When to sow carrots in May. When to sow carrots, beets and parsnips for a great harvest. Planting days in April

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Lunar calendar for the gardener 2016 - Sowing, picking seedlings.

The table of the lunar calendar on this page is a thematic selection from the universal one made for the convenience of planning work related to work in the garden. garden strawberry is present in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view the work related to it in the "garden" section of the calendar.

April picks up water, opens flowers.

In April, they continue to care for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers, sow cabbage and cucumber seeds for seedlings. The most responsible and time-consuming procedure at this time is the picking of seedlings. After the snow melts, you need to remove the foliage on the site, which they did not have time to remove from the fall. Plots with strawberries are cleared of old leaves and mustaches. When the earth warms up a little, you can sow dill, lettuce. At the end of the month, seeds of cold-resistant plants (carrots, onions, radishes) can be sown.

In April 2016, the lunar month is almost a week behind the calendar month, the most auspicious days for sowing seedlings of such vegetable crops as tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage fall in the second decade of the month (on the growing moon).

ATTENTION! Our moon calendar gardener is underway by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time * )

(During this period, we plan to sow seedlings of early-ripening varieties of tomatoes for open ground, for planting without picking)
from April 10, 2016 08:58 (Sun)
to April 12, 2016 11:06 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

Unfavorable time for watering seedlings. Loosening the earth, thinning seedlings.
from 12 April 2016 11:06 (Tue)
to April 14, 2016 16:53 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Pruning of plants is prohibited. Pinching vegetables is unfavorable. Favorable time for watering plants, applying mineral fertilizers. Sowing seedlings of superdeterminant tomatoes, early ripe varieties of pepper, physalis. Sowing seedlings of pumpkin seeds; green, spicy, medicinal crops, seeds of cold-resistant flowers in a greenhouse under a film. Seeding possible cucumbers for seedlings. Planting seedlings of early and mid-season varieties and hybrids of colored and white cabbage for late consumption in a cold nursery. Sowing corn. Possible picking tomatoes and peppers.
from 14 April 2016 16:53 (Thu)
to April 17, 2016 02:22 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Leo

sown these days lawn grass rises in an even layer. Covering plantations of perennial onions and last year's parsley with a film in order to obtain earlier greenery. Possible time for tillage: plowing, digging, cultivation, weeding.
from 17 April 2016 02:22 (Sun)
to April 19, 2016 14:24 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

During this period, it is better not to sow anything. Favorable time for planting aromatic and medicinal crops, green. Transplantation (transshipment) of seedlings tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, physalis in large containers.
from 19 April 2016 14:24 (Tue)
to April 21, 2016 18:53 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering seedlings. Favorable time for sowing gourds(zucchini, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, etc.) for seedlings. According to weather conditions, transplanting cucumber seedlings into a greenhouse for additional shelter. Sowing seeds of broccoli and kohlrabi, cauliflower for autumn consumption in a cold nursery. Sowing in open ground all leafy and leafy vegetables, cabbage seedlings, legumes(beans), aromatic plants, as well as seeds of rhubarb, lovage, perennial onions. It is possible to plant asparagus and corn.
from 21 April 2016 18:53 (Thu)
to April 23, 2016 21:03 (Sat)


It is not recommended to sow, plant, replant anything, carry out any work with plants. It is possible to thin out seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil, collect garbage, prepare ridges, etc.
April 22, 2016 08:23 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid lunar month, : until April 22, 2016 3:17 Moon in the sign of Libra then in the sign of Scorpio)
from April 23, 2016 21:03 (Sat)
to April 24, 2016 15:46 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Scorpio

Watering and fertilizing organic fertilizers. Putting potato tubers in warm room for sprouting, spring garlic and onion sets for heating. Sowing black onion for growing sevka. Favorable time for seedling picks(including tomatoes and peppers). Soil cultivation: loosening, mulching. Root begonia tubers are planted in pots. Soaking seeds of zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers and sowing them in greenhouses, under film shelter or seedlings (according to weather and regional conditions). Planting seedlings of white cabbage. Sowing in seed nursery late varieties cauliflower for autumn consumption. In the southern regions, it is possible to plant seedlings of pepper, tomatoes, eggplants in greenhouses under additional cover; planting seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, squash in open ground under shelter.
from 24 April 2016 15:46 (Sun)
to April 27, 2016 02:54 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Planting early potatoes. Sowing black onion for growing sevka, planting spring garlic. spring processing soils: digging, loosening, hilling, thinning seedlings of vegetable crops.
from April 27, 2016 02:54 (Wed)
to April 29, 2016 11:47 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Capricorn

Favorable time for sowing early radish. Laying out potato tubers for germination. Sowing root parsley, parsnips, early varieties of carrots under covering material. Transplantation of low-growing varieties of tomatoes. Top dressing with organic fertilizers. Treatment of plants against pests wintering in the ground.

