Dry cucumbers. Why cucumbers dry in a greenhouse, what to do. Drying lower leaves

What to do if the leaves on the cucumbers began to turn yellow and dry

natural causes

Sooner or later, the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow for natural reasons, it is impossible to influence them. In some situations, it is possible to prevent and prolong the life of cucumber lashes.

  1. The lower leaves turn yellow and wither during the growth and development of cucumbers.. This is a natural phenomenon. The lower leaves take away a lot of nutrients. But, as the shoots grow, they no longer have enough food. Due to its lack, they turn yellow and gradually die off. To facilitate plant growth, the leaves closest to the ground are removed when there are at least 6-7 leaves on the whip. Further, every 10-14 days cut off the lower leaves. But, if the growth of the culture slows down, and new leaves do not develop, then the lower ones do not need to be cut off. The basic rule is this: if 2-3 leaves have grown, then the lower ones are removed, if not, then they should not be cut off. The cucumber must have enough green mass for the processes of photosynthesis and growth. This is especially important in a greenhouse.
  2. Prolonged cold and rainy weather. The lashes acquire a uniform yellow-green hue. This is more often observed in open ground cucumbers. If the cold is prolonged (below 17 ° C for more than 7-10 days), then the leaves of the cucumbers begin to turn yellow, dry and fall off. The only thing that can be done in this case is to put up a temporary greenhouse and feed the cucumbers. In a greenhouse, this almost never happens. When top dressing, they are restored and continue growing.
  3. Scourge completes the growing season. The lower leaves at the edges begin to dry, the leaf blade itself becomes yellow. The process begins with the lower leaves, but gradually covers all the shoots. As soon as the first signs of wilting appear, and the yield has decreased, they make top dressing with organic matter or, at worst, make a double dose of nitrogen and kalimag. Then you can extend the growing season and get a second wave of greens. If urgent measures are not taken, then the process will become irreversible and no top dressing will help - the plants will dry out.

The last two reasons are quite difficult to influence. The main thing here is not to waste time.

Improper care of cucumbers

Takes first place among all problems. The culture is very demanding on agricultural technology, and even minor deviations can lead to problems.

Wrong watering

The problem occurs with both insufficient and excessive watering, as well as watering with cold water.

  1. With a lack of moisture yellowing starts from the lower leaves and quickly spreads throughout the plant. Cucumber leaves turn yellow. As moisture deficiency increases, they become yellowish-green, then greenish-yellow, yellow, and eventually dry out. Already at the first signs of a lack of moisture, the leaves wilt and lose turgor, become soft and rag to the touch. To correct the situation, cucumbers are immediately watered. In case of severe wilting, watering is carried out in 2-3 doses.

  2. Excess moisture manifests itself in the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves, which are barely noticeable at first, but then acquire a bright yellow color and gradually merge. Excessive watering, especially in a greenhouse, is almost always accompanied by the appearance of diseases, most often various rots. When waterlogging greenhouse cucumbers, watering is stopped for 2-5 days (depending on the weather), the greenhouse is thoroughly ventilated. In open ground, cucumbers are much less likely to suffer from waterlogging, since under natural conditions most of the moisture evaporates. But with daily heavy rains, a film tunnel is made on the cucumber bed, leaving it open at the ends. Watering stops.

  3. Irrigation with cold water causes difficulty in the absorption of moisture from the soil and can lead to the death of sucking roots. In garden partnerships, water is usually taken from a well from a depth of several meters. Ground water is very cold and unsuitable for irrigation. Before watering, it should settle and warm up for several hours. When watering with cold water, it is not consumed by the plant, cucumbers lack moisture, cucumber leaves turn yellow. Of course, this is a temporary phenomenon, but such watering delays the development of cucumbers and leads to the fall of ovaries and greens. Cold water cools the soil, which is highly undesirable for cucumbers.

The optimal irrigation regime for a crop is once every 2-3 days, and in hot weather every day. Water consumption rate - 10 l / m 2. In cloudy and cold weather, watering is carried out every 3-4 days.

Lack of batteries

Cucumbers are consumed extremely. Their deficiency is immediately reflected in the state of cucumber leaves.

  1. Lack of nitrogen. Young leaves are small light green with yellowness, the rest become light green with a yellowish tint, the tips turn yellow. With a lack of nitrogen, the lower end of the greenery (where the flower was) narrows and bends like a beak. The opposite end thickens. Cucumbers are fed with any nitrogen fertilizer, manure (1 l of manure infusion per bucket of water) or herbal infusion (1 l / 5 l of water). For hybrids, the rate of fertilizer consumption is increased by 2 times.

