choosy” (and, in fact, permanently lonely).

It is precisely because of this situation “on the relationship market” that worthy girls suffer.

So what to do then? "Take the bull by the horns", "tear the claws" or resort to some other tricks? Probably, this method of action is far from suitable for everyone, and will there be true satisfaction from all this ... But you can try to think about some things from a different point of view and change your life a little in order to take at least small first steps towards your destiny.

1. In order to find a relationship, you need to be open and ready for them. You need to both wait for them and do something yourself (use cases, come up with excuses, create situations). It is important to look at the world not from the point of view of “I don’t like anyone,” but “everyone is good, but I will find my feeling, my only one, and he will find me.” The more open desire, intention, rather than tightness, waiting, in this matter, the more people will be able to “know” you and you yourself will look at them with different eyes.

2. You can not be guided by only one source of your feedback with yourself: either the head or feelings. Combine these two approaches. In some ways, think about and analyze a potential young man, but somewhere you just need to feel it, trust your emotions. Sometimes it happens that a girl thinks only with her head: good - not good, suitable - not suitable, need this - not needed. This is very difficult, you need to turn on emotions, be able to experience interest, drive, the movement of feelings. And another case is when a girl is waiting for a flash, waiting for falling in love, waiting for a fairy tale, but she is still not there. But in fact, you need to think with a cold head: maybe at least try to communicate with this person first, people open up to each other gradually, and emotions and feelings can also gradually come.

3. Look at your plank: why don't you like anyone? What are the flaws in the men around you? What hinders you to show even just an initial interest in them? It may turn out that your bar is simply too high, that you imagine your future chosen one too ideal. It may be worth reevaluating some of your requirements. In addition to already established men, there are worthy young people with good potential. Happiness and unearthly love will not always be with a sleek handsome man, as a rule, men who are less spoiled by female attention are capable of giving themselves more and being good family men. Not always more worthy in life will be the one who came out of a "pedigreed" and wealthy family, often people who have risen on their own, understand much more in life and stand stronger on their feet in any situation. Not necessarily a man who knows a lot about cars and restaurants, he will also selflessly love your common children. It is not a fact that a person without difficulties will want to take on your problems if they suddenly arise. Ideals do not exist. Or they are extremely rare. So, maybe it is worth overestimating some things: after all, somewhere behind some excellent qualities lie other big problems, and somewhere behind external mediocrity, great potential opens up.

4. Look at your social circle: who you have known for a long time, who you met recently, who you cross paths with periodically. After all, feelings do not always flare up suddenly, everything is not always clear at first glance. Sometimes, in order to really see a person, you need to get to know him well, look at him from a different angle or see him in a different situation.

Dear girls, think about all this, think about it, maybe it's worth changing something in life. And then a new vision of the situation will open, new meetings will happen, new chances will appear.

The question - which girls are better, is relevant for everyone, both for men and for women themselves. The best girls are those who combine many qualities. There are very few such girls, but one such girl is worth a thousand others. Of course, first of all, a girl is a faithful, loving and inspiring wife and mother. Possessing many internal qualities. But watching the opinions about the question of which girls are better, you can see two extremes. Some, if you ask them which girls will answer better - smart, obedient, faithful, while others will answer beautiful, slender and attractive.

Both are wrong, both answers to the question of which girls are better are wrong. And best of all, girls who combine all the qualities. I would like to note right away that on accessible, drinking, smoking women (because such people do not deserve to be treated - a girl), not a single worthy man will focus his attention. And if he pays any attention, it is only for the purpose of sexual use, which is always temporary. In general, the answer to which girls are better is quite unambiguous. This is the opinion of just worthy men, those that every girl dreams of consciously or unconsciously, the opinion of any riffraff is of no interest to anyone. It should be noted right away that worthy men are attracted to sports girls with figures like in this video:

But this is only one of the aspects that are important for real men in a girl. To have such a figure, you need to exercise regularly, take care of yourself, eat right and lead a sober and healthy lifestyle. Thus, you can look better than 20-year-old girls in 50-60 years. This was proved by these, who, despite childbirth, look better than many young girls. But the figure, external beauty, the rejection of drugs (tobacco, alcohol, etc.) - that's not all. It is very important for worthy men that the girl be a good mother and be ready to give birth to children for him.

