Young peach tree and fruits. Summer peach care. Late varieties of peach

You can find a description of the peach tree and the features of its cultivation in this material.

Cultivated plant peach and its fruits (with photo)

Peach (prunus persica) - a species of fruit trees of the Pink family, belonging to the same genus as plum, cherry and apricot (sometimes distinguished as an independent species of Persica). Originally from China, but came to Europe through Persia (Iran), where there were magnificent peach orchards, from which it got its name.

The peach is a low, straight-stemmed tree with branches forming a wide crown, rarely exceeding 2 m in height in container culture. A slender flexible peach tree that blooms in February-March before the leaves bloom, decorative from early spring to autumn, when the fruits ripen. The leaves are lanceolate, with a serrated edge, the flowers are usually pink, solitary or paired, 3–4 cm in diameter, almost sessile. Peach flowers deserve a special description: in ornamental varieties they are white, red or striped, simple, double and semi-double. Decorative varieties with red leaves, as well as with drooping, weeping shoots, have been bred.

As you can see in the photo, the fruits of the peach are spherical in shape, on one side there is a groove, velvety:

Inside there is a bone that has a wrinkled-striated structure and is covered with dot dimples.

Peach fruits are used as food, liquor is made from their seeds. It is widely used in traditional medicine recipes, as it has a number of healing properties.

In China, the peach tree has long been credited with the ability to scare away evil spirits and protect against all sorts of misfortunes. The shooter was killed with a peach tree club and became a deity that averts evil spirits. Initially, peach branches were stuck into the ground in front of the house, later peach amulets were hung on the gates. The branches of the peach tree were used to drive away the spirits of pestilence. From the first centuries of our era, Taoists carved various amulets from peach trees. The idea of ​​peaches as fruits that give longevity and immortality also originally belongs to the Taoists.

The peach is the world's leading stone fruit crop. AT Russian Federation peach is distributed only in the southern regions of the North Caucasus region. Peach is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful fruit crops. Peach fruits are distinguished by their excellent appearance, bright color, delicate aroma, excellent refreshing taste. Of course, this applies to fruits that a person consumes in biological ripeness, and not what we sometimes buy in supermarkets or on the market.

At cultivated plant peach is the largest, most attractive fruit among all stone fruits, in some varieties the fruit weight reaches 500 grams or more.

Peach fruits contain up to 15% sugars, up to 0.8% organic acids, up to 22% solids, up to 20–22% vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, peaches contain vitamins A, B vitamins, P-active substances. Peach fruits contain many vitamins and minerals. First of all, these are potassium and calcium (K and Ca), which help with cardiovascular diseases, vitamins A, B, C - to increase immunity, treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, iron and copper (Fe and Cu) - to increase hemoglobin in the blood. From peach seeds, a high-quality oil is obtained, which is used in the food, pharmaceutical and perfume industries.

The chemical composition of peach determines not only its nutritional value, but also dietary and medicinal properties. Peach fruits are recommended for myocardium, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder.

Peach fruits are intended for use in fresh. But they also prepare juices, compotes, jams. Dried peaches and nectarines (sheptala) are used as an excellent diet food. In addition, peach fruits are suitable for quick freezing.

Peach has a number of biological properties that determine its high economic value. It is perhaps one of the fastest fruiting stone fruit crops. The beginning of fruiting, as a rule, is 3-4 years. Peach trees quickly increase their yield and already 5–6 years after planting they give an industrial crop. However, peach trees are not long-lived, the fruiting period lasts 15–18 years.

The potential yield of peach is very high. Fruits are formed only on annual branches. Therefore, for a stable and high yield, peach trees need systematic detailed pruning.

Look at the photo - the peach tree is very decorative:

During flowering, a wonderful aroma spreads throughout the site, you can admire flowering trees for a long time. Therefore, they say: “When the peach blossoms, the Japanese sakura is resting!”

The positive qualities of the peach are the small size of the trees, high regenerative capacity, high shoot-educational ability and bud alertness.

Features of growing a peach tree

For many centuries, the peach has been formed in a continental climate with large quantity sunny days in the mountainous regions of China and Central Asia. A short winter is characterized here by persistent, relatively low temperatures without sharp fluctuations, spring comes early and amicably, without a return of cold weather, and summer is dry and hot.

Under such conditions, the peach formed a short period of deep dormancy, which ends in late December - early January. During forced dormancy, plants quickly respond to the onset of warming.

The plant is different great energy growth, it has adapted to make the most of the relatively short growing season in mountainous conditions and to give early harvest. This feature of a peach when growing a tree must be taken into account.

From the areas of natural growth, the peach has spread throughout the world. Under new growing conditions that are not characteristic of its natural requirements, both conservative and adaptive properties of the peach appear, which determine the area of ​​its cultivation.

The requirements of a peach are not the same in different periods of life and annual cycle. During the growing season, during the passage of such important processes as flowering, fertilization and fruit set, the peach needs temperatures above 10 ºC. The period of growth and ripening of fruits, the average daily temperature should be around 20 ºC. In spring, the kidneys begin active life at a temperature of 5–6 ºC. The dormant period begins after leaf fall, when the air temperature drops to 0 ºC.

The factor holding back the spread of peach is negative winter temperatures. At a temperature of -25 ºC, peach trees are not damaged for 3–4 days; frosts down to -31–32 ºC are tolerated by peaches if they do not last more than a day. Frosts of -35–38 ºC for several hours cause significant damage to trees, for a longer time - their death. Of course, we are talking about the stability of peach during a period of deep dormancy, and after its completion, the frost resistance of plants decreases sharply.

As for the flower buds, during the period of deep dormancy, they withstand temperatures down to -20 ºC, at -21–23 ºC 30–70% of the buds die, and a temperature of -25 ºC causes the death of 80–100% of the buds.

After the end of the period of deep dormancy, the winter hardiness of the peach decreases sharply. In January - the first half of March, temperatures of -20 ºC and below are considered critical for peach cultivation. At this temperature, more than 60% of flower buds are damaged. At the end of March - April, the death of flower buds can be caused by frosts of -8-10 ºC.

Peach belongs to fruit crops that are extremely demanding on light. It reacts negatively to shading in thickened stands. This should be taken into account when planting peach in home gardens and summer cottages.

When forming a thickened crown, its inner part quickly exposed, fruit wood dies and dries up, fruiting is transferred to the periphery of the crown, the yield decreases.

In the process of evolution, the peach has not adapted to growing in shady places and in the forest community.

Agrotechnics for growing peach: soil and moisture requirements

Observing the correct agrotechnics for growing peach, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for soil and moisture. Peach refers to fruit plants, which are characterized by a relatively high adaptability to different types soils.

Peach grows successfully on chernozem, brown, chestnut, brown, forest gray soils, etc. Best conditions for growth and fruiting, the doggies are formed on soils of medium mechanical composition, which, as a rule, are drained, well supplied with potassium and free from excess nitrogen, quickly warm up in the spring.

The easiest way to assess the suitability of the soil on the site is to observe the condition of the surrounding plants. If fruit trees and bushes growing nearby, vegetables are well developed, have a healthy appearance and dark green leaves, then the soils here are good and fertile. The oppressed appearance of plants, weak growth, light green leaves with yellowness indicate that the soil is infertile and needs to be improved.

More complete information on the content of soil nutrients can be obtained at the regional agrochemical laboratory by handing over special soil samples from your site.

Peach trees grow well and bear fruit with sufficient supply of mineral nutrients. An excessive amount of nitrogen causes intensive growth of shoots, which does not stop until late autumn. This reduces the frost resistance of plants. With a lack of nitrogen, the growth of shoots slows down or completely stops, the leaves turn yellow, a significant part of the flowers and ovaries crumble. Nitrogen fertilizers, applied in optimal doses in early spring, contribute to the normal leafy crown of trees, improve vital activity, and increase the winter hardiness of flower buds.

The lack of phosphorus hinders the absorption of nitrogen, adversely affects the winter hardiness of flower buds. Insufficient supply of potassium causes a weakening of physiological processes, a deterioration in the general condition of the tree, and leads to a decrease in yield. One of the causes of gum disease is a lack of calcium. And the lack or excess of manganese, boron, molybdenum, magnesium and other nutrients causes a violation of the growth of shoots, leaves, fruits.