  2. If the leaves of cucumbers not only turn yellow, but begin to curl down and dry, this is an acute nitrogen deficiency in the soil. This phenomenon is especially common on poor soils. Zelentsy at the same time turn yellow and fall off. To correct the situation, fertilizing with nitrogen mineral fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate) is carried out. Feeding is repeated after 5-8 days. The first dressing is done on the leaves (foliar), the second time cucumbers are watered under the root. With an acute lack of nitrogen, it is not recommended to feed with organic matter, since it enriches the soil, while mineral fertilizers contain elements already suitable for plant nutrition, which are absorbed very quickly. After the elimination of a sharp lack of nitrogen, they switch to the usual mode of fertilizing with organic matter.
  3. Potassium deficiency. A brown border appears along the edge of the leaf, and greens become pear-shaped. Top dressing with potassium sulfate or ash. Cucumbers are potassium-loving and tolerate a lot of this element, so the norms of potassium supplementation of the culture are high: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of potash fertilizer per 10 liters of water. Ashes per 10 liters take 1-1.5 cups. The drug Kalimag is very effective, which also contains magnesium, which is also often lacking in cucumbers.

  4. Magnesium deficiency. The leaf acquires a marble color: the veins remain green, and between them the leaf plate turns yellow, but the leaves themselves do not droop, do not curl and do not dry out. It is necessary to carry out foliar feeding with Kalimag (10-15 g / bucket of water), or pour dolomite flour (1 glass / bucket) under the root.

Insufficient lighting

Suffering from a lack of light, mainly seedlings grown at home. Cucumbers tolerate shading well, but the apartments are too dark for them, and if there is no sun on the windowsill for at least 3-4 hours a day, the cucumbers turn yellow. With strong shading, the seedlings begin to turn yellow already at the stage of cotyledon leaves. The leaves acquire a uniform yellow color, and if the room is also dry, then their tips dry and curl a little. The plant itself does not die, but its growth slows down or stops altogether.

Seedlings should be grown in good light.

With a lack of lighting, seedlings are illuminated for 2-4 hours a day if it grows on a northeast or northwest window. If the window sill is poorly lit (north window) or during long cloudy weather when growing seedlings on any window sill, it is illuminated for 5-8 hours.

In greenhouse conditions, dense plantings suffer from a lack of light. The lower cucumber leaves, to which there is practically no light, turn yellow and fall off. Along with the yellowing of the leaves, diseases develop in such thickets. Usually there is not one, but several diseases.

For the normal development of cucumbers, they are thinned out, excess lashes are removed, the lower, diseased and dried leaves are cut off. Properly formed cucumbers in the greenhouse not only do not lack light, but also need shading.

In open ground, cucumbers do not suffer from a lack of light. On the contrary, they are recommended to be shaded or even grown under trees.

Cucumbers gouged

The plants initially look healthy, but the next day the leaves begin to turn yellow. If the roots are not severely damaged, then only the lower leaves turn yellow, if the damage is significant, then the leaf blades dry out and the culture dies.

If the leaves of the cucumbers have only turned yellow, then the cucumbers are watered with Kornevin (5 g of the drug per 5 liters of water) as soon as the first signs of yellowing appear and 2 days after the first watering. With severe damage, cucumbers cannot be saved.

When growing cucumbers, they are not loosened, because their roots are very tender. At the slightest damage, they die off and the plants then grow new roots for a long time.

If the soil is too dense, then it is mulched. In extreme cases, the ground at a distance of 20-30 cm from the plants is pierced with a pitchfork. But loosening cucumbers, even superficially, is not recommended.

Growing cucumbers through seedlings

Cucumber seedlings are grown only in peat pots. In no case should you dive into it. Plants are planted in the ground along with the container in which it grows.

If the roots are still damaged, then the leaves of the cucumbers turn yellow, but do not curl. Yellowing spreads evenly throughout the leaf plate. Plants are watered with a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin.

Yellowing of cucumbers caused by pests and diseases

Any always affect the condition of the plants. Most often, the first signs appear on the leaves, and then damage appears on greens and lashes.

  1. downy mildew. Yellow oily spots appear on the leaves from the upper side, which then merge. A white-violet bloom of mycelium appears on the underside. The spots begin to dry, the leaf blade turns brown, gradually dries up and begins to crumble. At the first signs of the disease, cucumbers are treated with Abiga Peak, Previkur, Consento, or the Trichodermin biological product. The treatment is carried out at least 2 times, changing the drug, otherwise the pathogen will get used to the active substance. Greenhouse cucumbers are especially affected by powdery mildew.

