How to properly fix the profile on the roof. Proper fastening of the profiled sheet with self-tapping screws on the roof - instructions. General material parameters

Reflections on the topic of how to fix corrugated board on the roof are relevant not only with a complete replacement of the roof. This material also allows partial renovation of the roof of the house, it is distinguished by good maintainability and long-term quality.

Decking for the roof of my house - material characteristics

Country, country and other individual construction can not be attributed to cheap pleasures. The use of modern profiled sheets allows you to significantly save on a critical repair stage - on roofing. This savings applies to both the cost of the material itself and the possibility of its self-assembly. Compared to metal tiles, a profiled sheet is 2-3 times cheaper, a covering made of natural tiles will cost even more. In addition to financial advantages, factory-made sheet metal roofing materials have other advantages:

  • A small mass of a unit of usable area, the minimum among existing materials. This quality allows the use of load-bearing rafters of a smaller section than in the case of a massive roof - that is, the savings will apply to the entire roof;
  • Long-term corrosion resistance. A typical profiled sheet is a multi-layer construction, where steel is only the basis for the overall strength. Polymeric and zinc coatings are applied to steel, varnishes and sputtering resistant to mechanical and chemical effects;
  • Large selection of color options. The final layer of the polymer can generally be made in any color - the catalogs of the leading manufacturers of profiled sheets have a full-scale rainbow look. Please note that dark-colored corrugated board (brown, bog oak, etc.) tends to fade quickly in the sun. It is better to opt for standard shades of red, brick, blue or silver. Then you don’t have to think about how to properly fix the corrugated board to the roof every few years, due to the loss of the original richness of the color;
  • Simplicity and ease of installation work due to the low weight of the sheets and the ability to “smooth out” the unevenness of the roof frame. Other materials for roofs suggest greater geometric rigor of the erected rafters, floors between floors and other supporting structures.

The profiled sheet also has characteristic disadvantages as a roofing material. Firstly, this is the risk of damage to the zinc-polymer layers during unloading, transportation or installation. Even a slight chipping of the protective coating will lead to rapid corrosion of the steel base under the influence of atmospheric precipitation or simply from dampness. The damaged element will have to be changed - and for this it will be necessary to disassemble almost the entire roof, the installation of the corrugated board is carried out with a reliable overlap of the sheets on each other.

Secondly, the compensation for the cheapness of the profiled sheet is the so-called "drum effect". In heavy rain, the sound from drops falling on the roof is amplified by the vibration of the sheets and can enter into resonance with their vibrations. As a result, people on the upper floors feel as if they were placed inside a huge drum during the festival procession - and the muscular drummers spare no effort to demonstrate their percussion skills ...

The "drum effect" is compensated by the insulation of the roof and the creation of an acoustic barrier of porous materials between the rafters and the roof. But the sound comfort of natural tiles for any sheet of profiled metal remains unattainable - perhaps to a greater extent than an exotic carnival in tropical latitudes for a state employee.

The website site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the right amount of roofing.

Areas of application of the profiled sheet…

… roofing works are not limited. Metal decking can be used for the following repair undertakings:

  • Cladding of ventilated facades as a replacement for expensive siding on the back sides of walls, for utility buildings, etc.;
  • Arrangement of solid fences from corrugated board as a budgetary method of dealing with malicious encroachments and prying eyes;
  • Creation of walls in low-load structures (greenhouses, booths, poultry houses, etc.).

Before learning how to fix the corrugated board on the roof, you can make a repair "experiment in miniature" by finishing the corrugated board yourself canopy over the door. All basic installation techniques must be used for such a small structure, their development will greatly help with full-scale roofing work.

How to fix corrugated board on the roof - step by step installation instructions

A reliable and durable metallized roof in its arrangement must go through several repair stages:

How to fix corrugated board on the roof - step by step diagram

Step 1: Rafter frame

Rafters for profiled sheets must have a certain degree of slope, at least 8 °. In practice, this angle corresponds to a rise of 1 meter with a linear length of the roof of 7 meters.

The greater the slope of the roof, the less the requirements for sealing the joints between the sheets. If the roof is sloping (less than 8 °), it is wiser to call professional roofers - it is very difficult to achieve tightness on your own at a small slope angle.

If the house already has a truss frame, all damaged and questionable boards should be replaced, and the insulation and soundproofing of the roof should be completed. All movements on the roof should be thought out in advance, footrests should be provided, a mounting belt should be used, etc. - all the roofs of the world are not worth a traumatic fall.

Step 2: Rigging

Installing a profiled sheet on a reliable rafter system is easier than lifting material into the work area. If the installation itself is quite within the power of one worker, then an assistant will be required for the rigging stage, and preferably two. It is most convenient to lift the corrugated board onto the rafters in packs of 5-10 sheets, and this must be done carefully. Damage to the coating will lead to the rapid development of crevice corrosion in the metal. You can fix packs of sheets with the help of separate bars or several battens-lags.

