Composition of laminated doors. Tips for choosing quality laminated doors. What's inside laminated doors

Today, a huge variety of doors made of various materials is presented on the construction markets: veneer, MDF, wood, metal. Among this rich assortment, doors with a laminated finish stand out favorably. They are made from fibreboard, which is covered on top with a laminate, or rather, with a laminated film. Laminate is an artificial material and consists of cellulose fibers and several layers of paper. The main advantages of laminated doors are their light weight and relatively low price compared to other materials. Such doors will perfectly fit into any interior, both in an apartment and in an office space. The color range of laminated doors is quite extensive, which will allow you to easily choose a door that suits your taste and fits perfectly into your interior.

Benefits of laminate doors

Laminate is superior to natural materials such as veneer and wood in many ways. At the same time, the cost of a laminated door is often lower than the cost of doors made of natural materials.

The main indisputable advantage of laminated doors is their high resistance to external mechanical influences. Compared to veneered doors, they are practically not subject to abrasion and wear. Laminated doors are resistant to moisture and do not deform in rooms with high or, conversely, insufficient levels of humidity. The laminated coating is resistant to mechanical damage, such as damage from the claws and teeth of pets.

Also, laminated doors are practically not affected by temperature, which means they are more fire resistant than structures made of other materials.

Laminated doors are environmentally friendly, do not emit toxins and other harmful substances. Synthetic resins that are used in their production are harmless to humans. Therefore, laminate doors are widely used in children's and medical institutions. The method of production of laminated doors does not require deforestation, so such doors can be classified as highly environmentally friendly products.

Caring for a laminated door is easy and simple. To remove dirt, you do not have to use specially designed detergents. It will be quite enough for any, familiar to you, household chemicals and microfiber cloths or a regular sponge.

Disadvantages of laminated doors

Along with a long list of advantages, laminated doors have a number of disadvantages.

Firstly, of course, this is the external unpretentiousness and standardity of the models. The laminated film has the same pattern along its entire length, so the doors covered with it will have the same texture and pattern in any modification. Doors made of solid wood or veneer look more presentable, however, they are much more expensive.

Despite the resistance to small external influences, under heavy loads or impacts, the laminate coating may begin to crumble, cracks and chips may form on its surface. The laminate cannot be restored in case of severe damage, so in such a situation the door will have to be completely replaced. In addition, the laminating film has poor adhesion to the door surface, so it may begin to flake off. In this case, the door will also have to be replaced.

The disadvantages of laminated doors include a low level of sound insulation. Having opted for doors of this type, get ready for the fact that you will perfectly hear everything that happens in adjacent rooms. It is for this reason that laminated doors are not advised to be installed as entrance doors - sounds from the entrance and from the street will freely penetrate into your apartment.

At the cost of doors with a high quality laminate coating, they are close to natural veneer. Therefore, if your income allows you to choose any door you want, think carefully about the pros and cons of both types of material.

So what's the bottom line?

Laminated doors are certainly a convenient option for a classic-style home interior. Laminated doors will fit well into rooms decorated in high-tech or minimalist styles. But if you need a refined and exclusive interior, these doors are unlikely to suit you. Laminated doors are easy to install and easy to use. However, they do not differ in durability and do not have a very presentable appearance.

We are sure that you have heard about such a fashion trend as laminated doors. Let's see what it is.

For people who decide to update their home or office, one of the very important steps is choosing the type of interior doors. The choice of interior doors should be approached very thoughtfully, because interior doors are not only some functional element of the room. It is very important that interior doors are reliable and harmoniously fit into the overall interior. They can be invisible (if necessary) or, on the contrary, decorate the room, become a bright touch that emphasizes the taste of the owner of the room. In addition, interior doors should be comfortable and reliable. For this reason it is necessary to choose doors especially carefully.

What are the advantages of laminated doors?

Often, buyers are concerned not only with the design of the door and its reliability, but also with the price of the issue. To date one of the most affordable types of doors are laminated(or, as they are also called, melamine) doors. These are doors covered with a special melamine film - laminate. This tricky film has such properties that its pattern can repeat almost any coating. Although, most often, of course, a “tree” is imitated, since the naturalness of the situation is now in fashion. These tricky properties of laminate give manufacturers the opportunity to experiment with door designs, and customers to choose the door to their liking.

