Modern design ideas for curtain rods in various interior styles. Which curtain rod do you need? Types of cornices and curtains for them

Windows in residential and administrative premises are one of the most important parts that form the style of interior design. And their appearance is formed by curtains and cornices. In this part we will talk about what curtain rods can be.

Types, types, installation methods

Even such a simple design as cornices has many types. This is not about the appearance, but about the design, installation method. In general, about the technical details.

According to the installation method

First of all, cornices for curtains differ in the method of installation. There are wall and ceiling. The choice depends on your desire and type of ceiling. The bearing capacity of the walls is usually sufficient to fasten the cornice even under heavy curtains. Problems can arise only if the walls are made of cellular concrete or sheathed with plasterboard. But for such situations, there are standard solutions - the use of mortgages, chemical anchors or special dowels.

Ceilings are different. There are no problems with standard ones, but with tension or suspension ones you need to think in advance. In the case of tension ones, a ceiling cornice for curtains is usually used, and for fixing the ceiling canvas, from a wooden bar or metal rails, a structure with sufficient bearing capacity is constructed.

And not even on all suspended ceilings it is possible to install a cornice. You can attach it to drywall, but drywall itself may not withstand heavy curtains. This is only possible for light curtains such as tulle. For heavier fabrics, wall cornices are used or ceiling cornices are attached, but to the ceiling itself.

For stretch ceilings, string cornices are usually used for curtains, which are mounted to the ceiling.

Other types of false ceiling -, etc. - generally not able to carry any extraneous loads. The best way out - even during the repair, before installing the ceiling, install a mortgage - an additional profile or a wooden block, well fixed to the ceiling. Then attach a curtain rod to it.

We install fasteners reliable and often, on the basis that it will have a constant load of several kilograms, plus sharp jerks, when pulling / opening the curtains. So don't skimp on fasteners.


In addition to the method of fastening, cornices for curtains differ in shape. There are:

  • Tubular. Usually they are round in cross section, but square ones have also appeared. The traditional type of cornices for curtains, known since ancient times. They are also called "cornice round". Their peculiarity is that they are part of the decor, therefore, when choosing, you also need to select a design. According to the method of fastening, there are wall and ceiling (rarely). There is also such a variety as rotary tubular cornices.

    Three-row tubular cornice made of metal, plastic, wood - the most common options

  • Strings. They are a set of two brackets, between which several steel strings are pulled. They can be mounted both on the walls and on the ceiling, but ceiling models are more common. String cornices are inexpensive. Inconspicuous, can be hidden or open mounting.

  • Profile or rail. For these cornices, a special profile is made in which one, two or three grooves are made. Runners are inserted into these grooves, to which curtains and tulle are attached. If you need to open / close the curtains, pull them and the sliders move along the groove. According to the type of execution, profile curtains are:
  • Baguette. It is rather a variation of all of the above. Baguette cornice for curtains has a frontal decorative strip (baguette), which closes the cornice itself, no matter what type they are: tubular, string or rail.

    Baguette cornices - any type, covered with a decorative strip

In general, these are all types of curtain rods. It is not so difficult to decide on the type - your preferences and wishes are important. Next, you will have to look for a model that is suitable specifically for your case, both in terms of technical characteristics (yeah, there are some), and in appearance.

Which is better

It is wrong to say that some type of curtain rods for curtains is better, and some is worse. Each is good in its own way, and each has its flaws. Selecting the type of cornice for curtains should be based on several criteria: the design of the room, the type of window and curtains, the desired effect.

For example, for laconic curtains without a lambrequin, any type of cornice, including tubular or rail, is suitable. Tubular ones are more suitable for rooms with high ceilings or, at least, where the distance from the top of the window to the ceiling is more than 20 cm, and preferably 30 cm or more. Otherwise, they look "not very".

Tubular curtains are not very suitable for curtains with lambrequins, as they stand out too much, in addition, this type of curtain in combination with pipes and rings looks “not very good”. For lambrequins, a rail or string version is more suitable. In this case, the cornice itself is hidden, so that its aesthetic value does not matter. For some styles, a baguette version will look better.

Cornices for curtains: we determine the parameters

First of all, you need to decide on the length of the cornice. The choice depends on whether you want to visually increase or decrease the window opening and on the general illumination of the room. If you don’t need to enlarge the window, there is plenty of light in the room, curtain rods are taken either equal to the width of the window opening or a little more. The fact is that if you buy tubular curtain rods in the kit, they come in standard lengths: 1.6 m, 2.0 m, 2.4 m, 3.0 m. Therefore, you have to take the nearest larger one. The way out is to look for stores where pipes are sold by the meter. There are those too.

If you need to let in as much light as possible into the room or you want to visually make it wider, when open, the curtains are placed on the adjacent wall on the right, left, or both sides. Depending on the density of the curtains and the number of folds, this requires from 30 to 60 cm on one or both sides. Therefore, to calculate the length of curtain rods for curtains, 60 or 120 cm are added to the width of the window (more / less, depending on your desire). Then the task is to find the given length of the cornice, or close to the figure found.

What curtains are intended for

Before finally choosing curtain rods for curtains, pay attention to which canvases they are intended for. The description usually says "for light and medium" or "for light, medium and heavy curtains." The last option is universal, with proper installation it can withstand any load.

If you have chosen metal cornices for curtains, you can not even look into the characteristics: they will withstand any. But with plastic and wood, you need to be careful. Quite a few models are only for medium curtains.

Number of rods (pipes)

You also need to choose how many rods / pipes / lines you need cornices for curtains. It depends on the type of curtains. There are:

Single ones are used if only tulle or curtains are hung. Double - if both components are required. Triple cornices are needed for models with lambrequins. With this, perhaps, everything is clear and problems can arise only if you decide to replace the curtains. If one string / pipe turns out to be superfluous, this is not a problem, and if there is a shortage, a replacement of the eaves is usually required.

