Creating home coziness and comfort. How to create comfort in the house: ideas, interior items, tips Make a room more comfortable without repair

Every woman strives to create coziness in the house, this is laid down on an instinctive level. After all, even modern design, new expensive furniture will not make the house comfortable. When doing repairs, think about decorating the interior with various accessories, they will add individuality and warmth. Many things you can do yourself, for example, reupholster old furniture, paint a coffee table or chest of drawers, make a new lampshade for a lamp. Antique items will find a new life, and your home will become cozy.

How to create comfort in the house

In creating a unique and cozy interior, you need to take into account what the house is built of, its layout, and your individual preferences.

It is much more comfortable to be in a house with a fireplace, even if it is an electric model. And you can almost endlessly look at a real fire and listen to the crackling of logs. Old wooden furniture can be sanded, varnished or painted. Soft chairs, armchairs, sofas pull.

Knitted napkins, tablecloths, embroidered sofa cushions - all this will find its application in the interior in Provence or country style. These little things dear to your heart will remind you of your relatives, add warmth and comfort to your home.

How to make a room cozy

When choosing the color scheme of the interior, give preference to calm natural colors: light yellow, beige, brown, green, pale blue. These colors will have a calming effect, saturate the room with warmth and comfort. Fashionable black and white, gray, red colors are recommended for use in the design of offices, restaurants, shops.

A few design tips for creating comfort:

For some, comfort in a room is associated with absolute order and cleanliness, while others love the “creative mess” that gives the room a residential look.
Personal preferences must be taken into account so that you feel comfortable and cozy in your home. After all, a simple design will not add soul and warmth, it will make you feel sad.

Cozy home with your own hands

In an effort to make your home cozy, it is important to get rid of all old unnecessary things. Besides the fact that they litter the room, old things have bad energy. Clean up regularly, throwing away broken toys, scribbled sheets of paper, packaging, and shopping boxes.

It is possible to add a piece of "soul" to the interior with various handicrafts. Embroideries, panels, mosaics, tapestries, knitted things will add zest to the room. Embroideries and panels can be placed on the walls, knitted rugs will decorate the floor.

You can also use wicker baskets and boxes for storage. from paper tubes is available even for beginners. Old paper, glue, colored varnish are used. The flexibility of paper allows you to create unique things that you can store clothes, textiles and even products.

If you have basic sewing skills, you can sew beautiful curtains and bedspreads on your own. At the same time, you can choose a fabric that suits the interior and is affordable. Soft draperies, lambrequins, woven or knitted lace will add sophistication and comfort to the room.

Ideas for comfort in the house

The interior in any style can be decorated with a transparent round glass vase. Depending on the style of the room, it is filled with:

You can install such a vase on a shelf, a coffee table.

You can give new life to an old coffee table, a jewelry box using the decoupage technique. The variety of motifs allows you to choose the most suitable overall design. The old coating is removed with sandpaper, then decor is applied.

Knitted, woven, embroidered colored rugs will not only delight your feet with warmth and softness, but also create color accents.

Using the fashionable patchwork technique, exclusive bedspreads, sofa cushions, and bedside rugs are made from various pieces of fabric.

Using the quilling technique, unique paper crafts are created that can decorate bookshelves and cabinets.

In order to spread out all the small things, books, you can make shelving, shelves with your own hands.

Cozy house: photo

Even the most stylish design can get boring. But don't do the same repairs every time this happens! Most often, a small update is enough - the whole interior will feel different.

Do you want to learn how to make your home more comfortable with your own hands? Here are some ideas for you to inspire.

How to make your home more comfortable: 10 golden rules

Change textiles

Changing textiles with the changing seasons is always a winning idea. For example, you want to change heavy knitted blankets in the spring for something light and bright. And this seemingly small change will transform the entire room.

What is pleasant in winter, I want to remove with the onset of the warm season

Photo: bathroom decoration with textiles

Refresh a simple interior with bright accents

Hang other curtains

Curtains also play a very important role in what mood the interior of the room creates. Choose a different fabric, different patterns, or go bold by swapping out curtains for roman blinds.

Curtains play a big part in how a room looks.

Transform your room with art

Another effective way to make an apartment cozy without renovation is to transform it with paintings, posters, figurines and other art objects that suit your mood and season.