Laminated doors are recommended to be placed in damp rooms (such as a bathroom, toilet or kitchen) because the melamine film contains a special substance - formaldehyde, which has the property of hydrophobicity (water repellency). The second level of protection against moisture is provided by the adhesive with which the melamine film is glued to the base. This adhesive also contains water-repellent substances.

But the main advantage of laminated doors, perhaps, is their price. With all the other advantages: beauty, richness of colors and design, lightness and convenience, the invariably low price makes laminated doors the most purchased today.

When choosing doors, it makes sense for buyers to pay attention to sliding laminated doors. Unlike hinged ones, they save space in the room - they do not interfere when opening. In addition, these doors look very beautiful and modern.

Laminated doors are made entirely of plastic, and partly from natural materials. Today, veneered laminated doors are very popular, which are in no way inferior in quality to completely artificial doors. The high quality and modern design of laminated doors allows modern buyers to make their home or office cozy and comfortable without investing big money in door installation.

Lamination is a method of decorating the surfaces of fibreboard with a special film.

It is impossible to laminate the door at home!

Types of door lamination

There are two types of lamination:

  1. Melamine paper (thickness 0.2 mm). Chipboard board is impregnated with resin, lined with a film under high temperature and pressure. The method is cheap, but the quality of the coating is low.
  2. Laminate or artificial veneer (thickness 0.4-0.8 mm). Chipboard boards are laminated and cold glued. The method is expensive, the coating is of high quality.

During production, by pressing, the decorative film becomes one, "grows" into the material on which it is applied, enters into a chemical reaction with it. Lamination requires special equipment, and the process itself must take place under high pressure and temperature.

Usually, self-adhesive film is used as an alternative for self-laminating doors. This process is more reminiscent of the lamination method, from German - gluing, is performed under "softer" conditions. Self-adhesive laminated film makes it possible to imitate the canvas pattern for any material (marble, wood, stone). It can ennoble slabs of wood, chipboard, MDF, metal. It must be said right away that it is possible to cover the door with a film (at home), but the work looks handicraft.

Stages of door lamination

First, we putty the surface of the plate (chipboard). We remove with a spatula and putty all the bumps and dents in the door leaf. We rub the surface to perfect smoothness and primer, if this is not done, then all the flaws will be visible on it. On the reverse side of the film there is a grid with a centimeter step - this makes it possible to accurately make a pattern. For work you need scissors, a knife, a pencil.

We unwind the film, cut out a rectangle, leaving 3 cm around the edges for an allowance for protrusions and stock. We remove the paper base from the edge of the film and fasten it to the edge of the door, carefully spread it over the surface, and at the same time pull out the backing. For better smoothing, blow hot air under the coating, use a regular hair dryer and smooth it from the center to the edge with a soft cloth. We pierce the formed bubbles. The most difficult thing is to carefully make the corners, end sides and places near the hinges. To do this, the material is cut along the edges at an angle of 45 °, so it fits easier. Glue using a hair dryer or hot iron.

To make the edges and corners look aesthetically pleasing, you can not bend the film, but carefully cut it with a knife, and stick the edge separately.

It is very important that the door does not cling to the frame anywhere, otherwise the coating will quickly peel off.

It is better to choose a film that is monophonic so that there is no need to align the pattern, but if desired, you can pick it up with an imitation of the texture of various materials.

No matter how hard we try, the handicraft performance of lamination will still be noticeably different from the factory one. It is difficult to cope without special equipment with film deformation due to temperatures, uneven fit of various roughnesses on the surface.

If you want to purchase high-quality, at an affordable price, please contact DM-Service LLC. You will be offered a variety of models of different sizes, designs and colors.

Installation of laminated doors is a modern solution for arranging residential, office or utility rooms. The designs of such doors are diverse, and each option has certain features that should be considered when choosing.

What are laminated doors

In the process of repairing residential or office premises, it is often necessary to replace the door frame and leaf. Among the variety of doors, laminated models are especially in demand. They may have a different internal structure, but on the outside they are always decorated with a laminated film. Thus, the color of the doors can be any, but drawings that imitate the structure of wood of different species are popular.

The internal filler of laminated doors can be different, but on the outside they are always decorated with a laminated film.

