Small area beauty salon design. Beauty salon design for a small area: photo options, tips for creating a special style Barbershop design with roses

    Beauty salons are a favorite place for many women. Here they not only experience all the new achievements of the cosmetic and perfume industry, cutting-edge methods of rejuvenation, but also spend a lot of time chatting with friends. Therefore, the interior design of a beauty salon is of great importance to them.

    It will be quite difficult to develop it yourself without the relevant experience, so we recommend contacting professionals.

    The main stages of beauty salon design development

    Design studios operating in the domestic market develop interior design projects for beauty salons in several stages:

    • careful study of the premises available to the customer, preparatory procedures;

    • development of the concept of the institution, during which the future specifics of the activity and the services provided by the salon are taken into account;

    • creation of several variants of sketches to choose from, development of a 3D model of the future institution;

    • drawing up a design project according to a sketch chosen by the customer;

    • architectural supervision, control of repair and finishing works.

    After going through all these stages together with professional designers, you will get a unique salon, the design of which will attract many customers and ensure the success of your business.

    Basic requirements for the design of a beauty salon

    If you carefully study the interior design photo projects of beauty salons presented on our website, you can see that the main requirements for the design of such establishments are:

    • proper division of space functional areas, their ergonomics. The allocation of space for certain procedures should comply with building regulations and norms;

    • efficient lighting. When installing lighting equipment, it is very important to take into account the location of tables and chairs so that improperly selected lighting does not distort the results of the master’s work. It is best to use local appliances in beauty salons and ceiling lights with not too bright and soft light;

    • safe power supply system. Salons usually use a large amount of powerful and productive equipment, so it is important to ensure its uninterrupted operation, to exclude the occurrence of emergencies. It is best to equip the room with devices protective shutdown which will minimize any risks;

    • availability of air conditioning and ventilation systems. The former will provide an opportunity to create a comfortable temperature regime indoors, and the second ones will bring outside as soon as possible unpleasant odors from the chemicals used. In addition, well-thought-out ventilation will eliminate the risk of mold, for which high humidity is an ideal breeding ground.

    If you have a large study building at your disposal commercial activities, each type of anti-aging procedures can be carried out in separate rooms.

    If you want to develop an interior design for a beauty salon of a small area, you will need to correctly divide it into several functional areas.

    In any self-respecting institution, the following sections must be present:

    • cosmetology room or a specially designated area in small room;

    • manicure parlour. It is absolutely not necessary to completely isolate it from other zones, it is enough to use either visual separation or original modular partitions;

    • solarium;

    • a separate hairdressing room or area with several chairs, mirrors and small cabinets for accessories;

    • a special area for staff recreation. Here it can be isolated to provide an opportunity to comfortably relax in the absence of visitors. However, at right approach it definitely doesn't threaten you with design.

    In each of these zones, you need to consider not only the availability of special tools, cosmetics and perfumes, but also the competent arrangement of furniture.

    It is usually used as soft chairs with height adjustment, comfortable tables and chairs, cabinets and cabinets for a variety of accessories.

    Beauty salon finishing materials

    Interior decoration in beauty salons can be carried out using absolutely any materials, practically no restrictions apply to this.

    It all depends solely on the preferences of business owners and on their financial opportunities.

    At the same time, it is still necessary to comply with a number of requirements that will not only ensure the spectacular appearance of each of the premises, but also make it easier to care for them.

