How to paint ceramic tiles in a different color. What paint can be used to paint the tile on the floor. Instructions for painting tiles

Everyone knows perfectly well that nothing lasts forever in our life, even beautiful tiles in the bathroom can sometimes become dull and ugly. The owners of such a tile will want to immediately replace it with a new one, but this is an additional cost. And how about not throwing away the tile, but updating it a bit? There are many ways to update old tiles: sticking vinyl stickers, repairing individual tiles or joints, and painting bathroom tiles - full or partial painting.

Painting is a great way to update old tiles.

Cosmetic tile renovation

What's good about this way? First, there is no need to destroy anything or build everything anew. Just this wonderful way is suitable for those people who do not need to repair anything, but they want to create a unique interior in the kitchen or in the bathroom. For this option, you will need to buy the following materials: bathroom tile paint or vinyl stickers.

Vinyl film

If you don't know how to cover the tiles in the bathroom, vinyl film can help you. Vinyl film is a waterproof and inexpensive building material for tile repairs. At the moment, in hardware stores there is a huge selection of stickers with a variety of patterns that amaze the human imagination. Thanks to modern technology, even photographs can be applied to vinyl film. This film will hide all the inaccuracies of the tile.

First, we prepare the surface of the old tile for gluing by simply washing it with an ordinary detergent. Next, we transfer the vinyl film, which has an adhesive base, to the tile.

We begin to glue the vinyl film from the middle, smoothing it to the edges so that wrinkles and irregularities do not form.

Painting tiles - a sequence of actions

How to paint bathroom tiles? Let's say right away that only tiles on the walls and on the ceiling (if any) are subject to painting. The tiles on the floor are constantly exposed to moisture - wet stains from the shower, water accidentally splashed from the washbasin. And therefore it will not work to paint the floor tiles so that such paint is preserved for a long time. In order to prepare the tile for painting, you must first wash it and treat the surface with an abrasive. Basically, sandpaper is used for such a thing. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the tile so that there is no mold, dirt. It is the abrasive that can not only remove the dirt that has eaten in, but also grind it - this is how the glossy surface will go away.

If broken tiles remain on the walls, it is better to replace or fix them before painting. Remember that the paint will be difficult to lay down on a glossy surface - so rub the finished surface well with sandpaper.

Painting tiles in the bathroom will take place as follows. Newspapers or unnecessary cardboard are placed on the floor. We begin to prime the finished surface of the tile (we select the primer for the paint). Give some time for the primer to dry. You should take a primer that will not be afraid of moisture and will be able to withstand high levels of humidity. This will extend the life of the paint.

After the primer has dried, apply paint on it. How to process tiles in the bathroom? You can buy glossy and semi-gloss emulsion paint - so you can create a shiny surface, and also apply such paint easier. But it is worth remembering that it is not so durable. If you need a more durable finish, you can paint the old tiles in the bathroom with oil paint. But it will be a little more difficult to apply, but such paint will last much longer.

Painting the tiles in the bathroom is done in thin layers - and each of them should have time to dry well. The number of coats of paint will depend on what result you want.

Remember that it is better to make several thin layers than one thick one, because thin layers will lay down better, which will provide a high-quality and durable coating. As you can see in the photo, high-quality painted tiles are stylish and beautiful. And most importantly - this way of updating the bathroom is a budget option.

And what to do with seams?

Light tile joints, one might say, are the most vulnerable spot in the entire cladding, they quickly darken, lose color, becoming covered with a dark coating. There are three main ways to freshen up tile joints quickly and easily:

  1. Just paint- the easiest and most affordable way, but at the same time, the most unreliable and the longest. To do this, you can use either simple paint or a special marker, the main thing to do before painting is to clean the tiles and the seams themselves with detergent and dry thoroughly, otherwise the paint will not fall. The only drawback is that in the case of using paint, there will be an unpleasant smell for some time.
  2. Treat with a vinegar solution- if the tile joints have darkened and spots of a bluish or greenish color have appeared on them, then most likely the matter here is mold. Mold from tile joints is easiest to clean with a weak solution of vinegar. Just gently wipe the seams using a hard cloth or sponge.
  3. Replace grout- the most difficult, but at the same time, the most reliable and most effective way is to replace the grout. Carefully remove the top layer of the old grout and apply a new, fresh layer.

