The interpretation of sleep is to feed the baby with your breast milk. Why dream of feeding a baby

Dream Interpretation feed the baby breast milk

The vision in which you dreamed that you were breastfeeding your baby has a very favorable interpretation. As a rule, it predicts positive changes in personal life. In order to understand what the dream was about, it is important to take into account all its details, since they play the main role in the interpretation.

What favorable changes await you?

The vision in which you are breastfeeding your baby indicates that your cherished dream will soon come true. The dream book has another interpretation, which says that feeding in a dream is a solution to problems that worry you. If there are no serious worries in your life, then you will become the owner of very important information.

Feeding a child in a dream promises the sleeper good health and a lot of prospects. A person who is sick predicts a quick recovery.

If you dreamed of breastfeeding

Why do men dream? For a man, a dream in which breast milk is pouring predicts the appearance of an heir.

Dreams in which milk flows down the chest do not bode well, so don't be scared!

Night dreams are a reflection of our thoughts

Quite often, dreams in which a baby is breastfed in a dream are a reflection of the dreamer's thoughts or physiological processes.

  1. A girl in the first days of pregnancy very often dreams of how she fed the baby. This is due to the psychological preparation of the future mother for feeding. For girls who have long dreamed of a baby, such a dream predicts an early pregnancy.
  2. Sometimes such visions say that you are overprotective of your spouse.
  3. For a girl who has recently become a mother, night dreams, in which she dreamed that milk was flowing down her chest, predict the good health of the baby.

Unusual options for night dreams

If a woman feeds not a child, but some other creature, this indicates the appearance of a bad person in her inner circle.

A lot of milk - to prosperity

What did you dream about expressing breast milk? If in a dream you express it - this is good sign predicts a happy and prosperous family life.
The dream book says that dreams in which a lot of milk is dreamed predict financial well-being and good offer. Perhaps soon you will be promoted, a successful deal or a marriage of convenience.

The dream interpretation claims that a dream in which you saw a stranger feeding your baby indicates that you need to take a closer look at this person. Perhaps your well-being depends on this person.

If in a dream you yourself ate breast milk, this means that success and prosperity await you, good luck will accompany you in all areas of life. The dream interpretation claims that the vision in which it was tasteless and sour portends serious problems, obstacles and anxiety.

What do the great soothsayers think?

Watching dreams is a very interesting and surprising thing, but it is no less exciting to solve them. Well-known healers and clairvoyants have compiled special interpreters that help to understand what the dream is about.

Miller's predictions

The dream interpretation claims that a dream in which you dreamed that you were feeding a child promises the quick implementation of all your plans. Such dreams promise happiness in personal life and success in all endeavors. Quite often, such visions symbolize the sleeper's need for help, support and care.

What does Vanga say?

If you are feeding your baby

For women, feeding is a natural process, so a dream in which you dreamed that you were feeding a baby has a positive meaning. Heralds sleeping happiness and prosperity in the family. If in a dream you fed your own baby with milk, it means that many joyful moments await you.

Interpretations of Hasse

What did you dream about feeding? For women who do not yet have children, feeding in a dream predicts fun and joy. Sometimes such a plot reports that loved ones need moral and material support.

What does the healer Akulina think?

What was the dream about? If you fed a newborn, this suggests that soon all your efforts will be appreciated.
For girls, the vision in which they fed the baby predicts many joyful events.

If you fed a girl, an amazing event awaits you, a boy - worries and troubles.

Women's dream book

Why dream of feeding? If you dream that you were breastfeeding a child, this portends the onset of a favorable period. For married women, it predicts idyll and harmony in relations with a spouse, for unmarried women, it promises a meeting with a soul mate.

The dream book says that feeding in a dream quite often symbolizes concern for your future and the future of your children. Sometimes such a plot speaks of the sensuality and vulnerability of the sleeping person.

The predictions of the dream book, why dream of feeding a child with breast milk in a dream, will help you understand your desires and distinguish momentary whims from true needs. In girlish and female dreams, the symbol often reflects dreams of motherhood, they can be interpreted almost literally.

Also, a baby in a dream often personifies new beginnings in the business field, friendship and. Some details of the dream will help to most accurately unravel its secret meaning.

Breastfeeding: interpretation of sleep

To more accurately interpret why breastfeeding is dreamed of, some dream books suggest remembering the gender of the newborn.