Tubular cornices for curtains: types, photos

They are made from metal, plastic and wood. Metal tubular cornices can be made of aluminum, bronze, steel and other alloys. There are round tubular cornices made of ferrous metal or aluminum alloy, laminated with a thin film that imitates wood species. These are the cheapest in this category.

Pipe cornices - a traditional way to decorate a window

Section: round or square

Basically, tubular curtain rods have a circular cross section. This is a classic. But there is also a square section with corresponding square "rings" for hanging curtains. They look stylish, fit: art deco, loft, minimalism.

But how convenient it is to use them, how well such “rings” will slide, this is a question. Everything can be fine if the surfaces are perfectly sanded and fitted. If there are even the slightest irregularities ... It is easier in this regard with wooden curtain rods. They can be varnished. Then normal sliding is ensured. Although, no one bothers to varnish and metal ...

Forms of sale

There are two forms of selling pipe curtain rods. The first is a ready-made kit, which includes brackets, pipes, rings, tips. This is how they usually sell wooden or plastic cornices, some are metal.

The second form is all separate. This is more typical for metal models. Buy a pipe of the desired diameter and brackets. Under curtains, they usually take a thicker pipe - 22 mm or more, under tulle - less. There are many different tips for decorating them. Different in price, shape ... For thin ones, under tulle, they take ordinary plugs, but for the first row you can choose something more elaborate (if such decoration suits the style of the room design).

With this form of sale, there are also several types of rings and clips for attaching curtains. They are also purchased separately. After all, these rings are not always needed, since there are ways to hang curtains without additional fastening - on eyelets or hinges.

String cornices: installation methods and features of choice

Nobody knows who came up with the idea of ​​using metal wire for hanging curtains, but many people liked the idea. It is inexpensive, reliable, fits into any interior. Only with heavy curtains can there be problems: the wire can sag under the weight. Most of the string cornices are designed for light and medium. For heavy ones, you will have to look for another option.

String cornices for curtains can be wall and ceiling mounting. In any case, brackets are used, they are just different types. When choosing, pay attention to the following parameters:

There are also string cornices for hidden and open mounting. They differ in decorative brackets. If the whole structure is hidden behind a baguette, choose the simplest and most unpretentious. Most often this is a regular bracket with several holes. It will still be hidden, so you should only worry about its strength.

Open-mounted string curtain rods have a more sophisticated look. Usually this polished metal is white or yellow, it can be with decorative elements. The principle of choosing a sign: in addition to technical parameters, it is selected for the situation. Although the brackets are small, it is better if they do not conflict with the interior.

Profile or rail

One of the most interesting and diverse groups. Curtain rails can be made from metal or plastic. Plastic with good quality behave well in operation, but are only suitable for light fabrics.

Metal ones are usually made from aluminum and alloys. In terms of reliability, they are good, but if the metal in the guide is poorly polished, it can be problematic to draw or open the curtains. But this passes with time: the existing irregularities are smoothed out. If you want to speed up this process, you can arm yourself with sandpaper for metal with a very fine grain and even out all the errors. Should help.

Mounting method

There are models of rail cornices for curtains mounted on the wall, there are - on the ceiling. Some can be mounted only on the wall or only on the ceiling, some have the opportunity to choose the installation method.

There is another criterion for division: in appearance. There are profiles of a very simple type, which are designed for flush mounting. It can be mounted on the base ceiling if a stretch or suspended ceiling is installed, hidden behind a baguette (when wall or ceiling mounted, it doesn’t matter.

There are models for open mounting. They are usually trimmed with a decorative strip. Attached to the wall or ceiling with brackets. The number of brackets is determined by the length - up to 3 meters, only two are needed at the edges, more - three are already installed.

Corner profile cornices for curtains

Rigid cornices are not suitable for bay or corner windows. If for corner windows it is still possible to join two linear cornices, then such a trick does not work with bay windows. Their line bends smoothly, many short segments have to be joined, which, to put it mildly, looks “not very good”. That is why flexible cornices are needed.

They bend perfectly in the horizontal plane. In this case, it is possible to use one or two large canvases for curtains and not many narrow ones. There are three solutions for such windows:

When choosing, first of all, look at which curtains this profile is intended for. Further, it should be taken into account that the prefabricated plastic corner cornice must be mounted strictly in one plane, otherwise the runners will get stuck at the joints. It is usually mounted on the ceiling, so it is desirable that it be without significant differences.

The completeness and harmony of any interior depends on the correct design of windows. The cornice is a spectacular and original element that allows you to highlight the overall style of the room. This detail must match the shape of the window opening and the type of curtains chosen. But do not forget that the cornice remains a functional accessory. Therefore, his choice should be approached with all responsibility.

The modern market offers various types of cornices. However, first of all, you should consider the method of their attachment. Depending on this, they are:

  • ceiling;
  • wall.

Ceiling cornices

Allows you to visually increase the height of the ceilings. This is due to the fact that it creates the feeling that the curtains are fixed directly to the ceiling of the room. The sizes of such eaves vary within 3-5 meters. Most often, manufacturers offer standard options up to 4 meters in length. Such products are made on the basis of materials such as:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • wood.

There are also combined models made on the basis of several materials at once.

Depending on the type of construction, such cornices are:

  1. Baguette.
  2. Profile.
  3. Strings.
  4. Semicircular.

Wall cornices

This is a classic that has stood the test of time. This version of the system is suitable for various types of curtains. The design is attached directly to the wall and in some cases includes decorative elements. Another detail is the bar, which holds the canvas in the desired position.

Which of these types of cornices to choose depends only on the personal preferences of each buyer, the features of the existing interior, the type of curtains chosen, the strength of the base for fixing and other parameters.

