How to plant basil seeds at home. How to grow basil at home in a pot. Optimal conditions for growing basil at home

Basil - unpretentious culture, which can be grown at home throughout the year. But since this plant is of tropical origin, in order to get a crop, certain conditions must be created for it. Therefore, before you start planting, you should figure out how to grow basil on the windowsill. For this purpose, it is desirable to use low-growing varieties: Clove, Marquis, Dwarf, Yerevan, Lemon or Purple.

Unique properties of basil

Basil is widely used in medicine and cooking. He has many positive properties. The plant has an analgesic, antiseptic, bactericidal, diaphoretic, antispasmodic and expectorant effect on the body.

Basil is a universal home remedy that relieves many symptoms.

Basil is used in the treatment of:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • hyperemia (increase in the amount of blood supplied to any part of the body);
  • cardiovascular and skin diseases;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • measles;
  • headaches;
  • caries;
  • tartar and plaque;
  • pathologies resulting from radiation damage.

In addition, basil strengthens the immune system well.

Not surprisingly, many growers prefer to grow basil indoors. Because the plant contains a large number of potassium, due to which its use helps to lower blood pressure.

There is a positive effect of basil on the emotional state of a person. The plant helps reduce stress, reduce feelings of nervousness and anxiety. Vitamin A, C, essential mass and phytonutrients included in its composition rid the body of free radicals and help prolong youth.

However, basil also has negative characteristics. Its overdose can provoke poisoning. When in contact with mucous membranes, the plant causes irritation. Its use is contraindicated during pregnancy, with vein thrombosis and bleeding disorders. Thus, despite the wide list of positive properties of this plant, it is strongly not recommended to use it without consulting a doctor.

In cooking, basil is used in the preparation of ketchups, sauces, dressings, gravy, sandwich oil. It is added to products in the process of smoking and canning. It improves the taste characteristics of sausages, pâtés, omelettes, salads.

This plant pairs well with parsley, tarragon, mint, coriander, and marjoram. But it should be borne in mind that basil has a fairly rich aroma that can kill the smells of other spices. Therefore, it should be used in moderation.

How to grow basil from cuttings in an apartment or house?

There are several methods by which you can plant basil at home. Cuttings are perhaps the fastest of them, because it allows you to get greens in two weeks.

Cuttings - simple and reliable method growing basil

Cuttings are cut from a basil bush. When buying a plant, you need to make sure that it is not wilted. Basil does not need to have roots. You will also need a knife or scissors, water (+25°C) and a glass jar.

Landing is as follows:

For culinary purposes, leaves are used, which are cut when the height of the plant reaches 15 cm. The life expectancy of such a bush is 3–4 months.

Important! Cuttings must be protected from sunlight, as as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, plants can get burned and die.

Soil and pot requirements

Basil needs fertile and light soil. In a specialized store you can find a ready-made soil mixture. In this case, carry out preliminary training no need. But if soil mix prepared at home, it must be poured with a solution of 1 liter of water and 1/8 tsp. potassium sulfate, urea or superphosphate.

Take care of the correct composition of the soil and drainage of the pot

Soil for basil may consist of the following components:

  • humus, earth and peat, mixed in equal proportions;
  • one part of coconut fibers and two parts of humus;
  • compost and earth (2:1);
  • peat and humus (2:1).

It is advisable to place the soil for 60 minutes in an oven preheated to 100 ° C. After that, the earth is watered with fertilizers. When planting basil, drainage is required, which is laid on the bottom of the pot with a layer of 3 cm:

The plant is planted in pots with a volume of 1.5 liters.

Important! When growing basil, be sure to use drainage, as excessive soil moisture can cause disease.

External conditions

Basil is a heat-loving crop, so it should be grown at 22–25°C. Pots are placed on the south side. Also, the plant needs good lighting for up to 15 hours a day. Provide the necessary conditions can be used with fluorescent or halogen lamps.