  2. Angular spotting (bacteriosis). Yellow spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, droplets of a cloudy pink liquid appear on the lower side. Gradually, the spots dry, crack and fall out, leaving behind holes. The leaf dries up. Then the disease passes to the greens. At the first signs of the disease, cucumbers are treated with copper preparations: HOM, copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture.

  3. Anthracnose. It first appears on the leaves. Blurry yellow spots form on them, then merging. The leaf blade looks burnt. The edges of the leaves are slightly curled up and crumble. To prevent the development of the disease, treatment with Alirin B, Fitosporin or copper-containing preparations is carried out.

  4. Cucumber mosaic virus. Pale yellow spots or streaks appear on the leaves. Gradually, the veins become yellowish. The leaves become corrugated and gradually die off. The disease spreads rapidly and can spread to other cultivated plants. Farmiod treatment. With the progression of the disease, cucumbers are removed.

  5. Spider mite infestation on cucumbers. The pest causes significant damage to cucumbers. Lives and feeds only on the underside of the leaves. It pierces the skin and feeds on plant sap. Light spots appear on the leaves, which then discolor. Such points are gradually becoming more and more. With severe damage, the leaf becomes yellow-brown, dries and falls off. Initially, mites infect the lower leaves, and as they dry out, they move up the lashes. A characteristic sign of pest damage is the web with which it entangles the plant. With minor damage, they are treated with Bitoxibacillin, Akarin, Fitoverm biological products. In case of severe damage, they are sprayed with acaricides Apollo, Sunmite. All treatments are carried out only on the underside of the leaves.

  6. melon aphid attack. The pest feeds on any parts of the plant, but prefers the leaves. Aphids twist the leaves of cucumbers. They turn yellow, shrivel and dry out. If you expand the sheet, you can see a colony of insects in it. Damaged lashes dry and die, the plant begins to shed its ovaries. With a large number of aphids, it can kill the borage. For

Many gardeners use the seedling method of growing cucumbers to get an early harvest. Reverent care for seedlings does not always give the desired result. One of the most common problems is that the leaves begin to turn yellow. Seedlings are also susceptible to this. Why this happens and what to do - about this article.

Why can yellow or white spots appear, diseases develop, fruits fall off, stems dry up? Yellow leaves can appear for a number of reasons. You should not immediately get rid of damaged shoots, first you need to figure it out. The general picture of the state of the soil, the root system will tell you the criticality of the situation and help determine how to sprinkle cucumbers and what other activities should be started immediately. Among the main causes of yellowing leaves, gardeners distinguish the following:

  • lack of light, it does not allow the plant to develop;
  • nutrient deficiency or excess in soil (especially nitrogen and manganese);
  • violation of the irrigation regime (overmoistening or drying out of the soil);
  • growth of the seedling (there is little room for the roots in the container used for germination);
  • unstable temperature conditions;
  • the influence of toxic substances (observed when using foam and other polymers for growing seedlings);
  • plant disease disease or pests.

From what the seedlings begin to turn yellow and dry, how to save it

If the cotyledon leaves turn yellow on the seedling material, begin to dry out, then the reason lies in the new shoots with which the seedling grows. To remedy the situation, it is enough to remove extra branches or ovaries. Violations in agricultural technology are also not excluded. Experts recommend that before the start of seasonal work, draw up a schedule of necessary activities, sow, plant and transplant, spray and fertilize on time.
The greens of the seedlings can also turn yellow from low temperatures.(especially with night frosts on the ground). That is why, when planting seeds on an open bed, you need to cover it at night with a film or agrotextile.
Seedlings are sensitive to the lack of useful trace elements, in particular potassium, and this must be fought. It is important to adhere to the timing of top dressing so that the developing plant has enough strength and energy for normal growth.

When yellowness appears on seedlings only in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beds, it is rather associated with an incorrectly chosen place. The problem is most likely in the composition of the soil or in the lack of light. When growing seedlings on a windowsill, it is important to prevent the soil from drying out and direct sunlight, they can burn, light shading is required.

Yellow leaves on seedlings in a greenhouse, what to deal with

When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, the moisture and temperature regime is often violated. Excessive humidity of air and soil leads to the development of fungal diseases. The plant reacts to a deviation in the external environment with yellowed leaves. At first, the tips turn yellow, then the entire leaf may become covered. This signal should not be ignored.

Normal conditions for the development of seedlings provide for a temperature in the range of 22-26 degrees. If the indicator falls below 14 ° or exceeds + 42 °, cucumber shoots stop developing, and only one degree of frost leads to death. Yellowing leaves and embryos may signal a violation of the temperature regime.

