Basic and additional calculations of wooden beams during construction. Basic and additional calculations of wooden beams during construction Application of calculations in practice

Recently, buildings made of timber have gained great popularity in the construction of country houses. Such buildings have a lot of advantages, so many people decide to start doing the work on their own. In order for the process to be most successful, you need to know how much 150x150 timber is in 1 cube.

You can use a special calculator that will allow you to determine the exact amount of profiled timber. In addition, there is a table that indicates the number of pieces that will be needed with a board length of 6 meters for a lumber cube.

What will be discussed:

What a person who decides to build a house from a bar should know

If you decide to do the construction of a building from a bar on your own, you must remember the elementary formulas of mathematics from the school curriculum. So, you need the following formulas:

  • Area or S. It's extremely simple to multiply the length by the width;
  • Volume or V. The previously obtained area must be multiplied by the height;
  • The volume of the beam section is calculated by the formula for which the section must be expressed in meters. For example, 150x150 6 meters will be 0.15x0.15x6, it turns out 0.135 meters in a cube;
  • If the length of the beam is 4 meters, then the result for the same section will be 0.09 meters cubed.

Also, how much timber 150x150 in a cube can be easily determined from the table. Such a table is based on the size of the board in centimeters.

How many pieces of timber are contained in one cube

How much timber 150x150 cube 6 meters? This question is asked by almost every person who decides to start construction. Simple arithmetic calculations will help us understand. Above, we calculated that the volume of such material will be equal to 0.135 m3. Thus, we need to divide one cubic meter by the resulting volume. So, in one cubic meter of a beam measuring 150x150 6 meters, there are 7.4 pieces.

With a size of 4 meters and the same size, the number of pieces will be 11.11. And if you take a bar 100x100, there are about 25 pieces.

There is also a table that can significantly save time on various calculations. It indicates the volume of 1 piece and the quantity in a cubic meter.

Some aspects of calculations to remember

In order to calculate how much profiled timber 150x150 is in a cube, you need to take into account:

  1. Calculations need to be made only on working surfaces that have grooves, spikes or various fastening systems.
  2. Be sure to follow all the calculations of the seller. Some consultants deliberately incorrectly round materials to increase their monetary value:
  3. By making the calculations correctly, you can protect yourself from buying extra materials, and therefore save money;

How much in 1 cube of timber 150x150 every builder who intends to successfully carry out all construction work should know.

Approximate cost of required materials

Below is the approximate cost of a beam 150x150 6 meters long:

  • Edged is sold for from 4500 rubles;
  • Natural moisture cedar often has a price that varies from 9,000 to 17,000 Russian rubles;
  • Larch, natural humidity can cost from 9,500 rubles;
  • Profiled dry timber has a price of 8000;

How many pieces of timber 150x150 in a cube will help you most accurately determine the volume and monetary costs of construction.

Is it possible to save

You can always find out if there are materials that you can buy to save a lot. For example, some replace expensive profiled timber with glued or unplaned timber. The latter have a lower cost. But, you should be aware that they can shrink a lot after processing.

Before buying, try to clearly and accurately determine the size and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future building. Only under this condition, you can save some money. Also, consider all openings. Entrance, windows, doors, so as not to purchase an extra amount of materials, be sure to measure all of the above parts of any building.

If you have a friend who independently built a house from a bar, be sure to clarify all the subtleties and nuances of the process. Maybe he knows some secrets on how to correctly find out how much 150x150 profiled timber is in a cube. Look at various photo or video instructions, in which an experienced master will talk in detail about all aspects of this issue. Regardless of the construction area, before buying, pay increased attention to the quality of the purchased materials, because it is this condition that guarantees you the success of all construction work.

Meters are linear, square and cubic. Starting a large construction site or even a small repair, you should be clearly oriented in these terms. The ability to correctly translate the amount of certain materials into linear or cubic meters will serve as an excellent service in preliminary calculations of the cost of a planned repair or construction. For example, clearly understanding how many square meters are in one roll of wallpaper, you can quickly calculate their number required for pasting a room or an entire apartment.

