Dwarf basil in a pot. Growing basil from seeds at home. Lighting and temperature conditions

Basil is a plant that is ideal for growing at home. The culture grows at any time of the year and is not whimsical. Therefore, even a beginner will cope with its cultivation. In our article we want to talk about how to grow basil on the windowsill.

What is basil?

Basil is an irreplaceable spice used by people since ancient times. The plant is rich in essential oils, therefore, in addition to cooking, it is also used in natural cosmetics. AT good conditions it grows in greenhouses, in gardens, so you should not even doubt whether it is possible to grow basil on a windowsill.

The culture originated from India. Presumably the name of the plant goes back to the Greek basileus , which in translation means king or king. There are two different versions regarding the origin of culture. According to one of them, the basil was found near the place where Queen Elena once discovered the True Cross. According to another version, the plant was used to treat persons of royal families.

Basil has long been used for religious rituals in Orthodoxy (in the Balkans and Greece) and Hinduism. Ayurveda values ​​culture not only for cosmetic, but also medicinal properties. There are many varieties of basil. In cooking, fragrant varieties are often used. All of them differ not only in appearance, but also in smell and taste.

Which variety do you prefer?

Basil attracts not only as a culinary supplement, but also as a medicinal plant. At home, it can be used as an interior decoration. AT recent times the popularity of the plant is growing more and more. Therefore, thinking about how to grow basil on the windowsill, you should decide which variety you prefer to see on your balcony. We have already said that the plant is unpretentious. However, it should be understood that not every variety is suitable for growing at home. The most acceptable options may be the following types: spoon-shaped, Yerevan, Baku, marquis, clove aroma. These varieties are small-leaved, and therefore easier to cultivate at home. Large-leaved, on the other hand, need a sufficiently large number of trace elements that must be applied to the ground. Such care can only be handled experienced gardeners. Therefore, novice housewives should pay attention to small-leaved varieties.

When a gardener already has experience regarding the care of more simple views, and understands how to grow basil on the windowsill, you can move on to other varieties.

Culture methods

How to grow basil on a windowsill? There are three ways:

  1. An adult plant can be transplanted from the ground into a pot. This is what summer residents do, who grow crops on household plots. Young bushes that have not yet bloomed can be transplanted together with an earthen clod into a pot. However, the growing season of the plant is short, so it will bloom soon. And then you have to cut the shoots for planting young plants.
  2. Growing a plant from cuttings. For this crown or side shoots cut off and placed in water. This is necessary for them to take root. Next, the basil is transplanted into a pot, the first greens can be cut in two to three weeks. Such bushes can serve you for about three to four months, after which it is again necessary to renew the plant.
  3. Growing basil from seeds is the longest way. good greens will not be available soon. If you need a faster result, then it is better to use the second method.

Best time to grow basil

How to grow basil on a windowsill in winter? In principle, basil can be grown at any time of the year, including in winter. However, it should be understood that the plant belongs to light-loving and heat-loving crops, and therefore more effort will be required to maintain it during cold periods.

Some housewives wrap basil pots with polyethylene in winter to protect them from drafts and increase temperature regime. In addition, from October to March, in our climate, the basilica is not enough sunlight, so the plants will have to be highlighted. This will help to increase daylight hours artificially. To simplify plant care, many housewives prefer to sow seeds in February, then the main period active growth culture will have just for a period with a sufficient length daylight hours. And in the summer, basil will feel great on the window in the apartment.

How to grow basil from seeds on a windowsill?

Before you start planting, you need to prepare the ground. Can be taken good soil With suburban area, or you can purchase a ready-made substrate. A little peat can be added to the soil from the garden to facilitate it.

Sometimes basil is planted in a mixture of peat and humus (humus can be replaced with coconut fiber) in a ratio of 2:1. Before sowing, the seeds should be held for a couple of hours in a raspberry-colored potassium permanganate solution.

When talking about how to grow basil on a windowsill in an apartment, it is worth remembering that you need to pick up pots for plants for planting. There are two options here. You can sow the seeds in small containers (200 g), and later transplant the plants into larger pots. But in general, you can immediately use large boxes, this will save you from unnecessary trouble. Expanded clay should be placed at the bottom of the vessels as drainage. Seeds are sown in moist soil to a depth of no more than one centimeter at a distance of 7-10 centimeters from each other. After that, the pots should be tightened cling film and do not remove it until shoots appear. Further, in order to quickly grow basil at home on the windowsill, you should create optimal conditions. At a temperature of + 22-28 degrees, the first shoots will appear in five to eight days.

