Preparation of cucumber seeds for sowing. How to soak cucumber seeds correctly - all stages of pre-sowing preparation Cucumber seeds are soaked before planting for a day

In order for a cucumber seed to sprout and grow into a strong, viable plant, some effort must be made. Proper preparation of cucumber seeds for planting is the key to a successful harvest. Practice has proven that these techniques affect both the number of greens and their taste.

Rejection of empty seeds

You need to start by selecting empty seeds. Yes, in a bag you can often find them in an amount of only 10-12 pieces. But even among such a small amount, there are empty, incomplete seeds, and therefore they must be sorted.

The selection is still carried out in a tried and tested "old-fashioned" way.

  1. Add a tablespoon of salt per liter of water, mix.
  2. Dip the cucumber seeds into the solution.
  3. We merge those that have surfaced: they are underweight and unsuitable for landing.
  4. The rest is washed and dried on a napkin.

It is advisable to calibrate immediately. It may happen that the same variety has a different seed size. This does not mean that small seeds are bad. Just sort them. When planting, we will plant small ones to a depth of up to 1 cm, and large ones - up to 1.5 cm. If you have a large number of seeds in stock, then use only large ones.

When buying planting material, pay attention not so much to the attractive appearance of the package, but to the expiration date of the seeds and their quantity. Use seeds 2-3 years old, they germinate best.

Rules for preparing seeds for open ground

Before sowing, a number of procedures are carried out to ensure that a small seed gets stronger:

  • checking for fullness of seeds;
  • selection and calibration;
  • disinfection, because pathogens may be on the surface of the seed;
  • warming up for fast shoots;
  • top dressing;
  • germination to get seedlings faster;
  • hardened for resistance to temperature changes.

We checked for completeness and fullness, calibrated the seeds for planting, and continue further development. We carry out the disinfection procedure. To do this, we disinfect our seeds in a dark purple (strong) solution of potassium permanganate. Dip them in the solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

The processed material is heated in two ways. If you prepare the seeds for planting in advance, then you can hold them for a month next to the heaters at a temperature of +25 to +28°C. In the case when there is no time to delay the procedure, it is enough to warm up for 2-3 hours at + 50–55 ° С. Thanks to this treatment, the seeds not only sprout together and grow well - many female flowers subsequently form on the plants, and the harvest can be obtained much earlier.

Some gardeners practice an interesting trick: they carry a bag of seeds near the body for about a week, warming them with their warmth. “With this method, the harvest is excellent,” they assure.

Next, it is important to feed the seeds. In gauze bags, cucumber seeds are soaked in a nutrient solution for 12 hours. Use a solution of wood ash or nitrophoska (1 tsp per liter of water). Natural stimulants can also nourish seed, such as sodium humate or Epin.

It is believed that melt water is a good stimulant for further growth. But here already be guided "by the situation": if the area is ecologically clean, then the melt water is really useful.

After top dressing, the seeds are washed and left in a warm place at a temperature of + 25 ° C until swelling. They hatch on the second day. You don't need to grow them hard. It is enough that small roots up to 1-2 mm in size appear.

We turn to the hardening procedure: we leave the germinated seeds on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a day. This will be enough. Everything - a cucumber seed, having gone through many trials, is ready for sowing.

If you purchased hybrid seeds, where “F1” is on the package after the name of the variety, then it is not necessary to do all these manipulations. As a rule, such seeds have already been processed. It is enough to feed and germinate them by selecting full-weight seeds.

Features of seed preparation for protected ground

The procedure for preparing a cucumber seed for planting in a greenhouse has no fundamental differences from preparing for planting in open ground. But the greenhouse has a special microclimate, where there is crowding of plantings, high humidity, and a different temperature regime.

Based on this, we will dwell on several important points.

  • Infections and fungal diseases in the greenhouse spread faster than outdoors, so one of the most important techniques is decontamination. In a gauze bag, the seeds are immersed for 20 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid. It is important to then rinse them in running water and dry.
  • Small seeds can also be processed under a UV lamp for 2-3 minutes. Only after that you need to keep them in a closed bag, not leaving them in the open air.
  • Disinfection can be carried out in garlic peel. The husk is poured with hot water for a couple of hours, filtered and the seed is placed in the broth for an hour, washed.
  • Warming up remains an important procedure so that a large number of female flowers form on the plant. We sew a fabric bag, lower the seeds into it and hang it on a pipe near the battery for a month. But it is worth remembering that with rapid heating there is a possibility of overheating.
  • Feeding won't hurt either. It is better to use a natural substance, such as wood ash, which contains many useful substances. It is enough to leave the seeds in the solution overnight.
  • Germination is carried out with any method of cultivation and accelerates the harvest. We lay out raw gauze on a plate, pour out the seeds and wait 2-3 days. After that, the seeds are ready for sowing.

When germinating, do not completely fill the seeds with water, because in addition to moisture, they also need air. In water, they can deteriorate and not germinate at all.

Preparing cucumber seeds for planting requires additional time and effort. Many neglect these techniques, sowing dry, untreated seeds in open or closed ground. Of course, even with this approach, the seed will sprout and grow. But with proper processing, the harvest will be larger, and the fruits will be tastier. Try it and see for yourself.

Cucumbers are one of the most beloved vegetable crops by people. To get a rich harvest of these crispy green fruits, the owners need to properly prepare the seeds for planting. Of great importance for the growth and development of plants in the open field is the high-quality preparation of beds for cucumbers. What rules do beginner gardeners need to know in order to perform these 2 operations well?

With sufficient light, cucumbers can be sown at any time.

Selection and heating of seed material

Pre-sowing preparation of seeds includes the following sequence of operations:

  • sorting and selection of quality material;
  • heating cucumber seeds;
  • etching or disinfection of material from diseases;
  • seed germination;
  • hardening of the germinated material.

How to carry out all these actions?

A high-quality cucumber seed is a guarantee that the plant sprouted from it will develop well and will delight you with a bountiful harvest of fruits.

For sowing, we select only large, full-weight seeds.

That is why it is so important at the very beginning to select healthy and strong seeds and weed out the weak and unadapted material. To do this, take 50 g of table salt and dilute it in 1 liter of water. In the resulting solution, it is necessary to lower the seeds and observe their behavior. Those seeds that quickly float to the surface can be thrown away, since their further use is pointless - this is a poor-quality raw material. But with the seeds that have sunk to the very bottom, you can safely work on. It is from this material that cucumbers should be grown. Selected seeds are thoroughly washed with cooled boiled water and dried.

Beginning gardeners need to know that those shoots that have sprouted from 2-3-year-old seeds will give a larger harvest. It is from them that low, but prolific shoots grow. If there are no such seeds in the house, last year's ones will do. In order to collect more cucumbers in the summer, the seed should be kept warm and dry throughout the winter months, otherwise long lashes with many barren flowers will grow from the seeds. An ideal place for heating will be central heating radiators or a stove. A gauze bag with seeds is hung next to them. The temperature should not be lower than 23 ° C and not higher than 35 ° C, otherwise the seeds may become steamed and dry.

You can warm cucumber seeds immediately before sowing. In this case, it is better to use a thermostat. At a temperature of 50-55°C, the material warms up in it for about 3.5 hours, if the temperature is 60°C, 2 hours will be enough. Thanks to warming up, it is possible to increase the germination of one-year seeds, providing yourself with an even greater yield of cucumbers in the future.

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Preventive disinfection of cucumber seeds

Cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse can perfectly exist together. Since the conditions for keeping these cultures are different, it is better to place them on different sides, some on the right, others on the left.

To protect plants from viruses and fungi, seeds, which are often breeding grounds for bacteria, must be treated after heating. There is wet and dry material disinfection. Wet disinfection is more familiar to gardeners. In this case, potassium permanganate is used, which is diluted with warm water up to 30 ° C in a ratio of 10 g per 1 liter of water. Cucumber seeds are immersed in the resulting one percent solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. After the etching period has elapsed, they should be thoroughly rinsed with water. Streptomycin can also be used instead of potassium permanganate. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 50 units per 1 ml of water. Decontamination time - 24 hours. After the seeds are also recommended to rinse with water.

A good disinfectant, if potassium permanganate and streptomycin are not at hand, is garlic. One large clove will be enough, which should be grated on a plastic (!) Grater, dilute the gruel with 200 ml of chilled boiled water, add another 800 ml of liquid and strain everything through cheesecloth. Cucumber seeds are placed in a gauze bag and lowered into the resulting solution for 30 minutes.

Dry etching is carried out with the help of special preparations of NIUIF-2 or TMTD granosan. Seeds are placed in a glass jar and powders are added there. The proportion of granosan: 3 g per 1 kg of seeds, the proportion of TMTD: 4 g per 1 kg of material. The jars are tightly closed and shaken for 5 minutes. Since drugs are poisons, they must be handled very carefully. It is advisable to cover the nose and mouth with a gauze bandage, put on goggles over the eyes.

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How to germinate seeds correctly?

To increase the germination of cucumbers, it is recommended to germinate the seeds before sowing. Additionally, they are treated with special biogenic and chemical fertilizers - stimulants, the task of which is to accelerate seed germination and shoot development. As stimulants, boric acid (20 mg per 1 liter of water), zinc sulfate (2 g per 1 liter of water) or baking soda (5 g of powder is needed per 1 liter) are used. In one of the resulting solutions, the seeds are soaked for 24 hours. The temperature in the room during this time should not be below 20°C.

A day later, cucumber seeds should be evenly placed in a warm room on burlap, and covered with a thin layer of wet sawdust, which are preliminarily scalded with boiling water and washed with water so that no resinous substances remain in them. In this state, the cucumber material should be 2 days.

Aloe juice is a good germination biostimulator. If the house has this plant, then you can do without purchased acids. The remedy is prepared 3 weeks before the day of germination. A few leaves of aloe (preferably the lower, older ones) need to be cut from the plant, washed, dried and put in a plastic bag. Place the bag in the refrigerator for 14 days at a temperature of 7°C, then keep for another 6 days at a temperature of 2°C. On the day of soaking, juice is squeezed out of the leaves. It is in this juice that cucumber seeds must be kept for 6 hours. After that, the material is laid out on a gauze napkin moistened with water, where it swells for 3 days.

So that cucumber sprouts do not die due to planting seeds in open ground, where the temperature is clearly below room temperature, the seeds are usually hardened. In order to increase the cold resistance of seeds, they are placed in a refrigerator for 2-3 days and kept at a temperature of -2°C. Hardening completes the preparation of seeds for planting.

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Simple beds for planting cucumbers

Planting seeds in open ground is carried out in beds prepared in advance for them. In the garden, the right place is selected for future plants. This should be an area where cabbage, potatoes or legumes grew last year. If the soil for cucumbers has been prepared since autumn, then the following fertilizer is applied to it: 3 cups of wood ash, 3 buckets of manure and 70 g of nitrophoska per 1 m² of land. In spring, the soil is dug up to a depth of 25-30 cm. A layer of fertile soil (10 cm) is added on top. Then the surface is leveled, the required number of beds for cucumbers is formed. On the sides of them are made bumpers for watering. Each finished bed is covered with plastic wrap for several days so that the soil on it warms up.

