Height and weight of glafira tarkhanova. Glafira Tarkhanova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Family of Glafira Tarkhanova

Glafira Tarkhanova is a talented actress who captivated the audience with her soft soul, beautiful and non-trivial appearance, and characteristic roles. She was remembered by many for the film "Gromovs", a huge number of sympathies were won by her acting in the film "Two Ivans". In her filmography, a whole list of different roles. No less successfully she copes with acting work in the theater "Satyricon". But best of all, she mastered the difficult, but necessary and bright "profession" of mother and wife.

Biography of Glafira Tarkhanova - childhood and youth

Glafira Tarkhanova is a native of the Moscow region. She was born in the city of Elektrostal in 1983. She can definitely be called a hereditary actress, because her parents are professional puppet theater actors. The father practically did not raise his daughter. He left the family some time after the birth of the girl. Her stepfather took care of her. Together with Glafira's mother, he devoted a lot of time to the comprehensive development of the child.

The girl was engaged in various sports that have always been considered the most beautiful and feminine: figure skating, synchronized swimming - these activities developed the plasticity of the actress, strengthened her physically, forged her character and will. Ballroom dancing, lessons in Russian folk singing, theater courses instilled a love for creativity and art. In addition, Glafira graduated from a comprehensive school with a physical and mathematical bias.

Today, the actress is grateful to her parents for giving her such an excellent education and raising a comprehensively developed personality. The acquired knowledge helps her cope with even the most difficult directorial tasks on the set. Although neither mother nor stepfather wanted their daughter to devote her life to an acting career. They dreamed of Glafira's medical future.

The girl did not want to put up with such a decision of her parents. Having finished the ninth grade, a very young girl passes a competition for the school of opera singing of Galina Vishnevskaya. There she studies academic singing, as well as playing the piano and violin. And, although her vocals were not very suitable for academic singing, she worked hard on herself and received good grades.

Glafira was introduced to the theatrical atmosphere by her stepfather. Unwittingly, he helped the girl decide on her future profession. He just wanted to dissuade her from a career as an opera singer and brought her to the entrance exams at the B. Shchukin Theater School. According to his idea, the stepdaughter was to understand how difficult and emotionally draining acting work is. But the effect turned out to be just the opposite - the girl decided to devote her life to theatrical art forever. Melpomene attracted Glafira more and more, and in 2001 she applied to all Moscow theater universities.

And the efforts of the then unknown applicant were crowned with success - she entered the Moscow Art Theater School. She studied there for 4 years, the legendary Konstantin Raikin became the leader of the group.

As a student, Glafira received several roles in the famous Satyricon Theater. The first performances for the aspiring actress were "Chantecleer" and "Profitable Place". After graduating from a studio school and receiving a diploma, she joined the troupe of the Satyricon Theater.

But the habit of multifaceted development and the desire to be a universal personality led to the fact that the actress did not stop at one higher education. She decided to supplement her acting diploma with another education. Although at that time she could not decide which profession to master. The idea was suggested by my mother, who recently received the specialty of a psychologist. Her stories about interesting lectures and practical exercises captivated Glafira so much that she also decided to enter the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University and successfully graduated in 2008.

Acting career of Glafira Tarkhanova

For the first time, the viewer saw the young actress Glafira Tarkhanova in 2003 in the film "The Theater Spectator". The historical film epic "The Fall of the Empire" not only made the actress recognizable, but also introduced many famous actors, such as Nikolai Baluev and Nina Usatova.

In the photo - the role of Tanya Zaitseva in the film "Death of the Empire"

The famous actress woke up after the release of the series "Gromovs" in 2006. In the film, she played a strong, kind and decent girl who adequately endures all the hardships of fate and remains a person even in the most difficult situations.

After this film work, the actress was literally showered with offers of roles in the most diverse films. Today, the famous actress has about 50 major and minor film roles. A long track record of acting roles of Glafira Tarkhanova and on the stage - she took part in 13 productions.

The film "The best friend of the family" with the participation of Glafira Tarkhanova

The film "Secret around the world." In the role of Nyuta Lyubimova - Glafira Tarkhanova.

Recently, she tried herself as the host of the TV program Save My Child. The goal of the project is to help children suffering from complex diseases.

The personal life of the actress: Glafira Tarkhanova and her husband Alexei Faddeev

The film "Main Caliber" became a landmark in the life of Glafira. In 2005, on the set, the actress met her future husband. Alexei Faddeev is an actor who played the role of cameraman Yuzhin in the film.

