Entrance hall in a private house - how to create a stylish and practical modern design (125 photo ideas). How to decorate the walls in the corridor: a large selection of finishes, except for wallpaper, with photo design How to decorate the hallway in your home

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The hallway is the calling card of the house. It is she who meets your guests, and the first impression, as you know, decides a lot. If you are finishing the construction of a house or its overhaul - leave the entrance group "for dessert". This makes practical sense - after all, through you you will have to carry tools and materials, take out the garbage. In addition, when all the other rooms are finally decorated, it will be easier to decide on the style of the corridor, it should harmoniously fit into the overall idea. In this material we will offer you a large collection of interiors in the photo. The design of the hallway in a private house from decoration to furnishings in our article.

A beautiful hall in the house will impress your guests

The design of the entrance group implies functionality and practicality. Here you need to correctly distribute the space and, which will organically fit into the framework of the hallway.

There are a lot of stylistic options, consider the most popular:

Art Deco: an exquisite mixture of classics and ethnics

Examples of Art Deco interiors:

Color can be used to visually change a space. For example, a dark color makes the ceiling look lower, and a warm bright shade on the end wall of a narrow corridor will make it visually shorter. Do not forget about the chosen interior style.

How to choose the right furniture for the hallway: photos of successful solutions

The main thing in the selection of furniture is the correct ratio of its dimensions to the size of the room. If the hallway is small, you should give preference or even get by with a modest hanger. In any case, before buying furniture, you need to carefully measure the corridor.

Another important selection criterion is the quality of the material. The entrance hall is a room with special operating conditions, this should be taken into account. You need to make a choice in favor of reliable fittings and high-quality surfaces that are easy to clean if necessary.

Advice! It is absolutely not necessary to make furniture to order if the dimensions of your corridor differ from generally accepted standards. Modern furniture factories offer a wide range of modular designs. From them you can assemble a set with sizes suitable for you.

The most necessary piece of furniture is a wardrobe. Outerwear, shoes, hats and necessary little things are placed here.

Important! No matter how you save space, the depth of the cabinet cannot be less than 40 centimeters, otherwise the storage space will be extremely inconvenient to use.

An important element of the hallway decor is a mirror. Making room for it in a small space is not easy. If there is no free wall, you can use a cabinet door or door leaf.

In the photo, design options for mirrors in the hallway:


The hallway is the hallmark of every home. Therefore, it is so important to carefully consider the interior. it can be ascetic or luxurious, dark or light, muted or bright. It depends on the placement and size of the corridor.

Apartment buildings cannot please us with a large area, therefore, the interior of the hallway in them implies exclusively necessary furniture: a mirror, a wardrobe, a table for a telephone, a shoe cabinet, a hanger.

in the house: we make out the entrance to the house correctly

If we talk about the design of the corridor in a house, cottage or country villa, it is worth noting that there is where to turn around. The owner arranges the entrance to the house at his discretion. And, if necessary, it can also complete the corridor in which to organize the desired interior.

The entrance hall in a private house provides an opportunity for its owners to fantasize from the heart. Consider the various settings and layouts of this room.

hallway size

The entrance to a private house can be long and narrow, square and wide, irregular or regular in shape. For all cases, you should pick up your own in a private house. We will give examples of beautiful design in this article. And the tips below will help you with this.

long hallway

Such a room can be easily divided into two: a hall and an entrance area. You can put a door between them, as well as simply visually separate them with different floors or walls. For example, at the entrance, you can lay linoleum on the floor or tile it, while laying parquet or carpeting in the hall. The steps going up from the door and separating the hall from the entrance area look great. In general, the interior of the hallway can be decorated in a very original way.

You can put cabinets with huge mirrored facades in the entrance room, while placing a shelf with a neat pull-out pouffe in the hall. If the width of the hall allows, put a small table, chair, figurine or large vase. With this zoning, the hall will already be the inside of the house, therefore, it is recommended to design it in the same design style.

wide hallway

In the design of a wide entrance room, they usually follow the same rules as for other cases: it is necessary that the floor be durable (thick linoleum or tile), the walls should be perfectly washed, decorative plaster or washable paint is suitable here. To highlight such a hallway, they also use a variety of finishing materials, colors, multi-level ceilings or floors.

