Masonry of brick window openings outside. Masonry window opening made of bricks. When are these actions required?

One of milestones building construction is the laying of windows, bricks in this case a certain amount will be required, which will depend on the size of the window. Since the window opening violates the integrity and strength of the monolithic wall, the reliability of the operation of the entire house depends on the quality of its implementation.

The window opening must be securely supported, because. violates the integrity of the structure of the house.

window opening in brickwork they begin to form with an element called a run, which is the basis of a brick window. It is fixed on folded brick walls. Runs are made from several types of material:

  • concrete lintels made at an enterprise that produces construction products, or independently;
  • metal channels;
  • standard corners made of metal.

The material for creating the run is chosen depending on the expected load on the wall of the house, in which there will be a window, or on the convenience of the organization construction works by installing it. The dimensions of the run, according to the standards indicated in SNiP, are determined by adding 1.5-2 m on both sides to the width of the window opening in brick walls.

Runs from a channel

A metal channel is one of the popular ways to create a lintel that decorates a brick window with a small run. Channel - a device that is a corner of metal, usually 12-14 cm in the piers in half a brick and 24-27 cm in the piers in a whole brick.

The condition for the strength of the structure using a channel with standard dimensions of 100 × 100 mm (100 × 75 mm) is the reliability of the connection between the masonry of the main walls and the walls above the window of the house under construction.

The channel must be laid so that the material laid out on it fits very tightly to its edges. A jumper from a channel - usually no more than 150 cm long. Compliance with these requirements for the dimensions of the channel ensures that the window span does not bend and the brickwork does not sag above it. When finishing windows with facing bricks outside surface the channel will be closed, and the channel will be visible only from the inside of the building.

Concrete lintel

The laying of brick windows is made from two types:

  • jumpers produced at the factory;
  • jumpers made independently by the installer at the construction site by pouring.

Installation of a ready-made concrete product is carried out very quickly, and its reliability is guaranteed. But the purchase of a finished concrete lintel with required dimensions, which are most often non-standard in the individual construction of a low-rise building, may not be possible. In addition, the weight of the finished industrial product is more than 100 kg, therefore, it requires the involvement of special equipment for an additional fee.

Making concrete purlins for non-standard windows brick is independently organized according to the following algorithm:

The surface must be thoroughly cleaned to future masonry opening.

  • thorough cleaning of brickwork surfaces from cement mortar residues on both sides of the future window;
  • high-quality soil coating of the sides of the window opening;
  • assembling a wooden formwork for installing a jumper;
  • installation of reinforcement in a future run;
  • pouring into formwork concrete mortar in a small layer so that it does not flow through the formwork boards and that these boards do not sag;
  • laying in the poured layer of mortar mesh from reinforcement;
  • continued pouring of the jumper;
  • installation in the concrete solution of the second bookmark from the reinforcement;
  • completion of pouring concrete mortar;
  • dismantling the formwork (it should be borne in mind that it is not always possible to remove the lower part of the formwork).

With this method of work, it is necessary to pour the concrete solution slowly so that it has time to set evenly.

Window opening expansion

If you need to expand window openings in brickwork by a quarter of a brick (6 cm), this is easy to do without doing preparatory work to strengthen the lintel. If it is necessary to significantly widen a window opening or a door opening in a finished wall, or to connect 2 window openings, the important rules. For this, it is produced complete dismantling the entire window block, deleting an existing window lintel and the creation of reliable supports for the new. One of several ways to perform such construction work is to install a steel lintel that reinforces the opening, or a reinforced concrete product.

Consider how to increase the width of the window opening in a brick house. If the old masonry is fragile, then you can remove part of it in the place where you plan to expand the window, and lay out the slopes again. If the masonry of the window openings is strong, then they use the method of trimming the side walls of the opening, after which the grooves are cut out for a new lintel, the wall in place of which is then carefully leveled with a solution of high-strength cement. After the cement has completely hardened, a beam is inserted into the cut grooves, under which special devices are placed to support it from below, outside the building and from the inside.


Then the wall is dismantled where it is planned to expand the window opening in the brick wall. Racks are removed, all gaps in the wall are filled cement mortar, set the frame of the new window. After that, the old slopes are dismantled and new ones are laid with the establishment of the maximum number of dressings with bearing wall. Then lining is done with facing materials.

Facing brick windows

Finishing windows with facing bricks is an excellent method of decorating window zones.

It emphasizes the contour, gives volume and highlights the windows on the facade of the building. Facing the window with a contrasting or embossed brick allows you to almost completely change the facade. Facing bricks give the building a neater and more elegant look. In conclusion, you can make beautiful decorative brick cornices.

The surroundings of the windows must be carefully calculated and symmetrical in relation to the masonry of the main walls and the corners of the building. Original beautiful windows complete the appearance of the facade, subject to careful sealing of cracks using special masonry or the use of brick platbands.


The harmonious appearance of the facade directly depends on the size and shape of the windows, or rather, on how symmetrical they are with respect to the corners of the building and the width of the walls. It is necessary to comply with certain standards when constructing the walls of buildings, but in practice it is often possible to observe inconsistencies that it is desirable to eliminate before laying facing brick.

How to measure a window opening for installing a plastic window?

Hello reader! Some people like to save money.

One client calls me and asks if it is possible to order windows according to the dimensions he has already measured.

Well, I went to meet the client and said that it was possible. I won't do it again, because he took the wrong measurements.

And there is nothing to save there, because the service is free if you order a window.

But I still consider it necessary to tell you about how to measure a window for installing a plastic window. Useful information Further.

How to measure a window yourself

Do you know what a quarter is? What is the reverse? Or a straight line? If you have no idea what it is, then do not even try to measure yourself. Despite the apparent similarity of urban development, the measurement of windows can be fundamentally different in two seemingly identical houses. Therefore, there can be no clear instructions here.