According to the couple, an office romance on the set of the series was excluded, because Glafira is a serious girl. But, despite this, six months later, the actors started a family. From the outside, it seemed to many that their relationship developed too quickly - they met in the spring, and got married in the fall. The actress herself claims that this is an exaggeration. Mutual sympathy gradually grew into love and a strong, reliable marriage.

Children of Glafira Tarkhanova

Married to Alexei Faddeev, Glafira became the mother of four sons. The actress chose the names for them herself. She believes that the letter “P” must be present in the name of the child - it gives a person strength in character. Regarding how many more children will appear in a famous acting family, the actress laughs it off - she says that they discussed this issue with her husband, but have not yet come to a concrete decision. Today Glafira Tarkhanova is the mother of four children.

Interestingly, the first son was born in the hospital. The actress gave birth to two other boys at home. Glafira is of the opinion that children should be born in a comfortable and calm environment, which is hardly possible in ordinary maternity hospitals. But she doesn't encourage everyone to do the same. The actress believes that every woman must make a choice for herself and prepare for childbirth with all responsibility.

Recently, fans have had a lot of questions on the network about how many children Glafira Tarkhanova has. Many people think that the beloved actress has three sons, while others say that there are four. The fact is that not many people know about the replenishment in the family of actors - on September 19, 2017, their fourth son was born. Actors chose not to advertise this fact too actively. Another dilemma that haunts is how old are the children of Glafira Tarkhanova. But this is not a secret, the actress has four children with a slight age difference:

  • Roots - 9 years old.
  • Yermolai - 6 years old.
  • Gordey - 4 years.
  • Nikifor was born in September 2017.

This young actress with a surprisingly "Russian" appearance, luxurious hair and magnificent radiant eyes, despite her age, has become the favorite of millions of viewers.


Glafira Tarkhanova was born in the glorious city of Elektrostal in a creative family. Her parents Elena and Alexander are puppet theater actors. They are original people, not afraid to stand out from the crowd. They did not give their children hackneyed fashionable names, but chose beautiful and rare ones - Glafira, Illaria, Miron.

From childhood, the girl even outwardly differed from her peers. Mom never wove huge gas bows into her hair. She wove thin satin ribbons into her daughter's braids, which made her elegant and fragile.

Little Glafira was hard to see on the street, loitering around doing nothing. Her day was scheduled to the minute. At various times, she studied English, figure skating, synchronized swimming, folk singing, ballroom dancing, while studying in a math class and a film school. In addition, the girl learned to play the violin, although at first her studies at the music school did not work out and began with very modest grades.

Quite often you can hear this opinion: too busy children are practically deprived of childhood. Actress Glafira Tarkhanova categorically disagrees with this statement. She considers her childhood happy, and all the skills acquired at that time are very useful for later life.

Opera singer

Parents wanted to see their eldest daughter as a doctor, and, perhaps, the biography of Glafira Tarkhanova would have turned out differently if the case had not intervened in her fate. Glafira decided to try her hand and enter the school of the famous Galina Vishnevskaya at the department of opera singing. As the actress herself jokes, she was taken there as an experiment to see what would happen to her next. The fact is that at the time of admission she did not have a formed operatic voice. In fairness, it must be said that Glafira was not the worst graduate of the school.


Parents did not really want Glafira Tarkhanova to become an opera singer.

In order to dissuade her daughter from a “reckless step”, her father took her to the exams at the Shchukin school so that she would feel all the “horror” of artistic life. This excursion had the opposite effect - in the year 2001, the future star applied to almost all universities in the country. They did not accept her only at the Shchukin School and GITIS. Making her choice between the rest, Glafira chose the Moscow Art Theater Studio. The main "argument" was who was the leader of the course.

At the end of the first year of study, the young actress was entrusted with a very small role in the play "Chantecleer" at the "Satyricon" theater. Probably, the debut turned out to be successful, because already in the second year, young Glafira Tarkhanova played the main role in the play “Profitable Place”.

In 2005, the actress graduated from the Moscow Art Theater Studio and was accepted into the troupe of the Satyricon Theater.