To illuminate the hallway sufficiently, you should not install a bright lamp above the door, creating a successful interior. The entrance hall in a private house can have several sources that will give a subdued warm light: 2-3 spot or small lamps, a compact chandelier or a sconce by the mirror on the wall.

Since you have plenty of free space, you can also arrange roomy and comfortable furniture:

  • chest of drawers - you can put a bronze figurine or one of the lamps on it;
  • closet - outerwear, capes, bags and umbrellas easily fit here;
  • soft-top seating tables.

Often in a spacious and wide hallway you can see a grandfather clock. The cozy measured tapping of the pendulum creates an amazing aura of serene calmness in the room, which is conducive to confidential and pleasant communication.

small hallway

The area of ​​​​the hallway can be very small. There are two ways to increase it in the house. It is possible to complete the entrance room to the required size. In addition, you can donate a piece of the adjacent room, thus increasing the hallway. Creating the interior of the hallway in a private house, you also need to choose the right furniture. The door in the second case can be left, as well as an arched open opening.

open hallway

Fans of space can completely demolish the walls and only visually highlight the entrance area. This can be done with the help of multi-level ceilings and floors, lighting, different design of floors and walls. In this case, all the interior decoration of the room will be as if in the palm of your hand - the front door opens, and you immediately find yourself in the house. Although here there are many interesting options for how to make an interesting interior.

The entrance hall in a private house is mainly planned in such a way that it is a separate zone that unites all other rooms with each other. Due to this, its furnishings should overlap with the various elements of the decor of the dining room and living room, bathroom and bedroom.

How to give the interior of the hallway unique and individual features? Take advantage of our tips below.


The floor covering must be suitable for the purpose of the room: a room that will be a link between a clean indoor space and a dirty street. When creating the interior of a hallway in a private house, you need to take into account that the main coating for such purposes can be ceramic tiles or linoleum. In front of the threshold, it would be appropriate to put plain or plain rugs with an unobtrusive pattern, and preferably wicker mats. And far from the door, for example, under a hanger or near a mirror, you can place a small rectangular or round rug.


The decoration of this room, like all the others, begins with the walls. At the same time, the impact on the walls will be colossal. We very often lean against it, putting on shoes. The wall covering suffers greatly from splashes that fly from umbrellas and jackets in rainy weather. Too delicate material can also suffer from the buckle on the bag. If you promise yourself to be careful, then you cannot guarantee the appropriate behavior of the guests.

But not only aesthetic, but also practical requirements must be met by the interior. The entrance hall in a private house suggests the absence of simple paper wallpapers or textiles on the walls. It is necessary that the material be wear-resistant and durable.


In order for guests to come to the house to find themselves in a bright room, it is imperative to provide high-quality lighting. Therefore, it is better to take care of the presence of spotlights. Currently, the use of LED strips is especially relevant - in interior design this is a win-win option. The use of lighting over mirrors will be a powerful weapon to achieve an optical increase in space. In addition, the lower part of the walls, shelves and niches will give the room a spectacular look.


In order not to block the passage area in the hallway, use furniture with mirrored sliding doors. When choosing a hanger - the main symbol of each hallway - give preference to small open vertical ones, as well as one, at the same time, capacious horizontal hanger. If the size of the room allows, you can purchase a nightstand for shoes, an ottoman and a mirror stand. In the design of the corridor, avoid glassware and bulky furniture.

decorative elements

Each of the elements must be very carefully thought out so that the interior does not create the effect of piling up and disorder. The main design moves can be stands for hats and umbrellas, small key holders, clothes brushes and decorative boxes. An interesting way to design would be to place some kind of porcelain or bronze sculpture. Wicker baskets for your pet will harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway, in addition, wall photographs also look good.


The beauty of living outside the city lies in the fact that you can decorate the interior of the hallway in a private house as you like. (it can be done with your own hands without any problems) should be in harmony with the rest of the living space. You can drape the walls from ceiling to floor with fabric or trim with wood. Put any elements that are combined with the overall interior of the house. For example, a carved chair, a grandfather clock, an old chest of drawers or a table, a bronze figurine.