Calculations can be done in cubic meters, square or running meters Source

If the upcoming repair or construction is related to the use of wooden materials, it is necessary to thoroughly study the recalculations from linear meters to cubic meters, since prices can be presented on the market both per unit of material and per cubic meter. The number of timber in the cube varies and depends on its cross section. The easiest way to find out how many boards are in a cube is a table, but if it is not nearby, you will have to remember the formulas.

What is a cubic meter

A cubic meter (abbreviated m³) is a unit of volume and is equal to the volume of a cube with an edge length of 1 meter. In accordance with GOST 8486-86, wooden materials must have measurable cross-sectional and length dimensions, which makes it easy to calculate the number of boards included in the cube of the material.

To determine the dimensions of the section, it is necessary to step back from the end of the beam at a distance of at least 10 cm and measure the width and height of the beam. Multiplying these values ​​​​by each other, you get the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beam, multiplying which by the length you get the volume of one beam. By calculating the number of bars in one cubic meter, you can easily navigate between the cost of one beam and one cube of beams.

A cubic meter is equal to the volume of a cube with an edge side of 1 m Source

Calculation of lumber for construction before buying them

Of course, the easiest way is to come to the developer to explain what you want to see in the final version and agree to the proposed project. But, if you independently understand the calculations of the required amount of lumber, then even at the stage of discussing the cost of materials and work on building a house, you can find out how real prices are offered by a construction company.

Many developers calculate the required amount of material in cubes, some consider it piece by piece, taking as standard the running length dimensions - 6 or 12 m. A clear understanding, for example, how much timber is in a cube of 150x150x6000, will protect against overpayments.

Standard timber 0.15x0.015x6 meters Source

The procedure for calculating the amount of timber in a cube

Despite the same principle of carrying out calculations, there are certain nuances in determining the cubic capacity and the amount of various lumber.

1. Basic formulas for calculating the number of bars in a cube

To determine how many boards in a cube, with bars of a certain section, you need to know three measured parameters: length, width and height. First you need to calculate the volume of one bar using the formula V = a * b * l (here V is the volume, m³; a is the height, m; b is the width, m; l is the length, m)

Beam parameters: length, width, height Source

How many pieces of timber in a cube is determined by the formula:


Where, A - the number of timber in a cube, pieces;

1 - one cubic meter, m³;

V is the volume of one bar, m³.

2. How to determine how many pieces are in a cube of timber 100x150

In the price lists of construction companies, for convenience, they indicate the cross section of the beam, that is, its width and height, for example, 100x150. Where 100 is the width in millimeters and 150 is the height. The length is most often 6 meters, or 6000 mm.

The volume of a bar 100x150x6000 will be 0.09 m³.

V = 0.1 m * 0.15 m * 6 m = 0.09 m³. Here 0.1 is the width, m; 0.15 – height, m; 6 - beam length, m.

In this case, how much material will “fit” in one cubic meter can be found by dividing the cubic meter by the volume of one bar:


Where, 1 is one cubic meter, m³;

0.09 - calculated volume of one bar 100x150x6000, m³.

The characteristic shape of the beam section 100x150 Source

So you can easily calculate how many pieces of timber in the purchased volume of material by multiplying the number of pieces by the number of cubes. For simplicity and speed of calculation, you can use the table: how many timber in a cube table is 6 meters.

3. How many edged boards in 1 cube

A similar situation is in calculating the amount of edged boards in 1 cubic meter of wood. For example, the board used has the following parameters 100x25x6000 (width, height, length).

The volume of one board will be 0.015 m³.

V = 0.1 m * 0.025 m * 6 m = 0.015 m³

Quantity in 1 cube:


That is, a cubic meter contains at least 66 boards. When buying a cube of edged boards 100x25x6000, you should get 67 pieces, rounding up. For example, when buying three cubes, you should get at least 201 pieces, and when buying six - 401.

4. How many in 1 cube of grooved floor board

The sheet pile floor for better installation has a groove along the entire length on one side, on the other - a spike. When calculating the volume of one board, its length, height and net width are taken into account, that is, the width without taking into account the protruding spike. For example, the size of the board shown in the figure below is 28x90 mm.