Basil loves the sun and heat

But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the features of these devices. Halogen lamps are a source of not only light, but also heat. In this regard, it is recommended to use such lighting elements in the cold season or in the case of growing basil on the balcony.

Growing basil from seeds at home: step by step instructions

The development of basil bushes grown from seeds will take from 8 months to a year. But the advantage of this method is that it takes much longer to get greens from such a plant than when using cuttings.

Growing basil from seeds is a labor intensive process.

To plant seeds, you need to prepare:

  • drainage;
  • a container 15 cm deep or a pot with a capacity of 1.5–2 liters;
  • soil mixture, which is prepared in the same way as in the previous version;
  • shoulder blade
  • plastic bag or cling film.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Work is recommended to start with the preparation of seeds. This stage is not considered mandatory, but it allows you to speed up the appearance of sprouts. Seeds are soaked in water (25°C) for two days. At the same time, every 12 hours, the fluid is replaced.
  2. After that, the planting material is lowered into a solution of potassium permanganate. This should be a low concentration light pink composition in which the seeds are kept for two hours. After that, they are removed from the water on a napkin and dried.
  3. Next, drainage is poured into a container or pot, and prepared soil is poured on top. At the same time, 3–4 cm should be left between the surface of the soil and the edge of the container. The earth is leveled and watered well.
  4. Then proceed to sowing the seeds. They are deepened by 1–2 cm, keeping the distance between plants at 8–10 mm.
  5. Containers are covered with a film or transparent plastic lid to achieve the greenhouse effect. Pots are placed on a well-lit window sill. Every day the film is opened for 10 minutes to ensure ventilation of the basil.
  6. After 8-12 days, the first shoots will appear. After that, the film is removed, and the temperature in the room is lowered to 16-20°C. This is necessary to prevent overstretching of the plants.
  7. When the sprouts reach a height of 5–7 cm, add 2–3 cm of soil to the pot. This will help strengthen the seedlings.

After removing the film, the basil needs to be provided with regular and timely care. The temperature in the room should be maintained within 20-25°C. At the germination stage, the soil is moistened every two days. Watering should be moderate. Feeding during this period the plant is not required. The nutrients introduced into the soil mixture are enough to ensure the full development of the basil.

Video: method of sowing basil seeds

How to transplant an adult plant into a pot in anticipation of winter?

Basil transplantation is carried out when growing a crop in open field. In this case, in August or September, the plant must be moved to a pot so that it does not suffer during the cold period. Soil composition prepared in the same way as when planting cuttings. The volume of the pot should reach 2 liters.

Basil is transplanted to protect against winter frosts.

The transplant has the following features:

  1. First, a drainage layer is laid in the pot. Then they are filled with soil, in which a recess is made, where water is poured.
  2. When moisture is absorbed, the bush is carefully dug up, removed along with an earthen clod and moved to a pot. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the roots are not damaged or bent.
  3. The plant is covered with soil and slightly compacted. If during the transplantation some parts of the bush were damaged, they should be cut off.

culture care

You need to start caring for the plant immediately after removing the film. Timely implementation of all measures will allow you to grow a healthy culture.


Watering basil depends on temperature conditions. In warm weather, the procedure is carried out daily. On hot days, the frequency of watering should be 2 times a day. The bushes are moistened in the morning and at lunchtime, using a spray watering can for this purpose.

The watering rate is determined by the condition of the soil - it should be moderately moist (so that the water does not stagnate in the pot pan).

It is undesirable to water the plant in the evening. This rule is due to the fact that at night a cool temperature is set in the room. As a result, the evaporation of water from the soil slows down and the likelihood of developing bush diseases increases.


If basil was used when planting fertile soil, there is no need to feed it, since it is an annual plant with a short growing season. For the development of bushes, there will be enough substances introduced initially into the substrate. If the seeds or cuttings were planted in ordinary garden soil, then the basil should be fertilized once a month.

Fertilizer will help the plant get nutrients from ordinary soil.