Also pay close attention to the combination of the terrace and the hallway. Glazing the first one, you can turn the closed hallway into a cozy and bright room. At the same time, removable double-glazed windows will turn the terrace into a summer veranda, thanks to which they will let fresh air into the house. Openwork chairs and a table, a small sofa and a rocking chair will look great in this room.

A well-organized corridor in a private house creates an excellent impression of the living space and its owner.

Date: 07/23/2016

The entrance hall is the first room that we and the guests see when entering the home. But they repair it last, because all the tools and materials are carried through the room, and this causes damage to the finish and negatively affects the interior.

It is important to consider the style of the rest of the house when it is being renovated. hallway in a private house, be developed design-projects reviewed hundreds a photo to select the best option. It is worth noting that the flight of design ideas in the room is directed to beauty, style, and functionality, practicality.

The design of the hallway in a private house can be the most diverse

We develop a concept

Finishing is done in this room, when the rest of the dwelling has already acquired a style and an assessment of the results of repair work has been made. The starting point is the interior decoration of other rooms. It is important that the interior has a finished look. The original idea will be a campaign from the opposite, when the hallway is strikingly different from other rooms. Which way the owner of the apartment will go depends on his desire.

Often there is enough space to decorate any hallway idea in a private house.

Light hallway visually enlarges the space

Before developing the concept of the appearance of the hallway, we understand what functional load the room performs. Answer your questions:

  1. Does the house have a separate room for storing clothes (pantry, dressing room) or will things be stored here? Remember that it is not easy to work with narrow long corridors, but with a competent technical approach it is possible.
  2. For changing shoes, taking off outerwear, how many seats are needed? The number of seats corresponds to the number of family members living in the room.
  3. Can the floor space accommodate everything you want? The project must be rational and close to reality.

The entrance hall in a private house can be located in front of the entrance to the main house, for example, on the veranda

In the hallway of a private house, you need a place to store outerwear, shoes and accessories.

After answering the above questions, the owner of the house will surely be able to reasonably assess the possibilities of the premises and navigate the abundance of furniture and finishing materials.

Wallpaper in the hallway

The finishing material used on the walls should be both aesthetically pleasing and practical, so do not use textile or paper coverings. Its main qualities should be strength and durability.

Wallpaper in the hallway should match the overall interior

Wall covering should be easy to clean and be unpretentious.

Important: for sure, the walls will have to be washed frequently due to dust and dirt particles that penetrate through the front door. Non-marking surfaces will be the best option for coating. You should not make walls of white, milky, cream color, they will quickly lose their appearance.

Wallpaper in the hallway should not be easily soiled

In such a room are used:

  1. Vinyl wallpaper. They are easy to clean, inexpensive, easy to install, unpretentious, durable. The advantages of the coating will be a wide range of colors.
  2. The liquid wallpaper. The advantages of such a coating: it is easy for them to process non-standard, uneven planes (arched openings, niches, partitions of an unusual configuration). When varnished, liquid wallpaper is easy to clean.
  3. Covering with decorative plaster. It has a rich color range, has a long service life, unpretentious.
  4. Dye. The disadvantage of using the coating will be the presence of an even base for painting. It is required to prepare the walls by priming, puttying, sanding, and sometimes sticking special wallpaper for painting before applying the paint. Such a process requires more time, cash investment of the owner.
  5. MDF and PVC panels. Such a coating is easy to quickly process the walls. They differ in tiled (square), slatted, sheet. This material is durable and easy to install. Important pay attention to the moisture resistance of the material before finishing the room.

Often, owners use combined options, combining several types of material. You can lay out an apron from the panels to the middle of the walls, and paint the rest of the surface or glue vinyl wallpaper.

Hallway wall painting

For the country style, wooden walls are not painted, but simply passed with antiseptic compounds, sprays from excess moisture or insects. From above, stylized walls are varnished.

Floors in the hallway

Floor coverings in the hallway can withstand the greatest load compared to other rooms in the house. Here are the sharp heels of the guests entering the house, and the rubber-stained soles of sneakers and children's sneakers, and the wheels of a bicycle, a scooter. All this is complemented by dust and dirt from the street, so the flooring is made with a coating that can withstand heavy loads.