Choosing material for cornices

Depending on the material of manufacture, such designs are different. Let's highlight the main options offered by manufacturers.

These are classic patterns. Most often they are made on the basis of such types of wood as:

  • pine;
  • cherry;
  • nut.

Wooden cornices fit into almost any interior, making it more noble and solid. Their shape can be either flat or round with rings. Such designs are usually single-row, but sometimes double-row are also found.

This is another traditional option that has rounded guides. The surface can be made in both gold and chrome. Due to their strength, they can withstand the weight of tapestry textiles. However, if desired, they can be decorated with lighter curtains. Mounting method - to the wall or directly to the ceiling. Both rings and hooks can be used as accessories.

Despite the fact that such models are offered at a very inexpensive cost, they stand out in a wide variety of colors. In the presence of decorative fittings, they can become a worthy alternative to more expensive analogues.

What appearance can cornices have?

Depending on the configuration, manufacturers offer various types of cornices: round, string, profile, baguette. Let's consider each of these options in more detail.

These are universal models that have managed to become traditional. They easily find their place in any interior style. This type, in turn, is divided into two-row and three-row structures, as well as with one pipe. The material of manufacture can be both metal and wood. In some cases, plastic is used.

The main difference is the presence of a string instead of the usual pipe. Such models look concise. Available in one, two or three tier options. The main advantage is low weight. You can choose any mounting method. The carrier string can be hidden with a baguette.

These are practical designs that are flexible. Due to the plasticity of manufacturing materials, manufacturers manage to produce models in the form of arches, multi-level, as well as bay windows. Such designs can be used in any room. Despite their uniformity, they stand out for their practicality and long service life.

Such designs are in many ways similar to profile models. Their decorativeness lies in the fact that all unnecessary elements are easily masked by a bar. As for the appearance of the planks, their wide variety in terms of size, shapes and colors stands out. Often products are equipped with additional lighting. Baguette models are either single-tier, two- or three-tier.

Which cornice for curtains is better to choose - the nuances

To do it right, you need to choose the right length of the structure, first of all, you need to decide how exactly the cornice will be located. At the same time, please note that the term "cornice length" means the total length of the crossbar, as well as the two tips.

So, if you hang the structure according to the principle "from wall to wall", then the length should be at least 2 cm less than the distance between the walls themselves. To do this, use at least 3 brackets.

If you hang the cornice according to the “above the window” method, then in this case the brackets are already mounted directly behind the edges of the window. This allows you to freely move the curtains and fully open the window structure. The total length of the cornice must be at least 30 cm wider than the window opening.

In both options, one more important point is taken into account - there must be a sufficient distance from the extreme point of the window opening to the ceiling surface for mounting the brackets. If this distance is too small, there is one optimal way out of the situation - the “partially above the window” installation method.

The purchase and installation of window textiles is the final stage in the repair of an apartment or a private country house. But there is an action that precedes hanging beautiful, cozy curtains in the living room or bedroom. This is a cornice installation. Shops provide a huge selection of such wonderful products, indescribable beauty, unique design. Various materials of manufacture, additional fittings, decorative elements of decoration - all this is found in almost every specialized store.

The cornice is a decorative element that serves to fix the curtains.

How to choose curtain rods that can harmoniously complement the unusual design of your home? Today, our article will tell you in detail, in all details, what varieties of these products are, for which curtains they are produced, and how to choose the design and colors for the existing interior design.

A cornice is a device that allows you to fix curtains on a window opening. This product consists of four main parts. It:

  • brackets with fasteners;
  • guides (crossbars);
  • suspension system (hooks, rings);
  • decorative elements.

The presence of one or another part depends on the type of device. A huge selection of different options provides buyers with goods with all, even the most capricious requests.

Curtains can be fixed on the eaves in various ways

But which cornices are better to choose for curtains:

  1. Round or square.
  2. Profile.
  3. Baguette.
  4. Strings.
  5. Special.

Important. Each type is used for different types of interior decoration of the apartment.

round cornice

profile cornice

string cornice

Tire cornice

Swivel cornice

round cornice

flexible cornice

Semicircular cornice

Hidden cornice

In addition to this characteristic, suspensions are characterized by the method of attachment. To fix curtain textiles, such varieties are sold as:

  • wall;
  • ceiling;
  • window;
  • spacers.

Wall rod cornice with chrome finish

Most of the wall cornices are easily converted into ceiling cornices.

Almost any type of suspension, with rare exceptions, can be hung in one of the 4 ways indicated above. The exception is special cornices designed for certain types of curtains, which have their own fastening and installation features.

What are they made from?

The modern production of goods such as cornices, the comfort of which is ensured, has reached a completely new level. Technologies allow processing various materials, giving them an unusual shape, appearance, aesthetics and beauty.

For the manufacture of cornices, various materials are used.

But what are the cornices according to the type of material of manufacture:

  1. Plastic.
  2. Metal.
  3. Wooden.
  4. Combined.

The last, fourth type is a derivative of the first three. When producing such suspensions, a different combination of materials is used. For example, metal products, complemented by wooden elements, look very nice.

An example of a combined cornice, the rods of which are made of metal, and the fastening, rings and tips are made of wood

Each type of suspension for window textiles combines some features with standard qualities. So plastic curtains, processed using a special technology, look completely different. They are made with texture for wood, marble, metal. High-quality, expensive products made of good, proven plastics cannot be distinguished by their appearance even by an experienced seller. The advantage of plastic is its relative lightness, high performance, ease of maintenance. The properties of plastic make it easy to make curly curtains that fit various interior refinements.

Round plastic cornice

Plastic ceiling cornice

Baguette plastic cornice

Metal products have always been popular among buyers. Curtains are no exception. The development of the metallurgical industry, the development of the latest technologies for melting and processing metals, brought many different types of iron.

Profile-type aluminum cornices have been known to everyone since Soviet times.

