Make a box out of wood. Do-it-yourself wooden box. Photo of wooden boxes with your own hands

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We rarely think about objects or products that we often use at home, at our summer cottage or at work. In this case, we are talking about an ordinary wooden box, which can serve as a place to store various things, be a flower pot or be used to receive letters, telegrams or newspapers.

It also serves as a reliable industrial container, the advantages of which will be discussed below. For its manufacture, most often pine lath or plywood is used, less often chipboard.

Today he will make simple wooden boxes with his own hands, for a summer cottage, as well as for correspondence. Special tools are not needed, usually you need those that everyone has in the house.

Wooden box features

Consider the pros and cons of the product, as well as where they are used:

Advantages and disadvantages The first ones include:
  1. Weight is less than metal packaging.
  2. The design is not complex, so it is assembled quickly enough.
  3. Eco-friendly material is used.
  4. Durability surpasses paper and cardboard.
  5. The price of the material is low and it has a high prevalence.
  6. After treatment with antiseptics, the products resist moisture better, and their service life increases.

To the second:

  • the weight of the cargo during transportation increases;
  • if you do not treat the wood with an antiseptic, the durability of operation is sharply reduced.
  1. In industry for storage and production.
  2. In the private sector - for fruits, vegetables and food.
  3. As souvenirs and gift wrapping.
  4. For special purposes, packaging of devices and equipment.

Tip: if you are making a box for a specific product, consider its weight and dimensions.

Making a simple box

Prepare tools and equipment:

  • household woodworking machine, in which there should be both a circular and a jointer. As a last resort, buy strips of the required thickness and size on the market or in a store;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer ;
  • pencil ;
  • building angle.

You will need a machine for preparing parts from unplaned and 25x250x1300 mm in size.

Prepare product details

The process instruction is as follows:

  1. Using a circular saw, turn an unedged board into an edged board, first sawing off the edge on one side along the guide ruler, and then, setting a width of 200 mm, we will finally prepare it.

Tip: during work, protect your eyes with work glasses, ask someone to help you support the second end, and bring the board to the circular.

  1. Set the guide carriage to a 90 degree angle. and cut the board into several segments: 4 by 200 mm; 1 - 240 mm.
  2. Set the electric planer to a height of 1 mm and proge the workpieces on both sides, making a rough cut. For finishing, set the height to 0.5 mm and achieve a plank thickness of 20 mm. Thus, you will get two sidewalls measuring 20x200x200 mm.

Tip: blanks do not need to be polished, since we are making a fruit storage box and special delights are not required in this case.

  1. Cut the remaining three blanks into a width of 45 mm along the wood fibers. If you need to make ventilation in the box, then you will be left with three extra slats.

Assembling the box

No difficulties in this case should be expected, but there are some tricks:

  • take nails measuring 1.5 by 50 mm, thin ones are needed so that the boards do not split during their connection;
  • first, nail the lower and upper strips to the end cut of the sidewalls;
  • distribute the rest of the blanks between them;
  • screw from below with self-tapping wood screws 35 mm long strips 240 mm long.

Making a wooden flower box

Wood is a versatile material, so it can also be used to make boxes in which flower plants will “live”. As you can see from the previous example, it is easy to process and for this it is not necessary to have special carpentry skills.

Below will be offered options on how to make wooden flower boxes with your own hands, the sizes and shapes of which will depend only on you.


At this stage, you should prepare the necessary materials and select a tool.

You will need:

  • board and its trimmings, as well as various slats with a thickness of 10 mm or more;
  • pieces of plywood and OSB;
  • electric jigsaw with a saw for working with wood and a hacksaw for wood;
  • jointer;
  • grinder or sandpaper;
  • an electric screwdriver and wood screws (they have a larger pitch between turns on the working part than metal screws). You can replace it with nails or wood glue;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • pliers, tongs or wire cutters;
  • a hammer.