The plant is being watered nutrient solution, which is prepared from 2 liters of water and 1 cap of Rost. also in upper layer the substrate is fertilized by Agrolife (1 tsp per pot).


Pruning is done to stimulate the development of side shoots. The procedure consists in removing the top of the bush at the level of 6–8 leaves. It is carried out 15-20 days after the emergence of seedlings. You should also eliminate all flowering shoots immediately after they appear. This will increase the branching of the basil, help retain the aroma, and help extend the life of the plant.

Pruning basil will help it grow in breadth.

Other features

  1. In autumn and winter time pots are recommended to be wrapped in plastic wrap. This will help protect the plant from drafts.
  2. In the period from October to February, the basilica must be created in the evening additional illumination. Lamps are installed at a distance of 20 cm from the bushes.
  3. On cloudy days, the plant needs artificial lighting.
  4. You can grow basil all year round. But in order for the plant to receive a sufficient amount of natural light during the growth period, it is advised to plant in March.
  5. When the size of the bushes reaches 15 cm, you can harvest. At this stage, the formation of the stem is completed, so the loss of leaves will not affect the development of the basil.

Important! Basil must be protected from drafts.

Pests and diseases

Aphids are dangerous among pests. It provokes the appearance of such symptoms:

  • leaves are deformed, lose their color and curl;
  • the growth of the bushes is suspended, and the stems are bent.

As a treatment, spraying with Decis (1 g per 5 l) or Fitoverm (4 ml per 20 l) is carried out. To prevent a pest attack, you must follow the rules of care.

Basil, which is grown at home, is much less likely to be exposed to ailments and pests than bushes growing in the open field. But violation of the rules of care can provoke the occurrence of diseases.

Table: basil diseases

Diseases Signs of defeat Fighting methods Prevention
  1. Affected stems become thin and turn brown.
  2. The tops dry up, then the bushes wither.
When the first signs appear, spraying the bushes with Topsin-M, Vitaros, Fundazol or Previkur (2 g per 1 liter of water). At severe defeat the plant must be destroyed.
  1. Moderate watering.
  2. Compliance with the required distance between the bushes.
  1. root collar and Bottom part the stems of the affected sprout become soft, turn black and thin.
  2. The bush turns yellow and dies.
Soil treatment with colloidal sulfur (4 g per 1 liter). Spraying basil with Fitosporin solution (4 drops per 200 ml of water).
Gray rot
  1. Stems and leaves are covered with light brown spots.
  2. Subsequently, a gray fluffy coating forms on them.
The use of the drug Teldor (5 g per 5 liters of water), Alirin-B (2 tablets per 1 liter).

Common mistakes gardeners make

Errors in growing bushes and harvesting can cause disease and death of the plant. Basil should not be overly moistened. When watering it is necessary to avoid stagnant water.

Some gardeners break off stems when harvesting. This should not be done, as the plant will dry out. You can only collect leaves.

Another mistake is tearing off the basil. This can damage the stem. Therefore, the leaves should be cut with scissors.

When growing basil, you should take into account its need for warmth and good lighting. It must also be remembered that the plant does not tolerate excessive watering and drafts. Compliance with these rules will help grow this tropical crop on the windowsill and get good harvest.

Before deciding on the choice of basil variety, you should know how to grow it on the windowsill. The plant grows not only in summer, but also in winter, while it does not show special requirements. As part of spicy leaves with a pleasant aroma, there are many useful properties. Grass gives a special piquancy to the cooked dish.

During cultivation, the main thing is to follow the rules of planting and care. An important milestone considered the collection and storage of the crop.

Soil selection

Basil on the windowsill grows well in fertile, but loose and light soil with good aeration:

  • An easy option would be to buy a universal flower soil, which is mixed with soil brought from the garden.
  • Peat is also added to the mixture of ready-made universal and garden soil.
  • Mixture ready soil for indoor flowers can be mixed with biohumus.
  • Suitable land from the garden, mixed not only with peat, but also with compost.
  • The ideal option is considered to be a composition of garden soil, rotted manure, river sand and wood ash.

