Decorative stone use in the interior. Decorative stone in the interior. Which stone to buy if it is decided to decorate the facade with decorative artificial material

As the most durable and reliable material, stone has been used for construction, probably since the appearance of the first people on Earth. Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, megalithic structures of the Mayan civilization, ancient temples and medieval fortresses are laid out of it.

Just a hundred years ago, only wealthy owners could afford stone houses - the rest were content with clay and wooden huts. And even now, despite the huge variety of building materials, the use of natural sandstone, granite, marble in the interior is a sign of elitism.

However, imitations of natural stone look no worse, while they are more affordable, easier to process, and sometimes have better resistance to changes in humidity, temperature, and mechanical stress. More details about this type of finish and how to use it will be discussed in this article.

What is a decorative stone?

Artificial stone has an external resemblance to natural, but it is not mined from the bowels, but is made manually or industrially. The methods are similar to each other - the solution is poured into a mold (silicone, plastic, metal), dried, sometimes heat treatment (firing), coating with various impregnations or glazes is carried out.

Depending on the composition of the raw material, the product can be concrete, ceramic, gypsum, acrylic, polyester. There is also the so-called liquid stone in the form of an unhardened mixture, as well as flexible - a kind of stone veneer in rolls or sheets.

For outdoor work, frost-resistant plates are used, with minimal porosity and coarser in appearance. Lightweight, thin elements are used in the interior. Their environmental friendliness largely depends on the binder and fillers.

So, cement, sand, gypsum and clay are not inferior to natural stone, freely passing air and moisture, but acrylic resins are safe only at low temperatures - it is not recommended to place them near a fireplace, oven and other heating appliances. If even at +30°C a synthetic countertop, bathtub or sink exudes an unpleasant odor, it is better to refuse to purchase them, since this is often a sign of poor-quality ingredients that are toxic to health.

Application features

In one form or another, decorative stone can be seen anywhere: they decorate houses, apartments, offices, cafes, train stations and administrative buildings. In dry rooms, relief artificial sandstone, shell rock, cobblestone, slate is more common, and in damp and crowded rooms - smooth "polished" granite, marble, glazed brick-like tiles.

In the first case, the stone gives the interior a cozy and warm look, in the second, it resembles a seashore with its rounded pebbles, as well as turned boulders. From a practical point of view, this also makes sense, because the glossy surface is much easier to clean, and the matte roughness under the influence of water and steam becomes unsightly.

Decorative stone in the interior of the living room

The energy of stone, even decorative, brings a sense of stability, peace and tranquility to the house. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, it is associated with the reliable walls of a fortress protecting from enemies or the constancy of a native hearth.

This material is indispensable when facing an existing fireplace, as it best transfers the heat of the flame to the surrounding space. In apartments where there is no way to arrange such a romantic heating, electric imitations or just niches with candles are often installed. In this case, both the portal itself and the wall can be laid out with a stone - completely or partially.

Sometimes with the help of stone they simply place interior accents, for example, they frame corners, arches, ledges, columns with it. Next to such a noble addition, you should use soft, natural shades, wood and leather textures, natural fabrics and furs, soft yellowish-white light. Green plants, especially climbing plants, look incredibly beautiful against the background of the stone.

Imitation of sandstone cuts and rough granite is ideal for decorating a country-style living room or chalet. Gypsum and light marble will help to reproduce the classic atmosphere, but in the loft and minimalism, brick-like stone tiles will be most appropriate.

Decorative stone in the interior of the kitchen

The kitchen is exactly the place where the stone cladding looks as natural as possible. Firstly, it reminds of real hearths and stoves, in which it has long been customary to cook food and bake bread. Secondly, it is the most fire-resistant finish option.

Countertops made of artificial stone have confidently won universal love due to their perfectly smooth surface, on which there are no marks from the knife and hot dishes. In addition, they are very aesthetic - the unique pattern of polished stone creates the impression of luxury. The same advantages are distinguished by polymer sinks, window sills, bar counters.