Other possible reasons include:

  • insufficient pollination, as a result of which ovaries are poorly formed on the plant;
  • congestion of the shoot with ovaries;
  • damage by a fungus or insects;
  • lack of nitrogen and other microelements in the soil.

Yellowness on outdoor plants, diseases

When growing cucumbers in open ground, the yellowness of the leaves often indicates a violation of irrigation: a lack or excess of moisture. In extreme heat, it is recommended to water the bushes daily (morning or evening). If the summer temperature is moderate, then it is enough to irrigate the beds 2-3 times a week. But before each procedure, it is worth assessing the condition of the soil in order to prevent stagnation of water. You should also loosen the soil in a timely manner.

If we are talking about plant damage by diseases, then yellowness or white dots on the green indicates fungal infections: fusarium, pitiosis, etc. The leaf does not respond to watering, it remains sluggish. It is necessary to treat: it is necessary to treat with special preparations, you cannot do without it. The main thing is not to lose time so that the affected area does not spread to neighboring bushes. And do not rely on folk methods, it is better to act according to science.

One of the rules for caring for cucumbers is that damaged areas should be removed to localize the problem. In the case of yellowing of the leaf, there is no need to rush, treatment is necessary here. To begin with, it is necessary to control the ambient temperature, the condition of the soil. This will help identify violations and correct them.

Do top dressing - improve the soil in the greenhouse

Feeding in the form of a ready-made solution

In addition to moisture and friability, the soil must be nutritious.. Growing seedlings take out most of the trace elements necessary for development from the soil. Therefore, in agricultural technology, there is a schedule for the introduction of top dressing, which enriches the environment with useful substances, helps to strengthen the immune system of the plant. There are two ways to introduce a useful substance. One is to sprinkle with a ready-made solution, the second is to sprinkle dry factory-made granules according to the instructions and pour plenty of water.

If the leaves turn yellow and dry around the edges, then most likely there is a lack of potassium and magnesium. And if green veins are preserved on a yellow leaf, we can talk about a deficiency of manganese and iron. In case of yellowing of the upper part of the bush, a lack of copper is diagnosed.

Granular fertilizer potassium nitrate

To fix the situation it is necessary to carry out complex feeding in a timely manner. Alternate organic with mineral, as well as root with foliar. Scheme of the introduction of nutrients:

  • for the first time, cucumbers should be fed when one leaf appears on the seedlings (ammophoska; azofoska; manure; bird droppings; herbal infusions);
  • the second time falls at the beginning of the flowering period (a solution of water and wood ash 10 l / 1 cup; potassium and ammonium nitrate 20 and 30 gr., superphosphate 40 gr. per bucket of water);
  • the third dressing is carried out during the active period of fruiting (a solution of nitrophoska 10 l of water per tablespoon of the product; a solution of 10 l of water, 0.5 l of mullein and 1 tsp of potassium sulfate);
  • the fourth dressing is used for varieties with a long fruiting period (a solution of wood ash, manure or bird droppings).

Proper watering prevents the soil from drying out

You need to correct the error in irrigation, taking into account the following factors:

  • type of soil;
  • age of cucumbers;
  • features of agricultural technology varieties;
  • weather conditions.

When choosing an irrigation system, give preference to sprinkling and drip irrigation. Dosed moisture will also prevent damage to the crop by powdery mildew, root and olive rot.

Organizing automated hydroponics for a beginner gardener will not be possible.
In open ground, it is necessary to moisten the bed more often than when growing greens in a greenhouse. Beginners should as a basis use watering rates based on one bush:

  • with a shoot age of up to 1 month, 0.5-1 l of water will be required;
  • from 1 to 2 months, the water rate increases to 1.5 liters;
  • from 2 to 3 months - up to 2-2.5 liters;
  • over 3 months - up to 3-3.5 liters.

Light and temperature, do not let the plant turn yellow

A characteristic sign of a lack of light is the yellowing of the lower leaves on the bushes. It is impossible to change the landing site of developed bushes, so weeding should be carried out in a timely manner so that weeds do not form a shadow. Also, during the formation of the whip, care must be taken to ensure that neighboring plants do not spread on top of each other. This will not happen if the recommended scheme is taken into account when disembarking. Keeping intervals will help prevent overcrowding.
Changes in temperature also affect the color of the cucumber leaf. It is impossible to influence nature, but it will be possible to save the plant from low temperatures by building a frame and covering it with a film. If the climate is dry, then planting cucumbers should be done between corn or sunflowers. Neighboring crops will scatter sunlight, preventing greens from burning.