    To such important rules can be attributed:

    • the need to use floor covering without seams, joints and cracks. Dirt will not gradually accumulate in such surfaces, and it is much more convenient to wash them. Recall that in the beauty salon perfect order must be maintained every day. Perfect Choice for this establishment - a wear-resistant laminate, linoleum, a plastic coating that is gradually gaining immense popularity, as well as wooden parquet. Do you want to use carpet? No problem. It can be used in the waiting room or at the reception;

    • wall decoration can be absolutely any. Depending on your taste preferences, you can use washable wallpaper and tile, porcelain stoneware and various panels of wood, glass or plastic, artificial or a natural stone. If we talk about granite, then the first option has a lower price, is easy to fit, and has a very high strength. Natural granite is significantly superior to the fake in terms of reliability in operation and appearance, but hopelessly loses in terms of cost and complexity of installation. good choice for wall decoration, decorative plaster or paint that is highly resistant to moisture can become;

    • there are also no serious requirements for the design of ceilings. But in the vast majority of cases, tension or suspended structures. Their benefits are clear easy installation, big choice color solutions, the possibility of mounting directly into the ceiling of LED lamps.

    Choose any of the above, as well as any other materials that are not exposed to moisture and a variety of chemicals.

    In any case, you can count on good result interior design work.

    In the past few years, beauty salons for the stronger sex have been opening more and more actively in our country.

    This is quite logical, since the trends have changed a long time ago and men, no less than women, began to take care of themselves. Appeal to such salons allows you to preserve youth, bring yourself into perfect order.

    Also, one should not forget that a visit to such an institution will help to really relax, visit a massage therapist, go to the sauna or swimming pool.

    If the day or week turned out to be too stressful, you can take a whole course of relaxation treatments.

    How are men's beauty salons set up?

    We must say right away that the design of such establishments is very different from those that are intended exclusively for women. In the vast majority of cases, the premises are stylized as men's favorite "toys" - yachts and expensive cars, offices and wine cellars.

    The ideal design style for a beauty salon that will be visited by the stronger sex is a slightly brutal and rough loft.

    Its main character traits- this is:

    • fully open floor plan;
    • concrete floors. This requirement observed very rarely, because winter period such a coating freezes strongly. Therefore, as an alternative, a wooden parquet or board can be offered;

    • group arrangement of lighting fixtures;

    • Here you can find a lot of interesting ideas, adapt them for your establishment to make it unique and attractive to clients.

      Photos of the interior design of beauty salons will help solve the problems of lack of free space, competently divide the room into several zones, providing them with everything necessary for certain procedures.

Everyone knows about the design of a beauty salon in Salon Marketing, and today she came to visit us Olga Krivoruchko. Olga has been designing the interiors of beauty salons for more than 10 years and today she will help us, the future owners, to make the interior of our beauty salons intelligent and conceptual.

The design of a beauty salon directly depends on business concepts, specializations and service scenarios clients in the salon. If we talk about specialization, now in trend:

  • Browbar. A very relevant trend, since beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows are at the peak of popularity. In such a salon, they mainly do eyebrows + several express services (for example, make-up, styling, manicure)
  • Salons specializing in various hairdressing services. These are a variety of Color Bar, Dry Bar, salons with a developed trichological direction, etc. Hairdressing bars. A new format for women, more of a party place - where a bar and a hair care area function, but in the male version, the Barber shop has already become a classic.
  • Nail Bar. Combination of an express salon with a mini-bar - drank coffee + did a manicure
  • classic beauty salons full cycle services, especially network ones - continue to attract an audience of customers
  • Express cosmetology and express spa. Companies with 20-30 minute treatments in their portfolio, mainly solving and preventing dry skin problems, as well as offering "instant" short-term treatments in order to look good at the next event.

Equally important is the age of your salon visitors. For example, these could be:

  • Women and men aged 18-35, the purpose of the visit: to bring beauty, have fun, drink and eat, organize a party - I would note that these are more team decisions (for example, an open pedicure area, a common manicure area, a bar with alcohol, fresh juices and good coffee) and interior solutions require bright and bold accents
  • Women and men aged 35-65, the purpose of the visit: to get a quality procedure, take a break from the bustle of the city, have a snack - in this age category, I would focus on closed rooms treatment, tranquil, classic design

Before creating beauty salon design project, we need to figure out who our target audience is and what its needs in the market are still not satisfied or not fully satisfied. The service and sales scenarios in the salon, its design and assortment portfolio of services, staff and much more will depend on this, which you can read about in the book by Natalia Goncharenko. Although you can go from the opposite - perhaps you have a unique service, product or technology, on the basis of which your enterprise will be created.