In general, when choosing a decorative stone for the kitchen, it is advisable to focus on products with a high density, glazed or varnished, since porous products (for example, concrete-sand) can accumulate moisture, dirt and odors. Tiles that will be used for lining the apron should be non-staining, easy to clean and not melt when heated.

Decorative stone in the bedroom interior

Combined with other natural finishes, stonework can help create a relaxed country home or spacious loft feel in the bedroom. If you choose natural colors and embossed texture, it will fit well into the Mediterranean, rustic, ethnic interior. As an addition, beams on the ceiling, rough wooden furniture, linen textiles, as well as fluffy carpets on the floor are suitable.

It is better to refuse glossy stone imitations in the bedroom - they look a little cold and can cause disturbing feelings. It is advisable to highlight sections of walls with stone cladding so that the room does not turn into a gloomy crypt.

Lamps stylized as antique metal lanterns, torches or kerosene lamps will look especially impressive.

Decorative stone in the interior of the nursery

Artificial stone can be a real find for some design ideas for decorating a child's room. With it, ordinary walls can easily turn into a tower of a fairy-tale castle, a mysterious cave, a salt dungeon or an underwater kingdom.

An interesting effect can be obtained if the edges of the photo wallpaper with a landscape are lined with stone - the room will expand, gain perspective. Also in the decor of the nursery, you can use imitation of pebbles: make beautiful mosaics and panels, frames for pictures or mirrors, paint in the form of bugs and snails.

Decorative stone in the interior of the hallway and corridor

The entrance hall, trimmed with decorative stone, is somewhat reminiscent of the cozy streets of ancient European cities. It immediately feels the excellent taste of the owners of the house.

Masonry can decorate the walls completely or individual fragments, but in any case it will be an elegant design. Mirrors in wrought iron frames, “street” lamps and benches, as well as large clocks with Roman numerals, as in town halls, will help emphasize the beauty of the stone finish in the corridor.

Decorative stone in the interior of the balcony and loggia

Wall decoration with decorative stone is the best fit for an insulated balcony or loggia and will give the interior a rich look. In these small areas, you can arrange a cozy place for tea drinking, reading books, organizing a work area or a mini-greenhouse.

Today - a very common way to create an exclusive, and at the same time comfortable, entourage, not only in office but also in your home. Depending on the budget, such a finish can be carried out in completely different ways.

Advantages of using decorative stone in the interior of a residential or office space:

Decorating the walls of a one-room apartment or studio with decorative stone has a number of advantages:

  1. Non-susceptibility to fungi and bacteria;
  2. Such a finish is not subject to decay;
  3. The material is environmentally safe, does not contain any components harmful to humans;
  4. Does not require special care. You can clean it with any detergent that does not contain abrasive particles.

A wide selection of tint species, which you can see in the photo on the Internet, allows you to choose the right options for any interior.

Basic rules for interior design using stone

When planning to finish a one-room apartment with a decorative stone with your own hands, you should follow certain rules.

It is important to remember the coexistence of stone and light. in an apartment or studios where such a design is planned, there should be excellent lighting, as seen in the photo. Thanks to him, it will be possible to emphasize the features of the structure of this material.

On a note! An insufficient amount of light will lead to the fact that the space will be visually squeezed, and this will only give the room a gloomy and gloomy look..

A great solution would be to complement the stone finish with living plants. Indeed, on any natural landscape, a decorative stone will look amazing. That is why rooms with such decoration must be decorated with various plants.

Metal and glass are perfectly combined with stone decoration, this is clearly seen in the photo. Therefore, the design of rooms with a similar interior may involve metal surfaces, furniture, decor and interior items made of glass and metal.

It is important to remember that the stone needs space. If stone trim is used in a small room, it will look even narrower. In general, it is not recommended to use this material in, as well as for finishing ceilings.

Advice! It is better to use it in living rooms, bedrooms or other spacious rooms. It is possible if it decorates separate parts of walls, rooms or ceilings.

  • Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to achieve the integrity and beauty of the interior using decorative stone.

What can be decorated with decorative stone?

Most often and most successfully, they decorate the entrance hall with stone, line doorways, and are just as successfully used for fireplace trim or as original wall panels. And almost never used for decorating ceilings.