You can prepare the land in the spring. To do this, a week before sowing cucumbers, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with manure. Instead, you can use dry leaves, grass, straw or sawdust. Then you need to dig several grooves 35 cm deep and lay organic matter there almost to the brim. Then pour everything with hot water, and pour a 15-centimeter layer of fertile soil on top. Then the surface of the beds must be leveled and arranged on the sides for irrigation. The beds are completely covered with a film for 4-5 days to warm the soil. After completing all these procedures, you can safely plant well-prepared cucumber seeds in the ground.

Seeds of cucumbers are distinguished by good germination, for high-quality seed material, the germination rate is 90%. Properly collected and stored in the right conditions, seeds germinate within 7 years when sown, but viability decreases significantly over time. Seeds that are two to three years old germinate best.

From seeds older than five years, without additional processing, the yield is low. Annual seeds at shoots give a lot of barren flowers, which also leads to a decrease in yield. But with proper preparation, even they can give a good harvest.

What seeds need preparation?

The quality and quantity of the future harvest depends on the competent preparation of cucumber seeds for sowing. Some effort is needed to sprout and form strong and healthy plants.

Varietal seeds purchased in a store or collected independently must undergo preliminary preparation.

The procedure for preparing seeds for sowing for seedlings, in a greenhouse (greenhouse) or open ground has no fundamental differences. But in greenhouse conditions there is a special microclimate, high humidity, a special temperature regime and crowding of plantings.

Infectious and fungal diseases in the greenhouse spread faster than in other conditions, so the most important technique in such conditions is the preparation of seeds, including disinfection.

For hybrid seeds with F1 indication on the package, it is not necessary to do any manipulations for their preparation. They are already calibrated, warmed up, treated with fungicides and stimulants, and have an uncharacteristic color. Such seeds can be simply germinated or immediately planted in the ground.

Soil preparation

For sowing cucumbers, you can purchase ready-made soil mixture in the store or make it yourself from:

  • 1 part sifted sod or leaf soil,
  • 1 part peat
  • 1 part humus
  • 1 part sifted river sand.

Instead of peat, you can take steamed (poured with boiling water) sawdust. Based on 10 liters of the mixture, 100 grams of wood ash and 20 grams of superphosphate are added. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

How to properly prepare seeds for sowing seedlings

Properly carried out measures for calibration, disinfection, heating, hardening and germination of seeds help to get strong seedlings, and then a good harvest of cucumbers.


Seed preparation must begin with selection and calibration.

A tablespoon of salt is added to a liter of water and stirred. Seeds are lowered into the solution for 15-20 minutes. Floated, as well as dark, stained, deformed, damaged seeds are removed.

The remaining seeds are washed under running water and dried on a napkin. After that, calibration is carried out. Small seeds are separated from large ones. When planting, they land to a depth of 1 centimeter, and large ones - 1.5-2 centimeters. If there are a large number of seeds, small ones can not be planted.


To protect seeds from diseases such as bacteriosis, root rot, viral mosaic, powdery mildew and tracheomycosis wilt, you need to go through a disinfection procedure.

The seeds are placed in a gauze or fabric bag and dipped in a strong (purple) solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Then they are washed with running water.

Small seeds can be disinfected under an ultraviolet lamp for 2-3 minutes.

Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use a solution of wood ash, a hot solution of nitrophoska and copper sulfate, boric acid (a teaspoon per liter of water) or Fitosporin-M solution. Seeds in any of the solutions are sent for 12 hours.

Seed disinfection can also be done in garlic husks. For this, the husk is poured with boiling water for 2 hours, filtered. Seeds are placed in the infusion for an hour, then washed.

To increase immunity, seeds can also be placed in aloe juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 for 6 hours.

warming up

To increase the germination of seeds, they are heated in the oven for 3 hours at a temperature of 50-55 degrees before planting.

If there is time, the seeds can be warmed up in advance, a month before sowing. For this, they are laid out next to the heater at a temperature of 25-29 degrees. Such a gradual heating dries them evenly, increasing their germination.


Enrichment of cucumber seeds with oxygen (bubbling) is used for seed material, the age of which has reached 6-7 years. This procedure increases the vigor of germination and increases the number of seedlings. Young seeds do not need this procedure.

The seed is placed in a gauze (fabric) bag and sent to a container with a warm solution of a growth stimulator, for example, Zircon, Kornevin, Epin, Cytodef, sodium humate (5 drops of solution per 1 liter of water). Then, with the help of an aquarium compressor, a stream of air is supplied to the seeds. The filter is removed from the compressor. The tube is located under the seed bag. Air bubbles surround the seeds from all sides. They are kept in water for about 18-24 hours. With a large number of seeds, in the middle of the cycle (after 9-12 hours), the water is replaced with a new one.

In the absence of a compressor, the seeds are poured into a container with a growth stimulator for 12 hours and are regularly mixed with a wooden spoon. For additional air saturation, water can be partially replaced with a new one every 2-3 hours. It should be warm (20-25 degrees).

After bubbling, the seeds are poured onto a paper towel to dry.


Seeds are laid out in a damp cloth and sent in a transparent bag or on a saucer and exposed to a bright, warm place for 1-2 days. When the fabric dries, it is sprayed with water. The seeds will swell and begin to germinate. The length of the roots in this case should not exceed 2 millimeters. Otherwise, when landing, they may break off.

Sprouted seeds can be planted, but it is better to harden first.


Seed hardening increases the resistance of future plants to any adverse environmental conditions.

Seeds are hardened in a swollen or hatched state. In a damp gauze bag, they are placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (on the shelf for vegetables) for 2 days.

Also, the seeds can be hardened for 3-5 days, alternating heat and cold. At the same time, the seeds are poisoned in the refrigerator for the night, and in heat for the day.

The bag should not dry out during hardening. In order for the moisture from the bag to evaporate less, it must be wrapped in polyethylene.

Hardening makes plants stronger, resistant to diseases and temperature fluctuations.

Proper care of cucumber seedlings

For sowing seeds, separate peat pots or cups without a bottom are taken, with a diameter of at least 8 centimeters. Peat pots allow you to plant grown seedlings directly into the ground, without removing it and without damaging the roots. They easily grow through the walls, and the peat structure serves as additional fertilizer for them. You can also use peat tablets, which are then planted in separate containers.

The pots are filled with soil mixture and spilled with a warm solution of potassium permanganate. After the moisture drains, the seeds are placed in the soil to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters. Then they are watered with warm water and sprinkled with soil. The containers are covered with glass or transparent polyethylene film.

When to plant cucumber seedlings

After the appearance of the first sprouts, the seedlings are placed on a well-lit windowsill on the south side. The air temperature in the room during the day should be equal to 20 degrees, at night it should not fall below 15 degrees.

Young plants need good light for 10-11 hours a day. In the absence, lack of natural light, additional illumination with a phytolamp is required.

Watering plants is carried out with warm water. Before the appearance of the first leaves, the earth is irrigated from a spray bottle. After the formation of the first leaves, seedlings should be watered with a syringe or a teaspoon. In this case, water should not fall on the stems and leaves, but soak the soil.

Top dressing of cucumber seedlings is carried out after the appearance of one main leaf. Then it repeats every 10 days. A liter of mullein, 20 grams of urea or ammonium nitrate is taken per bucket of water.

A few days before planting the plants in the ground, they are fertilized with a solution of ammonium nitrate (5 grams of top dressing per bucket of water).

Top dressing should be done in the evening, after watering. The solution should not fall on the leaves. If top dressing still gets on the foliage, it is immediately washed off with water from a spray bottle or watering can.

The term of growing seedlings is 25-30 days. Plants ready for planting have dark green, developed leaves, a strong dense stem and strong roots.

A week before planting seedlings in unprotected ground, hardening of seedlings begins. The time spent outdoors increases gradually.

The earth during landing should warm up to 15 degrees, and the air up to 18ºС.

The grown plants are planted on prepared beds. They are placed in the center or in a checkerboard pattern, on average there are 4-6 seedlings per 1 square meter. The distance between rows should be about 50 centimeters, in a row 30-40 centimeters, when planting in 1 row - 20 centimeters.

After planting, they are thoroughly watered with warm water. If necessary, a non-woven material is stretched from above for acclimatization. When the plants go into growth, the shelter is removed.

In the future, the plants are provided with proper care, which guarantees a good harvest.

Why plant cucumbers? What to plant after cucumbers?

Preparing cucumber seeds for planting: video

Pre-sowing preparation of cucumbers: video

Properly prepared seeds and planned care guarantee a good harvest of cucumbers. Not only the health and quality of the fruits depend on these measures, but also the quality of the seeds collected in the future, which can be collected for subsequent sowing. Many gardeners doubt the need to prepare seeds, but after trying only once, they do it annually.

Before sowing seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the soil, choose a suitable container.

Seed material also needs stimulating procedures.

Preparation of cucumber seeds for sowing seedlings ensures maximum germination, seedlings grow strong, healthy, viable.

Today we will consider such questions - soil for seedlings of cucumbers: composition, how to prepare the ground with your own hands? How to prepare cucumber seeds for planting, do they need to be soaked and how to germinate cucumber seeds for seedlings?

Soil preparation

cucumbers love light, nutritious soil. Purchased mixes will not work. They have a lot of peat, which is too acidic.

Ready-made substrates are not nutritious enough, they do not ensure the normal development of the root system of cucumbers.

It is better to make the soil for seedlings of cucumbers yourself. It is worth trying one of the suggested options:

  • a mixture of garden or soddy soil with humus, peat and rotted sawdust in equal proportions;
  • sod land mixed with rotted compost;
  • garden or turfy soil mixed with humus, vermicult or perlite;
  • peat combined with old sawdust, humus, mullein and washed river sand.

For the mixture, it is better to use the land into which the grown cucumbers will be transplanted. Light sandy soil preferred, heavy earth mixed with clay will not work. The substrate must be neutral or slightly alkaline.

Before mixing, the soil must be sifted and then calcined in the oven or microwave. Such treatment, lasting at least half an hour at a temperature of 90 degrees, kills harmful microorganisms and insect larvae that weaken seedlings.

Another processing option steaming. The earth is laid out on a fine mesh and placed over a container of boiling water. Processing is carried out for 30-45 minutes, then the soil cools. If no heat treatment is available, the ground can be frozen, this procedure guarantees a good effect.

The sifted soil is laid out in plastic bags or fabric bags, after which it is placed in a freezer or on a balcony (in winter). The substrate is kept in the cold for several days, then brought into the room and left to thaw.

ADVICE! Mineral supplements will help to strengthen the nutritional value of the soil containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus necessary for seedlings.

Wood ash, superphosphate, urea, potassium sulfate or potassium sulfate are introduced into the substrate. All components are thoroughly mixed. The soil mixture can be prepared in advance. Some should be left for later pouring into cups with seedlings.

Seed preparation

For 100% germination and strong seedlings, seeds undergo a series of events before sowing.

The preparation process consists of:

  • calibration;
  • disinfection;
  • germination;
  • hardening.