Peach is usually classified as a drought-resistant plant. However, the plant grows well and bears fruit in areas where the amount of precipitation is 400-600 ml. It is important that they are evenly distributed throughout the year.

Cold and rainy weather during peach blossom prevents normal pollination and fruit set. Excessive moisture in May-June contributes to the defeat of plants by fungal diseases. During the ripening period, heavy rainfall and excessive moisture in the soil can lead to cracking of the fruit.

However, both lack and excess of moisture adversely affect peach plants. Trees planted in the upper part of dry slopes and in low places, on clayey, highly moistened soils with close proximity ground water develop poorly and die early.

With a lack of moisture in the soil, the growth of shoots stops in peach trees, the laying of flower buds on growing shoots is delayed, the growth of fruits stops, especially in trees loaded with crops, the juiciness and sugar content of fruits decrease.

Conditions and rules for planting and caring for peach (with video)

When choosing a site, it is necessary to observe the conditions for planting peaches: these trees need well lit places with the sun and protected from the wind.

Since most dacha cooperatives are located on inconveniences, as a rule, on slopes, I want to note that sites on the western, southwestern slopes are considered the best for peach, and if there is protection from cold winds, southeastern and eastern slopes can be recommended. Gentle northern slopes can be used for peach. Of course, if they have enough lighting and are protected from the north winds. On these slopes, peach blossoms are somewhat delayed and temperature fluctuations are less pronounced on them compared to the southern slopes.

Peach should not be placed in low relief places, in closed basins, where the lowest temperatures are observed in winter due to the accumulation of cold air, and frosts are dangerous in spring.

What are the features of placing a peach on a backyard or suburban area? First of all, it should be taken into account that in the settlement the air temperature is always 2–3 ºC higher than in the open area. It often happens that this small difference in thermal conditions favors the overwintering of peach plants or protects them from spring frosts. On a personal or summer cottage for a peach, a place protected from the winds is chosen, but at the same time sufficiently ventilated.

Since the peach begins to bloom very early, it is advisable to grow it on the south side of the site.

When caring for a peach after planting, care must be taken that tall trees do not shade the peach. When peach is grown in shady places, young shoots do not have time to ripen wood before winter, flower buds are poorly laid on the tree, which leads to a decrease in yield and quality of fruits or death of the tree.

It is recommended to grow peach near walls with good lighting. The wall, being a heat accumulator, significantly improves growing conditions. It is estimated that near the walls of the building, the plant receives as much heat as if it were growing in an open area 250-300 km to the south. In wall culture, peach trees can be formed on a trellis, and, if necessary, covered from frost.

Observing the rules for planting a peach, it is better to take own-rooted seedlings grown in a nursery from the seeds of mother plants. Perfect for this peach - "Voronezh". Three of its forms are distinguished according to the timing of fruiting:

  • July
  • august
  • September

Depending on the prevailing weather conditions over the years, the height of the seedling is 0.8–1.5 meters. Larger seedlings that are sold in the markets are most likely grown in the south of the country, from where they come under the guise of Michurinsky, Rossoshansky.

The main reason for the death of peach trees in the year of planting is overdrying of the root system. Therefore, you should carefully examine it. The roots must be alive, healthy, not overdried. To verify this, you need to update the cuts on the roots. When transporting seedlings from the nursery, wrap the roots with a damp cloth or paper, and on top with a film. Once the dried root system is no longer restored. When planting single trees, it is necessary to pay attention so that the peach plant is not oppressed and not obscured by trees and buildings growing nearby. If you plant several peach trees, then they are placed in groups to make it easier to care for them.

Peach seedlings are planted on the southern or southwestern side of the site at a distance of at least three meters from other trees. The distance between the peaches is 3×3 meters.

A very good way to plant a peach is to place a seedling near a wall (house, building), a fence facing south.

After the landing sites on your site are determined, it is necessary to dig landing holes. The diameter of the pits is 0.6–1.0 meters, the depth is 0.6–0.7 meters. The more fertile the soil, the smaller the diameter of the planting hole. If the soil on the site is heavy, with a close occurrence of clay, then deep pits are dug, and gravel, brick battle, river sand with shells, humus, etc. are poured to the bottom for drainage.

A soil mixture is being prepared to fill the planting hole when planting a peach seedling. When digging a hole, the top fertile soil layer is folded separately. 1-2 buckets of humus or compost are added to it, simple superphosphate - 300 g, potassium sulfate - 100-150 g or ash - 200-300 g.

Peach seedlings before planting should be soaked in water for 2-3 days, immersing them to 1/3 of the height.

Planting seedlings is best done together. The planting mixture is poured into the pit, then one puts the seedling in the pit on a soil mound, evenly placing the roots on the mound. The seedling should be held so that the root neck is 3-5 cm above the edges of the pit. Another falls asleep soil mixture and tramples it down, starting from the edges of the pit. The soil should be compacted by placing the heel against the wall of the pit, and the toe towards the seedling. So that voids do not form between the roots, the seedling is periodically supported, shaken. When the planting pit is filled with soil mixture and the seedling is planted at the level of the root collar (this is the place where the root passes into the trunk with brown bark), an earthen roller 12–15 cm wide and 15 cm high is formed along its edges for irrigation.

Regardless of soil moisture and weather conditions, immediately water the plant with 2-3 buckets of water. After watering, the soil settles. The root collar should be at ground level. If it turned out to be deeper, the plant is carefully pulled up, holding on to the base of the stem.

After the water is absorbed, the hole is mulched with rotted manure, needles or compost, buckwheat husks, agrofilm (100 × 100 cm) with a density of 50–60 units.

During the summer, the plant is watered 3-4 times, each time spending 3-4 buckets of water under one tree. In dry weather, the peach plant is watered after 7–10 days.

The best time for planting a peach is spring, the second or third decade of April. Seedlings before planting are stored in a place well protected from frost. Autumn planting is also possible, usually from the third decade of September. After the autumn planting hilling the trunk with a mound of earth 20–30 cm is carried out. They are covered with white covering material with a density of 50–60 units.

The fruits are harvested when the green color turns into yellow-pink tones, the fruits soften and become fragrant. Peach fruits for local consumption are harvested at full maturity; for transportation - solid, so that upon arrival at the destination they would be suitable for consumption. Early harvested fruits, which have not reached the color characteristic of the variety, shrivel during storage and become unsuitable for food, and overripe ones quickly rot. Peach fruits do not ripen at the same time, so they are harvested selectively, in 2-3 doses. The fruits are removed very carefully, trying not to break the barrels. Otherwise, rotting may begin at the impact points.

Watch the peach planting video to better understand how this agricultural technique is performed:

Technology of growing and caring for peach

For peach cultivation, it is necessary to choose places well lit by the sun and protected from the wind, preferably on the south side. It is necessary to ensure that tall trees do not shade the peach. When grown in shady places, the wood of young peach shoots does not have time to ripen before autumn, flower buds are poorly laid on the tree, which leads to a decrease in yield and quality of fruits or to the death of the tree. Peach is not suitable for areas located in the lowlands, where cold air can stagnate, as well as swampy areas with waterlogged soil. Observing the right technology growing peaches, on the site for 3-4 years before planting trees it is impossible to grow nightshade, gourds, (due to their general susceptibility to verticillium), clover, alfalfa, which inhibit the growth of young peach seedlings.

All types of soil are suitable for peach, provided good drainage is provided. To do this, the bottom of the planting hole must be covered with stones, gravel, brick chips, etc. The soil for planting a peach must be well dug up, freed from weeds. If the soil is poor, then preparation should be carried out a year before planting, making organic and mineral fertilizers.

Fertilizer application rates in the planting pit: organic (humus, compost) - 6-8 kg, ash - 200-300 g, mineral - 200 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potassium and nitrogen.

Planting holes 50 × 50 cm in size are dug in the places allotted for planting peach. The seedling is placed in a hole on an earthen mound, straightened root system and fall asleep with fertile soil, deepening the grafting site by 5-10 cm. The trunk circle is compacted from the edges to the center, watered well (about 4 buckets of water) and mulched with a layer of manure (8-10 cm). During autumn planting, the ground is raked up to the trunk to a height of 20–30 cm. After planting, the seedling must be treated with remedies for diseases (leaf curl, powdery mildew, etc.).

