Interior with clinker tiles. Clinker tiles for interior decoration. Video: interesting options for using clinker tiles for interior decoration

"Clinker" means "brick" in German. Material has many advantages due to which it has gained great popularity with the buyer. Despite the ideal qualities of the facade material and the external resemblance to stone, clinker tiles are used not only for, but also for interior.

Material actively apply and for lining swimming pools, sports facilities, as a floor covering, and even in industrial facilities.

Clinker tiles: what is it?

In the production of clinker plasticizers are not used, artificial dyes - only natural components, the main of which is high-plasticity clay.

The strength of the material and other advantages are provided by such features of the production process: components are pressed very hard, and then fired at high temperatures.

The material comes from:

  • low water absorption (up to 6%);
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • high refractory properties;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • hygiene - mold, moss, lichen do not multiply on it;
  • wear resistance;
  • rich assortment;
  • resistance to aggressive chemicals;
  • homogeneity of the material throughout the thickness;
  • long service life;
  • convenience and ease of use.

The only drawback of clinker is its high cost. But this minus is conditional, because. material quality and durability fully justify the price.

Main types

Products differ in shape, size and color, which can be seen in the photo.

Manufacturing technology allows you to get a tile of any texture that imitates materials such as stone, brick.

For decorative properties tiles are divided into glazed (vitrified) and unglazed. The first is covered with colored glass for shine, a pattern can be applied. The second monophonic matte without any coating.

Clinker for exterior and walls. For external cladding, thermal panels with clinker tiles are produced - a structure consisting of tiles, polyurethane foam and sand. The resulting facade is significantly saves costs for home heating.

Technical clinker tiles. It is used for laying roads, floors, sidewalks.


Depending on the manufacturer and purpose of the material, its dimensions may also be different. The thickness varies from 5 to 15 mm.

Interior tiles, length and width:

  • 240x52mm, 240x62mm or 240x71mm;
  • 400×71 mm;
  • 486×115 mm.

Facade tiles:

  • 200×120 or 200×200 mm;
  • 300×300 mm;
  • 330×330 mm.

Clinker steps:

  • 328×325×20mm;
  • 334×245-310×20 mm.

Manufacturers Overview

It is difficult for a buyer who is faced with the choice of material for the first time to navigate the choice with a huge number of manufacturers. Spanish, Portuguese, Polish companies can offer huge selection of products. And the production technology was born in Germany.

For two centuries, German manufacturers have been considered leaders in this field. In addition, the country has rich deposits of shale clays.

Here is a list of companies that occupy a leading position in the world market of clinker tiles manufacturers:

  1. Feldhaus Klinker (Germany). Production was established 150 years ago in Osnabrück.
  2. Robin. The company has 14 factories in Europe and the USA with the richest assortment of clinker products.
  3. Stroeher (Germany). A manufacturer famous for innovations in the field of clinker with frost-resistant properties.
  4. CRH Klinker (Ireland). The concern has subsidiaries in the Netherlands and Poland.
  5. Wienerberger (Austria). The company was founded at the end of the 19th century and is a leader among manufacturers of clinker bricks and roofing tiles.
  6. ABC (Germany). The largest plant in Europe belongs to this enterprise.

Features of choice

When choosing a clinker tile for a room, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The shade of the material should be in harmony with the color of other elements in the interior.
  2. Think in advance what effect you want to achieve. According to this, choose the texture of the clinker.
  3. The perception of shapes and size of space depends on the size of the selected tile.
  4. For finishing a fireplace or stove use special heat-resistant types products.
  5. Before buying a tile, calculate the area of ​​​​the cladding and add another 10% to this value (for waste). If you have to buy additional material, another batch may differ slightly in color, which will be very noticeable after installation.
  6. Inspect each package for consistency in color and texture.
  7. If it is decided to postpone the cladding work, protect products from dust.
  • Buy glue now. Its brand is recommended by the tile manufacturer. In order for the lining to last as long as possible, follow the recommendations for diluting the composition.
  • Do-it-yourself installation of clinker tiles

    Subject to the installation rules, even a beginner will be able to veneer the surface with high quality.

    Surface preparation. Clean the wall of the old coating, correct uneven walls with putty. Treat the surface with a primer to improve the adhesion of the adhesive to the wall.

    Calculate, estimate the location of the tiles on the wall. If you have to put cut pieces, do it under the ceiling.

    Preparation of the adhesive mixture. To dilute, pour it into a container, fill it with water and mix with a drill with a special nozzle. Let's insist.

    Apply adhesive to the wall with a notched trowel, press the tile firmly and tap with a rubber mallet until she is level. The gap between the tiles is provided by special plastic crosses.

    Laying clinker tiles video instruction.

