How fast are we moving through the universe? Solar system. Visible movements of celestial bodies: laws of planetary motion

Surely, many of you have seen a gif or watched a video showing movement solar system.

Video clip, released in 2012, went viral and made a lot of noise. I came across him shortly after his appearance, when I knew much less about space than I do now. And most of all I was confused by the perpendicularity of the plane of the orbits of the planets to the direction of motion. It's not that it's impossible, but the Solar System can move at any angle to the plane of the Galaxy. You ask why remember for a long time forgotten stories? The fact is that right now, with the desire and the presence of good weather, everyone can see in the sky the real angle between the planes of the ecliptic and the Galaxy.

We check scientists

Astronomy says that the angle between the planes of the ecliptic and the galaxy is 63°.

But the figure itself is boring, and even now, when adherents are on the sidelines of science flat earth, I want to have a simple and clear illustration. Let's think about how we can see the planes of the Galaxy and the ecliptic in the sky, preferably with the naked eye and without moving far from the city? The plane of the galaxy is Milky Way, but now, with the abundance of light pollution, it is not so easy to see it. Is there any line approximately close to the plane of the Galaxy? Yes, it is the constellation Cygnus. It is clearly visible even in the city, and it is easy to find it, relying on the bright stars: Deneb (alpha Cygnus), Vega (alpha Lyra) and Altair (alpha Eagle). The "trunk" of Cygnus approximately coincides with the galactic plane.

Okay, we have one plane. But how to get a visual line of the ecliptic? Let's think, what is the ecliptic in general? According to the modern strict definition, the ecliptic is a section of the celestial sphere by the plane of the orbit of the barycenter (center of mass) of the Earth-Moon. On average, the Sun moves along the ecliptic, but we do not have two Suns, according to which it is convenient to draw a line, and the constellation Cygnus at sunlight will not be visible. But if we remember that the planets of the solar system also move approximately in the same plane, then it turns out that the parade of planets will just roughly show us the plane of the ecliptic. And now in the morning sky you can just see Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

As a result, in the coming weeks, in the morning before sunrise, it will be possible to very clearly see the following picture:

Which, surprisingly, is in perfect agreement with astronomy textbooks.

And it's better to draw a gif like this:

Source: astronomer Rhys Taylor website

The question can cause the relative position of the planes. Are we flying<-/ или же <-\ (если смотреть с внешней стороны Галактики, северный полюс вверху)? Астрономия говорит, что Солнечная система движется относительно ближайших звезд в направлении созвездия Геркулеса, в точку, расположенную недалеко от Веги и Альбирео (бета Лебедя), то есть правильное положение <-/.

But this fact, alas, cannot be verified "on the fingers", because, even though they did it two hundred and thirty-five years ago, they used the results of many years of astronomical observations and mathematics.

Receding stars

How can you generally determine where the solar system is moving relative to nearby stars? If we can record the movement of a star across the celestial sphere for decades, then the direction of movement of several stars will tell us where we are moving relative to them. Let's call the point to which we are moving, the apex. Stars that are not far from it, as well as from the opposite point (anti-apex), will move weakly, because they are flying towards us or away from us. And the farther the star is from the apex and anti-apex, the greater will be its own motion. Imagine that you are driving down the road. Traffic lights at intersections in front and behind will not shift much to the sides. But the lampposts along the road will flicker (have a large own movement) outside the window.

The gif shows the movement of Barnard's star, which has the largest proper motion. Already in the 18th century, astronomers had records of the position of stars over an interval of 40-50 years, which made it possible to determine the direction of motion of slower stars. Then the English astronomer William Herschel took the star catalogs and, without approaching the telescope, began to calculate. Already the first calculations according to Mayer's catalog showed that the stars do not move randomly, and the apex can be determined.

Source: Hoskin, M. Herschel's Determination of the Solar Apex, Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol. 11, P. 153, 1980

And with the data of the Lalande catalog, the area was significantly reduced.

From there

Then normal scientific work went on - data clarification, calculations, disputes, but Herschel used the correct principle and was only ten degrees wrong. Information is still being collected, for example, only thirty years ago, the speed of movement was reduced from 20 to 13 km / s. Important: this speed should not be confused with the speed of the solar system and other nearby stars relative to the center of the Galaxy, which is approximately 220 km/s.