Top dressing of peach consists in the annual introduction of complex mineral fertilizers over the entire area of ​​the root system. In May, before fruit formation begins, every 2 weeks it is necessary to feed the peach with potash fertilizers in liquid form. After flowering, during the formation of the ovary and fruit ripening, it is recommended to spray the peach with microelements: 60 g of soda ash, 20 g blue vitriol, 10 g of boric acid, 1 g of manganese, 10 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water.

When growing and caring for a peach, plentiful is required, but water should not be allowed to stagnate. In dry weather, the peach should be watered every 10 days (2 buckets of water per tree). Water is especially needed during fruiting. But you can not overdo it, pouring immediately with a large amount of water, this will lead to cracking of the fruit.

For the northern regions of the country, the formation of a peach in the form of a bush is practiced. To do this, it is recommended to leave 3-4 well-developed young shoots on the bush that grow from the lower buds. After 2-3 years, full-fledged branches develop from them, which are left to bear fruit for 3 years. After that, in the spring, all branches are cut at the level of the root neck. As a result, from the shoots that have grown over the summer, they form a bush of 7–8 developed branches that bear fruit for 2 years. Branch ends are not pruned. Every spring, 5 fruit-bearing branches and 2-3 young shoots are left on the bush to replace the fruit-bearing ones. Bushy forms of peach grow and bear fruit for more than 6 years. Nice results also gives the formation of a cupped and fan crown peach.

Every spring, a healing peach pruning is carried out, removing branches affected by frost, clasterosporiasis and other diseases to the root collar. The cut branches are burned, and the places of cuts are covered with garden pitch or oil paint.

To avoid freezing of flowers, when caring for a peach, it is necessary to delay the beginning of its flowering. This can be achieved by whitewashing the whole trees with lime and blue vitriol. along with whitewashing will enhance the effect.

Peach is propagated mainly by budding, using peach seedling rootstocks, especially seedlings of the Pamirsky-5 variety. When growing peach on heavy soils, cherry plum can be used as rootstocks, and on dry soils, apricot and almonds. Plum seedlings are also taken as rootstocks. Of the clonal rootstocks, VVA-1, Kuban-86 are used. Many varieties of peach are capable of propagation by green and woody cuttings.

Peach diseases and control measures (with photo)

Fruit rot. With this disease, the yield is significantly reduced, and may approach zero, since the peach fruits are affected, they deform, gradually rot and fall off. Numerous light gray or gray pads appear on the surface of the infected fruit. At first, the rot looks like a brown spot, which grows rapidly. The fungus-causative agent hibernates in dried fruits on a tree and begins to actively develop during the ripening of ovaries, the size of Walnut. In the summer, several generations of the fungus appear, the disease spreads rapidly.

Stone moniliosis. This peach disease manifests itself in the spring during the flowering period. The flowers turn brown, wither and fall off, the leaves, annual shoots and young fruit branches also darken. The ovaries crumble, and not fallen fruits darken, deform and rot. The infection is spread by oriental codling moths, weevils, geese and bukarkas or by cross-pollination of a healthy and diseased tree. The disease actively develops during the period of wet, cool weather in the spring. In a short time, well-developed large branches and two-year-old shoots can dry out.

Leaf curl. A prolonged, rainy, wet spring can provoke the mass development of this peach disease. The causative agent - a marsupial fungus, appears already during the growing season on newly blossomed young leaves, first with a purple tint or border, and after 7-10 days in the form of a gray coating on the back of the leaf. Shoots are mostly affected. The leaves die off, curl and fall, as a result of which the shoot is completely exposed, and also dries up or dies at the first frost. An infected peach practically does not bear fruit, the yield drops sharply, and if ovaries appear, the pericarp is severely deformed.

In order to prevent peach damage by diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying. Before bud break, peach is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (3%), copper chloride (9%), copper sulfate (1%) 2 times with an interval of 5 days or a complex preparation for diseases and pests DNOC (100 g per 10 l of water).

Regular rejuvenation of the tree and pruning of damaged shoots and fruits should be carried out. As a preventive measure, moniliosis is treated with chorus before flowering, then, after flowering, it is sprayed with topaz and a third time with topsin. This destroys all pest vectors and the fungus itself.

When the leaves are curled, before the start of sporulation, the affected shoots and peach leaves are removed and burned. Before the onset of rains in the autumn period, a blue treatment is carried out with a copper-containing preparation. In the spring, peach should be sprayed several times: the first - in the phenophase with copper oxychloride, the second - after 8-12 days with such preparations as soon, chorus with the addition of delan 65% w.g.

After flowering (after 5 days) and in the summer, one of the following drugs is used to spray peach from pests: decis, dursban, karate zeon.

How to properly prune a peach

Pruning a peach tree has its own characteristics. First of all, it must be timed to coincide with the warm season, carried out annually, the first time in the phase of bud break or budding, the last - at the end of summer, in August (only 2-3 times). This is because young trees are different:

  • high shoot-forming ability;
  • precociousness;
  • early maturity of the kidneys;
  • short period life of fruitful branches.

Peach bears fruit mainly on strong last year's growth and on bouquet twigs that die off in 2-3 years, so the peach yield is determined mainly by the size of the annual growth. It responds well to anti-aging pruning. The thickening of the crown causes a weakening of the growth on which the fruits are formed, and the rapid aging of the tree, therefore, in order to obtain high-quality fruits and a high yield, it is necessary to regulate fruiting by pruning and maintain optimal illumination inside the crown.

For peach, crowns are recommended that provide a good light regime, in particular, cup-shaped with 2–3 skeletal branches located at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other evenly along the trunk of the tree, all excess branches and ramifications in the trunk zone are cut into a ring. To avoid breakage, the angle of branching should not be less than 50 °. On each skeletal branch, 2-3 branches of the second order are laid at a distance of 30-40 cm from the trunk on the right or left side of the main branch so that they do not intersect. Later, in the process of annual pruning, vertical and inward-growing shoots are cut out, and shoots growing on the inside are greatly shortened, leaving 2-3 leaves.

Look at the photo - with such a peach pruning, the crown opens and the supply of nutrients increases:

When forming a peach crown, the methods of pruning and bending upward growing axial branches are combined, for which they are transferred to external branches with the desired angles of departure. Crown formation is completed in the fourth year. For summer cottages and household plots, the most suitable is the low-bolt peach form, in favorable years giving great yields.

Pruning must be regular and strong, otherwise the main branches become ankle-shaped, the yield drops, the fruits become smaller, the trees age prematurely, gum disease develops. And all this together entails the need to uproot the tree after 3-5 years of active fruiting.

When pruning a peach, strong or moderately developed annual growths should remain on the main branches, oriented towards the outer side of the crown and spaced 10–20 cm apart. Some of them should be shortened by 6–12 buds, and the rest by 2–3 buds. The first will go to fruiting, the second - to replacement. In the next season, the fruiting shoots are cut into a ring, and on the replacement shoot, a new fruit link is formed from the fruiting shoot and the replacement shoot. The number of shoots for fruiting is determined by the growth force of the tree and in the 3rd year it can be 100 pieces, in the 4th - 200 pieces or more.

The optimal height of a peach is considered to be 3–3.5 m, so care must be taken to reduce the height by transferring the leader to developed side branches.

When the growth of the tree begins to slow down, the yield decreases, rejuvenating pruning is carried out, cutting out dry and weak branches and annual growths, ensuring that the growth increases to 30 cm.

Peach often suffers during frosty winters and return frosts, not only fruit buds, but also wood. Therefore, with the onset of heat, normal shoots are cut into 2-3 buds, and twigs - into 6 or 8 leaf buds. If large branches are frozen, you should not rush to pruning - you need to wait until young shoots develop on healthy wood, then remove the dead parts and take care of planting a young seedling.

Gardeners like to grow quince on their plots, but they experience certain difficulties when shaping and pruning. It is desirable to form the crown according to a sparse-tiered or bowl-shaped system. The latter is more preferable because it will protect the stem and skeletal branches from harmful effects ultraviolet rays and frost.