    Apply the adhesive to a surface area of ​​no more than 1 m², as the composition dries up in a maximum of 30 minutes. If it is still dry, remove it with a spatula and apply a new layer.

    One day after finishing joints need to be patched. This requires special compounds and tools (for example, a rubber spatula). Remove grout residues with abrasive sponges.

    With the right choice and installation of clinker tiles, it will delight you with its practicality and appearance for many years.

    Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration occupy a special place in the market of finishing materials - it is a practical and aesthetic material that allows you to easily create a unique design. With its help, you can very accurately convey the texture of natural stone, brick and even wood, while in terms of its qualities it is practically not inferior to them.

    Clinker tiles differ from ceramic tiles in the raw materials used for manufacturing, as well as in the firing temperature. For the production of clinker tiles, peat or slate clays are used. The procedure for firing clinker tiles lasts 36 hours (for ceramic tiles - 2-3 hours) at a temperature of 1200 to 1500 ° C. As a result, the newly formed clinker crystal lattice acquires the properties of a monolith, becoming completely waterproof. However, this is not the only advantage of clinker tiles:

    • strength– clinker tiles are immune to any loads – bending, compression, it perfectly tolerates both peak and long-term static loads
    • resistance to any kind of atmospheric influences - temperature (easily tolerates even severe frosts, therefore it can be used in unheated country houses), high humidity (great for bathrooms or kitchens), ultraviolet rays (does not fade, retaining its original color)
    • ease of care - it is easy to wash, it is immune to chemicals (alkalis and acids), resistant to abrasion, so it is actively used in rooms with high traffic and a high level of pollution, for example, in
    • anti-slip properties – even after moisture or grease gets on it, it remains absolutely non-slip, which is very important for a bathroom or kitchen
    • fire safety – the tile is fireproof, does not burn and does not support combustion
    • environmental friendliness - does not emit harmful fumes

    In order to obtain a tile that imitates natural stone as accurately as possible in texture, special mineral inclusions are introduced into its composition, which give the clinker a non-uniform color during firing. And in order to achieve the picturesque diversity characteristic of baked bricks, during firing, the burners are in a non-uniform chaotic movement - this gives the clinker tiles the maximum similarity to bricks.

    Clinker tiles: features of use in the interior

    Brick-like interior tiling is a great way to ennoble a room, while avoiding the need to build a full-fledged brickwork. On the one hand, in a city apartment, this will save space, which will inevitably “eat” a full-fledged brick, on the other hand, it will help to avoid additional load on the supporting structures. This is very important, because today there are architectural styles in which exposed brickwork is a characteristic feature and a very important design element:

    • loft - a style that originated in the premises of former factories, plants and warehouses, in which the new owners simply did not have enough money for repairs, so the original industrial aesthetics were preserved: wires, beams, pipes and air ducts, and, of course, brickwork. Later, this aesthetic migrated to ordinary loft-style houses and apartments, in which at least one wall is made (or is it an imitation) of brick.
    • country music - whether it is a village or hunting house, a country cottage, its obligatory element is a fireplace or large oven, which did not need to be plastered or finished, like just a brick wall. These elements of style have moved to city apartments, where country style is a must-have combination of natural wood and brick walls.
    • Gothic- the walls of medieval knights' castles did not know the finish, so brick and stone- a mandatory element of style. Modern Neo-Gothic is spectacular contrasts, when the brutality of brickwork is adjacent to luxury. canopy bed, and a lancet arch lined with old brick - with a massive crystal chandelier
    • minimalism - rough brickwork is designed to emphasize the urban essence of the style, adding a little extravagance to it. For this, brown, red or brown bricks are most often used, which can successfully replace clinker wall tiles.
    • high tech – surfaces lined with clinker tiles are perfectly combined with high-tech office equipment and modern furniture. The use of white clinker tiles will make it possible to shade glass and chrome surfaces, which are widely used to decorate modern high-tech kitchen.

    In classic interiors, stone-like clinker tiles are in demand for facing columns. Decorating the walls with clinker tiles will help give the room a touch of noble antiquity.

    There are several basic architectural techniques for using clinker tiles:

    • accent wall - for example, a wall located behind headboard, which will look especially impressive in combination with a wooden bed. As an option - the wall behind the sofa or dining table, in any case - with the help of clinker tiles it is easy to accentuate one of the walls
    • kitchen apron - the tile is absolutely waterproof, it does not start mold and stroke, it is easy to clean, combining a spectacular look and ease of care
    • fireplace trim - in conjunction with electric fireplace allows you to accurately convey the architectural features of the fireplace in a city apartment

    Advice! A highly absorbent or dusty base must be treated with a primer emulsion - this will additionally strengthen and stabilize the base, as well as improve the adhesion of the base to the adhesive solution.

    Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out preliminary marking in order to place a whole tile in the most visible areas, and a cut one closer to the plinth or cornice. If you have to veneer a corner, for this they use a special, corner tile - this will allow you to get the corners perfectly even, and the laying starts from the corner. With partial wall decoration, work begins from a window or doorway.

    Advice! Before laying tiles from different packages, it is recommended to mix them well - this will reduce the contrast of shades of tiles from different batches.

    Laying starts from the bottom row, the adhesive solution is applied with a notched trowel, while covering an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than one square meter, because the solution retains its optimal adhesive qualities for no more than 30 minutes. Incorrectly laid tiles can be corrected within 10-15 minutes, after which the final setting occurs.

    The rows are aligned along the lace, after laying every second row. The sealing of the seams is carried out after the final solidification of the adhesive solution, approximately after 24 hours. To do this, use special grouts, which are deeply inserted into the seam using a rubber spatula (grater with glued rubber). The excess mass of putty is removed with a hard sponge.

    And what about the interior design? Today we will tell you more about how to glue, mount (lay) clinker tiles on the wall, about the cost of work and materials.

    The operating conditions inside the house are certainly much more gentle than in the "fresh" city air or in the garden. However, there are some peculiarities here as well.

    • In the bathroom, increased resistance to dampness is required.
    • For the kitchen, a combination of resistance to temperature extremes and ease of cleaning is important.
    • Any solution can be allowed in the living room, since the main factor is the decorative finish.

    Wall tiles for interior work are characterized by a minimum thickness of 8 mm. Here, its wear resistance and bending strength are not too important, since the walls are not subjected to such a load. On the contrary, the lighter the finishing material, the less problems arise with the cladding.

    This video will tell about the use of clinker in the interior for wall decoration:

    Purpose and colors

    There are several types of products:

    • technical tile- refers to an unpainted material suitable for cladding industrial and laboratory premises. The thickness in this case is usually higher, since resistance to chemically aggressive substances and mechanical strength are important on such objects;
    • ordinary finishing- an ordinary product, equally suitable for decorating a living room or kitchen. It is distinguished by a higher porosity and a variety of textures;
    • waterproof- tiles with minimal water absorption. It is intended not even so much for baths, but for more “heavy” objects - saunas, pools, where humidity is higher and temperature changes are much stronger;
    • heat-insulating– not in the usual way. To achieve maximum density and strength, the product is additionally dried before firing. If this is not done, the tile turns out to be more porous, which means that it has higher thermal insulation qualities. This option is suitable for those cases when external thermal insulation of the building is impossible or insufficient;
    • special- products are produced for facing complex architectural forms. Typically, such a need arises in the decoration of public spaces.

    When choosing, the main attention is paid to the appearance of the product. The decorative possibilities of clinker, of course, are limited compared to tiles: the material imitates, so the tiles do not vary much in shape and size.

    But the range of colors is much richer compared to the natural color of clay bricks. The addition of mineral pigments allows you to get any, even exotic shades. At the same time, the color does not change with time, since the coloring component is mixed with the original raw material.

    White clinker tiles for interior wall decoration (photo)


    The material may have a different texture:

    • smooth surface- the most common option. Smooth clinker is much easier to clean, while retaining its resemblance to ceramic bricks. The slipperiness of such material does not matter when finishing the wall;
    • rough- an option for living rooms, bedrooms, halls and so on. Rough tiles can be used in the bathroom: clinker absorbs moisture very little, but it is not suitable for the kitchen: such a surface easily collects dirt, and it is much more difficult to remove it;
    • glazed– with a shiny smooth surface. Very decorative and unusual clinker. Here, from the similarity with, only styling remains - apart, but this option is readily used in the interior;
    • rustic- reproduces the texture of a roughly processed or aged. "Brutal" material is indispensable for decoration in the style of loft, industry, rustic and so on.

    Clinker is not suitable for any interior. Special masonry, rough surface, bright expressive color make this material very individual. Even when the tile is used in a single color and only as a background, and then it acts as a kind of accent, it indicates the chosen style.

    Design tricks

    Clinker does not create a pronounced vertical or horizontal. But the brickwork and strict geometric shapes of the elements to some extent structure the wall, make it more expressive and visually bring it closer. This feature must be taken into account in the interior.

    • Quite large rooms are completely trimmed with clinker - the lining will visually reduce a small room. The size of the tile affects the effect: clinker, which does not exceed in size, can be used in small bathrooms, but large tiles are best used for large spaces.

    Clinker finishes both kitchens and living rooms in English or rustic styles. Moreover, both natural colors - in red-ochre colors, and unusual ones are actively used. White brick, for example, looks great in minimalist living rooms.