Land, even purchased, must first be prepared. It is heated in the oven at a temperature of 110 degrees for 40 minutes. It is possible to disinfect the selected soil by spilling it with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then a complex fertilizer is applied.

There are three main ways to plant a spicy plant grown at home on an insulated balcony or on a windowsill:

  1. Transplantation of an adult plant bush. The option is suitable for those who have suburban area growing basil. Dig young seedlings along with the roots, leaving a small clod of earth. In this form, they are planted in prepared soil.
  2. Growing with cuttings is considered simple. From an adult bush, the top or young lateral processes are cut off. The cut off shoot is placed in water. As soon as the first roots begin to appear, the plant is planted in the ground. Harvesting a new crop begins in 2.5 weeks. disadvantage this method it is believed that in a couple of months another process will have to be planted.
  3. Growing from seeds involves the passage of several stages. It will be possible to harvest greenery after a few months, but the bushes will grow for a long time.

Each method of planting basil has its advantages and disadvantages. In any case, in order to get a rich and healthy harvest of greenery, care and the creation of certain conditions are necessary.

Basil growing container

How to plant the seeds of spicy seasoning at home, everyone chooses on their own. The container should be more than 2 liters in volume and more than 14 cm deep. You can plant it in flower pots, large wooden boxes or individual plastic cups:

  • Potted basil is easy to grow as no picking is required. Immediately choose a pot of large volume and diameter.
  • You can plant the seeds in small plastic cups. As soon as the seedlings reach a height of 6 cm, they are transplanted into a separate flower pot. Dignity this option planting is that while the plant is growing, the capacity does not take up much space.

Holes are made at the bottom of the selected container and a drainage layer 2.5 cm high is poured (small pebbles or expanded clay are suitable), which will not allow stagnation excess moisture. Only after that, the prepared soil is filled up and watered with settled water.

Advice. The soil should not be filled up to the very edge flower pot. Leave 3 cm in order to add a new layer of earth in the future.

Pre-sowing preparation of seeds

For growing basil at home, undersized varieties with medium-sized leaves are suitable: Basilisk, Carnation, Yerevan, Dwarf, Lemon, Marquis, Troll, Purple. All these varieties are characterized by compact growth, take up little space, and the roots do not grow much.

To grow a good crop of basil from seeds on the windowsill, they are first prepared:

  1. Be sure to select only large, dense seeds. For this purpose, planting material is immersed in a saline solution. Empty and bad seeds float to the surface of the water. They need to be thrown away, since you can’t wait for shoots from them.
  2. The seeds remaining at the bottom are soaked in warm water within 24 hours, remembering to change it every 8 hours. Soaking promotes rapid germination of planting material.
  3. For the purpose of disinfection, the seeds are kept in a manganese solution for about two hours. The treated basil seeds are washed with running water.
  4. On the last step the seeds are laid out on a fabric surface in one layer and left to dry completely.

In the course of further growth and development, the basilica is provided with all the necessary conditions and proper care.

Sowing basil seeds

To harvest a rich harvest of greenery, it is recommended to plant basil at home in late February or early March. Since the development of the plant requires a lot of light and heat, then in winter period it is more difficult to create these conditions. With a lack of heat and light, the stem becomes thinner, few side shoots are formed, the leaves will contain little essential oils and beneficial substances.

A rich harvest depends on proper fit. Seeds are planted at a depth of 15 mm with an interval of 21 mm. The container is covered with a film and cleaned in a warm place, avoiding being close to open windows. The film should be periodically removed for a while for ventilation.

After the appearance of most of the seedlings, the film is removed and the container is transferred to the lightest window sill. The first shoots should appear after 11 days. At the same time, thinning is carried out, leaving a distance of 9 cm between the bushes.