You can not use power tools in your work and limit yourself to a simple design. However, with their help, you can get exactly what you intended in a short time and without much effort.

Tip: be sure to prepare an antiseptic for wood processing, as well as stain or paint.

Direct mounting

  • take boards 150-200 mm wide and cut them for the bottom and sidewalls - 3 long, for the ends - 2 short, their size should exceed the width of the bottom by their thickness;

  • use a planer to fit the details and process all sections with a large emery cloth;
  • drill thin holes along the edges for the seats of self-tapping screws so that the wood does not split during the screed - 4 in the end blanks, 3 in the side blanks;

At the mention of the phrase "wooden box", many people immediately imagine a standard fruit box. Although in fact the boxes can be very different and used for various purposes. This is a very useful product that can be used in everyday life, and not only somewhere in the country, but simply in the house. Let's figure out how to make a wooden box with your own hands, because only a home-made thing can be not only unique and as convenient as possible, but also completely safe.

general information

A box is a type of container or an interior item, which is a product that has a cubic or parallelepiped shape. It can be made from various materials, including plastic, cardboard, metal, but is mainly made according to tradition from wood or its derivatives. Depending on the design, the box can have solid walls and a bottom or slatted surfaces, and it can also have a lid and be both simple and decorative.

On a note! The category of drawers also includes drawers that complement the furniture and make it more functional and convenient to use. Such boxes usually do not have a top cover, but their bottom is equipped with special wheels that ride on small rails fixed inside the cabinet or cabinet in the place where the box itself should be located. This makes it easier to use.

The history of the box as such is unknown. From time immemorial, people have used various containers for storing all kinds of household items, transporting and packing goods, etc. Historians believe that, most likely, the first boxes appeared during the beginning of the development of trade relations and were invented just to simplify the transportation of goods and products , keeping it in proper quality until it reaches the point of sale.

Now a wooden box is still used for transportation and storage of goods, but at the same time it is used in everyday life, and even in gardening. It is actively used for harvesting, growing seedlings. By the way, at one time there were even standards for boxes for potatoes, storage of apples, etc.

At the same time, the boxes firmly settled in the house. They can be used not only as furniture elements, but also as individual products. So, for example, there are boxes for storing tools, small parts, sewing supplies, etc.

Serious competitors of an ordinary wooden box are products and containers made of veneer, plastic, cardboard. But none of them is able to fully replace simple, but reliable and high-quality boxes, and therefore they continue to be actively produced and made by hand.

Wooden box properties

Why, despite the emergence of cheaper and simpler competitors, does an ordinary wooden box not lose its popularity? It's simple - the answer to this question lies in the unique properties and features of such containers.

Table. Comparison of characteristics of boxes.

Drawer typeAdvantages and disadvantages
Veneer Such a box is made of slats that have practically no processing. It is quite fragile compared to wood, but it is cheaper. Suitable for storage and transportation of fruits and vegetables, as well as other products. Afraid of moisture.
Made of plastic A fairly comfortable type of box, which is absolutely not afraid of moisture. Depending on the quality of the plastic, it can be both very strong and quite fragile. But it is still easier to damage this type of box than an ordinary wooden one. It costs not much, but more expensive than a wooden product. Suitable for storage and transportation of not only dry, but also wet products.
metal A species that is quite rare. Metal crates have not become popular due to their tendency to rust, as well as their heavy weight and high price. At home, without special equipment, a metal box is not easy to make.
from wood The best type of box. Differs in sufficient durability, can have various design, is suitable for storage of various products. Looks much better than a regular veneer box. When using a decorative finish, it can be used at home, durable if the tree has been treated with protective compounds.

On a note! Ordinary wooden boxes of a simple design are actively used in the design of loft-style rooms. They are a great attribute of this design solution.

The production of wooden boxes in production takes place according to GOST 20767-75. And for them, a certain quality wooden board is used, having a thickness of 1 cm. Such boxes are thin-walled, but durable. They are quite light and easy to use.

