Shade tolerant plants for the garden. Shade-loving perennial and annual flowers in the garden, blooming all summer. Shade-tolerant fruit trees and berry bushes

It's no secret that plants need sunlight. If there is no sun, then there will be no process called photosynthesis. This means the plant will die. All recommendations for planting plants are the same: we select the most illuminated place.

In every dacha, you can find places where sunlight does not always hit. So, these are places under the trees, behind the house, near the fences. It is there that you can plant plants, but the shade ... And here you can list the plants that develop even in the shade. However, it must be understood that the shadow in the northern and southern regions, in middle lane and in Siberia are two different things. If in the south you can grow tomatoes and cucumbers in the shade, then in the northern regions the shade is suitable only for growing greens. Today we will look at plants that can be planted in the shade of the middle lane.

Photo of shade-loving flowers

What vegetables to plant in the shade in the country

Rhubarb is a versatile vegetable. Its sour stem allows you to cook a variety of dishes. But in order for the succulent stems to grow quickly, it is necessary to water the rhubarb abundantly.

There are many varieties of lettuce that do well in shade growing. Maybe the plant will not give a lot of harvest, but in the shade the leaves will always be fresh and green.

Bear onion or wild garlic is a plant that combines the taste of onion and garlic. In addition, wild garlic is a medicinal plant. If you add a few leaves of wild garlic to the salad, you can get a big storehouse of vitamins. Ramson in the wild will grow in the forest. Therefore, on the site you can choose a shady place.

If you are not looking to get big harvest garlic, which can then be postponed for the winter, then you can grow this crop in decorative form. Moreover, you will still get a crop, albeit not as large as usual. But the site will be filled with greenery.

Greens can be planted in shady areas

Mint, parsley, celery, lemon balm, thyme are plants that love shade. If these crops grow under fruit trees, then the greens should be covered with foil while the trees are sprayed with chemicals.

The opinion of gardeners is divided regarding. Some want the harvest to be large. But other gardeners have enough small heads of beets. If you want to get a small crop, then plant beets in the shade.

Especially worth paying attention to legumes. So, beans do not like shade, but you can find several varieties that do well without a lot of light.

People who often canned cucumbers and tomatoes need to have fresh horseradish, and this is a shade-loving plant. The plant is unpretentious, which means it grows on any soil anywhere in the garden.

Aronia and other similar shrubs grow well in the shade. So, on your own, you will create not only beautiful plantations, but also a place for picking fruits and berries.

There are several types of rose hips that grow in the shade. In spring, you can enjoy the flowering of shrubs, and in autumn - to pick vitamin berries. Black and red currants in the shade are planted in the southern regions.

What can be planted in the shade between the house and the fence

So, you should always use the shaded areas on yours to the maximum. You can try planting different plants.

A good way to arrange a shaded corner in the garden is to create cozy place to relax. Here you can have a good time on a hot summer day. The creation of a comfortable and calm environment in such a zone will be facilitated by planting a variety of plants that tolerate the lack of light well.

Shade-loving shrubs for the garden have an interesting appearance and during the flowering period they delight the eye with beautiful bright flowers.

Lighting is necessary for any plants for active growth and proper development. But different types of plants have different lighting requirements. By required quantity Light all plants are divided into the following types:

  • Shade-loving.
  • Shade-tolerant.
  • Light-loving.

A light-loving plant will not die if planted in the shade, but its growth rate will be greatly reduced, and as a result it will not grow as beautiful as in a site with sufficient light. Therefore, for shady areas of the garden with low insolation, you should choose shade-loving plants adapted to such conditions.

Differences between shrubs and trees

shrubs, used in landscape design e, constantly enjoy well-deserved attention. Therefore, in numerous nurseries there is always a wide selection of these popular plants.

There are intermediate forms of plants between shrubs and trees. The main difference lies in the presence of the main, main trunk, in different directions from which multiple branches grow. For example, the following plants can grow both in the form of a tree and a bush:

  • Nut.
  • Some types of elms and willows.
  • Hawthorn.