    • One wall or partition is finished with clinker much more often. Such a surface ceases to be a background, but serves to highlight the zone - working, dining, living room, etc. A combination of a "brick" wall and is considered almost mandatory. For masonry, both a single-color version and a “natural” gamut are used with equal success, where the shades of each “brick” differ and are very noticeable.
    • No less popular is the fragmented use of clinker - finishing corners, parts of the wall in the form of panels or symmetrical elements, unevenly spaced brickwork tiles, and so on. Thus, you can highlight some architectural feature of the room or create it. Approximately vertical and horizontal fragments play the role of structural elements, visually raising the ceiling or expanding the room.

    We will talk about the options for laying clinker tiles on the wall in different interiors below.

    Pro laying clinker tiles "under the brick" on the wall will tell this video:

    Interior styles

    Clinker tiles have a very expressive texture, while being very far from the concept of luxury, brilliance or elegance. So the material is not suitable for all interiors.

    • Loft- this, of course, is the first thing that comes to mind when looking at a brick wall. Loft is a very specific style, preferring authentic and rough surfaces, brickwork is one of the best design options for it. Clinker perfectly replaces heavy brick. In the loft, it is allowed to tile the entire room, or rather, the studio. The style involves very large rooms, connected rooms and so on, where the masonry seems organic and not intrusive. In its commercial version - industry, some walls or fragments are trimmed with clinker to structure the space and highlight zones.
    • Country style- Provence, country, English, Dutch. Clinker is used everywhere as wall decoration, corner decoration and, of course, if it is available. Masonry should accurately imitate brick, but the colors can be very peculiar. So, the natural color is welcomed in the English style, in the country, white and even glossy white are preferable, Provence is also white plastered or delicate pastel shades, especially lavender. An indispensable feature of the Dutch or German style is bright red brick.
    • rustic- and here it is best to use large tiles and as roughly processed as possible, aged clinker is quite suitable. Finishing will be more effective if the colors of the tiles vary slightly. Rustic involves facing all the walls, so it is better to implement the idea in large rooms. In this case, the dimming effect will be present, which must be taken into account.
    • Gothic- dark large and small brickwork will bring the required share of gloom into the interior. The difference between the style and the rustic style is that here rough, frankly heavy and dark walls are combined with luxurious pieces of furniture and crystal chandeliers.
    • Minimalism- uses both a casually processed stone surface and glossy brick. Here, the clinker highlights the zones and focuses on the planes.
    • The tile plays the same task in the style techno, however, here the “brick” is selected smooth, with the most accurate geometric contours and in one color, the natural gamut is not welcome.
    • AT high tech tile is used less often as the style prefers smooth, even surfaces, but can also be used as an accent. The fragment should have a pronounced verticality and horizontality. Finishing corners and niches is not allowed. The color is white or contrasting bright - black, red.

    Read about the technology of laying clinker tiles on the wall below.


    Suitable as a base for cladding, a metal structure is also suitable. Drywall is a more dubious option. However, with sufficient density and small size - a decorative fireplace, for example, such a solution is also allowed.

    The main requirement for the base is a flat surface: it is simply impossible to lay a solid solid tile on an uneven wall. Permissible unevenness - no more than 2 mm per square meter. m.

    What you need

    No special tools are needed for laying clinker. The following is required.

    • Clinker of the appropriate size and color - it is advisable to purchase 10-15% more, because some of the tiles will have to be cut, and some may be damaged during transportation.
    • Special glue for ceramic tiles - even in the house is not desirable, although it is allowed. If the bathroom is tiled, the glue must also be waterproof.
    • The main tools are a notched and smooth spatula, a rubber mallet.
    • For cutting tiles, a glass cutter, tile cutter, grinder with a diamond blade is used. To make a hole - for an outlet, for example, you need to drill a tile with diamond crowns.
    • To maintain the uniformity of the seams, mounting crosses of the appropriate size are used.

    Technologies and options

    The main difficulty when laying a wall is that it is impossible to perform dry laying here, as, for example, or stairs. So you have to rely on your experience or make markup. The latter solution is also better in the case when it is necessary to choose the material so that the center of the wall or fragment is occupied by whole tiles, and the cut ones are along the perimeter of the panel or closer to the corners.