The finishing area can be completely different - both a small piece and the entire wall. For example, if you finish the doorways or arches indoors, taking into account the fact that the area to be trimmed will not be large, you can change the appearance of the interior beyond recognition, this can be observed from numerous photos on the Internet.

For fireplaces, facing with decorative stone is used very often. Moreover, it is possible to achieve the expected result even without brick cladding.

Important! One of the essential advantages of decorative stone is its ability to insulate the room. In addition, through such a solution, you can decorate your apartment in any stylistic options - Gothic, , empire and etc.

Where to begin?

Inside each of these points lies quite a lot of little things that cannot be discounted if you make out the design of the room with your own hands. It is thanks to small details that a whole picture of the interior is created.

How to choose a stone for decoration?

The first step is choosing a stone. The most budget options offer to use artificial stone. More often they prefer one of the two most popular types:

  1. decorative stone based on gypsum;
  2. colored concrete.

These types of stones differ in physical properties.

  • Artificial stones created from colored concretes are characterized by stronger structure . In addition, they have good moisture resistance , which cannot be said about gypsum stones.
  • But gypsum options weigh half as much than analogs. This parameter is important, as it affects the method of fastening and determines the durability of the finish of the apartment. The cost of gypsum stones much lower .

On a note! Gypsum stones can be cut or decorated with any materials at hand, which cannot be said about analogues made of colored concrete, the processing of which is possible only with the use of a grinder.

These types of decorative stones are in a very wide selection, which can be clearly seen in the photo. This opens up the possibility to choose them for any design. To obtain not only a beautiful, but also a durable result, you need to take care of the coating for such a stone.

Advice! So that the hallway room or not lose in space, but rather, on the contrary, win somewhat, you can put various drawings, hieroglyphs on the walls, even possible.

More expensive options:
  • Granite or quartzite finish. When decorating the design with such stone options, it should be borne in mind that both of them have low water absorption and high resistance to pollution, and also require a minimum of maintenance.
  • Marble often used for cladding apartments or studios. Wall decoration with such a stone in hallway or living room emphasize the exquisite taste of the owner. The overall interior will look expensive, elegant and noble.
  • Travertine outperforms marble and granite in terms of thermal conductivity. In addition, this material has all the characteristics that are beneficial for wall decoration.

The interior of the hallway should be given no less attention than the rest of the premises, because this is the first thing that guests see. A very stylish look is given by artificial stone, which is used as the main material or as an additional accent. You can create an original design yourself, since decorating the hallway with decorative stone has a fairly simple technology.

Types of coverage

Before starting work, it is necessary to choose the right finishing material. made on the basis of concrete and gypsum with the addition of dyes. Both types have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is better to study their characteristics first.

The advantages of concrete products include:

Walls finished with such a stone can be easily cleaned of any dirt, and a worn surface can be quickly restored with paint. If you accidentally touch the finish with something hard, it will not leave marks and cracks will not appear.


  • big weight;
  • high price;
  • the complexity of processing.

In order to cut individual fragments when laying, you will need a grinder and a diamond wheel, as well as certain efforts.

Advantages of gypsum coating:

Such a stone is chosen for finishing plasterboard walls, which cannot be subjected to heavy loads. If you can’t find the right color, there are unpainted products on sale that you can paint at your discretion.


When dirty, such a finish should not be wetted and rubbed hard so as not to damage the surface. Treating the stone with special impregnation or acrylic-based varnish will help to avoid such damage. There is also a gypsum stone with a polymer coating on sale - it is a little more expensive than usual, but it is not at all afraid of moisture.

If you wish, you can do it yourself: for this you will need a plastic or silicone mold, a dry gypsum mixture, coloring pigments. Buying all this is not a problem, every hardware store has a large selection of mixtures and shapes. Self-production of finishing material takes more time, but it saves money on repairs.

