The wife gave her husband a birthday. The wife found out about her husband's mistress and gave him an unforgettable birthday present! Romantic deeds are the key to a happy marriage

And The truth that a person reaps the fruits of his labors and even efforts is always relevant. The story of a married couple is an example.

The situation when the husband walks on the side is common. Only a few try to teach their half. Instead of humility, the wife showed ingenuity and resourcefulness and taught the faithful a lesson.

The woman found out about the betrayal of the second half long before the X-day. She did not show it, hiding her depressed state and humiliated dignity. An unforgettable gift was waiting for my husband on his birthday. Which? Read the story to the end!

« At first I doubted my husband's infidelity. But every day the amount of evidence increased. The situation did not look rosy. It was hard for me to see and hear my husband being nice on the phone and even flirting. I asked him about the interlocutor on the other end of the line. The husband brazenly lied that he was talking to his mother. Flirting with mom?

The cup of patience was filled. Late returns from work were not confirmed by the words of colleagues from his work. After a working day, he spent several hours in an unknown place. So my torment lasted every day!

The last straw was the disappearances at night. The husband allegedly went out for groceries in the evening, and returned well after midnight.

I realized for myself that a good detective will dot the “and”. I advise all deceived women: do not suffer from doubts and do not believe the tales of walking men, but hire a specialist. Evidence of the spouse's guilt in a divorce court will be good arguments, for example, when dividing property. And the detective did not disappoint ...

I kept silent for several months. Waiting for my husband's birthday. I learned some of the circumstances of this celebration, and decided to collect irrefutable evidence of infidelity in order to be financially independent after a divorce and even buy a house. My assumptions turned out to be correct - my husband planned to celebrate his birthday not with relatives and friends, but with the same colleague. Found in a secluded place, a bottle of champagne and two glasses became irrefutable evidence.

Only her husband's plans were not destined to come true. 3 days before the planned celebration, I told my husband about an urgent business trip to another city. He treated with understanding. In fact, she did not leave the city, but settled with friends.

On the birthday of my half, I agreed with his parents, brother and bosom friends to gather at the door to our apartment. As a gift I prepared a big cake with candles. Any man liked such attention, if not for certain circumstances. The intrigue is growing!

In the morning we all met at the entrance, and I opened the door of the dwelling with my key. Everyone was quiet. After all, they wanted to congratulate the sleepy birthday boy in bed. And so it happened! But the shock of what was happening seized everyone!

My husband was not alone in bed! Seeing the unfaithful son, the mother threw a cake at him and cried. Sister and father lashed out with reproaches. Friends also began to resent. And I showed confusion and misunderstanding of what was happening. Inside, everything triumphed - I took revenge. The naked lover was looking for her clothes, and the ex-husband was crying and saying "What have I done."

The wife took revenge on her negligent husband, and the collected documents and eyewitness accounts will help her in court. Do you think she is right?

If you really want to understand the meaning of the phrase "as you sow, so shall you reap", you should read this story.

This happens from time to time, and the plot itself is not very funny, but the story itself is interesting. The essence of the story is simple: a woman found out that her husband had a mistress and decided to punish him.

The beauty of the story is that the woman did not show her feelings in any way and arranged a surprise for her husband's birthday.

Read this story to the end, it's worth it!

“In general, I had the feeling that my husband was deceiving me, there were a lot of “signs”. He was constantly texting someone, laughing and smiling. And when I asked to whom he wrote, he said that his mother. Began to be late every evening after work. And when I called his colleagues, they answered that he left a few hours ago. When I asked him what was going on, he laughed and said he was in their office.

The last straw was that he went out for milk at 11:30pm and didn't come back until 2am. Now I can definitely say, based on my experience, that in such cases it is worth hiring a private detective. They are well versed in what they are doing and will be able to gather evidence that will come in handy in a divorce.

I didn’t say anything to him and waited for his birthday, which was a few months later. I understand that you may be thinking: why did I have to wait so long if I knew that he was cheating, and why did it have to be done on his birthday? I did this because I needed to collect more evidence and find myself a new place to live. When I asked him how he was going to celebrate his birthday, he said that he did not want to invite guests and would just celebrate it with his work colleagues.

