Leather sofa pros and cons. Favorably affects the microclimate in the room

A leather sofa is a furniture classic, an indicator of status and prestige. Moderately strict, but at the same time elegant and versatile, it continues to win the hearts of customers. In this article, we have collected all the advantages and disadvantages that you should consider when buying a genuine leather sofa. Let's start with the positives.

Pros of a leather sofa

Does not collect dust

Leather furniture does not collect dust and pet hair. Cleaning consists of weekly wiping with a damp cloth, except in those rare cases when the furniture needs to be treated with special conditioners.

Almost does not absorb liquid

Leather does not absorb liquids as quickly as textiles. And you can clean up traces of spilled wine or food without consequences if you do it quickly. Leather furniture is perfect if there are small children in the house - it is easier to remove stains from leather than from fabric.

Does not electrify hair and clothes

Unlike synthetic materials and wool, the skin does not electrify clothes. You can move as much as you like on the couch without worrying that the clothes will start to stick to the body.

It has a pleasant smell (this item is not for everyone, but still!)

If the leather dressing is good, the sofa has a pleasant smell, and if it is rubbed with a specialized aromatic oil, the smell gets even better.

Suitable for allergy sufferers

Since the leather upholstery does not collect dust and wool, there is no accumulation of allergens in the house. That's why leather furniture it is worth preferring to allergy sufferers and those who want to maintain perfect order in the house.


A high-quality leather sofa is able to serve its owners for decades, without losing its shape, colors, or relevance. And even acquiring charm over time from slight wear. But no matter how good the skin is, if it is not cared for and the conditions of operation are violated, its durability will be at risk.

Favorably affects the microclimate in the room

Genuine leather breathes. This means that it is able to absorb excess moisture or, conversely, give it away when the air in the room becomes dry.

Brings an element of luxury

Leather sofa made of genuine leather looks beautiful and expensive. It speaks of the status and prestige of its owner and looks amazing in any interior.

We talked about the disadvantages of a leather sofa that we know. Now let's look at the cons.

Cons of a leather sofa

Not suitable for sleep

Yes, it is uncomfortable to sleep on the skin: the sheet is wrinkled, the skin is cold or sticky to the body. But if you still want to use a leather sofa for sleeping, take a closer look at topper mattresses. They are designed specifically for organizing a bed on the sofa.

In winter - cool

If the apartment is not hot in winter, sitting on leather furniture is uncomfortable. The sofa needs time to warm up to body temperature. The amount of this time depends on the quality of the skin: the higher it is, the faster its temperature adapts to body temperature.

In summer - sticky

Compared to textiles, leather absorbs moisture much more slowly. So, in the heat, sweat will not be absorbed by the upholstery, causing an unpleasant feeling of stickiness. You can get rid of this feeling by putting a cover on the sofa, or by covering it with a blanket for a hot period.

Visible scratches

Pets or clothes with solid metal elements can ruin a leather sofa. On textile upholstery, rare scratches and puffs are less noticeable. Buying a leather sofa will require you to pay close attention to your own wardrobe and the behavior of your four-legged household.

sensitive to open sun and dry air

Leather furniture does not tolerate direct sunlight, sudden changes in temperature and dry air. From this, it dries, cracks and burns out. Therefore, before buying, think about whether the sun will fall on the sofa from the window or heat the heating radiator. In addition, manufacturers recommend keeping indoor humidity in the range of 40-60 percent.

Requires special care

In order for the leather to remain strong, not stretched, cracked or lose its original luster, it must be treated with special conditioners. They are not cheap, but hauling damaged furniture can be even more expensive.

May darken

Over time, the leather sofa may darken in places of contact with the body. And although the hygroscopicity of the skin is lower than that of textiles, it still absorbs fat and moisture. Helps get rid of dark spots preventive treatment sofas with special air conditioners and weekly cleaning with a damp cloth. Traces of poorly dyed textiles may also remain on the skin. For example, blue stains on denim. So the owner will have to monitor not only the leather sofa, but also the quality of the clothes.

Can stretch

First of all, this minus concerns low-quality leather. However, an expensive sofa, with frequent use and without proper care, can lose shape. To avoid such a situation, choose only high-quality Leather Products and do not forget to periodically treat them with special conditioners for leather furniture.


Good leather is expensive. Few textile products can be compared in value with an interior item made of genuine leather. Leather furniture has always been considered a luxury item. This opinion remains unchanged today. Is it worth paying for a leather sofa high price when you can buy the same from textiles, but cheaper, is a question of an aesthetic rather than a practical nature.

Summing up, we want to give some tips that will help you keep your leather sofa for years to come.

1. Take care of your furniture regularly: wipe it with a damp cloth and treat it with special compounds several times a year.

2. Do not leave the skin wet for a long time.

3. Keep leather furniture out of direct sunlight and heating appliances. Do not dry with an iron or hot air.

4. Do not use solvents, bleaches, stain removers or abrasives to clean leather. It is better to contact professionals who specialize in cleaning leather furniture.

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Leather furniture has always been at the top of popularity and sold much better. Leather sofas are the epitome of presentability, durability and reliability, look great in other rooms.

