The layout of the baths with a separate location of the sink and steam room. Optimal bath: what is it? Bath layout with a separate steam room

Consider issues related to the layout of the bath.

What should be taken into account immediately

Everyone’s needs are different, so it’s still worth starting to draw up a bath project with a steam room, a sink, a relaxation room, a bathroom, a terrace, a pool, and so on. How exactly are you going to use this bath in the future.

The second point is what climatic conditions where your bath will be - there are specifics for areas with especially severe winters, for example.

The third point is what opportunities you have, starting with the budget and ending with the geology of the site.

And if there is certainty at least on points:

  • number of persons;
  • frequency and seasonality of use;
  • type of bath (Russian or Finnish, or);
  • wall material (log, beam, brick, blocks, frame);
  • the size of the site suitable for geology;
  • allowed costs,
  • then you can start designing.

We will show you options for what a bathhouse can be with certain given dimensions - this not the only plan options, you can build on them and make any necessary adjustments.

Let's put it this way: our article is for those who have already figured out in their mind what size of bath they are counting on, and would like to get acquainted with ready-made plans, in order to either choose a ready-made one or make their own based on the available ones.

IMPORTANT! Looking at the plans, keep in mind that we did not take into account the thickness of the walls and insulation, and it can significantly reduce the area of ​​​​the room from the inside. Therefore, calculate the thickness of the walls and the insulation pie in advance, and then subtract it from your plan (or, conversely, add it if you want to keep the dimension inside).

You will learn how to calculate the power of the stove for a given cubic capacity of the steam room, and you will learn the dependence of the size of the steam room on the number of people, we will calculate the optimal size of the steam room in

The layout of a small bath with a sink and a steam room

That's right, a cleverly arranged small bathhouse is in no way inferior in comfort to larger ones. The only thing, of course, if everything is done to a minimum, then only 1-2 people. But sometimes that's exactly what you need.

When the size of the premises is small, the question arises as to whether it will be cost-effective divide it with an additional partition, making a bath with a steam room and a sink separately. But even for the smallest options, baths with a washing room and a steam room are equally common, both together and separately. Therefore, we will give both options.

3x3, washing and steam room together

Here you need to decide how you plan to use the second room, which is a natural "vestibule" between the combined washing and steam room, and the street. If there is a desire to put some kind of sofa and table, then it is better to divide the total area equally(see plan). And if it's just dressing room, something like a hallway where you can undress, then its size can be reduced to an acceptable minimum.

Please note that the stove in such a small steam room should be appropriate power, not to overheat it. And then you will find a rather intractable contradiction.

The fact is that the sauna, also known as “dry air”, as those who treat it negatively like to call it, assumes low humidity - no more than 15%. In the washing room, the humidity is usually higher. The temperature in the sauna from 70 to 90 degrees (this is in a philanthropic version). This temperature will not be comfortable for washing.

You may argue that you didn't intend to have a sauna, but the problem is that with such dimensions, you simply do not have the opportunity to make a full-fledged Russian bath, where the stove should be either brick or brick / stone lining, and even.

Option - either at least a little increase the area of ​​the steam room, to let for a minimal homemade metal stove, or use , to steam like in a normal Russian bath, or to somehow adapt to control the stove so that you have the right temperature during washing.

3x4 sink and steam room separately

What happens if the previous plan is literally increased by a meter? You will have the opportunity to divide a single bath-washing space into two separate rooms.

Layout (plan) bath 3x4 sink and steam room separately.

As you can see, in this case, no more than a meter is allocated for the sink (and you remember, yes, that we do not take into account the thickness of the walls), but the steam room acquires normal dimensions, which even with large areas of the entire bath rarely increase greatly.

Again, note that you can easily increase the size of the steam room if you wish. due to the width of the rest room. If it is nothing more than a waiting room, feel free to reduce its size in order to win in the dimensions of the steam room and washing room.

ATTENTION! Remember, yes, that the door from the steam room always opens outward so that it can be knocked out if necessary. And always, if possible, from the steam room the door leads to the washing room, and not to other rooms.


Since people are interested specifically for these dimensions in the options for washing and steam rooms separately and together, we will give both options, and then you decide which one you prefer, but everything that was said about the possibilities of reproduction conditions of the Russian bath in a building with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b3 by 3 meters - it remains valid even with an increase to 5. Make a stove in the enclosure, use steam generators if it is not possible to make a full-fledged one.

Sink and steam room separately

We must say right away that this option cannot be called the only possible one. Moreover, those who are not inclined to receive guests and libations, the project of a bathhouse with a steam room and a sink of such dimensions may seem unsuccessful. But you can always push off from the existing and rearrange everything in your own way 🙂

Layout (plan) bath 3x5 sink and steam room separately.

There are no fundamental differences with the previous scheme, we left the same layout with meter washing, two-meter steam room, just increased the size of the rest room. Of course, you can place a normal one at three meters, seat more guests, this is also essential.

But and the washroom could be a resting place in which you can take a breath after the steam room. Then it would be possible to distribute the space differently: divide these five meters between three rooms, make a steam room 2x3 m, a washing room 2x3 or 1.5x3 m, a dressing room 1x3 or 1.5x3 m. And if the dressing room seems too long, at the end make a firewood warehouse or pantry.

Washing and steam room together

But the same problem can be solved differently - by making the same bath project with a washing room and a steam room together.

Layout (plan) bath 3x3 sink and steam room together.

In our opinion, it looks quite attractive, although we will not impose our point of view. The furnace in this case is very conditional in size, you see that there is an opportunity to make it in a cover- there is enough space. can be made wider if desired. We started from, but they can be meter wide.

Bath projects with a separate steam room, sink, relaxation room

Further we will go through other sizes, but in all cases these will be bath projects with a separate steam room and washing room. This layout is more justified because there is more space, the need to do "two in one" disappears.

4x4 sink and steam room separately

How to use a square bath plan? See for yourself:

Layout (plan) bath 4x4 sink and steam room separately.

Please note that the stove heats all three rooms, for this it must have sufficient power, but at the same time, the main heat still goes into the steam room, so the calculation must be thought out, because you still have to bathe in it in the summer, so you need to take into account the possibility of adjusting the heat transfer of the stove.

ADVICE! Again, stone or brick lining and dampers can help control heat dissipation.

The washing room on this plan is quite normal, it is already possible to put basins in it, and not just a shower tray.

Yes, and the fireplace in the rest room is conducive to putting a sofa there and enjoying the view of the burning hearth. We believe that the plan is more or less balanced, here it would only be possible to increase the rest room so that it would not be so elongated.

4x5 washing and steam room separately

Instead of adding an extra meter to the previous plan, we offer you more a more comfortable option, already with a bathroom. True, I had to sacrifice the soapy space, which was reduced to a shower in the corner of the combined bathroom, but now the rest room has become more spacious and there are more amenities in the bath.

Layout (plan) baths 4x5 washing and steam room separately.

I would like, of course, that the reader himself awakened the design passion, and he began to draw his own schemes with a variety of solutions in search of the only one that suits him the most. Because it won't work any other way - you must understand that every decision is a compromise between unequal conditions that have to be observed.

For example, the door from the steam room should open into the washing room, and not into the rest room or dressing room. Thus, the owner will save heat in the steam room. On the other hand, to run out into the street, you need to open and close several doors.

Hence, not without compromise- someone will prefer warmth, someone will quickly achieve the goal, because it is difficult to reduce the number of doors - one to the steam room, one to the sink, one to the street - unless you immediately take it to the dressing room. It is on this balancing of decisions that everything is built.