Facing stone prices

Facing stone

Finishing preparation

First you need to calculate the amount of material. If the stone will cover the entire area of ​​​​the walls in the hallway, you should subtract the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe openings and add 10%. If the decor will be located around openings, niches, in separate fragments on open walls, draw an approximate sketch of the finish and take measurements of each section. Then the area is summed up and 10-15% is added for trimming. When buying a material, it should be remembered that the amount of an angular stone is considered in linear meters, and the correct shape is considered in square meters.

Additionally you will need:

You can fix an artificial stone on liquid nails, cement-based or gypsum-based glue. The consumption of glue must be indicated on the packaging, so when buying, you should know the exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bfinishing and take it with a small margin.

If gypsum stone is used, a special miter box with high sides will be required for cutting.

When everything you need is acquired, you should start preparing the surface.

Step 1. Dismantling the coating

If the stone covers the walls of the hallway completely, the old coating is removed completely to the base. If separate sections are intended for decoration, the coating must be dismantled very carefully. On the wallpaper, the borders of the finish are marked with a pencil and carefully cut with a clerical knife, leaving a margin for stones 1-2 cm wide. The glue from the wallpaper is soaked with water and removed with a spatula, the walls are thoroughly washed. Also remove the paint, if it is peeling or cracked, clean off the loose plaster.

Step 2. Aligning the walls

Stone laying should be carried out on a flat, smooth surface - this will facilitate the workflow and increase the strength of the decorative coating. Therefore, all small cracks, gaps, recesses are overwritten, and if there are differences of more than 5 mm, the entire area is better. Particular attention should be paid to doorways: deep cracks can form along the perimeter of the box, for which it is recommended to use a cement mortar to seal them.

Prices for mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Step 3. Priming

Dry walls should be lightly sanded to smooth out the irregularities of the puttied areas, and then wiped with a rag to remove dust. After that, the surface is treated 1-2 times with an acrylic primer. If wallpaper is located around the perimeter of the treated areas, the primer should be applied in such a way as to capture an edge 1 cm wide - what will be hidden under the lining.

stone laying

Decorative stone has uneven edges and consists of different sizes. Laying must be done in such a way that tiles of the same size are necessarily interspersed with larger or smaller fragments, and the seams do not match either horizontally or vertically. So the coating will look most natural and attractive. To understand how best to join the stone, you need to lay out the tiles on the floor, picking up the fragments in a certain order.

Step 1. Glue preparation

Pour dry glue into a container with water and stir well. The ratio of water and glue is indicated on the package, so there is no need to mix “by eye”. Failure to comply with the proportions reduces the strength of the connection or increases the consumption of glue. It is best to knead with a construction mixer, then there are no lumps left in the mixture. The finished glue should be homogeneous and resemble a thick paste in consistency.

Step 2. Laying the first row

You need to lay out tiles from the corner of the wall, and this can be done both from above and from below. When laying from top to bottom, the stone is less dirty with glue, and the coating is more accurate. If only the area around the opening is lined, start from the corner of the doors. For convenience, the wall can be marked by level with horizontal lines every 10-15 cm.

Now you can start styling:

Between the fragments, you can leave seams from 5 to 8 mm, especially if the stone is large.

After facing, the joints are filled with putty and embroidered, which makes the masonry more attractive. Small tiles can be fixed closely, the main thing is that the joints do not match.

Step 3: Finishing the Corners

For facing internal and external corners, you can purchase special corner tiles, which are more expensive than usual, but greatly simplify the workflow. If the budget is limited, you will have to adjust the stone yourself with a grinder or a hacksaw. There are 2 options here - lay the stone with an overlap or grind the edges at an angle of 45 degrees. When using the first option for external corners, open ends must be filed and tinted, otherwise they will stand out too much. In the inner corners, both ends are closed, so processing is not needed. The second option is more suitable for gypsum products, which are conveniently cut with a miter box.

So, first, the required number of fragments is determined, they are cut from a certain side, and the sections are processed with a file. Next, the stones are smeared with glue and alternately attached to the walls on both sides of the corner, carefully combining the joints. When the vertical of the corner is laid out, you can expand the masonry on the walls.