How to update bathroom tiles with spot repairs?

If for some reason you decide not to make cosmetic repairs to the tiles and not to paint the tiles in the bathroom, then you can resort to partial replacement of the damaged areas. Such replacement includes the replacement of some individual tiles or tile joints.

Replacement of damaged tiles

Are there dents or cracks in your tiles? Then you can't do without replacing it. To do this, you need to buy the same tile or one that will be the most suitable in its appearance.

In replacing old tiles, the hardest part is removing them.

First you need to remove the inter-tile grout, then remove the damaged tile. After such procedures, we remove the old glue and treat the tiled surface with a special primer, which is designed for deep penetration. Give it time to dry. Then we apply glue, lay a new tile, leveling it. We fill the seams with a special grout.

As you can see, if you wish, you can easily and simply update the tiles in the bathroom. Painting bathroom tiles requires attention and care, but in general it is a process that is much easier than completely new tiles or even replacing parts of them.

Over time, the tile in the toilet or bathroom loses its original luster, becomes covered with a network of small cracks or acquires other external defects. Renovating a bathroom with a complete replacement of tiles is a costly business. But there are other ways to update the appearance, including paint coating.

You can only paint tiles on the walls. Facing on the floor and ceiling should not be painted, because due to the constant exposure to moisture and hot steam on these surfaces, the paint will begin to peel off quickly. The question posed, is it possible to paint tiles, sounds a little incorrect, since the success of painting such a cladding will depend on what kind of paint is used.

Bathroom tile paint

In order for the tile to take on a fresh look, not any tile paint in the bathroom is suitable. Water-based materials should be avoided because they will not adhere to the surface when exposed to hot, humid air and water. It is worth using special resistant paints for ceramics and enamel only if you need to apply a pattern to the tile or partially update its appearance. The use of such enamels for large-scale application to walls is impractical due to their high cost.

When completely updating tiles, the following tile paint is used:

  • Acrylic enamel.
  • Alkyd
  • oily
  • Latex

In this case, the paint should be undiluted, in consistency resembling thick sour cream.

How to paint the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands

Before you paint the tiles in the bathroom, you need to prepare the surface. This is important because the paint will not adhere well to glossy, dirty tiles. To clean dirt from the tile, using a metal sponge and any abrasive agent, stubborn dirt is removed. To degrease the surface, it is wiped with alcohol.

Tile coloring is carried out as follows:

  1. The right tool is selected: to create a velvety coating, a foam roller is used, and for a textured layer, you need to use a brush.
  2. All adjacent parts of plumbing and furniture are pasted over with masking tape.
  3. If you plan to apply an ornament, you should first prepare stencils and stick them on the wall.
  4. Enamel is applied with sweeping, smooth movements in several layers.

The stitching during painting also needs to be replaced. When fully stained, the tile joints are painted together with the tiles. With partial staining, the seams are updated with a thin brush or a special marker. Do not forget that the seams must first be cleaned, degreased and treated with special impregnations. In the photo you can see examples of updating the interior of the bathroom after painting the old tiles.

Ceramic tiles have become an essential attribute of almost every bathroom and are actively used in the kitchen. Since this material is the most durable, very often, interior fashion dictates new rules and you don’t want to change the entire coating in a new way. In this regard, very often the question arises, is it possible to paint the tiles on the floor? With modern paints, the tile can be painted in its entirety, patterned through a stencil, or a three-dimensional drawing can be made.

Below we will look at how to properly paint the tiles, what tool you need for this, and how you can cover the tiles on the floor to preserve the paint or pattern.

Note. If you need to paint tiles on a surface that is not exposed to temperatures or steam, you can use conventional acrylic paints, after wiping the tiles with a dry cloth. If the tile is located on the floor in the bathroom or in the kitchen, then the technology for applying and protecting paint will be more difficult, since the surface is constantly subject to abrasion and moisture.