5x5 washing and steam room separately

Another square bath in plan, which can be drawn in different ways. Here is one possible option:

Layout (plan) baths 5x5 washing and steam room separately.

The plan looks good - the dimensions of the premises no longer force us to huddle and adapt, but with an increase in the area, another question arises: how to achieve uniform heating of the entire bath in winter, especially if there is no possibility or desire to install more than one stove.

The problem is significant: if you take the oven too powerful suitable for heating 25 square meters, the steam room will be a mythical "hell". And removing the stove through the walls so that it heats the neighboring rooms is a good idea in winter, but bad for warm or hot summer.

Therefore, it is still worth considering additional heat sources. These may include space heaters, other smaller stoves, and a heating system in which the stove heats water for radiators that heat all other rooms. Optima in this case can only be found empirically.

BY THE WAY! Look at the plan again - if the doors to the bathroom are brought out into the vestibule, then this will free up some space in the sink, which can be used for benches. Or you can make them sliding and leave them in the sink - also less space will be taken up to open the door.

6x3 sink and steam room separately

The proportion of this plan is 2:1 - you can try to beat this not only in the way that is presented on the plan below:

Layout (plan) bath 6x3 sink and steam room separately.

This option is more suitable for those who like to receive guests. Still, in room 3 by 3.4 m it is already possible to gather guests. But at the same time, you don’t see the bathroom on the plan, and the washing room occupies a modest meter in width, stretching 2.6 meters in length to no avail.

It would be possible to divide the whole space equally two meters out of six for each room, and the washing room, which has become 6 meters in area, can be divided, allocating space for a bathroom. But in this situation, the rest room will be 2 by 3 meters, and this is only enough for gatherings of a small family or a couple of friends.

4x6 sink and steam room separately

What happens if you add an "extra meter" to the previous bath? Formally, this is only one square less than 5x5, but let's see the plan, did it benefit from the configuration change or not?

Bath plan 4x6 sink and steam room separately.

Again, the focus is on the rest room. Now its area is already 16 squares, you can comfortably settle down, gather a noisy feast, and go to the steam room with an area of ​​4 squares in pairs. It’s good that there was a place for a bathroom in the washing room, it’s bad that it’s combined.

Stoves for a bath with a separate firebox, sink, steam room

Above, we have already tried to briefly tell the reader that an increase in the size of the bath inevitably leads to the need addressing the issue of space heating in addition to the steam room.

You can find out how the furnace power is calculated for a known cubic capacity of a steam room. However, there we are talking about an adequate heating task. the steam room.

If you bring the firebox to the rest room, where it will serve as a fireplace, part of the heat will be transferred to the rest room. Whether this will be enough is determined only by experience, because the specific temperature outside the window, the power of the stove, and the cubic capacity of the rest room also matter.

But we still have soapy - what to do with it? You can bring out one of the sides of the stove, but this is usually done with brick stoves, although you can experiment with brick taxed metal stove.

Another option for heating soapy is to take out , which heats the oven, into the washing room, then the tank will perform the function radiator.

Another option - heaters or warm floor. You don't spend much time in the bathhouse, so running heaters won't blow holes in your budget.

You can also bring the heating of hot water to radiators, that is, create autonomous heating system in the bath, but you need to remember that heating the water takes heat from the stove, so its power drops. But there is still summer when heating is not needed.

Therefore, the stove must be such that you can regulate its power. This is real for, but you will have to tinker with wood-burning ones - including brick ones.

If you are interested in what stoves are for a bath - Russian or Finnish - look through ours. There is a lot of useful information about sauna stoves with a separate firebox, sink, steam room ..

Useful video

In this video, you will be aggressively convinced that their system is the best, but approach their words critically and form your own opinion, and someone else's point of view never hurts:

We will be glad if you write your comment, tell us about the plan according to which you built your bath, whether you are satisfied with it.

In contact with

For many, it is steaming in the bath, where the steam room is combined with the washing room, that is the image of classic bath procedures. This is due to the fact that often in the villages it was not supposed to spend a large amount of resources and time on the construction of a bathhouse. From that, the design of the bath was quite compact, which led to the need to combine the steam room and the washing compartment.

Advantages and disadvantages of washing in the steam room

The biggest advantage and the main reason why the washroom is equipped with a steam room in the same room is that such a solution allows you to build a bath with a minimum size of 4x4 or even 3x3. Once the main purpose of the bath in the villages was to be able to wash in it. That is, even if the family was not rich, a small bathhouse was still necessary for regular bathing procedures for hygiene purposes.

Therefore, at least small, but fully functional baths were built, where it was possible to wash and take a steam bath. Since the space inside such a structure is minimal, it was impossible to separate the washing room and the steam room.

The combination of a washing room with a steam room also has its drawbacks. First of all, it must be said about the inconvenience of taking bath procedures in a large company. Obviously, a small bath is usually built either for one or two people, or for a small family. But, if you plan to use it for several people, then you should immediately take into account that it will be possible to wash only after everyone has taken a steam bath.

If you wash yourself after soaring, then the air in the steam room will become quite damp and further soaring will no longer be of such high quality. In addition, after taking a shower, the smell of soap and shampoo remains in the room, which also adds to the unpleasant sensations for those who will bathe next. So here you will have to choose: either bathe and wash all together, or those who will bathe after someone else has already washed will have to put up with a lower quality atmosphere in the steam room.

It has also long been noted that when sharing one room for both soaring and taking a shower, the floor in it needs to be replaced noticeably faster. And since the design of such a bath is usually budgetary, the floor here is made of wooden boards. It is better to place all the elements in it in such a way that it is possible to replace the floorboards without great difficulties.

Combined steam room and do-it-yourself washing room: 4x4 bath project with photo

In this small frame bath, standard manufacturing techniques for each room were used.

We combine the steam room and the washing room in the bath
We combine the steam room and the washing room in the bath with our own hands. The advantages and disadvantages of washing in the steam room, and also consider visual examples of such projects.

From spring to late autumn, country chores do not end. Make sure that you have a place where you can rest from worries and do not let outdoor recreation turn into hard labor.

Room features

Today, the bath has become a favorite place of relaxation, which combines the hot air of the steam room and the coolness of the font. A 4 x 5 bath will fit even in a small area. It will comfortably accommodate 3-4 people., so spending time with loved ones, arranging a corporate party or accommodating guests is quite realistic.

Everyone is engaged in the planning of the bath on their own, because not everyone can afford to purchase a finished project. Interior design, ventilation, lighting, air temperature and humidity, as well as the choice of building materials are often at the discretion of the owner. But ready-made options from leading designers will help plan the location of the bath departments.

How to make a project?

A separate sink and steam room are the undeniable advantage of 4 x 5 bath projects. Perhaps this is their only similarity, and from the mass of options, everyone can choose what they like best.