The floor in the hallway should be constantly dirty, so it wears out quickly

Linoleum is best suited for this. This is the most common option in private homes. The cost of its purchase is low, and maintenance is simple. The coating is divided into three classes depending on wear: household, semi-commercial, commercial.

Linoleum in the hallway washes well, but leaves marks from heels

Laminate on the floor of the hallway looks beautiful and natural, but does not tolerate moisture

If it is decided to lay a laminate, then when buying, pay attention to its resistance to moisture, strength, wear resistance. Often water enters the joints, causing the coating to swell. It loses its original appearance, so that this does not happen, it is recommended to wipe the seams with a special compound that prevents moisture from entering the joints between the lamellas.

Laminate in the hallway can be easily replaced

Tiles, as a finishing material, are recommended due to their reliability and low maintenance. Upon purchase, porcelain stoneware, on which it is more difficult to slip, will be a good option. It is stronger than tiles and has a long service life. The most reliable and expensive of floor coverings will be stone tiles.

Tiles on the floor is a universal floor covering for the hallway

An interesting and functional solution would be a combination of two or three finishing materials, for example, tiles (porcelain stoneware) are laid near the entrance, and laminate in the rest of the room.

Using a combination of floor tiles and laminate, you can visually highlight zones in the corridor

Ceiling in the hallway

Repair of the ceiling in the room is actually no different from other rooms. Here you can choose any coating you like, depending on the style and design of the room. An important factor will be the cost of materials.

The combined ceiling in the hallway made of plasterboard and stretch ceiling looks beautiful

Basically, they make several types of ceiling coverings: stretch; suspended structures; ceiling work.

  1. The stretch ceiling in the hallway is mounted by specialists and consists of a canvas and a frame base. Do not build such a ceiling on your own. It has a smooth surface (matte or glossy), unpretentious, has a long service life. Most often in the hallway, the ceiling is not a key link, but an important element, so maintenance of the coating should be simple and save time.
  2. The suspended ceiling is mounted on the basis of plasterboard sheets or plastic-based panels. With the help of a similar design, communications or wires are hidden. If the ceiling is made of panels, then it does not require additional processing, and the ceiling based on drywall must be additionally painted, covered with plaster, glued. Important: the frame structure, together with the thickness of the material and the irregularities of the ceiling, can “eat” from 7–10 centimeters of the height of the room.
  3. Ceiling work may include whitewashing, painting, wallpapering, plastering or tiling.

The original vaulted ceiling looks interesting in a private house

Remember: a prerequisite for such work will be the alignment of the ceiling and its preparation.

When arranging the ceiling, you need to take care of the lighting.

The choice of furniture in the hallway

After finishing work, furniture is selected that is compact and functional. For this, based on the style of the room, forged, plastic, wooden objects are used. What can you not live without in a room?

  1. Cupboard- This is a piece of furniture, without which you can not do in the hallway. Outerwear, gloves, scarves and hats are put into it. With small dimensions of the room, the closet is replaced by a hanger and chest of drawers.
  2. The hanger can be freestanding, or it can look like a panel bolted to the wall with hooks. She will help out when there is nowhere to hang a wet jacket to dry or a lot of guests come and there is not enough space in the closet.
  3. The shoe rack and its width are selected according to the largest shoe size of the household. The actual design decision will be making it to order. When modeling a structure, it is important to consider ventilation, but it is not recommended to leave it completely open. Complement such shelves with a special box for cream for the care of leather products, spoons for shoes.

Need to take care of the furniture in the hallway

  1. If there is no space in the closet, then a shelf or an additional module for hats and caps is provided. A functional solution to use the space above the doorway and eliminate the accumulation of caps and save space.
  2. Must have a place and an umbrella that saves from rain in the summer months and off-season. In the interior of the vintage style, they are stored in antique baskets, and in the hallway of the modern style, umbrellas are stored in cabinets or on shelves.
  3. A chest of drawers is used if the hallway is large, and when the furniture has a sufficient number of spacious shelves, then the presence of a chest of drawers is an optional condition.
  4. The seat for changing shoes will be an ottoman, a soft stool, a bench. A convenient combination of a pouffe with a drawer in which an umbrella, a raincoat, and other useful little things are folded.
  5. The decor of the hallway will look unfinished if there are no mirrors hanging in the room. For these purposes, you can use the facade of the cabinet with a mirror surface. Mirror surfaces of any size and configuration are used for the hallway: designer mirrors of an unusual shape, mirror tiles, acrylic mirrors, mirror interior stickers.