Film work

This talented girl played the first roles while still a student. The biography of Glafira Tarkhanova consists of a constant search for herself in theater and cinema. The first serious notable work of the aspiring actress was the role of Tanya Zaitseva in the popular TV series "Death of the Empire" in 2005. In the same year, she performed the main character in the series "Gromovs". The tape turned out to be very popular among the audience, and after this work, the girl began to be recognized on the streets. The filmography of Glafira Tarkhanova began to rapidly fill with interesting and memorable roles.

Lyrical heroine

From the very first appearance of this actress, directors began to perceive her as a gentle and feminine heroine. Glafira is not at all upset about this. She believes that there are enough bitches in the cinema, on television, and, by the way, in life.


The biography of Glafira Tarkhanova is not only work. A large place in it is given to the family, children. The actress met her future husband of the Maly Theater on the set of the film "Main Caliber" in 2006. The relationship of the couple developed slowly. They met after filming. Imperceptibly for both, love arose. Three months later, Alexei made a proposal to his beloved. The wedding took place before the release of the new film.

Glafira Tarkhanova: children

This is one of the few couples in the domestic film industry that can be called large. Today, Glafira Tarkhanova and her husband are raising three children - Yermolai, Korney and Gordey. There is information that the family is not going to stop there. The couple dreams of a daughter. Spouses are rarely seen at secular parties - they try to spend all their free time with their families. By the way, the children of Glafira Tarkhanova are brought up in strictness, and parents try not to indulge children's whims.

In-demand actress

Despite the fact that this talented woman is still very young (in 2014 she will be only 31 years old), Glafira Tarkhanova's filmography includes more than forty bright works. The images created by her are always very natural and are remembered by the audience for a long time. Naturally, in a small article it is impossible to introduce you to all the roles of the actress. Therefore, today we will present you the latest films with Glafira Tarkhanova.

"Heart is not a stone" (2012), melodrama

The story of nineteen-year-old Tony - a village girl. She has a very hard life - there is no father, her mother is seriously ill, her beloved younger sister is studying at a technical school and is almost never at home. Tonya earns money by sewing. The girl, like all her peers, dreams of bright love, wants to meet her half, to experience the happiness of motherhood, but life's trials are just beginning for her. Changes in her life occur when a new director appears at the state farm. He is very fond of this lovely girl. One day, Tonya meets the director's son, and love arises between them. Aleksey offers Tonya a hand and a heart, but fate brings another surprise ...

"The Shores of My Dreams" (2013), romance, adventure

A multi-part film in which the actress Glafira Tarkhanova played the main role of Lena Kolmogorova. A story about three friends, young naval officers who are destined to go through a difficult path, about the fact that "loyalty", "honor", "friendship" are not empty, banal words at all. comes home and learns a family secret that has been hidden from him for many years ...

"Two Ivans" (2013), melodrama

In this picture, Glafira Tarkhanova also played the main role of Olga Kruglova. Ivan Zakharov, returning from the army, spends the night with the daughter of the district police officer Tanya, who is in love with him. In the morning, their father finds them and demands that Ivan marry his daughter. The guy has to agree. True, in another city, his bride Olya is impatiently waiting for him, who carries his child under her heart. A young woman arrives in the village on her wedding day and finds out that her lover has deceived her.

Olga married an honest and decent man - Fedor, who adopted her child. The couple are raising two children - a common daughter, Rita and Ivan, Olga's son. In karate classes, Ivan meets a charming namesake, a village boy who turns out to be the son of Tatyana and Ivan, who tragically died a few months after the wedding ...

"Check for love" (2013), melodrama, main role

Nadezhda and Peter have been happily married for several years, raising their son. But life often brings surprises, sometimes very unpleasant ones. The problems start when they move to a new apartment. Here, next door to them, there is a guy with whom Nadia had a serious relationship and whom she tries to hide from her husband…

"Happy Route" (2013), melodrama, main role

An honest and very kind girl Zhenya lives in a service hostel, works as a driver of an ordinary trolleybus. Her mission is to help people. She is always ready to replace a colleague, settles a former teacher in her tiny room, gives her only decent dress to an almost unfamiliar girl. Girlfriends make fun of her, but Zhenya firmly believes that her trolleybus will definitely pass along a happy route. And unexpectedly for everyone, a real miracle comes into her life ...

"Courage" (2014), melodrama, musical film

Events unfold in the 70s in the USSR. Fate brings the talented director of Mosfilm Alex to the ambitious young singer Galla, who dreams of breaking into the stage. Alex takes on this difficult task and comes up with incredible tricks for her, which she embodies in life and on stage with amazing artistry.