The measurer, as a rule, is a former installer who is well versed in one or another type of construction, but even experienced specialists with 5-7 years of experience are mistaken. And even they are sometimes forced to tap the slopes when measuring, or remove part of them. And his tool of labor is not only a tape measure, but also a hammer, and a chisel, and sometimes a crowbar. Therefore, first of all, determine the type of your opening.

Quarter. This is a special structure of a concrete or brick wall. At the same time, the size of the window from the side of the street is smaller than the size of the opening from the room, by 5-25 cm. Approximately 80% of the buildings in the city of Moscow have similar dimensions. Most of standard panel houses has a quarter, and in brick it is almost always present.

Reverse quarter. It happens rarely, mainly in the end parts of buildings. In this case, the size on the outside is larger than on the inside. Here, measurements of structures should be especially careful.

direct opening- the size of the window from the outside is the same as from the inside. Basically, it is a private building.


You know that there are openings where there is a quarter on the sides, but not on the top and bottom. But there is also the opposite situation, at the top and bottom there is, but not on the left and right. It can be simple at the top, and reverse at the bottom, and vice versa. All these indicators form many combinations.

If you think that if the apartment has one window and a quarter, then the rest are the same, you are deeply mistaken, they may be different. And there is certain type houses where they were inserted in production concrete slab, and the slope was poured with a mixture based on concrete in the same place. When looking at it visually it seems that this is a straight opening.

But during dismantling, these slopes are destroyed, and the opening becomes larger. And there are not many such houses. To define and take into account all this is a whole art, based on many years of experience. In wooden buildings, everything is usually packed with boards so that nothing can be seen at all. A real specialist will remove everything that interferes with the inspection.

Before you measure, heed the advice: without a very strong need, do not order plastic structures that you personally measured. It is very likely that the structures will be smaller than required, then there will not be enough light in your room. And even worse if it is larger, in which case you will have to redo the windows or increase the opening, which is very problematic.

Useful advice!

If you want to know the approximate dimensions, just measure the length and width of your window from the side of the room with a tape measure, this is quite enough to calculate by phone, the error will be no more than a thousand rubles, and may even be in your favor.

If you need to measure yourself.
Therefore, we will tell you how to measure windows with a quarter and straight walls. We will leave the reverse and other cases to specialists.

Quarter freeze.

The size from the street side is smaller than the size from the room. To measure the width of a window, measure the outside distance, from one side slope to the other, keep the end of the tape measure as close to the frame as possible. Add 3-6 centimeters to this size. For example, if the width is 140 cm, the size should be 146 cm.

To protect yourself from mistakes as much as possible, measure the width from the side of the room. It should be at least 5 cm larger than the window, that is, not less than 151 cm. If the distance is less, for example 148 cm, reduce to 143 cm. This applies 100% to panel houses, in brick houses a quarter can be plastered. The plaster will be removed, so less than 6 cm is not added to the brick.

If the internal distance turns out to be much larger than the product, for example, 160 cm or even more, resist the temptation to make the designs larger. In this case, the plastic frame will completely go beyond a quarter, and only glass will remain on the street, this threatens with freezing due to incorrect measurement.

To measure the height, also take the length of the outer opening, from the tide to the upper outer slope, this is usually the height of the product. Nothing is added to it, since a support profile, 3 cm high, is installed under the window, a window sill is attached to it. That is, if the height is 150 cm, then the product will be 150 cm plus the stand profile, in total - 153 cm. Also check yourself by measuring the height from the room. It must be at least 5 cm more than 150 cm, that is, not less than 155 cm.

Measurement of a direct opening

Smooth straight walls are often found in private wooden and brick houses. It is necessary to measure the width and subtract 4-6 cm. That is, if the width is 150 cm, then the design is 144-145 cm.

The size in height is minus 8-10 cm, that is, if the value is 150 cm, then the height of the window is 142 cm. Another 3 cm is the stand profile, that is, the total value is 145 cm.

If you are measuring in an old house, clean the surfaces, remove the architraves, you should see a natural look, without details. If the building is wooden, this is not so scary, when installing, you can expand it, for example, with an ax (and it happens).

And one more thing - if possible, call the measurer, or remove the old product before measuring, do not risk expensive products, plastic structures- an expensive pleasure.


How to freeze a window?

Everyone who is faced with the installation of plastic windows for the first time asks the question “where to start?”. So that the first installation of windows is successful, and you receive good result, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials of our site, which contain all necessary information for the installation of plastic windows.

The first and most important work is assigned to the measurer. Quite often, the customer is absolutely unaware of what kind of walls his house has, and what is inside them. In this regard, a simple call with a description of your window to order the required window will not be enough.

Of course, the customer is able to report on the parameters of the window opening, however, only professional worker with extensive experience in this service sector. A good specialist must have analytical skills, be aware of the future window design, and also have personal experience in installing windows.

Basic rules for measuring

Measurements for the future plastic window must be carried out as with inside opening (indoors), and outside (from the street). The parameters of both of these measurements are extremely important in order to determine how deep a quarter that an existing window opening has. After all, many factors affect the final size of the window.

One of the factors that must be taken into account when measuring may be the skew of the existing opening, in the presence of which the size of the window must be increased by the amount of skew. In order to avoid the occurrence of through cracks between the window and the edge of the opening, the size of the PVC window should exceed the size of the outer window opening by 3-4 and 1.5-2 centimeters in width and height, respectively.

This result can be achieved either by increasing the overall size of the window structure, or by expanding the window. In the second case, additional profiles will be used that snap onto the box. After determining the parameters of the future window, they must be compared with the control (internal) parameters of the window opening.