The hallway can be made as a separate corner

Using the advice from you, you get a stylish and original hallway in a private house. Design, photo, the presented interior styles, functional solutions given in the article will help you make your choice.

Hallway interior in a private house

Entrance hall in a private house 50 photo ideas:

How do people usually perceive the hallway? For most, the entrance hall is a place where residents of a private house spend a short time, which is used only for storing various wardrobe items - outerwear, hats, shoes, etc. This attitude often makes this part of the house an uncomfortable cluttered barn. Remember that all your guests start their journey from this very place, here they begin to evaluate the status of the hosts.

It can be quite difficult to choose the right design for a hallway in a private house. Firstly, the corridor room is poorly lit due to the fact that it has no windows. Dark corners are the best places for troubles such as insects and pollution to appear. In addition to outerwear, accessories are stored in the hallway, which should always be at hand. It can be keys or an umbrella.

The room that is assigned to the corridor is usually small, but must meet many rules. Each family tries to use it according to their individual needs. There are a huge number of styles created specifically for hallways, you could notice this from the photos that the proposed design projects of the Internet are saturated with.

Modern designers are trying to offer the best options for hallways in private homes, while maintaining the functionality, comfort and beauty of the room - an example in the photo

long hallway

If a long narrow space is allocated for the corridor, it is advisable to divide it into a hall and a hallway. To visually distinguish between zones, different finishes, color schemes or a door partition are used. If you are leaning towards the first method, use linoleum or tiled flooring for the hallway, and carpet or parquet for the hall. A multi-level floor is great, which will separate the hallway with several steps.

Furniture is also used to divide the space. Place a mirrored closet, complement the hall area with a wall shelf with a pull-out pouffe. If there is enough free space in a private house, complement the interior of the hallway with a small table and chair. For decoration, use accessories (figurines, flower vases, family photos in a beautiful frame, etc.) The hall in this design refers to the interior, so the interior of the corridor should be combined with the general style of your private house. You can independently choose the design of a long corridor in a private house, their photos can be found on many websites.

In the photo - the design of a spacious hallway

wide hallway

If you have allocated a wide room for the hallway, follow the following rules. The floor covering must be reliable (thickened linoleum or tile is suitable), for walls in a private house, decorative decoration of the hallway or washable paint is used. Allocate this zone with different color schemes, multi-level floor or ceiling, finishing materials.

Photo of the design of a wide hallway - contrasting shades and materials of various textures were used

To add light to the hallway, it is not recommended to use bright lighting fixtures directly above the door. Use 2-3 lights throughout the hallway to create a soft, subdued light. As an option - a small chandelier, wall sconces, spotlights. Consider how to arrange pieces of furniture to make the corridor cozy. Outerwear, bags, hats and other little things should be placed in the closet. You can put a beautiful figurine or a lamp on the chest of drawers. Complement the interior with one or more nightstands, soft finish will allow you to sit on them. In a wide corridor, sometimes even a grandfather clock with a pendulum is installed, which creates a relaxing and relaxed atmosphere. You can easily find design photos of the work of interior designers of such hallways in the public domain. Such a hallway will look even more impressive with a staircase if there is a second floor.

Small entrance hall in a wooden house

The small space of the corridor does not really help designers to feel inspired and unleash their indefatigable imagination. But even such restrictive frames will not become a big obstacle to creating a comfortable and interesting environment. The flooring here is selected more based on practical needs, rather than aesthetic preferences. Because it is in this place that the inhabitants of the house almost always wear shoes. Perhaps the best option is ceramic tiles, which will last a long time and are easy to wash. You can choose and linoleum, which is commercial and domestic. The latter is suitable for kitchens and rooms in which there is no heavy load on the floor. For the hallway, household linoleum is not laid, unless, of course, you want to constantly change the coating. Commercial material is more durable, easily withstands sharp stilettos, heavy boots, wheels of loaded travel suitcases. Such linoleum is found in shops, offices and similar premises.