So where to start? Let's start with the main thing - from the entrance. What should it be? First of all, it should succinctly express the main concept, be thoughtful in detail and look attractive. This is achieved by the collaboration of a graphic designer who develops the corporate identity, corporate colors and your signage logo. And an architect (who understands how to coloristically connect the existing building with yours, what to focus on, and what should be a hint and be revealed already in the interior of the salon).

It is important to remember that an expensive facade for an Economy and Business Class beauty salon is just as inappropriate as a cheap sign for a Prestige and Elite class salon. The audit of beauty salons, which is carried out by the company "Salon Marketing" more than once revealed such a discrepancy.

Beauty salon facade design:

  • signboard (logo and color) - complex, deep colors of materials against the background are in trend now simple forms graphic design
  • entrance group - 2 tasks can be distinguished: create a transparent showcase entrance through which the client can see the details beautiful interior and the active work of the salon and the entrance closed type, which creates an aura of intrigue and a closed club
  • window dressing is a great way to draw attention to your establishment, create seasonal installations and set the tone for the entire salon and emphasize its thoughtfulness.
  • landscaping and decor - pots with plants or small trees planted in tubs always create the effect of an expensive salon. dotted coffee table with chairs outside during the warm season, draw attention to the salon and speak of your attention to the client
  • lighting - do not forget that in our geographic zone, half a day of working time falls on twilight and dark, so it is very important to properly illuminate entrance group and thereby attract your client - the main illuminated elements are the signboard, the facade and the showcases themselves, as well as elements of the adjacent territory (stairs, trees and shrubs that can be decorated with branded decor)

Having dealt with the entrance a little, we will go inside the room. In the design project of a beauty salon, it should be taken into account that at the entrance we need to properly meet the guest, take care of his things and place him in the waiting area, if necessary.

Components of the entrance interior group of a beauty salon:

  • reception (often combined with a bar): you need to remember that this workplace your administrator, it should not only be aesthetically pleasing and attract the client, but also functional, since your employees will spend their entire working day there. Also keep in mind that this is a place of settlement transactions and it should be convenient for your guests to put their bag and things. Behind the reception itself, it is good to place a brand wall with the logo of the salon, which will be recognizable in the photo in press releases
  • waiting area: as a rule, these are chairs or a sofa (remember that the personal space zone in this case is about 1 m and do not try to seat 2 visitors on a one and a half meter sofa) and a table next to information about you and products, as well as magazines
  • storage: can be located in another part of the cabin and sometimes, based on safety rules, it is even better if the fur coats of your precious clients hang away from the transit area. However, be sure to provide places for bags near the workplaces of specialists - in the visibility zone of the client; near the reception, when the client is paying; in the toilet - where the client of the beauty salon goes with his bag, which for some reason is always forgotten by the hostesses and interior designers of beauty salons
  • retail zone: what to do with a guest while waiting for the procedure and make money on it? Of course, show and tell about products that are beautifully laid out and illuminated on shelves and showcases and additional racks in the sales area
  • children's area: do not place it in a draft, but in a place visible to the mother (use a video surveillance system and TVs at the workplaces of specialists). It is she who can become the plus sign that will play a role in choosing a salon. It should not be large, but very often we can single out a couple square meters for a table with coloring pages and a small chest with toys.

Next comes the working room of the beauty salon. Often this is an open space where a manicure table, hairdressing, makeup and even a pedicure are combined. Per Last year it can be seen that open pedicure is increasingly applicable in salons of Eastern Europe. Some time ago we saw it in American films, when several girlfriends come to the salon to have procedures and have fun together, now it can be seen as a trend, although it is more applicable to salons with a younger audience. The same trend can be traced in manicure - one common table (or visually united), where masters sit on one side, and clients opposite - as a rule, varnishes are displayed in a separate showcase.

