Decorative stone arches. Finishing the arch with stone - the secrets of successful decoration with facing stone. Wallpaper for the arch

Decorative rock great material for decoration, both for building facades and for interiors. This material is easily processed, cut and drilled.
It is easy to work with him. However, in order to obtain an aesthetic good result, it is necessary to strictly follow the cladding technology.


Let's prepare the tool first.
You will need:

  • Construction mixer
  • Building level
  • Cutting machine or cutting machine
  • Putty knife
  • Bucket
  • Metal brush
  • Paint brushes
  • rubber mallet
  • Trowel
  • Construction tape measure
  • Grout syringe
  • Household spray gun
  • Wooden or plastic wedges of the same thickness

Consumables - making the right choice

You will also need consumables:

  • Adhesive for decorative stone

Our advice - when purchasing glue, carefully read what is written on its packaging. The instruction must accurately indicate its properties.
For gluing decorative stone of different weight, there are different varieties glue. Therefore, first select a decorative stone that suits you, then purchase glue, and not vice versa.
Price in this case plays a secondary role, the main quality.

The decoration of arches with decorative stone suggests that in addition to laying stone on vertical surface, you will also need to overlay the vault. In this case, the peeling force will constantly act on the glued stone.
Therefore, the implementation of all recommendations for selection right glue are especially important.

Important - when carrying out work on the installation of decorative stone at an ambient temperature below +5 degrees, it is necessary to use glue of a certain brand. Consider all this when choosing.

You will also need:

  • Matching color grout
  • Primer

Decorative stone is today one of the most suitable materials for finishing surfaces both inside and outside buildings. This material is quite easy to process, it can not only be drilled, but also cut. But to get a good result, you should be guided by the technology of conducting installation work, it will be presented below. You can use decorative stone for interior decoration, as one of the elements of which is the arch.

Instrument preparation

Decorative stone begins with the preparation of tools, among which are:

  • construction mixer;
  • cutting machine;
  • a bucket for mixing the adhesive solution;
  • paint brushes;
  • trowel;
  • grout syringe;
  • wedges of the same thickness.

Among other things, you will need building level and spatula. It is important to take care of the presence of a metal brush and with the help of the latter you will be able to adjust the elements on the surface after laying. To measure and cut the material, you will need a construction tape measure. In the process of work, you can not do without a household spray gun. Wedges can be made of wood and plastic, they will allow the formation of seams. You can replace the cutting machine with a cutting machine.

Preparation of materials

Decorative stone is carried out after preparation of all necessary Supplies, among them are:

  • glue;
  • primer;
  • grout;
  • water repellent.

When choosing a glue, you need to pay attention to its purpose. For certain types of finishes, different grades of adhesives are produced, usually they are designed to hold the estimated weight of the material. Therefore, to begin with, you must choose Decoration Materials, and only then proceed to the acquisition of glue. If the work is supposed to be carried out at low temperatures, then the choice should be taken more seriously. adhesive composition, it must have the appropriate properties.

Surface preparation

Finishing with stone necessarily involves the preparation of walls. To do this, you need to get rid of the base old whitewash, wallpaper or paint. The master will have to level using putty. The surface of the arch must be primed, this composition will fasten small particles together, so any finish will be held as tightly as possible.

On sale you can find primers for any surface. If you have to work with concrete wall, then it should be treated with Betonkontakt primer. When conditions in the room are characterized by high humidity or temperature, the back of the decorative stone should be moistened before laying.

Arches decorative stone carried out according to a slightly different technology, if we are talking about a drywall construction. To prepare for such work, you need a light stone. It is necessary to carry out such manipulations exclusively indoors. If the arch from the GKL is on outdoors or under a canopy, then it is impossible to decorate it with a stone.

The surface of the drywall is treated with a primer, which should be left until it dries, only after that you can proceed with the installation of products. The primer is applied with a roller, and not only the outer, but also the inner surfaces are treated with the composition.