It depends on the method of pruning and the conditions in which they grow.

For example, a dark crimson forest beech, with regular pruning and growth adjustment, can be turned into a shrub and used to equip a picturesque hedge. This hedge will not shed its brown leaves in winter period. But if allowed to grow freely without pruning, such a beech will soon become a tree.

Soil preparation

Responsible approach is required to obtain the expected result. selecting the right shrubs. Certain types of plants require a specific soil composition.

Due to the fact that many shade-loving species are adapted to forest conditions, attention should be paid to soil preparation when planting them. The soil should be nutritious and have a neutral acidity. Under these conditions, the plants will easily tolerate the transplant and eventually grow into beautiful, lush bushes.

It is necessary to plan in advance a site for planting plants so that in the process of growth they do not constrain each other. It is worth choosing shrubs taking into account the height of adult plants. So, undersized shade-loving decorative bushes are better suited for decorating and strengthening slopes and embankments. The shape of the bushes, their size, as well as the flowering time of many plants can be controlled by regular pruning.

Free space The space remaining between shrubs can be filled with ground cover plants or shade-loving flowers. This will not only look beautiful, but will also prevent the soil from drying out quickly. For these purposes, ordinary lilies of the valley are very suitable. In early spring, they will delight the eye with delicate beautiful flowers, and the rest of the time - with beautiful leaves of juicy Green colour. Lilies of the valley tend to grow actively, which eliminates the need for additional annual planting of new plants.

A selection of shade-loving plants

In order not to spend too much energy on care in the future, you should choose shrubs for the garden, adapted to natural conditions your region. Trying to grow unadapted shrubs can be successful, but will bring more trouble than joy.

Additional decorative element shrubs will have juicy, bright fruits, which, however, are often inedible.

Types of honeysuckle

Shade-loving shrubs are most types of honeysuckle.

  • It is worth paying attention to the Tatar honeysuckle, it is unpretentious and very beautiful during the flowering period, it is represented by many garden forms that differ in shades of flowers from white to bright red.
  • A rather rare alpine honeysuckle, which has bright red fruits and a very dense dense crown, will also be a good choice.
  • Maak honeysuckle, or as it is also called, Amur honeysuckle, can be grown in a tree form.
  • The most popular is edible honeysuckle. This plant is a shrub up to a meter tall. Berries ripen by mid-summer. They have juicy red-purple flesh and a sweet and sour taste.

Hazel and euonymus

Well adapted to low light conditions birch relative - common hazel, also known as hazelnut. For landscape design artificially bred are better garden molds having foliage of various colors.

Euonymus are deciduous and evergreen. This genus combines both shrubs and small trees.

They attract special attention in autumn with bright fruits and interesting coloring of foliage. The warty euonymus has fruits and leaves of pink hues, while the winged euonymus is dominated by raspberry-red hues.

Kalina and elderberry

Various types of viburnum are also characterized by increased shade tolerance. They will decorate the garden all year round. Viburnum ordinary will be a good choice for decorating the garden. And its fruits are used as a cure for many diseases.

Viburnum laurel is an evergreen shrub and blooms in winter. It is attractive due to its flowers of white and pink shades. Well suited for beginner gardeners, as it is unpretentious in care.

Many species of shrubs of the elderberry genus have long been used and ornamental plants, and as horticultural because of their nutritional and healing properties. The red or racemose elderberry is extremely hardy and can also help to exterminate mice. Berries black elderberry suitable for consumption. This type of elderberry is best planted in calm areas.

Hydrangeas, Magonias & Mexican Jasmine

Hydrangeas are good for decorating not very shaded places on the site. They bloom in early summer and continue to bloom until early autumn. Their interesting, large inflorescences will also look good as part of dry bouquets. Unpretentious and undemanding to care tree hydrangea. The best choice for growing in the middle lane, according to many gardeners, would be panicled hydrangea.