Even further

Well, since we mentioned the speed of movement relative to the center of the Galaxy, it is necessary to understand here as well. The galactic north pole is chosen in the same way as the earth's - arbitrarily by agreement. It is located near the star Arcturus (alpha Bootes), approximately up in the direction of the wing of the constellation Cygnus. But in general, the projection of the constellations on the map of the Galaxy looks like this:

Those. The solar system moves relative to the center of the Galaxy in the direction of the constellation Cygnus, and relative to the local stars in the direction of the constellation Hercules, at an angle of 63 ° to the galactic plane,<-/, если смотреть с внешней стороны Галактики, северный полюс сверху.

space tail

But the comparison of the solar system with a comet in the video is absolutely correct. NASA's IBEX was specifically designed to determine the interaction between the boundary of the solar system and interstellar space. And according to him, there is a tail.

NASA illustration

For other stars, we can see the astrospheres (stellar wind bubbles) directly.

Photo by NASA

Positive in the end

Concluding the conversation, it is worth noting a very positive story. DJSadhu, who created the original video in 2012, originally promoted something unscientific. But, thanks to the viral distribution of the clip, he talked to real astronomers (astrophysicist Rhys Tailor speaks very positively about the dialogue) and, three years later, made a new video that is much more relevant to reality without anti-scientific constructions.

You are sitting, standing or lying down reading this article, and you do not feel that the Earth is rotating around its axis at a breakneck speed - about 1,700 km / h at the equator. However, the rotation speed doesn't seem all that fast when converted to km/s. It turns out 0.5 km / s - a barely noticeable flash on the radar, in comparison with other speeds around us.

Just like other planets in the solar system, the Earth revolves around the Sun. And in order to stay in its orbit, it moves at a speed of 30 km / s. Venus and Mercury, which are closer to the Sun, move faster, Mars, whose orbit passes the orbit of the Earth, moves much more slowly.

But even the Sun does not stand in one place. Our Milky Way galaxy is huge, massive and also mobile! All stars, planets, gas clouds, dust particles, black holes, dark matter - all this moves relative to a common center of mass.

According to scientists, the Sun is located at a distance of 25,000 light years from the center of our galaxy and moves in an elliptical orbit, making a complete revolution every 220-250 million years. It turns out that the speed of the Sun is about 200-220 km / s, which is hundreds of times higher than the speed of the Earth around its axis and tens of times higher than the speed of its movement around the Sun. This is what the movement of our solar system looks like.

Is the galaxy stationary? Again no. Giant space objects have a large mass, and therefore, create strong gravitational fields. Give the Universe a little time (and we had it - about 13.8 billion years), and everything will start moving in the direction of the greatest attraction. That is why the Universe is not homogeneous, but consists of galaxies and groups of galaxies.

What does this mean for us?

This means that the Milky Way is pulled towards itself by other galaxies and groups of galaxies located nearby. This means that massive objects dominate this process. And this means that not only our galaxy, but also all those around us are influenced by these "tractors". We are getting closer to understanding what happens to us in outer space, but we still lack facts, for example:

  • what were the initial conditions under which the universe was born;
  • how the various masses in the galaxy move and change over time;
  • how the Milky Way and surrounding galaxies and clusters formed;
  • and how it is happening now.

However, there is a trick that will help us figure it out.

The universe is filled with cosmic microwave background radiation with a temperature of 2.725 K, which has been preserved since the time of the Big Bang. In some places there are tiny deviations - about 100 μK, but the general temperature background is constant.

This is because the universe was formed in the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago and is still expanding and cooling.

380,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe cooled to such a temperature that it became possible to form hydrogen atoms. Prior to this, photons constantly interacted with the rest of the plasma particles: they collided with them and exchanged energy. As the universe cools, there are fewer charged particles, and more space between them. Photons were able to move freely in space. Relic radiation is photons that were emitted by the plasma towards the future location of the Earth, but avoided scattering, since recombination has already begun. They reach the Earth through the space of the Universe, which continues to expand.

You can "see" this radiation yourself. The interference that occurs on an empty TV channel if you use a simple bunny-ear antenna is 1% due to CMB.

And yet the temperature of the background background is not the same in all directions. According to the results of the Planck mission research, the temperature differs somewhat in the opposite hemispheres of the celestial sphere: it is slightly higher in the areas of the sky south of the ecliptic - about 2.728 K, and lower in the other half - about 2.722 K.