Since we live in a very active age, multifunctional rooms are now relevant in the beauty salon, in which the visitor can do 2-3 treatments at the same time. Accordingly, the ergonomics of such a room should be thought out to the smallest detail - a mobile head washer that adapts to the workplace if necessary, large mirrors for the work of hairdressers and make-up, free space for maneuvers for a pedicure and manicure master, and of course right light which we'll talk about a little later.

Interior lighting plays a very important role, it can improve the appearance of the client (but, if used incorrectly, it is easy to achieve the opposite result).

  • in cosmetology (especially bodies) use mirrors with frontal lighting and work very carefully with purely vertical (ceiling) - I think that many have come across when ceiling points were used in fitting rooms in stores and your body looked loose and not perfect to such an extent that I didn’t want any dress anymore - the same effect is possible if you install the lamps only directly vertically near the mirror, so complement them with another light
  • for hairdressers, it is important that there is no shadow from the lamps themselves in order to correctly select the shades of paint and not create a shadow in the root zone of the hair on the client’s head. To do this, use several lighting points, also do not forget about the warmth of the lamps themselves, it is best to use neutral ones - 4,100 kelvins
  • highlight the reception and, of course, the retail area - the showcase should sell
  • remember that light is divided into technical (spotlights, spots, lamps with high power) and decorative (which can create a mood in the cabin and “play along” with the style)

I would like to highlight one more "face" of the beauty salon - this is a bathroom. As a rule, it is he who will say how much you have thought through your brainchild and what level your beauty enterprise is.

It is here that you can apply memorable "chips" that will be written and talked about - interesting and bold walls, pictures, posters, sounds, greenery and unusual shapes sinks and faucets. Light can be intimate - for example, highlight only the mirror. Or, conversely, hang chic chandelier, which will be the focus. Do not forget about decor and aromas - beautiful candles can perform 2 functions at the same time. Well, remember the pleasant little things - beautiful soap dishes, napkin holders, hooks, a phone shelf, a bag stand and hand cream.

Speaking about the design of a beauty salon, we cannot avoid the topic of surfaces and materials.

  • self-leveling floor creates a monolithic coating, you can achieve the effect of a glossy floor of any color or texture a la concrete, is not afraid of water, because it has no seams
  • tiles, depending on the type, can last a long time and look spectacular (for example, porcelain stoneware) or vice versa, if you choose the wrong one, start scratching ( ceramic tile in high traffic areas). Remember that on plain surfaces, dust and dirt are always more visible.
  • laminate / three-layer board: when using materials good quality will be able to serve you for more than one year, but, over time, it may begin to wear out in the passage zone - this can be passed off as " decorative effect", if you already have specially aged elements in your cabin. Do not forget that light shades are easier to care for.
  • simplicity is in trend - do not fence multi-tiered structures, the ceiling is one level - this is modern chic, you can decorate it decorative elements and beautiful lighting
  • forget about stretch ceilings(they stayed in the 90s)
  • if it is possible to use existing concrete floors, then do not lose this chance - many are trying to achieve this artificially
  • an interesting solution could be "blowing" the ceiling with paint dark colors so as not to focus on it (applicable for high ceilings)
  • use a tree, lay it out with interesting patterns and paint it in a variety of colors
  • in cosmetology, remember that the ceiling is the main surface where the client’s gaze is directed during the procedure and it should bewitch
  • painting has been relevant for many seasons, do not be afraid of colors, but remember that they must be complex and then they will look noble. Do not forget about white - because on its background you can beautifully decorate
  • on walls near wet areas, use decorative overlays ( Wall panels, glass, wood coated protective agent, tiles, waterproof plaster)
  • make some walls accent and highlight them either with color or material, remember that the human eye needs to cling to something

P.S. After reviewing these beauty salon design and interior design tips, conceptualize your beauty venture with Salon Marketing and contact professional designers to save time, money and come up with cool solutions. And remember that you must not keep up with the times, but get ahead of it.