Close attention deserves its form with large flowers, which bears the name Grandiflora. The Bretschneider hydrangea also looks great with large snow-white flowers, which then change color to purple.

Holly mahonia is an evergreen shrub of compact size with glossy feathery leaves. In early spring, bright yellow inflorescences bloom on it, and at the very beginning of autumn, dark blue edible berries ripen.

A shade-loving shrub is also Mexican jasmine with citrus-scented flowers. After finishing spring flowering you can cut it.

Cherry laurel, keria and cotoneaster

Medicinal cherry laurel is also an evergreen shade-loving shrub with dense glossy foliage. In early summer, racemes of fragrant white flowers bloom on it.

It's pretty rare plant in gardens of the middle lane, as it does not tolerate low temperatures. For safe wintering, it needs shelter.

Japanese keriya is characterized by a long spring-summer flowering period, which, in some cases, may repeat in the fall. It should be borne in mind that in well-lit areas, keria blooms more abundantly. But it also tolerates the lack of sunlight quite well. Keria flowers are large, yellow, united in inflorescences.

The form of the Japanese kerria Pleniflora, named after William Kerr, who bred this variety, has yellow flowers with large terry petals. Keriya is a heat-loving plant and therefore needs shelter and protection from the wind in winter.

Cotoneasters belong to the rose family. They are deciduous or evergreen perennials. shade-tolerant shrubs. These plants are extremely diverse shapes and sizes. They can grow as trees up to six meters high, as well as undersized creeping bushes.

Glossy foliage, dark green in summer and reddening by autumn, may persist in winter or fall off. Despite such serious differences, all cotoneasters have similar features, for which they are loved by gardeners. In all plants belonging to this genus, the leaves acquire a very picturesque color by autumn, and beautiful fruits ripen on the branches. The flowering period of cotoneasters falls on May-June. At this time, pink buds bloom with white flowers.

Also in your garden you can plant several types of low shade-loving trees. conifers. Conifers are versatile and will be a good addition to any type of garden. They can be used both singly and as part of various compositions.

Conifers are undemanding to the landing site and do not need complex care. If you purchase a frost-resistant tree, then it will not require shelter for the winter. Only with the onset of spring is it worth covering it a little from the direct sun, if it is not planted in a shady area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden. Coniferous trees frequent feeding is not required.

Yew and juniper

Such a coniferous plant as a pointed yew is the most shade-tolerant of all. This type of yew got its name due to the pointed spines at the top of the crown. It is characterized by an extremely low growth rate, tolerates frost quite well. Best adapted for wintering small decorative forms but they need protection from bright sunlight in spring. In the middle lane, this is the only type of yew suitable for shearing.

Juniper numerous genus coniferous plants, which includes 75 species. To date, many low-growing varieties of this shrub have been bred. They are actively growing and look extremely impressive in the garden. In the United States, creeping junipers are very popular. And now they are gradually winning the love of Russian gardeners.

There are junipers of medium size, and even tree-like junipers up to fifteen meters high. For all types of junipers, the characteristic qualities are:

  • Undemanding care.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Ability to grow on any soil.
  • Ability to tolerate lack of moisture.

Each household or summer cottage has shaded areas where the sun's rays practically do not penetrate. As a rule, they make out recreation areas where it is good to wait out the summer heat. For this reason, I want to make this place beautiful and attractive, for example, by decorating a flower bed here. However, it should be borne in mind that not every plant is able to develop normally with a lack of sunlight.

What flowers can be planted in the shade in the country? To date, dozens of varieties are known to gardeners, among which there are annuals and perennials that can survive and maintain their decorative effect in such conditions.

Distinctive features of shade-loving plants

Cultures that prefer to "live" away from sunlight can be divided into two groups.

Not all garden flowers are able to grow and develop in the shade.