Microwave background map made with the Planck telescope.

This difference is almost 100 times greater than the rest of the observed CMB temperature fluctuations, and this is misleading. Why is this happening? The answer is obvious - this difference is not due to fluctuations in the background radiation, it appears because there is movement!

When you approach a light source or it approaches you, the spectral lines in the spectrum of the source shift towards short waves (violet shift), when you move away from it or it moves away from you, the spectral lines shift towards long waves (red shift).

The relic radiation cannot be more or less energetic, which means we are moving through space. The Doppler effect helps to determine that our solar system is moving relative to the CMB at a speed of 368 ± 2 km/s, and the local group of galaxies, including the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy, is moving at a speed of 627 ± 22 km/s relative to the CMB. These are the so-called peculiar velocities of galaxies, which are several hundred km/s. In addition to them, there are also cosmological velocities due to the expansion of the Universe and calculated according to the Hubble law.

Thanks to the residual radiation from the Big Bang, we can observe that everything in the universe is constantly moving and changing. And our galaxy is only a part of this process.

Since ancient times, mankind has been interested in the visible movements of celestial bodies: the Sun, Moon and stars. It's hard to imagine Our own solar system seems too big, stretching over 4 trillion miles from the Sun. Meanwhile, the Sun is only one hundredth of a billion from other stars that make up the Milky Way galaxy.

Milky Way

The galaxy itself is a huge wheel that rotates, from gas, dust and more than 200 billion stars. There are trillions of miles of empty space between them. The sun is anchored on the outskirts of the galaxy, shaped like a spiral: from above, the Milky Way looks like a huge rotating hurricane of stars. Compared to the size of a galaxy, the solar system is extremely small. If we imagine that the Milky Way is the size of Europa, then the solar system will be no larger in size than a walnut.

solar system

The sun and its 9 planets - satellites are scattered in one direction from the center of the galaxy. Just as planets revolve around their stars, so do stars revolve around galaxies.

It will take the sun about 200 million years at 588,000 miles per hour to make a full circle around this galactic carousel. Nothing special about our Sun differs from other stars, except that it has a satellite, a planet called Earth, inhabited by life. Planets and smaller celestial bodies called asteroids revolve around the Sun in their orbits.

The first observations of the luminaries

Man has been observing the visible movements of celestial bodies and cosmic phenomena for at least 10,000 years. For the first time, records in the annals of celestial bodies appeared in ancient Egypt and Sumer. The Egyptians were able to distinguish three types of bodies in the sky: stars, planets and "stars with tails". At the same time, celestial bodies were discovered: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and, of course, the Sun and the Moon. The visible movements of celestial bodies are the movement of these objects contemplated from the Earth relative to the coordinate system, regardless of the daily rotation. The real movement is their movement in outer space, determined by the forces acting on these bodies.

Visible galaxies

Looking at the night sky, you can see our nearest neighbor - - in the form of a spiral. The Milky Way, despite its size, is just one of 100 billion galaxies in space. Without using a telescope, you can see three galaxies and part of ours. Two of them are called the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. They were first seen in southern waters in 1519 by the expedition of the Portuguese explorer Magellan. These small galaxies orbit the Milky Way and are therefore our closest space neighbors.

The third galaxy visible from Earth, Andromeda, is about 2 million light-years distant from us. This means that Andromeda's starlight takes millions of years to get closer to our Earth. Thus, we contemplate this galaxy as it was 2 million years ago.

In addition to these three galaxies, at night you can see a part of the Milky Way, represented by many stars. According to the ancient Greeks, this group of stars is milk from the breast of the goddess Hera, hence the name.

Visible planets from Earth

Planets are celestial bodies that revolve around the sun. When we observe Venus glowing in the sky, this is due to the fact that it is illuminated by the Sun and beats off part of the sunlight. Venus is the Evening Star or the Morning Star. People call her by different names, because in the evening and in the morning she is in different places.

How the planet Venus revolves around the Sun and changes its location. During the day there is a visible movement of celestial bodies. The celestial coordinate system not only helps to understand the location of the stars, but also allows you to make star maps, navigate the night sky by constellations and study the behavior of celestial objects.