In this case, 4 main branches are selected, located 15–20 cm apart. 2 years after the laying of the 4th branch, the tree begins to bear fruit and requires the removal of the central conductor above it.

On each skeletal branch, 2 branches of the second order must be laid, maintaining a distance from the trunk and one from the other 30–40 cm. The formation of the crown should be accompanied by regular shortening of the skeletal branches, since a young tree is capable of producing growths of up to 1.5 m. creating a compact crown. Shortening is no longer necessary when the last skeletal branch is selected.

Trees that have entered fruiting quickly gain productivity, after which growth processes slow down. Most often, young trees lay flower buds on annual shoots 70–90 cm long. In subsequent years, first flower buds, then fruits are formed on branches that have developed from replacement buds formed on former peduncles. Branches 1-6 cm long are not only unproductive, but also short-lived. The main purpose of pruning is to ensure annual growth of 20–40 cm.

While the tree gives growths of at least 40 cm, you can limit yourself to thinning the crown, removing fattening shoots, or transferring semi-skeletal branches to lateral branches.

With a decrease in growth to 30 cm, it is necessary to rejuvenate pruning to 2- or 3-year-old wood. Old wood should be replaced with tops that have developed on the inside of the main branches, cutting them for translation or pulling them back with spacers, etc.

Here is how experienced gardeners advise to do peach pruning correctly:

  • 3-4 branches are chosen, which are laid as the main ones, and they are strongly shortened.
  • All the extra branches that are not included in the framework of the future crown and the existing branches of the bole are cut out onto the ring, the central conductor is shortened at a height of 20 cm above the last of the remaining branches.
  • The peach is characterized by a high activity of shoot formation and already in the next season forms powerful growths.

From the nursery, peach seedlings arrive unformed, so the future skeletal branches that form the skeleton of the crown are selected and laid directly in the garden during post-planting pruning. For this, 3-4 main branches are left, and the extra branches and ramifications in the trunk area are cut into a ring.

Peach bears fruit mainly on strong last year's growth and on bouquet branches that die off in 2-3 years, so the yield of peach is determined mainly by the size of the annual growth. It responds well to anti-aging pruning. The thickening of the crown causes a weakening of the growth on which the fruits are formed, and the rapid aging of the tree, therefore, in order to obtain high-quality fruits and a high yield, it is necessary to regulate fruiting by pruning and maintain optimal illumination inside the crown.

For peach, crowns are recommended that provide a good light regime, in particular, cup-shaped with 2–3 skeletal branches located at a distance of 15–20 cm from each other evenly along the trunk of the tree, all excess branches and ramifications in the trunk area are cut into a ring. In order to avoid breakage, the angle of branching should not be less than 50o. On each skeletal branch, 2–3 branches of the second order are laid at a distance of 30–40 cm from the trunk on the right or left side of the main branch so that they do not intersect. Later, in the process of annual pruning, vertical and inward-growing shoots are cut out, and shoots growing on the inside are greatly shortened, leaving 2–3 leaves. As a result of such pruning, the crown opens up and the supply of nutrients increases. When forming a peach crown, the methods of pruning and bending upward growing axial branches are combined, for which they are transferred to external branches with the desired angles of departure. Crown formation is completed in the fourth year. For summer cottages and household plots
The most suitable form of peach is the low-stem peach, which gives large yields in favorable years.

When pruning a peach while caring for a tree, it is important to ensure that the center of the crown does not thicken, which happens all the time with the plant's tendency to strong branching. To avoid thickening and darkening of the crown, it is necessary to constantly cut out from the center of the crown thickening, growing vertically and growing on the inside of the branches of the shoots.

Watch the peach pruning video to get a better idea of ​​how the crown of the tree is formed:

Varieties of peaches of different ripening periods

When describing peach varieties, they are divided depending on the pubescence of the fruit, the consistency of the pulp and the separability of the stone:

real peaches- with pubescent fruits and a bone separating from the tender pulp;

pavia- with pubescent fruits, but with a bone that does not separate from the dense and crispy pulp;

nectarines (hollow-fruited peaches)- with hairless fruits and a bone separating from the tender pulp;

brunion- also with hairless fruits, but with a stone fused with dense pulp;

fig peaches- flat in shape (more often they are called onion) and having a very high sugar content. This group of varieties was formed with the participation of the variety Fergana; their pulp is juicy, with a spicy aftertaste, the stone is separated, and the skin of the fruit has a slight pubescence.

According to the shape, color of the skin and pulp, salt, canned and dried fruit varieties are distinguished. According to the color of the pulp of the fruit, peaches are divided into white-meat (with white pulp) and yellow-meat (with cream and yellowish, less often pink flesh).

Kyiv. This is an early variety of peach. Winter-hardy, high-yielding variety. Fruits are medium in size, round-elongated, light yellow with a bright striped blush, juicy with a pleasant taste. The trees are medium-sized, bear fruit in the 3rd year in the second decade of August.

Juicy. This is also an early variety of peach. Productive, increased winter hardiness, with low drought resistance.

As you can see in the photo, this peach variety has medium-sized, rounded fruits with a burgundy blush:

The fruits are juicy with good taste, the stone is not separated. The trees are medium-sized, with a rounded crown, bear fruit in the second or third decade of July.

Slavutych. This is a mid-ripening peach variety. Winter-hardy, high-yielding variety of Ukrainian selection, resistant to powdery mildew. The fruits are round, dark cream color with a burgundy blush, the flesh is yellow, juicy, good taste, the bone is easily separated. The trees are medium-sized, bear fruit in the 3rd-4th year, annually, in the second half of August.

Autumn surprise. This is a late variety of peach. High-yielding variety of Ukrainian selection. The fruits are round, large, yellow color with a blush, the pulp is juicy, melting, of a pleasant taste, the stone is large, semi-separable. Trees begin to bear fruit in the 3rd-4th year, bearing fruit annually.

This video shows varieties of peaches different term ripening:


Peach pruning is one of those operations that cannot be ignored when growing this tree, as it is characterized by strong growth, and the crown becomes unnecessarily dense very quickly. What should the owners of this crop take into account to get a bountiful harvest?

What do you need to know before boarding?

If the peach is not properly cared for, then in just a few years the quality of the fruit will decrease, the tree will start to hurt, develop poorly and, as a result, completely die. Talking about leaving is inappropriate if the landing is done incorrectly, so let's start with it. So, there are two main methods of reproduction - stone fruit and planting finished seedlings. On the garden plot it is necessary to choose the most sunny place, although light shading is allowed.

Not applicable to soil special requirements, but experienced gardeners say that slightly acidic is best. If the pH level is less than 5.8, then it can be adjusted by adding lime. If such an event is needed, then the interval between liming and fertilizing the soil should be at least a month. You should also clear the ground of weeds and fertilize. Too tight clay soil needs good drainage, but the loose and sandy area is treated with organic fertilizers.

In addition, it is necessary to choose the right planting material, as well as prepare it. If you plan to grow a tree from a stone, then only well-ripened fruits of medium or late varieties are selected in the fall. You can plant at any time of the year, but it is advisable to do this no earlier than October, since in this case the strongest specimens will survive. The choice of seedlings, if you like this method of planting, should be taken with all responsibility - healthy 1- or 2-year-old trees with a well-developed root system will do. All these nuances are easier to master with video tips shared by more experienced gardeners in our article.

Proper landing - the main stages

Now consider the peach planting technology and further care behind a tree. If you prefer stone fruit reproduction, then you should first dry the material in the shade. In the event that for some reason the landing is delayed or even postponed, you can lower the bone into a container filled with warm water but not more than two days. Just do not forget to change the contents of the container 2 times a day.

After such storage, the bone is taken out and dried. Then it is necessary to carefully remove the seed from the hard shell and immediately plant it in open ground to a depth of about 7 cm. During the month, the formation of the root system and the ground part takes place, during this period the earth requires special care, it must be regularly loosened and watered. If you decide to work with seedlings, dig a planting hole 70x70 cm in size and 60 cm deep in advance. Then you need to fill it with a mixture of fertile soil, humus (10 kg), superphosphate (150 g), potash fertilizers and ammonium nitrate, taken 50 g each.

When planting occurs in the fall, the pits are prepared about a month in advance, and in the case of spring work they need to be prepared since the fall of last year.