Preparing the stone for laying

If you will be finishing arches with decorative stone (photos of design options are presented in the review for reference), for starters, it is recommended to mix all products from different packages first. On the next step the stone must be laid out on the floor. Position individual elements is chosen in such a way that the texture looks the most advantageous. For example, you can distribute elements by shade or shape, as well as size.

Rules for applying glue

Before starting work, you must read the instructions and dilute the glue in the bucket according to it.

The composition is mixed with a construction mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Using a spatula, the mixture is applied to the wall only in the place where the product is supposed to be installed. On the reverse side, the stone must also be treated with glue, which is applied with a spatula. The layer thickness should not seem more than 1 cm. If this parameter is exceeded, the product will slide down the wall.

The adhesive is applied to the entire surface of the stone, while avoiding voids that can cause condensation inside the masonry during operation. This recommendation also applies to walls, on their surface the adhesive should be applied in a uniform layer.

The method of installation of decorative stone

When finishing the arch with a decorative stone in the apartment, you must follow certain instructions. The stone is applied to the place treated with glue and pressed against the surface. In this case, it is important to use the building level, and with the help of a mallet, the products are aligned vertically. The stone can be moved from side to side to achieve its snug fit to the surface.

In order to check how good the masonry is, during installation it is necessary to tap the products with a screwdriver handle. This will allow you to understand whether voids have formed inside. If there are any, then the stone is removed, cleaned of glue, and the work is repeated anew. When finishing the arch with a decorative stone in the apartment, you should definitely consider the photo. They will allow you to understand which material is better to prefer. As soon as the finish is on the wall, you need to gently tap on its surface, the adhesive that has come out is removed with a spatula. If the mixture appears on the ends, it is not necessary to remove it, it will improve the quality of adhesion of the material to the wall. Work can be carried out using one of two technologies:

  • without seams;
  • with stitching.

Laying stone with seams

When finishing the arch with a decorative stone with your own hands, you can form seams between the products. Their grouting is carried out using a syringe filled with grout. The solution must be applied in such a way that it extends 4 mm from the outer edge of the product. This will form a clearly defined relief. To obtain a smooth texture, it is necessary to fill the seam at the same level with the front surface of the stone. 30 minutes after applying the grout, it is necessary to smooth the seams with a special spatula or spatula. When choosing a grout, you should be aware that the compounds can mimic the color and texture of a real grout. The grout may have a different color.

Chip treatment

When is the finishing door arch decorative stone, it may be necessary to process chips. The stone is cut to size, but if its edge remains even at the junction, then the wall will not look natural. You can perform a chip by outlining its outlines with a knife. At the next stage, the excess part is bitten off with pliers. You don’t need to bite off the products along the edge of the mark, you need to start with small pieces, otherwise the product may break in the wrong place. You can correct errors with a file, with its help you will give the chip smoothness. Additionally, the surface is treated with sandpaper. However, sometimes the chips do not smooth out.

Final decoration

Finishing the interior arch with a decorative stone can be completed by applying varnish or tinting mixture. The latter allows you to hide defects and cracks that have formed in the process. To apply the composition, it is better to use an airbrush, however, some masters manage with paint brushes. The airbrush allows you to apply the mixture with long distance while holding the tool at an angle to the surface to be painted. You should not cover the entire area completely, it will be enough to tint the main protrusions and depressions, this will help to get a deep texture.

An interesting effect can be achieved if bronze or gold coloring pigments are used as the basis for the mixture. In this case, it is necessary to tint only the ends of the tiles. Metal with this finishing technique is not striking, but with a certain illumination of the ends, the masonry begins to play with golden highlights.


The arch is a rather small element of the interior, but its decoration sometimes takes several days. However, you should find time and effort for this work, because decorating this part of the room will allow you to decorate the house, making it more comfortable, and the interior more refined.

Arches in apartments and private houses rarely went out of fashion, most likely, many were stopped by the difficulty of work. Today, finishing materials have appeared that allow it to be produced without any problems, in particular, gypsum boards. Decorative stone is well suited for their cladding, which has many advantages.

