Samples of partitions for rooms zoning. Decorative partitions in the room: types, materials, forms, design, original ideas. We use plastic pipes as a partition

Our apartments do not always correspond to the understanding of functionality, comfort and coziness. But, most importantly, there are 4 walls, and the rest you can come up with yourself. No, you don't need to demolish the walls. It is better to use such a principle as zoning a room using a partition.

And this method is actively used by interior designers, completely transforming the room. But everything can be done with your own hands, having decided on the goal and how to achieve it.

Let's define the concept. Zoning is the reception of decorators for the visual expansion of space and dividing it into functional zones. At the same time, the style of the room does not change, as in the case of the design of individual rooms.

Zoning is relevant both in large rooms and in small ones.

  • In spacious rooms, this technique is used to increase comfort. Think of loft-style apartments or houses. There is a large area, and the room has a recreation area, an office, a bedroom, a kitchen and even a children's corner.
  • In small apartments, zoning is more difficult for obvious reasons. In this case, the most important part of the room is determined, and the remaining zones are already drawn around it. And then, too, you can get a multifaceted room.

Conclusion: conditionally allocated zones are necessary. Then each member of the family will have their own corner.

Types of functional areas

After zoning, the room should not suffer in terms of aesthetics and convenience. Therefore, before redevelopment of the room, it is necessary to determine exactly which zones you want to highlight, after analyzing the needs of all household members.

The most popular rooms in which zones have ever been allocated:

  • living room - divided into an office, a rest room, a guest room, a children's corner, a dining room;
  • bedroom - to the bedroom, dressing room, gym, nursery;
  • children's - to the sleeping area, the play area and the study area;
  • entrance hall - to the vestibule, hallway, wardrobe, pantry;
  • kitchen - for the area of ​​​​cooking, eating and storing food;
  • bathroom - on the bathroom and toilet;
  • office - on the office itself and the recreation area (sleeping place).

Sometimes the owners want to equip the main areas (study, nursery, library, bedroom, etc.) in one room. It all depends on how necessary they are. You can donate a nursery or an office, a dining room or a sports corner. Another option - one dedicated area performs several functions.

Zoning with different partitions

You can delimit a room by installing partitions made of wood, drywall, metal, glass or foam blocks. This is the so-called stationary option, since it will no longer be possible to move them.

Drywall partitions

Drywall is a fairly light weight material, so it does not put much pressure on the floor. But its installation will take time and experience.

Suitable for rooms made in modern interior trends.

Advantages: strength, stability, flexibility (you can make a semicircle or make a wave). In a false wall, you can mount wiring, communications.

Disadvantages: massiveness, due to which the partition does not let in light, darkening the separated part of the room.

Wooden partitions

They are easier to install. But the material is more expensive.

Suitable for loft, country, Provence and other eco-style rooms.

Partition from rails

Advantages: no additional decorative finishing is needed, environmentally friendly, "breathable" material.

Minus - the high cost of the material.

Partitions from foam blocks

The use of this material requires a spacious and modern room. In order not to burden the room, you should not build partitions up to the ceiling.

Advantages: easy to install, environmentally friendly, you can conduct electrical wiring, hang a TV or a picture.

Disadvantages: due to their massiveness, they are not suitable for all rooms, they do not let light through.

Glass partitions

False glass walls perfectly cope with the zoning function.

Advantages: enough light penetrates into the fenced area, glass does not weigh down the room.

Disadvantages: transparency (but you can choose frosted, corrugated glass or apply a pattern on it), fragility (plexiglass, transparent plastic or carbonate are often used instead of glass).

Stationary partitions can be solid up to the ceiling or not reach it. See real photos of such options.

One more moment. Deaf false walls are more common in office space. In residential areas, the owners are more and more inclined towards a decorative partition to make the room lighter. Therefore, often deaf partitions are made openwork - with through shelves.

An example of a decorative partition

Glass block wall

The beauty of using through partitions is that they divide the room conditionally, without cluttering it up and allowing air to circulate freely.