A small mound is made from the fertile mixture, in the middle of which a tree is planted, while do not forget to straighten the roots. After that, you can fill the trunk with earth, but only so that the root neck is 3 cm above the level of light soils (5 cm for heavy soils). Then we water the plant abundantly in two approaches, three buckets of water are enough, and we mulch the soil around with humus.

Trees planted in the fall are especially important to cover for the winter. To do this, 2 pegs are driven in so that the plant is in the middle, and we put a bag on this entire structure with a peach. To protect a homemade cap from gusts of wind, sprinkle its edges with soil. For good ventilation, cut a few holes in it. We have duplicated all these recommendations on the video for ease of development, check it out in the corresponding section of our article.

Careful cultivation - how is it?

We figured out the peach planting, growing and further care will not burden you much, despite the relatively increased demands of the tree compared to, for example, apple trees. So, each representative of the flora needs regular watering. A peach needs up to two buckets of water every ten days if it's a dry summer outside. Soil moisture is especially important at the time of fruiting. However, if you immediately add a large number of liquid, the fruits will crack, so stretch the pleasure.

In addition, the cultivation of a fruit tree is impossible without top dressing. A certain amount of fertilizer is applied every spring. So, in early May, potassium is fed in liquid form. After the ovary has formed, it is recommended to spray with a solution of soda ash, copper sulfate, boric acid and manganese, taken in a volume of 60 g, 20 g, 10 g and 1 g, respectively. We dilute all the components in 10 liters of water and add 10 drops of iodine. In autumn, once every two years, they bring into the soil organic fertilizers, and fertilizing with minerals is carried out annually. They also make a furrow along the projection of the crown and fill it with urea, 150 grams is enough, but this operation should be carried out in early spring.

Cultivation is also burdened by the fight against pests and diseases. Spraying for the purpose of prevention will help protect the gardener. Even before the moment of bud break, the peach is treated with a three percent Bordeaux mixture. An effective protection is also a solution of copper sulfate, but such spraying is done 2 times with an interval of 5 days. Nine percent copper oxychloride will also help prevent tree disease.

Growing young trees is a more labor intensive process. When peaches are first planted, corrective measures are already required. At the seedling, 4 lower shoots should be left, the rest should be removed. The following year, side branches are pruned into a growth or triple bud at a distance of about 40 cm from the trunk. On each branch, 4 shoots are selected, one of them is sent for extension, and the rest are on the sides. By the end of the growing season, the peach is pruned by shortening the extra shoots by 1 leaf.

In the third year of life, all remaining shoots should be shortened by 1/3, while the last should be the lower lateral bud. In addition, three shoots are taken from each branch, they are directed outward and fixed to the rail. In this case, the last kidneys are removed, and the rest should give 50 cm of growth, after which the growth points are removed. As you can see, supporting the growth and pruning of a peach at an early age is a very hectic task, in order to facilitate the planning and management of these activities, we have prepared visual video instructions.

Pruning peach trees

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of this operation, because the peculiarity of the movement of nutrients in a peach is such that the upper tier receives useful elements much faster than the lower one, therefore, the first, and therefore the older branches, often lack minerals. In addition, this tree is characterized by violent growth, while it loves light very much. If peach pruning is started or not done at all, then too densely spaced branches will not let the sun's rays through to the inside of the crown. All this will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the fruit, a tendency to disease, and, in the end, the plant will disappear.

In addition to the tips below, you can watch a video of spring and fall peach pruning, and we'll get down to business. It should be noted that the optimal period for crown formation is spring, although weak and poorly overwintered branches are removed in summer and autumn. For peach, fan-shaped, tierless and bushy forms are best suited.

Pruning peach in autumn and summer is done for sanitary purposes. Indeed, it should be noted that in summer season it is done much less frequently, because during this period the greens accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients necessary for good development. The essence of the operation is to remove all dry, damaged, diseased, weak and thickening shoots.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the shade of flowering trees have long become an essential attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

Agriculture refers to such types of human activity, the successful outcome of which is not always directly proportional to the efforts made. Unfortunately, nature does not necessarily act as our ally in growing plants, and often, on the contrary, throws up new challenges. Intensified reproduction of pests, abnormal heat, late return frosts, hurricane winds, drought ... And one of the springs presented us with another surprise - a flood.

Let me confess my love today. In love with... lavender. One of the best unpretentious, evergreen and flowering shrubs that can be successfully grown in your garden. And if someone thinks that lavender is a Mediterranean or, at least, southern inhabitant, then you are mistaken. Lavender grows well in more northern regions, even in the Moscow region. But in order to grow it, you need to know some rules and features. They will be discussed in this article.

Having once tasted such an invaluable product as a pumpkin, it is already difficult to stop looking for more and more new recipes for serving it to the table. Korean pumpkin, despite its pungency and spice, has a fresh and delicate taste. After cooking, you will need to cover the salad and let it brew for at least 15 minutes. My nutmeg pumpkin is very juicy and sweet, so there is no need to crush it. If the pumpkin is of a different variety, then you can knead it with your hands so that it slightly releases the juice.

Lettuce, as the earliest and most unpretentious green crop, has always been held in high esteem by gardeners. Most summer residents usually begin spring plantings with sowing lettuce, parsley and radish. AT recent times striving for healthy eating and a large selection of greens in supermarkets make gardeners wonder which of these plants can be grown in their beds? In this article we will talk about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, varieties of lettuce.

Pollock is best cooked in the form of a casserole, separating the fillet from the skin and bones. Pieces of fish are mixed with a colorful vegetable set, poured with a sauce of cheese, sour cream and eggs. This fish casserole has a presentable appearance, and its taste is a bizarre mixture of subtle nuances. Vegetables and fillets will be soaked in sour cream, the cheese will harden with a golden crust, eggs will bind all the ingredients together. Pieces of fish are abundantly sprinkled with Italian herbs, and pollock acquires an unusual piquancy.

Despite the fact that the calendar spring begins in March, you can really feel the awakening of nature only with the advent of flowering plants in the garden. Nothing testifies to the arrival of spring as eloquently as clearings of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small holiday, because winter has receded, and a new garden season awaits us ahead. But, besides spring primroses, there is still something to see and admire in the garden in the month of April.

Growing rapidly and turning into wild thickets, hogweed disrupts the existing ecosystem and suppresses all other plants. Essential oils, contained in the fruits and leaves of hogweed, cause severe forms of dermatitis. At the same time, it is much more difficult to deal with it than with other common weeds. Fortunately, today a tool has appeared on the free market that can rid your site of most weeds in a short time, including cow parsnip.

Carrot happens various colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. Orange carrots are dominated by beta-carotene and lycopene, the yellow color is due to the presence of xanthophylls (lutein); white carrots are high in fiber, while purple ones contain anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotenes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose varieties of carrots for sowing not by the color of the fruit, but by the timing of their ripening. We will talk about the best early, medium and late varieties in this article.

We recommend a fairly easy recipe for a pie with a delicious filling of chicken and potatoes. Chicken and potato open pie is a great hearty dish that is suitable for a hearty snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this pastry on the road. The cake is baked in the oven for one hour at 180 degrees. After that, lay it out on a wooden surface, after releasing it from the mold. It is enough to slightly cool the pastries and you can start tasting.

The long-awaited spring for many indoor plants is the period of the start of active vegetation, and for the majority - the return of their decorative effect. Admiring the young leaves and emerging shoots, you should not forget that spring is also a big stress for all houseplants. Sensitive to changes in conditions and versatile, all indoor crops are faced with much brighter lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature conditions.

You can easily cook homemade Easter cake with cottage cheese and candied fruits, even without any confectionery experience behind you. You can bake Easter cake not only in a special form or in a paper mold. For the first culinary experiences (and not only), I advise you to take a small cast iron pan. Easter cake in a pan will not turn out as high as in a narrow form, but it never burns and always bakes well inside! Yeast curd dough is airy and fragrant.

It is also interesting in that its fruits (pumpkins) are used as food by young, not ripe ones (zelenets). This means that you do not have to wait for the harvest to ripen, and from late spring to autumn you can have fresh vegetables on the menu. In your beds, it is better to grow varieties and hybrids of zucchini that are resistant to diseases and changes in weather conditions. This eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a crop in any weather. It is about such varieties of zucchini that will be discussed in this article.