Grooved floor board Source

With a board length of 6 meters, its volume will be:

V = 0.09 m * 0.028 m * 6 m = 0.01512 m³

Quantity in 1 cube:


5. How many wooden lining in 1 cube

By design, the lining remotely resembles a sheet pile floor. It also has a groove-thorn connection, ventilation grooves, but the front side of the lining can have bevels, roundings and even a convex surface, imitating a beam.

For the calculation, the “net” width is used, that is, the size without taking into account the spike, the maximum value in the section of the board is taken as the height.

Types of lining with a good example of measuring the width and height of the board Source

The most common lining size is 100x14. With a board length of 6 meters, the number of lining in one cube will be at least 119 pieces:

The volume of one board:

V = 0.1 m * 0.014 m * 6 m = 0.0084 m³

Quantity in 1 cube:


On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses from profiled timber from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

What else to consider when counting lumber

One of the nuances in the production of lumber is their technological length, that is, the declared six-meter board in practice turns out to be 5-10 cm longer. This deviation is called technological and is not taken into account when calculating the linear meters of the board. The seller in no case has the right to add them to the total length of the board.

When buying a beam of a certain section, it is important to measure the parameters during acceptance or loading, since the slightest deviation of even 1 cm leads to huge losses, especially with large purchase volumes.

In addition to volume, it is important to remember the weight of the purchased material, which depends on the density of the material and humidity.

An example of calculating the weight of a beam based on the known density of a tree (for material of different moisture content, the corresponding values ​​\u200b\u200bmust be substituted instead of 860) Source

Tables for quick calculation of the volume of timber

Below are cheat sheets to quickly find out how much timber is in a cube - the table contains not only the quantitative values ​​​​of material units in a cubic meter, but also the volumetric values ​​\u200b\u200bof bars of different sections. For example, a table will show how many boards are in a cube - a board or a bar will be 6 meters or 3 meters long.

1. How much in a cubic meter of timber 3 meters long

How many pieces in a cubic meter Volume of one piece, m³

2. How much in a cubic meter of timber 6 meters long

Height, width and length of the beam, mm

How many pieces in a cubic meter

Volume of one piece, m³

If you need to find, for example, how many beams 100x100 in a cube, then in the table we look for a board of the right size and see the result - at least 16.67 pieces, and the volume of one beam 6 meters long is 0.06 m³.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

3. How many boards 2 meters long are in a cubic meter

How many pieces in a cubic meter

Volume of one board, m³

Area of ​​one board, m²

4. How many boards 3 meters long are in a cubic meter

Height, width and length of the board, mm

How many pieces in a cubic meter

How many linear meters in one cubic meter

Volume of one board, m³

Area of ​​one board, m²

5. How many boards 6 meters long are in a cubic meter

The approximate number of boards in a cube table of 6 meters shows the following:

Height, width and length of the board, mm

How many pieces in a cubic meter

How many linear meters in one cubic meter

Volume of one board, m³

Area of ​​one board, m²

When transporting materials, it is important to know not only the length of a unit of product, but also the total weight of the transported cargo, since the carrying capacity of the vehicle is limited by its design features.

6. How much in a cubic meter of timber 150x150 - calculations of weight and volume

Height, width and length of the beam, mm

How many pieces in a cubic meter

How many linear meters in one cubic meter

Volume of one piece, m³

Weight of one piece, kg (humidity 20%)

Video description

An example of the calculation, see the following video:

Estimated difference in the price of timber 150x150 in different regions

The cost of a bar depends on the region of the country, the type of wood, the moisture content of the material, the method of delivery and many other factors. For comparison, data for a bar 150x150x6000 were taken. The type of material is pine. The cost of one cube is presented in the table.

Table. The cost of 1 cube of timber 150x150x6000 (pine) depending on the region.

Video description

What to look for when buying, see the following video:

Features of lumber storage

For building a wooden house, it is important to properly store the material so that its moisture content is within 12%, if the humidity is higher, then the shrinkage of the building will be slower.

Here are a few rules to remember when storing lumber:

    The storage area must be level and dry.

    To prevent the ingress of moisture from the surface to the site, pallets are laid under the first layer of material, which can be replaced with scraps of boards or sleepers.

    The distance between single products should be maintained within at least 2 cm, for better air circulation.

    After 1-2 rows, crossbars are placed across the length, which can be all the same trimmings of boards.