When making such a comparison, any error that could have been made in previous calculations can be detected, an assessment is made of how thick a layer of plaster will be applied on the internal slopes to compare the edges of the window, as well as whether it will be necessary to demolish the slopes when installing a window designs. Obviously, the amount of such extra work should be kept to a minimum.

Measurement requires:

  1. Correct measurement of opening parameters.
  2. Accurate calculation of the dimensions of structures (overall and internal) to be manufactured.
  3. Accounting for the size of the window sill, mosquito net, low tide.
  4. Coordination with the customer of the following:
  • what will be the window binding;
  • choice of window style and configuration;
  • color scheme for seals, binding and fittings;
  • choose the type of double-glazed window;
  • determining the quantity, type, color and design that roller shutters and mosquito nets will have;
  • choice of material, color and dimensions for ebbs, slope and window sill.
  • Works of unification of the overall dimensions of future structures.
  • Conscientious execution of a sheet containing measurement data and recommendations regarding the installation process.
  • How to measure a window yourself

    The most convenient for measuring the opening is a tape measure or a telescopic ruler equipped with a digital display; a regular 5 m tape measure with an 18 mm tape can also be used. The opening may have quarters (protrusions of the outer part of the wall measuring ¼ of a brick inside the opening), or maybe without them. You can most often find openings with quarters in city houses, openings without quarters - in country cottages.


    The height of the opening is measured twice - from the left and right side, while the width is measured once, at the bottom. If there is any doubt about the location of the elements of the contour of the openings relative to the horizontal and vertical, it is necessary to use the level in order to determine the deviation and correct all calculations.

    The dimensions of the structure in the opening without quarters will be 2-4 centimeters smaller than the corresponding dimensions of the opening. In addition, the vertical dimension after all must be reduced by the thickness of the window sill, which in the future will be installed under the window frame.

    Calculating the parameters of the opening with quarters and the parameters of the future window structure is a more complicated process, especially in the case of measuring the opening of old windows and doors.

    First you need to determine the thickness and height of the window sills, take measurements of the height and width between the outer quarters and the inner slopes near the wall near the window. The width that the future window will have should, on average, exceed the width between the outer quarters by 6 centimeters (3-9 cm).

    If the difference between the dimensions is more than 6 cm, it would be advisable to use wooden (rough) extensions or PVC expanders. As for the height of the future window, it should be 3-6 centimeters higher than the vertical distance between the outer quarters. The value of the frame entry into the lower quarter should not exceed 2 cm.

    The frame can go into the upper quarter as much as the size of the mosquito net allows. If there is no vertical or upper quarter, the vertical quarter will be 1.5 + 4.5 centimeters, and 2 centimeters into the lower quarter. 1 + 2 centimeters from the wall is left for insulation.

    If necessary, measure the window with balcony door measure the parameters of the door and window, as well as Common parameters doors with windows. To calculate the width of the door, consider its lower part. The lower end of the door frame and the stone base must have a 1.5 +2 cm gap between them for insulation.

    If there is any doubt about the method of closing the window structure (for example, in the case of a tight fit of the upper crossbar to the reinforced concrete crossbar), a hammer and a blunt chisel can be used to remove the casing and beat off a small piece of wall material. So you can avoid errors in the size of the future window.

    It is difficult for a non-professional to perform all these measurements, which is why we recommend that you call a measurer for FREE and order the installation of plastic window structures on our website.

    The dimensions of the sash must correspond to those indicated in the catalog window systems norms, and not exceed the maximum possible. The tilt-and-turn sash must be at least 40 cm wide. The size of the glass accessible for washing on one side should be no more than 0.55 m, and the size of the glass accessible on both sides should be no more than 1.00 m. .

    During the design of partitions for offices and glazing of the loggia, one should not forget that the movement of structural elements through any doors in the apartment should take place without problems.

    When measuring during the construction or reconstruction of a structure, the weight and dimensions must be consistent with the project. Windows for a new house or cottage must be selected taking into account the style in which the building was built.


    How to properly measure a window

    In order to correctly measure the window, it is necessary to take into account that the size of the window depends on the features of the window opening and its size. Panel houses have standard openings, but in brick houses the openings may differ by several centimeters or even be non-standard (arbitrary). In the case of brick houses, the measurement of windows should be approached especially carefully.

    You can measure the window yourself, without resorting to the services of a measurer from a window installation company. Knowing the size of a wooden window will make it easier to calculate the approximate cost finished products. Of course, it is easier to measure windows if the house has just been built and the window openings are empty, but with the openings in which there are old windows it will not be much more difficult, but also doable.

    We remove the size of windows in a wooden house (new)

    AT wooden house there are no quarters (protrusions on three sides of the opening, to which the window is brought). You can choose the place where it will be installed wooden window relative to the wall. Most often, it is set at the same outer wall. Since with this option it will be easier to do the exterior decoration of windows, i.e. external slopes will not be needed - it will be possible to get by with only a platband.

    We proceed directly to taking measurements and first we measure the window opening in width. To do this, measure the opening at the top and bottom. If the dimensions are not the same, take the one that is smaller and subtract 50 mm from it (mounting seam for foam 25 mm on each side). We know the width of the window, then we measure the height. We remove the size in the same way, take the smaller one and subtract 50 mm from it.

    There is one caveat - the presence and thickness of window sills. Standard milling made under the window sill in lower beam is 30 mm. If the window sill is the same thickness or slightly less, this is normal. In the case when the window sill is thicker, the difference between the thickness of the window sill and the milling must be subtracted from the height of the window.

    If a draft box is installed in a wooden house, the window opening is measured inside the box. The width of the outer casing is determined taking into account the draft box. The standard box size is 5 cm.