Step 3: Begin installation

The roofing of the roof with profiled sheets always starts from the bottom up, from the overhang to the ridge, from the visible end. A thin membrane is preliminarily fastened to protect the heat-insulating layers from condensate. It is best to choose a diffusion type membrane; it is nailed to the rafter crate with nails with wide and flat caps. The approximate gap between the nails is 20-25 cm, make sure that their hats are completely embedded in the wood.

The first row of sheets is laid with a "departure" over the roof overhang by 30-50 cm, the specific size depends on the gutter system of the roof and the presence of drainage at the foundation. Even before attaching the profiled sheet to the roof, it is necessary to determine the size of the overlap. Between adjacent panels, it is performed for at least one full wave. If the corrugated board wave is small (up to 20 mm), and the roof is flat, the overlap between the sheets must be done in two waves. Do not be afraid of overspending material, reliability and moisture resistance are more important.

Joints between sheet decking must be sealed, and it is better to use a special tape, rather than a hardening sealant. Then, if necessary, it will be possible to disassemble the roof and replace individual sheets. Fastening of the corrugated board to the truss frame is carried out with self-tapping screws with sealing washers, in the amount of 6-10 screws per square meter of material. First, a hole is marked on the sheet with a dowel, then it is drilled with a drill, after which a screw is screwed in.

Step 4: Continue installation

Neighboring rows of profiled sheets in height are offset, on average, by half their end size. Sheets are cut with a sharp hacksaw for metal, and on the ground - sawing on staggering rafters is not safe. The overlap between the rows is limited by the slope of the roof. On a sloping roof, the overlap is greater (up to 30 cm), on a steep slope (more than 20 °), 10 cm is enough. Careful sealing of horizontal joints with the same tape is mandatory. Screws for such joints are screwed into each recess of the deflection, that is, "through the wave". If the rubber washer protrudes from under the head of the screw by 1-2 mm evenly over the entire diameter, it means that it is tightened well, not weakly and without "tightening".

Step 5: Finishing the Installation

Upon reaching the roof ridge, a crucial stage begins - water and other precipitation tend to pour from above. Having laid the last sheets, a wide end plate is mounted on top of them. It is fastened in increments of no more than 30 cm, maintaining an overlap between the planks themselves of 10 cm for water drainage. Before installation, each end plate is carefully inspected for the integrity of the coating - a leak from the roof ridge is diagnosed with great difficulty and can occur at a great distance from the defective element. The last to be installed are the eaves and ridge strips for the design of the new roof.

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It is difficult to call corrugated board a sophisticated or presentable coating, in terms of these parameters it is significantly inferior to other roofing materials. However, the owners of baths often prefer corrugated board as an inexpensive and durable coating. Plus, you can choose a coating with a shade that is most suitable for the overall style of the building.

Decking is corrugated steel sheets. The profile of the corrugation is trapezoidal, providing the material with the necessary rigidity.

When choosing a roofing profiled sheet, consider the height of the wave. The larger it is, the higher the mechanical strength of the roofing material. But there is also a downside: the higher the wave height, the higher the risk of moisture seeping into the holes for hardware due to increased water pressure.

You should not choose corrugated board with a wave height of less than 20 mm for the roof of the bath. Such material does not withstand snow loads and is deformed if, during the repair of the roof, it moves directly along the coating.

Prices for roofing sheeting

roofing sheeting

What decking to choose for a bath?

ProfileOperating conditionsSheet thickness, mmWeight, kg / 1 m2Overall / working width (that is, taking into account the longitudinal overlap), mm
Pitched roofs.

Has a groove to drain water and increase durability.

We allow installation in areas with high wind loads.

0,5 – 0,9 5 - 12 930 / 860
Flat and pitched roofs, ceilings and load-bearing structures.

Withstands very heavy loads.

0,7 - 1 9,25 – 12,9 820 / 760
Bearing corrugated board, characterized by maximum strength and rigidity. A pitched roof made of H-107 profiled sheet will last for many decades.0,7 – 1,2 10,2 – 14,5 830 / 750
Inversion roofs.

It is relevant if a sports ground, a decorative garden, a gazebo, etc. are planned on the roof of the bath.

0,7 – 1,25 8,65 – 14,85 973 / 930
Profiled wall, but can be used in the arrangement of pitched roofs.0,5 – 0,7 3,87 – 5,57 1187 / 1150

The data from the table is used to determine the required number of sheets for the roof. For calculation it is necessary:

  • clarify the length of one side of the roof and the useful width of the sheets used;
  • divide the length by the useful (working) width of the sheet;
  • Round the result up to the nearest whole number.

*Calculation for rectangular slopes.

  • the length of the slope is 6 meters, and the working width of the sheet grade C-8 is 1150 mm;
  • we translate meters into millimeters, 6 m = 6000 mm;
  • we divide 6000 by 1150, we get 5.21;
  • we round up to an integer, we get 6. That is how many sheets of corrugated board will be needed for one roof slope, if the length of the corrugated board corresponds to the width of the slope.