You can now buy curtains from:

  • aluminum;
  • brass;
  • become;
  • wrought iron.

Forged cornices are made by hand, so even the simplest of them are not cheap.

Wrought iron is essentially the same steel. The difference is only in the method of processing, bending, and final processing of the interior item. In addition to the metallurgical industry, the paint and varnish sector did not stand still. This is especially true for metal curtains. On sale there are gilded, silver, chrome, patinated and many other colors. Using the right paint, the manufacturer is able to create a unique product that suits each consumer in terms of its properties and qualities.

Metal cornice for a modern interior

Beautiful round cornice with gilding

Steel cornice with original tip

Wooden types of cornices for expensive curtains are an ideal option for finishing the interior decoration of an apartment or a private house. The beauty of natural wood has been valued by master carpenters since ancient times. Hangers made of wood will serve their owners faithfully for decades. Noble appearance, environmental friendliness, aesthetics, natural beauty of wood, will create a cozy, warm atmosphere. The high cost of wood products is more than offset by the harmony created by these products.

Wooden cornice with curtain fastening on rings

An elegant carved wooden cornice will decorate the interior in a classic style.

Combined curtain hangers are suitable for all types of room interior designs. With the help of combinations of different materials, harmonious combinations are created that easily fit both into the modern, technological “Hi-tech”, and are suitable for the old-fashioned “Classic” style, as well as the “Provence” style.

This baguette cornice is a decorative frame made of wood, behind which you can hide a ceiling rail made of plastic or metal

It is worth noting that metal and plastic products are made in all possible options. These can be profiled, made of plastic, for example, legrand cornices, or suspended, having a round pipe as the main fastening element for window curtains.

Variety by mounting type

As already described in the article earlier, the types of curtain fasteners are different. Standard options are wall and ceiling suspensions. At the same time, the wall-mounted ones are mounted on special brackets that come with the delivery to the product. They are easy to install with dowel nails.

Modern wall cornice made of metal profile

Ceiling products are mounted on the same brackets, or simply to the ceiling. Profile hangers made of plastic or aluminum are designed for rooms with low ceilings. To improve the decorative component, special baguettes (ceiling skirting boards) are sold. They are produced specifically for profile products. Inlay wood, metal, marble allows you to use baguettes universally for any design of the interior decoration of the room.

Baguette cornice for a classic interior

Ceiling cornice in a Scandinavian interior

Depending on the requirements for curtains, hangers for them are available with a different number of guides or profile grooves. This is how they distinguish:

  • single row;
  • double row;
  • three-row.

The choice depends on the needs of the owner. If you want to hang a full-fledged window textile, with curtains, tulle and lambrequin, you need to select three-row suspensions. And, for example, for Italian curtains, it will be enough to use double-row ones.

Single row cornice

Double row cornice

Three-row cornice

Profile types and crossbars can have from one to three rows of guides. They mount both on the wall and on the ceiling. Got it sorted out. And what are window and telescopic suspensions?

Let's start with the latter. Telescopic options for curtain rails are similar to ordinary tubular ones. The main difference is the presence of a system of tubes of different diameters, inside which there is a fine-tuning spring. One pipe is inserted into another. The whole system is fixed in the window opening. For fasteners, you need to spread the telescope. Usually, such a suspension is used in bathrooms for curtains.

Sliding cornice is installed at a distance between two surfaces

More interesting window curtains. For example, only specialized fittings are used for Roman blinds. It is divided into two types:

  • open;
  • closed action.

The open system consists of a carrier bar on which the lifting carriages are suspended.

In a closed system, all mechanisms are hidden inside the case

In general, such cornices have from two to four lifting rings suspended on special ropes or cables. The lifting system is controlled by a chain or belt (depending on the type of construction). The principle of operation is simple: the coils available in the design, equipped with a spring lifting mechanism, wind the cables. But the cables penetrate the curtain fabric, at the end of which a plug (fixation ring) is installed. Such a system allows Roman blinds to gather in a characteristic accordion, exposing only part of the window.

Roof railing for roman blinds

Such lifting structures are installed on plastic and wooden windows. They have standard sizes, so when buying Roman curtains, you do not risk miscalculating the size range. Due to the ease of attaching the curtain to the structure (there is Velcro), this method of arranging a window opening has become very popular.

Adhesive tape is used to secure the canvas to the eaves.

Roman curtains are the only possible option for sloping skylights. Therefore, curtain rod manufacturers have come up with fixed rails that allow you to install textiles at an angle, while ensuring that the curtain fits against the window, without letting sunlight into the room.

Roman cornices in the kitchen for curtains are also used for Austrian and French curtains.
Comparing French and Austrian curtains, at first glance it is difficult to find differences. Both options have a similar structure of arcuate, wavy folds. But there is still a difference: French textiles have folds all the time, regardless of whether the curtains are lowered or raised. Austrian ones form folds only when raised. When fully extended, they are straight.

Austrian curtains belong to the lifting type of curtains

But there is still a difference between the Roman type and the French and Austrian ones. Curtains for the last two curtains have a larger format (size), so they are installed directly on the wall or ceiling using brackets or ordinary dowel-nails. Directly, the curtains themselves are also fastened with Velcro.

The French curtain is made entirely of pleats.

Choosing a curtain to match an existing room design

Most often, the arrangement of the window space is the final stage of the repair. Therefore, the choice of curtain design comes to an already existing design style. The following are some guidelines for choosing cornices.

Important. For each specific style of space design, special curtains are suitable, and curtains go with them.

When decorating a modern home, they often combine different types of curtains and, as a result, cornices for them.

Over the past 5 years, Roman, French, Austrian, Italian, and English curtains have gained great popularity. Beautifully complement the bay windows with special flexible profile guides. The choice is great. There are options for every connoisseur.