Seeds collected within the last 10 years are suitable for planting. It is worth considering that germination decreases every year, for nine-year-old specimens it can be less than 50%.

The best qualities are demonstrated by the material collected 2-3 years before sowing. To control the process, self-collected seeds are placed in bags with the date of harvest.

First, the seeds are sorted manually, hollow and deformed are rejected. During the calibration process, it is possible to sort the seed according to size (it depends not only on quality, but also on the variety). It is believed that larger specimens have better germination and produce viable promising shoots.

After manual calibration seed is poured with salted water and mix thoroughly. Benign seeds will sink to the bottom, unsuitable for planting will float. High-quality material is removed from the saline solution, washed with clean water and dried, spread out on a napkin or paper towel.

The next stage of preparation is disinfection.

REFERENCE! Sometimes the seed undergoes the necessary processing before sale (there must be a corresponding mark on the bag).

If disinfection was not carried out, you will have to do it yourself. It is not worth risking the health of seedlings and the future harvest.

Seeds are heated at a temperature of 60 degrees for about 3 hours. You cannot overheat them. Then they for 30 minutes are lowered into an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate and then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

There are also alternative disinfection methods. The seed can be treat with an ultraviolet lamp within 5 minutes. The procedure is done immediately before sowing. If it is impossible to plant the seeds immediately, after irradiation they are packed in an opaque bag.

It will help to disinfect the seeds and at the same time nourish them with valuable trace elements. soaking in ash infusion(2 tablespoons of ash are infused in 1 liter of warm water for 3 days). Processing lasts 30 minutes, then they are dried.

The last but very important step is hardening that enhances plant immunity. First, the seeds are germinated in a damp cloth. Then they move to the refrigerator for several days.

First, the seeds are placed in a colder zone, then they are moved to the lower shelves. The seed should not dry out during hardening; the cloth in which it is wrapped is often moistened with a spray bottle.

How to germinate cucumber seeds for seedlings?

IMPORTANT! Some gardeners prefer to plant dry seeds. The main motivation is germinated material is very vulnerable, tender young shoots are easily injured which slows down seedling growth.

However, most hobbyists still soak the seeds in an attempt to speed up the development of seedlings and ensure the germination of the seed. If the shoots do not hatch, they can not be planted in the ground, do not occupy pots with a substrate and a scarce place on the windowsill.

How to soak cucumber seeds for seedlings? Soft water is used for soaking: rain, thawed or boiled. Do not use hard chlorinated tap water. It is not worth pouring the seeds, a damp cotton cloth works much better.

Some gardeners use cotton wool, but this method is not safe. Delicate sprouts can get tangled in long fibers, it will be very difficult to remove them without breaking them.

Seeds are wrapped in cotton cloth or matting, abundantly moistened with warm water, and then placed in a plastic bag. It will not allow moisture to evaporate and provide the necessary heat. They will germinate in 3 days.

Instead of a package, you can use a glass jar with a tight lid, creating a greenhouse effect. A jar of seeds is placed in heat. Do not place it on heating appliances trying to speed up the pipping process.

To improve germination before germination, cucumber seeds can be soaked in an aqueous solution of a growth stimulator. Processing lasts 10-12 hours. The procedure is especially important for expensive and rare varietal seeds, it guarantees almost one hundred percent germination of the seed.

Preparation for sowing can take a lot of time, so you need to start it in advance. Decontaminated soil enriched with nutrients can be stored for a long time, and the seeds must undergo the necessary procedures immediately before sowing. It is impossible to neglect important preparatory measures, because the future harvest depends on them.

Useful materials

Check out other helpful articles on growing and caring for cucumber seedlings:

  • How to grow on the windowsill, balcony and even in the basement?
  • Tips for growing in various containers, in particular peat pots and tablets.
  • Find out the landing dates depending on the region.
  • The reasons why seedlings are stretched, the leaves dry and turn yellow, and what diseases are they prone to?
  • All the secrets of picking, watering and feeding young shoots.

Useful video

Learn how to properly soak seeds for a good harvest:

The seed soaking method is used by vegetable growers to speed up germination and increase crop germination. In the case of nightshade plants, peppers and tomatoes, soaking is indispensable, these species are difficult and take a long time to germinate. But do cucumbers need soaking, because even without water treatment, the seeds of this crop germinate already on the third day? How to properly soak cucumber seeds before planting, and whether contact with water will harm the planting material, let's figure it out together.

Soaking cucumber seeds - good or bad?

A viable cucumber seed sown by the dry method sprouts on the third day if the temperature regime is maintained at +25°C. So do you need to soak cucumber seeds?

There are two opinions: about the harmful effects of water before sowing and the undoubted benefits of soaking.

In defense of the theory about the dangers of soaking, the following arguments are put forward:

  1. Seeds of hybrid varieties should not be soaked, they have already been trained by the manufacturer. Soaking will harm, as the protective layer will be washed off with water.
  2. Cucumbers grown from soaked seeds are less resistant to external factors: drought, prolonged rainfall, temperature changes.

Adherents of soaking cucumber seeds claim that the procedure:

  1. Accelerates the germination of seeds.
  2. Helps prevent cucumber diseases.
  3. Eliminates the consequences of improper storage, helps to identify viable seeds.
  4. Cucumbers are more friendly and germinate faster, which contributes to the cultivation of seedlings.

Each of the theories has the right to exist. And, if you decide to soak cucumber seeds, we will tell you how to do it correctly.

When are cucumber seeds soaked?

Cucumber seeds germinate quickly, in general, the preparation of planting material takes no more than three days. If the seeds are planted directly in open or greenhouse soil, they start soaking for three days. If cucumbers are grown through seedlings, it is taken into account that seedlings are transplanted at the age of 25-30 days, which means that the grains are prepared in 28-33 days.

Seedlings and seeds are planted on beds when stable temperatures are established after return frosts. This period for middle latitudes begins approximately in the second and third decades of May. In the southern regions, planting seeds and cucumber seedlings begins earlier, in the last ten days of April - the first half of May. In the northern regions, the dates are shifted to the end of May - the first decade of June.

Cucumbers are sown in heated greenhouses already in March. In greenhouses, unheated greenhouses and under a film - two weeks earlier than in open ground beds.

Preparing cucumber seeds for planting

The preparation of seed material is a step-by-step process and consists of the following procedures:

  1. Selection of viable planting material.
  2. Disinfection.
  3. Nutrient treatment.
  4. hardening.
  5. Germination.

On a note! It is not necessary to soak the seeds of hybrid cucumbers marked F1, as they have already gone through a full processing cycle during the production process.

Selection of seed material

Viable seeds are first determined visually and then with a saline solution.

Empty and broken seeds are separated manually, the remaining ones are placed in a solution of 100 g of salt / 1 liter of water for 10 - 20 minutes. Floating grains are discarded, those that have sunk to the bottom are taken out, wrapped in gauze and washed with water at room temperature.


Soaking in disinfectant solutions is performed to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and fungal spores, which in the future can cause diseases of cucumber seedlings. To prepare an antimicrobial solution, use:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • brilliant green;
  • boric acid;
  • infusion of garlic with aloe.

A strong solution is prepared from potassium permanganate: 5 g of the substance / 250 ml. The grains wrapped in cotton cloth or gauze are kept in the prepared solution for no more than 20 minutes, then they are taken out and washed, so the planting material does not need excess manganese.

Hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 3% is purchased at a pharmacy. It is not necessary to dilute the product with water, it is used in its pure form. Seeds are kept in peroxide for 10 - 12 hours.

Disinfection of seeds in brilliant green is carried out for 10 hours if the agent was diluted in a ratio of 1:1. If brilliant green is used in its pure form, 1.5 - 2 hours is enough for disinfection. After greens, the seeds are not washed.

A solution of 1 g of the product / 5 l is prepared from boric acid crystals. Soak the seeds for 12 hours. The advantage of this method of disinfection is the feeding of grains with boron.

To prepare an infusion of garlic with aloe, you will need 3-4 cloves of garlic and 5 drops of fresh aloe juice. If aloe is not available, only garlic can be used. The ingredients are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for several hours at room conditions. Next, the garlic infusion is filtered and cucumber seeds are soaked in it for 10-12 hours.

On a note! After disinfection, cucumber seeds are dried and left to warm up near a heat source with a temperature of + 50 ° C for a day.

Treatment with nutrient solutions

At this stage, the grains are soaked to saturate with various nutrients. To prepare a nutrient solution, you can use any complex mineral fertilizer, for example, nitrophos.

Lovers of natural farming prefer processing in an infusion of wood ash or sunflower ash. The infusion is prepared from two tablespoons of ash, diluted with a liter of settled water. The product should be infused for 2 days, after which the seed material is soaked in it for 4 hours.


Hardening is necessary for seeds in order to prepare vulnerable sprouts for possible temperature changes. Cucumbers are hardened in the vegetable section of the refrigerator at -2 - + 2 ° C during the day.


For germination, you will need a shallow container into which a solution with biostimulants is poured. Grains wrapped in gauze or any cotton cloth are placed at the bottom. It is necessary to ensure that the seeds and tissue are constantly wet. When the grains swell and hatch, they are immediately sown in the soil.

On a note! Cucumber seeds often germinate during the soaking stage in nutrient solution and during hardening. If this happens, do not allow the roots to grow more than 5 mm, immediately plant the grains in the soil mixture.


The hatched seeds are planted in greenhouses, open ground and seedlings at home. In room conditions and in heated greenhouses, a temperature of + 25 ° C is maintained until friendly shoots appear. Grains are sown in open ground and unheated greenhouses when the soil warms up to +15°C.

Ideally, the soil should be even warmer, since +15 ° C is the minimum allowable indicator. To speed up the warming of the soil and, accordingly, the germination of seeds, organic fertilizers are placed in the beds of open ground, and immediately before planting, the soil is shed with boiling water. The beds with seedlings are covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect. Every day, the plantings are aired, the shelter is removed with the appearance of the first shoots.

Successful cultivation of plants largely depends on the competent preparation of seeds for sowing. Soaking and germinating cucumber seeds are simple procedures that do not require either time or money. You will see the result immediately, because your beds will be decorated with friendly, strong shoots of future cucumbers.

Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetables grown by almost every gardener. Owners experience a lot of annoyance when the time and effort invested did not bring the expected results. The main factor in the successful cultivation of greens is the correct preparation of cucumber seeds for planting, including soaking.

Mandatory check of cucumber seeds for germination, whether they will germinate

Calibrated cucumber seeds

Before sowing, be sure to check the seeds for germination. How much life reserve an old or low-quality seed has is unknown, so you can not wait for sprouts on the soil surface. To save time and money, it is recommended to test seeds for the ability to germinate. This gives hope that the seedlings will be viable. During the soaking process, pay attention to important factors:

  • modification of seeds in a humid environment;
  • germination intensity;
  • the number of suitable grains from the selected number.

The easiest way to check the quality is considered to be wrapping the material for sowing in a damp cloth (linen, cotton). This method is used by almost all gardeners.