And then I found a bottle of champagne and two glasses in the closet. And something clicked in my brain. So I did what any sensible woman would do in my place. I left home and settled for a while with friends, and told my husband that I was leaving the city on business. Then I invited his parents, his sister, and a few of his friends to his birthday party. I told them that I wanted to surprise my husband and that we should all crash into our apartment with a big cake and candles. Sounds fun? Still would.

We met at the house at 8:30 in the morning. We all enter the elevator (8 people in total). His mother is holding the cake and I remind everyone that they should all be as quiet as possible. I opened the door to the apartment with my key. Each held a cracker in his hands, and his mother, smiling from the top of her mouth, held a cake in her hands. But when I opened the door, everyone was very surprised!

My husband was also surprised. He lay, hugging his mistress, and looked at us with wide eyes. His mother threw the cake, his sister and father started yelling at him. I pretended to be shocked, his friends started yelling at him too. My husband, now an ex-husband, is sobbing and yelling “what have I done” while his mistress tries to put on her underpants and run away.

I think it goes without saying that this is one of the best birthday gifts I have ever made.”

If you think this woman did the right thing, share this story with your friends.

Every year we celebrate.

The date of the anniversary of the second half is especially important.

For those who know each other well, it will be easier to choose a gift, focusing on preferences, tastes and hobbies. For example, from cosmetics or underwear.

Many options can be selected from kitchen appliances, for example:

This will help free up time for yourself and your family. You can attach colorful culinary book with recipes for every occasion.

For home and useful pastime, you can give it to your wife e-book with works already uploaded there, digital photo frame, photo printer.

Beauty for a woman is strength. And technology to help with this will be very helpful.

You can also choose needlework set in the form of a box with various devices, or a special lamp or lamp for needlework.

If your spouse spends a lot of time at work, then a special diary, desktop calendar, unusual stationery sets.

If there is no time to do this, it will save pillow with family fun photos.

You can approach with humor, for example, by changing the kitchen utensils or jars for storing cereals and pasta. Print unusual signatures or photographs of cereals on self-adhesive paper.

If your wife drives a car, then you can choose a birthday present that will make driving easier. Now there are many different options, it can be navigator, video recorder.

Buy a headset to talk on the phone, because while driving you need a device for wireless communication.

It is worth remembering that talking on the phone while driving is now subject to large fines.

Function seat heating very relevant in the cold season, or massage pad on the seat for a comfortable journey.

A necessary and useful gift will be modern travel set, which will help, if necessary, get rid of the replacement of the wheel.

He can clean up a tire puncture in three minutes.

This is a very useful thing, because everything happens on the road.

The most important thing is that a gift for your beloved wife for 35 years should be chosen with love and soul, so that warmth emanates from him, it will be a flower in a pot or a large custom-made cake in the shape of a heart.

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“In general, I had the feeling that my husband was deceiving me, there were a lot of “signs”. He was constantly texting someone, laughing and smiling. And when I asked to whom he wrote, he said that his mother. Began to be late every evening after work. And when I called his colleagues, they answered that he left a few hours ago. When I asked him what was going on, he laughed and said he was alone in the office.

The last straw was that he went out for milk at 11:30pm and didn't come back until 2am. Now I can definitely say, based on my experience, that in such cases it is worth hiring a private detective. They are well versed in what they are doing and will be able to gather evidence that will come in handy in a divorce.

I didn’t say anything to him and waited for his birthday, which was a few months later. I understand that you may be thinking: why did I have to wait so long if I knew that he was cheating, and why it was necessary to do this on his birthday I did this because I needed to collect more evidence and find myself a new one housing. When I asked him how he was going to celebrate his birthday, he said that he did not want to invite guests and would just celebrate it with his work colleagues.

And then I found a bottle of champagne and two glasses in the closet. And something clicked in my brain. So I did what any reasonable woman would do in my place. I left home and settled for a while with friends, and told my husband that I was leaving the city on business. Then I invited his parents, his sister, and a few of his friends to his birthday party. I told them that I wanted to surprise my husband and that we should all crash into our apartment with a big cake and candles. Sounds like fun.

We met at the house at 8:30 in the morning. We all enter the elevator (8 people in total). His mother is holding the cake and I remind everyone that they should all be as quiet as possible. I opened the door to the apartment with my key. Each held a cracker in his hands, and his mother, smiling from the top of her mouth, held a cake in her hands. But when I opened the door, everyone was very surprised!