For walls, the best solution is to finish with painting, it will look aesthetically pleasing and will not cause problems in removing dirt. In choosing colors, rely on personal preferences, but you should not choose too light materials. Finishing and color will highlight the corridor area in an interesting way. Some use small pieces of furniture to fence off the hallway. You should not do this, because you will once again emphasize the crampedness and limited dimensions of the room. Better finish the floor and walls with other colors or materials. Look at the photo, how you can distinguish between zones in the proposed way.

In the photo - a variant of the design of a small hallway using different materials and colors on the floor and walls

Another important point in the competent design of a small hallway is lighting, which can immediately change the situation. The light should not be too bright or dim. Therefore, it is recommended to install a ceiling lamp that will provide soft light near the cabinet and door. In this case, the boundaries of the hallway will move apart a little, and it will not look too cramped. An indelible impression is left by the design options for the hallway with a staircase to the second floor.

Interior of a corridor with a staircase in a private house

If your house has a second floor with a staircase, which is located right in the hallway, then it should be in harmony with other interior elements. The stairs can truly decorate the first floor, it will be the highlight of your corridor.

There are a huge number of options for structures for lifting to the upper floor. A staircase that has everything is called a marching staircase with two stringers, steps and risers, railings, as well as filling. The staircase leading to the second floor can be designed in the classic version with oak carvings, steel construction, etc. The entrance hall looks much simpler with a staircase in which there are no risers. Such structures are usually metal with wooden or stone steps, they often belong to the techno and baroque styles.

The design of the corridor with a staircase to the second floor of a private house with glass treads looks amazing. The overall impression of the interior of the hallway will depend on how the staircase looks. And the chosen design will affect the functionality. If the hallway has small dimensions, then under the stairs to the second floor they often build in or install various shelves or even a spacious closet. A wall or floor hanger, a beautiful mirror and a small armchair or ottoman will complement the design of the hallway with a staircase in a private house.

This version of the hallway in a private house can be decorated in classic or English styles, country or even Provence. The interior of the hallway with stairs to the second floor will definitely help you create a pleasant environment.

Corridor accessories

When creating a corridor design, professionals recommend using metal, stone, forged and glass products. It depends on the taste, the chosen style and the financial situation of the owners. But it is best to refuse textile decorations.

Decorate the windows with small curtains. Free space can be supplemented with indoor flowers. This will create a cozy picture and help get rid of the mustiness of the room. Unobtrusive pictures or collages from your family photos will help to add positive emotions and aesthetics.

Design styles for the hallway

What is customary to start with - functionality or the main mood of the room? Those who are just starting to arrange their homes are probably concerned about this issue. Modern designers offer four of the best styles that are used to decorate the hallway in a private house.

  1. Retro style. Today, many people decorate rooms with the help of antique gizmos. For this purpose, artificially aged pieces of furniture are used, as a rule, they are chosen in white and cream shades. Instead of a large and roomy closet, install a chest from the past or an antique chest of drawers with several levels. Smooth outlines should be in harmony if you use polka dots, stripes, checks or nature prints. Such an interior will be complemented by photos in retro style, framed in designer frames.
  2. Scandinavian style - has two main features. Namely, rigor and functionality. To achieve this, they lay a chic floor covering and do not use any other types of finishes at all. All furniture is clearly selected in the same color scheme and belong to the same style.
  3. Country style - great for a hallway in a country house made of wood. It is characterized by simplicity and comfort, so it is not difficult to implement such a design. And over time, this will make the living space even more charming. When choosing a wardrobe for the hallway, pay attention to the rough massive options with two doors. Brick walls are most suitable for this style. An alternative option would be wood imitation. Instead of metal hangers, hang cast iron hooks, and put a carpet of soft fabrics on the floor.
  4. Modern style - has cardinal differences from all the above options. Smooth outlines, the use of metal and glass materials, sophisticated carvings - all this is typical of the Art Nouveau style. Wall wallpapers are selected with floral prints, which are desirable to be repeated on other interior elements (pillows, chair or chair upholstery, curtains).