Errors when landing in open ground

It is often difficult to correct errors when yellowness is detected on sheets, because the reasons may lie in improper planting of seedlings or seeds. Therefore, it is important to observe the basic requirements at the beginning of the formation of beds:

  • every season change the place for cucumbers (you can return to the previous one after 3-4 years);
  • observe the distance between the holes, do not save on row spacing;
  • do not use more fertilizer than indicated on the package, excess nitrogen, for example, burns out a young plant;
  • before planting seedlings, it is hardened for at least a week;
  • when choosing neighbors, the coexistence of cultures is taken into account.

Pest control, treatments

If the bed is still attacked by pests, it is treated with insecticides and acaricides. Among the popular drugs are the following:

Prevention of yellowing, spray with nutrient mixture

  • annually change the place under the cucumber bed;
  • seedlings with 2-3 leaves should be sprayed with a nutrient mixture of water (10 l), milk (1 l), iodine (30 drops) and laundry soap (20 g);
  • for irrigation, use the nutrient liquid obtained after infusion of bread with water;
  • powdering the soil surface with wood ash will not only neutralize acidic soil, but will also become a protection against pests.

You may not encounter the problem of yellowing at all if you follow all the rules of care and prevention in a timely manner. This is much easier than wasting strength and nerves to restore the affected plant.

Causes of yellowing cucumber leaves and how to treat them.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is a rather painstaking process. With the right approach and following all the rules, you will be able to get an excellent harvest. But in most cases, you have to fight to get a decent amount of fruit.

It is difficult to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, as the plant is very capricious. The slightest errors in watering or a change in temperature immediately affect the condition of the seedlings.

Causes of yellowing and drying of leaves in seedlings of cucumbers:

  • Excessive, insufficient or incorrect watering. The most interesting thing is that the state of the plant is affected not only by the amount of moisture, but also by the frequency of watering.
  • Lack of light. In greenhouse conditions, seedlings should be illuminated using fluorescent lamps.
  • Lots of sun. Under direct sunlight, the plant quickly turns yellow. Therefore, on the south side, the plant needs to be shaded.
  • Lack of minerals. With a lack of nutrients, the plant dries and turns yellow.
  • Insects. Usually these are slugs or large insects that damage the root system.
  • Not enough space. When planting seeds, it is worth considering the amount of soil around the roots. Cucumbers love space and wither in pots with a small diameter.

Both in the greenhouse and in the open field, the leaves of cucumbers may turn yellow. The reason for this is the lack of moisture, insects and errors in care.

Causes of yellowing leaves in the greenhouse:

  • Insects. In the greenhouse, the plant can be affected by whiteflies, melon aphids and spider mites.
  • Wrong climatic conditions. It can be frequent and very plentiful watering. A decrease in temperature below 14 ° C negatively affects the state of the plant. The optimum temperature can be considered as 26 °C.
  • Powdery mildew. At the same time, the stems and leaves immediately become covered with a whitish coating. Over time, the leaves dry and turn yellow.
  • Fusarium. This is a fungal disease that blocks the supply of nutrients to the roots of the cucumber. It turns out that due to a lack of minerals, the leaves dry and wither.

After transplanting seedlings of cucumbers into open ground, gardeners do not have less problems. The fact is that the plant is capricious and on the open ground it is even more difficult to ensure normal climatic conditions.

Causes of yellowing and drying of leaves in open ground:

  • Bad place. If you planted a plant in the place where melons, pumpkins or squash grew last year, then cucumbers will not grow well here. This is due to the depletion of the soil.
  • Abundant watering during the day. The plant should be watered in the evening. This is due to the fact that droplets of moisture that fall on the leaves heat them very much. This provokes the appearance of burns.
  • Densely planted plants. Cucumbers, like any other vegetable crop, need to be dived. If this is not done, then the leaves will not have enough light and they will turn yellow.
  • Diseases or insects. Both in greenhouse conditions and on the ground, plants can dry and turn yellow due to powdery mildew, slugs, aphids and spider mites.

There are many ways to deal with yellowing leaves. But in any case, it is better to resort to preventive measures.

There are many folk recipes that help with yellowing leaves.