They can be made from rails, metal profiles, leave niches in drywall, put glass not in a continuous sheet, but use glass blocks. At the same time, they will be not so much a wall as a decoration in the room.

Here we have another video on the topic of different types of partitions:

Mobile partitions in the apartment

This method allows you to re-plan the room without much effort. Mobile barriers include:

  • screens. They are easy to transfer. They are made from slats on which fabric, paper or plastic is inserted. Screens fit into any interior;
  • sliding PVC or glass panels. If necessary, they completely separate one zone from another. On the other hand, they do not protect against noise in the rest of the room;
  • partitions from curtains on the eaves. The curtain is moved or fixed with grabs;
  • a through rack will separate part of the room and serve as a storage for books or other items;
  • a partition made of fresh flowers favorably emphasizes the eco-style interior, brings comfort to high-tech and minimalism.

So you can zone with a shelving

And so with the help of curtains on the eaves

An example of "live" partitions

Separately, I would like to highlight the zoning of the room in two more ways:

  • using a partition with an aquarium. This decorative element brings coziness and gives comfort, relaxation and a state of peace. The aquarium is installed on brickwork or foam blocks. But if you take glass blocks, you can create an effect of lightness;
  • narrow wall with fireplace. In this case, a bio-fireplace, gas or electric fireplace is used. If the wall allows and there is a chimney, install a real fireplace. It is necessary to ensure that there are no flammable materials, paintings, equipment near the hearth.

Such redevelopment options do not clearly delimit the room, but zoning is present. Both the aquarium and the fireplace distract attention. This can be seen in the photo above.

Conditional zoning of the room

You could see some options when zoning a kitchen combined with a living room. Here, one room was separated from another by an island, part of a wall, a bar counter, a through rack with dishes and other methods.

Another option is columns (more on the use of columns in the interior). The separation is conditional, but at the same time the room does not seem smaller and does not put pressure on those in it. Pros: stability, suitable for both modern and classic interiors, you can install lights or sockets. Minus - the partition is stationary.

Glass wall + column

After all, they can perform a different function, based on the overall design of housing.

They are made from a variety of materials. They are used for zoning rooms, supports in the storage system, equip video zones, and even they simply perform a decorative function.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo of the interior partitions presented in this article.

To some extent, an interior partition can be called the same wall, but in a simpler and lighter version. The main task of this design is to divide the space, that is, to zone it. They can be deaf, combined, transparent.

Stationary partitions - an alternative to the wall

There are interior partitions made of drywall, as well as brick, stone, foam concrete, wood, and glass blocks. They help not only to zone the space, but also isolate the sound.

In addition, they are endowed with excellent moisture resistant properties, are quite durable and will last a long time. You can even attach fixtures like shelves, hangers, TVs, etc. to them.

Partitions, which are called screens, are some kind of supports with material attached to them, like a screen. Based on how complex this design is, as well as on the material used, they are installed independently, or with the help of specialists.

In general, such options are quite strong, but boxes with shelves cannot be attached to them. They have the advantage of not being able to completely isolate light between rooms.

Interior partitions in an apartment in the form of shelving have gained considerable popularity today. They are open, combined, from the floor or at a distance from it.

It all depends on how exactly the furniture is located in the partition installation area. The rack can be double-sided, deaf on one side. Such designs are strong and durable.

Fireplace construction is one of the interesting ways of construction. The hearth duct is located in the septal cavity, for which it will have a considerable internal space.

The advantage of this fireplace design - inside the partition - is the ability to observe the flame from any part of the room. At the same time, the designs are endowed with a disadvantage. After all, to install a fireplace in a high-rise building, you must obtain the appropriate permits.

There may be partitions representing a complex of storage systems along with work surfaces and household appliances. For example, see the following photos of partitions.

Rotary partitions, sliding

Sliding interior partitions are a functional element for the interior of housing. Such designs allow you to be walls and doors at the same time. Regardless of the way they are opened, the main task still remains to zone the space.

With the help of partition walls made of glass, functional areas are effectively fenced off. For example, if the living room is combined with the bedroom, the recreation area with the help of such a partition is separated just fine!