    In order to calculate the width of the platband, add the grip on the wall and the box by 2 cm (on both sides it turns out 4 cm), add 5 cm (box) plus 25 mm (seam for foam). We get the result - the width of the platbands should be 11.5 cm.

    How to measure a window in a panel house (residential)

    The panel house has old windows and this makes it a little more difficult to take measurements. Dismantling of old windows is not possible for the reason that it may take a month to make new wooden windows. Panel houses have window openings with a quarter - there is a ledge on three sides (two on the sides and one on top).


    We need to determine the width of the window opening from the outside (from one quarter to the other). To do this, through the open window (be extremely careful !!!) measure the distance between the quarters with a tape measure. Next, we measure the opening inside the room, from one slope to another.

    We subtract the outer one from the inner opening, as a result we get the depth of the quarters. Take for example the width outside 1380 mm, and the inside 1500 mm. The resulting difference of 120 mm is divided by two and we get the result of 60 mm - the width of the quarter. Now you can measure the width of the window.

    Adding 30 mm to the outer dimension on each side - 1380 + 30 + 30 = 1440 mm, this is the width of the window. The height of the window is measured in this way: Bottom part should be at the level of the outer ebb, and 30 mm is added to the upper quarter. For example, the height from the upper quarter to the ebb is 1400 mm, then adding 30 mm we get a window height of 1430 mm. As a result, the size of the window to be ordered is 1440 x 1430 mm.

    How to measure a window in a brick house

    In brick houses, or as they are also called "Stalinist", quarters can be quite deep - up to 10 cm. Modern windows cannot be driven into quarters by more than 3 cm, otherwise window frame will be hidden and the outer walls will fall directly on the glass. Thickness window frame and sashes (in the closed position) is 110 mm.

    Also, according to GOST, the mounting seam should be no more than 40 mm. The easiest way out of this situation is to order a wooden window with an increased width of the window frame. This is quite doable; in production, they add to the window frame beam additional beam any width and paint together with the window. Thus, the mounting seam is compensated by the additional timber.

    Now you can measure the window, but remember that there can be many nuances in this matter, since each window is individual. Therefore, it is better to contact a window installation company, only then you can be sure that everything is done correctly.


    How to measure the opening under the plastic window with your own hands

    The measurement of a plastic window directly depends on the size of the opening that you make in your house. If the dimensions of your opening are non-standard, and you are worried that you will not be able to properly insert a window into it, do not despair. Now plastic windows are made according to any individual sizes and forms.

    But if you already have windows made of another material that you want to replace with plastic by measuring the opening with your own hands, then this article is for you. First, we will tell you how to correctly measure openings for plastic windows in openings that have a “quarter” (a quarter is a protrusion from the outer sides of the window in half a brick, to which the window frame is adjacent), in width:

    Explaining the above: real size the windows will be slightly wider than the one you measure inside (in contact with the side inner slopes). The width of the window will be less than the width of the opening with the window sill.

    Now we measure the window height:

    • If measured from the outside, then 2 cm is subtracted from the height between the outer upper slope and the base of the opening for polyurethane foam.
    • Further, 1.5-2.5 cm is added to this size so that the window can go into the upper quarter.
    • If you have a window with a tide and a window sill, then subtract 3 cm from the resulting size, because we need to find out exactly the size of the window.

    When using a stand profile, the height and width of the window will be 3-8 cm less, which will go to the mounting foam. Sometimes it happens that a quarter is more than 5 cm. In this case, an additional profile is used so as not to leave much space for the mounting foam.

    Remember: the height of the plastic window should be less than the distance from the upper inner slope to the window sill. Together with the stand profile, the height of the window must be less than the distance from the upper inner slope to the underside of the window sill.

    If your opening does not have a quarter, then the correct measurement of the plastic window will be as follows:

    1. 3-8 cm is deducted from the width of the opening.
    2. 5-6 cm are subtracted from the height of the opening, 3 cm of which will go to the stand profile, the rest to the mounting foam.

    Measurements of the window opening in sections

    In conclusion, we draw your attention to the fact that walls often have curvatures that must be taken into account. Based on this, the windows must be measured on the smallest sides (the widening of the wall can always be covered with foam). If you do not plan to install plastic windows yourself, we recommend that you invite a specialist to accurately measure the window.


    window measurement

    The measurement of the opening for installing a window must be approached very responsibly. After all, an incorrectly made measurement can lead to the fact that you will have to carry out additional expensive work or redo the manufactured plastic window. Most window companies do not recommend measuring yourself.

    They are not responsible for the conformity of the dimensions of the manufactured window to the window opening, if the measurement is made by the customer, and not by the company's specialist.

    Useful advice!

    But sometimes it becomes necessary to measure the window opening yourself. In this case, please follow the instructions exactly. correct measurement windows.

    There are two types of window openings:

    • quarter
    • quarter to.

    A quarter is a ledge from the sides and top of the window opening, which prevents the window from falling out and protects against the penetration of precipitation and wind into the room. The width of a quarter in a panel house is 50 mm, in a brick house - 65 mm, or ¼ of a brick.

    Plastic window measurement

    Window measurement occurs in 4 steps:

    1. calculation of the size of the window opening
    2. low tide measurement
    3. window sill measurement
    4. slope sizing

    The measurement of the window opening starts from the street side, then goes to the inside. To do this, open the window and measure the width of the opening between the quarters from above and below. These details may vary. To the smallest of the results, add 3–5 cm if the house is panel, and 4–6 cm for a brick building. This value will be the width of the window.

    To check whether the measurement of the window width is correct, compare the result obtained with the width of the opening of the inner part of the window and with the distance between the points of contact of the slopes with the window frame. It must be between these values. To calculate the height of a window, you need to measure the distance from the bottom of the window opening to the edge of the upper quarter.