Care of young shoots

As soon as young sprouts appear, it is immediately necessary to rearrange the pots in a well-lit and warm place. Plants need to be watered regularly. This should be done once a day, on the hottest summer days, you can moisten the soil in the morning and evening with water. room temperature. Periodically, basil can be sprayed with water, especially useful in summer.

To understand how to grow basil in a pot on a windowsill, you need to know that the plant is native to the subtropics. That is why culture needs an abundance of heat and light. In order for the plant to develop well and grow quickly on the windowsill, the air temperature should be at least +20 degrees, but +25 degrees is better, and the sun should shine for at least 4 hours a day.

Basil is very afraid of drafts. Adult bushes can loosen the soil once every three days. If the soil in pots is not very fertile, then periodically (no more than once a month) it should be fertilized. Any universal fertilizer based on gummates or organic compost is suitable as top dressing.

The first leaves can be cut off from the plant after 1.5 months. In the future, cutting off the greens, you need to leave at least three leaves on the stems. This is necessary so that new branches begin to form in the sinuses. When the basil grows up, it will be possible to pinch the top of it, then the bush will grow in breadth.

How to grow basil at home on a windowsill in winter?

If you decide to sow seeds in winter, then you will need more careful care in order to grow good plant. On the one hand, culture needs good watering On the other hand, excessive waterlogging can lead to diseases. Therefore, you need to be careful with water.

The most comfortable temperature for basil is + 20-25 degrees. In winter, for a plant, daylight hours are not long enough for normal development, so it must be additionally highlighted. To do this, in the evening, you can turn on the lamp for 3-4 hours. Basil does not tolerate temperature extremes and drafts.

Given these points, the culture can be grown at home and in the winter cold.

Diseases to which the plant is susceptible

Basil, like many other crops, is susceptible to various diseases. Of course, indoor plants get sick less than outdoor plants, but it’s still worth protecting yourself. The most common diseases that affect basil are fusarium and gray mold. So that your bushes are not struck by such ailments, you need to avoid overflow, since excessive moisture provokes an ailment. If the plant is still sick, then it is necessary to remove the affected stems in a timely manner so that they do not infect healthy shoots.

How to harvest properly?

In order for the plant to grow well and continue to develop in the future, you need to be able to properly harvest. You should never pinch off the basil at the very root, this can harm the plant. In order to increase the life of the plant, it is necessary to remove flower stalks as soon as they appear. Basil should not be pinched at the root, as this can kill the entire plant. In general, you can remove the leaves, but at the same time, 4-5 leaves should be left, in the future, new branches will begin to appear from their sinuses.

In order to less injure the bushes, it is better not to pinch off the foliage, but to cut it with scissors. Greens are easily removed by them, and the stems are not injured.

Knowing all the intricacies of the process, growing basil at home on the windowsill is quite simple. Therefore, every hostess can try her hand.

It is better to choose undersized varieties with small leaves. Large-leaved varieties consume more micronutrients, and at home it will be difficult to fertilize in sufficient quantities. Perfectly suited for windowsill varieties Baku, Yerevan, Spoon-shaped, Clove aroma, Marquis, Vanilla aroma, Basilisk, Anise Gourmet, Mint Gourmet, Compatto, Freshness.

How to plant at home?

  • Choosing and preparing a pot. When choosing a container for planting basil, keep in mind that this culture does not tolerate crowding. Take a pot with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, or a spacious container with a depth of at least 15 cm, and preferably 20-30 cm.

    The pot or container should have drainage holes, as the plant does not like stagnant moisture.

  • Soil selection and preparation. The soil should be loose, light and fertile. It is most convenient to take the soil from the garden plot and feed it with mineral fertilizers before planting. You can also buy universal primer for indoor plants and mix it with garden soil in equal proportions.

    Another option is to combine humus with peat or coconut fiber (1: 2). Before sowing the seeds, bake the soil in an oven (100-120 C for an hour) to kill pests and pathogens.

  • Window sill selection. We grow basil on windows that face south, as the spice loves bright and long-term lighting.

The procedure for sowing in the apartment - step by step instructions


The best time to sow basil is March-April, and some gardeners prefer the end of February. Basil can be sown at any time of the year if desired. For the seeds to sprout faster, soak them in warm water within 1-2 days. Change the water at least twice a day. Then soak the seeds for 2 hours in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and place on gauze or a napkin to dry.