Tile painting tools

Before painting ceramic tiles on the floor, it is necessary to prepare the entire set of tools and consumables, the availability and quality of which directly affects the quality of the work performed. For work you will need:

  • Sandpaper, preferably fine-grained;
  • Epoxy based primer;
  • Two rollers, foam rubber and rag with a small pile;
  • Container for diluting paints and varnishes;
  • Small round brush;
  • Masking tape, to protect nearby surfaces;
  • Tile paint and water-based protective varnish;
  • Detergent containing alcohol or ordinary ammonia from a pharmacy.

Important. Before painting the tiles on the floor, it is necessary to protect the skin of the hands with rubber gloves, be sure to wear goggles and a respirator. It is also desirable to provide ventilation of the room. During painting and drying paint, do not use electric heaters or air conditioning.

Tile surface paint

An important issue is how to paint the old tiles on the bathroom floor, since not every paint is suitable for this surface. Oil-based paints are considered the best option, since they adhere very well to the surface, with high-quality preparation they can last up to 20 years, but dry for a very long time.

Epoxy or latex-based paints are also often used. When creating stencil drawings, designers usually use automotive aqua paints that can withstand extreme operating conditions. When painting large areas, white or colorless paints are usually used, to which the desired dye is added to obtain the required tone.

Important. Before painting floor tiles, it is important to remember that the quality of the painting depends on the quality of the surface preparation. It is strictly forbidden to use any kind of water-based paints, as their service life will not be long. How can I paint the tiles on the floor to achieve the best quality? The best option for this would be TikkurilaLuja acrylate-latex paint or Samtex 7 paint from Caparol.

Procedure for painting

Before starting painting, it is necessary to replace or repair all damaged tiles, if any. The painting process itself is quite simple and consists of several steps:

  • Surface cleaning. Before starting work, the tile must be washed with detergents and degreasers and passed over the entire surface with a metal sponge. You can use ordinary sand, sprinkling it on a sponge and wiping the surface. Sand or a metal sponge will create small scratches on the glaze, which are necessary to increase the adhesion of paints and varnishes.
  • Surface grinding. Even the best tile paint won't stick to a smooth glaze. To remove the glaze, sandpaper is used, which rubs the surface of the tile to a matte state. Ideally, you can use a grinder or grinder. Also sand the seams between the tiles carefully, as this is where dirt accumulates.
  • Tile primer. After sanding, wipe the surface with a damp cloth, allow to dry and apply a primer coat with a brush. Monitor the quality of the primer application and avoid streaks, especially at the seams, if you are priming the wall surface. Apply an epoxy based primer, after curing, sand the surface again with fine sandpaper.
  • Surface painting. The final step is to paint the tiles on the floor using the selected paint. It is better to apply the paint with a roller, carefully wringing it out in the bath. If there is little coloring pigment in the paint and it does not cover the old color in one layer, then the first layer is applied with a rag roller, and all subsequent ones with a foam rubber roller.

Use masking tape to protect nearby surfaces from accidental paint spills. Also, adhesive tape is used when painting in several colors, to create a clear contour or complex geometric shapes.

Lacquering the tile surface

The question is often asked, is it possible to varnish the tiles on the floor to protect the paint? Floor tiles must be varnished without fail, since even the most resistant paint will not withstand such loads and moisture that occur in the bathroom. Varnishing is an important step and is carried out only after the paint has completely dried.

It is very important to choose the right varnish to cover the tiles on the floor. If you need to keep the color of the paint exactly, then you can use a regular water-based parquet gloss varnish, because it remains completely transparent after curing and does not change color. You can use oil-based varnishes, but this varnish turns a little yellow after hardening, and this effect is actively used by interior designers to create color depth.

From the proposed material, we learned whether it is possible to paint tiles on the floor, how to do it correctly and how to protect the surface, and to consolidate knowledge, we recommend watching the video clip at the end of the article.