  • If dreamed male toddler, not far off a generous gift of fate.
  • When in a dream he sucks breasts girl, the arrangement of the hearth is to be done.
  • Simultaneously feed twins happens when in reality the desire to act overcomes.
  • If you dreamed twin girls, Christian dream book promises favorable changes in personal life.

Warning symbols

Some details of the dream contain warning signs. Interpreting what dreams of breastfeeding, Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation is not too optimistic. The predictor believes that the dreamer lacks objectivity. The tendency to idealize oneself and the surrounding reality often leads to disappointment. Often the source of trouble is an irrepressible craving for entertainment to the detriment of business.

Most dream interpreters consider the following images and events in a dream to be unkind signs:

  • Tearing off the baby's breast, who has not yet had time to get enough, happens on the eve of a quarrel with loved ones.
  • ugly, unkempt own chest promises the appearance of a strong rival.
  • Baby bite portends disappointment in the chosen one.
  • If the baby looks sick in a dream, it is unlikely that it will be possible to refuse relatives in financial support.
  • When in a dream it happens to feed a teenager, a certain man encroaches on your property, an adult portends gossip.
  • Lack of breast milk in a dream promises strong experiences in reality.
  • Capricious kid dreams on the eve of the conflict, which will affect material well-being.
  • Feed your baby with expressed milk from a spoon accounts for those who often fail due to the inability to prioritize.
  • If you dreamed that baby wet you, forward a lot of household chores.
  • When it happens in a dream drop a newborn during feeding, the risk of making a fatal mistake is high.

Male breadwinner

Men also sometimes happen to see themselves in a dream feeding a baby. Universal dream book connects an unusual plot with future troubles, the cause of which will be relatives or close friends.

This image also applies family life. It is possible that the dreamer will soon become a father. Many interpretations characterize the position of the sleeper in the business sphere. Due to their personal qualities, will be able to reach a new financial level, climb the career ladder, bring to life a long-conceived project.

If in a dream I had a chance to feed the baby, very good relationship with society. Promising offers from employers and partners will come in, new useful acquaintances will appear.

Now rare an opportune moment to interact with law enforcement agencies, legal and financial structures. Your willingness to cooperate will meet with a lively response, which, in turn, will help to realize the most daring ideas.

Wake up childless

If breastfeeding was dreamed of by a childless person during an illness, the dream book of the Apostle Simon the Zealot promises a speedy recovery.

It is curious to know why such a symbol is dreamed of by an elderly woman. If the dreamer has adult children, they may experience minor troubles. Childless An old Russian dream book predicts tears, while the birthday predictor promises a sleeping friendship on the verge of kinship with very pleasant people.

If the image breast sucker the baby appears in night dreams to young people, the Universal Dream Book is calm for them. These are the owners of a rare combination of such qualities as a sense of responsibility and the ability to have fun from.

Feed someone else's child

Dream Interpretations ambiguously interpret why one dreams of feeding someone else's child. Often, the symbol portends disappointment in the people to whom you have rendered a service and expect gratitude in return. A dream means that in the near future it is unreasonable to rely even on the closest. Now is not the time for altruism, manifestation best impulses souls will be regarded as the height of impracticality.

Fortunately, this is not the only explanation. Psychoanalytic dream book believes that your communication skills are now at their best. You can easily find mutual language with almost everyone you meet. This is your chance to make new friends, make promising connections, meet your destiny. Reputation in your usual social circle will increase significantly.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn suggests remembering who had to breastfeed in a dream:

  • Newborn boy portends mutual love and sympathy.
  • Girl in a dream serves as a harbinger of painful worries and experiences.
  • If you happened to breastfeed the heir of friends, there is a serious conversation with one of them.
  • Feeding two twins at once shows your energy.
  • If you dreamed that your baby is being fed by a stranger, the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima warns that you will have to face injustice.

The dream book of Catherine the Great considers such an image to be quite positive: in reality, an outsider will show generosity towards you.

Expressed milk and formulas

If you dreamed of so much milk that you had to express it after feeding, the dream book of the sorceress Medea promises abundance in all areas of life. Financial questions will successfully solve themselves, creative ideas to beat with a key, there will be enough charm for everyone around.

When in a dream it happens to feed the baby with baby food from the package, you will receive a special invitation to christening.

Animals have to be breastfed in anticipation of disappointment in oneself and others.