The first includes shade-loving plants that will take root and grow even in the most shaded area. The second category includes shade-tolerant crops that still need daylight, albeit in small quantities. And also among these varieties there are flowers that can grow both in open and shaded flower beds.

On a note. Shade and semi-shade plants are characterized by an increased need for moisture and intolerance to drought, as well as, in most cases, a short flowering period. However, many cultures have original shape shrubs or leaves, which gives them a decorative effect and allows you to arrange a luxurious flower bed in the shade.

Plants that can be planted in the country in the shade: description and photo

To create a flower bed in the shade, you can choose one plant variety, but compositions from several species look the most advantageous. Having wondered what kind of flowers to plant, you should pay attention to the crops listed below.


it perennial is a kind of "green carpet" of dense creeping stems covered with dark green leaves. Such a culture blooms profusely in spring, and the shade of the petals can be white, blue, blue, purple or purple.

The advantage of small periwinkle is that it can grow in any light: in the sun, in partial shade or in shaded areas. In addition, all its varieties are cold-resistant and calmly winter under cover of snow.

This plant also has a second name - "Solomon's seal." This culture has a strong, branched rhizome and is abundantly covered with large leaves that have a dark green or variegated color with light veins.

The flowering period is bought in May and lasts 21-28 days. At this time, bell-shaped flowers appear on the bushes, painted in white, cream, pink, greenish or magenta tint. After they wither, the fruits ripen in the form of red or dark blue berries.

Such a culture will take root perfectly in the shade and will look good next to a fern, doronicum, irises, tulips or primroses.

Attention! When planting and caring for this plant, precautions should be taken, since all parts of it are poisonous.

This low bush from 30 to 40 cm, covered with small leaves and forming a large number of ground cover flowers, is an excellent honey plant. If you taste the flower spike, it will be sweet.

You can recognize the lungwort by white spots on the leaves and flowers, the petals of which are able to change their color from pink to blue. This culture belongs to the early flowering, and the first buds appear in April.

The plant is perennial, and it is recommended to divide and replant it every 3 years.

This culture forms buds in early spring and pleases the eye with beautiful flowers from April to May. Primrose bushes are low, from 10 to 20 cm in length, and the flowers are double, decorated with "rims" of various shades along the edge of the petals.

Such a perennial will feel great in the shade, sheltered from the sun's rays by tall plants. There are many varieties of this culture and you can combine several of its varieties with different colors of petals in a flower bed.

Advice. Primula is extremely difficult to grow from seeds at home, so it is worth propagating it by dividing old bushes, or purchasing ready-made seedlings.

These are large plants, capable of reaching from 1 to 1.8 m in height. Such plantings will look good along the fence in a shaded area.

You can recognize Rogersia by the finger leaves on long petioles and flowers without petals, collected in fluffy panicles. This perennial propagates by dividing the bush; such manipulations are allowed in spring or autumn.

Rogersia care involves abundant watering in dry summers and cutting the bush under the root in the fall, after flowering has ended.

If on personal plot there are corners where the sun practically does not penetrate, smilatsina will be the best option for decorating a flower bed in this place.

These are perennial plants with a height of 60 to 90 cm, with curved stems and racemose inflorescences, consisting of small star-shaped flowers. They decorate the bushes from May to June and exude a delicate, pleasant aroma, and at the end of the flowering period they are replaced by red berries.

When choosing a place for a smilacine, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the sun's rays practically do not penetrate this area, and if necessary, create shading.

Such a perennial culture with a height of 30 to 50 cm blooms at different times, depending on the species. For some, this period falls on May and June, and some varieties bloom from early summer to September.

Tiarella is distinguished by beautiful green leaves that turn bronze or red in autumn, and small flowers are collected in racemose panicles. The plant does well under tall trees with a dense crown, does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight and is intolerant of a lack of moisture.

This is far from full list plants that can grow in the shade. Here are the most common types that do not require special care.

Plants for growing in partial shade with a description and photo

A much wider choice of plants that are suitable for growing in partial shade. These include the types below.