After studying the photo of the interior design of the hallway, you will choose your exquisite design style, while taking into account your aesthetic tastes and financial potential. For example, the design of the hallway in the Art Nouveau style is much more expensive than the design in the Scandinavian style.

In this zone, households and guests of the house will linger for only a few minutes, but it is here that they will get the first impression that is most remembered in the interior of the living space. How to equip the hallway of a private house will be discussed in this article. We will try to tell you in more detail how to design and avoid mistakes.

Layout of hallways in private houses: photos and examples

In one suburban village you will not find two identical houses. Like the owners of cottages, they are at least somewhat different. Accordingly, the hall in each building has a special one, there are no standards on how the layout should be done.

It is necessary to equip a corridor in a wooden structure made of timber or a brick house:

  • thoughtfully;
  • Carefully;
  • According to the rules.

The projects of the entrance hall in the cottage can be different, it can be:

  1. Long and narrow.
  2. Wide and short.
  3. Spacious.
  4. Square.
  5. Close.

Depending on the layout, the design of the premises in a suburban building is carried out. The most common cases will be discussed below.

Long corridor in a private house: design, photo

A narrow and long room should be divided into 2 zones - a corridor and a hall. This can be done visually with the help of various colors or materials that are planned to be finished. Zoning can also be done using a partition with a door.

On the floor at the front door, tiles or linoleum can be placed, and in the hall, the floor can be finished with parquet or carpet. An excellent solution for a long and narrow room - the floors are at different levels, when several steps separate the hallway from the hall.

Interior items can also be divided. At the door you can place a wardrobe with a mirrored facade, in the hall area you can hang a wall shelf with a pull-out chair or ottoman. If there is enough space, you can put a mini-chair and a medium-sized table.

You can not ignore the details of the decor, you can equip the interior:

  • Large vase;
  • figurine;
  • other accessories.

Because the hall is perceived here as part of the interior space, its arrangement should be carried out in accordance with the general style of the whole house.

Hallway design in a private house: wide and small corridors

Finishing a wide entrance space should be carried out taking into account the same rules as for other cases. The design of the floor should be sufficiently reliable, suitable ceramic tiles or durable linoleum. You can decorate the walls with washable paint or decorative plaster. You can highlight this room with the help of various colors, interesting finishing materials, multi-level floors or ceiling structures. Since there is enough space in the wide hallway, the furniture can be comfortable and varied.

You can arrange furniture like this:

  1. Set for placing clothes, umbrellas, bags, etc.
  2. A chest of drawers with a mirror on which you can arrange a figurine or a lamp.
  3. Two soft cabinets, the width of which is suitable for size or a sofa with a table.

To properly organize the light in the hallway, you do not need to place a bright lamp above the doors. An excellent solution is to arrange several light fixtures that give a peaceful light. It can be 2 small spotlights, wall sconces placed near a mirror surface or a neat chandelier.

Often in a wide and solid size hallway you can even find a grandfather clock. The measured tapping of the pendulum creates a feeling of serenity, tranquility, conducive to pleasant and confidential communication.

However, the dimensions of the entrance to the house do not always have sufficient footage. A small footage contributes to creative inspiration and fantasy in the soul of a designer-decorator. But, even if the room is too small, it is really possible to create a comfortable, inviting and, what is important, fashionable environment. You should start arranging the floor.

The entrance hall differs from rooms such as the kitchen, living room, bedroom in that they almost always wear shoes here. Therefore, choosing a floor covering for this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling, one must be guided not so much by the aesthetic component as by practical necessity.

An excellent solution would be ceramic tiles. It is quite strong, durable and easy to clean.

Solutions may be different, for example, if there is not much finance, then the tile can be replaced with linoleum. When making repairs, it is better to paint the walls. When choosing a color, you should rely on your taste. In a compact room, lighting plays an important role. A chic option is a spotlight. As for the furniture, you should place everything you need, a hanger, a wardrobe, shelves, a mirror, an ottoman-shoe rack.