The same applies to the working area, dining room, children's room, if it is combined with the hall. Thanks to such partitions, additional sound insulation is created in the room, and they serve a lot. Well, you will have to think about how to make an interior partition of such a plan, since it will be quite difficult to make and install it yourself.

Variants of sliding partitions working on the principle of horizontal blinds will look great, especially if they are made of wood, combined with the main interior design.

Vertical rotary options of partitions help to create a different level of closeness in the functional area. Such options are often equipped with an electric drive, as well as a remote control.

And the easiest way to install partitions for zoning or separating parts of rooms from each other is the simplest, textile curtains that you can now buy in any design.

See our photos and get inspired!

Photo of interior partitions in the interior

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With the introduction of new layouts in new buildings, partitions for zoning space in a room have become popular. They replace the wall if there is no possibility or desire to erect it, and they look very picturesque and beautiful.
Often this is a salvation for small apartments - studios or rooms in which two zones are combined: a bedroom with a living room. Dividing a long room and making a recreation area and a guest area is the dream of many owners of one-room apartments and partitions allow you to do this effectively and functionally.

Designers have come up with many options for partitions. Usually, they serve to isolate personal space from residential or common space.
I perfectly understand those people who in this way are trying to beat off a little space for a double bed or a kitchen from standard narrow seventeen-meter rooms.

Decorative partitions differ from walls in their light transmission, because often when dividing a room, one of the zones becomes without access to a natural light source. And here designs without a back wall or from a transparent material come to the rescue.

According to their structure, partitions can be stationary or mobile. Drywall constructions can be classified as stationary, and sliding partitions or shelving can be attributed to mobile ones.

Zoning materials are also striking in their diversity, in fact, you can use everything that is at hand or that is more accessible to you.

Below we will analyze interesting ideas that bold and active interior designers have already implemented.
All partitions are matched to the overall style of the interior.

So in the Japanese style, to divide the room into two zones, Japanese curtains are used, in eco-style and country - wooden partitions, in the east - screens and filament curtains and other options.

Drywall partitions

The most popular material for dividing space is drywall. It is affordable, allows you to make different shapes and is easy to assemble. Such designs are most often stationary and have through shelves or ledges for storing decorative elements.

Such partitions are popular for separating zones in a nursery.

The recesses serve as shelves and allow sunlight to pass through. Such a partition allows you to divide the room into two zones: for children and for adults.

This is a suitable method for highlighting the personal zones of heterosexual children.

Photo of a successful zoning solution in a one-room apartment.

The top of the partition serves as a window and ventilation at the same time and divides the 18 sq.m room into two zones.

Separation of the kitchen from the living room. An aquarium is built into the niche.

The functional design of drywall allows you to conveniently arrange household appliances.

Drywall partition decorated with wood.

You can also zone with a low partition. The photo shows a cozy version of the room with two zones: a bedroom and a common one.

Separation of the bedroom from the living room.

Solid partition from GVL. The lack of light is compensated by lamps. Beautiful ideas for decorating from the inside with veneer panels.

A bright partition can become the main accent in the room.

Wooden partitions

Partitions made of wood always look cozy and expensive. Moreover, you can be sure that during hot summers, they will not emit all sorts of toxic substances, such as formaldehyde.

If you apply imagination, then you can divide the room with affordable bars, the remains of lining and boards. The appearance of a tree at different stages of processing is always impressive and beautiful.

The wood can be processed and therefore an exquisite pattern can be made.

Decorative elements in the form of birch branches give a feeling of unity with nature.

Ordinary slats can be a decoration of the apartment.

Design option using wood saw cuts.

Partitions are matched in the same style and color as the floor.

The photo turned out to be very light and functional zoning.

Ideas of naturalness permeate the entire interior of the apartment.

Wooden compositions may be unusual, but the structure of the tree does not lose its attractiveness.

Wrought iron partitions

Forged designs amaze with their elegance and graceful lines. But their cost is much higher than that of drywall or other materials. This option serves as an example of a partition between rooms.