It is recommended to give preference to sheets of corrugated board with a length not less than the width of the roof slope. Then, when installing the roof, there will be fewer transverse joints, and the waterproofing properties of the roofing will be improved.

Note! The durability of the bath roof directly depends not only on the quality of the profiled sheets and additional elements for them, but also on the correct installation of the entire system.

Additional elements: what to include in the estimate in addition to roofing material

To build a pitched bath roof, you may need:

  • framing materials;
  • waterproofing materials (films, membranes);
  • materials for roof insulation (if necessary) and vapor barrier;
  • under-roof ventilation system;
  • skylights, if any are provided for by the project;
  • roof penetrations (for chimney, sewer and ventilation outlets);
  • safety devices such as snow guards, ladders for roof repair/maintenance;
  • materials for filing eaves and gable overhangs;
  • strips: eaves, wind, junctions, valleys, ridges (plus the air element of the ridge). The length of the bars for most manufacturers is 2 and 3 meters;
  • ventilation tape to protect the ventilation gap on the eaves from debris, insects and birds;
  • drainage system.

On a note! Complete with roofing material, it is worth purchasing repair paint. It is useful for touching up small scratches and scuffs.

Repair paint prices

repair paint

Transportation and unloading: what to look for

The profiled sheet is transported in vehicles with the possibility of top loading of the material. In this case, the dimensions of the trailer or body must be at least 20 cm larger than the dimensions of the roofing material. Packages with sheets are fixed along the entire length and transported at a speed not exceeding 80 km/h.

At the time of acceptance of the material, it is necessary to check the actual number of packages, to make sure that there are no damages and defects.

The unloading of corrugated board is carried out by lifting equipment with soft slings or traverses, if the length of the sheets is more than 5000 mm. If you plan to unload the sheets manually, then at least two workers should do this. When transferring sheets, it is important not to allow them to be significantly bent and to keep the material vertical.

Important! Don't forget to use work gloves.

After unloading, the sheets are laid horizontally. It is not recommended to store directly on the ground, it is desirable that there is a gap of 50-100 mm between the metal and the ground surface (you can use boards 50x150 mm, spreading them out in 50 cm increments).

A professional sheet with a protective film can be stored for no more than one month, and with factory packaging for no more than six months, provided that the material is protected from sunlight, heavy objects are not stacked on top of it, welding or other work is not carried out nearby, during which it may be corrugated flooring damaged. If long-term storage of corrugated board is planned, it is unpacked, transferred to an unheated dry room and stacked in stacks up to 70 cm high, and the rows of sheets are laid with the same rails).

Important! Be careful: when the factory packaging is removed, there is a risk of sheets being moved by strong gusts of wind.

Lathing under the profiled sheet: installation rules

The crate can be sparse or solid. In baths, the roof lathing is traditionally wooden, made of edged boards or OSB-3. The choice of the type of crate is not spontaneous, but depends on the slope of the slopes and the selected profile of the sheets.

BrandSlope angle, in degreesLathing typeStep cm
H-60>8 sparseno more than 300
H-75>8 sparseNo more than 400
S-8>15 Solid1
C-10 Solid1
C-10>15 sparse30
C-20 Solid1
C-20>15 sparse50

For a sparse lathing with a pitch of less than 600 mm, it is recommended to use an edged board with a section of 100x25 mm.

Calculator for calculating materials for a sparse crate

The problem of proper fastening of corrugated board on the roof is influenced by many factors: the length of the slope, its slope, the rafter system, the quality of the material, and many others. An important point will be - what specific type of sheet is used, in accordance with which the frame design is selected for the crate.

Before proceeding with the installation work, it is worth understanding all these nuances in order to really get a high-quality roofing that will withstand the warranty period.

What factors affect the laying of corrugated board?

There are several parameters that must be considered when assembling a roof from corrugated board. Failure to comply with them can lead to a reduction in the life of the roof, as well as its leakage after a short time:

  • Construction of the truss system. Under the corrugated board, appropriate rafters and crates are necessarily used. Particular attention should be paid to this issue when using corrugated board intended for wall cladding. It is thinner than the rest and can simply deform in the winter. To eliminate this possibility, a continuous crate is used.
  • The slope angle. Decking should not be fixed on slopes less than 8 degrees, although there are some manufacturers recommending laying a carrier sheet with a slope of 5.5 degrees. Another nuance is overlap. On sloping roofs, it should be larger than on steep ones.
  • The length of the slopes. The easiest way is to cover the roof with corrugated board if the length of the slope does not exceed 6 meters. If this parameter is greater, then it is more convenient to fasten the material in 2-3 rows, while observing the laying pattern and the technique of connecting adjacent rows.

Proper laying of profiled sheets

So, how to properly lay and fasten corrugated board on the roof and what should you know about this type of work?