Advantages of artificial stone

With its help, any room is immediately transformed, getting a solid and original look. In addition to beauty fake diamond is a practical item.

Finishing the arch with a decorative stone is not always done on a perfectly flat surface, thereby removing one of the finishing stages.

Facing the arch is one of the ways to add zest to the interior of the room.

What else is interesting about the material:

  • unlike the natural analogue, it has a much lower weight, and due to correct form it is much easier to work with him, in addition, and his price is lower;
  • the stone does not contain any harmful impurities, as it is created from quite ordinary materials;
  • the product does not rot, cannot be spoiled by fungi or mold, bacteria do not create their colonies on it;
  • it is not necessary to carry out any special measures for its care, it can be washed and cleaned with any non-abrasive detergents;
  • by adding various dyes to the main mixture, you can make exactly the color that is needed in certain interior. The same applies to the shape of the stones, depending on the pouring forms, where you can make stones like tiles or bricks, antique or modern style.

Valued as a decorative stone, and for their reliability. Therefore, the decoration of arches with decorative stone front door or in the corridor, in places where walls are most likely to get dirty or damaged, has become so popular.

Getting ready for work

The main difficulty in the work on facing the arch is not so much its smooth surface, but the rounded one. inner part. Below will be the installation instructions and the subtleties of the process itself, which will help to make it with minimal effort on your own.

Prepare tools and materials:

  • pick;
  • pliers;
  • roller;
  • hacksaw;
  • decorative rock;
  • primer;
  • building level;
  • liquid nails or special glue;
  • cement-based mortar;
  • putty knife;
  • construction knife;
  • pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • seam solution.

Getting ready to install

Before you learn how to finish the arch with a decorative stone, you need to preparatory work to not stop the process at its stages:

  1. Choose an artificial stone based on the main surface on which it will be installed. For example, for a drywall arch, a very heavy product can deform or even damage it. Therefore, most often narrow plates are selected for them, since it is easier to fix them to the arcuate inner part.
  1. Prepare the surface of the archway. Be sure to carefully review it for various defects. Lay the stone only on a solid and clean surface.

If you decide to stick it on a layer of dust or debris, the product will fall off the wall very quickly. It will not be superfluous to treat the base with a primer deep penetration which will greatly strengthen it.

Tip: make a pick on too smooth surface notches that will improve the adhesion of the stone to the base. After that, the arch must be well primed.

  1. cook cement mortar, the components of which are determined by the type of artificial material. It usually consists of lime, sand, Portland cement and glue. Their exact ratio depends on the stone, so at this stage it will not be superfluous to use the recommendation of a specialist.

Since the mass of the material is small, it can be easily glued to the treated surface using, for example, liquid nails or special glue.

We cover the arch from the outside

  1. First row. Docking walls to the arch should also be finished. Attach the first stone at their point of contact. Start the process from the bottom rows, gradually rising up. Use plastic crosses for uniform seams and use the building level to make the masonry even and neat.
  1. Second row. It also begins at the junction of the wall and the arch. However, the first stone here should be pushed out beyond the junction of the wall by a thickness finishing tiles. Due to this, the elements are overlapped on outside corners, allowing them not to be sealed in the future, and the masonry will become more durable. Next, lay the stones in a checkerboard pattern. The amount of material depends on the length of the rows.

  1. Attach the finishing elements to the adjacent wall at their attachment points, when you get to the rounding of the arch, and cut them very carefully in an arc, keeping the radius. Take a pencil and mark the stone along the arched arch that protrudes from the arched interior of the arch, and cut that too.

Tip: to carefully cut the stone, you need to go through the markings with a construction knife several times, and then remove the excess with pliers.

To cut the stone, you can use an angle grinder ("grinder") or wire cutters. After that, sand all the irregularities with sandpaper. Adjust the remaining elements framing the arch in shape and size.

Facing the arch from the inside

- a complex and responsible stage. Approach him with special attention and accuracy.