Growing spices from seeds has the following algorithm:

When the bushes reach a height of 5 cm, start loosening the soil every few days. If basil doesn't grow well, feed it with an all-purpose organic fertilizers once every 2 weeks. After about a month and a half, you can start cutting off the top leaves.

When three tiers of true leaves appear, some gardeners advise cutting off the top with scissors so that the bush begins to grow in breadth. It is believed that this procedure can damage the plant, so it is better not to perform it on all shoots at once. Separate leaves, for example, for salad, also cut with scissors.

Avoid flowering and remove flower stalks as soon as you see them.

Another interesting way to grow basil from seeds:


Cut a basil shoot about 10 cm long (you can use store-bought herbs), put it in a jar of water and wait for the roots to appear - this will take about 10 days. Plant the cutting in a pot. The soil and pot are prepared in the same way as for sowing seeds. The first harvest can be harvested in a few weeks.

For more information on how to grow basil from cuttings, see this video:

An adult rooted bush

Dig up on garden plot a young bush that has not yet bloomed, along with a clod of earth, and plant it in a pot. Soon flower stalks should form, they must be cut off.


Basil can be sown immediately in a permanent place, or it can be grown from seedlings.. Prepare the soil and seeds as described above, fill the soil into plastic containers and sow 2-3 seeds per container. When the first true leaves develop well, plant the seedlings in separate plastic cups, deepening to the cotyledon leaves.

What to do after harvest?

After cutting the leaves, water and feed the plants well, as they need strength to recover.

Diseases and pests

Even outdoors, basil is resistant to diseases and pests. At home, it will not be attacked by snails and slugs, which sometimes affect garden greens.

In some cases, plants on the windowsill may suffer from gray mold.- a grayish coating appears on the leaves or on the soil. Having kept the seeds in potassium permanganate and calcined the soil before planting, you have already reduced this probability, and if you maintain the right temperature, do not overmoisten the soil and indoor air, then the disease has almost no chance.

If you still notice its signs, remove the affected bushes along with a clod of earth and remove the soil on which the mold is visible. For three days, do not water or feed the plants in this pot, then, if the disease does not return, continue to care for the plantings as usual.

As you can see, it is quite possible to grow basil on a windowsill. If you need a quick result, plant mature plants or root several cuttings. If you want strong shoots that will produce for many months, grow basil from seed. In any case, feel free to get to work. And let its result please you all year round!

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So, to grow basil, we need, in fact, the seeds themselves (or seedlings), pots of soil and a little patience, as well as equipment such as a small trident (an ordinary table fork will do), a watering can, a spray gun and scissors. Mineral fertilizers will also be required, since the "pot" soil is quickly depleted, which leads to slowing down and even stopping growth.

Pledge excellent harvest - right choice varieties. Yes, basil is unpretentious, but not every variety will grow well at home. Most the best choice it is worth considering such varieties as Yerevan, Spoon-shaped or Baku. Also suitable are any other varieties that are distinguished by small and frequent foliage, for example, Marquis or Clove aroma. The fact is that for the formation of large leaves used in cooking, it takes significantly large quantity trace elements that only an experienced gardener can bring. As experience grows, you can experiment with large-leaved varieties, only caring for this, in fact, unpretentious plant much more will be needed.

After you decide on the variety, you should decide in what form to plant basil in a pot at home. Two methods are widely practiced:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings.

In the first case, it will take more time to germinate the basil (from one to three weeks), however, the result will be beyond praise. In the second case, the first harvest can be harvested much earlier, but it is far from certain that all seedlings will take root. This is due to the fact that the undeveloped stem is quite fragile, which affects its sensitivity to transplantation. That is, even with minor damage to the root system, stem or early foliage, plant death can occur. Therefore, to get the first experience, it is worth, nevertheless, to opt for planting a plant with seeds.

Choose the time, prepare the conditions

There is no optimal time for planting, since proper cultivation allows you to grow basil on the window all year round, but if you first decided to plant this greenery at home, then you should choose the period when the biological mechanisms honed by nature itself work: this is the time from the last decade of March and through the last decade of April. Yes, many will say that it’s easier to plant lamb in the country, but, firstly, not everyone has summer cottages, and secondly, you need to gain experience when it is easiest, that is, during the natural growth and development of the plant .

Planting seeds or seedlings is carried out either in flower pots with a capacity of more than 1.5 l or long flower boxes, since the lamb is quite demanding and does not take root with frequent landing and small amounts of soil.