Video on how to choose the right curtain rod

In the interior, every little thing should not only fit perfectly into the interior, but also fulfill its function. A beautiful, but uncomfortable curtain rod is unlikely to make life easier. Therefore, before buying, you need to get comprehensive information about this piece of furniture.


The choice should be approached very responsibly. Since this is a functional accessory, it should not only match the style, color scheme and size of the overall design of the room, but should also be simple and easy to use. On sale there is a huge number of various designs. Let's take a closer look at them.


Curtain rods have a wide classification. They differ in the method of attachment, materials used, appearance, configuration, number of rows.

By configuration

By configuration, the following types are distinguished:

Round or rod

As an element holding the curtains, a round profile or rod is used. They are more durable than the rest, however, in the case of especially heavy curtains, they sag. In this case, the pipe is divided into two and a third bracket is added - the structure becomes rigid, easier to repair and dismantle.

In round cornices, depending on the shape, number and location of pipes, several types are distinguished:

  • Corner. Here, an L-shaped bar is used. Vertical reinforcement is used to increase strength. Most often, such cornices are purchased for bathrooms.
  • Arched. Semi-oval shaped cornices.
  • Several pipes. Various pipe positions are used. Vertical, horizontal, diagonal.
  • Cornices "cafe". Curtains and tulle are put on directly on the pipes through special holes.
  • Sliding cornices are distinguished by a rod, the length of which can be adjusted with the help of an internal rod - pushing or pushing it.
  • On sale there are so-called type-setting rod cornices. They allow you to select all elements of the console according to individual preferences.


  • Ease of installation. Possibility of installation by yourself.
  • Wide choice of materials, colors and textures.
  • Versatility. Suitable for any style.
  • High bearing capacity. Suitable for heavy curtains.
  • Long service life.


  • It is impossible to move the curtain along the entire length of the structure due to the presence of brackets.


Unlike rods, a string is used as a supporting element. Naturally, the strength and bearing capacity of such cornices is noticeably lower. It is recommended to use them for tulle and light curtains, for example, in the kitchen, balcony or bathroom. The advantage of such cornices is the presence of light effects and the effect of airiness. It seems that the tulle is floating in the air. And the ease in moving the curtains along the string makes it possible to install a sliding mechanism.


  • Availability.
  • The design takes up little space, besides it is easy to transport.
  • The effect of floating in the air.
  • Availability of various string tension systems.
  • Design for precious metals: silver, gold, copper, platinum.
  • The length of the cornice can exceed 5 meters.
  • The presence of several cables corresponds to multi-row.
  • You can place the cornice not only at the window, but also between the walls. It is used when creating an air effect, when the cable is not pulled parallel to the wall.


  • Not suitable for heavy fabrics.
  • Steel is subject to corrosion.

Profile or rail

They are flat profiles with roller tracks inside. Due to the presence of rotary elements, it is possible to compose a variety of shapes. Profile cornices are perfect for canopies around beds, as well as for creating a broken line of curtains. For lovers of lambrequins using tulle and curtains, triple modifications are perfect.


  • Availability.
  • Having multiple rows.
  • Small size and weight.
  • Flexibility.


  • fragility.


Profile, closed with a baguette. The latter can be of various shapes, colors and sizes - square, semicircular. In the case of using several rows, the first one has a Velcro strip for a lambrequin.


  • Luxurious exterior.
  • A baguette will help hide various flaws due to a fairly wide bar.
  • Possibility of use for various arches, bay windows.


  • As a standard, they are used only in luxurious interiors.

Depending on the number of guides, there are:

  • single row;
  • double row;
  • three-row.

Special attention should be paid to the type of fasteners curtain fabric:

  • Hooks. For profile cornices they are made transparent.
  • Magnetic clips. They can also perform a decorative function due to a wide selection of colors and shapes.
  • Eyelets. An element that reinforces the edges of holes intended for threading.
  • Rings.
  • Clamps.
  • On fabric loops.
  • Tapes.


In addition to sliding mechanisms, there are also lifting ones, they allow you to lower and raise the curtains using a special mechanism. Perfect for French, English curtains.

By appointment

When choosing, consider the weight of the material from which the curtains are made. For example, in the bedroom curtains are usually chosen from a dense material that does not let in sunlight. Here it is better to opt for pipe cornices with three brackets. Such structures have sufficient strength. Cornices with a turn will help to effectively close the space between the wall and the curtain.

For tapestry, which is gaining its popularity, as a piece of furniture, a cornice will be the easiest and most convenient way to hang it. Pipe cornices in the desired style solution and string ones are also suitable. Filament curtains or muslin can be hung on different designs and in different ways. The simplest of them, perhaps, will be hanging the threads directly on the pipe.

If you sew the threads to the curtain tape, then the choice becomes much wider - profile and baguette cornices are suitable here, filament curtains on a string cornice will look great.

The LED lighting of the cornice, which creates the effect of curtains floating in the air, has become a special chic. Curtain lighting will look good only on ceiling cornices. Particularly interesting is the option of hidden illuminated cornices.

For the living room and the hall, due to the huge number of styles, a baguette is suitable.

The airiness of curtains on a string is perfect for curtains on a balcony or loggia. However, in the case of a double-glazed window on a balcony or even a kitchen, you can do without a cornice at all. Roller and Roman blinds are gaining popularity, if you use them, you can do without drilling.

Much harder to choose a cornice for skylight than usual. A roof window refers to a window with an inclination, an oblique window or a trapezoidal window. For windows of this type, round and rail options are best suited. The main problem is fixing the canvas. In the case of slanted windows, the curtains will hang in the middle of the room without fulfilling their function. And with a beveled top, they will simply roll into the bottom edge.

On slanted windows in the case of round cornices, a second additional rod is supposed to be used. It is installed on the bottom edge of the window. The length of the fabric is chosen so that it does not adjoin the window, and does not sag too much. With this technique, designers often create very interesting air compositions.