But, if funds allow, or if you really want to, then you still need to find a master who does this. Often you can find them where metal stairs are made, because. forging is in full swing there.

Screen for space zoning

Screens in ancient times were used in palaces and in the east.

Now it's a beautiful compact design element. It can always be moved to different places, fenced off from home, and if not needed, folded and removed.

This mobile version of the partition will appeal to many owners of narrow rooms.

Glass structures

Glass is also a great option when dividing a room. It transmits light and looks very light. Of course, you must be sure of the quality of the glass if you have children. Therefore, tempered glass or plexiglass is often chosen. Tempered glass shatters into small, non-sharp pieces on impact, making it hard to cut.

In rooms where a sleeping place is fenced off, you can use frosted glass with a special coating, so you let the light into the second zone, but do not show what you have in the bedroom.

The glass partition between the bed and the sofa is popular for use in minimalist and hi-tech styles, because. this material is self-sufficient and performs a maximum of functions with a minimum of space weighting.

The transparent partition completely transmits light.

Shelving as a partition

You could see the options in the previous article. Shelving structures that act as partitions are often made very roomy and without a back wall. They can separate the hallway or living area from the dining room.

They are often filled with books and decorative elements or understaffed with drawers and doors. This allows you to maximize the use of storage space.

A closet is built into the plasterboard construction.

The partition smoothly flows onto the wall.

A low rack visually separates the sofa from the bed and this helps to divide the room into two zones: a bedroom and a living room. See photo.

Cabinets are hidden in the structure.

Fantasy shelving suits a light interior.

The rack, which is used to separate areas in the apartment, is complemented by doors.

Bar counter for room zoning

- perfectly separates the kitchen from the dining room. This is a salvation for owners of combined living rooms with a kitchen and one-room apartments. Often the bar counter also serves as a dining table. Due to its height, it fully allows access to light, but nevertheless, clearly separates the boundaries of the room.

The bar counter matches the general tone of the room with a glossy surface and serves as a partition between the kitchen and the living room.

Partitions from living plants

This trend has appeared recently, thanks to the creation and possibility of using drip irrigation at home. In this way, you can create partitions with lawn grass or ivy. Using the most unpretentious and sparsely growing plants. Bindweeds allow you to quickly give the partition a beautiful look, but at the same time spend little effort on their care.
Often a simple vase with tall plants planted in it can serve as a partition.

Here, the whole effect will come from creating a composition of these flowers, which serve as a partition between the hallway and the living room.

Blinds as a space divider

Use blinds to divide the space. Also became quite recently. This option allows, if necessary, to isolate the room, for example, to close it from sunlight. Due to their lightweight design, they lighten the interior and do their best as a partition between the living room and the hallway.

Vertical blinds are more popular, but horizontal ones are also found and serve as a partition between the kitchen and the hallway.

In the materials you can find paper blinds, made of aluminum or plastic, which help to divide the room into 2 zones and not eat up the space. The wider the individual details, the more modern and integral the interior looks.

Sliding partitions like a coupe

To divide a room into two zones with a sliding door or a sliding wardrobe, use guides and door leafs. Sliding partitions perfectly cope with their role of zoning. This option is suitable for small spaces and allows you to give the room a twist, thanks to its coverage. Matte options or glossy whites that reflect light look so chic.

If you insert mirrors, you can also visually enlarge the space, and with the doors closed, guests will not even guess that you have another room.

Doors have contrast trim.

The canvas is covered with plastic.

Dividing space with threads and ropes

A decorative partition can also be made of various kinds of threads and even ropes. This option will look spectacular if you observe a strong tension of the ends.

Beads are often strung on threads.

Such options are popular in eastern countries. Now they are included in our everyday life and allow us to give color to the design.

The ombre principle can be embodied everywhere and can serve as an example of dividing a room with curtains.

Thin dark threads add airiness to the space.

We use plastic pipes as a partition

Designers do not sit still and come up with new interesting ideas for decorating an apartment. For example, plastic pipes available to everyone can become a very stylish design element. As a result, such an unusual partition was created between the toilet and the bathroom.