In dream books there are also explanations of why one dreams of drinking breast milk. Often interpreters proceed from the dreamer's impressions. If drinking an unusual drink in a dream caused a feeling of pleasure, you can count on success even where it was out of the question. Disgust, on the contrary, warns of unforeseen pitfalls in a seemingly win-win business.

If a man in night dreams drinks breast milk directly “from a container”, the Wanderer’s dream book advises him in reality to remember his reputation more often: it is possible that legends are already circulating about the swagger of the sleeping person.

Stuart Robinson's dream book is considered a harbinger of meeting a high-ranking patron, as a result of which your well-being will increase significantly. The predictor believes that you will meet at a banquet. Don't miss the chance to visit similar events. If you happen to drink your own milk, the long-awaited guest will bring valuable gifts.

In the Modern Dream Book, your milk symbolizes creativity, someone else's means that someone will share fresh non-standard ideas and solutions.

It should be noted that the interpretation of dreams does not always come true when it comes to the parents of babies or persons who, on duty, have to interact with newborns. Often, their nightly dreams reflect recently experienced real events.

Undoubtedly, at least once in her life a woman had a dream in which she was breastfeeding a child. Why, a woman, even a man can have such a dream. Different feelings overwhelm at that moment, but this dream is very unusual. Therefore, the question arises: why dream of feeding a baby with breast milk?

Undoubtedly, at least once in her life a woman had a dream in which she was breastfeeding a child.

Feeding a baby in a dream is a symbol of health and well-being. This dream promises warm atmosphere in family relationships. For the woman who is in childbearing age, such a dream proclaims a bright streak in life. There comes a favorable time for the dreamer. You will be able to accomplish what you could not realize for so long. Relations with the opposite sex will improve. For unmarried ladies, this dream is a harbinger of a meeting with a future husband. In addition, there is another interpretation of this reference:

  • You are in desperate need of help and care. That is why you spend more time on others than on yourself.
  • You are worried about your future and the future of your children. This dream symbolizes self-confidence. You will be able to overcome all obstacles and create a truly happy and bright future.

The dream also suggests that by nature you are a very vulnerable person. Embarrassment keeps you from having relationships with the opposite sex. This barrier of insecurity has enveloped you and you are unable to build your personal life. Try to work on it, and in the future you will be happy with your soulmate.

Chest in a dream book (video)

If in a dream a married woman is breastfeeding a baby: what is it for?

For married women, a dream is a harbinger of a real idyll in family relationships. You will be wrapped in care and love from loved ones.

If the mistress of sleep is still in position, then this vision portends the birth of healthy children. Good luck will accompany you in everything. All affairs will be successfully completed, and unfulfilled desires and dreams will certainly come true. A real wave of success threatens to sink you. Each of your undertakings will surely be crowned with success.

For married women, sleep is a harbinger of a real idyll in family relationships.

This is exactly the period when it is worth directing all your strength to the implementation cherished dream. You will surely succeed. But try to be very attentive and careful, as your enemies are not asleep. Each of your take-off will be a real blow in the stomach for them. Do not waste time and start building your life in a new way. Embody all the brightest and most daring ideas. Do your best to achieve your goals. And in the future you will certainly be rewarded.

If a pregnant woman dreams about how she is breastfeeding a newborn baby, then this also indicates that she will have an easy and painless birth.

Breastfeeding someone else's baby in a dream

The dream has different interpretations, depending on what kind of feelings overwhelmed you after it.

  • If after such a dream you have not the most pleasant feelings, then this means that someone will try to harm you. The ill-wisher will take advantage of your naivety to solve their own problems. In return, you will receive unflattering words addressed to you.
  • A sense of harmony and some fun suggests that success in your work awaits you. You may be able to find a worthy partner with whom you can successfully complete a difficult project. Salary increase guaranteed. This will improve your financial condition and get stability.

If after such a dream you have not the most pleasant feelings, then this means that someone will try to harm you.

In addition to the above, the dream suggests that in the future you will be doing useless things. In the end, they will not bring you anything, they will only take a lot of time and effort. Your desire to help others will be completely useless, no one will appreciate it. So try to help as needed. Spend more time on your own business.

If you continue to help people who do not appreciate it, then in the future you will face real betrayal. Stop patronizing such people: they will use you until they suck all the strength out of you.