The process looks like this: 10-15 pieces are selected from the total mass of seeds, after which they are laid out on a napkin moistened with warm water, laid out on a saucer. The top should be covered with plastic wrap and put the saucer in a warm place, protected from drafts (temperature range from 20 to 23 degrees). Several times a day, you need to check the condition of the seeds so as not to miss when the sprouts begin to hatch. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the napkin, If it dries out, you will need to moisten it again.. To do this, it is enough to spray with warm water from a spray bottle so as not to disturb the grains.

germinated cucumber seeds

Seeds that have germinated in 60% are considered suitable for sowing (that is, 6 copies of 10 grains formed keys). The faster the process took place, the more vitality the seed has.

How to soak properly:

  • the procedure is carried out only after disinfection of the seeds;
  • the liquid used should be sufficient, there is no danger in the complete immersion of the grains;
  • when immersing the seed in the solution, mix them several times with your hand or with a spatula;
  • after soaking, the seed must be immediately planted in the ground or deposited for germination;
  • processing time depends on the solution used.

The right ways to germinate at home for planting in the ground

Seeds are soaked for 15-20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate

In preparation for sowing, one of the well-known germination methods is used. The most popular and effective methods for germinating seeds are as follows.

Soak in saline solution for a while

The saline solution is considered universal, it allows you to determine the germination and show which specimens will germinate and which will not for almost any crop. The working solution is prepared from 6-10 g of table salt and an incomplete glass of warm water. The process itself involves filling the bowl first with seed, then filling the container with the prepared liquid. After 6-8 minutes, the floating seeds are collected, as they are found unsuitable for planting. Those that have lasted all the time at the bottom have a good life potential. This process also makes it possible to disinfect the seed material. After that, you can safely plant the seeds.

After soaking, the grains should be rinsed with clean water and dried in natural conditions at a temperature of at least 20 ° C.

Soak in biologically active preparations for rapid germination

Soaking seeds in a liquid enriched with biologically active preparations is considered multifunctional. The most famous are:

  • Zircon;
  • Potassium or sodium humate solution;
  • Ivin;
  • Epin-Extra.

The method of processing seed material with Zircon provides for the preparation of a working solution from 300 ml of water and 2 drops of the drug and takes time. Soaking the grains in it lasts for 8-18 hours, during which time the sprouts should hatch. The tool acts in such areas as stimulation of germination, strengthening of immunity.

A good result is obtained if treated with Humat material. When using it, a powder (1 gram) and 100 ml of water at room temperature are taken to prepare the stock solution. Store the product in a cool place (for example, in a refrigerator on the door). Before use, 1 ml of the solution is diluted with 100 ml of water. Seeds are soaked in the resulting liquid for 24 hours.
The drug Ivin has an excellent stimulating and anti-stress effect. For soaking, a solution is prepared from 2 drops of the product and 2 liters of water at room temperature. Processing time is 18-24 hours. Which drug to choose depends on you.

Soda solutions will help the sprout hatch faster

Baking soda is useful not only in the kitchen, but also for gardening. It has an antimicrobial effect, helps to prolong the fruiting period. For soaking, a working solution is prepared from 1 liter of warm water and 1 teaspoon of soda. Seeds need to settle in such a solution for at least a day.
Disputes over the advisability of using soda have been going on for more than a year. The only thing that is not in doubt this is the ability to soften the surface of the grains, allowing moisture to freely penetrate the seed. To enhance the effect, various recipes have been developed that include the addition of other biostimulants:

  • aloe juice (200 ml of water, 5 ml of aloe juice, 1/4 tsp of soda);
  • Cytovita (5 drops of water, 1/5 tsp of soda, 350 ml of water).

Preparing soda solution

The complex effect ensures rapid germination, resistance to various infections and high yields with proper care.

Soaking in Epin will allow cucumber seeds to germinate faster

The drug Epin has a wide spectrum of action. It is a regulator and adaptogen capable of controlling the balance of substances in the plant. The active components of the product ensure rapid seed germination, strengthen the culture's immunity, resistance to a humid environment that occurs as a result of heavy rains or flooding.
To germinate cucumber seeds, prepare a solution of 100 ml of water and 1-2 drops of the drug. It is necessary to keep them in a biostimulator for at least 18-20 hours at a temperature of 20-23 ° C, that is, the process is quite long.

Folk recipes for processing material for seedlings

Since ancient times, before planting, the seeds were also germinated to obtain quick shoots. From generation to generation, many years of proven folk recipes are passed on, which are still used today. Carrots, pumpkins, beets, radishes, squash - these are just some of the plants whose seeds can be soaked in these solutions before planting. Here are some simple and effective options.

Recipe number 1 - allows you to germinate in 6 hours

Honey dissolved in water is considered an excellent stimulant. For cooking, use a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of the sweet component. The procedure is performed by filling a bowl with honey solution and immersing the seed material in it for 6 hours.

Recipe number 2 - will bring landing closer

Cucumber seeds germinate well in pure potato juice. To obtain it, you need to select a few root crops and put them in the freezer for freezing. Once removed from the refrigerator, the potatoes should thaw. You need to squeeze the juice manually, it's not difficult at all. Soaked seeds in juice settle for at least 8 hours.

Recipe number 3 - soak in ashes

Making an ash solution - 1 teaspoon of ash in a glass of water

Wood ash has a valuable chemical composition, rich in nutritious minerals and trace elements. Such a component can also be used for the germination of cucumber seeds. First, an infusion of boiled water (1 liter) and ash (2 tablespoons) is prepared. The liquid should be infused for at least 2 days, after which the grains are immersed in it for 6 hours.

Recipe number 4 - treat with aloe juice

Soaking seed material in aloe juice not only stimulates growth, but also strengthens the plant's immunity. After such treatment, it will be easier for the young shoot to resist various diseases and pests. To extract juice from a home plant, you need to cut mature leaves from the bottom of the stem. Wrapping them in paper (preferably parchment), should be put in the refrigerator for two weeks. After that, the juice is very simply squeezed out by hand. The extracted liquid is diluted with a small amount of water and the seeds are poured into the solution for a day.

To soak the seeds of cucumbers, they take settled water. However, experienced gardeners have noticed that the use of rain or melt liquid is much more effective.

Aloe juice is readily available - there is almost every home

The preparation process is not really difficult. When planting cucumbers, you should not be guided only by the information on the expiration date indicated on the package. After spending no more than a few minutes, you can verify the quality of the purchased material.

Each gardener, before starting sowing seeds, is looking for ways to prepare them to improve the yield. The key to high yields is in the quality of seeds and pre-planting activities. So how to prepare cucumber seeds for planting? And how do you select the best seeds?

An important point in the selection of cucumber seeds:

  • if the storage period is up to 2 years, mainly plants with a large number of male flowers will grow;
  • from seeds that are more than 3 years old, plants with female flowers for the most part will receive.

Table: Shelf life of seeds of various crops

There is no point in collecting and sowing seeds from F1 hybrids.

When buying seeds from manufacturers - carefully read the packaging, it may indicate that pre-sowing preparation is not required! In this case, only soil preparation is required.

These are, for example, plasma seeds. Please note that they differ in color, you can also find pelleted seeds.

Seed storage conditions:

  • dry cool place
  • temperature 10-12 degrees,
  • humidity below 60%.

General preparation steps

Preparing seeds for planting is a multi-step process. Below we will consider its main points.

Sorting and culling

First you need to select the best and largest seeds, discard deformed, unnatural colors (for example, with spots).

This stage is especially important when buying seeds from hand or using harvested ones yourself.

Then, with the help of saline, empty seeds can be weeded out - the so-called weight test. The solution is prepared as follows: mix 23 teaspoons with 100 milliliters of water.

Keep the seeds in water for about 20 minutes, you can mix a couple of times to speed up the process. Floated seeds can be thrown away - the most fertile will be those that remain at the bottom.

Important point! If too many seeds have surfaced, it is more likely that they have simply been stored for a long time and dried up. At the same time, the seeds do not lose their germination.

After this procedure, the planting material must be washed and dried.

Warming up will help increase germination

This part of the preparation will help produce more uniform seedlings with more female flowers.

Only varietal cucumbers need to be warmed up.

There are several options. The simplest (and longest) is a leisurely heating on a battery for 20-30 days at a temperature of 25-28ºC.

There is also a faster way - calcination for 2-3 hours at 50-60 degrees Celsius. However, you should be careful - in this case there is a chance to "overexpose".

Disinfection, from diseases and pests

The second step will be the disinfection of planting material. This will help to destroy pathogens that may be on the seeds (powdery mildew and others).

To do this, soak the seeds for 20-30 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate (1/3 teaspoon per 1 tablespoon of warm water). Then they should be washed with running water and dried.

The solution must be saturated. If, when looking into the bowl through the solution, the bottom is visible, potassium permanganate should be added, but not much.

An alternative method of disinfection is UV irradiation of seeds for 1-5 minutes. Important! After treatment with ultraviolet light, store the seeds in a dark bag.

Seed dressing

At this stage, you can use industrial preparations, such as Fitosporin-M - they will help in the fight against diseases hidden in the germ of cucumber seeds.

Soak in these funds for 1-2 hours, but you should not use them unless absolutely necessary.

Growth stimulants for top dressing

In order for the planting material to be saturated with nutrients, you can use special plant growth stimulants (for example, Epin, Zircon and others) or simply prepare an ash solution:

  • 30 g wood ash,
  • liter of warm water.

After insisting such water for a day, you can immerse the seeds in it. After a couple of hours, cucumber seeds should be dried.

Some gardeners believe that melt water is also a stimulant. If you decide to try - consider the environment.

Soaking, activate germination

To do this, wrap the planting material in a damp cloth or bandage and leave it at a temperature of 20-25ºC for 8 hours.

Make sure that the material does not dry out or is not excessively wet.

This procedure is only suitable for planting cucumbers on seedlings or in the ground in warm weather.

After soaking, the seeds react extremely negatively to cooling or drying.

Read the inscriptions on the packages of seeds! They may already be treated by the manufacturer against infections, then you will see the inscription: “Do not soak!”

Hardening, increase immunity

Also, the seeds should be hardened and prepared for the conditions of street growth.

After soaking, place in the refrigerator in the frostiest place. After a few hours, transfer the bundle to the warmest place in the refrigerator, for example, in the door for a day.

Cucumbers can not be hardened if you plan to plant in the warm season.

Germination of cucumber seeds

Cucumber seeds with 3-5 mm sprouts are considered germinated. Gardeners mainly use this procedure if they doubt the germination of cucumber seeds.

Cucumbers germinate at 20-28 degrees in about 3-4 days. Do not place the container on heating appliances!

Seedlings are long and easily damaged.

Preparing for planting seedlings

The main feature of the preparation for seedlings will be the preparation of the soil. Cucumbers love loose and nutritious soil, so it is better to make a mixture for seedlings on your own - so you will be sure of the composition and vitamin complex contained in it.

More information on when to plant cucumber seedlings in 2018.

You need to mix in equal proportions:

  • garden soil (this will prepare the seedlings for transplanting into the garden).
  • sawdust (they will provide looseness of the soil).
  • humus (it will add nutrition to food).
  • river sand (will help the mixture maintain moisture better).