Laminated doors have a frame that is often made from natural softwood. Also, chipboard (chipboard) can serve as a material for the frame, but this option is typical for the cheapest doors. The inner core can be made of extruded polystyrene foam or corrugated board, and the outer layer can be made of MDF (medium density fibreboard) and laminated film. Thus, laminated doors are made up of several different materials, creating a beautiful and durable canvas.

Features of the laminated door device

A frame with a filler, as well as a layer of MDF and a laminated film form a door leaf. The combination of natural and synthetic materials gives the product durability, practicality and reliability. The design of laminated doors has the following important features:

  • MDF is covered with a thin film - a laminate, which is fixed by hot pressing during manufacture. The ends of the finished products are decorated with a special edging tape, which gives the door a complete look and protects the door leaf from moisture and deformation;
  • honeycomb filler made of extruded polystyrene foam or corrugated cardboard provides sound and heat insulation. Therefore, laminated doors are practical in operation and convenient for living quarters. Due to the honeycomb structure, such doors weigh much less than models made of natural wood;
  • in the frame of the door there is a locking part, where the lock and the door handle are installed. This area has a more reinforced frame than the other part of the web;
  • The film protects the structure from deformation and gives the product an aesthetic appearance. For laminated doors, coating options such as:
    • bichromatic laminatin;
    • polyvinyl chloride film (PVC);
    • multilayer impregnated paper;
    • paper-based film 0.2 mm thick.

Laminated doors differ from veneered doors only in the external coating.

The main difference between laminated structures and veneered structures, which are another popular option, is the type of external coating used. Laminate film is a colored coating on a PVC or paper base, and veneer is a thin layer of wood coated with a colored layer and various protective compounds.

Types of laminated doors

When choosing a laminated door, it is best to focus on the following product characteristics:

  1. Type of laminated coating: the service life, resistance to mechanical stress and humidity, the appearance of the door depend on it.
  2. Construction design: it should match the overall design of the environment, and the color palette should match the tone in which the room is decorated.
  3. Thickness, width and height of the door: dimensions are determined depending on the parameters of the opening in which the structure will be installed, taking into account the box.
  4. Defects: Blisters, cracks and other damage must not be present on the surface of the product.

Properly selected laminated door will last for many years without repair.

Classification by type of door leaf

According to the type of canvas, laminated doors can be divided into 2 types: blind and glazed.

Blind laminated doors

Doors of a deaf type are a canvas without glass inserts, carved and figured elements. Often such products are presented in the form of an even canvas, but they can also have simple decorative elements. Deaf laminated doors look concise and strict, and a smooth surface can have a light relief that imitates the structure of wood.

Deaf laminated doors will easily fit into any interior

Deaf laminated doors are characterized by higher sound insulation than models with glass inserts. A flat or slightly embossed surface makes the door universal for any interior style. The parameters of blind doors can be different, which allows you to choose a design for any opening. Products most often have a rectangular shape, but arched options are also found.

Doors with laminated film can be of any color

Positive aspects of deaf doors:

  • increased strength compared to structures with inserts;
  • high sound insulation;
  • a greater level of reliability and durability than products with glass;
  • concise and strict design.

Laconic doors are practical and convenient for residential premises

The negative feature of deaf canvases is that scratches, cracks and other damage are more noticeable on them. This leads to the need to repair or even replace the door.

Glazed laminated doors

Glazed doors are products consisting of a frame and glass. The shape of glass inserts can be rectangular or curly.

Glass inserts can have both a decorative and practical function: for example, let light from a room into a dark corridor

Most often, glazing in doors is used exclusively for decorative purposes. But the glass in the door leaf can also play a practical role: a transparent insert is used as a source of additional lighting in a room without windows. Laminated doors with glass fit almost any environment. They unite the space, create the illusion of lightness and airiness.

Glass inserts in interior doors give the interior lightness

Glass in a laminated door can be:

  • transparent;
  • matte;
  • corrugated;
  • colored;
  • with drawing.

For decoration, you can use a film stained-glass window, which will not only decorate the door leaf, but also make the glass more durable

The disadvantages of glazed laminated doors include low thermal insulation characteristics and poor sound insulation.

Types of doors by material

There are several types of laminated doors, which differ in the material used in the manufacture of the product. Each variety has certain characteristics.

Laminated MDF doors

The design of the MDF door has a classic structure, assuming the presence of a frame, a filler, an external leaf. A distinctive feature of such a door is that the outer leaf is made of plates, which are thick cardboard of a coarse fraction. Such a material is obtained by pressing at high temperature and the use of an adhesive composition. Outside, the canvases are covered with a film, which can be based on PVC or paper.