This is a tall plant, reaching 90 cm in length with pinnately dissected leaves, acquiring a copper tint in spring. Astilba flowers are collected in beautiful panicles that remain on the bushes until autumn.

Such a culture can be placed in the middle of a flower bed or in the background in a penumbra area. The perennial is very unpretentious, but at the same time it needs abundant watering, especially on hot days. There are also drought-resistant species of this plant, for example, Chinese astilba.

Astrantia or starfish

This perennial from the Umbelliferae family is a lush bush with small green leaves and small "star" flowers, consisting of delicate sharp petals and a fluffy core. Depending on the variety, they can be painted in various shades, from light pink to dark purple.

The plant is unpretentious and perfectly adapts to any conditions, feeling equally good both in open areas and in partial shade or dense shade of trees, however, in the absence of sunlight, it will not bloom so abundantly.

The advantage of astrantia is a long flowering period that lasts all summer months.

This culture has small flowers of white or blue hue with short spurs. It can be both tall and dwarf, for a rock garden.

Watersheds love shady areas and bloom profusely from June to May. To extend this period, you will need to remove dried buds in a timely manner and regularly apply moisture on dry days.

The plant propagates by seeds, which can be placed in the garden in the spring, and perennial bushes are divided by performing these manipulations in April.

This is a beautiful perennial plant, reaching a height of up to 30 cm. Most often, dicentra is planted along borders, in areas protected from the sun.

From May to June, these plantations with feathery foliage are decorated with beautiful flowers in the form of medallions, located on arcuate peduncles. The color of the petals can be pink, purple or red.

Attention! Since the roots of this culture lie shallow, it is not necessary to loosen the soil in the flower bed so as not to damage the underground part. It is also worth protecting the dicenter from drafts, otherwise it will have a bad effect on its growth and development.

These low bushes, reaching from 10 to 20 cm, are grown in the shade not only as an ornamental crop, covered with small white flowers from May to June, but also for the sake of delicious and useful berries that appear in July.

Strawberries multiply rapidly and are aggressive. If left unchecked, it will overwhelm weaker crops and spread throughout the area.

Siberian iris

This is a beautiful medium-sized plant with long green leaves and unusual shape flowers. Their color can be white, yellow, pink, lavender, blue, crimson and purple.

Shaded areas are the best place to grow irises. The culture is unpretentious and does not require special care, it looks great as an independent decoration of the front garden or an element of mixed plantings.

garden fern

There are many types of this ornamental plant, which differ in the shape of the bush, leaf color and size.

There are ferns that grow up to only 30 cm, for example, the maidenhair subspecies is stop-shaped, which can be recognized by yellow-green leaves arranged in a tier.

There are also high varieties of fern, for example, an ostrich, which grows up to 1.5 m and attracts attention with graceful light green leaves, shaped like ostrich feathers, for which it got its name.


It's early flowering bulbous plants related to undersized crops. Snowdrop bushes with elongated dark green leaves reach a height of only 15-20 cm.

The flowers of the culture are small, bell-shaped, painted in a greenish-white color scheme. They appear in early spring, and please the eye for only a few weeks.

It is necessary to plant snowdrops in soil rich in microelements and flavored with humus in shaded areas.

Although perfect place for the location of this culture is penumbra, it is able to survive and not lose its decorative effect even with an acute shortage of sunlight.

These are beautiful lush bushes with grassy-green foliage, which changes color to golden or crimson in autumn, giving the plantations a special charm. The flowers of the culture are double, collected in lush inflorescences, and the petals have a different color, from light pink to dark purple.

This is a low-growing perennial that exudes a stunning dense aroma during flowering. Depending on the species, the bushes can reach a height of 10 to 20 cm, and the petals are painted in white, yellow, blue, pink, lilac or purple.

Some types of violets bloom in May, and this period does not last long, and some varieties are able to please the eye throughout the summer, and bloom only in September.