In the middle lane, April is the time when the first flowering of plants begins in gardens and parks. The constant soloists of the spring that has come into its own are bulbous primroses. But also among ornamental shrubs you can meet those that will delight you with fragrant flowers that enliven a still inconspicuous garden. The main riot of flowering ornamental shrubs falls on the month of May, and most of them, as a rule, bloom in mid-May.

Among all the fruit trees that are grown in the region with a temperate climate, the peach is the most beloved and delicious. Basically, these plants are intended for the southern regions. But with the help of selection, experts brought out frost-resistant varieties. Peach loves careful and timely, warm place and attention.

Peach is a tree perennial which belongs to the Rosaceae family. It is widely distributed on almost all continents and is the 10th largest commercially cultivated fruit tree. Its fruits, juicy and sweet, are a favorite delicacy all over the world.

Building features:

  • The height of the tree can reach 4 meters, but usually stunted varieties are grown in gardens, and bushy varieties in cold regions.
  • The trunk is of medium thickness, the maximum diameter reaches 25 cm, it bends with growth.
  • Branching is average, the width of the crown can reach 6 meters.
  • In regions with severe winter frosts, peaches are grown in the idea of ​​undersized wide bushes. This is done in order to simplify the warming of the plant for the cold period.
  • The branches are strong, bend well, painted reddish or green tone a. The leaves are lacent, oblong, slightly curved, have a pronounced central vein. On the branches are arranged alternately on thin and short petioles.
  • The leaves are painted in a dark green or green tone with outer side, and light green, muted - from the bottom.
  • The buds usually open before the leaves appear. Externally, the peach tree during flowering resembles almonds. The flower consists of 5 rounded petals, has a medium size and is colored in pink. The buds are located one by one along the entire length of the branches, sessile, the peduncle is absent.
  • Peach fruits can be large up to 600 grams in weight and small, about 60-80 grams. Their shape is most often rounded, oval, slightly elongated. There are also flat, slightly flattened peaches, but mostly these are hybrid varieties. Their flesh is firm, sweet and juicy.
  • In the middle is a large bone with a grain inside. The fruits are colored in yellow, pink orange and red tones from different sides. The skin is thin, with a velvety coating, there are also sweet fruits, but they belong to nectarines.

early varieties:

  • Kyiv early. The variety is intended for regions with early spring. The fruits of this peach are medium in size, rounded, the flesh is juicy, sweet and very fragrant. The skin is dense, thin, painted in a light yellow hue with a pinkish side. It takes root well in almost any soil, is demanding on care and at the same time gives a high yield. The variety is resistant to.
  • Redhaven. A good variety, adapted to temperate climates. The fruits are juicy, tasty, weighing up to 150 grams. The shape of the fruit is oval, the skin is thin, painted in a light orange tone with red patches. The pulp is yellow in color, pleasant to the taste and very aromatic. The variety is resistant to common and well tolerates spring and autumn frosts.

Middle and late varieties:

  • Cardinal. Strong variety with high yield. The fruits are medium in size, the largest reaches only 140 grams. The fruits are round, dense, the skin has a colorful red color. Mixed yellow and orange tones. The pulp is juicy, with a unique taste and aroma, the variety is among the best in terms of taste characteristics. Cardinal is resistant to diseases, but it does not tolerate frost well, therefore it needs special care.
  • Kremlin. This variety is the most common and popular in temperate regions. The reason for this is that it adapts to almost any living conditions. The fruits are large, the skin is painted in an orange-yellow tone with a red barrel. The flesh is firm, juicy, and sweet.

The peach is a southern plant that needs constant warmth and sun. Therefore, growing it in regions with variable temperature conditions, it is necessary to pay more attention and care to the plant.

Peach trees do not respond well to strong winds and cold, so the choice of a landing site must be approached with special responsibility.

In this regard, the plant is very capricious and spring drafts, frosts, can lead to shedding of color and a barren year. The place should be protected from all sides, have good lighting almost all day, so that the soil warms up well. This is especially important during the spring months.

But peaches are unpretentious to the soil and grow and develop well in almost all regions. The only exception is soil with a high content of limestone, which can cause diseases in a tree. Also, the soil should be well-drained, and the landing site is on a hill. Waterlogging of the soil also leads to peach diseases and plant death.

Watering peach:

  • Peach is demanding on watering, especially after and during the period of growth and fruit set. But do not get carried away, as the tree does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil.
  • From the middle of summer, it is held only when necessary, for example, if the summer is dry and hot.
  • After watering, it is recommended to soil the soil to retain moisture and periodically water the crowns with a hose and a sprayer.

Top dressing is carried out organic and in spring period. It will be useful to make nitrophoska after winter, and after flowering, a solution is added under the tree. Such procedures are recommended to be carried out 2 times a month.

For normal growth and development, as well as for abundant fruiting, proper pruning is necessary. No tree needs this process like a peach. At a young age, mostly in adult trees, during the annual spring pruning, diseased and old branches are removed, and excess young are cut off, leaving a few stems for future replacement.

In regions with a warm climate, peaches are grown in the form of a tree. Pruning is carried out appropriately. Usually in gardens tall trees are not grown, many summer residents have adopted this experience, and are trying to prune so that the branches do not grow vertically, but horizontally.

To do this, the central part of a young, but not small, tree is removed, that is, the main trunk at the required height, about 1.5-2 meters.

Leave a few strong side branches that will form the crown. All subsequent pruning is carried out in order to remove diseased and old branches and thin out the crown.

In cold regions, the peach is initially formed as a low bush. For this:

  • Almost the entire trunk is cut off, leaving only 3-5 buds from the bottom.
  • In subsequent years, a small tree with several fruiting stems is formed from each side branch so as not to overload the plant. Basically, one bush should have no more than 10 fruiting shoots.
  • Next, the old branches are removed, and young branches are left to develop in their place.

A prepared, healthy and strong peach seedling can be planted in spring and autumn. In warm regions, planting is recommended after the leaves fall on the trees, but no later than October, so that the young tree has time to take root and strengthen the root system in a new place. The place of permanent peach growth must first be prepared.

The size of the planting hole depends on the root system and can reach up to 1 meter in diameter and 75 cm deep.

All seedlings must be inspected from top to bottom, diseased and rotten roots removed, and all healthy ones shortened to 30-35 cm. The tree is placed in a prepared hole, the roots are spread over the entire bottom area, sprinkled with fertile and fertilized soil from above. After the peach, it is necessary to pour abundantly with warm water and install a support to which to tie the trunk. The distance between plantings should be at least 2.5-3 meters. A peach can coexist with any other fruit trees.

In warm regions, peaches do not need warming, and many varieties are specially bred to be frost-resistant. But in cold regions, without such a procedure, you can lose the garden, so gardeners grow peaches in the form of bushes, for the convenience of shelter and warming.

In order for the tree to survive the winter well, foam shields are placed around it, the thickness of which must be at least 10 cm.

On top of everything is covered with a film and when the snow falls, it will serve as an additional shelter. In the spring, after the end of severe frosts, the film is slightly opened so that air gets to the peach, and awakening begins. Shields are removed only when the risk of night frosts is gone.

Peach can be propagated in three ways: grafting, and. If the first two methods require special knowledge, then even a beginner can grow a tree with the help of seeds.

Propagation by seeds:

  • To collect seeds, it is necessary to pick up well-ripened, even overripe, large fruits. Separate the stone from the fruit and wash thoroughly from the pulp.
  • You can sow in the fall, directly to the place of permanent growth.
  • The soil must be fertilized, loose and disinfected.
  • For the winter, after watering, the planting site is covered with compost and leaves, this will provide additional nutrition and protect the bone from freezing.

But many gardeners recommend wrapping the collected bones in a damp cloth and placing them in a dark, cool place, such as the vegetable section of the refrigerator. The fabric should not dry out, so it is periodically moistened. Thus, the bones pass. And in the spring, when the sun has already warmed the soil enough, the seeds can be planted in the ground. Young trees need regular plentiful, therefore, the planting site must be constantly moistened before pecking and during the growth of the peach and prevent the soil from drying out.