When the stem of the seedlings reaches 7 cm, add a layer of new soil. This will strengthen the seedlings and replenish the mixture with nutrients.

Conditions for seed germination

When growing basil, certain conditions must be observed:

  • The air temperature in the room is maintained at around +24 degrees. At low temperatures on the thermometer (below +21 degrees), seed germination slows down and the amount of essential oils decreases. In hot air (above +29 degrees), shoots can not wait at all.
  • The film that covers the container is periodically removed for ventilation.
  • You can spray the soil with water using a spray bottle.
  • There is no need to water the seedlings.
  • soil along with planting material must be protected from drafts.
  • When the seedlings grow up, a new layer of earth is added to the pot.

Enough light is needed for the healthy growth of herbs: at least 7 hours in summer sunlight, and in winter and autumn - 14 hours. For sufficient lighting in winter, artificial lighting is organized. Lamps are installed at a distance of 19 cm from the seedlings.

Daylight lamps installed near the seedlings, in summer time in the evening turn on for 4-5 hours. If it is cloudy, rainy weather, then the lamp should burn at least 9-11 hours a day.

Under all these conditions, young shoots of basil will begin to appear 11 days after planting.

How to care for basil at home

In order for basil to grow healthy, proper care is needed:

  • Be sure to determine the mode of irrigation. Advice. During the summer, water the plant daily. In winter, the number of waterings is reduced to two times a week. For watering, it is best to choose the morning hours. Basil needs a lot of moisture, but do not fill the soil.
  • In the summer, they additionally organize daily spraying of greenery with settled water.
  • For good growth greens carry out top dressing every 30 days. The first time fertilization is carried out in the period active growth plants.

  • Periodically carry out loosening of the soil (after 3-4 days). The procedure prevents the formation of a crust and improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the roots. The first time the procedure is carried out only when the plant reaches a large size. Loosening of immature seedlings leads to damage to the root system.
  • To make the top fluffy, and there are many side branches, regular pinching is carried out.
  • Home-grown basil almost never gets sick, but treatment should be carried out for prevention.

Advice. Plants should not be allowed to bloom. The buds are plucked immediately after their appearance, along with neighboring leaves. If this is not done, the leaves acquire a bitter taste and become unsuitable for human consumption.

In most cases, basil is affected by diseases such as fusarium, blackleg and gray mold. Basic preventive measure the establishment of the irrigation regime is considered. Overflow should be avoided.

If a problem is found, the diseased sprout is removed along with the roots, and the whole earth is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate or onion infusion. In diseased bushes, the stem becomes thinner, the leaves dry, turn yellow and wither. You may notice yellow or black spots and stripes. In the case of the spread of the disease to other sprouts, drugs such as Fitosporin or Topaz are used.

Of the pests that can damage basil seedlings at home, the danger is aphids. Insects suck the juice from the plant, as a result, the leaves and stem dry, growth stops. Help to cope with the pest infusions based on wormwood, mustard, tansy, dandelion.


The first basil greens begin to be cut after 35-40 days. By this time, 5 leaves are formed on each bush.

To keep the basil greens at home on the windowsill fluffy, pinching is carried out frequently. The first time they pinch off 2-3 leaves from the top after 30 days. The next time the procedure is repeated when three pairs of leaves appear on the stem. In the future, pinching is repeated every two weeks.

Cut tops during pinching can be added during cooking or dried for long-term storage. If there is a need for several leaves, then choose from the bottom row.

Advice. At the bottom of the stem, be sure to leave 3-4 leaves. If a lower leaves will not, then the plant will stretch upwards, and the yield of greenery will decrease.

Many housewives master the cultivation of fresh herbs, equipping improvised beds right on the windowsill. short period basil vegetation allows you to harvest all year round, besides, for salad dressing or first courses, you do not need to go to a supermarket or market. In our article we will tell you how and what varieties are to be grown at home from seeds.