The reader may object: "But wait, making a hole in the wall is the opposite of what we call 'transform without repair'", and it turns out to be right. However, the picture does not have to be hung! It can also simply be leaned against the wall by placing a massive canvas on the floor and a smaller piece - on a chest of drawers or a console table.It looks very modern and a little rebellious.By the way, an unusual frame for a mirror, as in the photo above, can also do a great job.

Art in all its manifestations

Make your home cozy at no cost? Easily!

The idea of ​​filling a room with art can also seem quite wasteful. But do not rush to look at the schedule of upcoming auctions! You can get by with minimal costs, but designing the space for yourself. For example, you can put a handwritten love quote in a beautiful frame. Dried flowers that remind you of the pleasant moments of life, handprints of the whole family and other simple, but such trifles so dear to the heart will be the perfect addition to your mini-gallery.

How to make an apartment cozy and beautiful: flowers in a vase

Perhaps this is the easiest and most pleasant way to refresh the interior - to put a vase with a beautiful bouquet. Seasonal flowers are always romantic and eye-catching.

Nobody says that now it will be necessary to buy a new bouquet of flowers every week. The composition can be made from branches, herbs, as well as artificial flowers that you can make from paper. A round vase filled with pebbles will also be a nice decoration.

Room design option: new old furniture

When you want to change something in your life, it is not necessary to buy new furniture if the old one is fed up with you or is a little shabby. A much more convenient option would be to use different materials in order to "refresh" old furniture. The facades of kitchen cabinets can be pasted over with a film, an old chest of drawers can be painted in two colors, and a wooden chair can be pulled over.

Life-affirming colors and restored furniture

How to make your home cozy and beautiful: wall design

You can beautifully decorate the walls without plaster, paint and wallpaper. Interior stickers create great effects and no skill is required to transfer them to the wall.

Buy furniture from old collections

If you still think that you can’t do without new furniture, consider pieces of furniture from old collections. You can find items that look ultra-modern even though they were created years ago. A great idea for decorating a room without spending a lot of money.

How to make an apartment cozy: update the furniture upholstery

If your favorite chair is worn out, this is not a reason to throw it away. Just take it to the workshop, where the skin will be tightened.

Furniture restoration idea: upholstery

The choice of fabric for the upholstery of upholstered furniture is an important decision, because different types of fabric will completely transform the entire interior. In particular, velvet and plush are very trendy right now, radiating style and elegance.

A noble velvet armchair will become the central element of the interior

How to make your home cozy and beautiful: vintage furniture

Vintage today is a highly relevant trend and is inexpensive if you know how to choose. An ideal option for updating the interior at almost no cost.

Create a cozy reading nook

Sometimes there can be nothing better than relaxing in an easy chair with an exciting book in hand. And even if you can hardly call yourself a bookworm, everyone needs such a resting place. After all, in such a comfortable corner you can watch videos on your tablet, right?

Wall decoration in the room: put a rack

The function of the rack is not limited to the fact that things are stored on it. Here you can place paintings, figurines, photographs ... And the most important advantage is that the composition of this "exhibition" can be easily changed to suit your mood.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating a room with your own hands: books

How to make a cozy small apartment: plants

Bring floral motifs into the interior by decorating the room with live plants. If you have no experience in this area, it's okay, choose unpretentious plants to start with: money tree, cacti and other succulents. Some types of palm trees also do not require special care.

How to diversify the interior: brickwork

Okay, here you have to make some effort, but we just could not help but include this method in our list. Because brick always looks very stylish! Of course, this does not mean that you will need to lay out an entire wall with bricks, no. Brickwork can be imitated, for example, using thin tiles. And if the natural brick color seems too rough for you, then the laid out tiles can be completely painted white, it looks very elegant!

Brickwork and high ceilings add an industrial touch

Why not make your home cozy with your own hands?

Do you know how to sew or knit? DIY decor gives you pleasure? Throw pillows, blankets, storage baskets - with your own hands you can completely transform the space.

Take care of the lighting

Making small changes to lighting is one of the easiest ways to make your home feel cozier. Put a floor lamp in a dark corner, change the intensity or color of existing lamps. Install a mirror in front of the lamp: reflecting the light, it will make the room more spacious and beautiful.