Such a partition can even be made at home if you can cut off all the details evenly.
The advantages include the ease and accessibility of the design, as well as many variations of forms.

From parts of different diameters, you can create many interesting options.

Textile partition (Japanese curtain)

The easiest way to fence off the comfort zone is to use textiles. Curtains can play this role.
Thick curtains will replace the doors to the dressing room, fence off unwanted looks and emphasize the softness of the interior. The only downside is the low sound insulation.

Curtains with a beautiful shade emphasize the overall design idea.

Separation in a one-room apartment.

Bright color attracts attention. When necessary, the textile partition can be moved.

For the daytime version, tulle is suitable, and at night - curtains.

Japanese curtains came to us from organized Japan.

These are stretched canvases of fabric with a variety of patterns and ornaments. They perfectly zone the room and do not look like a heavy or foreign element.


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It is possible to change the layout of a dwelling without major repairs using simple and functional structures. Divide the space into certain zones will help decorative partitions in the interior. They are made from various materials.

Stationary structures are erected at the stage of construction of a real estate object or during repairs in the premises. To do this, it is not necessary to destroy the adjacent surfaces, only partial dismantling of the floor covering is necessary.

The partition will become an interesting interior decor due to the original surface design. You can purchase a lightweight mobile structure that is easy to move at any time to the right place.

Partition functions

The main task of such an item is the zoning of the room. It is especially in demand in studio apartments. Such elements can isolate part of the room from noise, water, light. They also provide a visual separation of space. Modern products will decorate the room, give it a sophisticated look, correct the layout.

The issue of space zoning is especially relevant in large families. Multifunctional systems will help each person to create their own comfortable corner for work and leisure. There are mobile and stationary types. Properly selected items will make the room comfortable, bright and fashionable.

Types of stationary partitions in the interior

Installation of such elements is carried out anywhere in the room. They differ in size and shape. Interesting photos of partitions in the interior delight and inspire. Designers offer many options for zoning space with stylish items. When purchasing a product, you need to decide on the purpose of its use.

A large selection of interior sliding partitions is available on the website

If a monolithic border is needed, then a blank wall made of brick, drywall is preferred. In other cases, light and mobile components are chosen. You can combine materials.

Elements of brick and foam concrete

Massive structures cannot be moved, they are difficult to dismantle. They fit perfectly into spacious apartments. Interior partitions made of bricks have the following advantages:

  • fire resistance;
  • good sound insulation;
  • ease of construction;
  • affordable price.

Such parts are heavy, therefore, in order to reduce the load on the load-bearing elements of the building, porous bricks are used. It provides a wide range of design options.

Foam concrete structures are suitable not only for separating the dining room and kitchen, living room and bedroom, but are also used for load-bearing walls in low-rise construction. The blocks have a porous structure, they are not inferior in strength to bricks. With the help of them, it is easy and quick to build a wall.

Foam concrete blocks take up more space; to improve sound insulation, their surface should be covered with a layer of plaster.

Plasterboard elements

Drywall provides the creation of systems of non-standard configurations. It is suitable for obtaining curved surfaces. The quality of sound insulation depends on the filler. Lightweight material does not create a large load on the floors, it will be a great addition to any interior.

It is often decorated with wallpaper, tiles. Installation of drywall does not take much time. This is a fragile material that does not have high moisture resistance.

Forged types

Metal details give the interior individuality, harmoniously fit into the atmosphere. Forged products can be artificially aged, painted. They are easy to choose from the catalog or order according to the author's sketch.

Forged partitions in the interior of the apartment are decorative components. They are suitable for rooms of all sizes. They should not be used in the kitchen, as a greasy coating will appear on the surface over time, which is difficult to remove.

glass products

Glass has high quality and aesthetic properties. Blocks can have different textures and shapes. They have excellent sound insulation characteristics, fire resistance. Details withstand temperature extremes, contain the spread of fire when ignited, but they require systematic care.

Glass products do not absorb odors; ordinary detergents are used to clean the surface from contamination.

The monumental partition allows light to pass through; for matte and colored products, the level of light transmission is slightly lower. Blocks cannot be cut. To remove the corners, you need to buy separate components.

