Statuses about a cheerful mood. Statuses about a great mood, optimism and life is beautiful! Sunny, beautiful, happy sayings

Do you think he has sad mood? Whatever it is, it's his nerdy nature.

The mood faded towards the end of the party. What could improve the situation? A kilo of ice cream and a good movie on-line. Or that he suddenly called, asked how you were doing. Well, something was missing all evening.

I want to punch someone. It's just the mood.

Best Status:
It happens that everything seems to be good, but the mood is somehow sad. Lack of drive, perhaps. And it happens - in the midst of life's upheavals, it becomes so provocatively and fun that others are twisting at the temple.

I love friends who don't get to the bottom of the reason for your bad mood, don't ask a bunch of stupid questions. They are just there, always ready to offer to go unwind together.

Whenever you feel bad, think about those who are worse off. Try to help them. You will see, there is no better cure for sadness.

Mood? Create it yourself. Fill your life with meaning. Find a target. Keep at least one person warm.

Depression is simply a period of acute need for happiness.

If you're in a bad mood at home, call a friend at work.

And in the morning coffee and look tired. Yes, everything is in order, but so tired ...

Where is my personal Carlson, who will say: “Calm, baby, only calm…”

They got it with their “Everything will be fine.” It will, I know. I feel bad now.

When you are in a bad mood, but in the status you put that you have fun feeling like a hero

The energy of laziness is the most inexhaustible

If your friend is in a bad mood, don't worry, it's not sexually transmitted.

Everything.the.end.for*baly everything.just got.what do you all need from me!? get the hell out of here. I want to mess up from here nah.

That half-light, then half-darkness, Then the wind in the back. Half dead... Half dead... Half...

Rain ... Only he gave consolation - stroked her hair, her face ... He hid her tears in his drops ... Hiding her pain ...

There was one good thought ... But she died of loneliness and longing ..

Smile: it makes people puzzle over what's on your mind...

You know, my mood doesn't smell like violets!

Nothing really terrible happened... just when you put everything together... you get ONE HUGE BAD MOOD!!!

bitches!!! don't spoil my bad mood!!!

Sometimes you think: “And when will the day come when I will answer the question “how are you” “excellent” and not lie?”

Do you often suffer from depression and bad mood? Cuban rastamans will teach you to laugh.

Are you in a bad mood? - Then I'll go to you)

Fate often gives us people who are good for life experience, but not for life.

Good mood? No, have not heard.

The most important thing is to have good mood the rest is a matter of money.

Why are you sitting on the floor? - I feel so comfortable. Why in the dark? - Save electricity. Why are tears rolling down your cheeks? - I'm cutting onions. - In the dark on the floor ??? - Yes.

Yes, I am the owner of the mood! .. But he has a different opinion.

In life, a bad mood should be expressed by a thoughtful mood, lips with a bow, meaningful sighs, longing in the eyes, lack of appetite and sexual desire, tears, lying on the bed, squelching nose into the pillow.

Type in google "entertain me google" and look at the first link ... how did we get it.

- Why is the snow crunching? It's probably dry, because it's not fresh. - No ... It's just that the spines of snowflakes break ...

Until beauty starts to save the world, freaks will destroy it!

Why does a person have a sad fuck, because a person just got fucked!

Do not yearn for the impossible happiness, rejoice in the failed misfortune.

I'm fine. In some very bad way, but okay ...

For some reason, it is bad habits that contribute to a good mood !!!

We need to stop all this boredom.

When everything in life goes NAH, then there comes a moment when you FSUs!

There are moments when people love crime.

I am not vindictive and not evil. I'm just indifferent.

The format of a smile depends not only on the mood, but also on the shape of the teeth.

The mood matches what you see.

I wanted to drown my problems in alcohol. Swim, you bastards!

For some reason, it is so arranged that when a person feels bad, he feels good with those who are also feeling bad ...

It is harmful to live, because they die from it ..

I'm in the mood. Shitty some, but in the mood.

I am in a depressed mood.

I'm fine. In some very shitty, but okay ...

Everyone is so beautiful, smart, talented, and I'm like crap in shoes.