A photo:,,

To come home and get into an atmosphere of comfort and warmth is a natural desire and right of any person. It is wonderful when harmony and joy reign in the apartment, and loved ones and relatives meet on the threshold. Sometimes little things are not enough to be completely happy. So, it's time to think about how to create comfort in the apartment, set a certain style for the interior, add those details that will turn the house into a "full bowl".


First of all, a cozy apartment is a clean apartment, where there is no place for a mess. Disorder is permissible only in the artist's studio. Sometimes, in order to create coziness in an apartment with your own hands, it is enough just to do a general cleaning. This activity is not to everyone's liking, but the result of the effort spent is justified. Often you can see real chaos even in your own home. Do not be afraid and give up. You need to act like this.

  • First of all, it is recommended to audit and get rid of unnecessary things. Junk, which lies dead weight, not only occupies precious square meters, but also creates a lot of inconvenience. Clothes and shoes that have not been worn for a long time, faulty household appliances, papers, boxes, etc. are comfort killers.
  • The face of a cozy apartment is the kitchen. If it does not shine with cleanliness, and a new life has arisen in the refrigerator, you will have to roll up your sleeves and bring everything to a shine.
  • Well-groomed plumbing, polished faucets and a mirror without splashes - that's what it's nice to see, putting yourself in order in the morning.
  • Closets and chests of drawers crammed full of crumpled things make it impossible for their owners to quickly find a clean pair of socks. It's great when you open the door or pull out the drawer to find neat stacks of things and ironed shirts on hangers.
  • People spend a significant part of their lives in bed. Fresh linens, soft pillows and a light blanket are a well-deserved reward at the end of each day.
  • The hallway, the floor of which is lined with shoes for different seasons, is not pleasing to the eye. It is better to keep each pair in a separate box and take it out according to the season.

Having done away with the accumulated mess once and for all, it will become very easy to maintain cleanliness, because ordinary wet cleaning does not take much time.


Overhaul and the purchase of new furniture is not affordable for everyone. Yes, this is not necessary! If the condition of the walls, floors and plumbing is not critical, it is quite possible to get by with inexpensive cosmetic repairs. Today, the building materials market pleases buyers with such a rich assortment of goods that it will not be difficult to choose inexpensive wallpaper and paint to update the room and furniture.

Color, texture, style - it's a matter of taste. It is important that the repair is done carefully, environmentally friendly, and the selected shades are in harmony, and not “arguing” with each other. Of course, creating coziness in a new apartment is much easier than redoing the interior in an old one: you don’t need to remove old wallpaper and paint, move furniture. But how nice it is to refresh your favorite home, make it play with new colors! Recommendations:

  • acrylic-based water-dispersion paint is perfect for painting ceilings and walls in the bathroom and kitchen; it passes moisture well, is resistant to abrasion and looks advantageous even on an imperfect surface;
  • before you start wallpapering, it is advisable to prime the wall; this will reduce the consumption of glue and ensure reliable adhesion of the material to the plane;
  • for painting cast-iron heating radiators, it is better to use good old oil paint - it has excellent anti-corrosion properties and costs mere pennies.

When the walls and ceilings shine with newness, it's time to move on to the next stage of creating a cozy atmosphere in the house. To do this, you have to turn on your imagination and be creative.


Little things are what, in fact, life consists of. Pleasant ones cheer up, and all the others are annoying. In an effort to surround ourselves with cute objects, we create comfort in the house with our own hands.

  • Houseplants. Nothing enlivens an apartment like well-groomed flowers in beautiful flower pots. It doesn’t matter which ones, blooming or just greenery, they delight the eye and decorate the house, and even clean the air in the room, saturating it with oxygen. If there is no experience in caring for flowers, you can always buy cute and picky plants by contacting the seller for advice.
  • Coziness in a lounge is often associated with a plump sofa or deep armchair and a soft blanket. Why not get a rocking chair? Put a small table nearby, a bowl of fruit and some good books.
  • Home clothes and footwear. Let it be not only comfortable and pleasant to the touch, but also new, beautiful. Shabby place in the trash can.
  • Dishes for every day. Are you used to taking out the front plates before the arrival of guests? Down with this relic of the past! The habit of setting the table beautifully will make even ordinary pasta tastier, and life more elegant.
  • Paintings, panels, photographs in frames. Let your favorite faces smile from the walls, inspire you with beautiful landscapes, and let your own hand-made make you proud.