Pros of leather sofas:

  • Respectability. People around treat the owner of leather furniture more respectfully. Leather sofa gives weight and solidity. If you think that you are missing a similar feature, buy with confidence. In the offices of big bosses, leather furniture is not in vain.
  • Moisture resistance. The liquid does not absorb as quickly as sofas with rag upholstery. Leather that has undergone special treatment does not require covers. Perhaps parents of small children who are not accustomed to the potty will come to life here. If an accident does occur, the consequences can be removed easily and naturally. Drinks are often spilled during the reception. If you act quickly, you can save the sofa without any problems.
  • Leather can be easily cleaned with a cloth and soapy water or wet wipes. In order for the leather sofa not to lose its external characteristics enough to remove dust from its surface.
  • Anti-allergenic. A leather sofa, unlike stuffed with fabric, does not accumulate dust inside itself, and this is very important for allergy sufferers. The dust that has accumulated is clearly visible and can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
  • Durability. The service life of leather furniture inspires confidence. A high-quality leather sofa with careful treatment will last at least 30 years.
  • Variety of color palette. Today you can find sofas with leather upholstery in any color. Therefore, it is very easy to choose a sofa for any interior.


  • Price. A quality leather sofa is quite expensive. And if you strive to get a high status, and decide to buy, you will have to purchase only a quality product.
  • Doubtful authenticity. In order for the skin not to rot in a short time, it must pass chemical treatment- tanning. The tannins are poisonous chromium compounds. They penetrate the structure of the skin and stay there forever. Manufacturers say that the poison is not released into the atmosphere and does not harm humans. If the question is important to you environmental safety, you can purchase a leather sofa treated with herbal extracts.
  • synthetic dyes. natural paints limited to three colors - brown, beige and black. Natural colors fade much faster. That is why synthetic dyes give color to leather sofas, and they have a very negative effect on human health. The only thing that calms a little is the paint. special technologies penetrates the skin and does not disturb the texture of the material.
  • Ethnicity. Leather sofas are not recommended for extremely sensitive people who are fighting for protection. environment. How can they lie on a sofa that took at least four animals to create.
  • Pets. Most animals use leather sofas as scratching posts. It is impossible to wean animals from such an occupation. Because of this, your sofa will soon irrevocably wear out its attractive appearance.
  • Smells. Leather absorbs almost all odors. And while it is new, an unpleasant aroma will disappear from it.

leather sofa color

Color plays an important role. He can create good mood for all the inhabitants of the premises.

  • Light green shades, when looking at such a sofa, bring joy, dark tones of the same color can calm a person.
  • If in the room light wallpaper, you can focus on a bright red sofa.
  • If you put white sofa in a completely white room, it will lose its beauty and merge with the interior. A white leather sofa will come in handy with a bright living room with bed-colored walls.
  • The blue leather sofa will look great both in the living room and in the office space.
  • The undisputed leaders of any interior are a brown, beige or black leather sofa.

Choosing a place for the sofa

  • Near the wall. Leather sofas are most often placed against the wall. This can be done in any room. This is a universal option, since it is very easy to install any sofa against the wall. The sofa should be set up so that the person sitting on the sofa can see people entering the room.
  • In the corner. This option is ideal only if you have purchased a corner leather sofa. Remember in small room, such an arrangement would be unsuccessful.
  • In the center. In the center of the room, island sofas are installed, which have a full back. Most sofas have backs made from cheap materials.
  • If the sofa is in the center of the room, you cannot save on the quality of the back, otherwise the leather sofa will not look aesthetically pleasing.

What to combine with a leather sofa?

If you walk on such an upholstery with a cloth lightly sprinkled with aromatic oil, the sofa will acquire a shine and an even better aroma. Also, the most obvious plus of a sofa in leather: no matter what it topples over, it doesn’t matter to him, there won’t be stains, it’s enough to remove the pollutant (food, paint, drinks) with a rag and water. Also, the benefits include big choice sofas, such as on the site http://amf.com.ua/divany/


Such upholstery is not very suitable for people who have pets in the house - holes and scratches can remain from their claws. And this is practically a sentence for a leather thing - most likely, from these scratches, cracks in the skin will only “spread” further. Among the disadvantages of leather upholstery can be noted: leather - cold material. If you sit or sleep on it in winter, you can freeze, and laying bedspreads and blankets, you can slip off such a bed at night; the skin emits a characteristic creak, which can be pretty annoying during sleep, when getting up and squatting on the sofa; light skin absorbs traces of a ballpoint pen, which is almost impossible to remove; leather requires special care: the sofa should not be exposed to direct sunlight, the air humidity should always be the same, unacceptable mechanical damage, you can not wash the sofa with harsh chemicals (this will violate the quality of the skin, it will dry out, spread and tear); the skin wipes off over time, that is, there are places of scuffs on the armrests, headrest, below near the legs. Therefore, it will still have to be covered with a bedspread, and it is very slippery on such a sofa; the skin sticks to the bare parts of the body: it is difficult to use such a sofa, especially in summer, such “tearing off” the body from the sofa also leads to its premature damage; it is cold to sleep on a leather sofa in winter, and hot in summer.

So, in order to decide whether to take such a sofa into the house, you need to take a closer look at the quality of artificial leather: it can be better in properties than natural, more elastic, soft, resistant. If the sofa is cheap and of poor quality, it is very stupid to expect that cracks will not appear on it. It is better that the sofa is made of soft eco-leather, which in itself is not too hard and resilient, then it can last a little longer. The main advice is to try not to save on this, remember the proverb, the miser pays twice!