The laws of planetary motion

Combining together observations and theories about the movement of celestial bodies, people have deduced the patterns of our galaxy. The discoveries of scientists helped to decipher the visible movements of celestial bodies. discovered were among the first astronomical laws.

The German mathematician and astronomer became the discoverer of this topic. Kepler, having studied the works of Copernicus, calculated the best form for orbits, explaining the visible movements of celestial bodies - an ellipse, and brought the patterns of planetary movement, known in the scientific world as Kepler's laws. Two of them characterize the movement of the planet in orbit. They say:

    Any planet rotates in an ellipse. In one of its focuses there is the Sun.

    Each of them moves in a plane passing through the middle of the Sun, while for the same periods the radius vector between the Sun and the planet outlines equal areas.

The third law connects the orbital data of planets within a system.

Inferior and superior planets

Studying the visible movements of celestial bodies, physics divides them into two groups: the lower ones, which include Venus, Mercury, and the upper ones - Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. The movement of these celestial bodies in the sphere takes place in different ways. In the process of the observed movement of the lower planets, they have a phase change like that of the Moon. When moving the upper planets, you can notice that they do not change phases, they are constantly facing people with their bright side.

Earth, along with Mercury, Venus and Mars, belongs to the group of so-called inner planets. They make revolutions around the Sun in internal orbits, in contrast to the large planets, which rotate in external orbits. For example, Mercury, which is 20 times smaller in its outermost orbit.

Comets and meteorites

In addition to the planets, billions of ice blocks revolve around the Sun, consisting of frozen solid gas, small stone and dust - comets that fill the solar system. The visible movements of celestial bodies, represented by comets, can only be seen when they approach the Sun. Then their tail starts to burn and glows in the sky.

The most famous of them is Halley's comet. Every 76 years it leaves its orbit and approaches the Sun. At this time, it can be observed from Earth. Even in the night sky, you can contemplate meteorites in the form of flying stars - these are clumps of matter that move through the Universe at great speed. When they fall into the Earth's gravitational field, they almost always burn out. Due to the extreme speed and friction with the air shell of the Earth, meteorites are heated and break up into small particles. The process of their combustion can be observed in the night sky in the form of a luminous ribbon.

The astronomy curriculum describes the apparent movements of celestial bodies. Grade 11 is already familiar with the laws by which the complex movement of the planets occurs, the change of lunar phases and the laws of eclipses.

The moon moves in orbit at a speed of 1 km per second. The Earth together with the Moon make a complete revolution around the Sun in 365 days at a speed of 108 thousand kilometers per hour or 30 kilometers per second.

Until quite recently, scientists were limited to such data. But with the invention of powerful telescopes, it became clear that the solar system is not limited to planets. It is much larger and extends over a distance of 100 thousand distances from the Earth to the Sun (astronomical). This is the region covered by the attraction of our star. It is named after astronomer Jan Oort, who proved its existence. The Oort Cloud is a world of icy comets periodically approaching the Sun, crossing the Earth's orbit. It is only beyond this cloud that the solar system ends and interstellar space begins.

Oort, also based on the radial velocities and proper motions of stars, substantiated the hypothesis of the movement of the galaxy around its center. Consequently, the Sun and its entire system, as a whole, together with all neighboring stars, moves in the galactic disk around a common center.

Thanks to the development of science, sufficiently powerful and accurate instruments appeared at the disposal of scientists, with the help of which they came closer and closer to unraveling the structure of the universe. It was possible to find out in what place of the Milky Way visible in the sky is its center. It ended up in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, hidden by dense dark clouds of gas and dust. If these clouds were not there, then a huge blurry white spot would be visible in the night sky, dozens of times larger than the Moon and of the same luminosity.

Modern refinements

The distance to the center of the galaxy turned out to be greater than expected. 26 thousand light years. This is a huge number. Launched in 1977, the Voyager satellite, which has just left the solar system, would reach the center of the galaxy in a billion years. Thanks to artificial satellites and mathematical calculations, it was possible to find out the trajectory of the solar system in the galaxy.

Today, the Sun is known to lie in a relatively quiet section of the Milky Way between the two large spiral arms of Perseus and Sagittarius and another, slightly smaller, arm of Orion. All of them are visible in the night sky as foggy streaks. Te - The outer spiral arm, the Karin arm, is only visible through powerful telescopes.