Feed a girl or boy in a dream with breast milk

The dream in which you feed the child may have different meanings. What feelings did you experience in your dream? What exactly did the child do? Gender is also important. For example, a dream in which you are breastfeeding a girl indicates that news will come soon that will be very unexpected.

  • A vision can also mean that a maternal instinct has woken up in a woman. Perhaps you are quite ready to start creating your own family.
  • It also suggests that the mistress of sleep is trying in every possible way to control her own life. This may negatively affect you.
  • You are waiting for news that are related to money. Perhaps you will receive a small amount that will come to you at the most opportune moment.

A vision may mean that a maternal instinct has awakened in a woman

Breastfeeding a boy also has several meanings:

  1. There are things that require a lot of effort. Some problems may arise, they will spoil your mood a little, but this will not interfere with the implementation of some plans.
  2. It may also mean that the dreamer will be able to climb the career ladder. You will make very profitable trades. Everything that you do not spend will pay off twice in the future.

These dreams promise rather positive events. Basically, they portend material wealth and prosperity in your work.

To dream about how someone feeds a child with a bottle or from a spoon

If a man sees a baby sucking a bottle, then this means that he will have the opportunity to change his job. The position will be very fruitful and interesting. New connections will appear that will help you move up the career ladder in the future. He will be able to expand his capabilities.

If a man sees a baby sucking a bottle, then this means that he will have the opportunity to change his job.

If a woman sees an unborn baby sucking a bottle in a dream, then this suggests that the time has come to turn all attention to herself. You must firmly decide what exactly you want to achieve in this life. Show your talents and start building a brilliant career that will bring you a lot of profit.

To dream about how someone feeds a child from a spoon - to an unsuccessful marriage. A woman can marry an unworthy man who will not strive for a better life.

Miller's dream book: why dream of breastfeeding?

Miller's dream book says that breastfeeding is a kind of clue from above. Such a dream promises favorable period. It is at this time that you have the opportunity to realize all your plans.

  • Seeing a mother feeding her own child means that a woman is waiting for a speedy marriage, as well as a large number of children in the future.
  • unmarried girl the dream says that not the most will come best period in life. There will be some instability in the mood. Incredible joy can be replaced by gloomy sadness.
  • For a married girl, a dream promises favorable events. A pleasant atmosphere in the family, great success at work, wealth and health - all this will await the mistress of this vision.

Seeing you breastfeeding your baby means that in the future all your dreams will come true. If this dream dreamed of a man, this means that he will be able to overcome all the difficulties that will accompany him in the near future. Breastfeeding also suggests that you will make new friends. Things at work will improve significantly, and you will get closer to the next promotion.

Why dream of milk (video)

Take care of your family, try to devote more time to your family and close friends. Do not worry about trifles and know how to say “no” to those who do not appreciate your help at all. Strive for your goals and make all your dreams come true. Break barriers and be happy.

Attention, only TODAY!

Miller's dream book

Breastfeed a baby? The dream in which you are breastfeeding a baby is a hint that in reality you can finally realize your plan. Any of your undertakings will be crowned with great success. You will have a chance to realize your potential, thanks to which your financial situation will noticeably stabilize. Why dream that you feed baby-If in a dream you saw someone breastfeeding a baby - this dream promises happy marriage and the birth of several children. Why dream of breastfeeding a child - An unmarried girl dreams that she is breastfeeding a baby - to joy, luck, which can turn out to be fleeting. Do not relax, so as not to miss the moment of change. For a married woman, such a dream portends happiness, success in business. The dream in which you are breastfeeding promises the fulfillment of your desires.

Why dream of breastfeeding a child

Freud's dream book

Breastfeeding a child - If you dreamed that you were breastfeeding a child, you are embarrassed before entering into a relationship. Such a dream suggests that you are a sensual, vulnerable nature who knows how to enjoy intimate relationships.

Why dream of breastfeeding a child

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Happiness; for unmarried - fragile fun.

Why dream of breastfeeding a child

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Why dream of breastfeeding a child in a dream - not wanting to pay attention to your own vices and take measures to eradicate them. The dream in which you are breastfeeding a child indicates that you will suffer from your own laziness and inconstancy. You are prone to frequent tantrums and changes in your sexual partner, which cannot but affect your mental state.

