Exclusive coffee table with your own hands. Drawings, diagrams and work order. How to make a coffee table with your own hands? Do-it-yourself wooden coffee table

Coffee table - at first glance, not the most necessary furniture. Therefore, its acquisition is endlessly delayed. But it is precisely such items that make the interior truly cozy and comfortable. Therefore, we share ideas that will tell you how to make a stylish coffee table with your own hands and not go broke.

1. Democratic and accessible

To make such a table, you will need a pair of metal or plastic boxes and two large boards. Be sure to securely fasten the structure.

2. For the smartest

Books with beautiful covers and a small glass for the tabletop - that's all the materials for such a coffee table. Books must be glued together, and the glass can be fixed on them with silicone glue, which becomes transparent after drying.

3. Ordered chaos

A coffee table made of flat elements fastened together in a chaotic manner is an idea that is easy to implement. Wooden saw cuts, parts of boards, large books are suitable.

4. Industrial style

A reel for industrial cables is a thing that cannot be found on every corner. But if you are still lucky enough to become the owner of this item, you can make an excellent coffee table out of it.

5. Table for motorists

A coffee table made from a car tire will last for many years. But it is desirable to use the tire without damage. It remains only to paint it, fix the countertop and legs.

6. Wooden table almost free

Ordinary pallets, which can be purchased for a penny, are an excellent material for making furniture. A little imagination, and the wooden coffee table is ready.

7. The second life of old boxes

Another way to become the owner of a coffee table made of natural wood is to use old boxes as a material for its manufacture. Four large drawers fastened together form a stylish table.

8. Extravagant chic

Especially original, but at the same time luxurious, looks like a coffee table on asymmetrical legs. The tabletop is made of a thick board or a wooden saw cut.

9. From the cottage - to the living room

A large wooden barrel easily turns into a coffee table. It must be cut into two parts, and then attach the countertop and legs to one of them.

10. Roomy and functional table out of the box

A household box made of plastic or wood can also be used as a coffee table. In order for the table to be mobile, you can fix small wheels on its bottom.

11. Warm table

An old heating radiator is a reliable basis that will help you make a coffee table with your own hands. You just need to paint it in the desired color, attach the wheels and put thick glass on top.

12. From the interior door

An interior door that has served its time becomes a material for making a coffee table with your own hands. It must be cut into several parts and fastened together.

13. If it’s a pity to quit and it’s hard to carry

An old suitcase can become an original coffee table top. You just need to attach legs to it.

14. Brutal elegance

An affordable option for making legs for a coffee table is ordinary plastic or metal pipes connected by fittings. Such furniture will perfectly fit into the interior in loft style.

15. From an ordinary wooden beam

A wooden beam, folded in a checkerboard pattern, will become a countertop for a homemade coffee table. Legs can be made of thick metal wire.

To make the interior look harmonious, it is necessary to take care not only of the details, but also of the decoration of the room. Continuing the theme -

Even a novice master can make a table from improvised materials. But before assembling a coffee table with your own hands, it is better to view the drawings and diagrams in advance. This will allow you to decide on the shape of future furniture and cut off too complex options.

Do-it-yourself drawings and diagrams of coffee tables

It is comfortable, lightweight and versatile. For the rigidity of the frame, the underframe is assembled from legs and a drawer - a rectangle connecting the legs and supporting the tabletop. Otherwise, the legs will move apart and the table will lose its stability.

At the same time, the complexity of the assembly does not increase much, but now you can store books, notebooks or other trinkets in the coffee table.

A feature of this design is the absence of legs - they are replaced by four sidewalls, to which a ready-made folding mechanism is attached from the inside. To it, on a short pair of supports, a wide board is fixed - the underframe, and a double tabletop is attached to the high supports, which, in the unfolded version, rests on the underframe.

PVC pipe magazine table

The simplest and most economical, but very original version of a coffee table is to make it from plastic pipes. The shape and height depend only on the wild imagination. It can be a small round table that functions as a bedside table or a full-fledged coffee table with a glass top.