"A Year in Tuscany" (2014), in production, serial film

Rita and Ilya are preparing for the wedding. Ilya, an architect who is completely immersed in creativity, designs a villa in Tuscany for a family of millionaires. Rita (also an architect) works hard at a design agency, thereby providing the financial side of the groom's life. The day before a significant event, the girl accidentally saves Mike, a famous actor, from death. She pulled him out almost from under the wheels of the minibus. While she is helping a celebrity, her fiancé dies in an accident. The inconsolable girl is forced to go to Tuscany, to finish Ilya's business ...

"Papa for Sofia" (2014), in production

Vari's life is gray and everyday - work, home. There is no love, and youth is leaving. The girl stopped hoping for a change. She is sure that passions and bright novels are the lot of beautiful ones. But unexpectedly, fate brings her to Igor, a spectacular Muscovite who came to the company where the girl works, with a check. Varya loses her head from love and spends the night with Igor. When parting, out of courtesy, he invites the girl to visit when she has a desire. He could not even imagine that Varya would quit her job and rush to Moscow in search of her happiness ...

Tarkhanova Glafira, whose films are always a holiday for fans of her work, is still very much in demand. Domestic directors are happy to offer her the main roles in their films. The actress is full of creative plans. We hope that she will delight us with her work for many years to come.

Glafira Alexandrovna Tarkhanova. She was born on November 9, 1983 in Elektrostal (Moscow Region). Russian theater and film actress.

Glafira Tarkhanova was born on November 9, 1983 in the city of Elektrostal, Moscow Region, into a theatrical family.

Parents are puppet theater actors.

As a child, she was engaged in figure skating and synchronized swimming, went to Russian folk singing, tried herself in painting, studied ballroom dancing at the Diaghilev Academy. She studied at the film school for six months.

I went to the physics and mathematics class. After the ninth grade, she was going to a medical school, but she changed her mind and entered the school of Galina Vishnevskaya at the opera department.

Glafira plays the violin and piano well.

After graduating from school, Vishnevskaya went to the theater - she was the only one from her graduation.

In 2003 she graduated from the acting course at the Moscow Art Theater School. Then she graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University. "I think that every woman would do well to learn psychology," says the actress.

Since 2002 he has been working at the Satyricon Theatre.

Roles in the theater:

"Masquerade" - Nina
"Profitable Place" - Polinka
"Chantecleer" - Moth, Owl
"Ah yes Pushkin..."
"King Lear" - Cordelia
"Richard III" - Lady Anne

She made her film debut in 2003 with a small role in the film Theater Blues. Then there were a number of other secondary roles.

For the first time, the actress was talked about after the film "Lovers" where she played Dean.

Glafira Tarkhanova in the film "Lovers"

After the film "Lovers" the actress basically refuses to act in sex scenes. "It was unpleasant for me. And it's not about the partner. There is a certain line between acting professionalism and me as a woman. Nudity in the cinema is another profession," she says.

Recognition and audience love came to her in 2007 with the release of the series "Gromovs", in which she starred in the title role - Nastya Gromova.

"I am glad that this role happened in my life: it is always a pleasure to play spiritual people. And the era of the 70s of the last century, which I did not find, turned out to be very interesting. People then lived by moral concepts, and for me these values ​​are close", - said the actress about this significant role for her.

Glafira Tarkhanova in the movie "Gromovs"

Then there were films that were successful with the audience "Alexander Garden", where she played the role of Maya, "Female Friendship", "Main Caliber", "Man and Woman", "Greetings, Kozanostra", "Three Women of Dostoevsky", "The Color of the Flame", "Two Ivans", "Check for Love ”, “Dog Paradise” and many others.

Movie released in 2015 "Treason", where her heroine - Daria Schukina - also appears in bed. Some critics even commented that Tarkhanova had broken the taboo on sex scenes. But these, of course, are fundamentally different scenes than in the above-mentioned picture "Lovers".

Glafira Tarkhanova in the film "Treason"

In 2017, she played a major role in the TV series Good Intentions, which tells about the life of the Firsov family. Her character is Inga, a nightclub dancer who marries a wealthy man, although she does not love him. She is a smart and sensitive woman, but unhappy: Inga is forced to live with her unloved husband, and even under the constant pressure of his relatives, who have not come to terms with her past.