Step 4. Making the edges of the masonry

The edges of the masonry will look more attractive if the tiles are beautifully cut. The surface of the decorative stone has a clear texture, which makes it easier to trim the extreme fragments. Sawing with a hacksaw should be straight along the contour lines so that the cuts are the most natural. All cuts must be sanded with sandpaper.

Step 5. Seal the joints

Gypsum putty is diluted and carefully applied to the joints, in the corners, along the perimeter of openings and switches. For convenience, you can use a tight package, for example, from milk. One edge of the bag is cut completely, and on the other side a small incision is made. Fill the bag with a putty mixture and squeeze it into the seams with an even thin strip. If the solution is applied with a spatula, immediately wipe off the excess from the surface of the stone to avoid drying. After filling the joints, the putty is rubbed with a damp foam rubber sponge and left to dry.

Step 6. Finishing

The dried putty is white, and therefore the treated areas will stand out against the background of the stone. Paint will help get rid of light spots: in a small container, the pigment is diluted to match the color of the main coating and the patched areas are painted with a small brush. When the paint dries, the stone is covered with acrylic varnish. In places where the walls are constantly touched, it is better to apply the varnish in 2-3 layers.

To make the coating more voluminous, you can highlight the edges of the masonry with a golden or bronze dye. There is another option: a coating of the same color, but more saturated in tone, is applied to an artificial stone at an oblique angle. In addition, you can use lighting: light directed from above or from the side makes the masonry much more textured and clearer.

Calculation of decorative stoneFormulasExplanations
Calculate the surface area intended for facing with artificial stoneS (wall) =AхBA - wall length, B - wall height
Calculate the surface area that the corner elements of the decorative stone will occupyS (corners) \u003d Lx0.2L - angle length (linear meters), 0.2 - coefficient
Find the total area occupied by all corner elementsS (corners total) = S (corner 1) + S (corner 2)-
Calculate the area of ​​window and door openingsS=AxBA - window / door width, B - window / door height
Calculate the surface area intended for facing decorative stone, taking into account the area that is occupied by corner elements, window and door openingsS (stone) = S (walls) - S (corners) - S (windows/doors)Increase the resulting area by 10%
How to calculate the required number of corner stone elements.Measure and add up the height of the corners to be lined with decorative stone. L (total corners) = L (corner 1) + L (corner 2) etc. Increase the resulting length by 10%L - length of corners (linear meters)

Video - Decorating the hallway with decorative stone

Designers continue to rely on the natural texture and raw materials. In view of this, the decorative stone is their favorite, non-secret "weapon". It is, for the most part, completely natural and has an expressive, self-contained aesthetic.

How, in this case, does a decorative stone differ from a wild, natural one?
The fact that it is produced by a person using special mixtures and forms. At the same time, the drawing of the product repeats in detail the section of natural analogues. That is, artificial stone is a worthy replacement for travertine, slate, granite and many other rocks and minerals.

Types of decorative stone and production technology

They learned to make artificial stone a long time ago. Masters of the Middle Ages added crumbs of tuff, dolomite, marble to the concrete solution, obtaining a durable, noble building material.

Today, artificial stone is a rather light tile, which is pressed from a wide variety of compositions. Depending on the main components, a decorative stone can be:

  • plaster,
  • ceramic,
  • concrete,
  • acrylic,
  • polyester.

In addition, the market offers a "liquid" stone in the form of spraying, which is used to cover countertops and bar counters. As well as flexible stone veneer: they decorate not only walls, but also furniture facades, countertops.

Specific additives impart additional properties to the facing stone. For example, volcanic perlite increases anti-corrosion, and expanded clay or pumice facilitate the product. When soot and iron oxide are introduced into the composition of the mass, a fashionable aged stone is obtained.

Despite the abundance of textures, decorative stone tiles are produced in almost the same way: the selected solution is poured into matrices, tinted, sometimes fired, coated with impregnations or glazes. The process is simple, it can be adjusted at home by buying a special silicone mold.

For outdoor work, concrete-based slabs are most often used. And inside, they mainly use an artificial stone made of gypsum, an environmentally neutral mineral substance.