Photos of beauty salon designs provided by designer Olga Krivoruchko

Order a book
Natalia Goncharenko
"MY BEAUTY SALON" (the most popular book on how to open a business in the beauty industry, 2018)

Conduct modern design a hairdressing salon is quite simple if you start repairs from scratch and carefully plan each stage. Thoughtful furnishings and the choice of all the necessary furniture will ensure the comfort of salon procedures, convenient work of masters. You should also take care of the comfort of the visitors themselves. It is important to remember the target audience for which the equipped barber shop is intended. In a barbershop, you can get by with a simple and stylish finish. For rooms where masters will cut children's hair, you should choose a colorful finish, photo wallpaper, pick up non-standard furniture. Good lighting is essential for any size room. high-quality ventilation. It is imperative to equip a recreation area, take care of allocating a room for rest and meals for staff. Taking into account such rules will allow even ordinary apartment create an original barbershop that is in demand among clients.

General Design Principles

The main requirement for the design of a modern barbershop is the eye-catching styling of the room. She, together with the professionalism of hairdressers, will attract a large number of clients. Rectangular rooms can be zoned using different types of finishes. AT square room It is recommended to use the following design techniques:

  1. Highlight each mirror with a vertical trim. It will allow you to increase the height of the walls, help customers focus on the work of the master, changing their image.
  2. Horizontal separation of the walls (for tiny rooms). Highlighting the upper, lower part will help distract visitors from the tools stored under the tables.
  3. Use of catchy interior decor. A large inscription with the name of the barbershop, a large image of a man or woman on one of the walls will simply help to stylize the room.

Planning and zoning

Drawing up a project, where the main areas of the barber shop will be marked, makes it possible to eliminate the piling up of the space of the premises. A beauty salon that will carry out additional procedures (for example, a manicure) will require several rooms. Each will be designed for different types of procedures. Chairs for haircuts should be located in a row at a distance of at least 1 meter. This placement will allow the masters to move freely, easy to clean. The area for washing the head can be located in the corner, taken out into a separate room. Be sure the interior should include a place where customers will wait in line. It can be taken out of the working room, placed in the far corner. Thus, new visitors will be able to watch the work of masters with interest.

Colors and bright accents

Choosing a neutral base color to style the barbershop is optional. Fresh finish, despite the high professionalism of the masters, will only repel visitors. In addition to light beige, cream tones, it is recommended to select bright unusual shades: azure, turquoise, olive, light brown. They will create a comfortable atmosphere. An interesting option will be the creation of a barbershop in retro style. Black and white floor light walls, monochrome decor will emphasize the originality of the direction. In ultra-modern rooms, a combination of coal, white and rich green colors is allowed. They can be traced in the finish and the chosen decor. Bright accents are recommended to be done near mirrors, recreation areas. It can be stripes of colorful trim, non-standard catchy decor.


The best option for finishing barbers is considered to be a simple painting of the walls. This makes it easy to maintain cleanliness, cleaning. To replace this method of finishing will help the use decorative plaster. For a more stylish decoration of the room, it is recommended to use washable wallpaper. As a floor covering, tiles without embossed surfaces are perfect. It will make it easier to sweep away debris. A good replacement would be commercial linoleum. It is highly resistant to damage and easy to clean. In the premises where the service of VIP clients is provided, it is possible to lay a laminate of class 33-34. The ceiling can simply be whitewashed (if this does not contradict the chosen style). But the best option would be to install stretch fabrics, drywall constructions. They will complement the direction and significantly improve general form premises.


The furniture chosen for the barbershop should be as practical and comfortable as possible. Chairs for clients should be adjustable in height, equipped with a comfortable backrest with a slight inclination. The number of sinks in a barber shop can be equal to the number of main chairs or half of their number. Such equipment will prevent a problem in the work of masters with each client.