It is also very important that the girl had honor and dignity. Affordable women, bitches (by the way, the word bitch in prison jargon means a prostitute, everything started from here, but later, for additional humiliation, the liberals jointly made this curse almost a compliment) and other whores - they are interested in as a wife only any freaks. No worthy man will create a serious relationship with such an individual. And of course, character, if you are not able to obey your man, or create the illusion of his control, your relationship will not last long. And if they hold out, next to you will no longer be a man, but a creature of indeterminate sex, downtrodden, humiliated and pitiful.

Artem Andreevich

2012-04-14 09:55:28

Everything is rightly said! If the girl were the most stunning in appearance, but nasty in character, or just some kind of whore, I would never marry her, under any circumstances. And at the same time, be a very obedient, smart, shorter girl with an excellent character, but at the same time there will be a terrible, neglectful, neglected girl, then the same as in the first case. There must be harmony between inner and outer qualities. This is what is needed, not only me, but all my friends and acquaintances of the same opinion. And we are all real men in every way. In social, personal and other. So girls draw your own conclusions! And I liked the video about sports girls. :-)

2012-06-07 12:02:04

Great article, it's a pity that there are so few such girls in our time! It feels like there are only prostitutes and idiots around! And the real girl is one for the whole crowd.

2012-06-22 16:11:44

the husband is already "a being of indeterminate sex, downtrodden, humiliated and miserable" if the wife is forced to "create the illusion of his control."

2012-06-23 09:45:54

Ivanych is far from a fact. Now, if the wife openly manages, then the husband is 100% "a creature of indeterminate sex, downtrodden, humiliated and miserable." And if she controls her husband with the help of female tricks, then he will be a real man. No one will suppress it, and control will bypass consciousness. A man will feel like a master, a head, which means, by definition, he cannot be "downtrodden, humiliated and miserable." Of course, there are very few wise women who master this art, mostly some noisy, stupid feminist-minded idiots.

2012-09-25 08:41:21

To rule. A normal wife will never control her man. She will tell you how to do better. And if your soulmate controls you, then this is no longer a marriage and not an equal relationship, it is not known what

2012-10-15 10:03:22

Everyone finds the one that he likes. A woman who, in which case, will support with a word. After all, men did heroic deeds because of women.

Elena Grevtseva

2013-02-20 21:29:35

Boys, but answer the question for me. I am a sportsman, already a wife for a long time and a mother for 10 years. Moreover, no one will give 27 years, they give me 18 with a stretch. How do you like such a girl? I want to note that I followed my figure and I already have 3 children. So how is it externally? And at the expense of men and their management. There is a good proverb. A woman is a neck and a HEAD is a man, where the neck turns there the head will look. So men... you will still be the main defenders. Well, this is my opinion and it may not be true, But the marriage has been going on for 10 years)))

2013-03-29 12:14:54

The best girl is the one you love. And beauty, in my opinion - is a subjective concept. And if the love is mutual, then the costs of character will slowly disappear.

2013-05-02 15:18:33

This isn't the first time I've come across this article. And once again I am surprised. All men want a wonderful, kind, smart, caring, etc. girl. Quite fair! But! What do these same men do to find one? Never mind. Like attracts like. If you want a princess, be a prince.

2014-01-13 09:47:29

Obviously, the author, when writing this article, was in a state of abandonment or disappointment with the female sex. In general, I agree with him, because I myself am in such a situation :) All women are bitches, and those who are not will be - a matter of time.

Repost from a thread discussing ideal chans and coons. Inspired by a pasta about ideal chan, but it deserves to be a separate paste:

I do not really like the eternal attempts to idealize this or that characteristic of a person. Therefore, I will not say what "Ideal chan" will be for me. Ideal chan are vanilla fantasies of schoolchildren. I will describe an imperfect, but simply Decent girl.

Every guy, and especially a bitard, dreams of having a Decent girl next to him. Of course, this is a popular opinion. In fact, there are so many different men and different women in the world, not all of them are superwomen and macho, but nevertheless, most of us find our destiny - and agree to become someone else's destiny. And, although there is nothing absolute in our world, nevertheless the concept of "Decent girl" IMHO exists. Of course, there are no ideal ones, but there really are Worthy ones. And I think they look like this.

1. A worthy girl is strong.

She doesn't cry, whine, complain, or run to the doctor every time she sneezes. She does not have a headache every evening and critical days much less often than every night. She makes decisions and lives according to what she decides. She is responsible for her words and actions. If the circumstances are not favorable to the Worthy girl, she will be able to cope with it. A decent girl is restrained in her emotions. She is in charge of her family and has no time to be weak. If someone is afraid of spiders, she will never become a Decent Girl.