By the way, the latter should be mentioned separately: if you have already decided to grow greens at home, then dig up land on country beds, in extreme cases - from any potato field. You can buy soil, but in this case, be prepared to apply a large amount of top dressing: if you dig up the earth on your site, then a single application will be required before planting mineral fertilizers, and if the soil is purchased, then it will have to be shed twice with a solution of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride (proportion per liter of water: 20/50/15 grams). Between watering the soil that has not yet been cultivated, at least 5 days should pass, on the third day the soil must be thoroughly mixed. So it is still more convenient to use the soil from the garden for greenery, since its mineral composition is close to the required one.

Drawers or pots should be placed on the south side, since the plant is thermophilic and always reaches for the sun: optimum temperature for sustainable growth is 22 ... 24 degrees Celsius. Of course, you can plant basil on the balcony, but it is worth remembering that during cold snaps you will have to use covering material, so it should always be at hand. Basil, whose cultivation at home is associated with low insolation, is demanding on lighting: in winter time when daylight hours are small, it will have to be extended up to 15-17 hours a day. The best thing would be to create lighting for the home garden, for which you can use not only fluorescent lamps, but also halogen light sources. When using halogen lamps, keep in mind that it is also a powerful source of thermal radiation, which means you risk overheating your bushes. Therefore, experienced gardeners use halogen light only on the coldest days and only if they are growing a plant on a balcony.

How to grow basil at home: planting and cultivation

A plant is planted with lateral intervals of 5 to 7 cm relative to the edges of the container (however, if flower pots are used, then there are no more than three bushes per pot), the intervals between seeds (or seedlings, depending on what you choose) are approximately 100-140mm, depending on the variety chosen: the larger the lamb is planted, the greater the interval should be observed. The seeds are deepened by about 10-15 mm, or they are laid out in holes, 5 mm deep, but sprinkled with soil with a “slide” on top. If the depth is greater, then the plant will germinate for a long time, but if the layer of earth is less, then the probability of washing out the seeds and their subsequent death is high.

Enhanced watering during the germination period is not required - it is enough to irrigate the land once every two days. It is also not worth feeding during this period, since microelements both in the soil and inside the seed are quite enough for the normal growth and development of basil. The first feeding is carried out when the plant gains strength, its height will be approximately 40-50mm. Before the first top dressing, the soil should be loosened, after which a similar procedure should be performed about twice a week, because due to growing in a limited capacity and in closed space conditions, the roots lack oxygen, which causes plant weakness and susceptibility different kind diseases.

Growing basil on a windowsill requires compliance proper watering because it is a fundamental success factor. Therefore, it will be necessary to irrigate the land at least once a day, best of all - in the morning, since at night the temperature is lower and by morning the room is as cool as possible, respectively, less moisture will be evaporated, which means more water will remain in the soil by noon. If the batteries warm up the air over +25 degrees, or the sun outside the window is trying to melt the window sill on which the bushes stand, then watering will have to be increased: once in the morning, once immediately at noon. Periodically, you should wash the foliage with a spray bottle, but since there is a high probability of waterlogging the soil, do it carefully and only in the evening.

When the grass reaches a height of 60 mm, it can begin to be eaten - it is by this time that the ripening of the stem is completed, and the loss of foliage will no longer fatally affect the viability of the bush. Many people make two common mistakes:

It is also recommended to cut flowering shoots as soon as they appear. The fact is that this will cause not only branching of the bush, but also prolong the life of the plant itself. Growing basil at home with such cultivation will only increase the aroma of greens, the amount of vitamins and minerals in the foliage will increase, which will positively affect the taste of the seasoning.

At home, Lamiaceae are almost not susceptible to disease., which are often found in open ground. However, if at least one bush is sick, then this can lead to an almost complete defeat of the entire planting. In order not to lose the entire crop, it is worth carefully monitoring the "well-being" of the bushes and at the slightest hint of gray mold (the leaves are covered with a kind of grayish coating), the bush is weeded out and destroyed. If mold appears on the ground (gray fluffy mounds or grayish threads that look like cobwebs), then it is carefully removed along with the soil, watering in this pot or box stops for at least three days, after which it resumes with top dressing with universal fertilizers for vegetable crops.

In the article we discuss basil - medicinal properties and contraindications. You will learn how the plant is useful for health, how basil is used in cosmetology and traditional medicine, as well as how to harvest and store the spice.

Appearance(photo) basilica

The composition of the basil includes the following components:

  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • vitamin C;
  • minerals;
  • Sahara;
  • cellulose;
  • provitamin A;
  • vitamin P;
  • camphor.

The chemical composition provides a beneficial effect of basil on the body.