To create it you will need:

  • pipes of two diameters - thicker for the legs and narrower for the underframe, for example, 16 and 9 mm;
  • glue gun or a tube of transparent superglue;
  • medium grit sandpaper;
  • hacksaw for cutting plastic pipes (can be replaced with a saw for wood);
  • acrylic paint to hide the printed markings on the pipes.

The process itself is simple to disgrace:

  1. Cylinders of the selected length are cut. 4 legs are made from a thick pipe - their length will be equal to the height of the future table (40-50 cm). 30 short cylinders are cut from a narrow pipe, on average 10-15 cm (depending on the shape of the table, the number can be changed).
  2. You need to start assembling the base from the center - so there will definitely not be large gaps between the cylinders. Glue is applied to the entire surface of the adjacent pipes. A little trick - to accurately glue the cylinders, liquid superglue is poured from the end of the pipes so that it stacks down the entire length of the joint. With a glue gun, the joints are simply processed from the outside - after painting they will become invisible.
  3. When the desired shape is reached, the legs are glued - you need to make sure that the diagonal distance between them is equal. Otherwise, the table will fall on one side.
  4. The final step is painting. The easiest way to do this is with an aerosol method, although you can also use a simple paint brush.

When laying a glass top on your table, you should choose tempered glass with a thickness of 10 mm. To prevent the removable tabletop from sliding on the base, use silicone shock absorbers for furniture.

If a non-removable countertop is planned, it is fixed with transparent silicone glue.

Assembling a wooden coffee table with your own hands

For admirers of the classic style, there is nothing better than a wooden table. For him, you need to stock up:

  • planed bar 40x40 mm - for legs;
  • planed board 50x20 mm - for the side;
  • a finished worktop made of furniture board 800x400 mm (but MDF or plywood is also suitable);
  • putty for wood - overwrite holes from self-tapping screws;
  • sandpaper or a grinding nozzle on a drill - process wood;
  • varnish or paint - for finishing the table.

Of the tools you will need a screwdriver (or screwdriver), a saw for wood and a drill. After cutting the bar into legs, and the boards into the drawer side, the assembly of the table itself begins:

  1. The underframe is assembled first. For convenience and ease of assembly, everything is done upside down. Sidewalls to the legs are attached obliquely with self-tapping screws through pre-drilled holes. But you can also use metal corners if aesthetics are not so important.

Wooden tables are not only made from planed wood. With minimal woodworking skills, you can create original furniture even from firewood. For example, picking up a wooden block of suitable height and a pair of U-shaped thick branches, working a little with a grinding nozzle and varnishing everything, you get an excellent massive coffee table for a summer residence.

And if after the construction of the house there are several euro pallets left, there is no need to rush to dispose of them. It's almost a finished table!

It is enough to grind and stain the surface, put them one on top of the other and securely connect them together. And to make the table mobile, 4 wheels are screwed from below, 2 of which are with brakes.

Decorating a coffee table with epoxy resin

If there is a sawmill nearby and there you can get a sawn board with a lot of defects for a pittance - just great! It is from such materials that the most beautiful tables decorated with epoxy resin are obtained.

The process is time consuming but not overly complicated:

  1. The cut board is glued with wood glue into the countertop. Flat boards must be placed under the clamps - for uniform fixation.
  2. After the glue has completely dried, the tabletop is polished, all cracks and holes from knots are cleaned. Before applying epoxy, the surface must be cleaned of dust and small chips.
  3. To make the table glow effectively, use luminescent paint in powder. About 100 g of paint is needed for 2 liters of the finished resin solution. Resin and hardener are mixed 1:1, the dose should be measured accurately and so that the hand does not flinch. Too much hardener will cause the resin to crack, while a lack of hardener will delay the curing period.

Such a tabletop is suitable for a coffee table in the living room of a cottage, and in the bedroom of a city apartment.