Description of our method planting tomatoes to the greenhouse and VIDEO you can see by clicking on the picture.

April 29 (16.04 style) - Irina (Arina) Nursery
- On this day, cabbage was sown in nurseries

from April 29, 2016 11:47 (Fri)
to April 30, 2016 23:59 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Extremely bad days for sowing and planting. Preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Covering the ridges with a film in order to warm them up faster and preparing steam ridges for pumpkins and zucchini. Loosening the earth, thinning seedlings, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases, applying organic fertilizers. - I propose to make a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And to distribute the information on these graphs.

Folk signs about the weather:
"If the waters break late in April, then the summer is bad"
"There is no water in March - there is no grass in April.

Based on one rather interesting folk omen, compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Carrots are grown by many in their gardens and household plots. From the point of view of breadth of application, carrots are an indispensable vegetable. This root crop is used to add to various dishes, make carrot salads, squeeze carrot juice, etc.

Carrots are an indispensable product in terms of health benefits. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and other useful substances.

Carrots grow best in middle lane our country. It tolerates both cold and heat well. Carrots are quite unpretentious to growing conditions, but one thing needs to be remembered - it needs regular watering. Only then will it turn out juicy and tasty.

Many novice gardeners ask - When to plant carrots outdoors? On this page we will answer this popular question and give some useful tips for planting and cultivation. The recommended dates for sowing carrots will be tied to the 2016 lunar calendar.

When to plant to plant carrots in open ground?

When can you start planting carrots in open ground in the spring. Carrots are quite cold hardy. vegetable crop. But planting is best done when the threat of morning frost has passed.

Shoots appear 15-20 days after planting in the ground. It takes about 2.5 months for carrots to ripen.

Usually, in the middle zone of Russia, good weather sets in. in early to mid-May - this is the best time to sow carrot seeds in open ground . Harvest, ready for harvest, you will receive around mid-late August.

If you want more early harvest, then you can plant carrots earlier. However, this will require a greenhouse. You can start planting carrots in the greenhouse from the beginning to the end of April . In this case, the harvest can be harvested by the end of July.

Instead of a greenhouse, you can use film greenhouses. Water the plants more often to get an early harvest. Be sure to thin out so that the distance between plants is at least 5 centimeters.

Carrots love soils with an acidity of pH 6-7, with a ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of 2.5: 1: 4. Before sowing, the soil must be prepared. This will need to be done in the fall after the previous harvest. The site needs to be dug up, loosened and fertilized: manure 3-4 kilograms per 1 square meter, wood ash 1 glass per 1 square meter. Immediately before planting, the soil can be fertilized mineral fertilizers. If you have acidic soil, then you need to add more lime 300-500 grams per 1 square meter.

Agrotechnics for planting carrots is very simple. Throughout the beds, rows are made at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from each other in them and seeds are planted. Sowing is done at a depth of 2-3 centimeters. To create wet favorable microclimate crops are covered with a film.

When to plant carrots according to the lunar calendar 2017?

A lot of gardeners, when planting, are guided by the lunar calendar. When to plant carrots according to the 2017 lunar calendar? Auspicious days in spring:

  • Auspicious days for planting carrots in April 2017:
    • 16 April.
    • April 17th.
    • April 18th.
    • 23 April.

    Auspicious days for planting carrots in May 2017:

    • 9th May.
    • May 14.
    • May 19.
    • May 24th.


Useful video on the topic. An interesting way to plant carrots.

Planting carrots:

The change in the phases of the moon also affects growth cultivated plants, and their fruitfulness. This has long been noticed by man, and today it is successfully used by gardeners to get friendly seedlings and a good harvest.

Carrots, which occupy not the last place in the plantings of summer residents, are also subject to the influence of the night luminary. The lunar month, lasting 28 days, is exactly four weeks, each of which corresponds to its phase of the earth's satellite.