MDF is a rough and thick cardboard covered with a film

Doors made of MDF are lightweight and low cost. This makes them a budget option, but it is worth considering the low resistance of the material to moisture, mechanical stress and active use. The color palette is very extensive, as there are many options for films that cover the outer MDF sheet.

MDF can be covered with a smooth or matte film, as well as a corrugated film that imitates the surface of natural wood

Lightweight and comfortable MDF constructions have the following advantages:

  • simple care that does not require the use of special cleaning products;
  • easy installation and assembly of the structure directly at the installation site;
  • wide palette of shades, pleasant to the touch surface structure;
  • light weight, the ability to install any locks and door handles.

Laminated doors can be decorated in various styles, such as the rococo style, which is characterized by an abundance of gold details and pastel colors.

When purchasing high-quality MDF doors, it should be noted that paper-based film, which is a common option, is not very durable. Under conditions of normal humidity in the room, as well as careful operation and proper care, such doors will last more than 10 years. Otherwise, there is a high probability of peeling the film, swelling of the door, deformation of the box and canvas.

Plastic laminated doors

Laminated doors coated with PVC film are called plastic and can have glass inserts, various decor or other design. They can be sliding, double-leaf, classic swing or arched. Manufacturers also produce doors in the form of an accordion or a book and other options.

The design of plastic laminated doors is more diverse than the design of other door options.

The main characteristic of plastic laminated doors is a higher coating strength, since the film is made of PVC. A diverse color palette, many design options make it easy to choose a product for any room. The service life of plastic laminated doors is also higher than that of paper-coated models.

Chipboard laminated doors

Chipboard (chipboard) is often the basis for the manufacture of laminated doors. Such material is made from wood chips with the addition of binders, water-repellent and other components. Due to the use of large chips, chipboard has a pronounced structure and has higher technical characteristics than MDF.

Experts say that chipboard is more durable than MDF

The main feature of chipboard is expressed in high strength, which makes the structures durable and reliable. The content of antipyrines, water-repellent, powerful binding components in the structure ensures the resistance of the material to humidity, temperature extremes and active use.

Externally, chipboard doors differ little from MDF products.

Chipboard boards covered with a laminated film are called chipboard. Such material serves as the basis for the external coating of doors. Due to its strength and other characteristics, chipboard has such advantages as:

  • resistance to impacts, cracks, scratches;
  • a variety of shapes and colors of doors;
  • affordable price.

Doors and furniture made of laminated chipboard go well with each other

Despite their strength, chipboard doors are not sufficiently resistant to high humidity. With constant exposure to water, the material can deform, swell, then the doors will lose their beautiful appearance and will be inconvenient to use.

Popular colors of laminated doors

Thanks to the use of various films, laminated doors can be of any color. Classic shades are wenge, milk oak, milanese walnut and beech. The names of the shades reflect the color of natural wood, under which the imitation is created. Ordinary colors are also relevant, for example, classic white, black, burgundy and other options.

Depending on the manufacturer, the exact names of the shades of the laminated film may differ.

Features of installation and operation of doors

Laminated doors can be made to order from the manufacturer or purchased from a store. In the first case, the product meets the individual requirements of the customer as much as possible, and in the second case, doors must be carefully selected depending on the characteristics of the room, design, and personal preferences. But whatever the choice, in any case, you can install the structure yourself.

For work, you will need self-tapping screws 3.5x25, 3.5x65, 4.2x90, 3.5x51. Of the tools you need a tape measure, a building level, a square, a screwdriver, mounting foam in a gun.

The main stages of door installation

  1. The doorway is prepared by removing the old door. Then you should align the edges of the door slopes.

    Above and below, from the edge of the door to the hinges, you need to retreat about 20 cm

  2. Next, hang the canvas on the hinges, check the evenness with a square and, if necessary, adjust it with a rubber hammer by slightly shifting the box or door. After that, the gaps between the wall and the box are treated with mounting foam, a door lock is cut in, additional elements and cashing are mounted.