Folk recipes:

  • Bread. Soak a loaf of bread in water and grind the crumbs in a blender. You should get a sticky porridge. Enter it into half a bucket of water and pour in a bottle of iodine alcohol solution. Spray the plant with the mixture.
  • Onion peel. Pour a handful of onion peel with a liter of water and boil for 2-4 minutes. Let stand 12 hours and squeeze out the cake. Dilute with water to 5 liters and spray the leaves. Pour the rest of the product under the roots.
  • Serum. To prepare a solution for the purpose of spraying, 150 g of sugar are dissolved in 2 liters of whey. The resulting liquid is watered on the roots and sprayed on the leaves.
  • Potassium permanganate. At the first appearance of yellow spots, it is necessary to prepare a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and spray the leaves.
  • Soda. To prevent diseases caused by fungi, plants are watered with a weak solution of soda. For 1000 ml of water you need 20 g of baking soda. Do not spray on the leaves.

Cucumber leaves turned yellow - what to do: folk remedies

As you can see, cucumbers are a capricious plant that requires careful care. The slightest error in care can lead to yellowing and wilting of the leaves.

Cucumbers are a popular crop in summer cottages. Its cultivation can be accompanied by many problems, one of which is yellowing and drying of the leaves. Most often, yellowing of the leaves is associated with improper care and violation of growing conditions. Also, yellowing of the leaves may be associated with a deficiency of useful components or with certain diseases. In this article, we will look at why cucumber leaves turn yellow and dry, and the most popular drugs and folk remedies to combat this problem.

The main causes of yellowing leaves in cucumbers

There are several reasons why cucumbers turn yellow and dry in the open field or greenhouse. The main ones are:

  1. Light deficiency. A common cause of yellowing and drying of leaves in cucumbers is a banal lack of light. This may be due to the tightness of the landing. If the cucumbers are planted too densely, the lower leaves do not receive enough light, causing them to turn yellow. In this case, it is recommended to simply cut off the yellow and dried leaves.
  2. Too much or too little moisture. The intensity of watering cucumbers depends on the frequency of precipitation and air temperature. In hot sunny weather, watering should be done every other day or even every day. In a typical summer, it is enough to water the bushes twice a week. Rainy and cool summers, as well as over-watering, can lead to root rot, resulting in yellow leaves.
  3. Fungal infections. The main reason that the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow and dry around the edges are various fungal diseases. Most often, Fusarium or Pitiosis is diagnosed in cucumbers. The first sign is the appearance of small brown spots, which gradually increase in size. If left untreated, the leaves turn completely yellow and dry. In this case, it is recommended that the bushes be treated for fungal diseases, normalized watering and a sufficient distance between the bushes so that the planting is not too dense.
  4. Pests. Yellowing of leaves can be caused by spider mites or whiteflies. Pests cause nutrient deficiencies and can also introduce infections, viruses, and fungi to plants.
  5. Lack of nutrition. Nutrient deficiencies also rarely cause leaves to turn yellow. Deficiency of potassium and magnesium causes yellowing of the leaf root. And the yellowing of the leaves, combined with the appearance of dark green veins, indicates a lack of manganese and iron. With a deficiency of copper, the upper leaves may turn yellow. To avoid yellowing caused by a lack of nutrients, you can use various top dressings.
  6. Natural reason. The natural cause of yellowing leaves is the aging of the plant. However, by that time the cucumber crop had already been harvested.

If you know how to process cucumbers, if the leaves turn yellow and dry, you can avoid this problem and collect a decent harvest of tasty and healthy vegetables.

Treatment of cucumbers against yellowing leaves

  • Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can use both individual components and complex fertilizers. For a bucket of water, you need to take 10 g of potassium salt, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. You can use this tool only for root dressing.
  • Soda solution. To prevent the development of fungal diseases, it is recommended to use a weak solution of soda. To prepare it, mix a tablespoon of soda and a bucket of water.
  • Herbal infusion. A safe organic top dressing that can be used for spraying and root watering. To prepare the solution, you need 1 kg of fresh chopped grass per bucket of water. Insist for 7 days. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:9. After watering the bushes with herbal infusion, it is recommended to additionally sprinkle the bed with wood ash.
  • Urea. Mix a bucket of water and 40 g of urea. The resulting mixture is used for spraying bushes. Treatment of cucumbers with urea should be carried out during the period when rotted compost is applied.

If they turn yellow and dry, how can an experienced agronomist be able to process them. In addition to the use of chemicals, you can use folk remedies. The most effective of them:

  • Mullein infusion. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 3 kg of manure and 10 liters of water. Insist for three days, then strain and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3. Use for spraying cucumbers. Can be used as foliar top dressing. In addition, mullein infusion can be used as a remedy for powdery mildew, which can also cause cucumber leaves to turn yellow.
  • Milk serum. Fermented milk products such as kefir or whey are excellent anti-yellowing agents. They should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, and used to spray cucumber leaves. In order to speed up the process of fruit ripening with this tool, you need to add a glass of sugar to the mixture.
  • Ash infusion. To prepare a solution of wood ash, it is necessary to dilute 700 g of ash and 10 liters of water. Insist for 48 hours. The resulting solution must be sprayed with bushes every 10-15 days.