If there are several meters of wooden bars left at home, you can even make a table out of them! The video shows in detail and clearly how to make unusual designer furniture from building debris:

The coffee table is a decoration and highlight of the interior. A handmade item is doubly appreciated. It can be made from wood, glass, plastic and other materials. It's not difficult at all. You will need drawings and a little patience. A beautiful table will become a place where you can relax and read the press or sit with friends over a cup of tea. Step-by-step instructions with photos will simplify the manufacturing process.

Preparatory work

In order to make a coffee table on your own, you will need not only drawings, but also materials with tools. Stock up on the following building supplies:

  • wood (solid);
  • water-based varnish;
  • solvent;
  • acrylic paint;
  • brushes;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • jigsaw;

  • screwdriver;
  • grinder;
  • milling cutter;
  • drill.

As for wood, the best choice would be a solid pine 2.5 cm thick. In accordance with the drawing, the parameters of the coffee table, which is planned to be made by hand, are 1.5 m x 0.5 m.

Attention! The table does not require separate legs.

Varnish is needed to cover the finished structure, in total it will need about 0.3 liters. Acrylic paint is best purchased with glitter. With its help, you can give an unusual look to the interior. The assembly of the table will be carried out using self-tapping screws. Their size should be 4 x 60 and 4 x 40 mm. As for the rest of the tools and materials, there are no special requirements for them.

Mounting Features

The first step in the manufacture of a coffee table is the selection of drawings and sawing out the appropriate parts. Suitable schemes can be found on the Internet or you can make your own.

Attention! Ready-made drawings are much easier to use and the process of making a table will be completed faster.

So, when all the details are ready, you can start assembling the future interior decoration.

  • All joints and roughness of wooden parts must be primed. This can be done with wood glue or PVA. Then let all components dry completely.

  • Planks and legs should be fastened with self-tapping screws indicated in the list of required materials.
  • The resinousness of the coffee table is easy to remove with a solvent. The most popular remedy is white spirit. Moisten a dry cloth with a little agent and wipe the surface of the table.

Advice. Do these manipulations in an open space, because in the apartment this smell will not disappear soon.

  • The table is almost ready. But it needs to be decorated. To do this, you need to mix varnish and acrylic paint with shiny splashes. Cover the entire surface of the table.
  • After the paint and varnish have dried, the coffee table can be placed indoors and used for its intended purpose.

Table made of wooden boxes

This is the easiest and most original way to make a decorative table. A handmade designer item will rightly take its place in the living room or bedroom. To make a table, you will need wooden boxes. It's wood, not plywood. Wood has good performance qualities, which cannot be said about plywood.

But still, this material is also required for a coffee table from drawers. Take a few minutes of instructions and you will definitely succeed!

  • Prepare a sheet of plywood. This is done in order not to burden the structure. Wooden boxes are not a perfect geometric object.
  • In this regard, the boxes should be laid on a horizontal, flat surface. Before cutting the plywood sheet, draw the outlines. And cover the sheet of plywood with varnish or stain.

Advice. For a coffee table made of drawers, you will need wheels. They can be purchased at any hardware store or hypermarket. It is best to buy wheels that are small and low.

  • The wheels should be fixed at the corners, and the drawers should be attached to the bottom tabletop.
  • It remains to varnish the coffee table. After applying the varnish, you need to let it dry and only then cover it with a new layer. This procedure is repeated several times.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden tables

Wooden tables are a popular option that will easily fit into any interior. It is only important to choose the right shade that will be in harmony with the rest of the furniture. Like all objects, such designs have their positive and negative sides. The pluses include:

  • a large selection of wood (soft, hard breeds);
  • variety of shades and textures;
  • ease of manufacture and ductility of the material;
  • naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  • versatility.

In addition to the positive aspects, it is necessary to note the disadvantages. There are few of them, or rather, only two: the high cost of the material and susceptibility to mechanical actions (scratches, abrasions, etc.).

Popular ideas for making coffee tables out of wood

Instances made of wood have always been environmentally friendly and beautiful. And how many interesting ideas can be translated into reality! It would seem that a simple table made of wood, what can be original in it? We offer you several popular options for making a coffee table.