  1. Glue the decorative stone on inside according to the technology indicated above, but remember about overlapping.
  2. Trim the tile if it is longer than the width of the opening. Use for this hand saw if the basis of the product is gypsum, if cement - with an angle grinder.
  3. After finishing the arch with artificial stone with your own hands, wait about 48 hours so that the material can be well connected to the surface of the arch. Fill the joints with artificial stone mortar and gently smooth them with a soft rubber spatula or with a brush without pressure on the stone.

Be careful not to get the solution on front part products, and remove the excess with a soft cloth or sponge. If you wish, you can paint the stone in the desired color, at the same time the seams will be decorated.


Facing an arched opening with artificial stone requires concentration and accuracy. All work can be done independently, using conventional tools and materials. In the presented video in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Many rooms are equipped with arches separating different zones. Arches have become a fashionable alternative to doors and partitions, they make the apartment more spacious and can be an ideal decor object. For the design of arches, various natural and artificial materials are chosen. One of the most popular options is the decoration of the arch with decorative stone. To decorate the arch correctly, you need to know about all the nuances of the design and material.


For the decoration of the arch, one of two types of stones is chosen - artificial or natural. Each type has its own advantages.

For natural materials the following features are characteristic:

  • They have a very interesting texture. Such stones look non-standard - both on the pages of magazines and photographs, and upon closer examination. These include shell rock, sandstone.
  • Lovers of delicate colors in the interior should choose arches lined with marble. This stone is designed in various shades of pink, the pastel color looks very neat and unobtrusive.
  • To emphasize their status, buyers often choose arches finished with granite. This material is very expensive, but it gives the interior solidity and is a sign of financial well-being.

Artificial decorative stones also have their advantages:

  • They are made so high quality that they are almost indistinguishable from natural materials.
  • The price of such material is democratic. You can finish the vault large quantity stones without worrying about financial costs.
  • Artificial stone is usually finished in such a way that it is not inferior in strength to natural materials.
  • The weight decorative coating significantly less than natural. The combination of strength and lightness gives the artificial material a significant advantage.
  • Artificial stone is not affected external factors. It is not subject to rotting and mold formation, harmful bacteria do not appear on it.
  • With the help of a variety of dyes, they create a wide palette of colors for stones, so you can choose a shade that is suitable for your apartment.
  • decorative material easy to clean, no need to buy special means for care and adhere to special technologies.

Based on these characteristics, you can determine which type of material is more suitable for finishing arches in your apartment. You will be able to choose the best option.


To glue the opening with stones, you need to stock up on certain tools and materials:

  • a hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • chisel;
  • hacksaw for stone carving;
  • construction knife;
  • building level;
  • putty knife;
  • roulette;
  • construction mixer;
  • Grout syringe.

The following items are used as consumables:

  • Choose a special glue for decorative stone - depending on the chosen coating. Some materials require glue with a special composition, so be careful when buying.
  • To make the seams between the stones invisible, choose a grout that is close in color to the material.
  • Get a primer to prepare the walls. Choose a primer carefully, taking into account the composition of the walls, because different types primers may differ from each other. Not all of them will be suitable for your apartment.
  • A water repellent is needed for final processing stone.

With all necessary materials and tools, you can easily cope with the design of walls with decorative or natural stone.


In order for the material to be fixed as firmly as possible, it is imperative to prepare the surface of the wall and the part to which the stone itself will join.

  • Remains of wallpaper and paint should be removed from the walls. If near doorways there is whitewash, then its traces must also be removed.
  • Use putty to level the surface.
  • The arch and walls in the apartment must be treated with a primer. If the arch is made of drywall, do not lay heavy stone on it. Drywall won't hold a lot of weight.
  • Some use stones of several colors in the interior. If you are going to start finishing the vault, lay out the composition of stones in such a way as to draw up a drawing in advance - and only then transfer it to the wall.
  • Calculate the size of the material so that each part fits exactly into a specific place in the doorway.