When to sow carrots according to the lunar calendar, so that the germination of the seed is high, and pleased with the size, are even and tasty?

Growing moon and shoots of carrots

As the moon grows and its crescent grows wider and brighter, nutrients and moisture from the soil actively rush from the root system to the foliage and tops.

For the benefit of the future carrot harvest in these two weeks there will be:

  • top dressing of young plants;
  • thinning and diving shoots;
  • weeding in the beds.

Often the first week after the new moon is considered a good time to sow, but this is not true for carrots. Since the goal of the summer resident when growing this crop is a root crop, and not lush tops, it is better to move the dates for sowing carrots in open ground.

Is it possible to plant carrots in the spring on a full moon?

While the moon is in the sky in all its glory, root system garden crops is clearly weakened and sensitive to all sorts of interventions. These days it is impossible not only to plant carrots, but also to thin out densely sprouted sprouts. After all, the resulting damage to the roots during the full moon is extremely difficult for plants to tolerate.

Because the above-ground part plants, including seeds, is saturated beneficial substances, this is the perfect time to collect planting material for the next season.

When can I plant carrots on the waning moon

When the lunar disk begins to decrease, the juices that moved towards the crown before the full moon change direction, and nutrients rush to the root system. So, the time is coming when you can plant carrots, beets, radishes and other similar crops.

Seeds that fall into the soil in the third week of the lunar cycle actively give roots. And in grown plants with developed foliage, root crops are formed. If carrots react calmly to damage to the aerial part, then it is better not to carry out all work affecting the roots these days.

But carrots, like other root crops, on the waning moon respond well to:

  • and growth promoters;
  • abundant watering;
  • pest and weed control;
  • introduction of organic matter;
  • loosening the soil and digging.

This rule applies to spring and, especially, autumn sowing. When planting carrots before winter, the gardener must be sure that friendly shoots will appear on the beds in the spring. While the moon is in the waning phase, the seeds that have fallen into the ground have all the conditions to take root well.

  • If the seeds are sown dry, it is better not to hesitate and plant them in the soil when the lunar disk has just begun to decrease.
  • If swollen seeds are used for planting, they can be sown in the fourth week of the lunar month, when the aging sickle is already noticeably narrowing.

Root crops harvested during this period have decent quality well and long-term storage.

New moon and lunar eclipse

Vegetation at the time of the new moon slows down, so it will be useful to refuse any work related to transplanting, weeding and planting. Crops will not be able to fully accept top dressing if it is done on days close to the new moon. It is much more useful to devote time to weeding.

Determining the timing of sowing carrots in open ground according to the Zodiac

All root crops, not excluding carrots, are close to the elements of the Earth, therefore they respond better to care on those days of the month when the moon is in the signs of Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo.

The time period when it is better to sow carrots before winter, in the middle lane, can better begin in October and end at the end of November. At the same time, the seeds must remain dry, which will delay their germination, but with a long autumn and warm winter, such crops are at risk of dying.

IN different regions planting carrots in the spring according to the lunar calendar takes place at different times, since climatic conditions in the south and north of the country are seriously different. The main thing is that the soil is ready to accept the seeds and does not lose melt moisture, and the waning moon falls on the days of the signs of the Earth. If such a combination is difficult to achieve, the work is carried out at the end of the Moon from a favorable sign.

Watering and feeding carrots according to the lunar calendar and the Zodiac

The phases of the moon do not seriously affect the watering of plants, but it is possible to make the water supply more efficient and economical. To do this, it is better to water carrots on days when the Moon is in the signs of Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer.

Mineral fertilizers for carrots are applied on a growing moon, and herbal infusions, stimulants and other organic matter on days when the night luminary is already waning. Moreover, such events will be more useful when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces.

There are several unconditional rules according to which it is recommended to sow the seeds of plants from which it is planned to harvest. The growing moon is loved by crops that bear fruit on the surface of the earth, and accordingly, on the days when the moon is waning, it is good to plant turnips, carrots, potatoes and other root crops. But it should be noted that 12 hours before the onset of the full moon or the day when the moon begins to wane, it is not recommended to sow and plant seedlings.