    1. The base is prepared for work: leveled, puttied, if necessary, and treated with a primer of the appropriate type. Clinker adhesion is quite high, but still, it is better to play it safe.
    2. Glue is prepared in accordance with the instructions. It is recommended to mix the composition in small portions, designed for laying somewhere around 1 sq. m. The composition retains adhesive properties for 20–30 minutes, and then becomes unusable.
    3. Tiles from different packages are taken out and mixed before laying in order to reduce the difference in shade to a minimum.
    4. Start laying from the bottom, as a rule, from the left corner. If part of the wall is lined, then start from the window.
    5. Glue is applied to an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 1 sq. m. notched trowel. To avoid moisture absorption, a layer of glue is also applied to the tile, but immediately removed with a smooth spatula. Water, contrary to popular belief, cannot be used to lubricate the tiles, as this disrupts the polymerization process of the adhesive. When laying on the clinker, it is moistened.
    6. You need to lay the tiles in the direction of the lines on the wrong side. The clinker is pressed to the surface and tapped with a mallet to achieve a snug fit. Mounting crosses are installed between the tiles so that the seam is the same.
    7. Every second row of tiles is checked by the building level. Within 10-15 minutes after laying, the position of the tile can be changed, but after setting it will not be possible.
    8. After 2 days, proceed to. Indoors, it is better to use an epoxy mixture for this. The grout is applied with a rubber spatula and leveled with a damp sponge. At the same time, traces of grout or glue on the tiles themselves are removed. After 2-3 hours, wet cleaning is recommended to be repeated.

    Mounting methods

    Clinker tiles imitate brick, so their laying methods are the same as those possible with bricks. In fact, there are not so many of them.

    • Spoon dressing is the simplest and most affordable option for laying apart. The edge at the same time turns out to be uneven, if required, the tile is cut. Sometimes this feature is used as a decorative effect.
    • Spoon dressing can be used when laying in horizontal rows or diagonally. The latter method is more difficult, you will get a lot of trimmings, but the wall looks very impressive.
    • Chain dressing two tiles form a kind of block. And the blocks are stacked alternately in a vertical and horizontal position - very simple and interesting.
    • "Fish bone" - the tiles are laid perpendicular to each other, forming, as it were, an angle. The masonry is simple, the edge is very uneven, but the original look of the wall is provided.
    • Intertwined masonry - on walls it is used much less frequently, as it requires the selection of clinker of two different sizes. Larger tiles in the form of bricks are laid alternately vertically and horizontally so that the poke of the horizontal "brick" rests on the side of the vertical one.

    With this masonry, large gaps appear between the elements. They are filled with small tiles. Also, for filling can be used, or another small stone. In a living room - not a bathroom and a kitchen, you can leave such an interlacing without a filler, since here excessive moisture does not threaten the masonry.

    About the price for work on facing and interior wall decoration with clinker tiles, for example, “brick-like”, we will tell below.

    The cost of work and materials

    • The price of clinker wall tiles is quite democratic: its thickness is small, and such high requirements are not imposed on density and mechanical strength. The cost varies from 556 p. until 1348 p. per sq. m.
    • The work itself, depending on the masonry method, is estimated at 1300–1400 rubles. per sq. m. Grout, as a rule, is not included in this work and costs another 300–400 r. per sq. m.

    Clinker tiles are an interesting design solution for many modern and rustic styles. It's amazing how cozy a brick wall creates in the kitchen and how spectacular the clinker finish of the corners and arches is.

    The specialist in this video will tell about the role of clinker in the interior design of a home:

    If you are planning in the house, then you should pay attention to such material as clinker tiles for interior wall decoration. This can be a very good option, as it is perfect for decorating both entire rooms and individual elements: or. A wonderful stylistic solution can be made of clinker material. Let's find out how you can use this option with, which manufacturer's products to choose and the features of laying a beautiful cladding.

    So what is clinker? This term applies to all varieties of materials in the production of which refractory clays are used. Unlike the firing of such products, it is carried out at a higher temperature, about 1450 degrees. At the same time, the material forms a dense structure that is resistant to moisture and strength.

    Clinker tiles are a special type of cladding for interior work with clinker brick imitation. Its minimum thickness value is approximately 8 mm.

    In this case, wear resistance is not so important, since there is no strong load on the surface. The less the coating weighs, the less problems there will be with the cladding.

    Do you know what advantages clinker tiles have? Here are some of them:

    • excellent wear resistance, which allows the material to be used in any part of the apartment;
    • long service life;
    • excellent decorative properties;
    • environmental friendliness of the material for health;
    • the material does not absorb moisture;
    • anti-slip characteristics;
    • does not emit toxic components even when heated;
    • abrasion resistance;
    • resistance to various atmospheric phenomena;
    • excellent resistance to compression and bending;
    • inertness to various contaminants;
    • clinker is resistant to fire.

    About the features of the finish can be seen on the video:

    There are different types of tiles depending on their purpose:

    • standard parts differ in variety of invoices and considerable porosity. They are used as cladding for the living room and;
    • technical coatings are used as decoration in various industrial buildings;
    • waterproof coatings suitable for pools and;
    • materials with .

    Note! Clinker materials can be of different colors. They, of course, are inferior in variety to tiled options, but their color scheme is also rich. The desired shade is obtained by adding color to the clay.