  1. Pallet table. For its manufacture, ordinary pallets are required, to which the wheels are fixed. A distinctive feature of this design is a small height. It is enough to fasten the wheels and the table is ready. Some go further and decorate it with a countertop and various shelves.
  2. Table from an old door. If you have recently changed doors, then the old ones can be used as material for making a coffee table. The door needs to be sawn into three parts: a countertop and two legs. Between themselves, they are attached by means of corners.
  3. Table made of wooden logs. Everything is very simple. You need to pick up or cut the same blocks of wood. A plywood base is taken. Movable wheels are attached to its lower part, and logs of trees are attached to the top. The material used is birch, aspen or beech.
  4. Stump table. It is enough to attach wheels to it, varnish it and the decorative table is ready.

A handmade coffee table is an original way to decorate a room. The design, dimensions and other characteristics of the item are completely dependent on the selected drawing and your preferences. It is worth noting that for the manufacture of the table, you will need a minimum amount of materials.

DIY wood coffee table: video

Wooden coffee table: photo

In the era of electronic media, few bother to read printed publications. Despite this, coffee tables still occupy a place of honor in every home.

In addition to their direct purpose, they can be used for other useful things: serving a light breakfast or dinner, minor repairs and home creativity.

Simplicity of construction, a variety of shapes and designs, a minimum of tools - all these advantages of coffee tables attract the attention of home craftsmen. In our article, we will make a detailed review of popular homemade products and give practical advice on how to make them.

Design options for coffee tables

The easiest way is to make a coffee table with your own hands, using edged boards, veneered chipboard or MDF.

In order to hide the connection points of the plates, the classic method is used - assembly on round wooden spikes (dowels). All that is required from the home master in this case is to accurately mark the installation locations of the spikes on the ends of the sidewalls and drill the mounting holes for them in the bottom and top covers.

The simplest coffee table made of MDF board

To increase the rigidity of the structure between its side walls, you need to install a vertical cross member. A small niche for storing magazines and other little things will not be superfluous here. It can be made from a plate left after cutting the covers and sidewalls.

Mobility is a useful option of the table. It is implemented by installing furniture wheels on the bottom. Compact transport wheels can be hidden, or you can buy larger ones and deliberately highlight them. So we get an original table on wheels from polished bars supporting a massive wooden table top.

For those to whom mobility does not play a big role, and who want to see a solid rustic-style table in their home, we can offer a variant of powerful boards. Such a table will undoubtedly become one of the main decorations in the living room of any country house.

Reasonable laziness, combined with a thirst for creativity, often leads to interesting discoveries. One of them is a table made from an old tire.

It's very easy to assemble:

  • Two circles with a diameter of 3-4 cm less than the outer size of the tire are cut out in the chipboard plate.
  • Four metal legs are screwed to the first circle.
  • The bottom and the cover are fixed with self-tapping screws to the sides of the wheel.
  • The jute rope is used to decorate the sidewalls and the lid.

Homemade design from an old tire looks great

So it turns out an unusual coffee table, which, if necessary, can be used as a banquette.

The idea of ​​using "random" items to create home furnishings proved to be extremely productive. She gave life to numerous homemade products from boxes and pallets. A little imagination and a minimum of expenses are required in order to assemble a coffee table made of wood based on four standard drawers.

The assembly algorithm looks like this: the boxes are placed on edge, placing them in a circle one after the other. Having connected the structure with the help of self-tapping screws, a shelf is made in its center. Here you can put a flower vase or pour decor from river pebbles or shells. The woodworking is completed with sandpaper, stain and varnish.

Natural wood does not need sophisticated decor. Using it for interior decoration, complement the decor with a simple table. To assemble it, you will need several planed bars and slats of a picket fence.

The frame of the base will look solid and massive when using a contrasting color combination with the top. To do this, the bars need to be tinted with a dark stain, leaving the cover in the natural color of the pine sawlog.