Prices for building boards

Building boards

Drawers in the house

As a rule, boxes for transportation and storage of products do not have good processing - they are almost not polished and, of course, they are not varnished. But for use at home, it is recommended to process and cover them not only with protective compounds, but also with paints and varnishes. Then the box will look beautiful, and the person using it does not risk getting a splinter in the finger.

Usually, boxes made directly for the transport of goods or the storage of the same fruits are rarely used in the house. More often, those who need a simple but pretty box have to contact carpentry workshops and order a certain product from them according to their size and wishes. So do not confuse production and carpentry boxes.

Drawers in the house, as already mentioned, can be used for various purposes. This includes storing utensils in the kitchen, and storing small items in the hall, storing toys, clothes, shoes, cosmetics, household chemicals, etc. The main thing is that this type of container fits organically into the interior and does not cause bewilderment.

The easiest way, of course, is to get hold of boxes in a store or warehouse, sand them and varnish them to use at home. But such a container can be made independently, since this is not at all a difficult task, whether it is a box for decorating a room, storing things, or growing seedlings.

Prices for different types of wooden crates

Wooden box

Why exactly a tree?

Wood is the material that is most often used to create products for the home. The reasons why this happens are simple. First of all, it is important to say that wood is an environmentally friendly material that does not pose a danger to human health. It does not emit an unpleasant odor and does not emit any toxic substances into the air, so you do not have to worry about allergies or health problems.

Also, wood is one of those materials that you can easily work with at home. You do not have to use complex specialized equipment, it is enough to have a sawing tool, a drill and a screwdriver or a screwdriver on hand. Also, grinding and other processing of the material may require a minimum of cost and effort.

The tree is durable and beautiful and, varnished, is able to maintain its appearance for many years. Only uncoated material is able to darken over time and lose its former natural beauty. Fresh wood looks very nice.

It is not surprising that wood has been and remains one of the most popular types of materials. Although now almost any specialized store can buy its derivatives - plywood, panels, furniture panels, etc. But none of these options will in any case be better than an ordinary natural fresh board.

Prices for furniture boards

furniture board

We make boxes: what do you need?

So, to make absolutely any wooden box (regardless of the purpose of its use), you will need a number of tools and materials. The list is small, but without these things things will not move forward. You will need:

  • sawing tool for sawing wooden boards and bars into planks of the desired length. It can be a jigsaw or a wood saw;
  • a device for grinding wooden surfaces - a grinder, sandpaper with a special bar, etc .;
  • hammer (in case nails are used);
  • self-tapping screws, nails, possibly metal corners;
  • screwdriver (if self-tapping screws are used as fasteners);
  • varnish and brush or paint - to cover the surface of the tree or give it a certain color;

On a note! Before applying the paint, the tree is best pre-primed. This will reduce the amount of paint used, as well as provide it with a more saturated color.

  • pencil, square, ruler, tape measure - tools that will help you make the necessary markup.

Important! Before you start creating a box, you must definitely draw a diagram of it or download a finished one from the Web. This will allow you to make an even and neat product that has the desired parameters.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Making a plant box

Step 1. The first step is to determine the dimensions of the box being constructed. It is important to choose the place where it will stand. Based on this, you should sketch out a drawing of the box indicating the dimensional parameters and calculate how much material is needed.

Step 3 Now you need to put the appropriate markup on the board - mark the side and end sides of the box on it. Measurements are best done with a tape measure, but to get even marks it is better to use a square.

Step 5 The boards of the sides of the box must be connected together with self-tapping screws. You can also use nails, but connections with self-tapping screws are much stronger and better.

Step 7 It is important to drill a few drainage holes at the bottom of the plant box. They will ensure the outflow of excess water that will fall into the ground during irrigation or rain.

Step 8 It is important to sand all surfaces of the drawer so that they are smooth, pleasant to the touch and safe.