  1. Installation should begin from the lower right corner, setting the first sheet with an edge overhang of no more than 50 mm, a self-tapping screw is screwed into the center, then, if necessary, the position along the edges of the slope is corrected by turning the corrugated board.
  2. The next sheet is attached up (if there are more than one rows) or to the left if there is one row. That is, the scheme is observed from bottom to top and from right to left.
  3. In the presence of capillary grooves, adjacent sheets are joined so that they coincide, otherwise gaps form.
  4. Also, laying adjacent sheets, be sure to observe the overlap. At the same time, all joints are treated with sealant and additionally fastened with self-tapping screws screwed into the wave.
  5. When moving along a roof already covered with corrugated board, one should not step on the ledges of the corrugations, pick up shoes with soft soles, and put their feet in the places where the boards of the crate are located.

Important! With a small length of slopes (up to 6 meters), it is best to lay the sheets in one row. If this is not possible, in order to maintain the exact order, you need to pull the marking cord.

Some experts advise laying according to the scheme from right to left, increasing the rows after laying the bottom one. This option is perfectly acceptable.

When laying in several rows, it is very important to observe the overlap installation, having previously calculated it at the angle of inclination of the slope.

How is the overlap of profiled sheets calculated?

The overlap of corrugated board is calculated at the design stage of the roof. After all, not only the tightness of the roof depends on this indicator, but also the consumption of material.

There are online calculators with which you can calculate the cost options. However, no program can replace an accurate calculation for a specific roof, especially one made according to an individual project.

Specifically, you can be guided by the data given in the tables below:

For wall and non-wall types of corrugated board, the overlap can be estimated in accordance with the marking (and of course the thickness) of the sheet.

When laying roofing corrugated board marked "NS", it is best to make a calculation in accordance with the slope of a particular roof slope.

Important! When designing a roof, it is worth remembering that the greater the slope of the slopes, the higher the structure itself, and therefore its windage. As a result, with insufficient and improper fastening, a strong wind can destroy the structure!

Types of fastening of corrugated board

In roofing work with profiled sheets, two types of fasteners are used: in the bend of the corrugation to the laths and in the wave when joining the sheets. How is it done and with what fasteners?

Mounting in a deflection

In this way, the main points of fixing the sheet to the roof sheathing are located. The material used is a roofing self-tapping screw 4.8 × 35 mm with a hexagonal head or a standard one with a cross flange. An important feature of the screws is the presence of a rubber lining that ensures the tightness of the hole.

The self-tapping screw is screwed strictly perpendicular to the crate into the deflection of the wave. It is necessary to ensure that the cap does not deform the gasket when tightened and is firmly pressed against the surface.

It is important to know that when fixing work, it is not necessary to pre-drill the sheets. A high-speed drill will burn the polymer coating, and the metal will rust under the head of the self-tapping screw.

Fasteners in a wave

This is the second type of fixation, it is used to connect adjacent sheets in a row and fasten the orders to each other.

As fasteners, screws of the same purpose are used as when mounting to the crate, but shorter - 4.8 × 20 mm. When screwed in, such a self-tapping screw reliably tightens two sheets of metal, but it does not reach the slats itself and does not deform the corrugated board.

There is an opinion that it is necessary to screw the screws into the wave - the top point of the corrugated board, especially if there is a slight slope. This reduces the chance of leakage. In addition, in the spring, there are many cycles of freezing and thawing of water in the gutters. Under such conditions, the rubber pads on the screws will lose their elasticity much faster and simply rot. But the thickness of the rolled products in this case should be from 0.5 mm. These are the profile markings above - C44, HC-35, etc.

For fastening work, you need a screwdriver with the appropriate bit for a specific screw head. You can use a drill, but it must have speed control so that the screwing is not too intense.

Mounting materials must be purchased in the required quantity, having made preliminary calculations for consumption.

How to calculate the required number of screws?

Self-tapping screws will be required to fix the sheets to the crate and for fastening at the joints of adjacent elements and rows. Calculations are carried out based on the quantity per 1 sheet. But if large slopes of slopes are designed, they are counted in pieces per 1 square meter.

For 1 profiled sheet

In the case of laying 1 sheet over the entire length of the slope, the attachment points will be located along the edges in each corrugation deflection and along its length in a checkerboard pattern. And also, to connect with an adjacent element, screws are screwed into the wave with a step of 500 mm. Depending on the length and width of the sheet, the consumption of fasteners will be up to 18-20 pieces.

To calculate how many self-tapping screws are needed per 1 sheet, look at how many corrugation deflections are on this sheet and multiply by 2. You will get the required amount for fixing at the bottom and top of the sheet. To this value we add 6-8 pieces, which will be used to fasten the middle part of the roofing element. Naturally, a margin of 10-15% is required.

Per 1m²

When calculating the consumption of fasteners per 1 square meter, it is recommended to proceed from the requirements - 6-8 self-tapping screws per 1 × 1 m square. If the slope of the roof slope is designed to be steep, you need to add a few more pieces to this amount.