The direct finishing of the opening is the main stage of the whole process, which must take place in a certain sequence:

  • It is necessary to stir the glue to a homogeneous mass (using a mixer). You should do this strictly according to the instructions.
  • Glue is applied to the surface where the stone will be placed, and to the back of the tile itself. Layers should be from 0.5 to 1 cm thick, but no more.
  • Stone tiles or decorative brick attach to the wall surface and press down. Each piece is fixed in a predetermined place and leveled using a building level. Square parts are much easier to apply, but tiles of a different shape will make the cladding more original.

  • Try with your hands to attach the stone to the wall as tightly as possible.
  • Tap the surface of the material and remove the protruding adhesive, if any. When the glue holds the pieces of tile together from the end, it should be left.
  • After you need to carefully grout the seams. Using a syringe, it is necessary to fill the joints between the pieces of the tile so that the recess is at a distance of 0.3-0.5 cm from the outer edge of the coating.

  • After half an hour (after the solution has dried), the surface should be leveled with a spatula.
  • To create an imitation of natural material, tiles should be decorated with chips. To do this, you need to pre-outline the chip line. Slowly and carefully remove the excess edges with pliers, moving from the edge to the intended line. Use a file to smooth out the edges of the chips. Use sandpaper for final polishing.
  • You can spray the tiles using a special aerosol. If indoors high humidity, treat the material with a water repellent.

It is necessary to remember not only the main stages of the process, but also special advice, which are given by professionals in the design of arches in the premises:

  • Artificial stone arches in the hallway are recommended to be left with seams between the tiles. This nuance gives additional comfort. However, it is important to remember that too sharp a contrast between the shade of the coating and the color of the seams is unacceptable.
  • If you have to cut artificial material using a saw, it is important not to put pressure on it during this process, otherwise there is a risk that the stone will crack.
  • A stone arch is inseparable from good lighting. Make sure in advance that the room or corridor is equipped with powerful electrical appliances. This will allow you to enjoy all the beauty and texture of the material. Luminaires can be placed directly in the vault structure itself, which will give the design additional originality.
  • Arches lined with decorative stone or brick look especially beautiful in combination with plants. The vegetation near the structure will make it sparkle in a new light and make your interior truly sophisticated.
  • Even openings made of stone can be decorated with decorative curtains made of suitable material. Curtains should not attract attention, they are only intended to create additional comfort in the room.

Design options

The room in which the arch is located can be decorated in various styles. For each of them it is necessary to select a material of a special texture and a certain color.

Interior arches in the loft style are made under old brick. They can be decorated in red, gray or brown. It is in these structures that a large number of chips, emphasizing the influence of time on the material.

tender concept Provencal interior involves the use of light stone or brick, without pronounced signs of time. Such masonry should be very neat.

The pompous baroque style involves the use natural stone for registration interior arches. Such material is a sign of wealth and solidity. The stones near the doorway are very large and massive. In most cases, they are designed in light shades.

AT mediterranean style arched design can be embodied in the fullest variety. Any texture material can be selected. Preference is given to light or neutral brown shades, depending on the main range of the interior. Mediterranean arches can even be combined with curtains in a similar style.

The Empire direction is very specific for creating interior arches. His feature is the supply of the structure with columns on the sides. This design makes the vault a catchy detail of the interior. The main colors are white, beige. The columns at the top are often decorated with stone carving technology, which may also be present on the arch itself.

The minimalist style practically excludes the allocation of space around the arch with the help of masonry. Usually, small stone slabs cover the entire wall where the arched opening is located, and the inner surface of the opening is finished using special materials - without the use of stone.

Country style is dominated by beige brick. The arches are created with a purposeful focus on the junctions. The material finds echoes in other interior items - for example, in a fireplace, which goes well with the arch.

Many people think about in which parts of the house the presence of an arched structure is acceptable.