    What are the sizes of clinker tiles

    The dimensions of the tile depend on the scope of its application. There are some features of its parameters:

    • the thickness of the clinker tile is not less than 8 mm. There are also larger options for interior decoration, but massive samples can be used if such is the design idea;
    • standard sizes of elements for facing are 240*62 and 240*52. Occasionally, larger options are also used - 486 * 115 and 400 * 71. Dimensions may vary by manufacturer;
    • may be large.

    If you plan to use such material, then keep in mind that the size of the room can visually reduce the surrounding space. With the help of such material it is possible. At the same time, some separate section is finished. For example, a wall in front of a dining or work table.

    Note! Many manufacturers offer entire collections consisting of wall, floor and staircase tiles. With such materials, you can create solid compositions in the interior.

    Features of the use of clinker tiles for interior decoration

    A huge selection of clinker tiles for interior work helps to create excellent interiors. The traditional option is considered to be a brick finish, which is especially suitable for fireplaces. Clinker can be used to create an accent.

    According to the texture properties, the tile is divided into the following varieties:

    • smooth considered a universal solution for finishing a variety of premises. She is not difficult to care for;

    • glazed known for its shiny surface and stylish appearance;

    • rough coatings suitable for facing living rooms, corridors and bedrooms;

    • rustic version characterized by a rough design or with imitation of aged brick. It is more popular in the industry, - and.

    A variety of dyes are also used for clinker tiles, which ensure the safety of the coating. The coloring composition is added immediately to the clay mixture. This allows you to provide the original appearance of the shades, and also protects from the effects of sunlight and moisture.

    The use of clinker for interior wall decoration is especially popular due to the ease of laying on different surfaces: concrete and wood.

    It is a pleasure to work with light and thin tiles, but even in this case, certain points should be taken into account. When high resistance to moisture is required, and resistance to temperature fluctuations is required.

    About the nuances of installation can be seen on the video:

    Important information! Work with clinker involves the use of special glue. It is not recommended to use homemade sand mortar.

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    The use of clinker tiles in the interior

    Consider how clinker is used in the interior. You can use it for the whole room in the case when the room is spacious. If the tile is no larger in size than a brick, then it can be used in small-sized ones. This coating is used for rooms in or.

    Most often, cladding is used for one of the walls. At the same time, a certain zone is allocated: a dining room, a working room or a living room.

    Pleso tiles in the interior look stylish. Its advantages include natural motives and universal use.

    Fragmentary decor with clinker is often used. For example, for panels, facing corners and symmetrical sections.

    Now let's find out for which interiors this material is suitable:

    • is a specific style with rough surfaces, so the clinker fits perfectly into this design. Separate zones are finished with this material;

    • used for wall decoration in a rustic setting. These are English, Dutch, Country and . Here, imitation of brickwork is suitable, and it may be different. White is used for country, pastel colors are used for Provence, and red brick is more suitable for Dutch. A mandatory attribute is, which is also tiled;

    • for decoration rustic style tiles of large sizes are suitable, as well as from aged clinker or roughly processed. This design is characterized by the design of all walls;

    • gothic complement the brickwork of dark tones. At the same time, rough and dark walls are combined with crystal and other luxury items;

    • to highlight individual sections, clinker is used in the design in the style of minimalism.

    Clinker material is used in the interior in different ways. The focus is on the wall, for example, at the head of the bed or by the fireplace in the living room. For the kitchen, tiles can be made. Even around it is worth laying out such material. With the help of such material is performed.

    Note! This material is also used for rooms in a classic style. But in this case, it is used for facing columns and massive structures.

    How to use white clinker tiles in the interior

    White clinker tiles will add expressiveness to any room. Imitation under a brick of white color looks very natural. Such a background is able to emphasize a luxurious setting, as well as elegant. A light option is suitable, both for a nursery and for.

    So that the walls do not look like in a hospital, they should be diluted with some bright objects and.

    Note! The contrasting solution from a combination of red and white bricks also looks original.

    Features of the use of clinker brick tiles for interior decoration

    Brick-like clinker tiles have high technical characteristics, and due to this they are often used for finishing various rooms. In this case, the material can have a variety of shades and colors. The palette ranges from dark tones to light ochers and whites.

    Many modern buildings are equipped with fireplaces, for the lining of which this material is successfully used. The tile has excellent refractory qualities, which allows it to be used in saunas, swimming pools and.

    You can also use the material to design non-standard and curved surfaces, while selecting a certain size of clinker tiles for bricks. Due to the special resistance of this coating to moisture, it can be used for, showers and. It is also used for surfaces on and winter gardens.

    Note! The tile perfectly keeps within on any basis, but before facing of walls. They need to be carefully prepared - remove paint, old wallpaper and whitewash. Old plaster can be removed with a spatula.

    The use of clinker bricks for interior decoration

    Clinker brick coatings are often used in the interior. This material is a block of fired clay. For the manufacture of bricks, kaolin saturated with alumina is selected. For processing, a temperature of approximately 1300-1400 degrees is required.