The sun, one might say, is lucky that it is located in a region where the influence of neighboring stars is not so great. Being in a spiral arm, it is possible that life would never have originated on Earth. But still the Sun does not move around the center of the galaxy in a straight line. The movement looks like a whirlwind: over time, it is closer to the arms, then further away. And thus it flies around the circumference of the galactic disk together with neighboring stars in 215 million years, at a speed of 230 km per second.

The Earth, together with the planets, revolves around the sun, and almost all people on Earth know this. The fact that the Sun revolves around the center of our Milky Way galaxy is already known to a much smaller number of inhabitants of the planet. But that's not all. Our galaxy revolves around the center of the universe. Let's find out about it and watch interesting video footage.

It turns out that the entire solar system moves along with the sun through the local interstellar cloud (the unchanging plane remains parallel to itself) at a speed of 25 km/s. This movement is directed almost perpendicular to the unchanging plane.

Perhaps here it is necessary to look for explanations for the observed differences in the structure of the northern and southern hemispheres of the Sun, the bands and spots of both hemispheres of Jupiter. In any case, this movement determines the possible encounters of the solar system with matter dispersed in one form or another in interstellar space. The actual movement of the planets in space occurs along elongated helical lines (for example, the "stroke" of the screw of Jupiter's orbit is 12 times its diameter).

In 226 million years (a galactic year), the solar system makes a complete revolution around the center of the galaxy, moving along an almost circular trajectory at a speed of 220 km/s.

Our Sun is part of a huge star system called the Galaxy (also called the Milky Way). Our Galaxy has the shape of a disk, similar to two plates folded at the edges. In its center is the rounded nucleus of the Galaxy.

Our Galaxy - side view

If you look at our Galaxy from above, it looks like a spiral in which stellar matter is concentrated mainly in its branches, called galactic arms. The arms are in the plane of the disk of the Galaxy.

Our galaxy - view from above

Our galaxy contains over 100 billion stars. The diameter of the disk of the Galaxy is about 30,000 parsecs (100,000 light years), and the thickness is about 1,000 light years.

The stars inside the disk move in circular paths around the center of the galaxy, much like the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. The rotation of the Galaxy occurs clockwise if you look at the Galaxy from its north pole (located in the constellation Coma Veronica). The speed of rotation of the disk is not the same at different distances from the center: it decreases with distance from it.

The closer to the center of the Galaxy, the higher the density of stars. If we lived on a planet near a star located near the core of the Galaxy, then dozens of stars would be visible in the sky, comparable in brightness to the Moon.

However, the Sun is very far from the center of the Galaxy, one might say - on its outskirts, at a distance of about 26 thousand light years (8.5 thousand parsecs), near the plane of the galaxy. It is located in the Orion Arm, connected to two larger arms - the inner Sagittarius Arm and the outer Perseus Arm.

The Sun moves at a speed of about 220-250 kilometers per second around the center of the Galaxy and makes a complete revolution around its center, according to various estimates, in 220-250 million years. During its existence, the period of revolution of the Sun, together with the surrounding stars near the center of our star system, is called the galactic year. But you need to understand that there is no common period for the Galaxy, since it does not rotate like a solid body. During its existence, the Sun circled the Galaxy about 30 times.

The revolution of the Sun around the center of the Galaxy is oscillatory: every 33 million years it crosses the galactic equator, then rises above its plane to a height of 230 light years and again descends down to the equator.

Interestingly, the Sun makes a complete revolution around the center of the Galaxy in exactly the same time as the spiral arms. As a result, the Sun does not cross regions of active star formation, in which supernovae, sources of radiation destructive to life, often flare up. That is, it is located in the sector of the Galaxy, the most favorable for the origin and maintenance of life.

The solar system moves through the interstellar medium of our Galaxy much more slowly than previously thought, and no shock wave is formed at its front boundary. This was established by astronomers who analyzed the data collected by the IBEX probe, RIA Novosti reports.

“It can be said almost definitely that there is no shock wave in front of the heliosphere (the bubble that limits the solar system from the interstellar medium), and that its interaction with the interstellar medium is much weaker and more dependent on magnetic fields than previously thought,” the scientists write in the article. published in the journal Science.
The NASA IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) research spacecraft, launched in June 2008, is designed to explore the boundary of the solar system and interstellar space - the heliosphere, located at a distance of about 16 billion kilometers from the Sun.