Step 9 Finally, the box can be painted, but it is better to varnish it. So it will be possible to make the box beautiful and additionally protect it from moisture.

Video - Making a simple box

Slat box

Step 1. The first step is to saw the blanks to create a box. You will need bars of the selected length, slats 1 cm thick. The bars need to be cut along the length so that they have a triangular profile.

Step 2 Next, you need to take the bars, lay them on top of each other (2 bars on each side) and start making walls. On a flat surface of the bar, it is required to apply glue on wood and lay out the slats so that they rest on the flat side surface of the bars. Reiki are located at a certain distance from each other to get gaps.

Advice! If you plan to manufacture several boxes of the same size, then it is convenient to use a wooden template to create the walls.

Step 3 Then the slats additionally need to be fixed on the corner bars with nails or self-tapping screws. In this way, two side walls of the box are made.

Step 4 Next, the prepared walls must be placed in a special template (or just hold them correctly) and, according to the same principle as in steps 2 and 3, attach the next slats to the sides of the free sides of the bars. Thus, it will turn out to create two other side walls.

Step 5 Then the bottom is made. It is necessary to lay two slats (with a length equal to the length of the box) parallel to each other, and fix other slats on them, but without gaps, so that the bottom is solid.

Step 6 It remains only to fix the bottom on the underside of the box, and it is ready. If necessary, all structural details can be sanded before the box is assembled. It is better to varnish or paint the product after assembly.

Video - Box on spikes

Video - Making a tool box

The box was and remains a simple but indispensable item for storing all sorts of things. It is especially necessary in a country house or in a private house, as well as for those people who love everything simple and uncomplicated. In any case, a handmade product will be as reliable as possible and will last more than one year, or even more than one decade. Moreover, as it turned out, making a wooden box is simple - it is only important to understand what shape you want to get the product.

In the course of his life, a person accumulates a lot of small property, which can only sometimes come in handy for some need. In our cramped living spaces, there is often a problem with the location of such things.

To solve this issue, you need a neat container that can be placed in any corner of your living space. The most practical and environmentally friendly option, of course, is a wooden box.

With its independent production, you can use all your imagination and make a unique masterpiece. Fortunately, wood is the material that allows you to make truly original designs.

why tree

For a long time, craftsmen have used wood to make various designs. Houses were built from this material, which served their owners for many years, providing them with comfort and coziness for living.

Wood is a natural material that lends itself well to processing and has high environmental performance. Wooden structures have an aesthetic appearance and exude favorable odors.

Of course, this material has its drawbacks, the main of which are rotting and flammability. But with the right approach to wood processing and caring for it in the future, such troubles can be easily avoided.

Any man wants to produce some kind of product with his own hands. Wood is exactly the material with which you can experiment and make a thing that will not only become a necessary piece of furniture, but also add unusual aesthetics to the interior of a living space.

To work with wood, you will need a special tool that a good owner always has at hand. The choice of material must be approached thoroughly, giving preference to the most durable types of wood, so that the product lasts as long as possible.

The very first thing to do is to determine the place where the wooden box will be located and carefully take the necessary dimensions.

  • according to the measurements obtained, we cut out the structural elements of the box - four walls, a lid and a bottom;
  • we connect the side walls in turn with the help of nails or self-tapping screws;
  • we fasten the bottom of the product, starting from opposite corners, to avoid its displacement;
  • Finally, we mount the lid of the box, which we provide the possibility of tilting with the help of piano hinges.

With the help of simple manipulations, the wooden box is ready for use. Finishing of the product is made based on your preferences and tastes.

It is more convenient to root several dozen cuttings in a portable container - in spring the soil in it warms up faster than in a cold greenhouse, and in autumn the seedlings easily move to the wintering place. It is not difficult to make a box with your own hands: it will take a little time, and suitable trimmings of lumber can be found in every household.