  • The simplest plan of a one-story bath provides for a common room, a sink and a steam room. With such a layout, the rest room also serves as a dressing room, so it is not very convenient to use it in winter and late autumn. From the relaxation room, the door leads to the washing room, where a modern bathroom is equipped with a shower, sink and toilet. From the washing room you get into the steam room with a shelf and a stove.
  • The second project is similar to the previous one, only a spacious terrace is added outside. It can be glazed by arranging a cozy veranda, on which they also organize a place to relax.
  • A sauna with a dressing room allows you to bathe at any time of the year, and it is more convenient to store firewood at the entrance. Through a small corridor, go to the rest room, then to the washing department and to the steam room.
  • The best option is a bath with a separate toilet. Just to create this project, you will have to sacrifice meters of a rest room or a steam room. It looks like this: the door from the vestibule leads to the rest room, and from it you can go to the washing room, and then to the steam room or to the toilet.
  • The attic allows not only to effectively use the construction area, but also to accommodate guests who have arrived at the dacha. We equip the first floor with a waiting room, a “hall”, a washing and steam room, and we equip the second floor with a living space. To create comfortable conditions for guests, zone the attic into a bedroom and a place where they can enjoy all the delights of country life.

Design Options

The design of bath rooms should be as convenient as possible and meet high safety requirements.

  • Birch, linden, aspen and cedar are ideal for floors, walls and shelves. The wood of these types of wood does not warp from humidity and high temperatures; with strong heating, they will not burn people. To prevent rotting of the wooden floor, lay the boards so that the water goes into the wide gaps between them. If you like a hard wood floor, consider a drain system.
  • The windows in the bath are designed not so much for light as for ventilation. As a rule, small windows with thick glasses are installed in the dressing room and the washing department at least one and a half meters from the floor. Installing windows in the steam room is inconvenient, as the glass cracks from high temperatures. But it is necessary to ventilate the steam room, getting rid of smoke or carbon monoxide fumes.
  • The light in the bath is arranged depending on the room. In the steam room, the lighting is subdued so that nothing prevents you from relaxing calmly. A bright lamp is placed in the washing room, the lighting of the dressing room and the room can be decorated to your liking.

It is important that all sockets and switches in the bath rooms are in the dressing room, which is protected from both moisture and high temperatures.

  • The dressing room should have a hanger and a shelf for shoes, a hanging cabinet for bath accessories, as well as a table with benches or chairs for a comfortable rest after water procedures. If space permits, the recreation area can be given a certain style.

A pair of birch or oak brooms hung on the walls and a samovar on a table covered with a lace tablecloth will help to decorate a rest room in the Russian style. Bright curtains, soft sofas with colored pillows and a hookah will plunge you into the atmosphere of a Turkish bath - a hammam. The laconic rectangular shape of the table and benches, as well as painting the walls in white, will recreate the atmosphere of a Finnish bath.

If water supply is arranged in the bath, the washing room is equipped with a shower cabin or shower panel. If the water is heated in a tank, a ladle replaces the shower room, and there are basins, troughs and other containers on the washing shelves for mixing water. It’s not hot in this department, but it’s humid, so the washing room is finished with tiles, mosaics or porcelain stoneware that can withstand such conditions.

  • The steam room is standardly equipped with an oven and shelves, which are arranged according to the rule "the higher the shelves, the higher the temperature." According to safety rules, the stove must be finished with brick and located opposite the shelves. Wood is traditionally laid on the floor, the use of floor tiles is also acceptable provided that floorboards or wooden gratings are laid on the tile. Well, birch brooms placed in tubs will emphasize the Russian spirit of the bathhouse environment.

Material selection

Make a choice in favor of practicality, because the walls of the bath must be thermally conductive so that it heats up quickly and retains heat, durable to survive rain and snow drifts, and breathable to withstand high temperatures. Well, the aesthetic appearance of the future bath will form the texture of the material.

  • Wood has long been considered the best material for building a bath. Natural material that keeps the room warm and comfortable even in the cold of winter, minimizes heating costs. It is pleasant to look at the bath from the outside, but inside there is a pleasant smell of wood.
  • Bathhouses made of logs are subject to shrinkage, so you can start finishing work about six months after the end of construction. For fire safety, consider the location of the chimneys. The gaps between the logs are caulked with natural moss or synthetic sealant.

For durability, the bath must be lined with brick or siding, and also treated with a pesticide.

Bath size 4x5 m: interior layout
The 4 x 5 layout project allows you to build a bath even in a small area. What should be the situation inside the bath? How to make a plan? How to design a sink and a steam room separately? What materials to choose for construction?

Most often, the question “to combine a steam room with a washing room or not” arises when there is a lack of space for construction, a limited budget, or in the absence of materials. Otherwise, it is not recommended to combine premises that are completely different in functionality and purpose. The combined project is categorically not suitable for baths with metal stoves. After all, it is impossible to choose the optimal temperature regime so that it is comfortable to bathe and wash at the same time.

Washing room with steam room - 2 in 1

When a small-sized bath is being built (less than 16 m 2), the combination of a washing room with a steam room is fully justified. In this case, two separate spaces are arranged:

  • dressing room - it is also a dressing room, a rest room, a room for burning and storing a small amount of firewood,
  • steam room 2 in 1 - a steam room with a heater and a lounger in combination with a washing room, where there is a bench for basins and other accessories, as well as a reservoir with cold water. An additional tank for preparing hot water is mounted on the stove.

When forced to combine bath rooms, it is recommended to equip a steam room with a lounger closer to the ceiling, where the temperature is higher. Benches for washing are placed at the lower level at the base, where the air is cooler.

To make it comfortable to bathe and wash, the “stones” are made closed. First, they are opened to create good steam, and before airing and washing, they are closed to reduce heat as much as possible.

Pros and cons

In winter, a compact 2-in-1 sauna (steam room with a sink) for wellness treatments is convenient and economical. Compared to large separate rooms, it heats up quickly, and it takes little time to air out before washing. However, in the summer, due to the impossibility of quickly cooling the washing room, the advantages of the “combined” solution are minimized.


  • ease of layout with low construction costs,
  • useful space saving,
  • minimum consumption of resources for space heating and steam preparation.

There are more disadvantages, like other universal solutions

  • cramped conditions do not bring much joy, and the steam is not at all the same
  • excessive moisture of the walls and floor of the steam room,
  • simultaneous acceptance of wellness procedures only for 2-4 people,
  • all visitors either bathe or wash,
  • the need for ventilation before washing, since immediately after taking the steam it is impossible to wash in high heat,
  • in the process of washing at high temperatures, there is discomfort due to overheating of the body.

Wash or steam?

The main argument in favor of a separate solution is a large difference in humidity levels and temperatures, which exceeds 40 degrees or more. Each of these premises is used to solve various problems, which are problematic to combine:

  • Steam room - a special room of small dimensions, equipped with a device for preparing steam (stones) and equipment for convenient adoption of steam procedures (shelves, deck chairs). Working temperature +100 +20 0 C at humidity 20 +10% (sauna) or +40 +20 0 C at humidity from 60 +20% (wet steam room).
  • Washing room - a spacious room with accessories and equipment for washing: benches with basins, a shower room, containers for cold and hot water, etc. The average temperature is +25 +5 0 С with a humidity of 70%.

Given the different functionality, combining a steam room and a washing room will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of both procedures. You can not enjoy dry steam with excess moisture, as well as wash with strong heat. This is especially important for true connoisseurs of the steam room, for whom the bath is a kind of ritual with certain accessories, with strict observance of temperature and humidity levels.

To combine a steam room with a washing room or not?
If there is enough space for construction, the question is: “to combine the steam room with the washing room or not?” - unequivocally decided in favor of a separate location. It makes no sense to combine rooms.

Any bath should be equipped with a sink and a steam room. To effectively use the area, many owners install a special oven. She divides the bath into two rooms.

How to choose?