V-shaped fasteners

This type of fastening is used for laying communication lines in buildings with walls and ceilings sheathed with corrugated board. For example, for installation of air ducts of ventilating systems.

The peculiarity of this type of fastening is that it is very easy to adjust to any type of corrugated board with various curves of the corrugated surface.

Mounting and fitting is carried out by marking the bending points of the V-bracket, after which they are pinned to the ledges. Such brackets are installed before the sheets are laid on the frame, and the installation takes place directly together with the corrugated board.

Installation of the wind bar

Wind strips or soffits are designed to cover the gaps between the corrugated board decking and the surface of the roofing pie. The main task is to protect the space from moisture, wind and birds. There are two types of soffits: cornice and front. Eaves are laid before the installation of roofing, and front-line at the end of roofing.

  • The planks are laid along the edge of the slope with an overlap of 100 mm, with the obligatory treatment of such areas with a sealant.
  • The pitch of the attachment points is 350-400 mm; the same roofing screws with a sealing lining are used as fasteners.
  • The edge of the waterproofing film must be lifted and laid on top of the bar.
  • The front strips are brought under the edge of the profiled sheet and fastened by screwing the screw through the flooring to the crate.

If the roof has a non-standard shape, then it may be necessary to order wind strips according to an individual project.

Compliance with the basic rules for fixing corrugated board will ensure the life of the roof within 40-45 years. And when carrying out preventive repairs and longer.

It is necessary to fasten the corrugated board with self-tapping screws (to metal surfaces or a wooden frame) and rivets (sheet to sheet).

For the installation of a profiled sheet, in most cases a frame is made. The design is made of a metal profiled pipe (square, rectangle), wooden slats, a plasterboard profile, an ordinary corner. Sometimes wall cladding is made by mounting sheets directly to brick or stone.

How and with what in each case to fix the corrugated board?

Self-tapping screws (self-tapping screws) for metal with a metal washer and a rubber seal

A self-tapping screw (usually a self-tapping screw) is made in the form of a rod with a tip resembling a drill, a triangular thread and a wrench head or a screwdriver. In addition to screws with a tip in the form of a drill, screws with a sharp tip are produced. To fasten the corrugated board complete with a screw, a press washer and a rubber seal are used.

We apply:

  • for fastening the profiled sheet to metal surfaces;
  • with steel thickness up to 12.5 mm;
  • without pre-drilling holes;
  • for installation, for facing facades, gables, making gates, wickets, etc.

We do not apply:

  • for fastening sheets to tool and high-carbon steels;
  • for binding metal profiled sheets to each other;
  • for fastening to wooden structures;
  • for fastening to metal with a thickness of less than 1 mm.

How do we define quality?

Upon purchase, we require a quality certificate that reflects the characteristics according to the DIN standard, including:

For fastening to a frame with a thickness of 2.32 mm, we use products for drill No. 1, with a diameter of 4.8 mm, step 2.12. For metal 5.5 mm drill No. 3, 8.5 mm - No. 4, 12.5 mm - No. 5. Thread pitch 1.8. Self-tapping screws of large diameters must be coated with zinc with a thickness of at least 12 microns.

We choose the length of the self-tapping screws depending on the purpose. To fasten the profiled sheet to the lower wave, we select a size larger than the materials to be joined by 3 mm. When screwing into the upper wave, for example, to fasten skates, the length increases by the height of the profile.

The industry produces 3 types of self-tapping screws according to the shape of the head:

  • hexagonal;
  • cruciform;
  • anti-vandal.

For normal mounting, it is easier to work with a hexagonal head shape. We use anti-vandal screws for fences and cladding, the removal of which from the outside will allow free access to the room or territory. Installation of products is done with a special tool.

Important nuances when fastening corrugated board with self-tapping screws:

  1. We tighten the screws with a washer and a rubber gasket strictly perpendicular to the plane of the sheet.
  2. According to the characteristic, the self-tapping screws are offered to be screwed in at 2500 rpm, but it is difficult to calculate the force by touch. We tighten the screws so as not to transfer the rubber washer. A flattened seal will crack over time and will not create a tight seal.
  3. We do not use rubber seals where a monolithic fastening is required.
  4. In places with the possibility of unauthorized access to fasteners, we use anti-vandal execution of screws or take self-tapping screws with a notch that prevents arbitrary unscrewing.

How to fasten profiled sheets to a wooden frame?

For a roof mounted on a wooden crate, there is no alternative to traditional metal screws. We select screws with the largest thread pitch. The larger this parameter, the more secure the mount.

Vertically arranged profiled sheets that do not require tight fastening are fastened with galvanized self-cutting screws with a monolithic press washer in order to save money. In everyday life, this is an ordinary self-tapping screw with a wide hat. For screwing in a screwdriver, a Phillips screwdriver is inserted.

If the crate is made of fiberboard, chipboard, etc., we use screws with a double-threaded thread. For the roof, we make a set of washers and cuffs on our own, choosing the diameter of the screw.