Useful properties of basil

Medicinal properties of basil:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antitussive;
  • expectorant;
  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller;
  • sedative;
  • secretory;
  • tonic;
  • antipyretic.

Basil, due to its bactericidal, antitussive and anti-inflammatory properties, is used for colds of the upper respiratory tract, SARS and influenza. medicinal plant helps in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, eliminates inflammation, relieves bronchospasm and increases cough productivity. Basil lowers the temperature and strengthens the immune system.

Medicinal plant is used to normalize the functioning of organs gastrointestinal tract. Basil regulates the production of hydrochloric acid, improves the process of digestion of food, relieves spasm of the walls of the stomach and intestines. In diseases, it eliminates the inflammatory process.

The antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative properties of the plant explain its effectiveness in relation to the nervous system. Basil eliminates headaches and reduces the intensity of migraine manifestations, soothes nervous system and also improves sleep.

Basil helps with inflammatory diseases of the urinary system - cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.

Benefits of basil for women include increased libido, increased chances of successfully conceiving a child, and improved excretion. breast milk during lactation.

Read more about the benefits and harms of basil.

Is it good to eat basil

Medicinal properties and contraindications of basil determine whether it is useful to eat spice. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Despite the improvement palatability food and useful properties, spice should be used with caution. It is allowed to eat no more than 30 grams of basil leaves per day.

Exceeding the dosage can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes of all internal organs. In addition, basil should not be used by people with bleeding disorders, serious cardiovascular diseases.

The use of basil in cosmetology

Women use basil in home cosmetology. The medicinal plant acts as an antiseptic on the skin of the face, dries up inflammation, eliminates acne, cleanses the dermis. Basil soothes and softens the skin, accelerates cell regeneration processes and promotes rejuvenation.

To improve the condition of the skin of the face, you can use a tonic with basil leaves.


  1. Basil leaves - 2 tablespoons
  2. Boiling water - 1 cup.

How to cook: Grind the basil leaves into a pulp and pour boiling water over it. Leave the tonic for 20-30 minutes. Strain before use.

How to use: Soak a cotton pad in toner and wipe your face.

Result: Tonic soothes the skin, relieves inflammation, improves complexion.

The use of basil in medicine

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of basil are used.

Basil - the medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant allow it to be used in the treatment of diseases:

  • ENT organs: tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, SARS, influenza;
  • respiratory system: bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough;
  • Gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, heartburn, gastritis, colitis;
  • nervous system: headaches, migraine, insomnia, neuroses;
  • urinary system: cystitis, urethritis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis.

In folk medicine, basil is used in the form of fresh juice, decoction or infusion. Below we have given prescriptions for medicines. The exact dosage and regimen is prescribed by the doctor, be sure to consult a specialist before using basil.

Basil juice is obtained from the fresh leaves of the plant. It is taken to normalize digestion, treat stomatitis and strengthen teeth. By standard scheme the drug is taken 20 ml 3 times a day before meals. To strengthen the teeth, the juice should be kept in the mouth for 2 minutes.

A decoction of basil helps with colds, it is used externally to wash the eyes.


  1. Basil leaves - 15 grams.
  2. Boiling water - 1 cup.

How to cook: Fill the leaves with water, put on water bath and heat for 30 minutes. Strain the decoction.

How to use: Take 70 ml 3 times a day before meals. For external use, dilute the decoction with water in proportions of 1 to 1.

Result: Medicine has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action.

Basil infusion is used as an expectorant and sedative.


  1. Basil leaves - 20 grams.
  2. Boiled water - 1 cup.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the leaves. Insist 1-2 hours. Strain.

How to use: Take 70 ml 30 minutes before meals.

Result: calms the nervous system, relieves bronchospasm, softens cough and increases its productivity.

More about useful properties Basilica, see the following video:

Basil as an aphrodisiac

Basil is a powerful aphrodisiac. The plant simultaneously calms the nervous system and increases arousal. Basil increases the sensuality and sensitivity of partners, accelerates blood circulation, enhances erection and prolongs sexual intercourse.

To improve quality intimate life the plant can be used by adding to dishes or conducting aromatherapy sessions with basil essential oil.

How to harvest basil for the winter

When harvesting basil, you can pick only leaves or whole stems. If you want to collect a lot of greenery during the season, do not pick the stem right away, after each collection of leaves new ones will grow.

Wash the harvested basil leaves. You can dry on parchment or a towel in a ventilated place.

In order not to harvest basil for the winter, you can plant it on the windowsill, read about the planting method in.