To torment your envious people is to be in a good mood.

Well hello, mood, but I thought we would not see each other this year.

There are days when a scientist cat hangs a sign next to him “Caution! angry dog".

Is it worth ruining your mood by thinking about how your mood was ruined?

You can’t fart joyfully with a sad ass ... ..

I wanted to cheer up and overstrained.

Status is resting! Tired of the change of mood of the hostess!…

There is a garbage dump in the soul, emptiness in the head, anger in the eyes, and a dream in the heart.

It's hard to forget the person who made you smile at least once in a bad mood.

Judging by your new girlfriend, I left, taking everything from you, even taste.

bad mood ... goosebumps ...

Sell nervous system. Starts with half a kick!

Why does a person have a sad fuck, because a person is just for ... a ball!

When cats scratch their hearts, it’s not just like that. They're burying shit...

Everything would not be so bad if it did not leave much to be desired.

Apparently, miracles are not aware that they should happen.

We hide tears behind glasses, a bad mood behind smiles, a broken heart behind a beautiful appearance. And everyone believes that everything is always fine with us.

It is harmful to live, because they die from it ...

You can’t be fluffy for everyone - they’ll drag you to the collars ...

Hangover… Bad mood… Quiet sniffing over the ear… The kitten is trying to introduce me: “Enough, Masha, drink on weekdays!” :)

Nothing cheers up guests like crooked wallpaper!

A good remedy is to cheer yourself up at the expense of worsening it in others.

Everything can be attributed to a bad mood, even people

How tired everything is, I so want to disappear for a day from everyone, and return hand in hand with someone! (

When cats scratch their hearts, it’s not just like that. They're burying shit...

SOMETHING that in my soul does not fit in the status ...

Avanakidavra… sektumsembra… just die, freaks, the mood is bad!

When God was handing out a good mood, I was sitting in the toilet in the past ...

Depression is when your life becomes like a sad black and white cartoon.

I'm not upset because we didn't meet! I'm in a STUNNING bad mood!

Only our technology has a bad mood, and only our technology can be offended!)

I went to the dacha, it’s better there alone and in silence, they got everything

Of all the states of the soul, it becomes more and more natural when we hit it ...

The events of your life directly depend on your mood.

I would send you, but I see - you are from there!

Despondency and a bad mood are not only painful for others, but also contagious ...

To be in a good mood is to cause torment to your envious people.

I am a kind and sympathetic person… Got it, bitches??

You are my treasure. I just want to bury you somewhere

I want to become a small child again, without problems, without worries and suffering ... ((

Let's do this: I am now pretending to be cheerful and happy, and you believe in it.

in my opinion, because you love someone, it’s absolutely impossible to suffer. because when you are in a bad mood, you can just think about Him and immediately your heart is warm)

A light knock was heard. It dropped the mood.

In fact, we have few reasons for a bad mood. But every day they are different.

Depression is a state of deep spiritual anus.

Why, when in a bad mood, do you want to leave Vkontakte so much?

Everything depends on the mood. If there is a mood, then you lie on the couch with enthusiasm. Well, if there is no mood, then you lie on the couch without any enthusiasm.

He told her: “Enough is enough! You got me! I'm leaving you!". I'm leaving. I hear a shot. Shot?! I'm coming back. Champagne opened, bitch.

So I want to send. all of you. but you have nothing to do with it.

Somehow, my mood was spoiled. - What kind of joy is this?

someone comes into my life, someone leaves ... but for everyone there is a rule: “When you enter, wipe your feet, when you leave, leave forever!”

marvelous ... I am strong ... I perivayte ... everything .. but the buttocks are not worth it ... SORE ME ((((((((

Do you think the mood can be bad and good? But no, it can still be fucking bad ...

Although I feel bad, but this is not a reason To cause suffering to others.

Nothing spoils the mood for a very short period of time like an unopened parachute

In life, something is always missing for complete happiness, then stools, then ropes, then soap ...

You write only when you are in a good mood, probably it is always bad for you!

They say that if a person really wants something, then it comes true. Apparently I'm not human...

life is like a carousel: it's scary to jump off. already tired of riding

Life is shit, no matter how you twist it ... don't twist it, otherwise everything will fall on you!