  1. Use standard wood screws, including those designed for fixing drywall sheets. This fastener has a countersunk head and, when screwed in, will damage the surface of the profiled sheet.
  2. Use screws with a drill tip. The wood does not require drilling, a sharp self-tapping screw is more securely screwed in, and the passage through the corrugated board makes it acceptable for a large amount of work.

Is it possible to attach corrugated board to shell rock (limestone, brick)?

Directly to the wall of stone or brick, we mount the sheets using dowels with anchors. For installation, pre-drill holes in the metal. We select fastener heads with a monolithic wide washer. The shape of a plastic insert with a sheen that acts as a seal. We make a hole in the profiled sheet 0.5 mm larger than the diameter of the insert.

  1. For quick installation, use dowels with impact screws. They differ from traditional screws and screws in the shape of the thread. The disadvantage is that on impact, the surface of the sheet can be damaged.
  2. Do not fix sheets on surfaces with protrusions and irregularities.

How to connect profiled metal sheets to each other?

The standard thickness of profiled iron is 0.4 mm. It is unreliable to connect two sheets with self-tapping screws, for example, at the place of overlap, since the fastening is fragile and depends on the thread pitch.

To solve the problem, we use rivets. The fastener consists of two parts, which are made of aluminum. Rivets are installed in pre-prepared holes and do not require access to the reverse side. For installation, we use a rivet device. In places where hidden installation of rivets is required, we use a hole punch (special tongs holders that pierce the corrugated board from the end of the wave).

Rivets can be used as fasteners for roofing, fence cladding, etc. The disadvantage is laboriousness. A through hole is required for each rivet.

Other ways to install corrugated board

Screw and bolt connection

The corrugated sheet is fastened to metal surfaces with screws, for example, when used as casings on machine tools, for fastening to special steels. In the sheet and the base on which the installation is being carried out, we drill holes, cut the threads and install.

Bolted connection is used in a similar way, but fasteners require drilling through holes both in the sheet and in the material to which the installation is being carried out. Bolts are used to connect corrugated board with metal and wooden frames, preventing vandalism and unauthorized access.

Adhesive base

For internal lining of even walls, profiled sheets can be installed on glue. As a connecting element, metal putty mixed with PVA glue is used. The sheets are pressed against the base and kept until the adhesive composition is plasticized. In this embodiment, the corrugated board does not perform load-bearing functions, but serves for decorative purposes.
We have you and a set of screws for it.

If you like neat and stylish roofing corrugated board, then this article is just for you! After all, it is important not only to correctly choose a high-quality coating, but also to fix it correctly. Then the metal roof will serve for a long time, without disturbing the periodic need for local repairs.

But how to fix the corrugated board to the roof with self-tapping screws and how difficult is it? There are really a lot of subtleties and nuances here: starting from the choice of suitable self-tapping screws and ending with a puzzle in which wave of the sheet to fasten them - top or bottom. Let's figure it out?

In order for a roof made of corrugated board to be durable and flawlessly operated for at least decades, there is a special fastening technology. Just imagine for a moment that it really occurs to some people to simply nail thin metal sheets! Directly to the wooden support!

As a result, water easily seeps into the holes and there is no sense at all from such waterproofing:literally in a month or two, the first traces of rust will appear in these places, and there will be chronic dampness under the sheets.

Further, the rust will corrode the entire roof until it completely destroys it. That is why it is highly not recommended to fasten corrugated board with roofing nails, especially since they simply will not hold the sheets under the influence of a strong wind.

Specifically for a modern metal roof, professional roofing screws are produced today - with a rubber gasket, which, when compressed, completely blocks the path of any drop of water:

We are talking about high-quality special cutting screw screws!And even self-tapping screws that look similar in appearance are not suitable for arranging a roof, because such ones can soon significantly loosen fasteners and become covered with a corrosive coating.

By the way, in the most extreme case, if you used self-tapping screws that were not the most suitable for roofing (or they were screwed in by careless workers), then do not tear them out with meat!

Even if there is a rubber gasket, be sure to seal all holes around the fasteners with sealant. But still, it is better not to resort to this method at all.

Professional roofing screws are always made of galvanized alloy steel. It is the material that directly affects the final quality of the roof fasteners, ensures proper fastening and eliminates the violation of the metal structure around the drilled hole. What does it affect?

First of all, will corrosion appear on the roofing sheet near the self-tapping screw. If you've ever seen a roof with cheap self-tapping screws, you'll probably recognize it from the rusty washer threads. Heading down, they destroy the entire sheet along the way!

In the case of using the correct roofing screws, this does not occur. After all, even in the factory they are electrolytically galvanized with a layer of at least 20 microns.

Next, the hat is coated with polymer paint from all sides at once, in order to also protect against corrosion. High-quality self-tapping screws have polyester powder paint, which has a color according to the RAL catalog. And the rubber rubber gasket is resistant to temperature changes, ultraviolet rays and changes in loads.