One of popular species greenery is basil. It is successfully grown in pots right at home in the kitchen or apartment balcony. Beginners in home gardening are advised to start with this spice, as it unpretentious in care.

The grass feels great indoors, giving a generous harvest. The terms of planting and harvesting the leaves are not limited to any dates, basil grows well in summer and winter. The article describes in detail the rules of agricultural technology and other features of home cultivation.

There are many ways to plant and grow basil on the windowsill: using cuttings, young shoots and seeds. The seed method is characterized by a long and abundant formation of greenery on the bush.

Which variety to choose to grow at home

Those who wish to acquire a green bed right on the windowsill can use any variety for sowing. However, given the characteristics of home cultivation and limited space, preference should be given to undersized bunch-forming varieties basilica.


compact bush with small leaves reaches a height of just 8-10 cm(vegetation 60-65 days). Suitable for growing outdoors and in room conditions, where forms leaves all year round.

The plant is used as a seasoning, it has an excellent taste, but in addition to these advantages, it has a rich vitamin composition, saturated with useful micro and macro elements.

The use of greens has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, strengthens the protective function of the body.

Basil mid-early ripening with a vegetation of 65 days. The aroma of the herb is saturated with a clove-pepper aroma, the leaves are small Green colour. bush height does not exceed 25 cm. In diameter, the branching is about 20 cm, which makes it possible to grow a crop in pots.

From a plant at proper agricultural practices can be removed 100-120 gr. greenery. In addition to being used for different dishes, Marquis will complement drinks (tea, cocktails) with a delicate and refined taste.

Soil preparation for planting

For planting basil you will need pots, wooden boxes or plastic containers. A prerequisite is the presence of drainage holes at the bottom of the containers. The volume of the pot is selected within 1-2 l, container depth - over 15 cm.

One of important conditions growing greens is considered to be a properly composed soil mixture.

Can be used universal primer or prepare the substrate with your own hands. The following options are ideal for basil:

  • universal primer + garden soil+ peat (1:1:1);
  • biohumus + substrate for indoor plants (1:4);
  • peat, fertile soil, compost (1:2:0.5).

The soil to be used roast in the oven for disinfection (1 hour at a temperature of 100 degrees).

Filling the container with the substrate should be carried out in the following sequence:

  • the bottom is covered with pebbles or expanded clay by 2-3 cm (drainage);
  • the next layer of soil (3-4 cm does not reach the edges of the pot).

Sowing seeds

Seeds must be processed before planting. Although this stage is considered optional, when buying material from unfamiliar manufacturers or from hands, there is a high probability of infection of young shoots with fungal diseases.

Disinfection is carried out using weak solution of potassium permanganate in which you need to soak the seeds for 2 hours. After processing, the grains are washed clean water and laid out on cheesecloth to dry.

The day before boarding water the soil by spraying so as not to over-moisturize it.

The seeding process includes:

  • plant seeds with tweezers at intervals 2cm apart;
  • layer of soil 1-2 cm;
  • creating a shelter made of glass or polyethylene film(transparent).

The container for germinating seeds is placed to a warm place. Periodically, you will need to open the film or glass for ventilation. Watering on this stage not needed. However, if overdrying of the soil is noticed, you can lightly spray the impromptu bed with warm, settled water (preferably thawed water).

The first sprouts appear after 7-15 days, depending on the variety and temperature. After the appearance of mass shoots, you need to remove the shelter. And when the seedlings stretch a little, you can safely thin out the bed, leaving 10 cm between the shoots. After the basil grows to 5-7 cm, you need to pour soil (2-3 cm) into the container.

How to care for basil when growing

With proper agricultural practices, if properly cared for, and right choice varieties of seeds, you can cut fresh greens almost all year round. One of the main conditions is temperature regime, it must match 20-25 degrees. If the indicator is any lower, then the grass loses its aroma.


The soil mixture should always be moist, but stagnation of water in it should be avoided. AT summer period moisturizing must be carried out daily spraying bush.