    To this value, add 2–3 cm to cover the quarter and subtract 2 cm for the thickness of the mounting foam. If the window has an ebb and a window sill, a stand profile will be used when installing it. In this case, the window height value is reduced by another 3 cm. If the measurement is done correctly, then the height value will be almost equal to the distance from the end of the upper quarter to the upper edge of the low tide.

    If the window opening does not have quarters, then when calculating the width of the window, 3–8 cm are subtracted from the width of the opening for the mounting gap. The height is calculated by subtracting 5–6 cm from the height of the opening, of which 3 cm is for the stand profile.

    The length and width of the ebb is calculated as follows: 5 cm is added to the distance between the right and left quarters. This is the length of the ebb. To calculate its width, add 2 cm to the distance from the end of the quarters to the window.


    The window sill is measured from the side of the room. It should be borne in mind that the new plastic window has a thickness of only 5–6 cm, while the windows that were installed earlier are wider. Therefore, to calculate the width of the window sill, subtract 5-6 cm from the distance from the outer sash of the old window to the edge of the window sill.

    The length of the window sill is the distance from the edge to the edge of the inside of the window opening. The width and length of the slopes are measured along the inside of the window opening. All values ​​must be written in millimeters.

    If you are building a wooden log house, do not forget to take into account that the log house will “sit down” for at least two years. If the windows will be installed once after the assembly of the frame, then when calculating the height of the window from the height of the opening, you need to subtract 10–15% for shrinkage and another 5–6 cm for installation. The window width is measured as described above.

    If you do not take into account the shrinkage of the log house, then the lowered upper crowns of the log house can break the window. Experts recommend installing windows in a log house only after it shrinks. The method of installing windows in a log house differs from the usual one, since there should not be a rigid fastening of the window to the logs, in order to avoid breakage of the window or “hanging” of the upper rims.

    A casing box is used, which is attached to a bar inserted into a vertical groove sawn into the ends of the window opening logs. In this case, the crowns can move down the bar without breaking windows and without freezing.

    If possible, you should entrust the measurement of windows to an employee of the organization that will produce and install windows. In this case, you can be sure of the correct measurement. In addition, the company will be responsible for the manufacture and installation of windows. If the measurement was made independently, then you will bear the responsibility.

    20159 0 7

    What you need to know about window openings - 4 important rules for a novice builder

    In modern housing construction few people adhere to the established standards and restrictions on window openings, so each owner of housing under construction tries to choose their shape and size based on their own taste and personal preferences.

    In some cases, this approach leads to finished window, suddenly it turns out to be too small or too large, and sometimes it even turns out to be installed in the wrong place.

    In order to avoid such situations, in this article I propose to consider the main issues regarding right choice type and location of windows, as well as common standard sizes of window openings for residential and utility rooms.

    Rule 1. What criteria should the window meet

    For those homeowners who wish to equip their future home with window openings in accordance with GOST, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the regulatory and technical document GOST 23166-99 “Window blocks. General specifications". At the same time, I want to warn you right away that this document contains a lot of specialized technical information, which in most cases may be incomprehensible and useless for many private developers.

    So that the reader does not puzzle over this issue, then I will try to explain in an accessible language the main provisions of the current State standard on windows:

    1. When choosing technical characteristics for a future window opening, first of all, you need to be guided by the room in which the window will be located and for what purposes it will be used;
    2. The total glazing area of ​​one or more window openings must provide free passage the right amount natural sunlight, which should be sufficient to avoid the use of artificial lighting during daylight hours;
    3. All sizes according to GOST window openings, in principle, are standardized, however, in accordance with current standards, they can vary within a fairly wide range. Therefore, in the next section, I plan to pay more attention to this issue.

    1. The sound insulation class, air permeability and water tightness class, light transmission coefficient, heat transfer resistance value, and sound insulation value must be within the established limits of this normative technical document;
    2. Estimated service life of wooden and plastic frames must be at least 20 and 40 years, respectively, the service life of fittings and double-glazed windows must be at least 20 years, and the service life of a set of rubber seals must be at least 5 years.
    3. The number of opening / closing cycles of swing or sliding doors, while maintaining normal performance, must be at least 20,000.

    During the design and construction of a house, I recommend using standard sizes window openings for plastic windows, since the manufacture of double-glazed windows of irregular shape or custom sizes can cost significantly more.

    Rule 2. Typical dimensions of window openings in apartment buildings

    Window and door openings in apartments of multi-storey buildings are part of the external load-bearing walls of the building, therefore, changing their size, or making any other changes to the design, is strictly prohibited by the current Building Regulations and Rules (SNiP). At the same time, in order to replace or install new windows, homeowners need to know at least the approximate size of the external glazing in all rooms of the apartment.

    In most cases, each type and each series of multi-storey buildings has standard windows, and to make it easier for the reader to navigate, then I will give the approximate dimensions of window openings in typical residential apartments:

    1. The houses of the old housing stock, built at the beginning of the last century, are distinguished by elongated rooms, thick walls and high ceilings, so the window openings in such houses most often have a rectangular vertical shape and are quite large:
    • In such apartments, the width of a single-leaf window can be from 850 to 1150 mm, and the average height is about 1900 mm, but sometimes it can reach 2100 mm;
    • Two wings usually have the same height, but their width can be from 1200 to 1500 mm;
    • Three-leaf windows are not common, while their maximum dimensions can reach 2400x2100 mm.

    1. The so-called "Stalinist houses", which were built in the period from the 30s to the 60s of the last century, in addition to high ceilings, are distinguished by large and spacious rooms With separate layout, so single-leaf windows in such apartments are almost never found:
    • Double-leaf windows have two standard sizes: 1150x1950 mm, and 1500x1900 mm;
    • For three-leaf windows at that time there was one standard - 1700x1900 mm.