By the way, among the most suitable for profiled sheets, it is recommended to take Essve, Gunnebo and Sfs-intec self-tapping screws.

For metal and wooden crates: how to distinguish a drill

Depending on which base the corrugated board will be attached to, you will need different types of self-tapping screws. And they should not be confused!

You will also find on sale roofing screws with an enlarged drill, which are able to pass through metal up to 12 mm thick. Therefore, the very first step that you need to take is to ask the seller of the roofing material for the attached installation instructions.

Any certified material has one. Otherwise, we do not recommend not to purchase anything at such an outlet, otherwise the roof will last for a relatively short time.

Of course, the installation of corrugated board from different manufacturers is practically the same, but in this manual you will find valuable tips on choosing the most successful self-tapping screws for a specific metal thickness and coating.

So, today they produce two main types of self-tapping screws for lathing from different materials: fasteners for metal and wood. So, for a wooden crate, self-tapping screws 4.8x28 mm or 4.8x35 mm are needed. For metal runs, metal screws are taken:

  • 4.8x19 mm for metal with a thickness of 3 mm;
  • 5.5x25 mm for metal up to 6 mm thick;
  • 5.5x35 and 5.5x50 mm for metal up to 12 mm thick.

This mount looks thicker than its counterpart for wood:

All these self-tapping screws are similar in that they have a hex head, a sharp drilling tip and a strong threaded rod. And they differ only in the thickness of the rod.

Also, the thread pitch for wood screws is rarer than for metal screws: the difference is from 1 to 1.5 mm and it can be seen by eye. The thicker the metal base to be drilled, the more frequent the thread and the longer the drill.

Usually, in order to find out how much metal a self-tapping screw can drill, it is enough to measure the length of the drill. It is logical that the thickness of the metal base, in total with the thickness of the screwed metal, should not exceed the length of the self-tapping drill:

Also, according to the general rule, the thicker the sheet of corrugated board and the denser the crate, the sharper and longer the drill should be.

By the way, experienced roofers have their own technology for selecting the length of the drill. Often they take long and short drills in this proportion - 80% short and 20% long.

You can, of course, take all the long self-tapping screws to be safe, but the short ones twist more easily and break off the drill less. In general, it is correct if we are talking about a wooden crate, then with short self-tapping screws you need to fasten the profiled sheet to the lower ridge, and with long ones through both sheets. Just pick up self-tapping screws of such length that they come out a little from the back of the run.

How to calculate the number of screws for one sheet?

In total, there are two main schemes for fixing corrugated board:

  • vertical, which is ideal for corrugated board with a drainage groove. In this case, first put the first sheet in the first row, fix it for a while, and then the first sheet of the second row. As a result, a block of four sheets should be obtained, which should be aligned and fixed to the roof. According to the same scheme, all other sheets are laid.
  • 3 sheets, which is suitable for corrugated board without drain grooves. In this case, the first two sheets in the first row are laid first, the second row sheet is attached to them, and after alignment with the eaves, the block is already securely attached to the roof.

The mounting scheme also depends on the length of the purchased profiles:

Separately, we dwell on what should be the overlap of the corrugated board:

  • At an angle of less than 15°, the overlap must be at least 200 mm, and preferably in two waves.
  • At an angle of up to 30 °, the overlap is made from 150 to 200 mm, depending on what the wave width is.
  • At an angle of more than 30°, the overlap can already be from 100 mm.

If the profiled sheet has horizontal overlaps, then they need to be made no less than 20 cm, with mandatory sealing of each. To do this, use bituminous mastic or silicone sealant, which are also suitable for vertical ones.

To calculate the number of self-tapping screws for modern corrugated board, you need to add up the entire area of ​​​​coverage in square meters plus the number of all additional products that will be used (these are planks, bypasses and overhangs). AT from the most rational mounting scheme:

Also keep in mind that the fixing step of the corrugated board for different brands of corrugated board is different:

After that, we multiply the finished figure by 6 or 8, depending on how much you worry about the final quality. The more, the stronger the profiled sheet will be mounted on the slope, but, at the same time, you will have to pay more for fasteners and for rainwater there is already a higher chance of finding its way into the under-roof space.

Just bring the resulting number of self-tapping screws to a multiplicity of 250. Why? The fact is that self-tapping screws are sold in packs of 250 pieces or boxes in which they are placed from 1000 to 4000 pieces.

Therefore, make your number such that it is integrally divisible by 250, and at the same time increase the number upwards - let there be a small margin.

In what wave should the self-tapping screw be fastened? Rules and practice

Now let's move on to the most sensitive issue. The fact is that as long as corrugated board exists on sale (and this is a lot of time), disputes about its installation do not subside.

Still, how to properly fasten the screw, in the upper or lower wave? Why do such questions arise at all if the manufacturer clearly indicates what exactly is at the bottom?