    After drying, pieces of mounting foam are cut flush with the wall

How to repair laminated doors

Laminated doors in residential or office premises are subjected to intensive use, resulting in breakage. In most cases, experts recommend replacing old structures with new ones, but sometimes you can repair or even restore the doors yourself. This is possible in the following common situations:

  • small holes, scratches, cracks in the coating are easy to fix with furniture wax and a special furniture marker. The color is selected depending on the shade of the door, scratches are carefully painted over, hiding their presence;
  • the peeled edge must be carefully removed, a new edge tape must be purchased to match the color of the old one and attached to the place of the peeled one, smoothing it with a hot iron;
  • if the door sags, then you need to tighten the hinge screws, adjusting the desired height;
  • if a door lock or handle breaks, they must be replaced with new ones, carefully removing the old ones.

Scratches are easy to paint over with a furniture marker

If the main part of the door leaf is swollen and covered with bubbles, then it is impossible to repair such a structure. Similar effects occur due to high humidity. The peeling of the paper film on the main canvas can be corrected by applying PVA glue to the damaged area with a brush, but such a measure is only temporary, and the door will still need to be replaced.

Video: removing scratches with a furniture stroke

How to care for laminated doors

Doors of this type are budget and do not have a very long service life compared to natural wood structures. You can extend the service life only if you follow simple rules for caring for products.

  1. Water is the main enemy of laminated doors. Do not wash the canvas with a wet rag or sponge, you need to use polish, wax and other cleaning products designed for furniture.
  2. The film does not withstand strong impacts, and therefore careful operation is important.
  3. If the canvas is not corrected, which touches the box when closed, the edge tape may peel off and other defects will appear.
  4. Do not rub the surface with hard, metallic, rough sponges, as visible scratches will immediately appear on the film.
  5. For installation in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, toilet, kitchen), it is best to choose wooden doors or high quality chipboard structures.
  6. Squeaky hinges should be lubricated with special products, such as WD-40 universal grease, and the application of such products should be spot-on.

Apply lubricant for hinges carefully so that the product does not get on the laminated surface.

Sections of the article:

Laminated doors successfully replace high-budget options: solid wood models or veneered ones. The decorative film on the surface of the door acts as a protection against damage and imitates real wood. It is unpretentious in care, versatile and durable. No wonder lamination is used not only in the manufacture of interior doors, but also for flooring, various furniture.


What are laminated doors? In its composition, it is a symbiosis of several materials, together representing a composite product. In such an original way, the product is given unique properties that are not inherent in ordinary wooden structures.

The composite method for the manufacture of wooden boards involves the preservation of the basic properties of wood in its composition and the addition of some synthetic substances, which together gives the material improved characteristics.

Laminated doors, due to their structure, cost less than their natural counterpart. And the natural and synthetic materials underlying the laminated doors allow to achieve optimal qualities and durability.

Individual components of laminated products:

  • Wooden frame;
  • Filler;
  • MDF lining;
  • Film.

The frame of the door block is made from wood processed using a special technology. A beam made of such material is called glued. It is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, is installed around the entire perimeter of the door leaf.

The filler usually consists of corrugated cardboard or polyurethane. Some unscrupulous manufacturers may fill the canvas with foam.

MDF boards are sheets glued to a frame made of glued laminated timber. MDF is produced from wood waste in the form of wood chips - pressed at high temperature and interconnected with adhesives.

The film is a coating deposited on the base by a temperature-vacuum method. Thanks to such a film, as a result, laminated doors are obtained.

Comparison with veneer

Economy-class veneered doors differ from laminated ones only in the top coating, otherwise the door leafs and frames are similar in structure and materials. It makes sense to compare which is better: laminated or veneered doors, which we will do.

The moisture-resistant surface of the laminate prevents moisture from penetrating inside, which cannot be said about veneer. The same applies to resistance to temperature changes.

As such, there is no difference in the design of a laminated or veneered door.

A high-quality laminated door block is more resistant to damage, unlike a delicate veneered one. For doors with a laminated surface, a wide selection of colors and textures is presented, imitation can be made for any type of wood and not only: there is a marble or brick finish, but veneer does not have such a variety. The polymer film is easy to wash and clean, and the veneer is difficult to wipe off stains.

The disadvantage of a quality laminated construction is that it cannot be repaired if the film is damaged. On the other hand, this also applies to veneer.

The veneered door leaf cannot be installed in the bathroom, as it bursts from moisture, as a result of which the structure does not close.