To know how to choose a stove for a bath with a separate steam room and sink, you should use the following tips:

  • The brazier must have a high heat output, sufficient to heat the steam room and water in the washing room, as well as provide steam. For each room, this indicator is individual and depends on the size of the heated area and the material from which the bath is made.
  • Properly selected design is compact, easy to use and eliminates the possibility of fire.
  • The furnace must be equipped with a high-quality steam generator and a heat accumulator. This is necessary in order to easily set the desired mode, which determines the type of bath: from real Russian to dry Finnish.
  • The frypot must be equipped with tools to adjust the convection.
  • On the design of the furnace there should not be sections of a significant size, the temperature of which can exceed 150 degrees.
  • If you are offered a brick or metal brazier, opt for the latter option. Metal stoves are able to heat the steam room with high speed and efficiency, take up less space, do not require a foundation, and are easy to use and maintain.

It looks like a stove for a bath with a separate sink and steam room:

Popular Models

Consider sauna stoves with a separate sink and steam room from several manufacturers, compare their prices and characteristics.

Assembly and installation

Sauna stoves with a separate sink and steam room of well-known brands are usually installed by employees of the manufacturer or according to the individual attached instructions.

But you can install it with your own efforts according to the following indicative algorithm and scheme:

Scheme of the location of the furnace and remote tank:

3 different schemes for connecting elements:

Mounting Tips:

  • The design of the furnace does not require a special foundation, but the foundation for it must be prepared. It is performed using brickwork. The base area is 70x70 cm, the height should be more than 10 cm.
  • Cover the walls adjacent to the stove using bricks, insulate with heat-insulating materials.
  • If the stove is planned to be heated from the pre-bath room, make a hole “with a margin” in the partition between it and the steam room.
  • Lay a layer of material for heat insulation and an iron sheet on which the furnace structure is installed on the prepared base. The firebox is inserted into the partition.
  • Fill the stone with stones.
  • Close the floor boards with a metal apron, which is fixed over the thermal insulation sheet.
  • Mount a decorative overlay on the front section of the firebox, install an ash pan and a door.
  • Install pipe. If the roof is flat, the height of the pipe should be more than half a meter, if the roof is gable - more than one and a half.
  • Weld a metal screen to the place of predetermined contact between the ceiling and the pipe. This part securely connects the two halves of the pipe and protects the ceiling from elevated temperatures.
  • The water tank, as well as the heat exchanger, should be installed simultaneously with the main pipe.

A stove in a bathhouse with a washing room and a steam room is a reasonable solution for a small area. The modern market offers a large number of options for furnaces. The choice should be made based on the size of the room, the desired heat capacity, the dimensions of the structure, and your personal preferences. Our recommendations will help in this.

Choosing a stove for a bath with a separate sink and steam room
Features of the selection and installation of a stove for a bath with a separate sink and steam room. Examples of optimal models of furnaces from different manufacturers are given.

The bath has always enjoyed special honor in our country. Bath procedures can heal the body and soul, give strength and energy. Baths measuring 4 x 5 meters are considered a medium-sized project. Competent planning is able to provide sufficient comfort to the owner and his family. The main advantages of medium-sized baths are that:

  • they have a fairly spacious steam room that can accommodate up to four people;
  • sink and shower are located in a separate room;
  • convenient location of the bathroom;
  • dressing room can be used as a rest room;
  • an area of ​​​​4 x 5 allows you to organize a small vestibule;
  • the dimensions of the bath do not require a large area, which allows you to build it on almost any land plot;
  • it has a simple design and, if desired, it can be built with your own hands;
  • such a bath can be located as a separate building or as an extension to existing structures.

However, the process of building a 4 x 5 bath must be approached wisely. It is necessary to choose high-quality building materials, correctly position the bath relative to the cardinal points, here the layout should be thought out in detail.

The main stages of the construction of a bath 4 x 5

A lot of advice on the construction of wooden structures has come down to us from our ancestors, which help to preserve the material for many years. The emergence of new building materials made additional adjustments and simplified the builder's life even more. Let's talk about the construction of the bath in more detail. If you paint the process step by step, then you can easily design and build a wooden bathhouse yourself:

  1. Choose the exact location for building. It is desirable that the window openings look west. So more light will enter the room, and in the evening soft rays of the sun will add comfort to bath gatherings.
  2. All projects of baths necessarily provide for the presence of a foundation. It must be at least half a meter high and 30 cm wide. There is an option to put the building on piles.
  3. Stepping back about 2 meters from the foundation, dig a drain hole (the end of the sewer pipe will be placed in it).
  4. The pipe itself is laid in a trench at an angle to the pit (to ensure a full drain).
  5. For a log house, it is better to use a log with a diameter of 180 mm. It is important to observe the alternation of thick and thin logs when laying. Closer to the foundation are logs of deciduous trees, and closer to the roof - coniferous. It is believed that the most "useful" cedar bath.
  6. To ensure the tightness of the structure, a rope made of jute or flax fiber is laid between the logs.
  7. The roof is covered with either tiles or slate.
  8. The layout of the bath has a number of features. The most popular was the division of the premises into a vestibule and four rooms. The front door should provide maximum heat retention inside the bath. To prevent drafts, many builders choose to install a vestibule with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 0.4 square meters. m. Behind him is a rest room of approximately 7.6-8.8 square meters. m. In order to enter the steam room, you need to cross the shower room (4.0 sq. m). In the shower partitions separate the bathroom. It is desirable that the steam room (4.0 sq. M) has 2 rows of shelves and a lower bench. Moreover, the upper shelf was located at a distance of 1 meter from the ceiling.
  9. The interior lining of the bath room should be made of coniferous trees.
  10. The ceiling height must be at least 2.3 m.
  11. It is also necessary to provide thermal and waterproofing.
  12. It is necessary to organize a ventilation system for the room, which can be made in the form of an outlet.

The fundamental parameter when choosing a 4 x 5 bath project will be the size of the area free for construction. It is necessary that the bath is in harmony with the existing buildings as much as possible. The relaxation zone should be planned in such a way that the sofa is in the farthest corner from the door. Typically, stone stoves and additional gas or steam heating are used for heating.

The layout of the bath 4x5 meters, where the sink and steam room are separate: photo review

The bath has always enjoyed special honor in our country. Bath procedures can heal the body and soul, give strength and energy. Baths measuring 4 x 5 meters

The layout of the bath 3x5 with a separate sink and steam room

Most homeowners tend to have a bath near the house. This is not surprising: after all, the usefulness and beneficial effects on the body of bath procedures are known to everyone. One of the most popular bath projects is the construction of 3x5 meters with a steam room and a sink provided separately.

The size and layout of such a bath allow you to wash yourself comfortably, and take a steam bath no less comfortably. In the article we will consider the characteristic features of the layout of the bath 3x5 meters with a separate sink and steam room.

Bath pros

In recent years, the popularity of the bath has only increased. And no wonder: after all, the usefulness of bath procedures has already been scientifically proven. Let's consider what advantages a visit to this relaxation and hygienic establishment gives us.

Bath - an ideal means of prevention and treatment of colds. Many have experienced this beneficial effect, when, with the onset of a cold, a visit to the bath quickly raised you to your feet.

The bath has many more wonderful advantages: you will feel them fully on yourself as soon as you build this most necessary outbuilding on your own site. And here is how the project of a house bath from rounded logs looks like, and how to build it. this information will help you understand.

advance planning

First of all, determine exactly where the building will be located. It is important that the bathhouse is not located near a noisy, dusty road, or in close proximity to a cesspool. And keep in mind that the closer the building is located to the house, the easier it will be to bring communications to it. But the distance from the house to the bath, according to construction requirements, should not be less than 8 meters.