    The word klink is translated from German as a brick. That is, it turns out that the brick is brick. And it would be correct to call it fireclay, from the name of fireclay, that is, refractory clay. Fireplaces and stoves are often laid out from such material. The advantage of the material is that it does not absorb moisture. How long a building material can last is determined by the cycles of freezing and thawing. So, if for an ordinary brick the cycle is 50 years, then for a clinker brick it is 100 years.

    The material is classified according to its purpose. It is used for construction, erection of columns, and. Clinker bricks can have not only the shape of a rectangle, but also figured. In this case, the blocks have pointed shapes.

    Here are the main varieties of this material:

    • tiled;
    • facing;

    It is necessary to take into account many parameters when choosing clinker bricks for interior wall decoration. These are texture, design, color palette and, of course, dimensions.

    Note! Facade clinker or glazed and colored clinker is often used for decoration. At the same time, such a brick can have not only different shades, but also surfaces.

    Related article:

    This article discusses in detail, as well as useful tips from professionals, will help to deal with its correct choice and application in the course of finishing work, even for a beginner.

    Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration: features of do-it-yourself cladding technology

    Cladding with clinker tiles can be used for any surfaces: on, brick wall, metal surfaces, wooden partitions and adobe walls. Before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work:

    • surfaces should be cleaned of dust and dirt;
    • the walls are aligned;
    • strengthening if necessary.

    After preparing the walls for finishing with clinker tiles, marking is carried out. It is important to take into account the dimensions of the room, the size of the tiles, the placement of corners and openings, as well as the location of communications.

    The size of the selected materials will depend on the markup. Remember that miniature tiles do not fit well with large surfaces, and large options may not fit into openings, and trimming will ruin the integrity of the picture.

    Laying clinker tiles with their own hands is done on a special glue. In this case, the composition must correspond not only to the type of tile, but also to the type of coating.

    Here are the steps in the process:

    • First, the adhesive mixture is prepared. To do this, you need a container and a trowel. You can use a perforator with a special nozzle. The composition can be used 10-15 minutes after dissolution. During this time, all adhesive additives and components will work;
    • the solution is distributed with a special spatula. In this case, the width of the tool must match the width of the tile;
    • the tile is laid on the surface in a pre-marked place. Laying is done from openings to corners. When measuring the height of the second row, the width of the seams must be taken into account. After gluing the element to the surface, it is necessary to check with a level that it corresponds to the vertical position and use a thread to measure its position relative to the direction of the masonry. Distance crosses are marked around the fixed element and other tiles are attached. It is not recommended to mix tiles from one batch with material from another.

    The technology of laying clinker tiles involves a larger thermal seam than when installing other types of tiles. This is important when facing rooms with large temperature differences.

    It is necessary to glue in rows, no more than five per day. How even the rows are is checked with a stretched cord. The warmer and drier the room, the less time it takes for the adhesive to set.

    After completing the installation work, it is worth proceeding to. This can be done only after 2-3 days, so that excess moisture has time to leave the sub-tile space. The grout can completely match the shade of the base material or contrast with it. If the premises are exposed to moisture, then the grout must be moisture resistant.

    Laying steps will be different from fixing the material on the walls. First, the horizontal parts are mounted, and then the vertical pieces are cut and glued. If you need to glue the walls around the flight of stairs, then the second row is glued first, the height of which is measured from the top.

    Tiles are used for facing small architectural configurations - niches, panels and fireplaces.

    Consider laying the cover:

    • the spoon dressing technique involves a method with jagged edges or apart;
    • chain ligation is done by joining two plates in a horizontal and vertical position;
    • laying elements in a perpendicular direction with the formation of an angle is called a fish bone;
    • binding method is recommended for spacious rooms, while the parts alternate with vertical and horizontal joints.

    How to buy clinker tiles for interior wall decoration: prices and overview of manufacturers

    Let's find out which clinker tiles to buy for your interior. This will help review prices from different manufacturers.

    Products Characteristics price, rub.


    • Tonga color
    • Size 240*14*71.
    • There are 48 pieces in a square meter.
    49 per piece

    Tile Ontario

    • Packing area 0.4 sq. m.
    368 packaging

    ABC-Klinkergruppe, series "Trend" Anthrazit-Dunkelgrau 310x310x8 mm

    • Size 310*310*8
    179 per piece

    Curved corner Stroeher Keraplatte Aera 710 crio

    • Size 294*115*52*10
    • Glazed surface.
    237 per piece

    Floor tiles Stroeher Euramic Classics E 305 Puma

    • Size 240*240*10
    148 apiece.

    The budget prices include the prices of Russian-made clinker tiles.