When planning how to create comfort in the house, all these little things should be given maximum attention, because they will surround you every day of your life.

Aroma of comfort

Sometimes, when you go into someone's house, you smell an unpleasant smell. It doesn't matter if it's cigarettes, stale food, or an untidy hamster cage. I want to leave the room as soon as possible.

Important: the house must be ventilated every day!

Fresh air not only displaces unpleasant odors, but also improves well-being and reduces fatigue. But the available products that create a wonderful aroma in the rooms:

  • cinnamon is good for the kitchen - it smells amazing and very cozy;
  • in the bedroom, orange or lemon peels, crushed and placed in a sachet, will come in handy;
  • in the living room you can put a vase with coffee beans.

It is better not to use chemical air fresheners, especially if there are children in the house. And the most important cozy aroma is the smell of cleanliness and delicious homemade food. Everyone loves him.

Little space?

Alas, not everyone was lucky enough to acquire a spacious living space. But even in a one-room apartment you can feel comfortable! In this case, it is very important to properly organize the space in the room.

The basic rules are:

  • Nothing extra! Give away, sell or throw away anything you don't use all the time! An exception may be repair tools.
  • Invest in a tall, spacious closet. Let it cost a pretty penny, but the whole wardrobe and even shoes will fit in its depths.
  • The sleeping place should be folded, turning into a compact sofa during the day.

All this will help to win back a few extra (or necessary) square meters. But you can visually enlarge the room like this:

  • use light colors for decoration;
  • make sure that the ceiling is perfectly flat and white;
  • paint the window frames white;
  • leave a minimum of decorations on the walls;
  • do not overload the interior with details;
  • do not keep in sight those things that can be removed.

Designers, when deciding how to create coziness in a small apartment, suggest using mirrors. Particularly noteworthy are specimens with a pattern. The patterns created by craftsmen on the mirror surface make this essential household item a luxurious interior decoration.

A floor-to-ceiling mirror in an “antique” wooden frame or framed by indoor plants can completely transform even the smallest room, giving it depth. Attention! The mirror must be perfectly clean, splashes and stains kill all the magic.

The smaller the room, the more carefully it should be cleaned. And there is another way to create comfort.


It was invented so that even in a small room there was a place for at least two. Dividing into zones is not the erection of additional walls. Most often it is conditional, but this method works fine.

  • The most common technique is the decorative wall decoration in different colors, using different textures in order to mark the boundaries between the zones of one room. For example, in a common living room there may be several functional areas: work (computer desk, office chair), relaxation area (sofa, bookcase), play area (soft rug and toy box).
  • Sometimes lightweight folding accordion screens are used. With their help, you can define the boundaries more clearly, but such devices still take up space.
  • An interesting design solution is a screen made of beads. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy something like this, but you can do it yourself or order from the master. There will be a unique author's thing. Long nylon threads studded with transparent or colored (or different) beads look luxurious.


No wonder they are called the eyes of the house. Clean windows, freshly painted or new frames are only half the battle. Curtains are of great importance. They should be clean and perfectly ironed, unless “wrinkled” fabric is used according to the design plan.

Floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall curtains visually expand the room. The effect is enhanced if a light tone is selected that is in harmony with the overall color scheme of the room.


An elegant chandelier in the living room, an elegant floor lamp near the sofa, a pretty lampshade in the kitchen or an original multifunctional lighting throughout the apartment - all this can become a highlight in the interior of your apartment.

Comfort in the house is the fruit of care and work. The chic brilliance of a hotel suite and someone else's luxury always fade against the backdrop of the sweet simplicity of a well-groomed home.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to solve all design problems in one evening. But if you just want to make the apartment cozy and comfortable or add personality to it after renovation, then these tips will come in handy for you.

1. Put the indoor flower in the corner

According to the site, design teachers never tire of repeating that the flower in the corner is bad manners. This idea was formed due to the fact that if an empty corner appeared in the apartment, then you made a number of mistakes in planning. However, when creating a design project, many people generally forget about indoor plants. Therefore, if you have a suitable flower or tree in a beautiful pot, and also have an unoccupied corner at your disposal, then you can safely put the plant there. So that it does not look like a separate element and fits perfectly into the existing interior, select large specimens with wide leaves in tubs. In this case, the plants will be a great accent.