Peach cuttings:

  • For choose adult healthy branches, the lower part of which is already stiff. The stems should not be thick, the middle part is selected.
  • One cutting should have at least 4 healthy buds. Bottom part it can be evenly cut, separated from the tree along with the "heel" and with a hammer-like bottom, cut along with part of the twig.
  • It is recommended to harvest cuttings in the autumn after the leaves fall before the winter frosts. During this period, the tree accumulates a large amount of all the substances necessary for growth and development, which will help the cuttings to take root well and develop buds into growth. The length of one cutting is approximately 30 cm.
  • After cutting, the cuttings are tied together and placed vertically in a box of wet sand and transferred to the basement. The sand should not dry out completely, so it is periodically moistened. By spring, on some branches, the beginnings of roots should already appear, all cuttings with disinfectants and stimulants.
  • Rooting can be carried out in open ground by planting cuttings during the period when the soil is fully warmed up. Or prepare special containers with a fertile loose substrate and start rooting in early spring in order to plant ready-made seedlings for warmth.

Spend in the spring with the help of green cuttings. The process is quite complex and lengthy and is used mainly by professional gardeners. You can graft a peach on any young apricot tree.

The peach is often attacked by aphids. She likes to settle on young shoots, this can be seen from the twisted and spoiled leaves. If you do not get rid of the pest in time, then the aphid can infect the entire tree. Preventive treatment is recommended in the spring, and special preparations should be used when aphids appear on trees.

Of the diseases, peaches are susceptible to fungal diseases.

Powdery mildew often attacks the plant, it primarily damages the tops of young shoots and young leaves. It can be seen by the dense white coating that forms on the plant, and if measures are not taken, the disease will spread to neighboring trees. Therefore, when powdery mildew is found on any plant, it is necessary to treat not only the diseased tree, but the entire area with special ones.

Peach fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. This fruit is classified as a dietary product, it contains carbohydrates, proteins, sugars and fiber, which improves digestion. Also, with the help of juicy and sweet peaches, you can restore the normal level of iron in the body, because this substance in them is 2 times more than in apples.

Raw peaches are used for food like any other fruit. Compotes and jams are also made from it and rolled up for the winter. Peaches are considered among the most delicious fruits on the planet. Also peach and its stone are used in cosmetic production. They are part of creams, shampoos, masks and scrubs.

More information can be found in the video.

Peach- a plant from the Pink family, is part of the Almond breed. The almond tree differs from the peach in the properties and shape of the fruit. This is a heat-loving, undersized plant with a wide crown and lanceolate, serrated leaves along the edges. The flowering of the tree begins before the development of the leaves.

Ripe peach fruits taste very juicy, and look spherical, velvety with a groove along one edge. Ripening and fruit growth occurs in July and August. The initial place of peach growth should be considered Northern China. The first country to be interested how do peaches grow turned out to be Italy.

Where do peaches grow?

Peaches grow in countries with a warm climate:

  • China;
  • Syria;
  • India;
  • Afghanistan.

In such areas, peaches grow even without proper care.

In the Caucasus, Asia, Ukraine and Moldova, you can see huge plantations of peach lands. Peaches are very thermophilic plant, therefore, growing such a culture in central Russia is not an easy task.

But the facts show otherwise:

Region Experience in growing peach
Leningrad region, Moscow region and central Russia In the suburbs, gardener Koretsky grew 20 peach trees grafted onto almonds. I planted seedlings in 2001, and in 2011 I collected 30 kilograms of juicy fruits from each tree.
Crimea The famous Crimean Nikitinsky Garden, which has recently begun its active work. About 15 varieties of varieties fill not only store shelves, but are also exported to other countries.
Ural and Siberia The experience of Nikolai Sergeev from the city of Yuzhnouralsk shows that with proper cultivation care and frost-resistant varieties, it is possible to get juicy fruits, even in early autumn.

Thus, peaches grow with competent agricultural technology not only in the South, but also in the North.

Preparing for landing

Selection of seedlings

Tips for choosing seedlings:

When to plant a peach?

Many years of experience shows that planting not only a peach tree, but everything fruit seedlings follows in the fall. During the autumn-winter period, the plant manages to take root, and in the spring, in any weather, it begins to grow.

Planted seedlings give white roots that cannot be injured and replanted. When planting for the winter, the soil has time to compact around the seedling, thanks to which the roots and buds begin to grow and develop normally.

Choice of landing site

It is better to choose a landing site that is well lit, not shaded by mature trees and closed from the wind. On the summer cottage, it is desirable to choose a place on the south side, since the peach begins to bloom one of the first fruit trees.

In lowlands, waterlogged and wetlands, cold air stagnates, which does not allow the development and growth of the future peach. In such places, buds do not form and do not ripen in time; as a result, fruit trees grow poorly and die.

Within 2-3 years, you can not plant on the soil that was previously used to grow crops such as:

  • gourds;
  • clover;
  • alfalfa.

It is not scary if fruit crops grow next to the peach, at a distance of 3-5 meters from each other, the main thing is that they do not shade and do not interfere with growing and fruiting.

Soil preparation

Various types of soil are suitable for growing peach, the main thing is to create good drainage. Fill the planting pit with stone, broken brick and rusty iron.

To begin with, the soil is freed from weeds and carefully dug up. AT good soil you can simply add any fertilizer, and the depleted one needs to be plentifully fed with mineral fertilizers.

For planting one seedling you will need:

  1. Organic humus or compost-7 kg.
  2. Wood 250 grams.
  3. Mineral superphosphate fertilizers - 200 gamma.
  4. Mineral potash or nitrogen fertilizers-100 grams.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest With large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How to grow peaches on the site?

The survival and growth of peach depends on various factors. Peaches grow in warm regions, but despite this, they are frost-resistant. In order for the plant to begin to grow and bear fruit after 3 years, it is necessary to cover a fragile seedling for the winter.

This method applies to columnar, dwarf varieties. When planting, it is advisable to fix the seedling at an angle, for convenient shelter for the winter. Let's get acquainted with step by step guide for spring and autumn peach planting.

Spring planting peach

At an early spring planting, the soil should be dug up in the spring. If the climate is warm, the landing is already carried out at the end of February. The size of the pit should be one meter wide and at least 60 cm deep.

Landing steps:

autumn planting

Planting in winter is more suitable for southern areas, as winters are not too severe. The root will grow over the winter and adapt to new conditions. Gardeners advise planting a seedling in a permanent place. It is better to choose such a place where peaches grow well: on the south, well-lit side, closer to the edge of the fence.

Step-by-step technology for autumn peach planting:

  1. Prepare a recess for landing. The width of the pit is 70 cm, the depth is 70 cm.
  2. Attach a peg to the bottom of the pit to tie the seedling.
  3. Cover the bottom with manure, ash or humus mixed with the ground.
  4. The roots will grow well if carefully straightened and fixed in the planting hole so that the root neck slightly rises above the ground.
  5. Fill the seedling with earth and tie it to a peg.
  6. Water abundantly, this will require 4 buckets of water.
  7. Top can be sprinkled with humus leaves or sawdust.

How to care for a peach tree?

young peach care

After planting a peach, it is important to ensure that the soil around it is not too wet or dry. It is in such soil that peach crops grow.

To get the necessary air and moisture to the roots, you need to regularly plow the soil around the tree. In loose and oxygen-rich soil, grass does not grow and erosion does not occur. And in cold weather, the plant is covered with special insulated bags.

Water is the most important factor in which all fruit crops grow and bear fruit, but even here a norm is needed. Both a lack and an excess of moisture leads to a deterioration in the fertility and vital activity of the entire plant.

top dressing

especially in spring fruit trees need nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which can be added in the form of fertilizers. An important factor in which buds, flowers and fruits successfully grow and develop is phosphorus. helps plants absorb carbon dioxide and nitrogen, and also contributes to the resistance of the tree to frost and drought.

To feed the seedling, the soil around it is loosened and a groove is made into which diluted ammonium nitrate is poured. Before flowering, the leaves and crown are treated with a phosphorus solution.

A very important role is played by organic, manure or vitamin slurry. Depleted soil should be enriched once a year with organic or chemical fertilizers, and in subsequent years one top dressing in 2-3 years is enough. It should be applied early in the spring or when digging in the fall.