To be out of your element - to climb into someone else's.

Positive statuses will cheer up everyone who reads them. Check it out!

Since the mood is always different, then let it alternate - Good with Beautiful!

Zero mood? Hello hard alcohol!

Today I have a Rubik's cube instead of a head. Nichrome does not add up, but bright and pretty.

Please help with the rhyme, I can't finish the poem: “It's morning! Sun is up. I'm going to the bath to wash ... "

Smile, lighting up everyone with smiles! Make mistakes, it's more fun to live with mistakes, don't be scared, everything happens in life, don't give up, everything doesn't work right away.

I want ice cream... But there is no one to send. Rather, there is someone to send, but not for ice cream.

With closed eyes and a smile from ear to ear, I walk towards my own happiness through a field of rakes.

The fact that a person has a good heart does not mean at all that he cannot give a fuck.

When I am criticized, I can defend myself, but I am powerless against praise.

In sweets, I easily limit myself! And semi-sweet - no.

My husband hasn’t shaved in just four days, and the jacket is already sitting on him like stolen ...

If you don’t know what to buy a girl, tell her that you have already bought a gift and invite her to guess. She will list what she wants.

It has been scientifically proven that the body, caught on the scales, begins to get angry.

Indians are strange people: there are feathers, but they do not fly!

Women and men become brave after forty. Women - YEARS, men - DEGREES.

They say milk makes you strong. Try to drink 5 glasses and move the wall - you won't succeed! Now drink 5 glasses of vodka - the wall moves by itself!

If you drink a stack - there will be an appetite.
If you drink a glass - there will be a mood.
If you drink a bottle - there will be a celebration of the soul ...
Well, if you drink a liter - there will be everything: appetite, mood, and a holiday of the soul ... But you ... will not remember this! !

After one hundred and five minutes of torturous thinking about where to start cleaning, a wise decision finally came: “Should I have some tea?”

Step over, people, through sadness!
You smiled, so everything is in order.
Laugh more often, rejoice and let
A smile will become morning exercises!

A smile is not a sign that a person has a positive, it is a sign of skillfully ignoring the surrounding shit.

Smile! After all, a smile is stronger than sadness, even on the gloomiest days! Smile so that after you people say: “Here’s a happy one, damn it!”

Spring has come, the birds are singing
And the "tower" demolishes out of habit.
It carries her somewhere up.
Well, ass, now... hold on!

Some of those present today are clearly not in the mood, and minus everything in a row.

It happens that energy and positive are splashing out of you and you want to do something special)))

Let the smile warm, In the heat and cold will protect. May it inspire you to a feat, love and keep you all!

Positive hanged, depression ate me ...

Everyone says: "does not go, but writes" but I don’t write ... I draw))))) it’s so beautiful))) artist ... damn it ...

We will meet again, not in this life, but in another ...

If you see a girl laughing on the street, you know that she is not married.

Sometimes there is such an airy mood that it seems that people put their hands on you so that you can fly higher ...

A smile is the air that the soul breathes...

On the windowsill sat a gray rain in a wet raincoat, dangling his feet in rubber boots. From his hanging on the windowsill with a hollow thud, drops scattered.

Sometimes you want to scream at the top of your lungs: EVERYTHING IS EXCELLENT FOR ME!!!

Mood - SPRING!!!)))

Great fun music - the key to an awesome mood))))

Such a mood today is “good”, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen.

Not Gioconda? Don't care!!! Mood for five!!!


My mood today, as if I woke up in a duvet cover: It seems in my bed, it seems warm and comfortable, and no one laughs ... but I feel like a fool-fool.

Smiling is the best medicine!

You cannot draw a new life for yourself, you can only change the palette of this one and turn it from monochrome to color!

Dreams are broken against the stones of silence and the rocks of indifference...

Today I am in a very “good” mood. Even the day before yesterday I thought that it was impossible to live worse. Yesterday I was convinced that it could be even worse - so the day before yesterday was not so bad.

One of the main causes of all quarrels is precisely a bad mood.