Glafira Tarkhanova in the series "Good Intentions"

In 2018, an action-packed melodrama was released "Slipping Life" with Glafira Tarkhanova in the title role. With her heroine - children's surgeon Albina Vilenskaya - strange things happen. She woke up in the hospital and found out that she allegedly wanted to commit suicide. However, she herself does not remember any suicide attempt itself, nor does she understand the reasons that could push her to this. Further, it turns out that the recently deceased father disinherited her, that her stepmother is pregnant, and that her fiancé has disappeared, while relatives and friends convince Albina that there really was no groom.

Glafira Tarkhanova in the movie "Escape Life"

Glafira Tarkhanova about herself:

“I’m not Nastya from the Gromovs, not some other heroines. It’s not me, I’m a completely different person. The characters of my heroines are imposed on me. For many, some kind of stereotype has developed behind me: I used to always play calm heroines. in our environment, they believe that if a girl plays a certain type of character, then she is such. For an actor, stereotypedness and stereotyping are a sign of unprofessionalism.

"In ordinary life, I try not to use foul language, this is my principled position."

“I always wore a braid. Mom said that long hair is my difference from others, so I didn’t cut it. There are no problems with hair now, there are so many care products. But I like to use homemade ones: I brew nettle with chamomile, burdock root.

"I never dreamed of marrying an oligarch and doing nothing. Even before I met my husband, I knew that a man's material goods were not important to me. I counted on myself in everything. And I continue to do so until now."

Glafira Tarkhanova and Alexei Faddev - "Who's there"

Growth of Glafira Tarkhanova: 172 centimeters.

Personal life of Glafira Tarkhanova:

Married to the actor of the Maly Theater. They met in 2005 on the set of the adventure film "Main Gauge".

The couple has four children. Sons: Korney (born February 7, 2008), Yermolai (born November 9, 2010) and Gordey (born November 2, 2012). On September 19, 2017, Tarkhanova announced that, who was named Nikifor.

Filmography of Glafira Tarkhanova:

2003 - Theatrical blues - Fiona Boguslavskaya
2004 - Joke - Nadya
2005 - The death of the empire - Tanya Zaitseva
2005 - Kazarosa - fellow traveler
2006 - Demons - Lisa
2006 - Main caliber - Lyudmila
2006 - Gromovs - Nastya Gromova
2006 - Lovers - Dina
2006 - Vices and their fans - Maria
2006 - Silencio
2007 - Three days in Odessa / Alexander Garden - May 2
2007 - Gromovs. House of Hope - Nastya Gromova
2007 - Women's Friendship - Natasha
2007 - Morozov - Yulia Morozova
2007 - Trust Service - Larisa
2007 - Urgently in the room - Valentine
2008 - Hunting for Beria / Alexander Garden 3 - Maya Koltsova
2008 - Lace - Evgenia Vershinina
2008 - Urgently to room 2 - Valentine
2009 - Alien Souls - Jeanne
2010 - Konstantin Raikin. High Security Theater (documentary)
2010 - Frozen Dispatches - Dash Mayer
2010 - The path to yourself - Rada Svetlova
2010 - With regards, Kozanostra - Tamara Chernyshova
2010 - Three women of Dostoevsky - Apollinaria Suslova
2010 - The color of the flame - Alina
2010 - Flowers from Lisa - Lisa
2011 - White Crow - Dunya
2011 - This woman to me - Nastya Rogozhkina
2011 - Best friend of the family - Vera Andreeva in her youth / Tanya
2011 - Alien wings - Polina Sergeevna Rudakova
2012 - Divorce - Natasha Gerasimova
2012 - The heart is not a stone - Antonina Pogodina
2013 - Shores of my dreams - Lena Kolmogorova
2013 - Two Ivans - Olga Kruglova
2013 - Test for love - Nadya Buryakova
2013 - Dog Paradise - Katya
2013 - Happy route - Zhenya
2014 - Golden Bride - Nadia
2014 - Courage - Vera
2014 - Dad for Sofia - Rita Serova
2014 - Weak woman - Lyudmila Shcherbakova
2015 - Year in Tuscany - Marina
2015 - Cheating - Daria Schukina
2015 - Secret to the whole world - Nyuta Lyubimova

The future actress of modern theater and cinema was born in the Moscow region, in the city of Elektrostal in the fall of 1983. Her parents at that time worked in a local puppet theater. However, they ended their relationship when the girl was not even two years old. In 1987, her mother married a second time.