Why dream of breastfeeding a child

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Breastfeed an infant. The dream in which you are breastfeeding a baby symbolizes a happy marriage and the birth of strong, healthy children. Such a dream can also indicate that you have some kind of need that you cannot satisfy. Why dream of breastfeeding a baby - If a sick woman dreamed that she was breastfeeding a baby, this is for a speedy recovery.

Why dream of breastfeeding a child

Islamic dream book

Breastfeeding - indicates a need. And if a woman sees in a dream that a certain man is sucking her breast, then, verily, he will seize her property for himself. Why dream that you are feeding a baby - And if the patient sees that she is breastfeeding, then she will recover.

Why dream of breastfeeding a baby in a dream - to the opportunity to realize what was conceived and favorable changes in life. The dream in which you are breastfeeding a baby suggests that soon you will meet a person who will radically change your life. Such a dream is interpreted as positive.

Why dream of breastfeeding a child

Christian dream book

Breastfeed a baby (for women) - Happy marriage and healthy children. Imagine that you are feeding not one, but two babies at the same time - certainly girls (see Baby).

Why dream of breastfeeding a child

Women's dream book

Breastfeed a child. If you dreamed that you were breastfeeding a child, this is a very good sign. Such a dream predicts the onset of a period of your life that is favorable in all respects. Without a doubt, you can take on the implementation of plans and the embodiment of your plans in reality - everything will certainly work out. Relations with the opposite sex will also be favorable. married women waiting for a family idyll and harmony in relationships, and the girls will meet their future husband.

Dreaming of breastfeeding a baby in a dream - you need help and care, or strive to provide help and support to someone else. If you dreamed that you were breastfeeding someone else's child, your help will not be appreciated by those to whom you provide it. Such a dream means empty chores, useless deeds, a senseless effort to help others. Those people for whom you are trying will be ungrateful and will not appreciate your efforts.

Why dream of breastfeeding a child

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Breastfeed a baby? Breastfeeding a baby in a dream means taking care of your future and the future of your children. Such a dream symbolizes faith in oneself and hope for a happy future, which will undoubtedly be justified.

Why dream of breastfeeding a child

Loff's dream book

To dream of breastfeeding a baby in public means that your hidden thoughts and hidden desires can become public. Do not rush to share them with others to prevent the fact of disclosure. If a pregnant woman dreams that she is breastfeeding a baby, her birth will be quick and painless, and the baby will be born strong and healthy. Why dream that you are feeding a baby - A woman dreams that she is breastfeeding - to worries about her partner.

Often such a dream personifies caring for your sexual partner, because in a relationship a woman is partly for her husband and a mother who takes care of him.

Breastfeeding someone else's baby in a dream is a betrayal of people whom you once helped a lot or continue to help at the present time.

Feeding a child in a dream portends joy, fun, successful accomplishments, and also denotes a favorable time for the implementation of plans. To figure out what the dream of feeding a child is, you should remember your dream in the smallest detail, associate it with the moments taking place in real life and see their interpretation in the dream book.

Some dream books ambiguously interpret what dreams of feeding a child mean. Miller's dream book portends successful love relationship and successful business relationships. Opportunity to turn your plans into reality and implement new projects. In addition to the positive aspects, such a dream can express the subconscious need of a sleeping person for care and protection.

Hasse's dream interpretation, the process of feeding in a dream, is associated with someone's need for the participation and support of the dreamer. Perhaps friends or loved ones will ask the sleeping person to provide moral or material assistance that should be provided.

I dreamed that I was breastfeeding a child ...

It is useful to know why you dream of breastfeeding your baby. For a girl who has recently given birth or is breastfeeding, fears about the sufficient amount of her milk, its nutritional value and fears that her breast milk may disappear provoke such dreams. In fact, these groundless fears, which are projected into dreams, speak of a woman's completely natural excitement.

According to Vanga's dream book, for a woman, the meaning of sleep - breastfeeding - is associated with a natural life process, which has a positive meaning, since in reality this activity is pleasant and joyful. Such a picture portends a calm, moderate and happy life in abundance and harmony.

In Loff's dream book, the interpretation of sleep - breastfeeding, comes from the fact that in reality this process is available only to women. Therefore, visions for the most part express the archetypal behavior of a person, inherent in their gender.

For a woman to feed a baby in a dream, the dream book reveals the dreamer's subconscious need to establish herself in the role of a mother. There are cases when, in a relationship with a man, a young lady takes on the role of a caring mother, prompting and protecting her chosen one. In this case, the young lady perceives her lover not as a partner, but as her own baby, and if the companion himself agrees with this, then the role and realization of female natural instincts in the lady will be violated.