Mood is a strange and fickle thing ... That is, it is, then it is already gone, and it is sometimes simply impossible to explain to yourself its appearance and its loss!

Spring mood ... I don’t know about you, but I, looking out the window and seeing a snow-covered cold spring, believe not my eyes, but my heart ...

The louder the music, the higher the mood.

In a good mood, like good people, there is not necessarily a reason - sometimes they just appear in our lives.

Three things can spoil the mood: money, weather and men ...
Ouch! And there is a fourth thing - this is the climax ...)))

The pleasure of owning beautiful thing worth the money spent.

How good it is when everything is good!

In order not to sour, you need to sour ...

Why, when you're in a good mood, and you're having fun and fooling around, everyone asks: "Are you feeling bad?"

Do you feel bad being alone? You are in bad company.

Someone has a lot of problems, but I have a collection of them !!!)))

When the heart rejoices, the face blossoms!!!

Happiness is a state of mind and the longer you feel it, the happier you become.

Don't spoil my bad mood)))

Strange mood thing. Five minutes ago I was having fun, but now I want to smash everything to fuck * yum.

I'm just happy that I have you - THE REASON FOR MY GOOD MOOD!!!))

My mood depends on your actions.

I like to drink tea with my wife and jam)

Mood is such a thing that can help set ... someone who has a good mood. It’s good that everyone doesn’t have a bad mood at the same time ...;)

Understanding life and understanding people are far from the same thing. Great wisdom is to comprehend characters and capture moods.

A woman's mood changes like the weather.
Either we shed tears, or we want to shine with joy.

Let's color the world in rainbow color! There will be no other life for us and no!

Contagious laughter has a healing effect on painful sadness ...

Someone rules the world. Someone has enough peace. And I need the universe!

Being positive all the time is stupid and doesn't solve your problems. But it is perfectly suitable for annoying others.

Attention!!! Latest news!!!
February has taken March hostage and demands a ransom - YOUR GOOD MOOD!!!

How good, how delicious, this little dark slit, which is so pleasant to enter, especially after a plentiful, satisfying supper! - said the cockroach, crawling under the plinth.)))

I love people who can make me laugh when I don't even want to smile.

It is necessary to treat a bad mood and very effectively - sexually is the main thing here - self-medication is unacceptable!

Mood statuses

As usual - everything is strawberry!!!

The best decoration of life - good mood.

Carefully! I radiate positive vibrations!

When you wake up in the morning, don't be lazy! Tell yourself a beautiful compliment, and you will blossom in an instant!

Let sorrows be forgotten in autumn, let us leave the past for winter, spring blooms in the soul, and summer mood!

Happiness is the ability not to spoil your mood and not let others do it.

I wish positive, meetings, communication, creativity! In general, they understood me. Have a wonderful day!

I have a unique talent - no matter how good it is, I manage to do even better!

If life doesn't make you happy, then make it happy. Do you want change in your destiny? So start from within.

We are looking for magic and beauty in things, while magic and beauty are in ourselves!

You can't get away from the sun if it's inside.

Our destinies depend on ourselves, by changes in ourselves we change others.

Always listen to yourself - a good person will not wish bad!

Look into your hearts! What beautiful flowers of Love, Light and Harmony bloom in them!

In every winter heart lies a trembling spring, and behind the cover of every night is a smiling dawn.

Believe me, all troubles will go away! Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

In vain in this world nothing happens! There is room for the best!

Seeing the goal, not obstacles, we will get where we need to go!

I don't allow myself too much. Maybe you're just denying yourself too much? ..

Being happy is the most important decision that I have accepted in my life!

Yes, I have many shortcomings. Forgive me, perfect people!

Rather, take a ray of sunshine as a gift!

You noticed - you can change the world: you are sad - and the world is cloudy, smiled - and the world shone.

Since the mood is always different, let it alternate - good with beautiful!

The mood is excellent, even rolls over!

The mood is excellent - familiar in the spring!

I love spring for a great mood, a charge of emotions, a new love, tenderness, flowers, bright colors.

Spring is always new life, rebirth, youth and excellent mood.

In the spring there is a lot of strength, I want big and bright, so why not start today? ..5

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