Advantages of decorative stone

All types of artificial stone combine these qualities:

  1. availability, relatively inexpensive finishing material;
  2. ease of installation;
  3. unpretentiousness in care;
  4. resistance to mold, fire;
  5. durability (manufacturers give a guarantee of at least 10 years);
  6. an impressive range of shades and textures.

If the stone is made of gypsum, clay, sand, then add environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity to this list.

Features of the use of artificial stone

Due to the variety of patterns and colors, decorative stone is a real “must have” for a modern interior.

If you use a stone, it becomes less insipid, - more diverse, and - more convincing, and - much more comfortable.

Many are hard to imagine without facing stone. For example, in a Mediterranean house, this is a stylization of pebbles or boulders polished by the sea. In the Alpine - under the mountain debris. In the interior, Provence - under the sandstone, burnt out in the sun. In English - under a strict cherry-colored brick.
An artificial, glossy stone has made its way even into this "patrimony" of metal and glass.

The stone, of course, is a unique tool for creating an extraordinary environment, but you should not go all out. If you finish the walls with stone tiles from top to bottom, you get a crypt, a wine cellar, a dungeon ... But not a living space.

Facing with decorative stone solves several problems. First, it is picturesque, elegant and prestigious. Secondly, with the help of a stone, you can make it more voluminous, expressive.

In the hallway, tiles are usually used, stylized as limestone, sandstone, brickwork.

Decorative stone looks more spectacular when combined with other types of finishes - plaster, wood paneling, embossed wallpaper.

In the hallway, stone tiles are used, for the most part, for fragmentary cladding. Corners, doorways, sections of the wall around the dial, mirrors, paintings, hangers are emphasized with decorative clinker, sandstone, quartzite.
By the way, if a wall covered with chipped stone is supplemented with a large retro clock, a “street” bench and a lamp a la a lantern, you will get a soulful city “lane” leading to the depths of the apartment.

The stone is associated with reliability and safety. If he is present in the living room, the household feels more confident, "like behind a stone wall."

And the stone is also associated with fire, with the warmth of the hearth. The memory of the tandem of a fire and a stone was carried by a person from cave times, it is not for nothing that fireplaces are still covered with rubble and cuts.
However, not only fireplace portals are decorated with granite, brick or shell rock tiles.

Niches with lighting, shelves, glass showcases, a fragment of a wall with a TV panel or behind a sofa are lined with decorative stone.

Decorative stone absorbs a lot of light due to its structure. Therefore, designers are advised to alternate it with light plaster or wallpaper. Remember also that artificial stone decoration will require additional fixtures and a well-thought-out lighting scenario.

A decorative stone is especially good in a studio apartment. Perhaps this is the easiest, most budgetary, most relevant way to divide a home into locations.

Decorative stone in the bedroom

Here, the stone will become a talisman: it will soothe, lull, evoke memories of something native, truly natural.

A massive, solid bed is ideally combined with walls covered with decorative bricks, as well as with wooden beams, caissons, sconces in the form of candelabra.

In the bedroom, it is better not to use stone tiles with a glossy surface to avoid the “cold”, disturbing shimmer. And do not forget to emphasize the fragment lined with stone with lamps, which will make the texture softer and warmer.

Usually, a wall behind the head of the bed or a corner with a dressing table and a mirror is decorated with stone. Unlike the hallway, where the transitions from stone to plaster are carried out using torn edges, overflowing, other, less noticeable techniques are used in the bedroom. For example, they designate masonry with moldings.

Decorative stone in the children's room

Environmental friendliness, safety of artificial stone tiles provided her with a pass here.

It is also important that with the help of a stone you can embody the plot of your favorite fairy tale. Let's say, create a "princess castle", "Ali Baba's cave", "dwarf's dungeon", "underwater grotto".

It is easy to lay out mosaics, panels with artificial pebbles, paint pebbles under snails and ladybugs, decorate a landscape on the wall with a frame of stones, a niche with toys.

If we are talking about a teenager's room, then the artificial brickwork at the desktop will discipline, call him to order. And echo with more adult toys - car models, a globe, steampunk gizmos.