Decide on the parameters of the bath itself. Size 3x5, by the way, is practically universal, and fits in most cases. Determine whether a rest room will be needed in the bath. Or, perhaps it is more convenient for you to get by with a small dressing room, and with the help of the saved space, expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe washroom or steam room.

Decide on the type of foundation. This largely depends on the type of material from which the bath will be built: a massive foundation is not required for a wooden structure, but yes for a brick one. Accurately calculate the amount of building materials needed, and purchase them with a small margin.

Layout features

The size of the bath is three meters by five - very popular and in demand. Such a bath turns out to be quite compact, however, it is quite possible to place all the necessary bath rooms on its area, and comfortably accommodate.

When planning a bath with separate washing and steam rooms with a total size of 3x5 meters, it is necessary to divide the entire space into three parts.

For the rest room, a space of 1.5x3 meters is intended. This is quite enough so that you can undress / dress quite comfortably, and even relax after bath procedures.

The remaining space is divided into a steam room measuring 3.4x1.5 meters and a sink measuring 3.4x1.4 meters. As you can see, the parameters of these rooms are almost the same, and quite decent. The rest of the insignificant space will be “eaten up” by internal partition walls. But what a bathhouse with a pool under the roof looks like can be seen in the photo in this article.

Terrace project

If you want to equip the sauna with a small terrace where you can drink tea in the summer, pay attention to the following layout. The terrace in this case serves as a rest room. The internal areas are slightly reduced, so the steam room with the washing room is getting closer, but only slightly.

So, the steam room in this case has dimensions of 2x3 meters, washing - 2.8x3 meters. You can also swap these rooms if, for example, you want, on the contrary, a more spacious sink.

The terrace, which is also a rest room, is provided according to the project with dimensions of 5x1.9 meters. In such a territory it is possible to fence off a small nook for changing clothes. And the rest of the space can be successfully used for organizing a comfortable relaxation room.

These are the main types of 3x5 bath layouts with separate steam and washing rooms. Based on the proposed options, you yourself can create your own project that best meets your individual needs. And from this article you can learn about the project of a bath from chopped logs.

Detailed project

Let's give an example of the stages of a detailed layout of a 3x5 bath with separate washing and steam rooms.

Decide on a building site, and conduct a small geological study of it. This is necessary in order to know the depth of groundwater and the nature of the soil. For example, if groundwater is close, then the soil is swampy: it is undesirable to build a bathhouse in this place. Keep in mind that swampiness may not be visible on the surface, but geological analysis will determine this for sure.

Choose a foundation: stone tape or pile. Please note that the base of the bath should rise above the ground by about 50-70 cm. Most often, the base is finished with cement: this is both reliable and inexpensive. Get high-quality cement so that the bath is strong and reliable.

It is recommended, by the way, to install a stove or boiler for heating water and heating at the end farthest from the front door. Be sure to provide a place for a dressing room with a hanger, even if you do not plan to build a separate rest room. Also, in addition to the rest room, there can be a bathhouse with an attic and a terrace.

In the washing room, there must be a place for benches: their presence will provide a more comfortable washing process. In addition, there should be a special space for placing tanks: separately for cold and hot water. The canopy in the steam room or shelves, on which it will be possible to comfortably accommodate during the procedure, are also necessary.

Provide a window in the washing room. It will make the space of a small room brighter and more comfortable, it can be used to ventilate the washing room. In addition, fire safety rules provide for the mandatory presence of such a window.

The size of the window should be at least 0.5mx0.5 so that an adult can climb into it if necessary. It should open inward: in case the outside space near the window fills up with branches or other objects.

That's all the necessary nuances that it is desirable to take into account when planning a 3x5 bath with separate washing and steam rooms. Of course, each owner makes his own adjustments to the initial projects, based on individual needs and requirements.

The common advantage of baths of this size is their low cost, compactness and quick warm-up. As a result, you can save significantly at first on building materials, and then save constantly without spending too many expensive resources on heating a small bath.

It is best to finish the bath from the inside with a tree. Even if the outside of the building is brick, it is recommended to make the interior, including walls, floors and ceilings, wooden. This material will make the bath a truly healing place of relaxation and rest, fill it with a pleasant smell of wood.

The following timber products are most suitable for finishing a bath:

If you want to feel a resinous tart woody aroma during the passage of bath procedures, choose conifers, which are also the most useful ones.

We will find out what nuances there are in the construction of a 3x5 meter bath with separate steam room and sink.

Before you start building a bath, you need an accurate design of the structure: with all the drawings and important points provided for in the form of laying communications, etc. Such a project can either be drawn up on your own, or bought from a special building design company, or found on the Internet.

Please note that the minimum bath area is 10 sq. m. In a smaller space it will be very difficult to place all the necessary devices and furniture, and it will be crowded when washing.

The bath should have its own communications: water supply, sewerage, electricity supply, ventilation. Be sure to consider convenient exits from the steam room and sink to the rest room.

Pay attention to the choice of the stove. We recommend choosing from two options: either an electric stove or a stone stove. In the first case, heating will occur quickly, there will be no soot and soot, but it will noticeably wind up electricity. A stone stove is more healing, but there is more fuss with it: it is necessary to heat, clean, store fuel. But what kind of brick stoves in the bath exist, and how to choose the right one, is described in great detail in this article.

We examined the features of one of the most popular bath layouts: 3x5 meters with separate steam room and sink. As you can see, even such a small space can be well planned and placed on it with all the necessary premises. Therefore, do not be afraid of the small total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bath: our tips will help you create a completely comfortable space.

Bath layout 3x5: washing and steam room separately, how to do it

Bath layout 3x5: sink and steam room separately. How to plan a 3x5 bath so that the sink and steam room are separate. Photo options.

Bath layout options

Having your own land plot and not building a bathhouse is bad manners. Even in small garden plots, where, due to greenhouses and beds, there was nowhere to place a full-fledged house, our man always found a place for a Russian bath. What can we say about full-sized land plots of the IZHS category.

The layout of the bath 3 × 4, indicating all sizes

Mandatory rooms in the Russian bath

It is better to divide even the smallest bath into rooms with internal partitions than to leave one large room.

An example of the layout of a small bath with a size of 6 × 2.3

A rest room and other rooms in a very small bath, as a rule, are not made, preferring to take them outside the building.

This allows not only to save and optimize the interior space, but also to organize a recreation area more comfortably and thoughtfully using alternative options.

Dressing room in a Russian bath

Necessarily necessary, as in any capital structure. This is a small, most often unheated, although there are exceptions, premises. Its main task is to exclude direct entry of cold air into the interior of the bath - washing and steam rooms.

The design and layout of the bath with a dressing room size 3×5

Some 6x6 bath projects offer to combine a vestibule with a rest room. In this case, the front door from the street leads directly into the bath.

Layout of a small bath 6 × 4

Where the size of the site allows, the vestibule can be combined with a terrace or veranda. In this case, in the warm season, the rest room is equipped on the street, in the fresh air, and the interior is used for its intended purpose - for a steam room and a sink.

The layout of the bath with a relaxation room size 7 × 5

Washing room in a Russian bath

The Russian bath traditionally separated the steam room from the room where the water splashed. Firstly, it is much more difficult to warm up and make a large room vapor-tight with high quality than a space of a couple of square meters. Secondly, at high humidity it is very difficult to endure high air temperature. Although the baths, where the sink and the steam room are 2 in 1, are not at all uncommon.