Patterns and drawings are often applied to glass partitions. The blocks do not take up much space, they are moisture resistant, will become a stylish addition to the design. Modern technologies make it possible to create products that do not form fragments when damaged. They are safe to use and do not cause injury to humans.

Without outside help, it is not easy to cope with the installation of a glass partition. The blocks are not only difficult to install, but must be carefully transported. They are not cheap, their price depends on the type of glass used and processing technologies.

Wooden elements

Wood is often used in interior design. It has high strength, reliability, and is able to withstand heavy weight. It is an environmentally friendly building material that does not emit harmful substances.

The customer can easily choose the right shade for his home. Wood is excellent for processing. When using elements made of wood, it should be remembered that they do not tolerate moisture and are easily flammable.

Mobile partitions

Such elements look like a screen, a sliding partition, etc. Models are easy to move. If you do not need a division of space at a certain time, then the elements are easy to remove.

They can be attached in different ways:

  • The folding version resembles an accordion.
  • Without a threshold, when the parts are attached to the profile to the ceiling.
  • Tilt-sliding system. The most convenient mechanism

The cost of construction depends on the materials used. Sliding partitions can also be used as a door. They occupy a minimum of space, but practically do not block noise.

Interior curtains will be an excellent alternative to stationary objects. With the help of functional elements, it is easy to isolate part of the room from light and prying eyes. Portable products are easy to move to the right place, fold and remove from the room.

Openwork models are made of wood, glass, metal. They are often used to separate the bedroom and dressing room, living room and dining room. Decorative items are also purchased to decorate a nursery, bedroom. Beautiful partitions are chosen depending on the style solution of the interior.

In some cases, the design of the apartment provides for the use of several structures in one room. This allows you to delimit the space into zones in a studio apartment. In modern dwellings, the following types of products are used:

  • elements-screens allow you to partially save the light exchange between the rooms;
  • the partition screen is in great demand;
  • racks are highly functional.

Decorative systems often contain unusual inclusions. The choice of design depends on the room in which they will be located. It is important that the products are in harmony with the environment.


Interroom systems are a simple and convenient option for dividing space. They look spectacular in the room. Homeowners can build a stationary structure or order a lightweight mobile model. Choose a product depending on personal preferences and the design project being implemented. The use of original and functional systems will transform the space, make the interior attractive and unique.

Photo of partitions in the interior

For zoning living space, especially in small apartments, it is not necessary to build blank walls. Mobile interior dividers or decorative partitions for zoning the space in the room, made of translucent materials, will simultaneously separate and unite the premises without disturbing the natural insolation. Our selection contains a variety of options for such designs.

Partition as an element of decor

1. Partition-pergola

Designers Natalia Tsetsulina, Maria Malyshkina. Photo: Artyom Semyonov

The air partition 160 cm wide, visually separating the kitchen-dining area from the living room, is made of horizontal wooden slats covered with dark brown stain. Together with floral wallpaper, the image of a summer gazebo in the bosom of nature appeared.

2. Partition-showcase

A floor-to-ceiling display case in 10 cm thick double-paned tempered glass separates the dressing area in the hallway from the living room. Inside the transparent parallelepiped, an art object is placed for public viewing - a fragment of a tree of a bizarre shape.

3. Partition-lawn

Architect Egor Kurilovich. Photo: Daria Lyskovets

An unusual floor-to-ceiling partition, reminiscent of a lawn with thick grass, not only zones the studio apartment, but also serves as a holder for an LCD TV. The frame of the structure, 160 cm wide and 20 cm thick, is made of a metal profile and lined with a roll coating imitating a lawn. At the same time, all the wires of the home theater and TV are hidden under the skin.

4. Partition-fireplace

The central composition with a bio-fireplace serves not only to decorate all zones, but also marks the boundaries between neighboring "clusters".