Not suitable for irrigation tap water. The presence in its composition of chemical compounds, metals and chlorine negatively affect the greens.

With regular use, yellowness appears, the leaves sometimes curl. More suitable melted liquid or settled rainwater. Its temperature must be within 18-22 degrees. Watering cold water inhibits the development of plants, in particular the root system.

In winter, irrigation should be carried out less often, 2 times a week will be quite enough. But in any case, it is important to take into account the degree of dryness of the soil.


Basil is required for normal vegetation 12 hours natural light. In the period from March to August, there is enough sunlight near the window, and from autumn to February, it is better to install over an impromptu garden bed fluorescent lamp for extra light.

Distance between plants and lighting fixture is 20-30 cm.


The procedure for loosening the soil is carried out 1 time in 3-4 days to enrich it with oxygen. AT hot weather when air dryness is felt, it is necessary to loosen the soil more often so that an earthen crust does not form on the surface.

top dressing

To stimulate the growth of grass leaves, you need Apply complex fertilizers once a month. The first time the plant is fed at the stage of active growth before flowering. In 5 liters of water, dilute 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska.

Repeated procedures are carried out using universal fertilizers based on humates and compost. When diluting the working solution, the dosages indicated by the manufacturer are observed.

When choosing a place for containers with basil, it should be noted that the culture reacts negatively to drafts. So that direct sunlight does not burn out the greenery, you need to create light shading (using airy tulle).


For renewal life cycle plants and maximum preservation of aroma in the leaves is recommended regularly remove flowering shoots.

They begin to form a bush after the formation of 4-6 leaves (approximately 1-1.5 months after sowing). At this stage, pinch the top of the basil (2-3 leaves from the top of the stem). This procedure promotes branching and leafing.

Cut tops with herbs used for culinary purposes or dried for a long shelf life. Crushed fresh basil leaves can also be frozen and used in a variety of dishes. Repeat the pinching procedure every 2-3 weeks.

Growing greens on the windowsill can be a real hobby for households. In addition, pots with basil bushes have decorative value They bring a piece of nature and freshness into the interior.

To be honest, growing basil on the windowsill in winter was not part of my plans. Everything happened by chance. In summer, bushes grew in a box on the balcony. My dacha is far from home, so I planted several bushes of seedlings of green and purple basil at home, so that I always have at hand fresh herbs- love this spicy herb I appreciate the beneficial properties for the body. With the advent of cold weather, she moved the box to the windowsill kitchen window, the bushes grew well - it was a pity to pull out.

Basil on the windowsill in winter

I thought I would slowly use the already existing greens, then I would grow them on the windowsill in winter green onion, and closer to spring seedlings. I had no hope that the basil would continue to grow in the apartment. Previous attempts to grow herbs on the windowsill (parsley, dill) were not particularly successful. The kitchen window faces north, the window is almost constantly open, the radiator dries the air - not the most suitable conditions for plants that love heat, light.

But it turned out differently. I used the existing leaves, and new ones were actively growing. The basil was left to spend the winter on the windowsill, delighting with fresh greenery. I plant onions in the same box. The spice tolerates such a neighborhood (see in the photo). The bushes, of course, are not luxurious, as in autumn, but they withstand Spartan conditions.

Green and purple basil grows in winter on the windowsill along with onions

Growing basil on the windowsill in winter - what are the ways

Soon the box and the place on the windowsill will be occupied by tomato seedlings. Remove the onion and basil. In order to have fresh greens further in winter, I took an interest in other ways of growing this plant on the windowsill. It can be grown:

Purple and green basil - beneficial properties

In India, this plant has been revered as sacred for many centuries. Ancient Hindus considered grass to be able to protect against sorrows, troubles, bring joy, prosperity to the house, give health, longevity.

How useful is the spice on the windowsill in winter specifically for me?

You see, this spicy greenery with a lot of useful properties in an apartment in winter is not superfluous at all, it supports and protects the body.