Wood in furniture goes well with metal. You can verify this by making a loft-style coffee table on metal legs. Its cover is assembled from three pieces of tongue-and-groove board "forty" and framed with a cornice plank.

To make the legs, you will need a welding machine, a piece of steel plate 1.5-2.0 mm thick and several scraps of smooth reinforcing steel with a diameter of 10-14 mm.

Having bent four rods according to the template, square pieces of plates (or thick carpentry corners as in the photo) are welded to them and alternately attached to a tabletop assembled from a grooved board. For final finishing, you need to grind, toned and varnish the lid, sides and paint the legs.

Instead of a bar for the manufacture of the base, you can use a rectangular profile pipe. Having welded two rectangles from it, cleaned the seams and covered the metal with silver paint, we will get reliable supports for the tabletop, assembled from thick oak boards.

To increase stability, the metal sidewalls under the cover are connected with a piece of a profile pipe.

Coffee tables with sawn wood tops look very impressive. Finding this basic element is easy. At any sawmill you will be offered a "semi-finished product" of the right size. An electric planer and a belt grinder will help you bring it to condition.

The legs of the table can be made from thick bars or a rebar can be used for them. The contrast between the massive top and the light metal base gives the structure a touch of exclusive design.

Another interesting option for combining materials is wood and glass. The tabletop can be oval or round, resting on a cruciform base of two bar frames.

Crafted from a wooden pallet and covered with square glass, this movable coffee table looks stylish and modern.

The glass gives a rich look to the entire structure and closes the gaps between the pallet slats through which small objects can fall onto the floor.

Those who prioritize functionality will surely like the transforming coffee table. Through simple manipulations, it radically changes not only its height, but also its appearance.

In the assembled state, it is an ordinary stand for magazines and newspapers. By lifting the two sides with legs, we increase the height of the table and expand the surface of the tabletop to a “dinner format”.

The basis of another transforming system is two metal frame-pedestals. Each of them is hinged to the tabletop. In the assembled position, they lie horizontally, and when the lids are lifted, they turn on hinges and stand upright.

The height of the unfolded structure is 73 cm. This is quite enough to use the transformer as a computer desk.

Its cover consists of two plates that can be shifted horizontally. In this case, one plate rotates on a hinge around its axis. If necessary, such a transformer can be turned into a dining table for 4 people in a matter of seconds.

Coffee table transformer "three in one"

Someone creates folding adaptive systems, and someone successfully experiments with ordinary plywood scraps. The result of the search for new forms was such an unusual coffee table.

We can only be surprised at the scrupulous accuracy of the calculation and its talented embodiment in a visible image.

Theoretically, everything looks simple: the base is sequentially glued together from three dozen plywood frames. Each of them has a certain angle of inclination of the legs.

In practice, to calculate all the elements of a plywood stand, a three-dimensional modeling program is needed.

The plywood “pie” assembled together attracts the eye with an unusual futuristic shape. A glass lid completes this piece of innovative carpentry technology.

“We would like something simpler, but also beautiful,” the home master will say. Please, there is a table no less elegant, but more affordable to manufacture. It consists of three packs of thin planed boards.

Numerous slots in the type-setting table top can be covered with a glass cover.

A few words need to be said about the connection of glass with wood. The best solution is to use a transparent "optical" glue. It is quite difficult to drill thick glass at home without causing irreparable damage to it. So give up the idea of ​​mechanical fixation and let modern chemistry do its best.


Speaking about the material for the countertop, we completely forgot about the wooden lining. This is an excellent material at hand, equally suitable for creating a lid, sides and legs.

Tabletop made of eurolining - beautiful and reliable

The shape of the tabletop from the lining can be any. The lid, assembled from wooden planks, is cut with an electric jigsaw along a given contour.

To make a coffee table from a lining, we need several tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • belt grinder;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette.

The dimensions of the finished product and the design of the docking units should be thought out in advance and entered into the draft drawing.