Hallway interior in a private house: photos and examples

A relatively small space in which no one lingers for a long time serves more as a small room for transition from the street to the residential area. The entrance hall is perhaps the most important element in the overall housing system.

The peculiarity of the entrance to a private house is, as a rule, not only in its size, but also in the special status of the premises:

  1. The corridor protects housing from precipitation, street heat and cold.
  2. This room stores seasonal clothes, shoes and other accessories.
  3. Some outdoor equipment is stored in the hallways.
  4. The room is the hallmark of the house and an indicator of the taste of homeowners.
  5. Often the hallway acts as a terrace.

In order for the room to function fully and meet the requirements and wishes of the household, it is necessary to think over the design project in a special way, pay special attention to the choice of finishing materials, furniture and decor.

Finishing the hallway in a private house: photos and examples

As soon as the owners of the house have decided on the general style direction, and the features of the entrance room, it's time to choose the finishing materials. It is in this room that the basis is not the pattern of the wallpaper or the method of laying the laminate board, but the strength and reliability of building materials, their ability to maintain aesthetics in harsh operating conditions.

Despite the love of decorators and the clear advantages of light colors for visually increasing the space, they should not be used for a hallway in a private house, since delicate beige runs the risk of quickly turning into dirty brown, and light pink will resemble gray.

Designers do not recommend saving on finishing materials, as cheap finishes will quickly become unusable. Finishing vertical surfaces in the hallway is an important point. The overall impression of the room and the functionality of this room depend on how correct and high-quality building materials are selected. Walls are affected by constant contact with clothing, dust, earth, liquids and the hands of people leaning on them. That is why the finish must be durable and reliable, easy to clean, and also fashionable. It is good to sheathe and insulate them. Everyone's favorite paint, decorative plaster or vinyl is quite suitable for its performance.

However, for floors, as already mentioned, it is better to take:

  • Laminate;
  • Linoleum;
  • Tiles.

But, you should pay attention to the class of the laminate board, its resistance to moisture, since in the corridor of a private house the floor is exposed to moisture every day. The tile is taken special, floor, one that can withstand the load. If you do not want to have a cold floor, it is better not to choose a tile, or lay it only in the door area, where dirty shoes are usually placed.

The best ceiling covering is a symbiosis of aesthetic appearance and ease of maintenance. Standard painting or whitewashing can be, but for this the ceiling surface must be perfect. In modern cottages, suspended structures made of panels or drywall are increasingly used. This makes it possible to arrange a spot light that will make the space more spectacular.

Kitchen and hallway in a private house: furnishing and design

A corridor in a private house cannot be called a place in which many interior items are necessarily present. But it cannot be empty either. In the corridor, combined with the kitchen, there should be a hanger for outerwear, open and closed shelves, bedside tables for seasonal shoes, a shelf for hats and hats, bags, umbrellas, a sofa or ottomans, a mirror is the minimum required for comfort.

Furniture in the hallway with access to the kitchen sets the tone for the entire home, so you need to track the balance.

So, for example, a great solution would be to add a chair from the dining area to the space. If you place a soft bench, it will add functionality and aesthetics. The role of lighting should not be underestimated, it is light that creates harmony in the room. There is no doubt that 1 or 2 moderate light sources will be enough for such a space. Natural light outside the window will also benefit the general lighting.

Designers do not advise placing massive ceiling lights, but pay attention to spectacular or, on the contrary, simple wall sconces. Wall-mounted light fixtures, which are located on both sides of the mirror, look quite attractive. And in trendy interiors, instead of them, framing with LED strips is often arranged. A large amount of decor in the corridor of a private house is not welcome, so decorators recommend limiting yourself to the necessary things.

For example:

  • Large framed mirror;
  • Wall clock, the size of which is not too serious;
  • Several thematic paintings;
  • Decorative panel.

The task of handmade decorative elements is not to distract attention, but to emphasize the sophistication and style of the room.

Spacious large entrance hall in a private house (video)

The corridor in a country house is not only a room that forms the opinion of the guest, but also a corner necessary for a comfortable life. A trendy and cozy entrance hall creates a general mood, charges with positive emotions and makes life more pleasant.