There are several options for its location in the premises:

  • Popular are such arches that separate the kitchen area and the dining area. A similar layout can often be seen in country and Provence styles.
  • The dining and living areas are also often separated in the same way. Sometimes stone arch suitable for rooms decorated in various color schemes. It looks equally presentable with any shades of furniture and walls.
  • Arches are popular not only as doorways, but also for styling windows. Often the wall is designed in such a way that a protrusion in the form of an arch is located above the window. This design is relevant for the loft style.
  • In the bedroom, the arches separate working area from the recreation area. This concept is especially often embodied in modern interior trends.
  • If the loggia is insulated, then often top part walls are removed. There remains an elegant lower partition, turning into an arch.
  • AT large rooms openings are sometimes used as boundaries between all zones. Such replacement of doors contributes to the visual expansion of the space in the room.

The arch is an adornment of any room, adding comfort and spaciousness to it. However, the arch itself will look quite "boring" if you do not add a little "zest" to it. To give the arch originality and individuality, the decoration of this architectural element decorative stone. And although the process of decorating an arch with a stone is quite complicated, it is nevertheless quite possible to do it yourself. So, let's take a step-by-step look at the design of the arch with a decorative stone.

Necessary tools and materials

Before starting work, prepare everything necessary tools and materials. Let's start with the latter. First of all, of course, you need a decorative stone. Given the fact that the work will be carried out indoors, both natural and artificial stone can be used, since in this case the resistance of the material to "external stimuli" is practically unimportant. So you can choose a stone based solely on your aesthetic preferences and financial opportunities. In addition to the stone itself, you will need glue or mortar, a primer, grout and special compound to protect walls from moisture - water repellent. Also for pre-training the surface of the arch may be useful putty.

When choosing an adhesive for decorative stone, please note that different brands of adhesive can only support a certain weight of stone. Therefore, it first makes sense to purchase the stone itself, and only then choose the right glue for it.

From the tools you will need a building level, a spatula, a construction mixer, tile cutters or a cutting machine, a trowel, a bucket, a tape measure, paint brushes, a metal brush, a rubber mallet, plastic or wooden wedges of the same thickness and for final finishing- household sprayer.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin work on decorating the arch with a stone, which should begin with a thorough preparation of the surface.

Surface and material preparation

Before laying the stone, the arch and the adjacent sections of the wall should be properly prepared. Firstly, if the arch was previously finished with other material, such as paint or wallpaper, the remnants of this material should be completely removed. Secondly, it is necessary to check the surface of the vault for defects and cracks, and if any are found, eliminate them with putty. When the putty dries, the surface on which you plan to lay the stone must be treated with a water repellent and primed.

To achieve from primer maximum effect it is recommended to use the type of mixture that is most suitable for the material from which the walls in the room are made. For example, for concrete walls the primer from the Betonokontakt series is best suited.

In addition to preparing the surface, it is necessary to properly prepare the decorative stone itself. To do this, you need to lay out all the stones on the floor face up and group them in such a way that they best match each other in color and texture. You can, for example, sort them according to the degree of change in tone, or “dilute” smooth elements with more relief.

In addition, it is necessary to check the reverse side of the stones. Sometimes a “foamy” coating forms on it, which will significantly reduce the adhesion of the stone to the wall, even when using the the best glue. If there is such a plaque on the stone, it must be removed with a metal brush.

Glue should be diluted immediately before starting work in an amount sufficient for the process

The glue is diluted immediately before laying, and you should only dilute the amount of material that you are guaranteed to “work out” during working hours. Glue should be diluted in accordance with the instructions attached to it. the only general recommendation regardless of the brand of glue is the use of a construction mixer when preparing a solution. Thanks to the mixer, the glue will turn out to be homogeneous, which will significantly improve its fastening qualities.

stone laying

The laying of the stone is done from the bottom up, and you need to start from the corner joint of the wall and the arch. Before laying, apply to the stone adhesive solution with a spatula. Make sure that the glue covers the entire surface of the stone and does not contain voids.

When laying each stone (with the exception of those that form an arched vault), be sure to check that its position is consistent with the horizontal level. You can level the stone by lightly tapping it with a rubber mallet. After leveling, firmly press the stone against the wall for a few seconds, thereby giving the glue a chance to “grab”.