The resulting mixture must be sieved. After sifting to eliminate harmful microorganisms that can destroy seedlings, the earth should be calcined.

To improve, you can also steam the soil by placing it in a sieve over boiling water. The last step will be freezing - you need to place the soil in the freezer.

The second feature will be that it is not necessary to feed the seeds, since the prepared mixture is already nutritious and rich in vitamins.

You can also exclude the germination of the seed in a damp cloth. Planting material will sprout directly in the ground.

Cucumber seeds are planted at a depth of 1.5-2 cm.

It is desirable to plant seedlings in peat pots, so that later, when transplanting, do not remove the plant. Do not worry - peat containers will rot in the soil and provide additional top dressing.

Preparing for planting in open ground

Some gardeners believe that seeds are best planted in open ground. However, when sowing directly into the ground on the street, it is worth preparing planting material.

Be sure to harden the seeds. For hardening, you do not need to wait until they germinate. Simply wrap them in cheesecloth and put them in the refrigerator, on the shelf closest to the freezer. Then every day shift to one shelf further from the freezer.

Useful information: after which you can plant cucumbers, and after that you should not.

Also be sure to disinfect the seeds. It is important to shed the planting site with a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin before sowing to prevent infection of both the seeds and the land in which they will grow.

Features of preparation for planting in a greenhouse

As you know, the greenhouse has a special microclimate, high humidity and the greenhouse effect. This increases the likelihood of fungal infections, so the preparation of future cucumbers has its own characteristics.

Be sure to disinfect the seeds. To prevent damage to seedlings by fungus and mold, a manganese bath with boric acid should be prepared for the seeds. The solution is prepared simply: you need to mix a teaspoon of boric acid with a teaspoon of potassium permanganate and pour a liter of boiled water. Infuse the seeds in this solution for 3 hours and dry.

The solution should be dark purple, not brown.

The seeds need to germinate. This will help to pre-estimate the percentage of germination and help the culture to sprout better.

​Related Articles​

Flower seeds stimulated with epin, and vegetables (peppers, tomatoes) in potassium permanganate or just in water, tomatoes for 8 hours, then in a napkin, peppers immediately in a napkin


Germination - sowing quality of seeds. And soaking does not affect it, well, maybe a couple of percent. Soaking speeds up germination and emergence. If according to the seed passport the germination rate is 30%, do not soak here, and divers will not help. Good luck.​

Question from our subscriber Roman:


Water cucumbers with warm water. To do this, it is recommended to keep a barrel near the garden with cucumbers and pour water into it in the evening or early in the morning so that it warms up during the day. Too abundant watering is harmful, because at the expense of fruiting, lashes begin to grow intensively.


It is necessary to sow the seeds of cucumbers in the ground in such a way that the seedlings do not fall under frost. Only dry seeds of cucumbers are sown early, as germinated seeds can rot in insufficiently warmed soil.


Therefore, the most optimal capacity for seedlings are peat (peat humus) pots. The porosity of their walls provides a comfortable water-air regime of the soil layer in which the roots are located. Seedlings can be planted in the ground directly in such pots, avoiding the complex process of transplanting. When planted in the ground, the roots of cucumbers will freely sprout through the bottom and walls of the pot. Pots do not contain toxic substances and pathogens, have sufficient mechanical strength both in wet and dry conditions.​

Processing with mixtures

The optimal depth for sowing cucumber seeds in the ground is a depth of 2 cm. It must be taken into account when sowing that cucumbers can grow very strongly during growth, so you should not sow them too often. It is recommended to sow two seeds per hole (you can plant a little more seeds if you doubt the quality, since not everyone can sprout) at a distance of 8 to 10 cm. When sowing cucumbers, the recommended distance in a row is 8-10 cm, between rows 60 cm

Planting cucumbers can be done in two ways: sowing cucumber seeds immediately on the garden bed or planting pre-grown seedlings. With any method of growing cucumbers in open ground, they are planted when the soil is already warm enough and can provide the plants with the necessary nutrients. For example, in central Russia, cucumbers are planted in late May or early June.

The most effective way to disinfect them is to warm them in water with a temperature of up to 50 °. Place the planting material in a bag of fabric and dip in boiling water for twenty minutes. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not fall. Then the seeds are soaked in cold water for three minutes. Similar tests are suitable for carrots, cabbages and beets. Do the same with zucchini, eggplant, watermelons and melons. True, they require a longer "hot bath" - for two hours.

Spring is the beginning of the season when gardeners and gardeners think about the future harvest. Planting plans are created, seeds and fertilizers are purchased in stores. Some crops, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, begin to be cultivated from growing seedlings. Other plants do not require a similar preparatory period. They are planted immediately in the ground when the ground warms up enough. But in both cases, gardeners may be preoccupied with the question of whether seeds should be soaked and, if so, how.

Planting seeds and seedlings of cucumbers

Ways to plant cucumbers

Depends on the seeds (small spraying for sowing, medium - 3 hours -4. hours, large - from 8 hours -24 hours) with the preparation "Zircon", "Epin" or "Gumat +".

Roman, there is logic in this approach. If you do not intend to dive seedlings, but want to sow immediately in separate containers, then pre-germination can really save space. I do this when it comes to expired seeds, and you won’t understand whether to throw them away right away, or whether you can still sow))

A question about vegetable seedlings (cucumber, tomato, etc.) is it worth soaking the seeds before planting seedlings?

Seed preparation

The main care for cucumbers is timely watering, loosening the soil, weeding and feeding.

Ideally, you need to choose a place where pumpkin crops (cucumbers, squash, zucchini, pumpkin) did not grow even in the previous year. These measures are necessary to avoid the accumulation of diseases and pests. But it is also allowed to change the place every 5 years. Growing cucumbers require a uniform and constant supply of nutrients. These plants respond well to the application of organic fertilizers that improve soil structure.​

Growing seedlings

The options for how to soak seeds before planting are very similar, but at the same time not the most basic. Before soaking, planting material can be frozen in the refrigerator. The seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in the freezer. They are stored at low temperatures - from -1 to -3 °. So pumpkin, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers are hardened for three days. Having withstood such conditions, they will be ready for landing in open ground much earlier than those that have not been hardened.
To prepare the material for germination, it must be placed in a warm place. For example, put next to the battery. First you will need crops such as pumpkin, cucumbers, squash, zucchini. The temperature in the room should be plus twenty degrees. If the seeds are warmed up for a month or one and a half, then subsequently they will sprout earlier and provide an earlier harvest.

depending on the seeds. if it says on the package. that the seeds are processed. no soaking required! ! you'll only make it worse. if not, it is mainly flower seeds, any growth stimulant, rooters will do. there is a "humate" - they come in different directions - it is also very useful.​

But there is a nuance. Guaranteed seedlings are not yet guaranteed successful seedlings. At the stage of seed germination, it is not always possible to 100% assess the quality of the future sprout. In this sense, picking is a blessing: we sow (at least dry, at least pecked - it’s not so important here) seeds in a common container, and then we choose the strongest and most promising sprouts. And now they are already - in separate containers, in order to further groom and cherish)

I am interested in this question for the following reason, I want to plant seedlings of many varieties, while I need to know that seedlings will be guaranteed, because. I plan on 1-2 peat pots per variety.​

Sometimes on very hot days, one watering is not enough, then the leaves begin to wither. In this case, it is recommended to take a refreshing shower with cool water over the leaves from a hose during the day. Such spraying should be done quickly, preferably at 17-18 hours, when there are fewer bees. The shower washes dust off the leaves, increases the humidity of the air and soil, reduces the high daytime temperature, and improves photosynthesis.​

Feeding cucumbers is carried out once every 10 days. For 10 liters of water, 1 liter of thick mullein and 20-30 g of urea or ammonium nitrate are taken. After the cucumbers bloom, they need to be fed with the same solution, adding superphosphate and potassium salt to it: 40-50 g each (at the beginning of fruiting, 50-60 g each). One liter of solution will be enough to water 4 plants.​

Planting cucumbers requires preparing beds in advance. It is recommended to prepare the soil for growing cucumbers in the fall in a lighted and warm place. The site should be dug to a depth of 22-27 cm, then manure should be added for digging, humus at the rate of a bucket per 1 sq.m. In the next 2-3 years, organic fertilizers should not be applied, then only mineral fertilizers are used.

Soil preparation

Planting seedlings of cucumbers in the ground together with a pot ensures almost one hundred percent survival rate of seedlings. The pot serves as fertilizer, decomposing in the ground. Seedlings take root well, which allows you to get a good early harvest. Before sowing the seeds, the pots are filled with moistened nutrient soil, which must be moderately compacted. After sowing, the pots are placed on pallets, sand, plastic wrap, a layer of soil or gravel. Seedlings need to be watered, keeping the soil moist. Peat pots should not be allowed to dry out. When dried, the salts contained in the earth crystallize and, in concentrated form, can be dangerous for delicate cucumber sprouts. As the seedlings grow, the pots need to be spaced more freely to provide sufficient light and prevent root entanglement.

Cucumber cultivation can also be done by planting cucumber seedlings. This method is good because the crop can be harvested earlier, since seedlings are grown at home even before the soil is ready. But there are difficulties in this method. Cucumbers have a very fragile root system and it is quite difficult to transplant them without damaging the roots. Therefore, it is difficult to grow cucumbers from seedlings, there is a risk of getting a poor-quality crop. But if you choose this method, then you should consider that it is better to grow seedlings in peat pots.

Planting and caring for cucumbers require certain knowledge. Below we will consider the basic rules for growing cucumbers and caring for them.

When preparing planting material, you can safely experiment. For example, here's how to soak seeds before planting with nutrient formulations. You will need a solution of potassium permanganate. It is prepared in the following way. One gram of potassium permanganate is dissolved in five liters of water. But it should be borne in mind that such treatment inhibits the development of plants. Therefore, experts recommend resorting to specially produced mixtures.

Not all planting material is suitable for growing strong and healthy plants. It is possible that seeds bought a long time ago are already expired if their expiration date has expired. Therefore, before processing, it is necessary to sort through them all, remove damaged, small ones.​

you can also water + honey, water + aloe juice, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, 2 hours

In epin or potassium permanganate ... from 30 minutes

As I believe, if the seeds are soaked and they "hatch", then the shoots from such seeds will already be for sure, and I will not have "idle" pots, which can be in the case of "blind" sowing of seeds (without soaking).

Cultivation and care

Wilting of cucumber leaves in hot weather indicates that there is not enough soil moisture. If the water does not seep well into the soil during irrigation, carefully puncture with a pitchfork. With a strong drying of the soil, it must be watered in 2-3 doses: first, water a little (1-2 watering cans per 1 sq.m), and after a while increase watering, bringing its total volume to 8-10 liters per 1 sq.m. reduce watering at the end of summer, as waterlogging of cold soil contributes to the rot of the lower part of the stem and roots. During the mass growth of fruits, especially high soil moisture should be maintained by watering cucumbers every 3-4 days or even every other day. To avoid stunting, diseases and death of plants, it is recommended to water with warm water.​ ​​

The bed should be sprayed with a solution of copper sulphate (take 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate for 10 liters of water), spending 1 liter of solution per 1 sq.m of beds. Then from the garden you need to remove and burn all plant debris, including the roots. Before digging up the beds, add 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 cup of dolomite flour or ash per 1 sq.m. Dig the bed to a depth of 15 cm and leave until spring. In the spring, 10 days before planting, add 1 bucket of manure humus, old wood sawdust, peat and 1 glass of ash per 1 sq. M of the beds, then dig to the depth of a bayonet shovel.