Decorative stone in the kitchen / dining room

There are a lot of methods to successfully integrate stone into the kitchen space. For example, imitation of rustic masonry above the hob turns this working segment into a colorful Russian stove or an ancient fireplace.
And kitchen niches covered with decorative stone will make the kitchen look like an old cafe, especially if they are combined with brutal countertops and cast-iron utensils.

For the kitchen, choose stone tiles impregnated with protective compounds. Porous, loose products absorb water and are more difficult to clean.

It is not forbidden to use decorative finishes in the context of cutting-edge interior styles. The embossed stone of a reddish-brown, greenish hue goes well with glass and metal, sets off the brilliance of kitchen appliances, makes the loft and high-tech more cordial, chamber.

Decorative stone in the bathroom

A natural pool carved into the rocks - this is what a stone-tiled bathroom might look like.

Stone is the first building material from which strong and warm housing was built. A little later, the stone went to the construction of other structures, including strong and tall ones.

After all, the stone was always in abundance, and there was no alternative at that time. But now only people with means can build a house from natural stone.

Those who do not have the opportunity to afford a house made of natural stone can buy building materials such as artificial stone, which scientists have recently developed.

It goes more for decorative finishes, but in general, a house with it will look like a structure made of natural stone.

Decorative stone in the interior and its characteristics

This building material is easy to use and relatively cheap, so it has become a priority finishing material.

Facing from it will last a long time, it does not break and does not become covered with cracks, because artificial stone has a unique wear resistance.

But it is worth remembering that the operational life of such material depends on the correct installation. And its surface, during the production process, is treated with water-repellent substances, so dirt and dust are easily removed from such a material.

Decorative stone in the interior can be laid on any surface, but before laying natural stone, the surface must be reinforced.

A variety of color options will also pleasantly surprise customers, because manufacturers offer a wide range of shades, which means that artificial stone can be matched to any style solution.

A large selection of textures is also pleasantly amazing. Artificial stone in the interior can imitate brick and natural stones. There are also very extraordinary proposals - a material that imitates the seabed.

By collecting, for example, a panel, you can get a surface with corals and shells, or one that will resemble desert lunar landscapes. To verify this, you can get acquainted with the photo of decorative stone in the interior of apartments and houses. White stone will also look beautiful in the interior, for example, of private clinics.

The phrase "artificially created", regarding the stone, should not be alarming, because it is created from environmentally friendly components. These are cement and fillers: pumice, perlite, expanded clay, plus dyes.


Facing stone in the interior is a finish that can last 15 years or more if properly cared for.

The weight of artificially created stone is 3 times less than natural. Therefore, it is easier to transport and work with it.

To make the lining with such a material, it is enough to use glue-cement.

It is a refractory material, it does not burn and prevents the spread of fire.

How is stone used in the interior of an apartment?

This material can radically change the interior. Mostly it is used for outdoor decoration. Thanks to him, you can beautifully decorate the facade, gazebo, fence, openings between windows and so on.

Stone decoration in the interior of the premises is used to decorate the foyer of hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, hallways in houses and apartments, etc. In addition, light and beautiful material can be used to decorate, for example, a closet in the hallway, a shoe rack, a rack.

Artificial stone is also appropriate in the kitchen: these are countertops, kitchen wall facades, and the walls themselves. Artificial stone is perfect for the bathroom, but you should choose moisture-resistant options.

They can decorate a washbasin, bathtub or shower tray, and besides this, it can be put on the floor or used as a ceiling covering, using a flexible stone in the interior.

In the living room, such a stone can be used to decorate a fireplace portal, a small table, a rack, a cabinet, you can make a bookshelf, a floor vase or other stone interior items from it.

But, and in the bedroom you can put lamps made of artificial stone. It is the Illumination collection that is transparent enough for this.

And in conclusion

Due to the fact that artificial stone is a beautiful, wear-resistant material, easy to maintain, reliable and inexpensive, it perfectly copes with the role of a finishing material.

Even its use in a small amount gives the room a unique chic, and you get a finish from high-quality building materials.

Photo of decorative stone in the interior