In a dream, breastfeeding your child portends Wangoy, true, all-consuming joy and happiness. Getting an unexpected, but pleasant surprise, for a young lady who does not have children in reality. Modern dream book indicates the onset of a "finest hour" for the dreamer, which suggests the time to act and translate into reality one's own dreams and desires.

Why dream of breastfeeding someone else's child? If the sensations after the dream are painful and unpleasant, then, as the dream book says, perhaps someone will take advantage of the dreamer's kindness and gullibility for their own purposes, and will respond with ingratitude and rudeness in return. A calm and high spirits speaks of mutually beneficial cooperation with a certain person or group of persons, which will certainly result in prosperity and an increase in finances.

Feeding a newborn child in a dream, according to the dream book of the healer Akulina, portends the accomplishment of good deeds in reality, the fruits of which the dreamer will see only in the distant future. The kindness and participation shown by a person in real life will not go unanswered, and everything will be rewarded according to merit.

Other feeding methods

To find out in more detail why you dream of feeding children, you should remember the gender of the baby, as well as his behavior. A girl in a dream portends a fun and carefree pastime, full of unexpected and amazing events. The boy, on the other hand, promises minor troubles and unpleasant situations that can affect the dreamer's mood, but will not affect the implementation of plans.

A quiet and calm baby symbolizes tranquility, peace, harmony and prosperity in the family of a sleeping person. A crying and anxious baby in a dream warns of a difficult period in the relationship between relatives and close people.

If you dream that you are feeding a child - for a young and nulliparous girl, Hasse's dream book predicts a sharp change in mood in the future: joy quickly turning into sadness, and vice versa. For married persons, such an image indicates happiness and the fulfillment of cherished desires. For men, such a vision speaks of the appearance of additional troubles associated with the whims of loved ones or friends.

An important role in the interpretation of a dream is the very method of feeding a baby in a dream.

Young ladies will be interested to know why they dream of feeding a child from a spoon. In dream books, there are several interpretations of this image. A dream warns of adversity, which in the near future will become constant companions of a sleeping person, close and caring people will help to cope with the problems that have come.

The second interpretation indicates an upcoming event, where, it would seem, promising plans and ideas will be in jeopardy. If in real life the dreamer is not sure about the people with whom he will cooperate, then it is worth postponing the project and not getting involved in adventures.

The opportunity to receive a profitable offer and establish yourself at work, expand your business connections and horizons, that's what dreams of feeding a baby from a bottle for a man. For a woman, the dream book advises to spend more time on the realization of her own interests, since the time has come to declare herself and show her talents.

For a young lady, such a dream reveals the ability to adequately get out of difficult situations and meet all troubles with her head held high.

Milk in a dream is a symbol of prosperity, goodness and addition. A man feeding a baby with milk from a bottle in a dream, according to the dream book, can count on a solid increase in wages, promotion, or a one-time financial reward.

Feeding a seriously ill child in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as forced material assistance to your relatives and friends. Such a perspective will allow the dreamer to take a closer look at the people who are in his environment, since the gratitude of people can be radically different from what is desired.

Seeing or watching someone feed a baby

Watching a man in a dream how a beloved woman feeds a child means prosperity and well-being in the house, as well as peace and harmony between spouses. For businessmen, such a picture speaks of the opportunities and prospects that will open up for him in the near future.

To find out why the baby is fed by a strange woman in a dream, you should pay attention to your own emotions and feelings experienced in a dream and after it. The confusion and confusion left after the dream suggests that in real life someone wants to take advantage of the kindness and ignorance of the dreamer for their own selfish purposes. It is worth being wary of any kind of proposals, especially if they are made by unfamiliar people.

A calm or elated mood after what he saw means that the sleeping person will properly manage his time and, with the help of the patronage of strangers, will achieve the desired results and big profits. Also, it may mean that it is time to reap the rewards and get long-standing debts.

To hire a nurse in a dream for your child is deciphered by the dream book as troubles and insults that will inflict a sleeping person strangers. Do not be upset over trifles, but you need to let go as soon as possible negative emotions and live in peace.

To see a nursing mother in a dream portends an early marriage, a large and strong family in an English dream book.