It is better to choose undersized varieties with small leaves. Large-leaved varieties consume more micronutrients, and at home it will be difficult to fertilize in sufficient quantities. Perfectly suited for windowsill varieties Baku, Yerevan, Spoon-shaped, Clove aroma, Marquis, Vanilla aroma, Basilisk, Anise Gourmet, Mint Gourmet, Compatto, Freshness.

How to plant at home?

  • Choosing and preparing a pot. When choosing a container for planting basil, keep in mind that this culture does not tolerate crowding. Take a pot with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, or a spacious container with a depth of at least 15 cm, and preferably 20-30 cm.

    The pot or container should have drainage holes, as the plant does not like stagnant moisture.

  • Soil selection and preparation. The soil should be loose, light and fertile. It is most convenient to take the soil from the garden plot and feed it before planting. mineral fertilizers. You can also buy universal potting soil and mix it with garden soil in equal proportions.

    Another option is to combine humus with peat or coconut fiber (1: 2). Before sowing the seeds, bake the soil in an oven (100-120 C for an hour) to kill pests and pathogens.

  • Window sill selection. We grow basil on windows that face south, as the spice loves bright and long-term lighting.

The procedure for sowing in the apartment - step by step instructions


The best time to sow basil is March-April, and some gardeners prefer the end of February. Basil can be sown at any time of the year if desired. To make the seeds sprout faster, soak them in warm water for 1-2 days. Change the water at least twice a day. Then soak the seeds for 2 hours in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and place on gauze or a napkin to dry.

Growing spices from seeds has the following algorithm:

When the bushes reach a height of 5 cm, start loosening the soil every few days. If basil doesn't grow well, feed it with an all-purpose organic fertilizers once every 2 weeks. After about a month and a half, you can start cutting off the top leaves.

When three tiers of true leaves appear, some gardeners advise cutting off the top with scissors so that the bush begins to grow in breadth. It is believed that this procedure can damage the plant, so it is better not to perform it on all shoots at once. Separate leaves, for example, for salad, also cut with scissors.

Avoid flowering and remove flower stalks as soon as you see them.

Another interesting way to grow basil from seeds:


Cut a basil shoot about 10 cm long (you can use store-bought herbs), put it in a jar of water and wait for the roots to appear - this will take about 10 days. Plant the cutting in a pot. The soil and pot are prepared in the same way as for sowing seeds. The first harvest can be harvested in a few weeks.

For more information on how to grow basil from cuttings, see this video:

An adult rooted bush

Dig up on garden plot a young bush that has not yet bloomed, along with a clod of earth, and plant it in a pot. Soon flower stalks should form, they must be cut off.


Basil can be sown immediately in a permanent place, or it can be grown from seedlings.. Prepare the soil and seeds as described above, fill the soil into plastic containers and sow 2-3 seeds per container. When the first true leaves develop well, plant the seedlings in separate plastic cups, deepening to the cotyledon leaves.

What to do after harvest?

After cutting the leaves, water and feed the plants well, as they need strength to recover.

Diseases and pests

Even outdoors, basil is resistant to diseases and pests. At home, it will not be attacked by snails and slugs, which sometimes affect garden greens.

In some cases, plants on the windowsill may suffer from gray mold.- a grayish coating appears on the leaves or on the soil. Having kept the seeds in potassium permanganate and calcined the soil before planting, you have already reduced this probability, and if you maintain the right temperature, do not overmoisten the soil and indoor air, then the disease has almost no chance.

If you still notice its signs, remove the affected bushes along with a clod of earth and remove the soil on which the mold is visible. For three days, do not water or feed the plants in this pot, then, if the disease does not return, continue to care for the plantings as usual.

As you can see, it is quite possible to grow basil on a windowsill. If you need a quick result, plant mature plants or root several cuttings. If you want strong shoots that will produce for many months, grow basil from seed. In any case, feel free to get to work. And let its result please you all year round!

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