Bark grafting is a very simple and common method by which peaches grow. Such cultivation is suitable for young shoots of cherry plum, plum or peach. For this, spring time is suitable, in the morning or in the evening.

Instructions for vaccination:

Wintering peach

Preparation of trees for the winter takes place in the fall. To begin with, diseased, dry, broken branches are cut. Water thoroughly for the last time.

Just before frost, the roots are sprinkled with mulch to protect against freezing. If possible, cover and tie with burlap or natural material (needles, spruce branches or leaves).

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

Reproduction of peaches

Seedlings grow well and bear fruit due to some types of propagation: seed method, grafting and cuttings.

Bone reproduction

For propagation, it is better to take fruits that grow in the northern regions, or ask for seeds from a local grower. The fruits bought in the market grow in the southern regions, and as a result, they turn out to be a barren flower.

Planting seeds can be done directly in the ground. Or in early spring, in March, plant as seedlings in a greenhouse or in a pot at home.

In the ground, some seeds may die, so it is recommended to sow many seeds at once. With the seedling method, in early spring, gardeners recommend sowing the kernels (seed), separated from the seeds, for quick germination.

And in mid-May, seedlings from the greenhouse are planted in a permanent place in the ground, where they then grow. During the summer period they can reach one meter.

Propagation by grafting cuttings

Rootstock fruit trees are suitable for grafting a cutting:

  • wild peach;
  • felt;
  • turn.

Cuttings must be prepared in advance, before the first frost and stored sheltered in the basement. And in early spring, graft to the stock and wrap tightly with a dense cloth. When the branch grows to 25 cm, remove the bandage and treat with garden pitch.

Planting cuttings in the ground

You can plant cuttings cut in the fall in pots at home, where they grow on the windowsill. During the winter, the stalk will give roots and leaves, and in the spring it will be planted in open ground in the chosen place.

The same method can be done, but only stick the stalk into a medium potato and plant it in a pot. With this convenient method, the potatoes grow and help the peaches grow.

Cuttings can be done in the spring. A cut branch (25-30 cm) is placed in good soil, watered abundantly and put on it plastic bottle. When the first leaves appear, the bottle is removed.

Trimming and shaping

It is important to remember that the peach painfully survives cuts. The cut is performed at a time, with a tool treated with alcohol, and after that the cut itself is processed with a garden pitch.

The optimal time for spring pruning is to choose between swelling and flowering buds. spring pruning not as detrimental to the plant as pruning for the winter. Because in the warm season, the plant has a greater ability to fight diseases and injuries.

Shortening is carried out in order to form a beautiful crown, convenient for care and harvesting. Thinning is suitable for mature trees with dense branches.

Pruning principles:

  1. It is important to remember the first rule: those branches that gained growth last year will be fruitful.
  2. This is where the substitution principle comes into play: a knot with two shoots, the first shoot should bear fruit this year, it is kept, and the second shoot, which will bear fruit next year, is removed.

This method of pruning gives a good harvest and inhibits the excess growth of young branches.

If it is not clear which branch to remove before flowering, then you can use this option during flowering. A branch on which too many flowers grow, respectively, will bring small fruits. Such a branch is removed, and the cut is processed.

Today, the formation of the Free Spindle type has become widespread. In the fifth year, the height of the seedling reaches 3 meters, a tree grows in the shape of a Christmas tree.

The workflow diagram looks like this:

  1. In the lower tier of branches, 4 main frame branches are left.
  2. In the second tier leave 5 branches.
  3. All branches are cut by one third. Remove all the frozen and sick.

pruning in autumn

Autumn peach pruning is done after harvesting, but before the arrival of the first frost.

The scheme is this:

  1. The number of branches on a tree should not exceed 80 pieces.
  2. Prune all fruit-bearing branches.
  3. Remove dry and bacterial-affected branches.
  4. If winters are severe, fragile branches should be removed.

Peach pruning scheme by year

Diseases and pests of peach

The main enemies of peach:

Disease or pest Description and treatment
Clusterosporiasis It manifests itself as spots on the fruits and leaves of a reddish-orange color, a convex ugly shape.

The fight begins in the fall, after harvesting:

  • Remove and burn affected branches and disinfect cuts lime mortar, with the addition of 2% copper sulfate.
  • In the spring, when the buds swell, the trees are treated with 90% copper oxychloride and 70% meteor.
leaf curl It affects barely appeared leaves and shoots. The leaves begin to acquire an amber-pink uneven color. After two weeks, a white coating appears, a sign of the development of the fungus. Affected areas do not grow and die.

Infected areas should be cut and burned, and then sprayed liberally with one of the following:

  • copper oxychloride 9%;
  • copper 1%, 2 times in 5 days;
  • a special preparation for plant diseases DNOC, 100g per 10l of water.
powdery mildew It affects everything: leaves, shoots and fruits. Signs appear in the form of a white coating and lead to the death of the affected areas.

Upon detection, you must:

  • Immediately collect and destroy the affected leaves, and dig up the soil around the tree.
  • At the end of flowering, they are treated with Topaz, Bordeaux solution 3% or copper sulphate.
Sadovaya Often appears in July in the form of small light insects. The leaves are deformed and folded into a tube.

Easy way to fight:

  • Soak 1 bar of laundry soap in a bucket of water and spray the affected trees with this solution.
  • For spraying peach, you can use karbofos.
Shchitovka Affecting the bark of the peach tree.

Insect control is carried out in early spring, before the first leaves appear, using mineral oil emulsions. And during the vegetative period, the treatment is carried out with karbofos.

How do peaches grow in a greenhouse?

There are many benefits to growing peaches in greenhouse conditions all year round.

Gardener Evgeny Fedotov from the Moscow region shared this:

  1. The greenhouse protects the plant from diaper rash which kills many plants.
  2. Constant temperature: no burns and frostbite. The film scatters the sun's rays well.
  3. When peaches grow in a greenhouse, they are not susceptible to leaf curl disease, which can destroy the crop.
  4. Very high yield peaches.
  5. Intensive watering is not required because peach roots grow deep enough outside the greenhouse.
  6. In the greenhouse for peaches, you don’t even need to put a special heater, the temperature in the greenhouse is enough.

But, among the difficulties in leaving, the gardener noted:

  1. Regular pruning of trees throughout the year. The branches grow and rest against the walls and ceiling and this should not be allowed.
  2. The bloom is so profuse that you have to remove a good half of the flowering branches, otherwise the fruits will grow small.
  3. During flowering, it is necessary to constantly open the windows in the greenhouse, to access pollination by insects. Otherwise, you will need to pollinate each flower manually.

Learn more about how peaches grow in a greenhouse from the video:

Peach fruits are classified according to the intensity of growth, early maturity and yield. Peach fruits ripen after cherries, apricots, quinces and plums, and finish their ripening before the start of harvesting late varieties of apple trees.

Variety Delica

Variety Collins

Variety Moretini Favorit

Variety Cardinal

Variety Tale

Variety Golden Moscow

Subspecies of peach:

  1. common peach. Tree height from 5 to 8 meters. The fruit is semicircular in shape, 3.5 to 12 cm in size. The skin is rough, yellow-orange in color, powdered with a blush.
  2. Nectarine. Distinctive features of Nectarine are in its smooth skin. This mutation occurs when a common peach tree self-pollinates. Fruit color varies from orange to bright burgundy.
  3. Potatin. The Potatin peach tree does not even grow to a height of two meters. The fruits are semi-circular, yellow-orange in color. The nutritional value is not in demand, therefore it is not widely used in retail chains.
  4. fig. Unusual, flat peach shape with a small seed pit. The color, taste and smell are the same as those of an ordinary peach.

Varieties for growing in the southern regions

Varieties for the northern regions

The cultivation of peach crops in the northern and central strip of Russia is not an easy task. Varieties suitable for growing in this region are limited, so new ones are being developed that have proven themselves in frosty conditions.

Frost-resistant varieties:


Under favorable conditions, peaches grow on average 20-25 years, and the fecundity is 30-40 kg of fruit per tree. To achieve such results and rejoice harvested, it is worth trying, making an effort and knowing how peaches grow and how to properly care for them.