Even small buildings with dimensions of 3 * 4 allow you to divide the interior space into a steam room and a washing room. Depending on the needs of the owners, the size of each room will also depend.

If a Russian bath is built for frequent meetings with friends exclusively in a male company, then half a square meter will be enough for a washing room - a shower in one of the corners of the bath. And the rest of the room can be occupied by a steam room or a steam room with a rest room.

Bath layout 4×5 with toilet and shower

It is quite possible that it will be the predominant room in the bathhouse, and the steam room will be a purely symbolic room designed for 1-2 people. Such a layout of the bath can do without a rest room at all, since you can drink tea and chat after the steam room directly in the house.

Russian steam room

The heart and the very essence of the Russian bath is the steam room. Such a room is arranged at the maximum distance from the front door. It has no window openings and is small in size. If the dimensions of the building can be arbitrary, then the drawings of the steam room comply with the standards, which are calculated based on:

At the same time, the height of the ceilings has a very small spread: from 2.1 meters to 2.4. But the length and width of the room, even for two people, can vary significantly: from 840 * 1150 mm to 1900 * 2350 mm. And these are only very modest, small-sized projects. The larger the room of the bath itself, the more space and opportunities appear when designing a steam room.

In the event that the steam room will be used by 1-2 people, then this room can be made very compact, providing only seats for steamers.

Design and layout of a 5×5 bathhouse with an entrance hall, a washing room and a bathroom

Additional rooms in the bath

The bath today has ceased to be only a room for taking water procedures. Today it is a place of rest, meeting with friends, a guest house or a country house-bath. Depending on the purpose and size of the building, the number of additional rooms can be completely different.

Bath with relaxation room

If the rest room during the construction of the bath is provided as a separate room, then it performs an independent function, without duplicating the duties of a dressing room, dressing room or washing room.

An example of a 5 × 5 bath layout with a relaxation room

Some bath projects involve placing a small kitchen area and a billiard table in the rest room. And the installation of a special sauna stove with a fireplace module allows you to make this room more comfortable and homely.

Bath with a pool

A classic Russian bath does not provide for such luxury, but today a pool in a bath is not such a rarity. Individual projects boast a full-fledged swimming pool, gym and winter garden. But the placement of a small pool-font under the same roof with a steam room is quite an ordinary phenomenon.

A one-story bath with dimensions of 8 * 10 calmly accommodates a spacious relaxation room, a separate steam room, a washing room and a room with a pool. At the same time, the entrance to the water block is through the rest room. A walk-through room, where three doors lead at once, is a washing room. The only way to access the pool from the steam room is through the shower room.

A full pool can be replaced with a font. In this case, there is no need to allocate a closed room for these needs. It is enough to make the washing room a little more spacious and install a font. This option is acceptable even for small baths.

The project and layout of the bath 7 × 12 with a pool

Bedroom in a one-story bath

This layout option is very convenient if you often have guests. Then the bathhouse can be used not only as a place to relax, but also as a separate house to accommodate friends. The bedroom in the bath is an independent room and does not function as a common rest room. It may not have a separate entrance, but it must be isolated from the main bath block: washing room and steam room.

Most often, such projects offer symmetrical or asymmetrical placement of the guest room.

In the first case, the internal layout of the 3x5 bath is divided into two equal parts, the front door is located clearly in the center. And on one side of the entrance there is a guest room, on the other - the whole complex of bath rooms. The guest room has a common wall or with a rest room or with a steam room and a washing room.

The project and layout of the bath with a bedroom

Two-story bath

A two-storey bathhouse is built only if it is used as a living space by the owners themselves or as a guest house. Less commonly, a two-story bath is built exclusively for relaxation.

A full-fledged second floor, in order to save money, is often replaced by an attic. This type of building fully meets all the requirements that are placed on the second floor.

Most of the attic bath projects provide for the placement of bedrooms or guest rooms there. In small buildings, this can be one common room, in larger ones, two bedrooms will fit on the second floor. Depending on the option chosen, the floor is equipped with a small hall, where the stairs lead, or it may be absent if there is only one bedroom upstairs.

The layout of all floors of a two-story bath 7 × 8

The space of the first floor is divided by a spacious steam room, washing room, possibly a pool and a relaxation room. The recreation room on the ground floor is a place with a table, benches or sun loungers, as well as a small kitchen area with a kettle, microwave and refrigerator. All this makes for a comfortable rest after the steam room and gatherings with friends.

Bathhouse with outbuildings

Another interesting option for planning a bath is the construction of the main bath block, which contains a steam room, a washing room and possibly a rest room. And all other premises - guest rooms, bedrooms, recreation areas, a pool and a font - are being completed nearby, as needed.

The project and layout of the bath 5 × 12 with a terrace

The advantage of such a prefabricated structure is that you can add the necessary premises as they are needed and the opportunity arises. In addition, separate construction will save on the materials used, construction technologies.

The plan of a small bath 3 × 6 with a relaxation room and a washing room

In rooms where there is no high humidity, you can save on steam and waterproofing by making it from simpler materials and using simplified technology. And heating, if the extensions are used in the winter, can be provided from the main furnace, laying the possibility of connection in the initial project.

Modern infrastructure and the benefits of civilization will never replace a real Russian bath. A bathroom, a shower room, a sauna in a cottage - all this pales in comparison with a real steam room filled with dry heat from birch logs and the resinous aroma of fir brooms.

If earlier the construction of your own house began with the construction of a bath, today it is left in the end. When all the work on the construction of the main housing is completed and the necessary minimum is completed, then you can relax and creatively approach the realization of your ideas and desires: the construction of a dream bath.

The project and layout of the bath with a terrace of 50 sq. m

This project is small, but at the same time a cozy bath. Such a building can be considered part of the estate or used as a separate element as an independent home, necessary for relaxation.

The entrance is preceded by a terrace measuring 9.8 sq. m. Then comes the vestibule 2.3 square meters. m.

Bath layout 50 sq.m.

From the rest room, the passage leads to the washing room (7.8 sq. M.), And then to the steam room (7.8 sq. M.). All rooms are arranged in such a way that only a minimal amount of heat leaves the last room.

Much attention is paid to the heating and lighting system. Windows are located in the billiard room, rest room and the smallest in the locker room. Consequently, even in the daytime there will be a shortage of lighting. Such a problem will be solved by using lighting at the bottom of the ceiling.

Layout features

In order to get comfortable conditions for relaxing in the bath, you will need to take into account certain features.

  1. In no case should there be drafts in the bath. In this project, such a problem is solved with the construction of a vestibule. For greater efficiency, it is worth placing the doors perpendicular to each other.
  2. The door to the bath must be low and narrow. This will help keep the heat in the steam room, even during severe frosts in winter.
  3. The size of the allowable windows in the bath can be 40x60 or 70x80.
  4. In the washing room, it is worth taking care of the window above the level of the head of a standing person.
  5. If, in addition to the stove, it is not planned to use heating in the bath, then it should be installed in such a way that it can heat several rooms at once.
  6. It is best to place the bath on a slight elevation so that dirty water leaves the building by gravity.
  7. All materials that will be intended for construction must first be dried in the sun so that the degree of humidity is not lower than 8%.
  8. The clarity and quality of the ventilation system is essential.