Film used

What is laminated film? This is a coating that protects the structure from damage and performs a decorative function. In addition, there are several subspecies of it:

  • On a paper basis 0.2 mm thick;
  • Paper from several layers with special impregnation;
  • Polyvinyl chloride film (PVC) ;
  • Double sided laminate.

The cheapest option for laminated coating is a film with a thin paper base, the disadvantage of which is susceptibility to chips, scratches, fading in the sun and instability to moisture.

The multi-layer base with melamine resin as an impregnation is more resistant to negative factors (fading, humidity and chemical treatment). The only thing that is debatable is how safe the properties of melamine resin are.

PVC film has a good price-quality ratio, does not fade, is resistant to changes in humidity and household chemicals. Film thickness 0.2-0.5 mm. There are many options for making such doors, one of them is a special vapor-tight door unit for bathrooms.

The most durable of the existing types of such coatings is a two-dimensional laminate, which is a film with a thickness of 0.4-0.8 mm. It is not afraid of mechanical, thermal and chemical influences, although it costs much more than other types of coatings. No wonder laminate is called artificial veneer, because it has a beautiful appearance and some similarities with natural veneer.

Features of use in the interior

The main advantage of using laminated doors for your home is that they are relatively cheap, since the products are made using leftover wood products. That is, trees are not specially grown for the production of doors; slag from the woodworking industry is used, which significantly affects the cost of one box and leaf.

Laminated doors can be installed in any room of the house, since there are practically no contraindications to the use of such structures in residential construction.

The artificial origin of laminated door blocks is the reason for their resistance to frequent exposure to water and steam in combination with chemicals (acids and alkalis).

High-quality laminated doors are resistant to various stains (except greasy traces). Contaminants are easily wiped off with ordinary soapy water.

The laminated door unit is resistant to impact loads, which is especially important when the door is opened or closed frequently.
The fact that laminated structures have a uniform coating, rich in pattern and color, facilitates their choice for various stylistic design directions.

The composite door block, which is a prefabricated structure, allows the use of not only a smooth surface with various milled lines, but also paneled parts and colored glass inserts for stained glass windows. Laminated doors in white with glass inserts look great: the photo does not convey how effective this solution is.

In what style of interior can you organically use interior elements with laminate? First of all, it is modernism, hi-tech, minimalism. Modern directions in which the use of artificial components is welcomed are perfect for using laminated structures. Also, thanks to the imitation of natural wood, laminated doors can fit into any classic interior: modern, rococo, baroque, Victorian style. Feedback from many consumers suggests that quality products outwardly are in no way inferior to solid wood doors.

Laminated PVC doors

PVC doors fit perfectly into the interior of houses and apartments, as well as offices and various government agencies, representing the most popular economy class door designs.

The appearance of laminated products can imitate cherry, oak, alder and other types of valuable wood.


Good manufacturers of laminated door blocks are scrupulous about the quality of their products. So, in the production of laminated doors, European equipment and high-quality raw materials are used. And this is what you should focus on when buying a door.

When purchasing a door block, you should pay attention to the quality of the coating, that is, the film. How thick is it, is it resistant to scratches and cracks, is it easy to peel off from the door base. If the door is too cheap, most likely it is covered with a film with a thin paper base that cannot withstand repeated friction from opening.

Many times stronger than a paper coating, even if it is multi-layered, CPL plastic, called “continuous pressure plastic”. Its main advantage is high wear resistance, so the use of such a coating is popular for public places, government agencies, shops and salons.

Bichrome laminate has similar properties to CPL plastic. In addition, the film on the surface of the door frame and leaf is glued “tightly”, which means that the laminated coating does not threaten peeling.


The simplest laminated doors with a discreet design cost about 1200-1400 rubles. If you add the cost of panels and various glass inserts, the price can increase to 3,500 rubles or more.

In an attempt to mislead the buyer, often in the catalogs they indicate the cost of the door leaf without platbands and the door frame, significantly lowering the final price.

It is better to immediately change all interior doors in the house, as their models are constantly changing and they can be discontinued, or the shade of the old door will not match the new door. And doors of different tonality may not make the best impression.

Installation nuances

A thin door frame may not withstand the pressure of the mounting foam during polymerization, so it is necessary to install corners for attaching the leaf to the opening. Corners are fixed every 3 cm.

When installing a laminated door in the bathroom, it is necessary to isolate the back side of the door frame from moisture with a special self-adhesive film.