Ceramic tiles are the most common wall and floor covering in the bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. It's all about its strength, durability, ability to resist moisture and elevated temperatures - the tile is not afraid of anything and can serve for decades without losing its appearance. But when the apartment is being renovated, you often want to completely change the color scheme of the interior. And this can be done without even removing the tile and replacing it with a new one. How to paint floor tiles?

Can. This unique, durable, moisture-resistant coating may well be updated in this way. At the same time, the ceramic surface is painted very well - the main thing is to choose the right paint and choose the place where it will be applied.

On the walls, floor and even the ceiling, tiles can be safely updated with a fresh layer of paint - there its contact with water will be minimal, and the paint is unlikely to be quickly erased. But the tiles located inside the showers right under your feet or directly above the bathtub are not recommended to be painted. The fact is that the durability of a paintwork, even of the highest quality, directly depends on the intensity of exposure to water. And in the shower and above the bath, an environment that is too humid is formed even for the highest quality and most reliable paint. In such places, the coating will quickly begin to peel off and all the work will have to be done again. Conclusion - you can safely paint absolutely any tile if it has moderate contact with water.

With the help of paint, the interior in the kitchen or bathroom can be changed constantly, as soon as such a desire arises from the owner of the premises. Previously, this is how apartment owners got out of the situation, this method of repairing premises was quite common.

On a note! If high-quality paint was used, and all work was carried out strictly according to the rules, then such a coating can last on tiles for up to 30-50 years.

Why paint tiles?

Many are interested in why even take on this laborious work and paint the tiles? In fact, everything is simple. As mentioned above, ceramic surfaces were previously updated with this method, because before there were no interesting building materials on the market in such abundance as they are now. And it’s cheaper to just paint the tile than to completely dismantle and glue a new one. It is worth agreeing that it will take much less work to paint the tile than to remove the old ceramic coating.

The relevance of this method has not disappeared to this day. Sometimes, after all, there is neither time nor extra money to completely replace the tile, and then paint comes to the rescue. Especially now there are paintwork coatings of very high quality and reliable, even waterproof, which are perfect for completely changing the color of the tile quickly and at minimal cost. This is especially true for young families who have just bought an apartment. There is not much money in the family budget, but you need to move into new housing now. And the best assistant in updating the interior is paint.

What paint to paint the tiles?

Different paints can be used to paint tiles. And in order to better understand which one to choose, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of paints and varnishes used for decoration during modern repairs.

Table. Types of paints used for painting.

Type of painta brief description of

These paints are among the cheapest and most unstable to external influences. They are also called "water-soluble", "water-based". The thing is that the best solvent for them is plain water. In bathrooms, kitchens and bathrooms, such paints are not used, as the coating will quickly wear out and lose its appearance under the influence of high humidity and temperature changes. The advantage of such paints can only be called that they do not exude an unpleasant odor during application and dry quickly. There are paints based on PVA, acrylic and latex.

The paint is made on the basis of silicone resins. She entered the market relatively recently, but has already managed to win the love of many masters. Such paints have a high level of vapor permeability and are successfully used for decorating building facades.

The paint is created on the basis of artificial or natural oils. The service life of the coatings created by this material is maximum, and the paint is picky in work. The disadvantages of the material include low vapor permeability and a long drying time, due to which such paint often peels off or the lower layer underlying it peels off. Paint is rarely used to decorate apartments and private houses.

It is made on the basis of alkyd resins. It dries far from the usual one - not due to the rapid evaporation of the solvent in it, but due to the oxidation reaction of the material in air. Thanks to this, the surface layer of the paint is very durable and able to protect the processed materials from corrosion.

This is a separate category of paints designed to give surfaces a special look. Such paint is able to imitate various other materials - wood, fabrics, stone, etc. Decorative paints can be made on the basis of water with the addition of various polymers and minerals.

It is created on the basis of conventional epoxy resin, due to which it is very resistant to external influences. This is truly one of the most durable paints currently on the construction market. It is not afraid of water, does not wear out for a long time, and is often used specifically for painting floors in the house. It can be used even on the territory of parking lots, in workshops in production, on stairwells.