    If it is not possible to build a canopy over the storage area to prevent atmospheric precipitation, the stacks are covered with a film, excluding wrapping the ends, so as not to create a greenhouse effect inside.

Wood stacked for storage


Knowing the rules for calculating the required volume of building materials will help save time and money, or just make sure the builder is honest. Therefore, if you do not have the skills to quickly translate one value into another, then when discussing the required amount of building materials, you must keep at least a cheat sheet in the form of a cubic table.

Comfortable housing should be warm in the cold season and cool in the sweltering heat. Therefore, many choose wooden houses. The heat-insulating and noise-reducing properties of wood are closely combined with high reliability and durability of the entire structure.

The material for the walls of a wooden house is logs (previously peeled of bark, sawn to one size) or timber. Particularly fast are the works on the construction of walls from planed, profiled timber. A kind of profiled material is a product with a glued structure. The manufacturing process of such a bar consists in the fact that individual well-crafted boards are lubricated with glue, compressed together under great pressure. This material is highly durable. He has absolutely no shrinkage.

Advantages and disadvantages of timber 150x150x6000

The market offers lumber, both with a flat surface and with a semicircular front part. In this case, the walls will resemble the shape of a log house.

The main advantages of using timber are:

  • ease of transportation and storage (smooth geometric dimensions allow you to compactly place the material, increasing the volume of transportation);
  • resistant to cracks, deformations;
  • ease of installation, no special equipment is required;
  • reduction of construction time;
  • a tight fit of the timber to each other allows to reduce the heat output through the walls and thereby reduce the cost of heating the room;
  • aesthetics (walls look even, neat and attractive).

The disadvantages are:

  • high price and deviation from the format of environmentally friendly material due to the use of various impregnations that prevent the process of decay (refers to a beam with a glued structure);
  • fire hazard. The requirements for the laying of power supply systems are increasing.

The advantage of a house made of timber is its weight. It is much lighter than those made of concrete and brick. Therefore, the load applied to the foundation will be much less. The weight applied to the base of the building is the primary characteristic in the design of the foundation of any structure. How important this is, we will determine with a simple example, by calculating the mass of load-bearing structures (only walls) of a certain object.

Mathematical calculations

For ease of calculation, consider a square house with a side of 6m (this is the standard value for the length of the most popular timber, the size of which is 150 * 150 mm) and a height of 3m.

How many cubes in 1 bar

Initially, for the calculation, using a conventional calculator, we determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front side of the beam (it will be needed when calculating the amount of material for building walls) and how many cubes in one beam are 150x150x6000.

S b \u003d a * l, m 2, where:

  • S b - area, m 2;
  • a - height, m;
  • l - length, m.

Substituting the initial data, we get:

S b \u003d 0.15 * 6 \u003d 0.9 m 2.

V b \u003d S b * d, m 3, where:

  • V b - volume, cbm
  • d is the width of the material.

V b \u003d 0. 9 * 0.15 \u003d 0.135 cbm.

Quantity and weight determination

Knowing the volume of one beam, using the reference information on the moisture content of wood, we determine how many pieces are in one cube of a beam 150x150x6000 and its weight.

N - the number of pieces in one cubic meter of timber, determined by the formula:

  • N k \u003d 1 / V b \u003d 1 / 0.135 \u003d 7.4 pieces, we round the centimeters to an integer and get 8 pieces.

The weight of one cube, taking into account the density of wood, will be M k \u003d 1m 3 * ρ, kg, where:

  • ρ - wood density, kg / m 3 ( according to the tabular data of reference books it is equal to 520 kg/m3).
  • M k \u003d 1 * 520 \u003d 520 kg.

Calculation of footage

It should be noted that on the first row of the wall laid on the foundation, it is advisable to use a forest that is more moisture resistant in its characteristics - from larch. Knowing the size of the house (the perimeter of the structure taken as the basis for the calculation is 24 meters), we calculate how many meters there are in one cube of this timber, and also whether it is enough to install the base row - the crown.

Previously, the calculation showed how much timber is contained in one cube (N) - 7.4 pieces. With a length of one unit of material (l) - 6m, the total length of the beam will be:

  • L \u003d l * N to, m.