"House" for a flower, choose a simple, concise shape, but with a pronounced texture. An ideal option would be a textile basket or clay pot. As for the plant itself, the bet must be made on unpretentious and high specimens (about a meter). A good example is the lyre-shaped ficus. Due to its "growth", it will fill the available space and decorate the room.

2. Use books

This decor option is most suitable for a bibliophile's apartment. If you have a large number of books at your disposal, do not "lock" them in cabinets and cabinets, but use them for decorative purposes.

For example, a vase or figurine looks too small against the wall, put them on two or three books. In this case, they will serve as a kind of pedestal for sculpture. The same technique can also be applied if one lamp on the bedside table is lower than the other. By placing the required amount of literature, you will achieve perfect symmetry.

Also, books will come in handy if there is nothing to occupy the shelves in the apartment. Another option is to place them on cabinets, chests of drawers, shelving. Thus, you can turn boring monotonous furniture into a bright element of the interior.

Advice: If the apartment already has a lot of eye-catching elements and you want to make the decor more neutral, remove the attention-grabbing glossy covers from the books.

3. Bet on transparent furniture

Transparent furniture is now in trend. And this is not surprising, because it has the property of "dissolving" in the interior. A table and chairs made of lucite or acrylic will ideally fit into the atmosphere of even the smallest apartment, because they will not “crush” and overload the space. You can start with small elements, such as a transparent lamp or a shelf. Put an ordinary glass vase with flowers on it, and you will notice how the surrounding atmosphere has changed.

Designers advise experimenting and combining classic and modern materials in one interior, such as glass and acrylic. This technique will work best in rustic-style apartments, as the tree acts as a connecting element and unites all the details into a single whole.

4. Pick a Leading Color

Do you have a favorite color? So it's time to actively use it in interior design. According to experts, the same shade will look completely different on different surfaces. For example, on a nightstand, plastered wall, ceiling and so on.

If you apply a single color in each of the rooms, then it will visually unite all the rooms into a single composition. Another interesting technique is to paint the floors throughout the apartment in the same shade. In this case, you will achieve the perfect combination of wall and floor colors, and if necessary, you can quickly and easily rearrange the furniture.

5. Apply asymmetry

Let's be frank: anyone can hang a picture evenly over a bed or sofa. But not everyone will be able to correctly apply the off-center hanging. But it's still worth a try. Especially if photos or souvenirs look too small against the background of a huge wall. In this case, they will need to be shifted from the central axis to the side, hanging to the side and lower than usual. Such asymmetry will look much more interesting and original.

The same trick will work well in relation to the free area above the shelves, bedside table, fireplace. The main thing is to adhere to the rule: "lower and closer to the edge." So you can turn a room with a ridiculous design into a stylish and bright room in a few minutes.

Also pay attention to the fact that the item you put on public display should have a special meaning for you. Of course, you can just buy a few photos and paintings from the store for decoration, but then you risk turning the room into a fashion gallery.

6. Hide technology

In classic interiors, appliances are often hidden behind paintings, in tables or cabinets. However, not everyone understands this design move. For example, apartment owners who have just purchased an ultra-thin TV tend, on the contrary, to put it on public display so that friends and acquaintances can admire the purchase. However, the fashion for technology is changing very quickly, and what was in trend yesterday may become outdated tomorrow. Only the beauty and relevance of the classical setting remains unchanged.

The so-called "media wall" can kill two birds with one stone. All you need to create it is to arrange all the gadgets on open shelves or racks. The highlight will be photographs, candlesticks and interesting art objects that will be located “next door” to devices. Such a wall will definitely attract attention, regardless of whether there will be a TV there or not.

Another good tip: to avoid the accumulation of wires and cables in the room, buy wireless antennas and sensors. They will transmit the signal from the receiver, which you will hide in a closed closet nearby.

7. Throw a blanket on a bed or chair

Lovers of order are unlikely to understand this technique, however, as practice shows, a plaid, carelessly thrown on an armchair or at the foot of the bed, gives the room a cozy and lived-in look. Using this trick, try not to listen to the inner voice of a perfectionist - do not try to straighten the blanket, make it perfectly even. The interior, which is dominated by clear, straight and concise lines, lacks just the same negligence.