If the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow and dry, simple methods of caring for the crop can tell you what to do. With their observance, the causes of yellowing of the leaves simply do not arise.

Cucumbers are a very difficult crop to grow. The ability to get a good harvest of cucumbers is worth a lot, this requires a high level of professionalism and practical experience. Especially a lot of effort needs to be spent on the proper preparation and cultivation of seedlings, as well as on the prevention and treatment of diseases of this vegetable. What to do if the edges of cucumber leaves dry?

We find out the reason

Cucumber is a rather whimsical plant and very capricious. It requires careful care and adherence to the regime of watering and top dressing. Growing seedlings is not easy and requires certain skills. The slightest deviations from the regimen immediately affect the appearance of the seedlings, the leaves wither and dry out. Most common ailments:

  • yellowing of leaves;
  • the edges of the leaves dry;
  • yellowing seedlings in the greenhouse.

Such diseases can be provoked by several reasons, which are recommended to be known ahead of time. First of all, external factors are important:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • lighting.

Also, the cause of yellowing and wilting can be harmful insects that feed on plant juices and the root system. External factors have a significant impact on the development of any plants. So that the garden culture does not dry out, it must be watered, this is understandable. But when there is too much moisture in the soil, it also adversely affects the root system, it begins to rot. If you do not take action, the plant dies.

It should also not be forgotten that cucumber leaves are afraid of direct sunlight. Ultraviolet rays can cause foliage burns. A fatal cause of yellowing leaves can be bad seeds. When this happens, in this case nothing can be done, the crop is doomed to death.

First of all, you should pay attention to watering, very often it is unregulated watering that causes yellowing of the leaves. You may need to apply more fertilizer, but this is a double-edged sword, as you can overdo it with them, and then the result will be sharply negative. Important fertilizers for young shoots are nitrogen and manganese.

It is possible that the seedlings do not have enough space, so it is recommended to transplant some of the seedlings into a separate container. Not all plants like to be transplanted, especially cucumbers, so it's best to do this in advance, then there is a chance that young shoots will not die. It is important to pay attention to where young plants grow. If there are cold drafts, then these are not the best conditions. As already mentioned: cucumbers are tender heat-loving plants and a cold “breeze” is an undesirable factor for them.

Diseases and pests

Spider mite is a formidable enemy of vegetables in the garden. It occurs quite often, so you need to be able to deal with it. The simplest and most effective remedy in the fight against this pest is a soap solution. The plant is not afraid of this mixture, but for the insect it is fatal. Also, a similar composition is suitable for combating aphids. They also use Iskra and Fitoverm. Another serious misfortune is a leaflet, it can only be limed with the help of fungicides.

The plant is often exposed to various fungal diseases, the most dangerous enemies are:

  • sprout fly;
  • white-winged greenhouse aphid;
  • powdery mildew;
  • fusarium;
  • brown rot;
  • melon aphid;
  • spider mite.

The last two pests "love" cucumber seedlings the most. Seedlings are also susceptible to infection by a fungus - powdery mildew. It looks as if the leaves were sprinkled with flour, while the leaves turn yellow and curl into tubes. Root rot is also a formidable adversary. Most often occurs in swampy or waterlogged places. Powdery mildew reveals itself as light spots on the leaves, they grow steadily and “eat up” the entire leaf, it dries and turns yellow. The following chemicals are suitable as a prophylaxis against powdery mildew:

  • "Topsin";
  • "Ballet";
  • "Kratan".

The dosage should be carefully monitored; for young plants, too high a concentration can be fatal. True powdery mildew is an ailment that is provoked by a fungus; the Fitostorin chemical is effective against it. In Russia, cucumbers most often suffer from peronosporosis. It is recommended, as a preventive measure, to opt for varieties that can effectively resist this scourge.

Fusarium wilt is a pathology that occurs in a greenhouse and is extremely dangerous. The fungus passes through the capillaries and "clogs" all the ducts. Inevitably, seedlings and plants die. You can fight Fusarium wilt only if you change the soil to 100%. If top rot appears, then you should think about the correct watering. The best option is to water the seedlings twice a day in the morning and in the evening. Water is recommended to be defended first.