L= 7.4 *6 =44.4m , which fully meets the required demand.

Calculation of the total weight of the forest for the house

Now, to determine the total amount of wood required for installation, we find the area of ​​​​four, identical sides of the walls of the box of the house (we take for calculation the width and length of 6m, and the height of 3m).

S k \u003d 4 * a * h, m 2, where:

  • a is the width of the side, m;
  • h – side height, m

S to \u003d 4 * 6 * 3 \u003d 72m 2.

How much material is needed for the house

The amount of material needed in pieces is calculated by the formula by dividing the total area of ​​​​the walls of our building by the front area of ​​\u200b\u200bone beam, calculated at the very beginning of our task:

  • N \u003d S c / S b \u003d 72 / 0.9 \u003d 80 pieces, which is in cubic meters of wood:

V \u003d N / N k \u003d 80 / 7.4 \u003d 10.81 m 3.

Calculation of the total load

And finally, we approach the final calculation, knowing the mass of one cube, we determine the total load of the constructed walls in this example, on the foundation of the house:

  • MS \u003d M k * N \u003d 520 * 10.81 \u003d 5621 kg (5.621 tons)

Calculation results

The calculation showed that the walls made of pine timber bear a relatively small load on the base of the house. During the construction of walls made of brick and concrete, along with an increase in the labor intensity of the work, the total mass of the building would increase several times.

An unequivocal conclusion cannot be drawn. And a brick dwelling has a lot of advantages. You need to make a thoughtful and balanced decision. A durable and strong structure is the advantage of a brick. And if the goal is to install a house in a short time with an investment of a minimum amount of money, then a wooden house made of timber would be a good option.

The task of finding out how much timber of one size or another is contained in a cube is faced by builders of various professions. It has to be solved during the construction of wooden houses, the installation of a roof truss, the installation of foundation formwork, etc. To facilitate the routine process of calculating cubic capacity, in this article we provide ready-made tables for the number of timber in a cube of popular sections, and also suggest using an online calculator and familiarizing yourself with the formulas and the general calculation procedure.

Calculation of the cubature of the timber

Initial data

As initial data, the length and dimensions of the faces (section) of lumber are involved in the calculation. The requirements for their values ​​are established by GOST 24454-80 “Softwood lumber. Dimensions".

On the basis of this document, it is possible to present a table of standard timber sizes that are most in demand on the market.

Calculation of the amount of timber in a cube

To calculate how many pieces of timber will be in 1 cube, the simplest mathematical calculations will help. Based on the definition of the volume of any geometric figure by multiplying the values ​​of the lengths of its three sides, we get the final formula:

N = 1 / (L*h*b), where

N - the desired amount of timber in 1 m3, pieces;

L is the length of the beam, m;

Do not forget that dimensions are usually indicated in mm (for example, 150 × 150 × 6000), and before performing the calculation, they must be converted to meters by dividing each value by 1000.

Important! The final value of the number of timber in one cube may turn out to be a fractional number. Timber trading bases and warehouses round it, as a rule, down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, if you need more than 1 m 3 of lumber, then require the calculation of the quantity exactly according to the formula, and not by multiplying the volume in cubic meters by the quantity in the cube, so as not to overpay for rounding.

Calculation of the volume of timber in m 3 based on a known number of pieces

Such a task often arises if you know exactly the required amount of lumber in pieces, and the seller releases it, guided only by the volume in cubic meters. There is nothing easier than doing this transformation!

It is enough just to multiply the values ​​​​of all three sizes with each other (length and two faces - do not forget to convert from millimeters to meters), getting the volume (in m 3) of 1 bar, and then multiply the resulting value by the required number of pieces.

In the form of a formula, this calculation can be described as follows:

V = N*L*h*b, where

V - the desired volume of timber, m3

N is a known number of bars, pieces;

L is the length of the beam, m;

h, b - dimensions of the faces (section) of lumber, m.

Beam Calculators

For your convenience, you can carry out any of the above calculations recorded by formulas online on our website by selecting the appropriate calculator.

cubed bar calculator

Calculator cubic capacity of timber by pieces

Ready-made tables of the amount of timber in a cube

For running lengths (4 and 6 meters) and cross-sections of edged lumber, cubic tables have been developed that allow you to quickly and without calculations determine and compare how many pieces of timber will be in 1 cubic meter for a particular size.