All coloring compositions, auxiliary tools should be stored in one locker (rack). So, there will be no problems with finding the right compositions. The waiting area should be equipped with 2-3 seats or one large sofa. On the contrary, you can put a coffee table in the shape of a rectangle, square. Tables in front of customers can also have different shapes. It is advisable to select models with shelves, side hooks, "pockets".


For bright illumination of the barber shop during the day, it is recommended to curtain the windows as little as possible. The best option would be to use blinds, roller blinds. They will provide the correct access to sunlight. To work in the evening, you need to make a bright ceiling lighting. 2-3 overhead, suspended chandeliers will be able to cope with this task. It is recommended to make a warm, non-dazzling backlight around each mirror. It can be replaced by the placement of stylized sconces, spots. To illuminate the recreation area, you can install a pair of floor lamps, use Wall lights. Separately, a cabinet, a rack where paints and craftsmen's tools will be stored should be illuminated.

If in daytime enough light does not enter the room, it is charming to turn it on artificial lighting. This will guarantee the safe work of the masters.

Stylistic direction

When choosing the right style for decoration, you need to consider target audience visitors. For example, for a room in which only women will be served, a light and bright Provence is suitable. Young people will feel more comfortable in rooms with bright colors. The most popular styles for modern barbers are:

  • loft. Brick decoration of the room, the presence of bright lighting will emphasize the originality of the stylization.
  • Japanese. Combines simplicity and unusualness. The optimal solution for small spaces.
  • classical. Ideal for universal barbers. It involves a combination of light and dark tones of decoration, furniture.
  • high tech. A good option for rooms with a large area. They allow compliance with strict geometry, the use of different types of finishes with glossy surfaces.

Hairdresser for children

For children's barbers, catchy and interesting finish walls. good option they will be painted with modern superheroes, different animals and fabulous creatures from cartoons. For ease of haircutting of young visitors, it is recommended to separate adjacent chairs with small screens or partitions. So, the children will minimally distract each other, and the masters will be able to work easily. A useful addition would be the installation of a TV that boys and girls can watch. After all, they are unlikely to enjoy constantly watching the work of the master or looking at themselves in the mirror. Armchairs can also be non-standard: they can be in the form of cars, airplanes and other equipment. And so that the children who are waiting for their turn do not get bored, it is recommended to install a game table with coloring books in the free zone.

In a barbershop designed exclusively for the stronger sex, it is recommended to combine modern finish in dark colors. This range will help create a brutal environment that will appeal to every client. Available in black and dark brown. A bright orange backlight will help dilute them.

In the men's room, wood trim can be carried out, stylized brick trim can be performed. It is recommended to choose mirrors in wooden frames. Barbershop can be supplemented wooden shelving for tools. They can also act as room dividers into 2-3 parts: for cutting and washing hair, trimming a beard. As illuminators it is recommended to install pendant chandeliers small size with conical or similar shades of brown, charcoal.

Economy class hairdressing design

Unlike standard establishments, economy class barber shops are usually located in a residential apartment building on the 1st floor. They are converted housing, in which 2-3 craftsmen work. You can do an economical restructuring with your own hands. As a finish, it is recommended to paint the walls in neutral, clarified tones (light green, cream, sand).

A beauty salon is a special place, before going to which women set themselves up for positive changes. appearance waiting for a magical transformation. It is logical that the interior of a beauty salon should not disappoint beautiful ladies, it should meet their expectations, give visitors a unique atmosphere, plunging into which they will be sure that they will go out into the street, satisfied with the result. Professional designers take these requirements into account, over many years of work they have deduced certain rules design, according to which the interior of a beauty salon should be formed.

Basic design principles

When developing the interior of a beauty salon, decorators and designers follow certain rules for space planning, combining them with previously unseen developments. It is always worth remembering that, no matter what ideas visit you, for the owner, the salon is first and foremost an enterprise that in no case escapes the requirements of the relevant supervisory authorities. The level of illumination of rooms for procedures, Decoration Materials, filling the room - every detail must be taken into account when creating the interior of a beauty salon.