2. A decent girl has a purpose.

She knows the difference between the main and the secondary, understands what is important and what is not very important. Doesn't waste time on stupid things that she or her family don't benefit from. Of course, she can have some kind of female hobby - for example, series - but this is not the goal and not the meaning of her life. Hobbies should contribute to her relaxation. A decent girl is focused on personal ambition, money, and family. Sex is not the main thing for her.

3. Family is very important for a worthy girl.

She is responsible for it. Her children are a gift from God, but this gift must also be disciplined. A worthy girl knows that there is a family consisting of her, her husband and children, and there is a Family in which there are many more people: parents, brothers, sisters, and so on. She appreciates this Family, and protects them with the same energy as her closest ones. Family is those to whom you are attached and where they are always waiting for you if you need it.

4. A decent girl doesn't gossip.

She keeps her mouth closed. She weighs her words and does not babble. She does not pretend that she has more than she has and never participates in the "women's" discussions of others. She doesn't talk about things she doesn't know or about people she doesn't know. A decent girl is not an OBS agency.

5. The word of a worthy girl is the law

If she makes a promise, she keeps it. If she cannot keep a promise or is not sure that she can, then she simply does not give it. A decent girl would rather lose time and money than break her word. She knows that her word is a deed that she must fulfill. Therefore, she sometimes looks silent and modest - there is no need to throw words to the wind.

6. A decent girl strives to be a role model.

She respects herself and others, of course, if these others are Worthy people. She is an example for those around her, for her own children. To do this, it is not necessary to bring work home and demonstrate what kind of worker you are. A worthy girl herself sets the tone in relations with her husband. She does not show her weaknesses to her children.

7. A worthy girl achieves well-being herself.

She does not beg. She is not satisfied with the money of her parents or her husband. She makes her own money. She spits on luck and manages her family herself, including financially. If she gets an inheritance, she multiplies it tenfold, and does not “squander” it on expensive trinkets.

8. A decent girl doesn't look like a glamorous fool.

She does not dye her hair in unnatural colors and does not enlarge her breasts. Well, let's say manicure is allowed, massage too. But anything more than hygiene and a hairdresser is for whores who have nothing but a pretty face. She can and should have beautiful evening dresses, but she will not discuss with her own stylist all day whether red pumps will match a blue D&G skirt.

9. Ah, here's the most important thing: A decent girl never looks important and puffed up, she looks simple and open - how else can self-confident people communicate with others? Boasting or "show-off" impresses only idiots who themselves dream of appearing smarter than others.

After Satya's lectures, I want to live and change. His thoughts inspire and help thousands of people. Many women found their true happiness and found a way out of difficult situations after listening to his lectures. Read three golden rules from Satya.

1. Any man is worthy of taking care of me until proven otherwise.

I want to give you an example of a story about a bouquet of buttercups.

A certain man falls in love with a high society woman. He sends her a bouquet of inexpensive flowers. She is outraged:

“What does he allow himself, how dare he!”

The woman rejects him. She's angry all day. And the next morning they bring another bouquet. She again swears that this is unacceptable. The next morning they bring another bouquet, she is less indignant. Well, how can you be outraged. She looks closely, thinks: “Wow, she sends flowers.”

On the seventh day, she simply accepts the flowers and says: “What a persistent one!” She's happy after two weeks. This continues for several months. And at some point the flowers don't come, the woman is hysterical: "He doesn't like me anymore."

A man with his perseverance and correct worthy behavior wins the heart of a woman. He has the right to woo a woman, whether she likes him or not. A woman falls in love gradually. And if a man does everything right, then the woman begins to melt. She has no reason not to take his attention.


Many people ask me about the line between gifts for which they owe something and a gift that can be taken just like that. You just have to feel when something is meant. Take first a cup of coffee, then a bouquet of flowers, then a ring and look. If the result is the same, then you can accept. And if after a cup of coffee you were all groped in the toilet, what will happen if they give you a ring? Run from this.

People ask me how to give a slap when you think: “Maybe this is the last chance”? This means that self-esteem is nowhere lower. Isn't it scary to marry someone like that?


If you end the relationship, then a hopeless man will think, and you don’t need a hopeless one. This is his problem. You don't care about him. A man improves thanks to painful experiences, unhappy love.


Who's stopping you? How you behave is how you are treated. When a woman has many admirers, she is a star. And it is right. And then there will be no problems and there will be no need to portray something. You accept from one, from another.

If one of them starts to drive a snowstorm, then say: “Felix, you have no place in the club of worthy men, I would not want to communicate with you” and go to Albert on a date. If Albert behaves unworthily, he joins the ranks of the Felixes.