How many beams 6 meters long in a cube: table

Beam size, mm
50×100×6000 33,33 33
50×150×6000 22,22 22
100×100×6000 16,67 16
100×150×6000 11,11 11
100×200×6000 8,33 8
150×150×6000 7,41 7
150×200×6000 5,55 5
200×200×6000 4,17 4
200×250×6000 3,33 3
250×250×6000 2,67 2

How many beams 4 meters long in a cube: table

Beam size, mm Number of pieces in 1 m 3 (without rounding) The whole number of pieces in 1 m 3
50×100×4000 49,99 ]}50
50×150×4000 33,33 33
100×100×4000 24,99 25
100×150×4000 16,66 16
100×200×4000 12,49 12
150×150×4000 11,11 11
150×200×4000 8,33 8
200×200×4000 6,24 6
200×250×4000 5,00 5
250×250×4000 4,00 4

Peculiarities of using settlements upon purchase

So, having determined the required quantity or volume of timber in any convenient way, you also need to take care of the safety factor. The mathematical calculation model does not take into account possible surface distortions and other factors, as a result of which the actual stacking of lumber stacks does not provide an ideal fit for products to each other.

If the actual dimensions are smaller or there are easily visually determined curvature of the surfaces, then the safety factor should be taken about 20%, and also calculate how much timber you need based on the measurements made. We recommend that you use our online calculator, and then force the seller to release the goods according to the cubic capacity calculated in this way, taking into account real, not nominal, dimensions.

During the construction of a frame house, the main material is a wooden beam. It is needed not only to create the frame of the house, but also for the construction of the roof, during the installation of log crowns, the arrangement of internal partitions and other house structures. Due to the wide range of uses of wood, this building material has tens and hundreds of items that regulate the size of the product. Knowing the exact dimensions of one unit, it is possible, without going into complex calculations, using simple formulas to calculate how many pieces of a 6-meter beam fit in 1 m 3 - to make an estimate and optimize logistics operations for the delivery and storage of lumber at the construction site.

Features of lumber calculations in different units

The volume of any physical rectangular object is the result of multiplying the length, width and height of the rectangle, in our case, a wooden beam. Volume V \u003d a x b x c, where the symbols: a is the length, b is the width, and c is the height of the beam. For example, a product 6 meters long, 10 cm wide and 10 cm high will have a volume of 0.06 m 3. But this is an ideal mathematical formula, and in practice products in one batch can have different sizes, which is allowed by the standards, but complicates the calculation of the volume of lumber .

Edged or profiled timber is much more expensive than regular timber, so the accuracy of the calculations is crucial - you will have to pay from your wallet. The traditional system of measurements when buying lumber is a cubic meter, but for beams for rafters, wall frames, floor beams and wood for flooring, it is more convenient to use running meters. Also, the features of production in the woodworking industry allow for some variation in size, in particular, length, which can vary between 3-6 meters in increments of 50 cm.

Different units of measurement and different approaches in calculating the required amount of timber can cause errors and inaccuracies, as well as cause a general misunderstanding of the situation - how to convert the given units to others.

  1. For example, a product with a section of 100 x 50 mm is required, and the total length of the batch is known - 100 p / m (linear meters). To find out the volume of a beam, it is necessary to calculate the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bone unit, and for this mm convert to m 2, then multiply the cross-sectional area "S S" and the length "a": 0.1 x 0.05 x 100 \u003d 0.50 m 3 . It is easier to calculate the cost of a batch - you need to multiply the volume of the batch by the price per 1 m 3.
  2. Or how to find out how many units of timber will be obtained in a certain volume of lumber? To do this, you need to know both the cross section and the length of one unit. For example, if there is data on the total length of the batch - 100 p / m, and a product with a length of 4 m is required, then how many pieces will there be in this batch? First, the volume of one product is calculated: 0.1 x 0.05 x 4 \u003d 0.02 m 3. When purchasing 0.5 m 3 of timber, 25 units are obtained, or 50 pieces per 1 m 3.