    Interior with clinker tiles: photo of original ideas

    Consider the options for using clinker tiles in demonstrating original solutions. Facing can be done not only in the living room or kitchen, but also in the bathroom. In this case, you need to choose a natural color palette. For a small room, perhaps white decoration is suitable. A light palette contributes to a visual increase in space. It all depends on the size of the room and personal preferences. Do not be afraid that stains will be more visible on light surfaces. In fact, the spots are formed from a white coating made by water drops.

    For lovers of colorful interiors, manufacturers offer material of different rich colors. But you should be careful with too bright colors. Perhaps catchy coatings should be used to accent a particular area. For example, highlight or emphasize the mirror. In this case, you can emphasize the facade or lay out a decorative panel on the wall. If all four walls of a small room are colorful, then this will visually reduce the space.

    An accent wall can be made in an oriental style from clinker tiles for interior wall decoration. Photos will help you choose interesting options.

    It is worth considering the following options:

    • look great in the design of tiles in combination with greenery;

    • the tile is suitable for the original decor;

    • in a classic interior, the coating is used to finish the columns;

    • clinker surfaces are combined with parquet and even with;

    • tiles can be used to decorate a children's room. Such. Neutral coating is suitable for focusing on bright objects.

    Having decided on the design, dimensions of the room and the layout, you can choose the right clinker tile. Photos of different designs will help you quickly make a choice and make the right decision.


    You can buy the best German clinker tiles for the facade, plinth, interior wall decoration on our website and stores in Moscow, Mytishchi with delivery in the Moscow region. We offer a wide range of products from leading companies: Feldhaus Klinker, Roben, STROHER, Westerwalder, ADW. Facing is produced by collections of various sizes, colors, configurations.

    What is a clinker? This is a durable environmentally friendly product obtained by sintering shale refractory clays with additives at a temperature of 1250 C and above. It has excellent decorative external data. For these qualities, designers prefer coating during finishing work.

    Material Advantages

    • does not emit harmful substances
    • low level of water absorption - no more than 3%
    • frost resistance - withstands 250 freeze/thaw cycles
    • wear resistance, strength
    • does not conduct electricity
    • not afraid of rain, snow, chemicals
    • does not fade in the sun, does not burn
    • service life more than 50 years

    The cladding is easy to install and easy to care for.

    6 reasons to buy from us

    • we are a dealer of 5 manufacturing plants
    • price without markups, monthly promotions, discounts
    • choose the right color, texture
    • always in stock products in stock and assortment
    • 2 stores in Moscow and Mytishchi, we deliver goods in the Moscow region
    • product warranty

    Finishing saves

    • money - the price of 1 m2 is much lower than the cost of facing bricks
    • time - the laying process is fast, technically uncomplicated
    • overhead costs - does not require maintenance during operation

    Buy clinker tiles

    For facade, plinth

    Products for the facade and plinth - high-strength ceramics. It is used as a finish for walls made of concrete, foam concrete, wood. The load on the foundation is negligible due to the low weight. Therefore, it is possible to clad not only newly erected buildings of any number of storeys, but also to restore dilapidated housing.

    Facade masonry under a brick - a bright finish of various designs. Products differ in overall dimensions, thickness (9 ÷ 25 mm), range of shades, texture. The surface can be selected shiny, matte, rough, embossed, with different additives or the effect of aging.

    An ideal material for giving the building a unique decor. Many are stopped only by the cost per m2. But it's worth the cost. Finishing will last at least 50 years. You will save money on restoration, which will have to be done in a few years if you make the finish with a different coating.

    For interior wall decoration

    They are used not only for exterior, but also for interior wall decoration: rooms, bedrooms, corridors, kitchens, fireplaces, arches, doorways, window openings. You can decorate all the walls, one or in fragments, focusing on a specific area.

    Brick is combined with any finishing coatings, so designers often resort to combined design.

    More often use products with a smooth surface - they are easy to wash. If you want to make the decor more original, pay attention to samples with a rough embossed texture, or to “aged” samples.

    The collections are presented in a wide range of colors - from white to jet black. You can choose the cladding according to overall dimensions, configuration, surface texture. Comes with corner pieces.

    What design styles use brick tiles

    1. Minimalism. Emphasize restraint with a touch of extravagance. The best thing in such an interior is the masonry of brown, dark brown or red with different colors.
    2. High tech. Decorating the walls of kitchens, rooms with modern furniture, appliances. Stone sets off glass or chrome surfaces, which emphasizes the modern style of the interior.
    3. Country. The interior of apartments, country houses, where a fireplace is supposed to be installed, in the dining area.
    4. Loft. Imitations of the walls of industrial premises of old factories.
    5. Gothic. This is a decoration of housing in a medieval style, when natural stones and bricks were the only materials for decoration. The emphasis is on the contrast of style decisions.