How to properly store basil

Basil can be stored dried or frozen. Dried basil is stored in glass jars or woven bags in a dark, dry place.

To freeze, cut the basil, put it in airtight containers and put it in the freezer. It is important that the leaves are dry, even with a small amount of moisture, ice forms.

Basil oil

Essential oil is obtained from the leaves and flowers of basil.

The leaves and inflorescences of basil contain a large number of essential oil.

Essential oil contains:

  • eugenol;
  • methylchavicol;
  • cineole;
  • linaloll;
  • camphor;
  • ocimene.

How to use basil essential oil:

  • In home cosmetology for the preparation of masks for facial skin and hair;
  • For enrichment of cosmetics - creams, tonics, shampoos;
  • For aromatherapy sessions, a few drops are added to the aroma lamp;
  • For the preparation of solutions for rinsing the mouth;
  • As a remedy against mosquitoes and midges - a few drops of essential oil are applied to curtains or clothes.

Contraindications for use

Basil - contraindications:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Basil should be used with caution during pregnancy. Be sure to consult your doctor.

10 interesting facts about fragrant basil:

  1. The supposed homeland of the plant is Africa.
  2. The soldiers of Alexander the Great, who returned from Asian campaigns, brought basil to Europe.
  3. In Russia, basil appeared at the end of the 18th century, first of all it was used as a medicinal plant.
  4. FROM Greek the name "basil" is translated as "royal".
  5. In Italy, basil is considered a symbol of love.
  6. In Moldova, a young man who accepts basil from a girl agrees to be engaged.
  7. In India, basil is believed to protect the aura.
  8. Basil is the main ingredient in the famous Italian pesto sauce.
  9. Basil is a good honey plant.
  10. The plant is capable of destroying more than 90 types of bacteria.

What to remember

  1. Now you know about basil - the beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant.
  2. The spice can be used in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine.
  3. Before using for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor.

Recently, it has become fashionable to keep a spicy garden on the windowsill at home. Yes, do not be surprised, because this is not only fresh herbs to the table, but also an excellent interior decoration. Plus, great relaxation! It has long been proven that green color and spicy aromas relieve stress and relax. One of the favorites of the home garden is basil.

It's hard to imagine without this king home cooking. But such a royal person requires appropriate attention! Growing basil in a pot at home is not an easy task. But how exciting!

Such an incomparable
Basil is perhaps the most multinational plant. He is loved in all corners globe. Yes, they call it by name. In India it is "tulsi". If you translate, you might be surprised - incomparable. Surely the culture struck the Indians. In Armenia, he is called rean. After all, this culture occupies an honorable place in Armenian cuisine. In Israel, the basil has two names - Reyhan and Reyhani.

Israelis add this fragrant and fragrant herb to many dishes. She is also loved in Central Asia, she is called differently here: regan, okimon (Tajiks), raikhon (Uzbeks). And the Slavs called basil poetically and beautifully - fragrant cornflower. Probably, this overseas miracle reminded them of their native flower.

It is interesting! Africa is considered the birthplace of this spice. Europe learned what basil looks like thanks to Alexander the Great. In Russia, weed was brought only in the 18th century.

From this article you will learn

Three ways to grow: seed, cutting or plant

If you are thinking about how to grow basil on the windowsill, first you need to choose a way to grow this crop. . There are three of them.

Method 1. Transplanting a plant from open ground into a pot

They do this if the plant has not yet completed its vegetative period (for example, cold weather has come in your region). In this case, the apartment perfect option. Just remember that such a plant will delight you with its greenery for no more than 2-3 months.

How to grow? Just transfer the bush with a clod of earth to a large tall pot. The soil can be slightly shaken off. Keep the transplanted plant in the shade for several days, be sure to water it.

Method 2. Growing with cuttings

In this case, you will also collect fragrant leaves for a short time - 3-4 months.

How to grow? Cut branches off at the base of the main stem. Put the seedling in water. Wait for the roots to appear (term - about 1-2 weeks). Plant in the ground. Some simply plant petioles in the ground, after moistening it, and cover it with a jar on top. In the latter case, the sprout may not take root. Therefore, it is better to plant several pieces at once in one pot.

Method 3. Planting seeds

Undoubtedly, the longest and most troublesome. But you can enjoy the harvest for almost 8-10 months. But the most early harvest You will receive only after a month and a half.

How to grow? Planting spices in pots for seedlings is carried out in late February-early March. Then it can be transplanted into a deeper container.