In individual construction, every ruble counts, so ordering, for example, 4 m 3 of edged or profiled timber, if you need 3.8 m 3, is uneconomical.

Example: when buying 52 p / m lumber with a section of 100 x 180 mm and a length of 6 meters, the total volume of the beam will be: 52 x 0.1 x 0.18 \u003d 0.936 m 3. You can find out the number of pieces in this volume as follows: divide the total volume by the volume of one unit. We find out the volume of one product: 0.1 x 0.18 x 6 m / n \u003d 0.108 m 3. Last calculation: 0.936 / 0.108 = 8.666 units. Since no one will cut the lumber in the store, it is easier to pay this small difference for one unit than to buy the entire lot with the difference in price multiplied by the number of pieces in the lot.

Profiled timber, although of a more complex shape, is calculated using the same formulas. That is, to calculate the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the profiled product, the height "c" must be multiplied by the width "b". The height of the profiled beam is defined as the distance from the bottom surface with the groove to the top of the tenon.

When calculating the number of units of lumber in 1 m 3, already when buying it, you need to measure the real section of any product with a tape measure to make sure that you do not have to overpay. A difference of even 0.5 cm is a rather significant blow to the family budget.

There is such a production concept as a technological deviation in length. This error can reach 4-6 cm for one unit, since the logs do not end when sawing. Therefore, the seller should be reminded of this so that he does not add payment for a non-existent length of material when calculating the total amount. If during the construction of a frame house you need to know how much 150x150 timber in a cube, the table below will help you make quick and accurate calculations.

The number of units of profiled and edged timber in 1 cubic meter:

Width, height, length in mVolume 1 pc. in m 3Units in 1m 3
0.10 x 0.10 x 60,06 16
0.10 x -0.15 x 60,09 11
0.15 x 0.15 x 60,135 7
0.1 x 0.18 x 60,108 9
0.15 x 0.18 x 60,162 6
0.18 x 0.18 x 60,1944 5
0.10 x 0.20 x 60,12 8
0.15 x 0.20 x 60,18 5
0.18 x 0.20 x 60,216 4
0.20 x 0.20 x 60,24 4
0.25 x 0.20 x 60,3 3
0.25 x 0.25 x 60,375 2
0.25 x 0.30 x 60,45 2
0.30 x 0.30 x 60,54 1

To find out how much timber is in a cube, the table is presented below:

Width, height, length in mThe volume of one unit
0.10 x 0.10 x 60,06
0.10 x -0.15 x 60,09
0.15 x 0.15 x 60,135
0.1 x 0.18 x 60,108
0.15 x 0.18 x 60,162
0.18 x 0.18 x 60,1944
0.10 x 0.20 x 60,12
0.15 x 0.20 x 60,18
0.18 x 0.20 x 60,216
0.20 x 0.20 x 60,24
0.25 x 0.20 x 60,3
0.25 x 0.25 x 60,375
0.25 x 0.30 x 60,45
0.30 x 0.30 x 60,54

Simplified formulas for calculating lumber 0.15 x 0.15 x 6 m:

  • Volume 1 piece: 0.15 x 0.15 x 6 - = 0.135 m 3.
  • Pieces in 1 m 3: 1 / 0.135 = 7 pcs.

The final and correct calculation implies that 12-15% is added to the result.

Necessary primary knowledge for calculations

A few simple formulas will help the developer do without intermediaries in calculating the amount and volume of wood for building a house:

  1. The area of ​​the product S is the result of multiplying the length (a) and width (b) of the wood product;
  2. Volume V is the result of multiplying area S and height c, or multiplying a - length, b - width, and c - height;

Calculation features:

  1. The calculation for wood products with grooves, spikes and other complex geometric surfaces is carried out on the working plane;
  2. When purchasing a certain amount of wood, control the rounding that the seller makes when calculating the cost of the purchase. So, at a cost of 1 m 3 within 10,000 rubles, such an “insignificant miscalculation” as 0.005 m 3 will increase your costs by 30-50 rubles. Naturally, no one takes into account such small errors, but larger values ​​will lead to higher costs.
  3. When buying wood, it is recommended to have the data of the above tables with you in order to exclude even unintentional cases of incorrect calculation and overpayment.