The main characteristics of a wooden bath:

  • Design: the bath is made from round logs;
  • Foundation material: monolithic reinforced concrete;
  • Material for external walls: logs;
  • Floor material: wooden beams;
  • Roof material: wood;
  • Roof material: metal tiles.

Fire safety requirements for a bath

  1. The space that is located below the floor level must be covered with a screen made of metal or brick. This is necessary in case a hot coal or a spark of flame gets there.
  2. Under the metal stove, the floor must be insulated with several rows of bricks. It must be laid on asbestos cardboard or double felt, which must first be impregnated with a clay mixture.

Even our ancestors believed that the bath is a source of health and longevity. And even in the modern world, a person still does not refuse a bath. It is for this reason that the bath plan remains one of the most sought-after projects, along with simple residential buildings. A well-built bath can completely change the entire appearance of the site.

The layout of the bath 4x6, 3x4, 4x5, 5x5, 3x6, 3x5 and other sizes indoors

Options for planning and arranging a bath 4x6, 3x4, 4x5, 5x5, 3x6, 3x5 and other sizes. How to properly equip a sink and a steam room inside in a bath.

Bath layout: a draft plan for washing and a steam room separately with your own hands

According to statistics, more than 30% of Russian citizens have summer cottages, most residents spend their vacations there, and only 14% of citizens spend their summer vacations in resorts. How to equip a steam room, you will learn in this article. We read and build.

Country rest

Today, the dacha is not perceived as in Soviet times, on six acres with minimal amenities, dacha residents grew a large number of vegetables, made preparations for the whole winter and considered the dacha a breadwinner. Now many people go to the dacha to spend time outdoors, they dream of acquiring their own bathhouse on the site. This is a great opportunity to improve your health and fully relax after a working week. And if you don’t need to go anywhere at all, the bathhouse is next to your own house, then this is doubly wonderful.

Sauna planning

Having decided to put bath with your own hands, the owner asks a lot of questions, in what place to put it, what size to build, how many rooms to make and many more. Consider the layout of the 3x5 bath, these are the best dimensions for building in a small area.

As a rule, suburban areas have 6-8 acres, so it is beneficial to build compact buildings. It is desirable to place three rooms in the bath: a relaxation room, a steam room, a sink. First you need to develop a project for the future cottage.


Choose a place for a bath, it should be free and located about 8 meters from the house, according to fire safety regulations. Five meters from the well, away from the toilet and compost pit. If there is not enough space on the site, then the bath, at your own peril and risk, is attached to existing buildings. In this case, consider good insulation and take care of reliable electrical wiring.

The project itself can be ordered from a construction company, it will be developed according to all your requirements:

  • number of rooms;
  • the size of the sink, steam room;
  • features of the arrangement;
  • the presence of a veranda, second floor, and so on.

The cost of the project is not small, it is significant will affect the price of the entire construction, as a result, the bath will cost a pretty penny, and will no longer be so pleasing. The Internet resource is full of construction topics, where photos of typical bath projects are provided in abundance. After thinking and slightly changing the typical project, independently distributing the sink and the steam room separately, you will get a drawing that will satisfy your requirements.

Having decided to act in similar ways, to save money on the project by doing it yourself, you should provide for the following:

Even the smallest bath is better divided by internal partitions for several rooms than to leave one room. The height of the steam room is recommended to be limited to two meters ten centimeters, the washing room can be made 10 cm higher.

If a family of four, five people or often gather as a company, then the layout of the 4 by 5 bath project is more profitable and practical than a small 3 by 5 bath. A competent project is the key to successful construction and further operation of the bath.

Greater comfort in a small bath will bring an adjusted interior space, it is worth increasing the steam room, this will allow family members to comfortably accommodate. You should not save useful meters in the locker room or rest room, but the sink can be made smaller, then you can bathe with the whole company, and wash one at a time.

The entrance to the bath is most often projected from the south, in winter there is less snow, it is easier to clean, and the windows should preferably face west. Usually they go to the bathhouse after lunch or in the late afternoon, the light of the setting sun will illuminate the room, such a well-thought-out layout will help save on electricity.

If you want to make a bath with a terrace, then such a project does not provide for a washing room, and a terrace serves as a resting place. The option is optimal for summer residents who use the bath only during the summer season.

dressing room

This is an unheated room necessary in the bath to prevent cold air from getting in. The projects of even the most modest baths provide for a small nook with two doors facing the street and the steam room. Often the dressing room is equipped with benches, clothes hangers. If a visit to the bathhouse in the winter is not included in the plans, then the need for a vestibule is no longer necessary.

Washing and steam room

Many people are asking the question, what about washing and steam room, organize them together or separately. When the bath area is small, the individual rooms will be very small. For saunas, where dry steam is good, because a small room warms up quickly, besides, there should be as little humidity as possible in the steam room, so washing is done separately from the steam room.

For lovers take a steam bath in a Russian bath with a broom, where moderate temperature and high humidity, washing and steam room can be combined. On the other hand, in the steam room the body is very hot and you want to cool it down. For this, a separate washing room will be very useful, where there is a contrast shower, or a font with cool water.

Before you start building your own bath, it is advisable to visit several types of steam rooms to find out what you like best and finally make sure that you choose the right one.

Arrangement of the steam room and washing inside

If, according to the project, the bath is on two floors, then the steam room should be located on the first floor; windows in the room are not provided. Convenient when from the steam room there is access to the washing room and a rest room. It is better to choose doors for a steam room from tempered glass, if this is not possible, then wooden ones. But in any case, they should not have any metal elements, the metal is very hot and, touching the door, you can seriously burn yourself.

The height of the shelves is selected individually, but distance from ceiling to shelf should not exceed 110 centimeters. If there are several shelves according to the project, then one should be 45 cm higher than the other. The width of the shelves depends on the size of the steam room itself, the larger the area, the wider and more convenient the shelves. It is convenient to bathe in a lying position, so the optimal length of the shelves is 180 cm.

If two people will most often use the bath, then in a compact room you can arrange only seats for them. When the area of ​​​​the room allows, then the shelves can be arranged in a cascade, this will make the steam room more spacious.

The sink from the steam room should be separated by a partition and a door. The washing room is heated by the same oven, which is the pair. The area per person must be at least 1 square meter. If the dimensions of the washing room are available, then a shower built into the wall or a shower stall, a font is installed there, for greater comfort, you can put a toilet bowl.

rest room each furnish to your liking, with their own hands, as a rule, they have a large table and comfortable benches. The construction of a bath is considered one of the simplest, however, the internal layout should be approached seriously and responsibly, then the wishes “with light bath” will sound sincerely.

Baths 3x4: features of the internal layout and project selection, with a separate steam room and sink

Features of the design of small baths, criteria for choosing a layout. How to make a project with your own hands. In what cases to give preference to baths with a separate steam room.

Having your own land plot and not building a bathhouse is bad manners. Even in small garden plots, where, due to greenhouses and beds, there was nowhere to place a full-fledged house, our man always found a place for a Russian bath. What can we say about full-sized land plots of the IZHS category.

The layout of the bath 3 × 4, indicating all sizes

Where space does not allow building a large bath, a log house with dimensions of 3 * 4 rises, and if there are no restrictions on the area, then you can also swing at. At the same time, any layout of the bath will include the most basic - a steam room, a washing room and a dressing room in various variations. The rest of the rooms are optional.

It is better to divide even the smallest bath into rooms with internal partitions than to leave one large room.