Lace wall

5. Glass partition

Architect Maria Mezentseva. Photo: Ivan Sorokin

In this case, the studio is zoned with a transparent decorative partition. Its length exactly corresponds to the size of the sofa in the living room. Abstract patterns, created according to the sketches of the architect, are applied to the glass of the structure by sandblasting. They are inspired by the images of wind and waves, and on each of the three panels the drawings are different. The lower part of the partition is covered with wallpaper, which is covered with strong glass.

6. Tempered glass partition

Architect-designer Tatiana Zhivolupova, decorator Tatiana Evstratova, visualization: Anastasia Yashchenko

When closed, this lace curtain, which is actually tempered glass with a sandblasted pattern, will separate the parents' bedroom from the living room, but still let in daylight.

7. Mobile screen and curtain

Architect-designer and visualizer Sofia Starostina

The bedroom and living room, located in the same room, were separated using a mobile screen and curtains. Zoning is also facilitated by wallpapers with the same ornament, but in different colors.

8. Lattice with an ornament

Architect and visualizer Maria Glagoleva

A translucent openwork partition visually separates, but provides insolation to the living room.

According to the principle of matryoshka

9. Room within a room

Architect and visualizer: Natalia Tarasova

With the help of a canopy and dense drapery, it was possible to create a "room in a room" - an isolated space for sleeping, reading and psychological unloading.

10. Translucent partitions

Design and visualization: Natalia Grishchenko and Anna Kashutina

A bathroom with partitions made of lime-colored translucent tempered glass is a bold decision that implies a high degree of trust between the residents of the apartment. However, it has tight drapes for privacy.

11. Futuristic cube

Studio zi-design interiors, visualization Created in Space

The fasteners of frameless glass sheets are hidden in an L-shaped niche with illumination, which in the evenings will turn the sleeping area into a futuristic object. And with the help of translucent curtains around the inner perimeter of the cube, you can create a private space.

12. Lightbox

Architect and photographer: Artemy Saranin

The boundaries of the sleeping area, located in the center, marked by a thin welded metal frame with glass screens, will practically dissolve in space. And when the white textile curtains are closed, the room turns into a kind of lightbox.

Mobile partitions

13. Shaded glass sliding partition

Architect, designer Irina Ilyina. Photo: Ivan Sorokin

With open canvases of a sliding partition made of shaded glass, the kitchen and living room merge into one, and when closed, they are completely isolated. At the same time, it remains possible to get into the hall from both rooms.

14. Sliding partition

Architect: Svetlana Tyagovskaya. Photo: Daria Alexandrova

Another option with transparent sliding partitions. In this case, the canvases are lined, clearly marking the boundaries between the kitchen and living areas.

Textile partition

15. Textile drapery

Interior artist and visualizer Ksenia Krupenina

In this example, to isolate the kitchen from the seating area with a sofa and TV, the author of the project suggests using textile draperies.

16. Draperies in the openings

Architect-designer and visualizer Elena Bogatyreva

Tacked in the center, fabric draperies hanging in open openings visually separate the kitchen and hallway from the living room.

17. Neutral curtains

Designer Yulia Lapteva, visualization Veronika Mitina

The room with a bay window was divided into a living room and a bedroom by means of sliding glass partitions and draperies. Such a mobile solution made it possible to combine the zones into one open space, where natural light will not be disturbed, and blackout curtains, if necessary, will help to isolate the sleeping area. At the same time, the fabric is matched to the color of the gray walls and looks neutral on both sides of the partition.

through rack

18. Geometric abstraction

Designers Ksenia Dubrovskaya, Elena Samarina, architect Ilyas Khalitov, Visualization: Ksenia Dubrovskaya, Elena Samarina

Through shelving marks the boundary of a room, but is also a storage system. Thanks to its "transparency", the hall visually unites with the living room and is illuminated by daylight.

19. Functional partition

Head of the studio Elena Mizotina, design and visualization Elena Danilina

A through rack will help isolate the living room from the bedroom and at the same time maintain the level of insolation of the room. And on its shelves there will be a collection of books and accessories from travels.

20. Partition-rack

Architect and visualizer Vladimir Ivanov

A three-section through rack will become a means of zoning a private room, which will separate the place intended for sleeping and relaxing from the work area.