Cucumber seedlings before planting in open ground should have the following characteristics: plants should be at least 25 cm in height and have 5 or more leaves. It is very important that the seedlings are located vertically. For these purposes, plants must be tied up.

Cups, dairy bags or boxes are often used as containers for seedlings of cucumbers.

The first way is to sow cucumbers immediately in open ground. Growing cucumber seeds is hard work. Seeds should be large, full-weight. First of all, you need to choose the highest quality seeds. To do this, treat them with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate, then hold for 20 minutes in warm clean water. At the same time, low-quality seeds should float, after which they can be easily removed. The remaining good seeds can be sown directly in open ground without germination, or germinated for about two days in wet sawdust or peat. If the seeds are pre-sprouted, an additional selection of low-quality seed occurs.​

For example, you can use growth regulators "Zircon", "Albit", "Energen". It is necessary to prepare solutions with these drugs according to the instructions that are attached to them. As a replacement for a solution of potassium permanganate, you can use five grams of baking soda per liter of water. Treated seeds will also undergo disinfection. Any of these solutions is suitable for the preparation of pumpkin seeds, cucumbers, zucchini. They must be kept for twelve hours.

To make the process take less time, it is enough to resort to the popular method of selection. You will need to dilute in a liter of water from thirty to fifty grams of table salt. Drain the water to leave the sediment, and pour the material with a clean one. Thus, you have learned how to properly soak the seeds to identify defective specimens. As a result, within an hour you will receive the following picture. Those of the seeds that are suitable for sowing will sink to the bottom of the jar, and the empty ones will rise to the surface. They will need to be thrown away. The rest are washed in running water. So you can sort through the seeds of almost all crops.

I chose "Zircon" for myself, a good root system is obtained after soaking in it.

I experimented last year, some soaked, some not ... No difference ...

I bought seeds in the Russian Garden online store (, but seeds purchased even in a store are not guaranteed to give 100% germination.

Is it worth soaking the seeds before planting seedlings?

At the beginning of flowering, cucumbers should be watered with liquid top dressing, to which microfertilizers are added: 0.1 g of zinc sulfate, 0.3-0.4 g of manganese sulfate and 0.5 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water.

Ready seedlings of cucumbers should be planted only when the soil warms up well enough in the sun.

Planting cucumber seedlings in boxes will help save space, but when transplanted into open ground, the fragile root system will be damaged and plant survival will deteriorate.

Natasha, Russia

There is another option. Prepare the following composition. One matchbox of wood ash is dissolved in five liters of water. Insist for two days. In this solution, the seeds must be kept for four to six hours. They wake up after soaking, swell. If this does not happen, then the whole procedure should be repeated from the beginning. It is necessary to hold them in warm water for one to two hours. Aloe juice, infusions of valerian, chamomile, oak bark are also suitable for processing planting material.

Irina, Bender

Let's look directly at the process describing how to soak the seeds before planting, what needs to be done for this. Planting material is placed in water at room temperature. Such processing helps to awaken dormant forces in a small seed. Seedlings will be early. Gardeners are concerned about the following problem: how many days to soak the seeds so that they are ready for planting. Parsley, beets, peppers, celery, carrots, eggplants, parsnips, onions are enough to keep in water for forty-eight hours. For cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, melons, radishes, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkins, squash, eight to twelve hours is enough.

Vasily, Kostroma

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

try *epin*​

Personally, I never soak or germinate the seeds of either peppers or cucumbers ... I plant them dry. Once a neighbor gave sprouted cucumber seeds and I planted them. I did not notice that they ascended much faster than dry ones. Well, this is my personal

What are seeds soaked in before planting? And for what time?


Cucumbers are harvested when the fruits are ripe. The interval between the first collections is 3-5 days, and during the period of mass fruiting - no more than 2 days. Try to remove the fruits so that the stalk remains on the lashes. Remove yellow and diseased fruits at the same time so that they do not contribute to the weakening of the plants and do not delay the formation of new ovaries.
Feeding cucumbers is best done in the evening. It is necessary to avoid getting the solution on the leaves, as in sunny weather this can cause burns. The solution should be washed off the leaves with water from a watering can with a strainer. After each watering and top dressing of cucumbers, it is recommended to pour fertile soil under them, thereby replacing loosening. The roots of cucumbers are located in the upper layer of the soil, so they can be easily damaged during normal loosening. The soil needs to be loosened only in the aisles.

cat matroskin

After that, level and pour hot (60 ° C) water (5-6 liters per 1 sq.m.). You can pour a solution (1 g per 10 liters of water) of potassium permanganate at the rate of 3-4 liters per 1 sq.m or sodium humate (10 liters of water 1 tablespoon of liquid sodium humate), 3-4 liters per 1 sq.m. Then cover the bed with a clean film before sowing or planting cucumbers.

What only gardeners and gardeners do not go to in order to get an amazingly rich harvest on their site. Various techniques and methods are used, ranging from the latest developments in agricultural technology to folk conspiracies.

In order to get an excellent crop of cucumbers, their seeds are best pre-soaked. And how to soak cucumber seeds? There are several main ways to get germinated seeds for planting.

  1. Wet a linen cloth, wrap the cucumbers in it, put it in a plastic bag and put it in a warm place. Cucumbers germinate within three days. Wet a cloth, and with cucumbers wrapped in it, put in a glass jar. Close the jar with a lid and put in a warm place for two or three days. The original method is used by many women - a damp cloth with cucumber seeds wrapped in it is put in ... a bra. Thus, they say, cucumber seeds can be planted in just a few hours.

For soaking cucumber seeds, it is best to use settled, melted or rain water. Chlorinated tap water is not very suitable for soaking seeds.

In addition, the water for soaking should not be cold. The optimum water temperature that should be used for the germination of cucumber seeds is 26-28 degrees. You can also treat cucumber seeds with a growth stimulator before soaking. It is necessary to plant germinated cucumber seeds very carefully, because if the sprout breaks, then this seed can be thrown away - it will no longer give plants. So we can conclude that. that cucumber seeds for germination love moisture and warmth.

How to soak cucumber seeds?

Today we will talk about cucumbers and reveal some secrets of a good harvest. Sometimes it happens that the cucumber seeds that you planted simply did not sprout. And, if they have ascended, then not all of them are in the garden, it turns out that there are only a few shoots.

Sometimes you even have to replant everything and expect that this time everything will be completely different. To avoid such a problem or to minimize such losses, cucumbers, or rather seeds from them, are best pre-soaked (before planting them).

There are several ways to do this. Here are some of those ways.

Soak cucumber seeds. Several ways.

Many people probably know the first way, this is to use a damp canvas cloth for this. Cucumber seeds are simply wrapped in it, and then we stuff this rag into a plastic bag and put it away in a warm place. There, the seeds will germinate for about three days.

  • The second method is almost the same as the first. You will also need a rag where the seeds are wrapped, but instead of a plastic bag, we need a glass jar (any size). We close the jar and also put it in any warm place for the same two or three days.
  • Enough original method preparations for germination are used by many women - they put the same moist fabric with cucumber seeds wrapped in this fabric in ... a bra. Placed in such an original "storage", the seeds, they say, can be safely planted in just a couple of hours.
  • When soaking cucumber seeds (and for other seeds), it is best to use well-settled water. Even better melt or rain. Water is chlorinated (namely, this is what we have and flows from the tap) for soaking is not at all suitable. Rather, you can soak the seeds in it, but the result of such a “chlorine” treatment will certainly not be good. Also, when soaking, your water should not be cold. 26-28 degrees is the optimal temperature for water when soaking cucumber seeds, which will give you a good result. Also, before the soaking procedure itself, you can treat cucumber seeds with a growth stimulator.
  • When your seeds successfully germinate, and you are going to plant them, do it very carefully and carefully, because if the delicate sprout of the seed breaks, then it can already be thrown away, because you will not be able to grow a plant from it.

Some more useful tips on soaking and sprouting cucumbers will be given to you in this video. We look. P.S. Was the article helpful to you? Please share it with your friends on social networks.

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Soaking and preparation

To begin with, it is worth noting that it is necessary to carry out the soaking process correctly only after disinfecting the seeds, immediately before planting. You will need a container, water, gauze and planting material for the procedure. As previously mentioned, seeds in a dense shell are subject to soaking.

These include: seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, beets, tomatoes, peppers and watermelons. It can also be categorized as crops that are subject to pre-soaking due to the content of a large amount of essential oils in them, dill seeds, carrots, celery, parsley, parsnips. By soaking such seedlings in water, some of the essential oils will be washed out, and their germination will be easier.

Tap water can be used, but still gardeners prefer not to use it. As a container, you need to use wide plates or saucers.

How to carry out the procedure

Such a process is quite simple to perform. Seeds need to be spread on moistened gauze and covered with a second layer on top. After that, the seedlings are poured with water, the temperature of which should be about +30 - +35 degrees.

It is worth noting that if the water becomes brown, then it must be changed until it becomes clear. The volume of water required for the procedure is calculated based on the volume of seeds. For specific crops, the ratio of seeds to water will be as follows:

  • 50% water for seedlings of zucchini, melon, watermelon, tomatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers; 100% - for parsley, dill, beets, celery, peas and legumes.

Containers with soaked seeds are placed in a dark place. The temperature for the most optimal conditions should be in the range from +20 to +25 degrees.

Some gardeners practice a rather interesting method - they put containers with seedlings soaked in water in an additional plastic bag before putting them in an unlit place. Thus, providing a greenhouse effect. In the process of soaking, air is not necessary for the seeds, so you don’t have to worry that they will “suffocate” under a layer of water.

But at the same time, their long stay in the water can lead to the death of planting material. Most seedlings take about 18 hours to swell. These include seeds of cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, beets, zucchini, watermelon.

Seedlings of carrots, parsley, celery, dill, onions should be left in water for swelling for 48 hours. Such crops, which have large mealy seeds, are soaked for 2-4 hours before planting.

How to soak planting material in a biologically active solution

Often, biological solutions are added to the seed soaking water before planting to stimulate future growth (germination). As a rule, substances such as:

  • "Epin"- plant-based growth stimulator. This substance helps seedlings to quickly adapt to environmental conditions and survive adverse factors (frost, lack of light). "Zircon"- a drug based on chicory acid, isolated from echinacea. This substance is one of the strong growth stimulants, which not only stimulates the growth of seedlings, but also helps the formation of roots. "Humate"- environmentally friendly salt (sodium or potassium) of humic acid obtained as a result of alkaline hydrolysis of peat, brown coal.