Favorable days for sowing carrots in 2016 according to the lunar calendar:

  • March: 2,3,6,7,20,21;
  • April: 6,7,17,24, 27, 29.30;
  • May: 1, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31;
  • June: 17,18,19,20,27,29;

Of course, the timing of planting has a significant impact on the yield of carrots. Because of a large number essential oils, the seeds of carrots, parsley, dill germinate slowly, so they must be sown as early as possible, when the earth is still filled with moisture. With more late sowing the seeds lie down in dry soil, resulting in sparse seedlings and weak plants. Sometimes this causes a lag in the growth and development of plants.

In the central and middle lane of our country, there are basic dates for planting carrots like this early varieties it is better to plant from 20.04 to 25.04, and mid-season from 25.04 to 05.05. In the southern regions, landing begins on March 10.

A place for planting is chosen sunny without shading, since carrots are a plant of a long day. Otherwise, the yield and quality of the product will be reduced. Before planting, carrot seeds need to be prepared so that they sprout quickly and well. To do this, wrap the seeds in cotton or gauze, tie and lower the bag of seeds for 5 minutes in hot water with a temperature of 40-45 ° C. You can chat the tied seeds a little, while the water will acquire a slightly yellowish tint, and the oily smell of carrot essential oils will spread around the room. This procedure is repeated several times until the water remains colorless. After that, carrot seeds are spread on a dry and clean cloth and allowed to dry under conditions room temperature. The main thing is not to overdry them.

Before planting carrots, they do not apply any fertilizers to the beds, but only get rid of weeds and loosen the soil. The beds are made narrow and long, most often planting is carried out in two rows, between which they maintain a distance of 20-25 cm.

Prepared grooves are shed abundantly with water, to which you can add a little potassium permanganate, so that it acquires pink color. Before planting, the seeds are mixed with sand in a ratio of 50:50. The sown seeds are sprinkled with soil and watered, seedlings appear at an average air temperature of +15 for 7-10 days. For faster germination, beds with plantings are covered with cellophane film or covering material. This method is well suited for both ordinary seeds and dragee, it allows you to optimally retain moisture and increase the temperature. Which naturally has a positive effect on seed germination.

Care for planting carrots

After the carrot sprouts release two true leaves, thinning can begin. There should be a distance of 3 cm between adjacent plants. The next thinning is carried out after 25 days. Root crops at that time reach 2 cm in circumference. Carrots pulled out of the ground due to their smell can attract pests, so they need to be removed from the garden as soon as possible. Top dressing is carried out after each thinning, for this, a mixture of ammonium nitrate (20 g) and potassium salt (40 g) is diluted in 10 liters of water.

The carrot fly is one of the most notorious root pests. You can fight it without the use of chemicals. To do this, it is important to kill the smell emitted by carrots, because this insect flies at him. Plants such as onion, garlic, dill and other containing essential oils are good companions for carrots. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to sprinkle ash or tobacco between plants and rows, or you can mix these two components and add red to them. ground pepper. Another good way helping to grow a good crop and resist pests is to mulch plantings.

Carrot beds need to be watered only during prolonged dry weather. This technique contributes to the growth of the root crop and its proper formation. If they are allowed frequent watering then carrots make no sense, grow up, down in search ground water. Closer to mid-August, carrots do not need to be watered, as this can lead to cracking and rotting.

With the help of the lunar calendar, you can optimally find out when to sow carrots in open ground, and it is also important to observe crop rotation on the site. Safely, carrots grow and develop after potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, herbs, legumes, onions and tomatoes. Harvesting of carrots is carried out at the end of September, the main thing is that there is sunny weather without precipitation. After the roots have dried a little, the tops are cut off or torn off by hand, then they are removed for long-term storage in a prepared cellar.

The Moon is the main and only natural satellite of the Earth. Despite their small size many processes depend on it, including plant growth. For the first time, the dependence of garden crops on the phases of the moon was noticed by ancient people. Now this knowledge is passed down from generation to generation and successfully applied in practice. Below we will tell you about the features of planting carrots according to the 2016 lunar calendar and determine the most successful days for ground work.

Landing dates

To correctly interpret the lunar calendar 2016, you need to decide what goals you are pursuing. IN this case we're talking about carrots. In this culture, the most valuable thing is the root crop, not the tops. Therefore, we will initially start from this. It should also be noted that we will not consider the whole year, but 4 main landing months March, April, May and June.