If the window has custom shape, for example, triangular, the profile can repeat it, which will add zest to the interior. Also, flexible profiles are suitable for windows with beveled tops, as they have a fixation of the leaf.

Windows in the corner often become a headache for the hostess. Curtains should not only hide flaws, but also emphasize dignity. The solution of this problem in the conditions of several windows located not in the most standard way becomes difficult. In such cases, cornices must be chosen flexible or with special connecting elements.

When choosing, consider the geometric features of the space.

Design and decor

The decor is very different. Decorative elements are tips, baguettes, stained-glass rods and carved patterns on them. Consider a few fashionable styles.

Wall-mounted pipe cornices are perfect for the Provence style. Wooden, decorated antique, they will add comfort and warmth to the room. For "country" it is also better to consider the option of round cornices, only in this case, pay attention to dark massive options. They must be combined with other wooden design elements.

For the high-tech style common today, metal string cornices are suitable. They will bring rigor and asceticism to the interior. The loft style is a more filled interior, although the curtains are not given much attention.

Use a profile so as not to overcrowd the interior. In addition, backlighting will be very useful.


Cornices are most often made from the following materials:

  • Wood. An indispensable and most environmentally friendly material for residential premises. Timeless classics and elegance, besides high durability and reliability.
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Low cost and original design brighten up the low strength of plastic cornices. The main advantage is the flexibility of the final product.
  • Metal. The most commonly used are aluminum and brass. Metal will perfectly fit into a modern strict restrained style. You can decorate it with bright fixtures for curtains or an exquisite tip.
  • Forged. The highlight of the interior, the cherry on the cake, the key element of the interior - instantly attract the eye. They have a high cost, as they are made to order based on the wishes of the customer. They perfectly emphasize the richness and luxury of the interior.
  • Glass. Cornices made entirely of glass are exotic. However, glass is widely used in the manufacture of tips and various accessories. Unusual and skillfully made glass tips emphasize the uniqueness of the interior.



The main parameter of the eaves is the length. To calculate it, you must first determine the type of installation, which depends on the style of the room and its features. Types of installation:

  1. across the entire width of the wall. In this case, the length of the product will be slightly less than the width of the wall. Consider the length of additional parts, such as tips. This installation method is used in narrow elongated rooms to visually increase the space of the room.
  2. The width of the window. The length of the cornice should be 30-40 cm longer in relation to the window, if thick fabric for curtains is used, then 50-60 cm. The margin will allow you to open the window completely.

In the case of pipe cornices, pay attention to the following things.

  • Please note that regardless of the installation method there should be a distance between the ceiling and the window for bracket . If it is not there, you can install them along the edges of the window.
  • When choosing the length of the bracket, pay attention for the presence of batteries, pipes, a protruding window sill. They must not touch the curtains.
  • The number of brackets. There should be no more than two meters between the brackets. This means that two brackets are suitable for cornices less than 2 meters, 3 brackets for 3-meter cornices, 4 brackets for 5-meter cornices. In this case, the pipe will not sag and spoil the overall look of the interior.
  • Pipe diameter. For forged products, the minimum diameter is 16 mm, for wooden and plastic rods - 28 mm. These sizes are suitable for light to medium weight curtains. For mini-windows, pipes with a diameter of 1 cm are produced. In other cases, it is worth either increasing the number of brackets or buying a cornice with a larger diameter pipe.

Profile cornices have a maximum length of more than 3 meters. The width varies depending on the number of rows, so for a two-row tire - 8 cm, three-row 8.7 cm.

Before buying a cornice, take a tape measure and measure the following parameters:

  1. Window width.
  2. The distance from the wall to the curtains, taking into account batteries, pipes.
  3. The distance from the side walls to the window.
  4. The distance from the ceiling to the window.


The cornice should not only fit into the overall interior of the room, but also favorably emphasize the curtains. In this regard, the question arises of what to focus on when choosing. There are several recommendations.

A safe and convenient option is to match the color of the cornice to the color of the walls. In this case, it will merge with the main color and will not attract much attention to itself. Especially suitable for bright and interesting curtains in the design.

If necessary, stretch the room, add height to it, choose cornices in the color of the curtains. This will not only change the volume of the room, but also smooth out the interior overflowing with details.

For lovers of risky decisions, cornices that contrast with the main finish are suitable. Let's consider some options.

  • A classic combination, although the interior is very bright - white and black.
  • Light beige and cream tones against rich shades of dark chocolate, wenge, walnut and cherry.

  • For dark shades of walls (black, purple, burgundy, brown), as well as for rich green and red, metal-like cornices are perfect - silver, gold, bronze, brass.

Cornice device

Cornices include the following components:

  • Pipe, string or tire - an element that supports the curtain.
  • Accessories - tips, strap.
  • Functional elements - side caps, rounding corners.
  • Fasteners for eaves - eaves brackets, holders.
  • Fasteners for curtains - hooks, rings.

Additionally, you can purchase a stick for sliding the curtains, grabs or clothespins for the cornice, they are relevant for static fastening of curtains, for example, for an inclined window, a delighter.

Mounting types

According to the place of attachment of the cornices, two types are distinguished: those mounted on the ceiling - they are called ceiling and mounted on the wall - wall.


Wall cornices are a very common option. An element designed to support the curtain is attached to the wall with two brackets, sometimes three if heavy curtain fabric is to be used. Due to their prevalence and popularity, wall cornices are found in any design, so you can choose the right option for any interior.


  • Ease of installation. Possibility of self-assembly.
  • A wide range of.
  • Versatility. Suitable for different styles.
  • High bearing capacity. Suitable for curtains made of dense heavy fabrics.
  • Reliability.
  • Neutral relationship with stretch ceilings.