In the new family, which little Glafira considered and considers her own, two more children were born, whose mother chose the names as carefully as the name of her first child: the kids were named Miron and Illaria. From an early age, the girl loved to wear unusual outfits, and her mother and grandmother made her beautiful hairstyles, which instilled Glafira's love for caring for her appearance and a sense of taste.

From a young age, she wanted to connect her life with creativity., asked to enroll her in a theater studio and dance classes. When the girl was only 7 years old, the entire Tarkhanov family moved to Moscow. Here the baby went to the second grade of a simple secondary school.

From the memoirs of Glafira herself, she quickly found a common language with the teacher, but it was difficult to establish contact with her classmates, but by the end of her first academic year at the new school, she made friends with most of her peers.

Participation in multiple productions on the school stage, led by her class teacher, helped her to liberate herself and make new acquaintances. In high school, she wanted to be a doctor and even took extra classes in chemistry and biology.


After graduation, the girl entered the school of Galina Vishnevskaya at the department of opera singing. After 3 years, in 2001, she completed her studies, having received the first diploma of a specialist in her life.

In the same year, Glafira Tarkhanova successfully passed the entrance exams for the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School, she was enrolled in the course of Konstantin Raikin. In 2005, the girl's graduation took place.

The girl did not want to stop there, and immediately applied to the Moscow State University for a psychologist. She was solemnly awarded a diploma of a second higher education in June 2008. At that time, she was already in a relationship with her future husband.

Theater and cinema

Tarkhanova's debut on the stage of the Satyricon Theater took place in her first year of study at the Moscow Art Theater. And today she has roles in several famous performances, including "Money" (the role of Nastya), "Masquerade" (the role of Nina), "King Lear", "Wheel of Fortune" and "Men's Fragrance".

And for participation in the production of "Richard III", the young actress was awarded the "Crystal Turandot" award. A year later, her film debut took place: Glafira appeared before the audience in the film "Theatre Blues".

The turning point in the girl's career was the shooting of the series "Gromovs", since the role of Nastya Gromova, performed by her, brought the actress the greatest popularity. Glafira also has a significant role in the series "Treason" on TNT.

Then there were roles in "Women's Friendship", "Stranger Souls", "Three Women of Dostoevsky", "Flowers from Lisa", "The Heart is Not a Stone", "Happy Route", "In the Secret of the World" and many others, where often a girl played the main roles. To date, her latest film work is the role of Inga in the film Good Intentions, which is scheduled to premiere at the end of 2017.

Family life

Glafira Tarkhanova is married to a colleague, actor Alexei Faddeev. She met him on a joint shoot. A happy young family has three beautiful sons: Korney (2008), Ermolai (2010) and Gordey (2012).

And in mid-September 2017, the public became aware that Glafira Tarkhanova gave birth to a fourth child - daughter Raisa. Strong employment on stage and on film sets does not prevent Glafira from being a good mother and wife.

The actress is fond of sports, in particular yoga, which helps her to be in excellent physical shape. She also teaches her young children to argue. The girl does not intend to stop in her creative career, she wants to continue doing what she loves.

Interesting Facts:

  • Height: 173 cm
  • Glafira is the winner of the "Femme Fatale - Femme Fatale of the Year 2015" award
  • Was a finalist of the project "Dancing with the Stars 2016"
  • Host of the program "Save my child"

Glafira Tarkhanova is a young popular Russian film and theater actress. The beautiful girl won the hearts of a large audience with her sincere, laid-back acting style. She is familiar to us from the films "Gromovs" and "Treason". We learn everything about the biography of actress Glafira Aleksandrovna Tarkhanova, about her professional and personal life, as well as children.

The future star of Russian cinema Glafira Tarkhanova was born on November 9, 1983 in the small town of Elektrostal, Moscow Region. In a provincial town, no different from a thousand other similar towns, children still grew up in the Tarkhanov family - Miron and Ilaria. The Tarkhanovs at the time of Glasha's birth were engaged in acting in a puppet theater.

The girl's parents divorced when Glasha was still very young. From childhood, the girl was raised by her stepfather, whom she called dad. Little Glasha had all the makings of an actress. She was sophisticated, beautiful and talented.

Glafira Tarkhanova in childhood

The parents decided that it was not enough for their daughter to study at a physics and mathematics school and that she needed to be developed in all directions. Mom and father painted her daily rhythm of life to the second. Glasha went to ballet, swimming, ice skating, singing, and learned to play the violin. English lessons and acting classes were added to all the classes.