Having laid the stone, be sure to “tap” it with the handle of a screwdriver or spatula. Thus, you will be able to detect voids formed in the adhesive layer. If they are found, it is necessary to remove the stone from the wall, clean it of adhesive residue and repeat the laying again.

If you want to lay a stone without jointing, then all subsequent stones are laid close to the previous ones. If you plan to do between the stones decorative seams, then between the elements it is necessary to insert plastic or wooden wedges - spacers, which, after the glue dries, can be easily removed.

Video about laying decorative stone

You can learn more about the technology of laying decorative stone from the following video.

Working with chips

Making out the arch with a decorative stone, you will have to lay it on a part of the wall adjacent to it. But if the edges of the masonry are even, then such decor will not look quite natural. To give it greater harmony, it is necessary to “revive” the edges of the masonry with artificial chips. It is most convenient to make them with the help of nippers for ceramic tiles, but in their absence, you can get by with ordinary pliers.

Artificial chips on the stone will help diversify the design

To begin with, on the wall around the arch with a pencil, draw the “wrong” shape of your future masonry. Those stones that, during the preliminary fitting, will protrude beyond the intended contour, will need to be cut with wire cutters. To do this, attach the stone to its future place and draw a line along its front side with a pencil so that it connects the contour lines visible on both sides on the wall. After that, from the corner of the stone with wire cutters, start breaking off small pieces until you remove all the unnecessary part.

Do not try to break off very large pieces of stone, because in this case it may crack in an "unplanned" place.

After you have finished working with the wire cutters, the edge of the “chip” can be processed with a file, or you can leave it “rough” - it all depends on “ design idea". The chipped stone is laid on the wall as well as the whole elements.

Seam sealing

If you laid a decorative stone “under the jointing”, then you will need to fill the space between the stones with a special grout. For this purpose, you can use a grout similar to that used for seams. tiles. However, given that the seams between the stones are much wider than the tile seams, the grouting technology in this case will be different. If a spatula is used in a tile situation, then when working with a decorative stone it is better to use a building syringe. If it is not available, you can use a regular plastic bag, after cutting off one of the corners in it.

You can close the seams with a construction syringe

To do this, the grout powder should be diluted to the consistency of "liquid sour cream" and pour it into a construction syringe. After that, slowly squeezing out the contents of the syringe, fill them with the space of the seams between the stones.

If you want to emphasize the relief of the masonry, then fill the seams to about half their depth. If, on the contrary, you want to smooth out excessive texture, fill the seams completely.

30-40 minutes after applying the grout, the seams should be “shaped” using a special figured spatula for this purpose or, in its absence, any object with a rounded end, for example, the back of a paint brush handle.

Final decoration of masonry

After laying, the stone can be additionally decorated with a tinting mixture and acrylic lacquer. By the way, the tinting mixture will also allow you to hide minor stone defects or cracks and scratches received during work.

You can apply the tinting mixture with an airbrush

For applying the tinting mixture, it is best to use an airbrush, although ordinary paint brushes can be dispensed with.

Using an airbrush, it is necessary to apply the tinting mixture from a sufficiently large distance, holding the tool at an angle to the surface to be painted.

Naturally, you should not completely cover the stone with a tinting mixture. It is enough to slightly tint the main protrusions and depressions, and this will be enough to give the masonry a more “deep texture”.

A rather interesting effect can be achieved if gold or bronze coloring pigments are used as the basis for the tinting mixture. And in this case, only the ends of the tiles should be tinted. In this case, the “metal” will not be striking, but when the light hits the ends of the stone, the entire masonry will “play” with light golden highlights.

After applying the tone, it is recommended to cover the decorative stone masonry with a layer of acrylic varnish, which will greatly simplify its care in the future.

The process of decorating an arch with a decorative stone is quite complicated and can take you more than one day. But, nevertheless, it makes sense to find time and energy for this work, since the arch decorated in this way will become a real decoration of your home and will give you comfort for many years. Good luck with your repair!