There should be enough space in the wooden box for the cuttings to grow normally for 4-6 months before the autumn transplant, or even 1-2 years if the rooting technique requires it. Optimal box dimensions: 300x350x750 mm (height/width/length). In a shallower container, the lid will interfere with the shoots, and an unnecessarily bulky structure is more difficult to move.
Preparation for work
To build a homemade box, you will need a tool:
- hand hacksaw
- planer,
- a hammer,
- drill,
- wood drills
- furniture stapler,
- knife,
- roulette
- square,
- pencil,
- brush.

Pine wood without traces of decay is suitable for work:
1. Boards 16–25 mm thick.
2. Bars with a section of 30x50 mm.
3. Thin slats 10x30 mm.
When sorting through the boards, discard the warped and twisted ones - with high humidity they will become even worse.
Expendable materials:
1. Nails 50x2.5 - 28 pcs.
2. Nails 60x3.0 - 20 pcs.
3. Furniture decorative carnations - 10 pcs.
4. Antiseptic.

A piece of plastic wrap or white non-woven material measuring 80x60 cm can serve as a lid for a homemade box.
Parts manufacturing
Drawing of the elements of the cutting box

Wooden parts: 1 - longitudinal strips for the sides and bottom; 2 – bottom insert; 3 - strips for end walls; 4 - slats; 5 - handles; 6 - connecting bars.
Using a pencil, a square and a tape measure, mark the blanks according to the drawings, cutting off cracked and chipped ends.

Cut the boards to size and finish the surfaces with a planer. Coat the parts with 2-3 layers of protective impregnation, following the instructions on the package.
Do-it-yourself box assembly
Fold two short boards into a shield, draw a line parallel to it at a distance of 30 mm from the cut. Repeat the markup on the opposite side. Attach connecting blocks along the lines. Knock down the parts with nails and bend the protruding ends from the back.

Take two longitudinal strips and “bait” along the edges of the carnation. Assemble the blanks with the letter "P", trim the ends and hammer in the nails.

Turn the structure over and fasten the side planks of the opposite side. Try to drive the nails vertically to avoid the point coming out of the wood.

Nail the bottom pieces, placing a narrow plank in the middle and leaving 2-3 mm gaps between the planks to allow the wooden elements to expand when they swell. Attach the handles with nails closer to the top of the box.

Drill two rows of drainage holes in the bottom of the box.

Make a makeshift lid for the box. Wrap one rail with foil and secure the material with staples.

Wrap the second rail with the opposite edge of the polyethylene, put the third bar on the lapel and nail it with small studs.

Attach the canvas to the wall of the box at three points, having previously drilled pilot holes in the rails to prevent splitting of thin wood.

When using polyethylene, make cuts with a knife to drain water, otherwise, in heavy rain, the film will bend and crush the shoots.

Pour fertile soil into a do-it-yourself box and plant the prepared cuttings.

When placing the container on the surface of the soil, place bricks under the bottom. After identifying the seedlings in the "school", free the box from the ground, clean the walls and dry the wood.

There are several types of wooden boxes that will be useful for gardeners and gardeners. The simplest of them is a simple lattice option, which can be found in vegetable stores or markets. It allows you to preserve the crop for a long time, provides air circulation, which dries the skin of vegetables or fruits. The second type is a container that has practically no gaps. You can place flowers in it, root cuttings or pickle cabbage. Let's figure out how to make a wooden box with your own hands.

Simple wooden storage box

You can optimize the space in your cellar with shelving and convenient small drawers. This will allow you not to litter the floor space, and in the smallest underground place the maximum amount of vegetables and pickles. It is important to choose the right wood for the manufacture of utility furniture and drawers.

To begin with, put together a rack, purchase dried boards for it, it is best if they are pre-treated with a planer. The ideal rack width is 50-60 cm. This will allow you to install the maximum number of boxes on it. First, assemble the shelving box, to do this, assemble a rectangle from the boards, pin the burs in the corners, and also mark the location of the shelves with several horizontal bars. Keep in mind that the bars on both sides of the vertical walls should be at the same height.