My husband was also surprised. He lay, hugging his mistress, and looked at us with wide eyes. His mother threw the cake, his sister and father started yelling at him. I pretended to be shocked, his friends started yelling at him too. My husband, now an ex-husband, is sobbing and yelling “what have I done” while his mistress tries to put on her underpants and run away.

I think it goes without saying that this is one of the best birthday gifts I have ever made.”

If you have been together for more than a year, most likely you have already managed to give your wife a lot of different gifts, and every year the task of choosing a present becomes more complicated. What to give your wife for 25 years, 26, 27 years, 28 or 29 years so that she is satisfied?

As a rule, when choosing a gift for his beloved wife, many men are guided by their tastes. But remember the preferences of your beloved wife and you will immediately find differences. So, what do women want to receive as a birthday present from their husbands?

TOP 20 birthday gifts for wife for 25-29 years

  1. Jewelry: earrings, ring, bracelet, necklace. perhaps the spouse has long wanted to receive a stylish jewelry from you as a gift. Any woman will be happy with this gift.
  2. Technique: New phone, tablet or MP3 player. We all want to keep up with the times. Maybe your wife just needs a new device? it is better to choose this birthday present for your wife in advance to find the best option.
  3. sexy lingerie. Any woman will be pleased to receive a sexy gift from her beloved husband on her birthday. But be careful with the sizes - before buying them you need to know for sure!
  4. Portrait from a professional artist. The best gift for your beloved wife can be ordered from a specialist and painted from one photo.
  5. You can think about purchasing interior items as a gift to your wife. Beautiful designer night light. A gift that helps you relax and fall asleep will delight both of you.
  6. Women's watch with name engraving. This is especially true if the wife likes to be late. Now she will always know what time it is. Choosing such a gift will bring benefits and good mood.
  7. Beauty device: hairdryer, straightener, styling device, manicure lamp. A great gift for your beloved so that your woman is always beautiful.
  8. Makeup kit. You can donate decorative cosmetics. Buy and present a good and high-quality body and hair care kit.
  9. What flowers to give your wife for her birthday, you decide if you know about her tastes. But you can give an exotic bouquet, for example, flowers in ice or a huge bouquet with rhinestones. You will not surprise anyone with ordinary flowers. But flowers in ice or with rhinestones - quite. A fruity bouquet will also appeal to a wife who loves fresh fruits.
  10. casket or jewelry stand. If your budget is limited, perfect for women who have a lot of different jewelry and bijouterie. A multi-tiered box will appeal to any girl.
  11. Large chocolate figurine. The perfect birthday present for your wife especially for those with a sweet tooth. You can even make a statue in the shape of your wife - you just need to find the right artist.
  12. romantic dinner in a restaurant and going to the cinema. This is a very good birthday present, it will bring joy to the two of you. Go out to dinner at a pleasant place, attend the premiere of an interesting movie. Such an evening will leave only positive impressions.
  13. Hot air balloon flight or skydiving. Giving your wife a birthday present is an option for wives who love extreme relaxation.
  14. Gift Certificate to a perfume shop. A practical birthday gift for your wife - the opportunity to choose what she likes herself. Women love to choose fragrances. Give her this opportunity and you won't go wrong.
  15. fire show or fireworks in her honor. Do you want to surprise your wife? The question of what to give his wife for her birthday disappears. Fireworks and fire show is a mesmerizing experience that will be remembered for a lifetime.
  16. Set for home spa treatments. An economical, but interesting option for relaxing and maintaining beauty. This set can be both as an independent gift, and as an additional one.
  17. Wife for 25-29 years old can be given as a gift big plush toy. Lovers of soft animals just need to give a huge toy.
  18. You can give certificate for a master class in cooking or dancing. And if this is a Thai massage master class, then in the future you are guaranteed an amazing joint vacation.
  19. original thermos or tumblr with original design. your wife will be happy with such a gift if she can use it at work, on a walk or during outings into nature.
  20. Another gift idea for a wife for 25-29 years two concert tickets or to the theatre. Perhaps your wife's favorite performer is just coming to town on tour?

If you are still thinking what to give your wife for her birthday so that she is happy, then do not limit yourself to just one present. Choose several gifts at once and your spouse will be happy.