A blanket made from natural fibers is best suited for this task. It is better to choose a saturated color so that textiles can become an accent in the interior. Pay attention to high-quality copies, soft to the touch, so that they serve you as long as possible.

You will find a few more tricks for decorating an apartment in the article.

Creating comfort in the house is painstaking, requiring a certain life experience. Professional designers and experienced housewives share this experience in organizing comfort in this article.

You entered the apartment, where an expensive repair was made. All interior items simply "scream" about their exorbitant price. But still, you catch yourself thinking that the things around you do not please you, the room is cold and unfriendly. It is uncomfortable for you to sit in a hard chair, it is hard to imagine how you can work at a too grand desk.

Here is another apartment. The atmosphere here is much more modest, simpler and cheaper, but more attractive and friendly. Every item is comfortable. And you involuntarily want to exclaim: “How cozy it is here!”

    Convenience is the first rule when buying any thing in the house! There are many examples when a thing fits perfectly into the interior, but at the same time its operation turns into hard labor. An inconveniently located light switch, a sofa cushion with long pile that attracts dust, a canopy over a crib .... For the human eye, laconic comfortable furnishings without frills are much more pleasant than rich decoration with a layer of dust.

    The second rule is cleanliness! Dirty windows through which sunlight barely breaks through, a layer of dust on an expensive chest of drawers, trampled parquet, stains on curtains, fingerprints on mirrors and furniture facades. If you allow such a picture in your house, consider that the money spent on expensive renovations was simply thrown away. Comfort and dirt are incompatible things.

    Rule three - nothing more! Don't buy anything just because you're on sale and the item is cheap. Random changes will not make the apartment more comfortable, but only clutter it up. Closely spaced furniture will "crush", it will be unpleasant for you to be in such a room.

    Rule four - if you do not take any thing in your hands for two years - you do not need it! If you conduct a thorough inspection of the apartment, the contents of the cabinets, pantry, balcony, then there are quite a few such items. Basically, you don't use them. You don't need them. Imagine how much free space all this stuff takes up, depriving you of light and clean air. It’s a pity to throw it away - give it to good hands or put it up for sale on the website.

    The fifth rule is conciseness, the natural beauty of objects is the best home decoration! The market economy is the engine of progress, it is difficult to disagree with this. Sometimes manufacturers of goods go to great lengths to shake the imagination of consumers who are already accustomed to everything. Bizarre forms, which sometimes take on the most ordinary objects, can do a disservice. A cup in the shape of a cat, a decanter in the shape of a vine, a watch that looks like a doghouse…. But why not let a vase be a vase, a flower pot be a pot, a box be a box.

    Rule six - do not overdo it with decor! No one is against a few family photos on a bookshelf or wall, but when their number exceeds any reasonable limit, then this causes only antipathy. The same is true with cushions, napkins, vases, postcards, figurines, paths, rugs, rugs.

    All these cute trinkets collect a huge amount of dust. The hostess will spend a lot of time cleaning: after all, all this “goodness” will first need to be removed, then dusted, and then beautifully arranged again. If this is not done, then dirty things will not bring any pleasure.

    Guests, in the end, may get the impression that the hosts have complexes, and they are afraid of open spaces and free space.

  1. Rule seven - the apartment should be filled with fresh air! Stuffiness, an unpleasant smell or a pungent aroma will force anyone to quickly leave the room, even if it has undergone very expensive repairs. Ventilate the rooms more often, and install a good hood in the kitchen and bathroom.

    Rule eight - indoor plants should be in moderation! Often there are such lovers of flowers and greenery that all the free space in the house is filled with pots. After reading the article on the site "How to place flowers in a small room", you will learn about the basic principles for placing indoor plants in small spaces, so that they please the eye all year round.

    The abundance of flowers on the windowsill can interfere with the penetration of daylight, the leaves will collect a huge amount of dust. In general, there is no need to talk about comfort in such a situation.

    Flowers need to be looked after so that they have a neat appearance, if there is not enough time for this, then it is better to limit yourself to a few representatives of the flora.

Children's laughter, the aroma of homemade cakes, a neat bouquet of lilacs on the table, the smell of freshly washed linen, sunlight, clean windows - this is something that does not require you to invest money at all, but can make the house cozy, you will always want to return to such an apartment.