The finishing of the table is carried out in two stages. Before assembly, sand the surface of the lid, bottom and legs with sandpaper. After completion of the work, the wood is covered with a tinting stain and a colorless varnish.

It is even easier to make a coffee table made of chipboard. This material performs two functions at once: it forms a continuous surface and carries the load. We recommend using veneered board, as paint and varnish cannot hide the texture of wood chips on bare chipboard.

After completing the assembly, you need to close all the edges (tabletops, bottom and legs) with plastic furniture tape, warming it up with a building hair dryer before gluing.

How and from what to make a cool table with your own hands

Many people dream of decorating the interior of their apartment with exclusive interesting designer pieces of furniture. There are a huge number of such interior items in stores, but their prices are often simply fabulous. With a little effort, some things can be done on your own. For example, excellent coffee tables are obtained from various materials at hand, which will become a real decoration of any interior and a source of pride for homeowners.

Table in a marine style

In order to make a marine-style coffee table yourself, you will need an old window frame, which must first be cleaned of dust and dirt. Then, if necessary, insert new glass into the frame, clean the surface of the structure from paint and sand it. The surface of the frame should be covered with acrylic paint or white enamel.

To make the legs, you will need a cutting, which must be cut into 4 equal parts. To remove all roughness and irregularities, the surfaces of the legs should be treated with sandpaper. As a base, you can use a furniture board or board, the width of which does not exceed the width of the window frame. The legs are attached to the base with long self-tapping screws. Also, the base with legs is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Since the frame is an empty transparent box that can be filled with marine-themed attributes: pebbles, shells and souvenirs brought from vacation. In order for the table to have a complete look, its legs can be braided with a thin rope.

A table from a suitcase

The original table will turn out from an old suitcase. For such a piece of furniture, you will need to purchase furniture legs. They can be either metal or wood. If you use special wheels, you can get the original model of a mobile coffee table. You will also need a screwdriver, screws and a piece of plywood for work.

First of all, it is necessary to cut a rectangle out of plywood, the dimensions of which must correspond to the width and length of the bottom of the suitcase. Plywood is laid on the bottom of the suitcase and markings are made for the legs. Using a screwdriver and screws, the legs are attached to the base of the suitcase. Then, felt is glued to the base, inside the suitcase. The table is ready.
There are many different options for turning an old suitcase into a coffee table. By choosing the right legs, the table can be made in a classic or retro style.

Log table

Making a table out of logs is also quite easy. To do this, you need small logs of approximately the same thickness and height (32 pieces). You should also prepare the base for the table, 4 wheels for furniture or legs, putty, glue suitable for wood, and a screwdriver.

First you need to make a base for the table, along the perimeter of which there will be logs. The middle of the warping is sewn up with cardboard. Legs or wheels are attached to the underside of the base. In order for the table to appear completely made of logs, small round dies must be glued to the surface of the cardboard. All voids formed between the dies are smeared and carefully rubbed to create a smooth surface of the table. You can decorate a similar table with branches.

Instead of a large number of small logs, you can use one thick log cut to make a coffee table in this way.

Pallet table

Even from the most ordinary pallets that can be found on each, you will get an excellent coffee table. For work it is necessary to prepare:

Wooden pallets;
A hammer;
Nail puller;
Legs or wheels;

First of all, the surface of the pallets must be cleaned of contaminants. To do this, you can use a drill with a nozzle for working with wood. Also, with the help of a nail puller, you should get rid of old nails and disassemble the pallets into parts. All damaged and broken pieces of boards must be glued together. Clamp the boards gently with clamps and let them dry well. Then glue the prepared parts of the countertop on the reverse side and again with clamps. After complete drying, the surface of the table must be coated with a layer of primer, and then with varnish. It is necessary to attach wheels or legs to the back of the resulting table. In order to make it easier to attach the screws to the table, their surfaces can be rubbed with ordinary soap.

After all the work done, you get a functional, stylish and compact table.

DIY cool table ideas photo