  • Traces on the walls after dismantling.
  • Visually reduce the space.
  • Not suitable for fragile walls.
  • An accurate calculation is required when choosing a design.


They are less common, but they have their advantages. Due to the tight fit of the material to the ceiling cornice, excellent heat and light insulation is provided. In the case of an arcuate tip at the console, windows can be completely excluded from the convection process in the room. that is, cold air from the windows will practically not enter the room.


  • Visual enlargement of the room. Curtains fall from ceiling to floor.
  • An unlimited number of fixing points allows you to properly distribute the load, and, therefore, allows you to use even the heaviest curtains.
  • Having multiple rows. Allows you to use pelmets and tulle in conjunction with curtains.
  • The possibility of installing complex geometric lines that repeat the elements of the interior due to the presence of corner details.
  • Can be installed anywhere on the ceiling, which allows you to use curtains not only on windows.


  • Stretch ceiling conflict. If available, specialists are needed to install the eaves.
  • The ceiling must be sufficiently strong and even.

How to choose?

Fashion exists in the world of curtains. Minimalism is in fashion right now. Designers give their preference to airy plain curtains on a string or baguette cornice. However, classics are out of fashion, so universal pipe cornices are still popular. Elite are wooden options. Very spectacular and often exclusive options for forged cornices can be found in the best interiors.

Profile structures, as mentioned above, are perfect for the implementation of non-standard and unusual ideas. Manufacturers of the best furniture houses in Spain, France, Germany and Italy will satisfy any, even the most demanding customer. The most popular are German and Italian manufacturers.

When buying, follow these rules:

  1. Consider the bearing capacity. Pay attention to the weight of the curtains and, based on this indicator, select the curtain rod. For heavy thick curtains, a ceiling mount is better.
  2. Choose the most suitable fasteners for curtain fabric. They should move freely and not damage the fabric.
  3. Pay attention to the presence of a battery, pipes and a protruding part of the window sill.

Accommodation options in the interior

Consider the most interesting design solutions.

In the photo you can see an unusual pipe cornice. Metal adds austerity and austerity to the interior, and the contrasting gray color only attracts attention.

The desire to retire and protect oneself from other people's views lies in the very nature of man. Technological progress has led to the fact that the number of proposed options for attaching a variety of curtains is amazing. And to figure out which is better to choose a cornice, ceiling or wall, is very difficult. It is necessary to take into account many nuances that, at first glance, are not obvious.

Types of cornices for curtains

All models are divided into two categories:

  1. Wall cornices. They are made in the form of one or more horizontal guides, fixed with corners to the wall. Curtains are hung on the rods with the help of rings.
  2. Ceiling rails. They are a plastic profile, along which there are slots for the movement of hooks holding curtains. The thickness of the cornice is about 1-2 cm, and it is attached directly to the ceiling.

Each of these types can be made in several versions:

  • Single, holding a single curtain.
  • Two-row, designed for tulle and curtains, or a pair of curtains.
  • Three-row, fastening two curtains and a lambrequin, or tulle and curtains, etc.

Eaves differ in materials:

  • wooden;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • strings.


This is a real classic, combined with reliability. Such designs serve for a long time, combining high aesthetics and functionality. Various species are used for their manufacture: pine, beech, cherry, maple, wenge and others.

The wood is easy to process, so the cornices have various shapes with decorative carvings and tips.


The functional characteristics of plastic products are no worse than those of wood. But the cost is much lower, and the color variety allows you to choose an option for any interior.

The prestige of plastic cornices is inferior to wooden or metal ones, but high-quality products can imitate different materials quite well. Therefore, for those who want to save money, this choice will be optimal. Ceiling rails, as a rule, are made from plastic.


Prestigious wall cornices are often made of aluminum, steel or brass. Such models are very reliable, as they are able to withstand the weight of curtains from any fabric without bending.

It is more expedient to produce ceiling cornices from light metals. Despite their low weight, aluminum products are durable and can withstand fairly heavy curtains. The plasticity of the material allows you to give the cornices a variety of shapes and choose a model for your interior is not difficult.


A separate category includes string cornices, which are one or more metal threads fixed with special brackets on a wall or ceiling. Such models are notable for their low price, but their functionality is lower than that of competitors. Heavy curtains sag on the strings and do not look aesthetically pleasing. But curtains made of lightweight materials, such as curtains in the kitchen, will hang for many years without problems.

Over time, the tension of the strings weakens, but the design of the brackets allows them to be periodically tightened.


The standard length of curtain rods is calculated based on the ergonomics of typical rooms, the size of windows and walls in which differ slightly. Therefore, the selection of a specific model is based on the material and thickness of the pipe or the width of the ceiling rail.

The standard for rod products is the range of diameters:

  • 10 mm;
  • 12 mm;
  • 16 mm;
  • 28mm;
  • 35 mm.

Such structures have a maximum length of 2-3 m, therefore, to cover wide openings, they must be combined with an additional bracket.

To avoid joining pipes, you can use rods of a larger diameter:

  • 40 mm;
  • 50 mm;
  • 75 mm.

They have a length of up to 6 m, while maintaining heavy curtains.

Ceiling plastic rails are available in the following widths:

  • double row - 5.7-7.7 cm;
  • three-row - 8.7-9.5 cm.

The thickness of the cornice is 1.3-1.7 cm, length:

  • 100 cm;
  • 150 cm;
  • 180 cm;
  • 200 cm;
  • 250 cm;
  • 300 cm;
  • 350 cm;
  • 400 cm.

The width of the baguette strip covering the ceiling cornice can be from 5-9 cm in ordinary versions to 15-20 cm in individual exclusive items.

Color solutions

Metal models have both a natural color and are painted with durable paints that imitate various coatings:

  • chromium;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • gold;
  • satin;
  • antique;
  • black and white gloss.