Different types of paints can be used for painting tiles. For example, water-dispersion paint based on latex showed itself well in this work. Such material is intended for use just in damp rooms. Oil and alkyd paints are also often used.

On a note! The coatings obtained by working with oil paints will be so durable that they do not even require additional protection of the painted surface - they can not be varnished.

For painting walls that are not particularly in contact with water, even acrylic paints can be used, although they are water-soluble. But for decorating and decorating the floor, it is recommended to purchase compositions that are resistant to water and temperatures, otherwise the work will soon have to be redone. Still, there is nothing better for a floor than a well-applied layer of oil paint. The main thing is to let it dry well before use.

Epoxy-based paints also showed themselves well in the process of painting and operating painted tiles. Or you can use latex paints to decorate the tiles. In any case, it is important to carefully read the instructions for use on the packaging and make sure that this composition is suitable for applying to the floor, and especially to the tiles.

On a note! During the design of tiles in the bathroom with the help of paint, you can give free rein to your imagination and draw patterns. For this, stencils and paints for cars produced in cylinders are often used. Such paint is expensive, but it keeps well on the base even in extreme conditions.

If in doubt what kind of paint to buy, then it is better to opt for special compositions designed for painting tiles or glass. Such paints are available in hardware stores. You can also opt for acrylate-latex paint from Samtex or Tikkurila. Good paint, suitable for painting tile floor surfaces, must be resistant to abrasion, not be afraid of moisture, because no one has canceled wet cleaning.

What color to paint the tiles?

The key to comfort in the apartment is a harmonious combination of all interior elements and impeccable finishes. But there is never a guarantee that one or another design option will look the way it was planned. It is recommended to refrain from the desire to paint the tile in a bright color, because if it does not look very neat after the work is completed, then the emphasis on it will certainly not be needed.

The best option is a delicate neutral color that blends with the walls. If any flaws are made during the painting of the tile, then they will be less conspicuous in this case.

Sometimes creative individuals and people who love bright accents paint tiles in several colors at once. In this case, it is easiest to apply the paint according to patterns or stencils in order to avoid mistakes and not stain the already applied layer.

Important! If several colors are used when painting tiles, then they should be in harmony with each other and combined in shades with interior elements. Only then will the pattern look like an original panel, and not like a lurid daub.

Tile painting tools

For painting tiles, as well as for carrying out other painting work, you will need certain equipment. The list of required items may vary depending on the scale of the repair, but in general may include:

  • fine-grained sandpaper, necessary for grinding surfaces;
  • primer mixture, preferably epoxy-based;
  • paint rollers;
  • brushes of various sizes;
  • rags, which will be required for the prompt removal of paint stains;
  • a tray or other container for pouring paint;
  • solvent to clean tools from paint;
  • wide masking tape, which will be required to protect the edges of objects or objects adjacent to the surface to be painted;
  • degreaser (may come in handy, although it is not necessary to use it);
  • paint and varnish, which will be needed directly to perform the work and protect the finished painted layer.

Preparing for painting

Work on painting tiles begins with the preparation of the surface itself and the room. To begin with, it is recommended to free the room from furniture and interior items that may interfere with work. What cannot be removed is recommended to be covered with plastic wrap to prevent paint drops from falling onto the surface. If the paint can still be wiped off smooth objects, then the upholstery of upholstered furniture cannot be saved without dry cleaning.

The surface of the tile itself also needs to be prepared. If you neglect this stage, then the layer of paint and varnish material will quickly begin to flake off and crumble. The surface of the tile is first washed with some kind of cleaning agent. If the tile is painted in the kitchen, then it is important to remove all grease stains - the paint will not fall on them. You can degrease the surface with a special liquid or use vinegar or an alcohol solution.

Then, as soon as the tile dries, it is carefully sanded with sandpaper - it is necessary to make the surface slightly rough. Only in this case the paint will hold well. If the tile on the floor is rough in itself, then you can do without the grinding stage.

On a note! Not only the tile is processed with “sandpaper”, but also all the joints between it.

It is also important to inspect all tiles before painting to make sure they are intact. Damaged items must either be removed and replaced with new ones, or repaired.