Parents wanted to see their daughter in the future as a medical worker, and Glafira herself was sure that she would become a doctor. But after graduating from high school, Glafira, unexpectedly for everyone, entered an educational institution, the founder of which was opera singer Galina Vishnevskaya. The girl chose the department of opera singing for herself. Glasha's parents were shocked by the choice of their daughter and tried in vain to dissuade her from such a reckless act. But the girl was unshakable in her decision, despite the fact that she did not have the makings of an opera singer.

Theatrical life

After graduating from a musical educational institution in 2001, Glasha went on to study further, choosing the Moscow Art Theater for herself, namely the acting department. At the time of study and after it, Tarkhanova involved herself in the Satyricon Theater. The head of the course for the girl was the famous Konstantin Raikin. With all the roles that were given to the young student, the future actress successfully coped. Her acting skills were highly appreciated by critics and the public.

During her studies, Glafira was repeatedly offered diverse film roles. The aspiring actress tried to refuse offers, choosing for herself the theatrical life and the stage for the most part. Involving herself in performances, the girl refused even the main roles for the sake of performances.

The most memorable roles in the "Satyricon" are the productions of "Money", "King Lear", "Masquerade". At the moment, Tarkhanova is the leading actress of her favorite theater. The biography of Glafira Tarkhanova shows that personal life and small children cannot become an obstacle to success.

Movie roles

Glafira's debut in the cinema came during her student days. At first, the girl played secondary roles. Recognition came to Glafira with the serial film "Gromovs" and "Demons". After the release of these films on television, the long-awaited fame and recognition came to Tarkhanova.

Frame from the series "Gromovs"

The uniqueness of the actress lies in the fact that right on the set she learns to perform those actions that she has never done before.

In the eyes of the viewer, Tarkhanova is an elegant heroine of lyrical melodramas. The artist herself says that she likes her role, because there are already enough evil negative heroines on television. Of the last roles of Glafira in the cinema, it is worth noting "Treason", "Courage" and "Weak Women".


The second higher education, the girl received in 2008. Tarkhanova became a certified psychologist after graduating from Moscow State University. A vivid biography of Glafira Tarkhanova, a successful personal life and small children are an example for the younger generation to follow. With the help of her education as a psychologist, the actress began to better understand the roles of her heroines, to know them from the other side.

Glafira Tarkhanova in the present

A few years ago, the actress participated in the popular show where the stars dance with the stars. Tarkhanova's partner was the well-known choreographer and dancer Yevgeny Papunaishvili. The star couple performed well in every round and became one of the five potential finalists.

The girl is actively acting in films and her last roles were the tapes “Letter of Hope”, “Good Intentions”, “Love and Believe”, “Crossroads”, “Blues for September”. The actress also tried herself as a host of a program dedicated to rare diseases in children.

Husband of Glafira Tarkhanova: photos and children

Glafira Tarkhanova is married to Alexei Faddeev. Glafira met her husband at the Maly Theater. Together they starred in several projects, where Alex played the role of an actor and stuntman. The young people did not meet for a long time, and three months after they met, the couple signed. They got married and played a modest wedding, where only the closest people were invited. The actress in one of the interviews said: “I have always been a big dreamer and invented the image of my husband in my student years.

The most interesting thing is that the external image of Alexei completely coincided with my fantasies. Lesha's appearance is not quite like that of a European. It was very important for me the physical development of the physique of my future spouse. Alexei goes in for sports and has the body of an athlete. This is what I needed."

Glafira Tarkhanova: photo, children

Glafira and Alexei have four children: Korney, Yermolai, Gordey and Nikifor. Before the youngest child of the actress was born, there was false information in the media that Tarkhanova gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Raya. Glafira even had to write on social networks that this was a mistake and she did not give birth to any daughter, although she would not mind the birth of a girl. The unique old Russian names that Glafira gave to her children are a family tradition of the Tarkhanovs.

How old is Tarkhanova

In 2018, Glafira turned 34 years old.

Fans of the star often ask her how the actress manages to combine cinema, theater and family. But one has only to remember the childhood of Glafira, painted in seconds, and it immediately becomes clear who instilled in her such skills. A married couple tries to spend all their free time in the family circle, to deal with children, without wasting time on social networks or empty pastime.