At this distance, the flow of charged particles of the solar wind and the strength of the Sun's magnetic field weaken so much that they can no longer overcome the pressure of the rarefied interstellar matter and ionized gas. As a result, a “bubble” of the heliosphere is formed, inside filled with the solar wind, and outside surrounded by interstellar gas.

The magnetic field of the Sun deflects the trajectory of charged interstellar particles, but does not affect the neutral atoms of hydrogen, oxygen and helium, which freely penetrate into the central regions of the solar system. IBEX satellite detectors "catch" such neutral atoms. Their study allows astronomers to draw conclusions about the features of the boundary zone of the solar system.

A group of scientists from the United States, Germany, Poland and Russia presented a new analysis of data from the IBEX satellite, according to which the speed of the solar system was lower than previously thought. In this case, as evidenced by new data, a shock wave does not arise in the forward part of the heliosphere.

“The sonic boom that occurs when a jet aircraft breaks the sound barrier can serve as a terrestrial example for a shock wave. When an aircraft reaches supersonic speeds, the air in front of it cannot get out of its way fast enough, resulting in a shock wave,” said study lead author David McComas, quoted in a press release from the Southwestern Research Institute ( USA).

For about a quarter of a century, scientists believed that the heliosphere was moving through interstellar space at a speed fast enough to form such a shock wave in front of it. However, new IBEX data has shown that the solar system is actually moving through the local cloud of interstellar gas at a speed of 23.25 kilometers per second, which is 3.13 kilometers per second less than previously thought. And this speed is below the limit at which a shock wave occurs.

"Although the shock wave exists in front of the bubbles that surround many other stars, we found that the interaction of our Sun with the environment does not reach the threshold at which a shock wave is formed," McComas said.

Previously, the IBEX probe was engaged in mapping the border of the heliosphere and discovered a mysterious band on the heliosphere with increased fluxes of energetic particles, which encircled the "bubble" of the heliosphere. Also, with the help of IBEX, it was found that the speed of the solar system over the past 15 years, for inexplicable reasons, has decreased by more than 10%.

The universe is spinning like a top. Astronomers have discovered traces of the rotation of the universe.

Until now, most researchers have tended to believe that our universe is static. Or if it moves, then just a little. Imagine the surprise of a team of scientists from the University of Michigan (USA), led by Professor Michael Longo, when they discovered in space clear traces of the rotation of our universe. It turns out that from the very beginning, even at the Big Bang, when the Universe was just born, it was already rotating. As if someone launched her like a spinning top. And she is still spinning and spinning.

The research was carried out within the framework of the international project Sloan Digital Sky Survey. And scientists discovered this phenomenon by cataloging the direction of rotation of about 16,000 spiral galaxies from the north pole of the Milky Way. Initially, scientists tried to find evidence that the universe has the properties of mirror symmetry. In this case, they reasoned, the number of galaxies that rotate clockwise and those that “twist” in the opposite direction would be the same, reports

But it turned out that in the direction of the north pole of the Milky Way among spiral galaxies, counterclockwise rotation prevails, that is, they are oriented to the right. This trend is visible even at a distance of more than 600 million light years.

The symmetry breaking is small, only about seven percent, but the probability that this is such a cosmic accident is somewhere around one in a million, Professor Longo commented. - Our results are very important, because they seem to contradict the almost universal idea that, on a large enough scale, the universe will be isotropic, that is, it will not have a pronounced direction.

According to experts, a symmetrical and isotropic universe should have arisen from a spherically symmetrical explosion, which should have been shaped like a basketball. However, if at birth the Universe rotated around its axis in a certain direction, then the galaxies would have retained this direction of rotation. But, since they rotate in different directions, therefore, the Big Bang had a versatile direction. Nevertheless, most likely, the Universe still continues to rotate.

In general, astrophysicists have previously guessed about the violation of symmetry and isotropy. Their guesses were based on observations of other giant anomalies. These include traces of cosmic strings - incredibly extended space-time defects of zero thickness, hypothetically born in the first moments after the Big Bang. The appearance of "bruises" on the body of the Universe - the so-called imprints from its past collisions with other universes. As well as the movement of the "Dark Stream" - a huge stream of galactic clusters, rushing at great speed in one direction.