    1. Typical five-story residential buildings that were built in the period from the early 50s to the mid-80s of the last century are commonly called "Khrushchevs". They have a cramped, uncomfortable layout with small kitchens and small walk-through rooms, and standard height ceilings is no more than 2500 mm. For the manufacture of windows in such apartments, two standard sizes were used, and they are easy to determine even without a tape measure, according to the shape and width of the window sill:
    • If the window has a wide massive window sill, then its dimensions are 1450x1500 mm for a two-leaf opening, and 2040x1500 mm for a three-leaf opening;
    • In apartments with a narrow window sill that practically does not protrude beyond the plane of the wall, the dimensions of two-leaf and three-leaf windows are 1300x1305 mm and 2040x1350 mm, respectively.

    1. Newer Brezhnevka houses were built in the 70s and 80s, along with the Khrushchevs, and their main positive difference lies in the improved layout and larger kitchen area. Sample projects there are several series of such houses, and in each series the sizes of windows differ slightly from each other:
    • Of all the Brezhnevkas, the 600th series is distinguished by the most large windows, since in such apartments the double-leaf opening has dimensions of 2380x1420 mm, and the three-leaf opening - 2690x1420 mm;
    • In the 602 series, a two-leaf window has a size of 1210x1450 mm, and a three-leaf window has a size of 2100x1450 mm;
    • The 606th series has the smallest windows: two-leaf - 1450x1410 mm, and three-leaf - 1700x1410 mm.

    1. Modern new buildings are considered to be apartment buildings, which were built from the 90s of the last century to the present. Sample projects modern houses are presented in more than 40 different series, so I will give the dimensions of window openings for several of the most common type series:
    • 137th series two doors - 1150x1420 mm, three doors - 1700x1420 mm;
    • 504th series two doors - 1450x1410 mm, three doors - 1700x1410 mm;
    • 504D series two doors - 1420x1100 mm, three doors - 1420x2030 mm;
    • 505th series two doors - 1410x1450 mm, three doors - 1410x2030 mm;
    • 600.11 series two doors - 1410x1450 mm, three doors - 1410x2050 mm;
    • The 600D series has only two sashes, in which case the dimensions of the window openings can be 1420x2680 mm, 1100x2360 mm or 1420x2360 mm.

    Please note that all dimensions shown are approximate and are intended for estimated calculation cost of new windows. I strongly do not recommend using the indicated values ​​when ordering window frames, since in each case, all measurements for a plastic window must be carried out directly at the installation site.

    Rule 3. Dimensions and location of windows in private houses

    When designing and building private houses, I advise you to choose the size and shape of window openings, taking into account the requirements of the same normative document GOST 23166-99 “Window blocks. General technical conditions". At the same time, I should note that private developers have more room for maneuver, since this document does not establish any rigid framework and restrictions:

    1. In order not to violate conceptual style project of a residential building, when developing the size and number of window openings, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceilings, the total number of floors, the area and width of each room, as well as others architectural features building;

    1. The optimal height and width of windows should be determined based on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and the required level;
    2. Glazing area and standard sizes of window openings in private houses are regulated by SNiP P-A862. According to the requirements of this standard, in residential and sleeping quarters, the total area of ​​​​the light opening should be at least 1/8 of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200beach room;
    3. For glazing non-residential and household premises, these dimensions in a private house can be reduced up to 4 times. Thus, in a toilet, bathroom, pantry or boiler room, the window area can be no more than 3% of the total area of ​​​​the room;

    1. In regions with a cold climate and a short duration daylight hours, the direction of the windows is best oriented to the south or south-west side of the house;
    2. In hot climates with large quantity sunny days in a year, for less influence of the sun on the internal microclimate, windows should be located on the north or east side of the house;
    3. Ease of use and functional qualities of windows in various premises, largely depend on the height at which the window sill is located relative to the level of the finished floor. From own experience I recommend using the following values:
    • In the living room, bedroom or children's playroom, the optimal height from the floor level to the window sill is 700-900 mm. This size provides a good panoramic view and the most efficient transmission of natural sunlight;
    • For the kitchen, the height of the window sill can be from 800 to 1200 mm. This is due to the fact that the window sill should be flush with the sink and countertops of kitchen furniture;

    • In a toilet, bathroom or bath, it is customary to make the height of the window sill at least 1600 mm. This is done to ensure quality natural ventilation, and at the same time make it as difficult as possible for unauthorized persons to peep at the residents during intimate procedures;
    • On insulated balconies, verandas and closed summer terraces, the window sill board should lie on top of the side railing, while its height can be from 700 to 1100 mm.
    • In household and utility rooms, the light opening is usually made in the form of a low window or a wide horizontal window, which is set at a level of 1600-1800 mm from the floor.

    When choosing a place to install windows in country house, I advise you to pay attention not only to the technical aspects, but also to the aesthetic side of the issue. There are no trifles in this business, for example, neat beautiful brickwork and stylish exterior decoration of window openings have a significant positive impact on appearance facade, and on the aesthetic appearance of the whole house as a whole.

    Rule 3. Features of the arrangement of window openings in a brick house

    For arranging a window in the wall brick house, in accordance with the technical design, starting from a given height, several rows of bricks are not laid, as a result of which a window opening is formed in the brickwork.

    In order not to go into the technical details of the work of masons, below I will talk about what a quarter is in window opening what it is used for, and how to make an opening for a wooden or metal-plastic window in a brick house.