In general, there are a lot of substances that are added to water during soaking and contribute to good germination, and their assortment is diverse. But you can also prepare a biological solution in the form of an infusion at home. So, for example, infusions of chamomile are suitable for soaking seeds of cabbage, peas, beans, radishes.

The best remedy for seedlings of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, onions, peppers, celery and dill is valerian infusion. For table beets and spinach, an infusion of fermented mullein is used. Wood ash infusion and aloe juice (fresh) are also natural biostimulants.

How to carry out the procedure specifically for each crop


Cucumber seeds, as well as cultures of zucchini, pumpkin, squash, watermelon, cabbage and radish, are the first to be prepared before sowing. To do this, in about 1-1.5 they need to be dried, for example, near the battery.

After a thorough examination, choosing only high-quality material, cucumber seedlings are soaked. Following the advice of experienced gardeners, these crops should not be soaked in plain water, but with the addition of stimulants and biological solutions.

By the way, using this advice, you can thus immediately disinfect the seeds. Sufficient time for soaking them is about 12 hours. During this time, seedlings of cucumbers and similar crops will noticeably swell and may even show signs of germination.

Parsley and dill

Parsley, dill, carrot, lettuce and parsnip seeds are soaked in advance before planting. As a rule, planting material of such plants is sown in April. Therefore, seedlings need to be prepared on time.

As previously mentioned, seedlings of these crops (parsley, lettuce, etc.) sprout slowly due to the content of essential oils. Therefore, they will need more time to swell. Soaking in water is carried out, in time this procedure can take about 48 hours.

Before sowing, the seeds should be dried in a dark place. Properly soaked and then dried seeds of parsley, dill, carrots and others will easily crumble.


Planting material in the form of beet seeds should be soaked before planting in advance, about 2-3 days earlier. You can use melted water or ordinary water, just bring it to a temperature of 20-25 degrees. It will take about 22-25 hours for beet seedlings to swell.

A special moment in the procedure with beet seedlings is with a frequency of 2-3 hours, the first 10 hours you should change the water. Following these recommendations on how to soak the seeds before planting, you can easily perform the procedure, thereby contributing to better germination and good yields.

Each gardener tries to grow healthy and healthy vegetables with his own hands. One of the most popular is the cucumber, which grows both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Like all plants, the culture requires constant care.

Every summer resident and gardener buys cucumber seeds. Not everyone knows how to germinate a culture. To engage in this process, certain information is required.

Seed structure

Cucumbers are dicotyledonous plants, they are arranged like many flowering crops. In the middle is the embryo, around which the endosperm and the protective shell are located. All plants have different layers.

Seeds are divided into starchy, oily and protein types (categories differ depending on the nutrient supply, depending on which one prevails). Each plant has common features, for example, protein and phytin are found in all cultures.

These components are very important for the growth phase. Phytin releases phosphorus, which the seeds feed on. Cereal grains have a very high percentage of starch.

Oilseeds are rich in fats. How to plant cucumber seeds yourself, how to germinate grains? What kind of soil to use, how much moisture do you need?

Let's figure it out.

Planting material preparation

For each process, a person must create favorable conditions. If you know how to germinate cucumber seeds correctly, then there will be almost one hundred percent seedling germination. Also, all plants will grow healthy and strong, and the harvest will be early.

The main thing in the process of germination is to properly prepare the planting material. The grains need to be immersed in a certain solution, so let's figure out how to soak cucumber seeds.

In order to have excellent germination of seedlings, it is required to lower the grains into a five percent salt solution (table). This method will help to identify empty seeds: they remain on the surface, and full-fledged ones sink to the bottom.

You can also warm up the planting material, even at home. For example, leave the seeds near the heaters at a temperature of +40 degrees Celsius for one week.

Soaking and dressing planting material

To obtain healthy and strong seedlings, pre-sowing soaking can be carried out. This is very effective and also stimulates crop growth. There are several options for preparing a solution in which one kilogram of cucumber seeds will be soaked (the amount of substance per liter of water is indicated):

  • 300 milligrams of methylene blue; 20 mg of boric acid or 7 mg of succinic; 2 g of zinc sulfate; 5 g of soda (drinking).

Planting material must be soaked in the prepared liquid for a day. Next, the seeds should be dried to a state of flowability, and only then sow. In addition to this procedure, experienced gardeners also pickle grains.

This is done in order to protect planting material from diseases and pests. You can pickle the seeds in advance or immediately before sowing.

For this procedure, fentiuram (3 grams per 1 kilogram of grains) or TMTD (4 grams per 1 kilogram) is used. A gardener who wants to have a good harvest should carefully study the rules according to which cucumber seeds are sown - how to germinate a crop, as well as how to care after her afterwards. The more information, the better the seedlings will be, and accordingly, the plant will give many fruits.

In the cultivation of cucumbers, the seed hardening method is used. Already swollen or germinated grains are kept for two days in a room with a temperature of minus two to plus two degrees. For hardening, a refrigerator, basement or glacier is perfect.

Pros and cons of sprouting

The pre-emergence period for a plant is very important, difficult and dangerous. Because of this, it is desirable to accelerate the process of obtaining seedlings in various ways. That is why you need to know well how and how to process cucumber seeds, how to germinate a crop.

Indeed, thanks to this method, a person can select the best material (it is these plants that will hatch first). Germination also stimulates 100% germination in cucumbers: almost all of them appear at the same time (with an interval of several hours).

Thus, all seedlings require the same care, since the needs are the same. But almost every process has its drawbacks. In germination, it is also quite difficult to create the desired temperature regime.

It is constantly required to monitor the seeds, whether they have germinated or not. It is also necessary not to miss the moment of tangling the roots, and then transplant the seedlings in time. Sprouted seeds should not be taken with your hands, but with tweezers, so as not to damage the plant.

This is a painstaking process, but it helps to achieve maximum results.

seed germination

Cucumber is a heat-loving plant, therefore the temperature regime for the culture is very important. For germination, gauze or a napkin is taken in which the grains will be soaked.

The fabric is impregnated with a certain solution (we discussed how to make it above) and the seeds are wrapped in it. Then gauze or a napkin is laid out on a saucer, on top of which glass is placed.

This helps to retain moisture, which cucumbers love very much. It is worth constantly monitoring the amount of water in the saucer, if necessary, add liquid at room temperature. Without moisture, seeds can dry out and become unsuitable for planting.

Growing cucumbers

Heat-loving crops are often propagated not by seedlings, but by seeds. With proper preparation of planting material, the cucumber crop can already be harvested in mid-June.

It is important to choose the appropriate time-tested crop varieties: Graceful, Muromsky 36, Altai Early, Competitor, Zozulya, Manul, Cascade, Crystal and many others. How to plant cucumbers with seeds? It is quite simple, you can grow them both in the open field, and in the greenhouse, and on the windowsill.

Planting cucumbers is easy, you just need to make beds and lower the prepared seeds there. It is important to identify varieties that will produce consistent yields. Hybrid varieties are now offered in seed stores.

Such varieties are demanding on conditions and care. It is important not to forget that any plant needs human attention. If you study the information on how to germinate cucumber seeds, then the harvest will always be rich.

Do I need to soak cucumber seeds before sowing?


Soaking is one of the methods of pre-sowing treatment that accelerates germination, which is not always used (we are not talking about disinfection). Firstly, high-quality cucumber seeds germinate quickly even without preliminary water procedures: 2-3 days after sowing at a temperature of 25-28 oC. Secondly, if the seeds are warmed up, and then treated with a protectant, soaking them will only hurt, washing away the protective layer. Thirdly, soaking until a root 1–5 mm long appears, that is, germination, makes the seeds especially vulnerable to adverse environmental conditions: prolonged cold, waterlogging or drying after sowing is detrimental to them.

Germinated seeds are sown only when it is possible to maintain optimal temperature, humidity and air access for seedlings. The requirements of seedlings to environmental conditions are incomparably higher than those of dormant seeds; they are more likely to die in case of adverse conditions.

Germination is an irreversible process: once started, it cannot be stopped. Therefore, it is better not to take risks without good reasons, and sow with direct sowing into the ground with dry seeds, especially if the soil is not too warm.

Germinated seeds are usually sown in seedling pots to get uniform, friendly seedlings (the pots are in favorable temperature conditions). When soaking, the seeds are sown when the seeds "peck" - i.e. when the mouth of the seed opens and the germinal root is just beginning to appear.

Usually soaking lasts 1-2 days. It is less desirable to sow germinated seeds with a long root, as seedlings may appear, in some of which the seed coat will not be shed from the cotyledons (often this happens when the seeds are shallowly planted, when the topsoil is overdried).

When germinating, you can wait until the seedlings completely shed their seed coat and unfold their cotyledons. Such seedlings are dived either into seedling pots, or directly into the ground.

Such germination must necessarily take place in the light, so that the expanded cotyledons immediately turn green, and the process of photosynthesis would begin in them. Seeds have to be germinated in the case when their germination is doubted - in order to select those that have hatched for sowing.

At the same time, in an improvised chamber for germination, there should be an optimal temperature (25 - 28 ° C), and the seeds should be provided with moisture and oxygen (you can’t fill it with water!). At home, it is convenient to use flat transparent plastic containers as containers.

At the bottom, you can put moisture-absorbing paper napkins in several layers. Humidify so that the water stands on the surface, but does not completely cover the seeds. Napkins should not dry out!

You can cover the top with another napkin, or you can close the container with a lid or insert it into a plastic bag: cucumber seeds germinate well with or without access to light. Paper is better than gauze, because it does not injure the roots if they have time to grow in.

You will have to sow without delay, without overexposure of the germinated seeds, to a timely prepared place. Soaking in a solution of physiologically active substances, such as humates, Epin and Zircon preparations (each has its own regulations for the concentration and duration of treatment) has a positive effect, as it stimulates growth at the initial stages. It is not recommended to treat with more than one preparation. The effect of soaking in a solution of fertilizers, including microelements, manifests itself when sowing in poor soil, and is almost invisible when sowing in a well seasoned seedling mixture.

Soaking is desirable for seeds that have been heat treated shortly before the upcoming sowing or have a moisture content of less than 8% due to storage conditions, because they absorb water very slowly. In overdried seeds, the germination process can be greatly stretched, and seedlings will appear unevenly. Soaking such seeds in a solution of one of the above drugs will help to get more friendly shoots.

Pre-sowing material preparation usually involves a soaking procedure. This processing method makes it possible to maximize the full potential of the seed, helps the rapid growth of vegetables, including cucumbers. However, there are different opinions regarding the advisability of soaking cucumber seeds before planting.

Harm or benefit?

Good quality cucumber seeds germinate quickly and without additional preparation. For this, no more than 3 days from the moment of landing at an ambient temperature of +25 degrees is enough.

Soaking can only harm beans if they have been processed and heated. This procedure will only wash away the protective layer.
If the soaked material sprouts up to 5 mm, this will negatively affect its resistance to changes in weather conditions. Frosts or heavy rains will be fatal for him.

Such preparation will be useful for grains with a lack of moisture due to improper storage, as well as those plants that will be planted at home for seedlings. When preparing cucumber seeds for planting in a greenhouse in compliance with the temperature regime, soaking will similarly only benefit.