Procedure for painting

Step 1. The floor is thoroughly washed and, if necessary, polished. The base is being prepared for painting. Skirting boards are covered with masking tape so that paint does not stain them.

Step 2 The surface of the tile is cleaned of grease stains. This is especially true for kitchens. The liquid can be applied with a long-handled brush. Sometimes you have to do the procedure repeatedly. It is very important to handle all corners well. Next, the floors are washed with clean water and dried well. It is also recommended to apply a layer of primer to the tiles before painting.

Step 3 It's time to apply the paint. It should be distributed evenly over the entire surface. For convenience, it is recommended to use a roller with a long handle. The paint is poured into the paint tray - it is more convenient to wet the roller in it. It is recommended to stir the paint well before use. The material is applied in several layers, and the smoother the surface of the tile, the more layers will be required (up to 3-4). Layers are applied in stages, each - after the previous one has dried. Coloring starts from the corner farthest from the exit.

Step 4 Corners in the room are well processed.

Step 5 After the paint has been applied to the surface, it should dry well. For the first layer about a day is enough, then the second layer can be applied. Further, the waiting time until the application of a new layer of paint is about 6-12 hours, depending on the composition used.

Step 6 After applying the last coat of paint, you must wait at least 72 hours before the floor can be walked on. This period is necessary for all layers of paint to dry well.

Video - How to paint tiles

Video - Update old tiles

Tarkett floor tiles prices

tarkett floor tiles

Lacquering the tile surface

Varnishing is a way to significantly increase the life of a painted coating. It is not always necessary to use it, but if the tile lies on the floor, then the painted surface will experience a strong mechanical and chemical effect due to the movement of people on it and wet cleaning. Therefore, it is still recommended to apply the final coat of varnish.

First you need to make sure that the selected varnish will not harm the paint. To do this, it is recommended to select an inconspicuous area of ​​the painted surface and apply a little varnish there. If the paint is not corroded, then the varnish can be applied to the entire remaining area.

Advice! You can also try painting a piece of tile or glass with paint, and then try applying varnish there. Get a kind of tester.

The usual glossy varnish will allow you to accurately preserve the color of the paint, since after hardening it forms a completely transparent layer. But oil-based varnish, most likely, will yellow the surface.

Tile varnish - a possible option

Do not worry if the tile painting job does not turn out perfect. As a rule, this is a necessary measure; over time, such a tile will still be dismantled. Or you can repaint it again, and this time you will definitely succeed!

There are many ways to transform the interior, but few people remember the possibility of painting tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen. But in vain. A simple technique allows you to quickly and cost-effectively transform the decorative finish of a room, eliminating unnecessary hassle in the form of dismantling an annoying coating and getting rid of mountains of construction debris. But for high-quality painting, you must firmly adhere to the simple steps of proven technology.

Why paint tiles?

Most people are incredulous and bewildered about the idea of ​​painting or a kitchen. Although this technique of updating the interior helps to achieve several goals:

  • Easily and quickly change the design concept of the room, change its style, color scheme, etc. This is a great way to implement a dramatic change without lengthy rough work;
  • Change the color scheme of the room when buying and installing new furniture;
  • Create accents on certain interior elements, emphasizing the overall atmosphere and style of the room;
  • Decorate the walls with an image or an interesting ornament;
  • To mask small defects that form on the surface of the tile after prolonged use.

To independently change the interior of rooms, inspiration and knowledge of the basics of coloring tiled elements are enough. And the smooth surface of the tiled finish is perfect for a quick makeover.

Necessary materials and tools

Despite the simplicity of the process, painting tiles requires minimal artistic skills and a simple set of tools and materials, presented:

  • Paint;
  • Primer;
  • A set of brushes;
  • Solvent;
  • roller;
  • masking tape;
  • cellophane;
  • pattern template;
  • construction varnish;
  • Palette (if necessary).

All these things are necessary for the thorough preparation of the coating for painting, the contouring of the future image, the accurate execution of artwork without contaminating nearby finishes or nearby furniture.