    1. I want to say right away that the width of the opening on the inside of the house should always be made a few centimeters wider than the design dimensions of the window frame. Thus, in the top view, a ledge is formed in the side walls, which is called a quarter;

    1. During installation, a wooden or plastic window frame is installed from inside the house into the slope extension, and rests with its front part against the rear edge of the quarter;
    2. Thus, high-quality thermal and waterproofing of the window is ensured. This is achieved due to the fact that cold wind and slanting rain from the street cannot directly penetrate the gap between the outer slope and the window frame.
    3. After the laying of the side walls is completed, it is necessary to lay the top window slab on the top row of bricks. It is a horizontal jumper, which should take on the load from all other rows of bricks and ceiling located above the window opening;
    4. As a jumper, thin is most often used. reinforced concrete beam 250-300 mm wide, metal channel or thick-walled steel corner with a section of at least 120x120 mm;

    1. Main disadvantage steel lintels is that the metal has a high thermal conductivity, so the so-called cold bridges are formed above the windows. To minimize the possibility of low temperatures entering the home, decorative trim outside the house must be made using heat-insulating materials;
    2. The lintel should be of such length that after laying it completely covers the window opening, and comes from above the side brick walls by at least 100 mm on each side;
    3. After installing the jumper, I advise you to once again check the conformity of the dimensions of the window opening, and then proceed with the further laying of the next rows of bricks above the window opening;
    4. Installation of window blocks, sealing the remaining gaps and fine finish inside is usually done at the very end, after the whole house is built and the roof is mounted, so I plan to talk about installing windows separately in the next article.

    In order to make an arched window of a semicircular or oval shape with my own hands, I advise you to use two metal corners or a channel of a suitable section as a ceiling. To do this, you need in one of the shelves of each corner, or in two narrow shelves channel, using a grinder, make many deep cuts at a distance of 50-100 mm from each other. After that, any profile metal rolling will be easy to bend into an arc along the desired radius.

    Rule 4. Arrangement of a window opening in an aerated concrete house

    The manufacture of window openings in an aerated concrete house is generally carried out according to the same principles as in brick houses. The exception is load-bearing elements and upper horizontal lintels, since they are cast from monolithic reinforced concrete directly at the installation site.

    1. For the manufacture of vertical load-bearing elements of the house, special hollow aerated concrete blocks. After they are installed on top of each other, a vertical cavity is formed inside them in the form of a well;

    1. These blocks perform the functions fixed formwork . Reinforcement is installed inside the resulting well, and then liquid concrete mortar is poured to the very top;
    2. After the concrete solution hardens, a monolithic reinforced concrete column is formed inside the aerated concrete blocks, which has a high bearing capacity. I recommend initially laying such columns in the project, and placing them in the corners of the house, as well as along the edges wide windows nyh and doorways;
    3. Upper window coverings have a similar internal organization, only open-top U-shaped blocks made of heavy grades of aerated concrete are used as fixed formwork for pouring concrete mortar.
    • Inside the finished window opening, vertical supports from scraps of thick bars or steel pipes must be installed and rigidly fixed;

    • Fix a thick, even board flat on top of them, and then lay out the U-shaped blocks in such a way that they form the upper edge of the window opening with their lower plane;
    • In the resulting hollow gutter, you need to lay the reinforcing cage, and weld its ends to the protruding bars of the reinforcement of the vertical columns, and then fill the entire gutter to the top with liquid concrete;
    • After the solution hardens, a rigid bulkhead of monolithic reinforced concrete is formed above the window opening, closed on all sides by aerated concrete blocks.
    1. In aerated concrete houses, the preparation of window openings for PVC mounting windows can begin only after the final solidification and maturation monolithic concrete mix. Depending on the brand of concrete solution, this period can last from 14 to 28 days.

    Aerated concrete has an open, finely porous structure, due to which it strongly absorbs moisture, therefore, under the influence of precipitation, it can crack and collapse over time. To prevent this from happening, I advise you not to waste time, and immediately after construction, perform a protective and decorative design on the outside of aerated concrete houses, using hydrophobic moisture-repellent finishing materials.


    In this article, I talked about installing windows in brick and aerated concrete houses, and deliberately did not mention here about log cabins, because the installation of windows and embedding in a wooden house is a topic for a completely separate article. The point is that during construction log cabins and frame-panel houses made of wood, you need to take into account a lot of specific points that are not inherent in houses made of mineral building materials.

    To visually consolidate the information received, I recommend watching the attached video in this article, and if you have any comments or suggestions, I am ready to discuss them in the comment form.

    September 22, 2016

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    The situation when it is necessary to make an opening in the wall occurs quite rarely. This mainly happens when residents get bored with the layout of the house or apartment. Most often, openings are distributed during the design of a building. But, if such a problem has become relevant, everything needs to be well thought out. Anyone can break brickwork, it is only important to observe certain rules. This will help to avoid the formation of cracks in the wall and other unpleasant consequences. An incorrectly cut hole most often leads to deformation of the walls, in rare cases - to damage to the entire structure.

    To make an opening in the wall, it is necessary to properly analyze it. This requires types of walls and types of brickwork.

    Brickwork is of the following types:

    In the first case, the brick is laid with a spoon outward. The second and third cases involve variable masonry: one row with a spoon outward, the other with a poke. With well masonry, the wall has two rows of masonry, forming a kind of well. This space is filling up construction waste, slag or gravel.

    The wall can be of three types :

    • partition. This is the most thin wall, most often has a spoon laying,
    • half-bearing,
    • carrier. This is the thickest wall, which in most cases has well masonry.

    Regardless of the purpose of the opening, door or window, for work it is necessary to have :

    In addition, materials such as

    • wooden bars,
    • concrete beams,
    • channel or steel corners,
    • cement mortar.

    To properly break through a doorway, professionalism is not required, it is only necessary to determine the type of brickwork. The available documentation for the house will help to understand this issue. Otherwise, you will have to use a perforator. To work, you need a crown cutter with a diameter of 100 mm. In the place where it is planned to make an opening, holes are drilled. A hand should pass freely through them. The type of brickwork is determined by feeling the space of the wall.