An example of the layout of a small bath with a size of 6 × 2.3

A well-thought-out internal layout of the bath is the key to successful operation. Only by breaking an already small room with walls, you can achieve high-quality heating of the steam room, from which steam will not escape, a well-heated washroom with access to hot water, and a dressing room protected from steam and moisture.

A rest room and other rooms in a very small bath, as a rule, are not made, preferring to take them outside the building.

This allows not only to save and optimize the interior space, but also to organize a recreation area more comfortably and thoughtfully using alternative options.

Dressing room in a Russian bath

Necessarily necessary, as in any capital structure. This is a small, most often unheated, although there are exceptions, premises. Its main task is to exclude direct entry of cold air into the interior of the bath - washing and steam rooms.

The design and layout of the bath with a dressing room size 3×5

Drawings of the most modest-sized baths represent a dressing room in the form of a small nook with two doors - one leads to the street, the second - inside the bath, directly to the washing room. Sometimes the vestibule is equipped with several hooks and a narrow bench where you can leave your clothes.

Some suggest combining a vestibule with a rest room. In this case, the front door from the street leads directly into the bath.

Layout of a small bath 6 × 4

Cold air enters the room, where a small table with benches or sunbeds is located, and a full-fledged dressing room is also equipped. It is assumed that the rest room is so well warmed up from the sauna stove that the cold air from the street will not change the comfortable microclimate.

Where the size of the site allows, the vestibule can be combined with a terrace or veranda. In this case, in the warm season, the rest room is equipped on the street, in the fresh air, and the interior is used for its intended purpose - for a steam room and a sink.

The layout of the bath with a relaxation room size 7 × 5

Washing room in a Russian bath

Traditionally, it separated the steam room from the room where the water splashed. Firstly, it is much more difficult to warm up and make a large room vapor-tight with high quality than a space of a couple of square meters. Secondly, at high humidity it is very difficult to endure high air temperature. Although the baths, where the sink and the steam room are 2 in 1, are not at all uncommon.

Even small buildings with dimensions of 3 * 4 allow you to divide the interior space into a steam room and a washing room. Depending on the needs of the owners, the size of each room will also depend.
If a Russian bath is built for frequent meetings with friends exclusively in a male company, then half a square meter will be enough for a washing room -. And the rest of the room can be occupied by a steam room or a steam room with a rest room.

Bath layout 4×5 with toilet and shower

In the event that the bathhouse is built for a family with children, or is not only a place of rest, but is also used for washing and other household and household needs, then the washing room should be larger.

Read also

Bath projects with an attic

It is quite possible that it will be the predominant room in the bathhouse, and the steam room will be a purely symbolic room designed for 1-2 people. Such a layout of the bath can do without a rest room at all, since you can drink tea and chat after the steam room directly in the house.

Russian steam room

The heart and the very essence of the Russian bath is the steam room. Such a room is arranged at the maximum distance from the front door. It has no window openings and is small in size. If the dimensions of the building can be arbitrary, then the drawings of the steam room comply with the standards, which are calculated based on:

At the same time, the height of the ceilings has a very small spread: from 2.1 meters to 2.4. But the length and width of the room, even for two people, can vary significantly: from 840 * 1150 mm to 1900 * 2350 mm. And these are only very modest, small-sized projects. The larger the room of the bath itself, the more space and opportunities appear when designing a steam room.

In the event that the steam room will be used by 1-2 people, then this room can be made very compact, providing only seats for steamers.

Design and layout of a 5×5 bathhouse with an entrance hall, a washing room and a bathroom

If space allows, then the layout of the bath may include shelves for horizontal placement. With the cascading arrangement of shelves, the steam room can be made more spacious than with the classic arrangement.

Additional rooms in the bath

The bath today has ceased to be only a room for taking water procedures. Today it is a place of rest, meeting with friends, or a country house-bath. Depending on the purpose and size of the building, the number of additional rooms can be completely different.

Bath with relaxation room

If the rest room during the construction of the bath is provided as a separate room, then it performs an independent function, without duplicating the duties of a dressing room, dressing room or washing room.

An example of a 5 × 5 bath layout with a relaxation room

This is a very roomy room, which can occupy up to 1/2 of the area of ​​​​the entire bath. Here, as a rule, there is a large table, comfortable benches or sunbeds, with good ventilation, you can even put special upholstered furniture that is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. This is important, since in winter the bathhouse will not be heated all the time, and the temperature inside will drop from + 25-30 to minus.

Some bath projects involve placing a small kitchen area and a billiard table in the rest room. And the installation of a special sauna stove with a fireplace module allows you to make this room more comfortable and homely.

Bath with a pool

A classic Russian bath does not provide for such luxury, but today a pool in a bath is not such a rarity. Individual projects boast a full-fledged swimming pool, gym and. But the placement of a small pool-font under the same roof with a steam room is quite an ordinary phenomenon.

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Turkish bath construction

A one-story bath with dimensions of 8 * 10 calmly accommodates a spacious relaxation room, a separate steam room, a washing room and a room with a pool. At the same time, the entrance to the water block is through the rest room. A walk-through room, where three doors lead at once, is a washing room. The only way to access the pool from the steam room is through the shower room.

A full pool can be replaced with a font. In this case, there is no need to allocate a closed room for these needs. It is enough to make the washing room a little more spacious and install a font. This option is acceptable even for small baths.

The project and layout of the bath 7 × 12 with a pool

Bedroom in a one-story bath

This layout option is very convenient if you often have guests. Then the bathhouse can be used not only as a place to relax, but also as a separate house to accommodate friends. The bedroom in the bath is an independent room and does not function as a common rest room. It may not have a separate entrance, but it must be isolated from the main bath block: washing room and steam room.

Most often, such projects offer symmetrical or asymmetrical placement of the guest room.

In the first case, the internal layout of the 3x5 bath is divided into two equal parts, the front door is located clearly in the center. And on one side of the entrance there is a guest room, on the other - the whole complex of bath rooms. The guest room has a common wall or with a rest room or with a steam room and a washing room.

The project and layout of the bath with a bedroom

In the second case, the room is also divided into two blocks - a common bath and a guest room, but the space is not divided equally. A large area is allocated for general needs, and a smaller part (usually 1/3) for a guest room.

Two-story bath

A two-storey bathhouse is built only if it is used as a living space by the owners themselves or as a guest house. Less commonly, a two-story bath is built exclusively for relaxation.
A full-fledged second floor, in order to save money, is often replaced by an attic. This type of building fully meets all the requirements that are placed on the second floor.

Most provide accommodation there for bedrooms or guest rooms. In small buildings, this can be one common room, in larger ones, two bedrooms will fit on the second floor. Depending on the option chosen, the floor is equipped with a small hall, where the stairs lead, or it may be absent if there is only one bedroom upstairs.

The layout of all floors of a two-story bath 7 × 8

If a bathhouse with an attic is built exclusively for recreation, then entertainment for a narrow circle of people is transferred to the second floor: a chill-out, a relaxation room, a billiard table and a cinema can be accommodated here.

The space of the first floor is divided by a spacious steam room, washing room, possibly a pool and a relaxation room. The recreation room on the ground floor is a place with a table, benches or sun loungers, as well as a small kitchen area with a kettle, microwave and refrigerator. All this makes for a comfortable rest after the steam room and gatherings with friends.

Bathhouse with outbuildings

Another interesting option for planning a bath is the construction of the main bath block, which contains a steam room, a washing room and possibly a rest room. And all other premises - guest rooms, bedrooms, recreation areas, a pool and a font - are being completed nearby, as needed.