Women should not allow poachers who want everything at once. They must be licensed fishermen.

Do not be afraid to refuse and reject if something does not suit you.


case from practice

Once I held a seminar in Kyiv. There was a lady there, not pretty, but very nice. And she says to me:

- You say that there should be many boyfriends, but I don’t have any at all.

I ask her:

- And who do you communicate with?

Yes, I have a lot of male friends. Mom asks me, well, when will I find a man. I do not know.

- What are you doing?

- Yes, we go to the cinema, to the cafe.

– Do they tell you something?

- Yes, they say that I am beautiful, they give gifts.

- Do they come?

- Yes, they pester, and I say: “Fuck you. You are friends."

- Sunny, you have a bunch of boyfriends.

- Yes, they are friends.

- It doesn't happen like that. A man cannot be friends with a woman if he is not attracted to her. If he is friends, then he hopes for something. Friendship is either former lovers or future ones. It doesn't happen otherwise. If a man is just friends with a woman, she attracts him.


A woman should feel happy even without a close relationship with a man. When she realizes that she is happy, it's time to start a relationship.

2. I can date many men, but I will never sleep with just anyone.

It was the men who deceived the woman and introduced the standard of sex. Already on the first date, they dream of dragging a woman into bed. And it seems to women that if sex happens, she will be able to tie a man to her. But in fact, for a man, sex is the sexual act itself, and for a woman, sex is much wider - these are words, declarations of love, hugs, gifts, treats, etc.


A decent woman understands this well. To meet - to receive attention, courtship, care. If a man is not satisfied with this, then this is not our man.


If sexual relations began before a man could make friends with a woman, before he asked about her interests, about her life principles, then they will never interest him.

Sexual relations should be built according to women's desires. Physiologically, a man can only have sex when he wants to. A woman at any time, even if she doesn't want to. She can portray the pleasure of the process, and she herself thinks when it will end.

But if a man is not stupid, waiting for a special period when a woman's libido wakes up, then he will walk in ecstasy for a month. Therefore, if a man wants sex, he must make the woman want it. Such sexual relationships make life and relationships harmonious and energize. And if just like that, in passing, not paying attention to the condition of the woman, then the energy will go away, depleted. A woman is not Aladdin's lamp. If you rub it in the right place, then it will not make you happy. No. The intimate side needs to be explored.

And what to do if there is some kind of misunderstanding, a different vision of events: who should give in? The male.

Whenever a man gives in, he grows. This is a lesson for him. But every time a woman yields despite her happiness, her principles, her purity, she begins to degrade.

One of my clients writes:

“He is so good, successful, works well, but everything tells me against wool. Should I marry him?"

You need to listen to your heart. Is he the only one so successful? Success to "can't"? Men are not few, they are many.


Sex should be taken very seriously. And in the modern world, the presence of uncomplexed women and irresponsible men has led to the fact that sex has turned into gymnastics. Nice gymnastics, but nothing more. Often sex is not even a reason for dating.


I used to take cooking classes. There were gatherings of familiar women. They talked and I knew everything about them.

And at some point, it turned out that out of twenty women, no one has an attachment to sex. Women don't really need sex.

For the sake of sex, a man is ready for marriage, and a woman is ready for sex for the sake of marriage. If a man wants sex with a woman, he must be ready to take responsibility for all the emotions that a woman has accumulated since childhood and in general in a past life.

3. For any (!) courtship, I DO NOT owe a man anything but a smile.


If it doesn't work, then repeat:

"I swear not to meet men who seem to me to be potential husbands."


Remember, she should associate with those who increase her self-esteem. As soon as she sees the wrong attitude towards herself, she should stop communication and get it elsewhere.

An indicator of a woman's high self-esteem in thought:

“I build relationships. I'm playing, not me."


She could not freely communicate with a man, otherwise she was not under protection. Therefore, a man, before getting something, had to prove himself. In the modern world, there is no such protection, it has remained only in traditional societies, to which we do not belong.


The courtship of three men is a protection for a woman and a guarantee not to get into unwanted relationships.

And falling in love for a woman is sacred. But she should not immediately rush into the pool of feelings with her head. She just accepts courtship and chooses the best. All men who compete for a woman should be aware of this. The fear of losing a man becomes the main weapon for manipulating a woman.

By allowing a large number of men to take care of herself, a woman gets rid of this fear and reveals her best qualities, which she sometimes did not even know about.

Many women will object that it is impossible with men, they cannot live in abstinence, they must be “encouraged”.