Wooden products are also produced with a natural color for expensive wood or with its imitation:

  • wenge;
  • cherry;
  • the Red tree;
  • nut;
  • machaon.

Plastic models are painted in any tone, including combined ones, often imitating metal or wood.


By purchasing a cornice in the store, you can pick up additional accessories for it:

  • Brackets in various designs and sizes. Necessary element for fixing wall models. Holders must be selected depending on the weight of the curtains.
  • . Special tips that are fixed at the ends of the rod, preventing the elements from slipping, and give the curtains a finished look.
  • Cornice rings and hooks. You can purchase an additional set if some of the parts are out of order or if the parts included in the factory kit are not enough to implement the design intent.
  • decorative strip. Baguette made of profiled material, which is attached in front of the cornice to hide the details of the structure. Neither the guide rail nor the curtain hooks will be visible. The design should be chosen based on the overall design of the room.

For fastening and movement of roller blinds, Roman blinds, pleated blinds, special additional accessories are designed. Advanced modern models are often equipped with an electric drive that allows you to automate the movement of curtains. Control can be carried out both by keys on the wall, and remotely.

When is the best time to install a ceiling cornice?

  • when it is necessary to close panoramic windows;
  • visually increase the height of the room, using long floor-to-ceiling curtains;
  • hide small defects in the room;
  • when window openings are located close to the ceiling and there is no space for attaching a wall cornice;
  • if the fragile material of the walls does not allow you to securely fix the brackets;
  • it is required to isolate the room as much as possible from the cold air coming from the windows - fastening to the ceiling will not let it through from above, and arcuate tips will limit it from the sides;
  • when it is necessary to focus on the curtains and hide the cornice behind a decorative strip.

In what cases is it better to hang a wall cornice

The choice of wall model is due to the following features:

  • The design of such curtains is much more diverse than the ceiling. They are suitable for any style of interior. Metal structures are combined with avant-garde design or high-tech, wooden structures fit well into a classic interior, and a wide range of plastic products makes it possible to use them almost everywhere.
  • Attaching the curtains to the wall can visually reduce an overly high room in which the use of ceiling curtains is undesirable.
  • Wall structures are easier to install on your own.

Mounting Features

When attaching cornices, general recommendations are taken into account:

  • The curtain should overlap the window by 15-40 cm on each side. This makes it possible, by parting the curtains, to open the opening as much as possible and let the sunlight into the room.
  • When placing the cornice, the protrusions on both sides of the window should be the same.
  • The distance from the wall is selected so that the curtains do not touch the window sill and the radiator.
  • Curtains covering the entire surface of the wall should be 1-2 cm smaller than its length.

The principle of mounting wall models

  1. Cornices are fixed above the opening at a distance from the ceiling, which is 1/3 of the width of the overhead beam.
  2. Using a level and a tape measure, the attachment points are determined in accordance with general recommendations.
  3. To prevent the long rod from bending under the weight of heavy curtains, fasteners are installed every 1.5-2 m.
  4. The brackets are screwed with self-tapping screws through pre-fixed dowels.
  5. Rings are put on the bar, and it is fixed on the wall.
  6. Tips are installed.

Rules for fixing ceiling cornices

  1. First, pre-assembly of all structural parts is carried out.
  2. The assembled cornice is applied to the ceiling, the attachment points are marked with a pencil. Ceiling rails are attached every 30-50 cm, following the general recommendations.
  3. Holes are drilled in the concrete floor and dowels are inserted.
  4. When installing a plasterboard ceiling at the installation site, it is necessary to provide mortgages in advance. GKL will not withstand the weight of the cornice with curtains, so it is attached to a wooden block that serves as an intermediate support. Mortgages, in turn, are securely screwed to the concrete base using self-tapping screws and dowels.
  5. When installing a cornice on a stretch ceiling, a similar method of fastening is used - wooden mortgages are also provided, on which the entire structure is fixed. In addition, special rings are mounted in the tension web at the points where the screws will pass, which do not allow the PVC film to tear from the load.
  6. When designing a stretch ceiling, you can take into account the location of the cornice and leave a niche for it without bringing the canvas to the wall with a window. Then the fastening will be quite easy and the curtain will be hidden in the created space.

Estimated prices

The cost of a cornice largely depends on the size and material from which it is made. For models with a length of 2.5-3 m, the price order is as follows:

  • Strings - from 300 rubles.
  • Ceiling plastic - from 350 rubles.
  • Aluminum tubular - from 700 rubles.
  • Wall plastic - from 700 rubles.
  • Wooden rod - from 800 rubles.
  • Aluminum ceiling - from 1200 rubles.
  • Steel rod - from 1500 rubles.
  • Forged - from 3500 rubles.

Buying fittings and accessories separately, you can save some money.

Which to choose

Before purchasing a particular model of eaves, all important points are considered:

  • Type of curtains. You need to know in advance what curtain material will be used. Flimsy items may not support the weight of heavy fabric.
  • Number of curtains. Depending on the chosen design, one-, two- or three-row models are purchased.
  • Ease of movement. If the hooks or rings do not slide on the curtain rod, the curtains will be difficult to move, which will eventually lead to tearing of the loops or fabric.
  • The size. It is selected taking into account the characteristics of the room. To visually expand the window, wide curtains are used that cover part of the wall next to the opening.
  • Cornice type. Tire structures are placed in a niche or closed with a narrow bar and are designed to be invisible, drawing attention to the beauty of the curtains. Wall and baguette cornices, on the contrary, emphasize their existence and must match the design of the room.
  • building wall material. Fasteners must be securely fixed and not fall off over time. Not all building materials can serve as a stable base for heavy curtains.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which curtains are better, ceiling or wall. Much depends on the size of the room, its design, personal preferences and financial capabilities. Guided by the advice, it is easy to make the best choice and decorate the room with comfortable and functional cornices.