Actually there is a meaning. The self-tapping screw in the lower wave securely presses the profiled sheet to the crate, and the roof itself looks protected. But, at the same time, the water along the slopes always goes along the lower wave, and such a mount is always in the water, unlike the upper one.

Any error during the installation process - roof leaks and rapid corrosion of the roofing material. Therefore, the roofers themselves offer the most ridiculous and at the same time correct solution in practical terms:

  • If the roof is mounted by professionals in whom you are sure, then let them screw the self-tapping screw into the lower wave;
  • If the brigade is unreliable, consisting of guys who speak little Russian, it’s better to go to the top. This method will not affect the overall strength of the roof in any way, but during rain, problematic attachment points will not create problems.

Worth listening! But remember that a roof guarantee is given only when it is fixed in accordance with all the manufacturer's rules, without violating them. But then the conscientiousness of the guarantor and the durability of the roof itself appear on the scales. You decide.

We analyze popular editing mistakes: there is a lot to learn!

Let's look at the main mistakes - the more you know about them, the better, and the more reliable the roof itself will be later:

  • Too big drill. The result - no tightness and bearing capacity of the connection.
  • Too thin drill. This will certainly lead to either broken fasteners or biting of the thread - its partial destruction. And of course, you can’t call such a high-quality mount.
  • Self-tapping screw too loose. In this case, the rubber gasket will not fit snugly against the surface of the metal sheet, and moisture will easily get under it.
  • Self-tapping screw too tight. In this case, the rubber gasket will quickly crack due to overvoltage and begin to let water through.

The following illustration will help you understand this:

To avoid overtightening the washer or breaking the drill, you need to know which decking tool is best. For this purpose, a screwdriver with a low rotation speed is suitable, which allows you to control the angle of entry of the self-tapping screw into the roof.

Be careful: special self-tapping screws for corrugated board are equipped with a washer that is sensitive to overtightening when screwing.

But what to do if you screwed the screw in the wrong place (for example, didn’t hit the crate), and twice? After all, after this, it is almost impossible to pull it out! There is a way out: you just need to fix it so that the wrong fasteners are not noticeable on the new roof:

Another good tip for the same problem:

As you can see, it's not difficult to screw up, but if you know about all these points and prepare, then mistakes can be avoided.

Mounting process in detail

It is customary to lay corrugated board on the roof with a distance between rafters from 600 to 900 mm. In the process of screwing in self-tapping screws, always make sure that they enter the corrugated board only at a right angle, and the rubber washer of the self-tapping screw is compressed by no more than 1 mm. If one of these rules is violated, then moisture cannot be avoided directly into the attachment points.

To make it convenient to screw in the roofing screws, use a screwdriver with a hex socket. In this case, it is already necessary to specially drill the corrugated board in advance:

The self-tapping screws themselves are evenly distributed at the joints of the sheets along the waves, at the joints of the sheets,when approaching the ridge, ridges, along the gables and on the cornice line.

Adjust the limit of the rotating screwdriver in advance - so that in the process, when you press the sheet of corrugated board to the crate, the rubber gasket is only slightly pressed. Only slightly! Here is an example of incorrect (left) and correct (right) compression of a rubber gasket:Here, simply increase the limit of the rotating element, tighten the screw and return to the previous settings.

Try with all your might to hit the self-tapping screw exactly in the center of the crate - this will ensure that there is no possibility of deformation of the corrugation.Next, tighten the screws in a checkerboard pattern. Place the fastening points of high profiles through one wave, and low ones through two - this will increase the reliability of the roof.

Tip: if the corrugated board is too long, like the roofs of industrial facilities, and the profile is high, then with a run step of more than one meter, fasten the sheets to each lower corrugation.

As soon as you finish installing the corrugated board, carefully look at the roof. Its general visual appearance, the reliability of transverse and longitudinal joints, dents and the correct fastening with self-tapping screws.

Fixing additional elements with self-tapping screws

But the fastening of additional elements has its own technology. So, smooth ridge elements are used as a ridge bar, which are laid with an overlap of 10 cm and a step of up to 30 cm.

Additionally, a sealant is placed between the planks and corrugated board. If the sheets have a small wave, then a conventional sealant will be enough, if the waves are large or trapezoidal, then the sealant needs to be ventilated:

At the same time, for the slats, take the screws themselves longer than for the crate, because sometimes they will have to be fixed through the top of the wave. That is why the length of the self-tapping screw should be chosen so that it exceeds the thickness of the material with the wave height of the profiled sheet.

The technology is:

  • Step 1. Apply sealant to the seal and press the bar.
  • Step 2. Fix the bar with self-tapping screws with a press washer.
  • Step 3. Cut and fold the ridge bar, then also fasten it to the roof.
  • Step 4 Now, if you have a hip roof, then you will still need the back planks.
  • Step 5. This is the order in which you need to work with the valley.
  • Step 6. And in this order, the roofing material is fixed at the eaves.

So you know all the secrets of professional roofers. Ask questions, share your experience and thoughts on how to properly fix modern corrugated board.