What to give your wife a birthday present so that your beloved wife will remember this day for a long time? Clean up the house, cook something tasty and take on all the duties that your wife usually does. Birthday is her holiday, let her feel like a real queen.

Flowers as a gift

Do you already know what flowers to give your wife for her birthday? If you do not remember what kind of flowers your spouse likes, then the easiest way not to make a mistake is to ask directly which bouquet she prefers.

If you do not want to ask, then you can observe the preferences of the spouse. What color are the objects that surround her, what palette are the clothes in, how harmonious will the flowers be in your bedroom or living room. After all, it is there that the bouquet you presented will be located.

But you can arrange a surprise. Give your wife a bouquet of sweets, gingerbread or exotic fruits. She will surely appreciate the gift.

But no matter what bouquet you give to your wife, they cannot replace a gift.

Interesting birthday gift ideas for a wife aged 25 and older that will not remain without emotions

Huge toy for a good mood. If your wife loves toys, give her big bear, which barely fits in the hands. The oversized soft teddy bear is perfect for cuddling and as a pillow. Therefore, if you want to impress your spouse and give her a lot of positive emotions, feel free to give a toy in the form of a bear!

Video congratulations. An ideal gift for a wife is a video congratulation from her beloved husband and a declaration of love. Having decided that giving such a present to your wife for her birthday is a great idea, do not forget to supplement it with a nice material gift.

What to give your wife for 25 years

Is your wife's 25th birthday? It's time to give the woman you love something really worthwhile.

Youth is the time when we surprise each other, so that later we can remember it on warm evenings. Young girls under 30 are impressionable and will be grateful for good emotions. Feel free to arrange surprises and give an unforgettable experience.

Ideas of what to give your wife for her birthday at 25 do not end with emotions.

  1. Romantic date. The main thing is your care and attention. Organize a romantic evening for your beloved wife. Light candles, turn on pleasant music, call your spouse to the roof to end the holiday, meeting the dawn. The night, smoothly turning into a beautiful morning, will cause genuine delight and surprise.
  2. extreme sensations. Give your wife an unforgettable hot air balloon ride or skydive, and be sure to go with her. Experience this extraordinary feeling together, so that later you can remember your reckless act for a long time.
  3. Luxury fire show or fireworks. You can arrange a real show by inviting professional firemen. If you want to spend this day together, buy fireworks in advance, call your spouse outside in the evening and arrange a sparkling volley in her honor.

heating pad toy- the warmest gift to your beloved. For especially warm and cozy evenings, give your wife a cute warmer toy, which is made of hypoallergenic plastic and composite fiber. Whether the wife is 25-26 years old or 30 years old, she will be happy with such care from her husband. The essence of the work is simple: the heating pad must be filled with water, placed in a cute case and connected to the power supply. You wouldn't want your precious wife to freeze, would you?
The necklace is handmade. If you don’t know what gift to give your wife for her birthday, then buy her a stylish necklace and the question of what to give your wife for 25-29 years will disappear by itself. The decoration made by the hands of the masters will create a complete image of the wife on the holiday.

What to give a wife for 26-27 years

What to give your wife an original birthday present for 26 years and 27 years? Forget household gifts. Give your beloved wife an interesting gift for a hobby. While doing what you love, your wife will definitely remember you.

  1. Book. No matter how trite it may sound, but the book is the best gift. This gift is perfect for your wife if she loves to read. Give your loved one a collector's edition of her favorite book or a copy signed personally by the author.
  2. Self-development courses. This is not only inexpensive, but also a practical gift. If the lady of your heart has been hinting to you for a long time that she wants to do something new or wants to improve in any area, this is your chance! Give her a sewing course, crossbow shooting lessons, or a certificate for yoga classes.
  3. Event Tickets. A music festival, a performance in your favorite theater, a concert by a popular artist - please your wife with tickets to an interesting event. Give her two tickets so that she can take you or a friend. Accompany the gift with original and warm congratulations.

Beauty gift: nail care. Many girls love to take care of their hands. If your wife is one of those, give her a quality manicure set. Buy her this set, which includes scissors, a cuticle pusher, a nail file, nippers and tweezers. You can choose any color you like. You can also purchase a special lamp for manicure in the kit for a manicure set.