Important! Store seeds optimally in a cool, dry place at a temperature of +10 ... +12 degrees and a humidity of not more than 60%.

Soaking accelerates growth and promotes the development of culture. A positive characteristic of this procedure is also considered prevention from diseases that affect vegetables.

Optimal timing

The soaking procedure takes 2-3 days at a temperature of +20 ... +28 degrees. Before starting, the first step is to determine the place for sowing future cucumbers. This will help you choose the right timing for this process. If the plants will be planted in a greenhouse, the beginning of May is considered the optimal time for soaking.
Seeds are planted in open ground only after late frosts have passed and warm weather is established. As a rule, in the middle lane this period falls on the second half of May. Accordingly, the procedure can be carried out 3 days before disembarkation. When planting seedlings, you also need to take into account its age. Usually this is 25 days after germination, which means that seeds need to be prepared 28 days before planting sprouts in the ground.

In order not to miss the choice of favorable days for planting cucumbers and choose the optimal soaking time, you can use the lunar calendar. He will tell you the days that are most suitable for this.

How to soak seeds

Experienced gardeners go to great lengths to get a high yield and high-quality fruits. Many are interested in the feasibility of the procedure for soaking cucumbers, as well as the answer to the question, how is it right to do this? Let us consider the main stages of this process in more detail.

In what?

In order to get the desired result, you need to know how to soak cucumber seeds before planting correctly.

First of all, you need to pick up the dishes. A glass jar or plastic container is ideal. The bottom must be covered with a cloth (you can use gauze), put the grains on them and add so much water that it only covers them halfway. Cover the container with a lid and put it in a warm place for several days.

Important! In no case should the fabric dry out, otherwise the seeds may die.

Soaking is best done with settled or melt water, rain water is also suitable, but not chlorinated from the tap. A suitable water temperature for germination should be + 26 ... + 28 degrees.
Soaking can be carried out in special solutions ("Epin", "Zircon"), which stimulate growth in the initial stages. Before planting germinated cucumber seeds in poor soil, it makes sense to soak them in using trace elements, since the effect will not be noticeable when planted in fertilized soil.

Many summer residents use sodium humate when soaking. It accelerates the germination of grains, and most importantly, it is completely harmless to people.

How much?

Since seeds can be soaked in several stages, consider how long all processes take. During the disinfection procedure, the planting material is immersed in a solution of manganese and stays there from 20 minutes to one hour. After that, it is processed in growth stimulants. This takes up to 12 hours. It is at this time that the future fruits of cucumbers receive the necessary nutrition.
The next step is soaking in water. Seeds wrapped in cloth are half placed in liquid and moved to a warm place for 2-3 days. When a root appears from the seeds, another procedure is carried out - hardening. To do this, planting material is placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After that, the seeds are ready for sowing in pots.

Did you know? From one cucumber plant, you can harvest up to 125 fruits.

So, the usual soaking period lasts no more than 3 days until the shells of the grains crack. However, if the procedure includes the stages of disinfection, growth stimulation and hardening, this period can be extended in time up to 4-5 days.

Process features

Soaking cucumbers has its own characteristics. Before preparing cucumber seeds for planting, they must be sorted and large ones selected. With the help of calibration, bad grains can be weeded out. To do this, they are filled with water and look at the result. Low-quality grains will be on the surface. The grains remaining at the bottom must be dried. Also, before soaking, it will be useful to warm up the planting material. To do this, the seeds are poured into a cloth or laid out on a plate and placed in a warm place (a battery is an option). If the temperature keeps around +35 degrees, then in a week they will be ready.

The last, but no less important step in preparing the grains for soaking is their disinfection. The seed should be soaked in a light solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.

Planting germinated seeds

The question of how to germinate cucumber seeds and properly plant them in the ground is asked by almost every novice gardener. Cucumbers can be planted in pots as soon as they begin to sprout. This usually happens on the 2-3rd day of soaking.
When transplanting, you need to be extremely careful so as not to injure the roots. For this, it is best to choose large containers of about 500 ml. Before planting, the soil in pots must be watered with a manganese solution. Seeds are transferred to containers, covered with foil and placed in a warm place to create an effect.

Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetables grown by almost every gardener. Owners experience a lot of annoyance when the time and effort invested did not bring the expected results. The main factor in the successful cultivation of greens is the correct preparation of cucumber seeds for planting, including soaking.

Before sowing, be sure to check the seeds for germination. How much life reserve an old or low-quality seed has is unknown, so you can not wait for sprouts on the soil surface. To save time and money, it is recommended to test seeds for the ability to germinate. This gives hope that the seedlings will be viable. During the soaking process, pay attention to important factors:

  • modification of seeds in a humid environment;
  • germination intensity;
  • the number of suitable grains from the selected number.

The easiest way to check the quality is considered to be wrapping the material for sowing in a damp cloth (linen, cotton). This method is used by almost all gardeners.

The process looks like this: 10-15 pieces are selected from the total mass of seeds, after which they are laid out on a napkin moistened with warm water, laid out on a saucer. The top should be covered with plastic wrap and put the saucer in a warm place, protected from drafts (temperature range from 20 to 23 degrees). Several times a day, you need to check the condition of the seeds so as not to miss when the sprouts begin to hatch. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the napkin, If it dries out, you will need to moisten it again.. To do this, it is enough to spray with warm water from a spray bottle so as not to disturb the grains.

Seeds that have germinated in 60% are considered suitable for sowing (that is, 6 copies of 10 grains formed keys). The faster the process took place, the more vitality the seed has.

How to soak properly:

  • the procedure is carried out only after disinfection of the seeds;
  • the liquid used should be sufficient, there is no danger in the complete immersion of the grains;
  • when immersing the seed in the solution, mix them several times with your hand or with a spatula;
  • after soaking, the seed must be immediately planted in the ground or deposited for germination;
  • processing time depends on the solution used.

The right ways to germinate at home for planting in the ground

In preparation for sowing, one of the well-known germination methods is used. The most popular and effective methods for germinating seeds are as follows.

Soak in saline solution for a while

The saline solution is considered universal, it allows you to determine the germination and show which specimens will germinate and which will not for almost any crop. The working solution is prepared from 6-10 g of table salt and an incomplete glass of warm water. The process itself involves filling the bowl first with seed, then filling the container with the prepared liquid. After 6-8 minutes, the floating seeds are collected, as they are found unsuitable for planting. Those that have lasted all the time at the bottom have a good life potential. This process also makes it possible to disinfect the seed material. After that, plant seeds can be safely.

After soaking, the grains should be rinsed with clean water and dried in natural conditions at a temperature of at least 20 ° C.

Soak in biologically active preparations for rapid germination

Soaking seeds in a liquid enriched with biologically active preparations is considered multifunctional. The most famous are:

  • Zircon;
  • Potassium or sodium humate solution;
  • Ivin;
  • Epin-Extra.

The method of processing seed material with Zircon provides for the preparation of a working solution from 300 ml of water and 2 drops of the drug and takes time. Soaking the grains in it lasts for 8-18 hours, during which time the sprouts should hatch. The tool acts in such areas as stimulation of germination, strengthening of immunity.

A good result is obtained if treated with Humat material. When using it, a powder (1 gram) and 100 ml of water at room temperature are taken to prepare the stock solution. Store the product in a cool place (for example, in a refrigerator on the door). Before use, 1 ml of the solution is diluted with 100 ml of water. Seeds are soaked in the resulting liquid for 24 hours.
The drug Ivin has an excellent stimulating and anti-stress effect. For soaking, a solution is prepared from 2 drops of the product and 2 liters of water at room temperature. Processing time is 18-24 hours. Which drug to choose depends on you.

Soda solutions will help the sprout hatch faster

Baking soda is useful not only in the kitchen, but also for gardening. It has an antimicrobial effect, helps to prolong the fruiting period. For soaking, a working solution is prepared from 1 liter of warm water and 1 teaspoon of soda. Seeds need to settle in such a solution for at least a day.
Disputes over the advisability of using soda have been going on for more than a year. The only thing that is not in doubt this is the ability to soften the surface of the grains, allowing moisture to freely penetrate the seed. To enhance the effect, various recipes have been developed that include the addition of other biostimulants:

  • aloe juice (200 ml of water, 5 ml of aloe juice, 1/4 tsp of soda);
  • Cytovita (5 drops of water, 1/5 tsp of soda, 350 ml of water).

The complex effect ensures rapid germination, resistance to various infections and high yields with proper care.

Soaking in Epin will allow cucumber seeds to germinate faster

The drug Epin has a wide spectrum of action. It is a regulator and adaptogen capable of controlling the balance of substances in the plant. The active components of the product ensure rapid seed germination, strengthen the culture's immunity, resistance to a humid environment that occurs as a result of heavy rains or flooding.
To germinate cucumber seeds, prepare a solution of 100 ml of water and 1-2 drops of the drug. It is necessary to keep them in a biostimulator for at least 18-20 hours at a temperature of 20-23 ° C, that is, the process is quite long.

Folk recipes for processing material for seedlings

Since ancient times, before planting, the seeds were also germinated to obtain quick shoots. From generation to generation, many years of proven folk recipes are passed on, which are still used today. Carrots, pumpkins, beets, radishes, squash are just some of the plants whose seeds can be soaked in these solutions before planting. Here are some simple and effective options.

Recipe number 1 - allows you to germinate in 6 hours

Honey dissolved in water is considered an excellent stimulant. For cooking, use a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of the sweet component. The procedure is performed by filling a bowl with honey solution and immersing the seed material in it for 6 hours.

Recipe number 2 - will bring landing closer

Cucumber seeds germinate well in pure potato juice. To obtain it, you need to select a few root crops and put them in the freezer for freezing. Once removed from the refrigerator, the potatoes should thaw. You need to squeeze the juice manually, it's not difficult at all. Soaked seeds in juice settle for at least 8 hours.

Recipe number 3 - soak in ashes

Making an ash solution - 1 teaspoon of ash in a glass of water

Wood ash has a valuable chemical composition, rich in nutritious minerals and trace elements. Such a component can also be used for the germination of cucumber seeds. First, an infusion of boiled water (1 liter) and ash (2 tablespoons) is prepared. The liquid should be infused for at least 2 days, after which the grains are immersed in it for 6 hours.

Recipe number 4 - treat with aloe juice

Soaking seed material in aloe juice not only stimulates growth, but also strengthens the plant's immunity. After such treatment, it will be easier for the young shoot to resist various diseases and pests. To extract juice from a home plant, you need to cut mature leaves from the bottom of the stem. Wrapping them in paper (preferably parchment), should be put in the refrigerator for two weeks. After that, the juice is very simply squeezed out by hand. The extracted liquid is diluted with a small amount of water and the seeds are poured into the solution for a day.

To soak the seeds of cucumbers, they take settled water. However, experienced gardeners have noticed that the use of rain or melt liquid is much more effective.

Aloe juice is readily available - there is almost every home

The preparation process is not really difficult. When planting cucumbers, you should not be guided only by the information on the expiration date indicated on the package. After spending no more than a few minutes, you can verify the quality of the purchased material.