I have an idea! In order to please your family with spicy greens all year round and not have much trouble with growing it, periodically (for example, once every 2-4 months) cut young green branches of the crop, put them in water and plant them in the ground.

Miniature and charming: which variety to plant

There are several dozen varieties of this wonderful culture. Choose undersized ones - they will look more beautiful in pots. The height of such varieties does not exceed 40-45 cm. Small-leaved varieties are incomparable on the windowsill - dozens of lacy leaves look simply charming. Pay attention to these varieties if you are interested in how to grow basil at home:


Undersized with dark green leaves, which are collected in a lush hat. Each leaf is beautiful on its own. Hardly anyone will be disappointed. But remember that he does not like transplants at all. Therefore, immediately sow it in a permanent place.


This cute indoor baby, which grows no more than 25 cm, smells amazing: the clove-pepper flavor will bring a unique spicy note to any dish. Be sure to take care of it, you won't regret it.


The name speaks for itself. less plant can not found! Only 10-18 cm, but the aroma and taste are no worse than those of the classic varieties. It will decorate any window!


nothing to do with the known Slavic monster he does not have. But he has a lot of leaves! Therefore, this variety must certainly be sown at home.


Highly ornamental variety. The leaves are purple with green tips. It grows up to 45 cm. And it is very resistant to temperature extremes. Experts advise it for beginners.


Seeing it, everyone will definitely think ... how such a bush can exude such an amazing clove aroma. Picking this variety will not hurt him at all.

Miniature openwork leaves create a very dense mass. The look is just amazing. This is a whole series of dwarf varieties - there are a lot of varieties. And how much it grows - you will simply be surprised: for almost 10 months it will delight with its most delicate greenery.

And this miniature variety has a cinnamon smell. Can you imagine? And in reality it is even more beautiful than in the photo.

I have an idea! Try to plant several varieties of basil side by side, building an interesting composition out of them in one box. For example, plant a tall purple variety in the center, and stunted green varieties on the sides. Or alternate purple and green plants.

Loves - does not love, or Two main rules

Basil means "king" in Greek. Such a royal person is very capricious, and therefore, in the care of culture, you must know the following rules:

Rule 1

Lots of light, timely watering, good warmth(from 25 ° C), light breathable soil and a deep pot - this is what basil will only say “thank you” for.

Rule 2

Say "no" to drafts, stagnant water, sudden changes in temperature and shading. All this is not at all to the liking of the plant.

Important! If possible, grow basil on the southern or southeastern window sills, loggias. If you are ventilating the room, cover the top of the greens with plastic or remove the pots for a while.

Choosing pots and preparing the ground

When choosing a pot and preparing the soil for planting, it is important to remember that the root of this plant is voluminous. That's why:

  • buy a deep pot. You can purchase special containers for seedlings, but only roomy enough. Also suitable for deep wooden boxes- you can plant several bushes in them. Glass containers will look very extravagant. In this case, try to make effective drainage inside and plant the crop strictly in the center;
  • prepare good drainage, at least 2-3 cm. You can take any: pebbles, expanded clay, crushed stone, broken brick;
  • pay special attention to the soil. This plant is very demanding. You can buy special soil or make a soil mixture according to the following recipes:
    -Recipe 1. Take the usual garden soil, mix it with humus and peat soil. Everything must be taken in equal proportions.
    - Recipe 2. You can use coconut substrate (1 part), adding 2 parts of earth and humus to it.
    - Recipe 3. The simplest mixture: combine 2 parts of earth with 1 part of humus.

Advice! If you stick lunar calendar, sow the crop on the growing moon, on the days when it will be in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn. You will definitely get an excellent harvest.

If you do not believe in such calendars, nevertheless, you should not sow on the full moon, new moon and during the period when the Moon is in Aquarius. This is the most unproductive and unfortunate period. Therefore, when to plant a crop, decide for yourself.

From A to Z: a ​​step-by-step planting master class

How to care

After the seedlings sprout, over the next 2 weeks, except for moderate watering(preferably from a spray bottle), gentle loosening and a large number Light and heat they do not need anything else.

Illuminate the sprouts with fluorescent or phytolamps for about 6-8 hours. Make sure that the lighting of the plants is at least 15-16 hours a day. In the event that you want to use conventional incandescent lamps, place them at least 50 cm from the sprouts. Otherwise, the seedlings may burn.