And what's the difference to you? Do you work for a sexual relief service? Let him solve his own problems.

The more a man abstains, the better his brains work. Because the seed and the brain are made of the same substances. When a man loses less seed, his brain functions better.


This is a lack of affection, sweets, outfits, pleasant chores, the hand of a loved one, his hugs and kisses.

It destroys and ages a woman. And it's not about sex at all. Real emotions are transmitted from heart to heart.

And if a man is already dating another woman, is it possible to accept courtship from him?

If he is not married, then he is free. Why not? Relationships are not relationships.


If a man is married, it is better not to build a relationship with him, this leads to unpleasant consequences.

Even if you succeed, someone will remain unhappy.

In general, dating a married man is a manifestation of an inferiority complex. A woman thinks, "I'm not worthy to date others." Against the background of a wife, it is always easier to be good. A woman thinks that in the usual competition she can no longer win, she can only get ahead of her burdened with two children, a tired wife. This is self-humiliation!


Imagine that you came to the store, tried on twenty dresses, but bought only one. You bought it - you chose the best, the one that fits in size, beautifully emphasizes the figure. Will you be sad that the others didn't come? No.

Why do you need a dress that makes a bag of potatoes out of your figure?

So this man just doesn’t suit you, although, perhaps, at first glance he was handsome. But you choose something else. He didn’t fit you - the next one will do. Of course, if you put all your eggs in one basket and think:

“If he leaves now, I will open my veins, douse myself with gasoline and set fire to it,” then there is cause for concern.

So, a woman does not need to portray herself, thank, try to please and become better, she just needs to get rid of masculine qualities: habits, conversations, clothes, hairstyles. The more she gets rid of it, the easier it will be for her. And everything else will come by itself.

If a woman next to a man works on herself, tries to be better, then this is not her man.

Only masculine qualities prevent a woman from being happy

As a man, I'm just sure that's the kind of woman most of us like. They inspire and fall in love with themselves. These are women who do not stand still, but develop in what they like. Such a worthy woman...

1. Willingly tries something unknown.

From travel to new ways of knowing yourself, from social to sexual experiments. A woman who explores something new and creates a special atmosphere around herself.

2. Likes men.

You need to be able to do this, especially if previously another man hurt her, and without this, nowhere. You need to be able to understand that not everyone is like that, and that many men also experience pain.

She can be a real lover: give all her femininity and take all her masculinity.

3. Loves women.

There is something touching about true female friendship when everyone says that it does not exist. These are women who will choose a girlfriend over a boyfriend, women who appreciate, support and inspire each other.

4. Knows how to take attention.

Men like to show attention to a woman if she knows how to accept it with dignity, without feeling discomfort or ostentatious embarrassment.

These women appreciate the hard work they have done in their own development that they can sincerely accept praise. And for this you still need to be able to praise others.

5. Keeps opening even if it hurts.

We all sometimes make the wrong decisions and end up with a broken heart. At such moments, it is easy to play the victim and close yourself off from new pain.

But women who continue to open their hearts are amazing.

6. Lives honestly and does not accept what is.

Undoubtedly, one of the factors in the evolution of men on earth is that many women will not settle for less than a man who can fully satisfy them. Women who live their truth and don't apologize for how they change the world.

7. Emotionally mature.

Our emotions change like the weather. And a woman should not hide them, but, being emotionally mature, should be able to control them and not let them capture her.

8. Cares about others and the world around.

A woman who sees the beauty of the world without being naive is inspiring. She sees problems and tries to make a feasible contribution.

She helps others and loves doing good, not just talking about it and liking posts online.

9. Appreciates beauty.

Such women walk with a special gait - with ease, joy and gratitude to this world. They often stop to smell the flower or enjoy the view. And it's very contagious and magnetic.

Being with such a woman is like discovering the world in new colors, smells and sensations.

10. Take care of yourself.

Although the main thing for such a woman is not at all physical, she understands that in order to achieve her goals, she must be in good health. And that includes food, sleep, exercise. And this is incredibly attractive: when a woman gets pleasure not from alcohol or something else, but from life, nature or good company.

11. She is more than a physical body.

Her light is not only from her well-groomed appearance, but also from her mind, emotionality, creativity, sexuality and spirituality. And to win it, you need to touch it on all these levels.

12. Carefully patient with development and growth.

Such a woman knows that achievements take time, and that this process of development never stops. It's amazing how patient she is and how much she believes in herself along the way. This inspires confidence in the man that he will also grow next to her.