Let's start with the full moon. In all its glory, our satellite will show itself on March 23, 2016, April 22, May 22 and June 20. During this period, the plants feel weakened. The root system is especially affected. So when you see in the sky full moon do not sow carrot seeds and carry out any other manipulations. All of them will fail. Root crops planted in the full moon do not germinate well and give an unimportant harvest.

As for the first week after the new moon, the lunar sowing calendar of 2016 says the following. These days, you can plant garden and garden crops, but this does not apply to carrots. All the energy in the new moon goes from the roots upwards, so it is difficult for root crops to take root. On the growing moon, you can take care of the first shoots after sowing (thin out, remove weeds).

Best time for planting carrots - the waning moon. At this time, the energy rushes to the roots. All juices and nutrients descend into the earth. Carrots take root well and form large and juicy root crops. The 2016 lunar calendar highlights such auspicious days for sowing seeds. In March - 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31. In April - 1, 4, 5, 25, 26, 27, 28. In May - 2, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29. If you plant carrots before winter, in order to get an early harvest in spring and summer, do this also when the moon is waning.

The lunar calendar of 2016 indicates that, in parallel with sowing, these days it is possible to carry out top dressing of carrots, loosening the soil, weed control, digging seedlings and other ground work.

It is also worth noting a few more nuances. When sowing is done with dry material, it is better not to delay planting and sow the seeds as soon as the moon begins to wane. If you are spending seedbed preparation and pre-soak the seeds in nutrient solutions, then it is recommended to plan the landing on last week lunar month, when our satellite noticeably decreases in size.

The new moon according to the lunar calendar of 2016 is expected on March 9, April 7, May 6 and June 5. During this period, it is necessary to abandon any manipulations with carrots. Days of absence celestial body in the firmament are considered barren. All processes in plants slow down. Seeds will take root poorly and accept any kind of top dressing.

There is also a dependence of carrots on zodiac signs. Root crops are close to the elements of the Earth, so crops will sprout better when the waning moon is in the signs of Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus. For example, the 2016 lunar calendar indicates that the waning moon will enter the constellation Capricorn on March 30 and April 27.

How to

It should be noted that the lunar calendar does not take into account the climate and weather conditions in different regions. Therefore, they must be used wisely. If, according to the lunar calendar of 2016, you planned a certain date for planting, but the weather on that day was not suitable, do not take risks and reschedule the sowing to a better time. After all, it is not a secret in order to collect good harvest you need to take into account all the nuances and unforeseen circumstances, and not trust only the calendar.

Also remember some important rules planting carrots. Given culture loves fertile soils. Consider the predecessors that grew on the site in the previous season. Experienced gardeners advise planting carrots where cucumbers, garlic, tomatoes, and onions used to grow. No need to sow root crops on a plot of celery, parsley and dill. Special attention give it to the sun. In order for carrots to grow juicy and sweet, the sun's rays must fall on it throughout the daylight hours.

In addition, it is important to choose and prepare the seed material correctly. First, the seeds are checked for suitability. To do this, they are poured with water at room temperature and wait for several hours. The fertile seeds will fall to the bottom, while the empty ones will float on the surface. You only need to collect all the surplus and throw it away. In order for seedlings to appear as early as possible, you must first germinate the seeds. They are laid out in a warm room on paper napkin and moisten with water for 3-4 days until the first shoots appear. You can also soak the seeds for a day in an aqueous solution of wood ash.

Carrots are moisture-loving plants. Spare no water for her. As far as fertilizers are concerned, spring planting they are best applied in the fall when digging the garden. Be careful with nitrogen fertilizers otherwise you will end up with lush tops and small root crops. Also keep an eye on the density of sowing and looseness of the soil. Some housewives resort to the help of little tricks. When preparing for planting, the seeds are mixed with river sand. Thus, a uniform distribution is achieved seed material in the garden.

If you plant carrots in the traditional way, then be prepared for the thinning procedure. When carrying out such manipulations, do not forget to look into the lunar calendar of 2016 so that the carrots do not start to hurt after thinning. You need to break through the beds 2 times per season. The first thinning is planned at the time the first 2 leaves appear, and the second - when the sprouts reach 10 centimeters.

Don't forget about pests too. Carrots have plenty of them. Insects and slugs love to eat juicy vegetables. In addition, the culture is often attacked by fungi and bacteria. You need to carefully monitor both the tops and the underground part of the plant. Given all the recommendations and nuances, you will definitely be able to grow a good crop.