Composition selection

To create a durable pattern, choosing the right paint is very important, and working in interior rooms requires the absolute safety of the paint used for health. Under these parameters, dyes based on:

  • Acrylics that delight in colors and are easy to use;
  • Epoxy that does not have a sharp unpleasant odor and dries quickly.

To emphasize the iridescent sheen of enamel, you should choose glossy shades. And to give the walls of the bathroom or kitchen a visual velvety feel, you can use semi-gloss satin enamel. An additional advantage of the latter material is its resistance to contamination.

Although FACTORY TILE comes in many designs, if you are determined to paint it, pay attention to the quality of the dye, especially. Poor-quality paintwork products can release toxic substances, especially when heated.

Design variations

Options for decorating a room by painting tiles are limited only by the designer's imagination. You can embody any creative ideas in a boring tile, guided by your own taste and the general style of the room. But if nothing comes to mind, you can use one of the frequent design options:

  • Capital painting, which involves a complete change in the color of the tile by repainting it;
  • Updating shades by painting tiles in more saturated colors or highlighting individual elements with bright colors;
  • An ornament that continuously decorates rows of tiles or individual groups of tiles.

Much more skill requires the execution of a drawing or painting. Drawing is a simpler option, focusing attention on itself and unobtrusively connecting together disparate elements of the interior. The image can be applied using ready-made templates, decorating individual floor tiles, a kitchen backsplash or part of a wall.

A painting is the most complex type of tile painting, involving the creation of an integral artistic composition, reminiscent of an ordinary picture canvas. Here the artist can unleash his craft to the fullest extent and turn an ordinary ceramic finish into a work of art.

Surface preparation

In order to qualitatively paint the tile coating, it must first be prepared. The essence of the preparation is to remove drips, drops of fat, limescale, rust, grout residues and other types of contaminants from the tiled surface. Particular attention during cleaning is paid to joints in which dirt actively accumulates, and in conditions of high humidity in the bathroom, fungus and mold can develop. Sealed seams between tiles and furniture or plumbing fixtures are also carefully processed.

After removal of contaminants, the coating is degreased with alcohol or solvent. Glaze, which will be covered with paint, is additionally polished for a more even and accurate distribution of the dye.

Chips, scratches or cracks are treated with a special primer, which further improves the adhesion between the base and the paintwork.

Paint application

After preparing the cladding for painting, you should wait for it to dry completely, and only then apply the paint. For a neat embodiment of the invented design, along the borders of the elements to be tinted, it is necessary to place a masking tape to prevent soiling of adjacent objects.

Capital staining is easier to perform using a foam roller. The tool provides fast and uniform distribution of the coloring matter over a large area. For finer work, including drawing patterns, creating an image, painting or painting individual tiles, narrower brushes are suitable.

Products with hard pile leave relief traces on the painted surface, giving it a special structure. But if you want to maintain a glossy sheen and perfect evenness, you should choose brushes made of soft bristles.

The process consists of two stages:

  • Applying the base layer;
  • Re-staining with perpendicular strokes after the first layer has dried.

If you are thinking about painting, you can get by with one layer, but with a thicker and more saturated paint.

In order not to accidentally smear the borders of the image, not to spoil it with particles of dirt or drops of fat, it is better not to enter the room until the coating is completely dry. For fast drying, it is important to observe the temperature regime. In cold weather, it takes longer for the tiles to dry.

Pattern protection

When the image is applied, it remains to provide it with reliable protection from external negative influences, abrasion or gradual washing off with water. The application of protection is very important, regardless of the purpose of the decorated room.

An obstacle in the way of destructive factors becomes 1-2 layers of transparent varnish. When processing paint on tiles, only aqueous compositions are used, which are characterized by accelerated drying in comparison with other types and the absence of an unpleasant odor. And the strong film formed after hardening demonstrates absolute transparency and the absence of extraneous shades.

If among the abundance of tiles in the Kerama Marazzi company store at 27 Budyonny Avenue, in Moscow, you cannot find a model that has sunk into your soul, then, armed with brushes, a palette and imagination, you can independently create a unique design at home that will please the eye for many years.