To make a simple container, you will need to have:

  • timber 1.5 by 1.5 cm or 2 by 2;
  • slats;
  • hammer and nails or screwdriver and self-tapping screws;
  • saw for adjusting the size of the tree;
  • carpentry corner.

Depending on the purpose, the boxes for vegetables can have different sizes. Most often, high options are made for potatoes with side sizes of 80 by 60 cm, side heights from 80 to 100 cm. For carrots and other root crops, boxes are made with a small height - 40-50 cm.

The principle of making boxes:

  1. First, assemble the frame of the future box - to do this, cut the bars to the desired size. With dimensions of 80 × 60, you will need 4 bars with a length of 80 centimeters, the same number of 60. You will need 4 more bars with a length equal to the height of the box.
  2. Connect the bars together to get a three-dimensional frame. Use nails or screws to connect.
  3. Now it remains only to calculate the number of slats with which you have to sew up the bottom and 4 sidewalls. They are stuffed horizontally on the body, with small gaps for ventilation - about 2-3 centimeters. For potatoes, you can make a box with large gaps - about 4-5 centimeters.

Experienced craftsmen recommend sewing up the bottom first, and then creating the sidewalls, first long and then short. So you definitely will not be mistaken with the sizes. When cutting and installing rails, be sure to use a building corner. If you often use the box, store thin-skinned tomatoes or fruits in it, then you should cover the hats with putty - they will not stick out and interfere with you.

The described model can be taken as the basis for a more complex box that will fit for storing tools, blanks and other purposes. When sewing up the sidewalls, place the boards 2-3mm apart (this gap is necessary as the wood expands and contracts). For ease of storage, such a box should be equipped with a lid. For her, make a rectangle of bars so that it can fit inside the top of the box, for example, make it 77 by 57 cm. Fill the slats on top with a technical gap of 2-3 mm. After completing this stage, you just have to screw the handles to the resulting lid.

portable container

Putting together a convenient box for flowers, pickling cabbage or rooting cuttings is a little more difficult, but the basic principles of work will remain unchanged. For the manufacture of a portable container, carefully select the lumber. You will need to have:

  • 6 boards 15 × 75 × 2 cm;
  • 1 rail 75 × 4.6 × 2 cm;
  • 4 boards 31x15x2 cm;
  • 2 bars 25 × 5 × 3 cm;
  • 3 bars 80 × 3 × 1 cm;
  • 4 bars 30 × 5 × 3 cm.

You will also need to have several types of fasteners:

  • decorative furniture carnations - 10 pcs.;
  • nails 60 × 3 - 20 pcs.;
  • nails - 50 × 2.5 - 28 pcs.

In this case, a piece of covering material or polyethylene can be used as a cover (you only need to nail this material if you will use a container for growing seedlings). Using this box usually involves moisture, so be sure to coat all of the lumber (prior to assembly) with an antiseptic.

  1. Make a shield out of two short planks. Gather it into perpendicular bars, which you fill at a distance of 3 cm from each edge.
  2. Connect the shields with two longitudinal strips, so that they form the letter "P". The bars should be directed outward.
  3. Align the structure and loop it with 2 more strips.
  4. Stuff the bottom - its design consists of 2 boards and a slat, located at a distance of 3 mm. Drill drainage holes in the boards every 4-5 cm. If you will pickle cabbage in a container, you do not need to drill holes.
  5. The bars are now arranged vertically - they are the basis for the handles, fill in the middle with one horizontal segment.

The remaining rails are needed to make the cover. One of them must be fixed along with the material on the edge of the box. Wrap the remaining two slats with polyethylene and secure the material with furniture studs. On the one hand, your material will be securely fastened to the box, and on the other, there is a load on it that allows you to stretch the film. Now you just have to fill the box with soil and start sowing or placing cuttings.