In summer, plants can not be highlighted. In the autumn you can resume again. Watch the temperature. It should not fall below +20°C. It is noticed that in this case, the basil loses even its unique aroma. Pay special attention to this indicator in winter and spring. Remember that the temperature on the windowsill is always 3-4 degrees lower than in the room. Therefore, consider the time of year: if it's cold outside, remove the pots from the windowsill or additionally insulate it.

As soon as the seedlings reach 5-7 cm, add some earth to the container to strengthen the thin sprouts. Of course, you can transplant (dive) seedlings into another container, but just remember that the basil does not like this at all - it will hurt for several days, or it may not take root at all. Planting seedlings is necessary only in extreme cases.

Important! This culture is moisture-loving. It must be periodically sprayed with a spray bottle. How often to water, see for yourself. When the batteries are working at full power, it is advisable to put several bowls of water near the plant. You can hang a wet towel on the battery. It needs to be changed periodically.

Do you need top dressing

As we already wrote, the first two weeks of sprouts do not need top dressing. Then this plant is very responsive to any organic matter (humus, bird droppings, manure). Dilute 1:10.

Basil also loves nitrogen, because it is he who contributes to the growth of green mass. However, do not overfeed the plant! Otherwise, your soil will “sour”. Use 2 tbsp. spoons for 10 liters of water. Fertilize no more than 1 time in 2 weeks. After about 3-4 months, you can feed the basil with complex fertilizer (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus). Dilute it according to the instructions, or follow the proportions: 2 g of nitrogen, 3 g of potassium and 5 g of phosphorus per 1 liter of water.

Advice! If you used rich fertile land, start fertilizing the crop only after 1-2 months.

Why pinching is important

This is one of the important procedures. You shouldn't forget about her at all. You need to pinch in order to form a beautiful and lush bush. Indeed, instead of one removed, two stems grow!

So what is the right way to do this?

Step 1. Wait until 4-5 true leaves appear on the sprout. Now cut off the top (growing point). After a while, where you cut off the top, several stems will appear.

Step 2 When these stems grow up and also acquire the same number of leaves, they also need to be pinched. This procedure then needs to be carried out as the plant grows. Approximately 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

Step 3 If you want to use the leaves for cooking, pluck the oldest ones (they are lower towards the base of the stem).

Important! Also, do not allow the appearance of flowers, they must be cut off, otherwise the plant will not only lose its decorative properties but also spicy qualities.

What causes basil

Despite the fact that this culture is quite resistant to diseases. She, too, can be affected by various diseases.


This is a fungal attack. She practically mows thin sprouts.

You can identify this disease by the following signs:

  • the stalk near the root turns black;
  • the plant turns yellow and dies.

There are several reasons: the most common is excessive watering. Also unfavorable is the increased acidity of the soil and poor breathability.

What to do? If the sprout is already sick, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save it. Diseased bushes must be removed along with a small clod of earth. And shed the earth with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. It is easier to prevent this disease. Therefore, do not abuse watering, monitor the acidity of the soil, loosen the plantings.

You can use biological fungicides, which should be spilled on the ground if there are still healthy sprouts in it. However, then do not use the land from infected plants for further cultivation culture. It is better to transplant the grown seedlings into another container.


Also fungal disease. You can understand that the sprouts are sick with Fusarium by the following signs:

  • leaves turn brown or turn yellow, become thinner;
  • the disease passes to the roots, as a result, the whole culture dies.

Fusarium causes: infected seeds or soil. Sharp jumps in temperature and humidity are also unfavorable.

What to do? As soon as you saw the first signs of the disease, you should not immediately use chemistry, just spray the plantings with an infusion of onion peel. Take 4 parts onion and 1 part water. Insist 24 hours. Cut off the affected leaves. If you have already launched Fusarium, use special fungicides.

To prevent this disease, be sure to disinfect the soil and seed material.

Gray rot

This is a fungal disease. It appears like this:

  • first on the lower leaves you will see light brown spots;
  • then the spots will rise higher and higher and "capture" the entire plant;
  • a gray fluff will appear on the affected areas;
  • a severely affected plant may die.

What to do? If the plant just got sick, spray it with infusion onion peel, its recipe is the same as for the black leg. If you have started the disease, use fungicidal preparations.

If you want to prevent this disease, do not over-moisten the soil, be sure to regularly feed the bushes, take the pots to fresh air.

Basil is a capricious king, but not so much that you cannot grow it on a windowsill or balcony. He, like a real southerner, loves a lot of light and heat, frequent spraying and top dressing, but without the most important thing - your great desire and love for what you do - you can’t do it!

Get inspired, inspired and get down to such a very exciting business - planting and caring for basil at home.

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