Such a pest as the greenhouse whitefly is very afraid of the “Confidor” composition, and the “Arrow” remedy is effective in the fight against the sprout fly. If root rot occurs, the soil and drainage should be checked, it is possible that the root system may become waterlogged and rot.

Wrong care

There are soils that are too acidic, in this case the topic of decreasing acidity is relevant, since the ideal soil is neutral. Sometimes slaked lime comes in very handy. It is a natural product and has a universal effect. Heavy chemicals are often harmful to both plants and humans. An important reason for the dried edges of seedlings is an imbalance of trace elements in the soil. For cucumbers, first of all, the following trace elements are needed:

  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • sulfur;
  • nitrogen.

If there is a shortage of any of these elements, then the plant begins to wither and wither. Everything is good in moderation, and if these useful components are present in excess, then this will also adversely affect the appearance of plants, age spots appear, and the root system may be affected. Both excessive watering and the presence of too much moisture in the soil are equally harmful to seedlings.

If the edges of the young shoots have turned noticeably yellow, then it is possible that the seedling pots have been standing in sunlight for too short a time. When the capacity of the cassettes is small, this can also adversely affect the development of seedlings. Low temperature also has a negative effect, while the most acceptable temperature is just above twenty degrees Celsius. If the temperature is below +18 degrees, then the metabolism of nutrients may be disturbed. If the seedlings are not planted in time in the ground, then they will become overgrown, which is also not good news. This factor will certainly negatively affect the quality of the crop.

Watering seedlings with too cold water can provoke various diseases in which the leaves soften and a yellow coating forms on them. When growing cucumber seedlings, it is very important to monitor the temperature, it should not fall below 25 degrees. In cloudy times, seedlings require additional lighting with lamps. If the plant outgrows, it should be repotted as a matter of urgency, otherwise it will die. It is also important to plant plants on time, "overgrowths" will not take root well in the ground when the weather is favorable.

If the summer failed, the weather is damp and cold, then this is bad news for cucumbers. Perhaps the appearance of defective ovaries and their decay. In this case, preventive spraying should be done with one percent Bordeaux liquid or 0.5% copper oxychloride. There is also a threat of overload with ovaries, this also affects the full development.

We eliminate the consequences

To get a high yield of cucumbers, you should pay special attention to the soil. Cucumbers have an extreme sensitivity to the quality of the soil, as well as a high concentration of fertilizers in it. When the growth of the plant is just beginning, supplements of nitrogen compounds should be made in large quantities, they will ensure good flowering. Feeding with urea is also required, it is diluted at a concentration of 10 grams per bucket of water (that is, one teaspoon per ten liters).

By the color of the leaves, it is easy to determine whether there is enough nitrogen in the soil, the leaves lighten, and growth slows down.

Another important element is potassium. Its lack also leads to slower growth, while the fruits themselves dry out, have a narrowed appearance at the edges, resembling pears in shape. In this case, the edges of the leaves are surrounded by a clarified border, and their wilting often also occurs. It is very easy to determine by the leaves how good the soil is for these plants. The middle of the sheet begins to swell, and the edges twist a little. It is best to treat such ailments ahead of time. It is essential to have detailed information about them. Yellowing of the cotyledon leaves indicates a lack of lighting.

It should also be remembered that the presence of a high concentration of fertilizers leads to ammonia intoxication of the plant. As a result, the foliage turns yellow and dies. Bordeaux mortar will help bring the plant back to life. The compositions "Acrobat", "Bravo" can be effective. Without proper crop rotation, it is impossible to grow full-fledged crops. It makes more sense to grow one crop (cucumbers) every three years. In greenhouses, the soil is changed every year and treated with various biofungicides (EMM-1, Baikal). These compounds effectively eliminate the threat of the influence of pathogenic microorganisms. You should constantly add top dressing and mineral compounds. The simplest and most effective top dressing is adding ash and a special herbal infusion to the holes.

If you do not do such an operation, then the crop may simply die. Seeds are treated with Aliirin-B and Gamair. Usually bred for one liter of water, five tablets of each composition.

It is a priori clear that pathogens of various diseases are present in the soil. Therefore, in a seedling container with a volume of about 850 ml, a Gaokkladina tablet should be placed along with the seed. It is an effective biofungicide based on the Trichoderma fungus. The spores of the fungus are very useful, they displace all pests. In this case, it is important to follow strictly the instructions and install the tablet, as prescribed. After planting, after about a week, the seedlings should be watered with a solution of Aliirin and Gamair. Such procedures highly effectively protect future cucumbers from infection.

For more information on what to do when cucumber leaves dry, see the following video.