    Breaking through brick walls is always accompanied by the formation a large number dust. Therefore, do not start work without special protective clothing:

    • gloves
    • respirator,
    • goggles.

    Breaking through the opening, the wall is sprayed with water from a conventional sprayer. This contributes to the settling of the resulting dust.

    Any opening, regardless of the masonry or purpose of the wall, must necessarily have the shape of the letter "T". AT upper part a crossbar is inserted to hold the brickwork. If the opening is made in the partition, then an ordinary wooden board can be used as a crossbar. In a load-bearing wall, a reinforced concrete beam is required for these purposes.

    The partition has a small thickness, so punching an opening in it is not difficult at all. The work process consists of the following steps:

    Making a hole in a load bearing wall

    Punching an opening in a load-bearing wall has minor differences and consists of the following steps:

    When making an opening in a load-bearing wall, you should not save on reinforcement material. The slightest deviation or error leads to subsidence of the floor. It is dangerous for human health and life.

    When making a doorway in a brick wall, it is important to take into account two points:

    1. The size of the opening must comply with building codes. The standard opening width should be 70-200 cm, and the height should not exceed 210 cm.
    2. In order for the load on the doorway to be distributed evenly, it is necessary to make it in the center of the wall or with a slight offset.

    An opening in a brick wall for a window is made much less frequently than doorways. But in such a situation, strict requirements must be observed.

    Window openings are made in load-bearing walls building, so the focus of this process is on the lintel. It is she who will take on the entire load of the wall above the sawn opening.

    When choosing a jumper, it is important to take into account the following points:

    • What type of masonry was used in the construction of the building.
    • What is the width of the wall in which the opening is supposed to be made.
    • Estimated window width.
    • The distance from the opening to the ceiling and to the floor.
    • What floor is the work to be carried out on?

    The very process of punching a window opening in a brick wall is similar to working with a doorway. You can use the following algorithm:

    Before making an opening in a brick wall, you need to make sure that there are no communications in this area. If there are such elements, it is worth considering moving them to another place. It is necessary to pay attention to the existing ventilation shafts, the distance to which should be at least 300 cm.

    Video - making an opening in a brick wall

    Construction work of all structural elements is carried out according to the calculations of the project. Properly executed masonry of window openings made of brick provides a comfortable microclimate in the room. The dimensions of the windows are determined taking into account building codes and rules. Openings should be aesthetically appropriate. Manipulating the window compartments should not reduce the level bearing capacity walls.

    How to make a window hole during masonry?

    The construction process must not compromise the level of strength in masonry walls. The device of window openings involves the installation of the base in the upper part. For this, runs are used - supporting elements from durable materials. Such a base is attached to the walls. Runs increase the stability of the structure to mechanical stress. There are several ways to lay the base:

    • Channel - a linear profile made of metal. The size of the jumper is selected taking into account building codes and regulations. Such a run reliably strengthens the structure. The main disadvantage is inconvenient installation. The length of each metal element must exceed the width of the opening by at least 30 cm.
    • Corners - L-shaped metal jumpers. Mount such a base quickly. Minus - can not be used for wide windows. Metal girders must be covered with a protective agent.
    • Concrete lintels can be made independently or purchased blank. In the second case, the finished element is mounted, immediately continuing the masonry. Purlins strengthen the structure and are suitable for windows of different widths. Flaw - big weight products.

    For custom windows concrete lintel you can do it yourself. The process consists of several stages:

    If the need arises, then a concrete jumper can be made independently.

    1. Install formwork from durable boards, strengthening the structure with supports.
    2. Pour a small amount of concrete mortar.
    3. Lay the reinforcing mesh on the fresh concrete mix.
    4. Repeat the alternation of mortar and reinforcement again.
    5. Dismantle the formwork after the concrete has set after a few days.

    Technology for arranging a window opening in a finished wall

    Additional holes reduce the strength of the wall masonry. Before starting installation work, the structure is strengthened. To enhance the bearing capacity of the structure, metal supports are installed up to the ceiling. The dimensions of the openings are selected carefully, comparing with the parameters of the remaining windows. It is better to prepare the jumper before starting work. To install the opening, you will need the following tools and materials:

    • level;
    • roulette;
    • a hammer;
    • Bulgarian;

    The window opening process consists of the following steps:

    In the process of work, you need to install supports and a jumper.
    1. Mark the outline of the future window. Mark the perimeter with dots.
    2. Punch a section for a jumper above the window opening. The length of the profile must be greater than the width of the window.
    3. Install run.
    4. Fasten the jumper.
    5. Install supports on both sides of the wall at the same distance.
    6. Fix the supporting wooden beams to the supports.
    7. Install studs through through holes walls.
    8. Connect the support bars and studs with nails.
    9. Clean the wall of finishes and dirt.
    10. On the edges of the opening and piers put metal corners or plates.
    11. Dismantle the masonry from top to bottom.
    12. Align the edges of the bricks around the opening.

    Finishing the window area

    Window framing - final stage construction of openings. Decoration is carried out to achieve an aesthetic effect. Properly selected masonry of window openings made of facing bricks decorates the house. increases the strength of the structure. The width of the facade windows must be the same. Dimensions can be adjusted by widening narrow openings.

    Quarter-brick cladding method

    A rectangular opening for a window can be lined with a quarter of a brick.

    This arrangement is best suited for rectangular shape windows. With this method of finishing, the bonded sides facing stone shifted outside the masonry by about 5 cm. With a quarter of the brick, a round frame is also made. In this case, to simplify the masonry, special wooden purlins the corresponding form. Location and color finishing stone often change. The result is an elongated relief edging.