What to give a wife for 28 or 29 years

If you want to please your wife for 29 years, pay attention to the rhythm of her life. Perhaps your pet works a lot, spends the weekend at home and does not go out, fix this and give her a gift for relaxation.

  1. Day in the SPA salon. Any woman will be delighted with spa treatments, especially if her beloved man gives her a whole day in a beauty salon. Your wife will be pleased to receive relaxing treatments, warm baths, massages and peels on her birthday - what more can you ask for?
  2. Travel. Choosing a gift will not be difficult if your wife loves to travel. For a lover of going on a trip to nature, give an unforgettable trip. It can be a neighboring city, another country, or just a picnic trip. Don't forget to bring a tent and barbecue grill.
  3. Massager or foot bath. The opportunity to relax after a long and hard day at work is a priceless gift. Buy your wife a body massager or a foot bath in the store. Any woman will appreciate such attention.

Jewelry box. If your woman has nowhere to put her jewelry, the Prestige Jewelry Box is the perfect gift for her. Large and spacious, with a mechanical opener and a mirror, it will instantly solve all problems with earrings and rings lying around the apartment. Not only a beautiful, but also a practical gift.

TOP birthday gifts for a wife of 25, 26, 27, 28 or 29 years old, which can be given very carefully

Some gifts can hurt a woman's feelings and ruin all relationships with her. What gifts should not be given to your beloved wife and why?

  • Appliances. The wife may think that you are primarily interested in her as a cook, and not as a woman. Yes, a washing machine, stove, microwave and kettle are a necessary thing in every home for your beloved wife, but giving all this for her birthday is only worth it if she is not against such gifts.
  • Subscription to the fitness club. If a woman wants, she herself will pay for her classes in the gym. Such a gift can hint to your spouse that you think it’s time for her to lose weight. Although, if she prefers a healthy lifestyle, then the subscription will be a wonderful gift for her wife.
  • clothing. Gifting clothes is not always a good idea. Even if you know your wife well, you may not be able to guess the size she wears. You can and should give things, but in order not to miscalculate, it is advisable to know in advance all the sizes of your beloved woman.
  • Perfume. Few men can guess with their wife's favorite scent. If you are not sure what perfume your woman uses, do not give it to her. Especially if you decide to buy a fragrance in a kiosk around the corner of the house.

Budget Gifts

If your budget is limited, don't worry, you can always come up with something. Give her something inexpensive but cute.

  • Create a beautiful greeting in the form of an old scroll with your declaration of love. Print an imitation of ancient paper on paper and write warm words by hand, you will create a great mood for your wife.
  • Your wife will also like a happy birthday video and will also not cost money. But this congratulation is recognized as a “real” gift only complete with flowers.
  • The production of a mono play by you will be enthusiastically received by both your wife and guests if there is a festive party on the occasion of the wife's birthday.
  • A gentle and romantic gift can be a walk through memorable places where interesting events happened to you. A nostalgic birthday present for your wife will evoke a quivering feeling of happiness and love.
  • If you are sure that the spouse will be delighted with such a gift, then give her a pet. It does not have to be purchased with a pedigree. In shelters, they will help you choose a future pet for free or for a very small fee, who will repay with all his being with love for the acquired family.
  • Good fun cartoon. A creative birthday gift with humor for your wife will surprise you and make you laugh.

No matter how much you want and can spend on a gift for your wife, buy quality items. An inexpensive inexpensive product, made of simple materials, but in excellent performance, will be liked much more than an expensive and tasteless trinket.

DIY gifts

You can make your wife happy by giving her a handmade item for her birthday.

You can give your wife both for 25-26 years old, and for 27-28 and 29 years old handmade jewelry. It can be a stylish bracelet made of wooden or metal plates, a pendant made of intricately bent jewelry wire and other jewelry. Create a present with your own hands and you will see the grateful and happy eyes of your soulmate.

A self-made shelf for books with recipes made by your own hands as a gift to your wife will decorate your kitchen and your spouse will cook delicious dishes more often and with great pleasure.

If you have a dacha, then arrange a flower bed under the windows, planting plants in a harmonious composition.

Here is another short video of what to give your wife for her birthday

The perfect gift for your loved one. There is no perfect gift for every woman. When choosing a present, be sure to be guided by the interests and desires of your spouse, and also do not be afraid to show imagination. Only in this way you will be able to make a truly memorable surprise.