Before opening a salon, the future owner needs to understand what kind of audience he expects to see: high-income women will feel comfortable surrounded by luxury, but less wealthy ladies can be repelled by such an interior, make them feel out of place.


There are no special restrictions on the choice of materials for decorating the room, its size also does not matter: it does not matter whether you are designing the interior of a small beauty salon or thinking about a larger object.

To finish the floor, you need to choose a material that is safe and resistant to wear, it should also be understood that its surface should not have seams or irregularities, otherwise the whole aesthetics will sooner or later be spoiled by clogged dirt or hair of clients. Fashion makes designers look at carpets floor, which will look good in the waiting room, but not in the office, where the material will quickly get dirty and become unusable.

In you can use anything you want fantasy, taking into account financial capabilities. The only thing that should not be forgotten: a beauty salon is an institution designed for a large flow of customers, that is, you will have to constantly carry out wet cleaning. The material must be well laundered, and also be resistant to water.

Color in the interior

If we consider the interiors of beauty salons of the world, for example, The Lounge Hair Salon in Bangkok or Maria Dowling in Dubai , it can be concluded that color is one of the main components of success. playing color palette, the designer sets the unique atmosphere that the establishment will remember for visitors. The widest range of colors formed the basis of the design, because it determines the emotional, physical and even mental mood of customers and people who have to work in this environment.

The basis color solution three main shades should lie, complemented by furniture and bright accessories. Diversity and fragmentation never look advantageous and only provide people in such a room with a feeling of discomfort. If we approach the distribution of color from a mathematical point of view, then we should highlight the main tone and allocate 75% of the design to it, one-fifth will be occupied by furniture and only the remaining percentage - bright accessories. Coming to a beauty salon, a woman wants to feel a relaxing and peaceful mood, which is easy to achieve with the help of neutral, pastel colors. With due skill, the designer can resort to the help bright colors, rewarding the room with extravagance and chic.

light in the room

It's no less important parameter, which directly affects the correct course of the workflow, the competent zoning of space, and how the client perceives the interior of the beauty salon as a whole. Photos on thematic sites help to reveal that the lamps are conditionally divided into overhead and spotlights: the first ones are used in the hall and the reception room, the second ones are installed directly at the workplaces.

The lamp should be selected so that it does not distort colors. The masters of the beauty salon work with hair dye, select nail polish, cosmetics - all this is done individually, taking into account the wishes and characteristics of the client. In this case, the error can have sad consequences. You also need to remember that lighting fixtures should in no case heat the air around them.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting when developing a small beauty salon. A competent play of light can visually enlarge the space, give it airiness and freedom.

The subtleties of the layout

Over time formed general rules, which the designer follows when developing the interior of a beauty salon. Photos of the leading salons make it possible to understand that this is comfort, a pleasant mood and no difficulty in moving around the room. The workload of equipment, small aisles, many partitions - all this should be forgotten and a comfortable atmosphere should be created to help clients relax.

Whatever style the owner of the salon chooses, the principle of the layout of the room remains the same. The room in which women (or not only) are waiting for their turn should be as spacious and comfortable as possible, the furniture should be soft, and coffee tables- supplemented with useful gizmos, for example, fashion magazines corresponding to the status of the institution. The reception acts as a boundary between the waiting area and the offices.

Beauty salon: interiors, ideas

The first style in demand was and will remain the classic, setting up clients for a guaranteed receipt of a sophisticated and elegant image. Stopping the choice on ethnic motives, the owner of the salon, as it were, invites visitors to plunge into the world of the mysterious and unknown, to become a part of it. In a small room, hi-tech or minimalism will look advantageous.

The main thing is to remember that regardless of the chosen style, the beauty salon must retain its original task - to give clients the opportunity to get a new, unusual image.