It is necessary to plant violets in the shade or partial shade and water abundantly in drought. In addition, the plant should be protected from the attacks of slugs, and dried inflorescences should be removed in a timely manner in order to prolong the flowering period.

This culture can be annual and perennial. The former reach a height of 20 to 50 cm, while the latter grow up to 50-80 cm. The flowers are bell-shaped and collected in inflorescences, the diameter of which reaches 10 cm. The petals are rounded or pointed, depending on the variety, and the colors can be very diverse .

The plant loves partial shade and blooms profusely in the second half of summer. To preserve the decorative effect of phloxes, they need to be moderately watered, mulch the soil in the spring, and at the end of autumn, cut the bushes to the root.

This border perennial up to 50 cm high is grown for its luxurious foliage, which has a bluish-green tint with longitudinal stripes of white or yellow.

Hosta blooms from June to August, and feels best in partial shade under the trees. The flowers of the plant are similar to bells and are collected in paniculate inflorescences.

Before boarding hostas open ground it will be necessary to drain the soil well and add organic matter, and during the period of active growth, protect plantings from slugs.

Read about at different times of the year.

Before giving preference to one or another type of plant, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for its planting and subsequent care.

Shade or partial shade: how to determine the degree of shading of the area

Many gardeners, especially beginners, have difficulty figuring out how shaded a plot is. You can do this by observing how the area is illuminated by rays during the summer solstice, namely on June 21 and 22.

Penumbral areas are areas illuminated by the sun during one of the following time periods:

  • from sunrise to 11:00 o'clock;
  • from 8:00 to 12:00 hours;
  • no more than 2 hours 30 minutes between 10:00 and 14:00;
  • from 12:00 to 18:00;
  • from 13:00 to sunset.

Before choosing flowers, you should determine the degree of shading of the area.

Shadow areas are considered to be areas on which the sun's rays "look" in one of these periods:

  • from sunrise to 8:00 am;
  • from 8:00 to 10:00 am;
  • no more than 1 hour between 11:00 and 12:00;
  • from 11:00 to 16:00;
  • from 15:00 to sunset.

And it should also be remembered that plants are able to use not only direct or diffused, but also sunlight reflected from buildings and the soil surface. To "brighten" the areas, fences and walls of buildings are painted in White color, and the paths are covered with light materials.

Guided by this information, it will not be difficult for a gardener to choose the right site for a particular type of planting and arrange a beautiful flower bed by growing healthy, viable flowers.

In the video, the gardener talks about shade-loving flowers that you can grow in your country house.

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What vegetables to plant in shady places

As the Chukchi say, the difference, however. Russia (if you are from Russia) is big. And conditions from permafrost to subtropics. A specific question is a specific answer. From apple tree to feijoa.​

Shade loving plants and shrubs

Before planting Walnut, choose a site carefully, considering that it will be tall and lush and will serve several generations of people (some trees are up to 1000 years old).​

Apple trees will thrive anywhere except in the lowlands, where frost often destroys the color. This tree loves the light, but grows well in the shade.

Where the shadow is so thick that nothing grows, plant ground covers: hoof or ayugu (tenacious). Another good groundcover for shade is the common wild strawberry.​

What flowers to plant in the shade?

Perennial plants are the most common in flower beds. It does not require annual sowing and especially complex care. Among them there are many species that can grow in poorly lit places.

Shade tolerant plants. This includes species that can grow both in the sun and in the shade (doronicum, aquilegia, astilba).

The degree of illumination of the same area varies depending on the season. In early spring, it is light under the crown of deciduous trees, and when leaves appear, there is not enough light for flowers. Factors such as the height of the sun above the horizon, the length of daylight hours also affect.

  • Before you start gardening a shady area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden, you need to decide on the following parameters:
  • Initially, you need to clearly define where your track will go. Remove up to 45 cm of soil from this area and lay the film on the bottom of the resulting trench. Fill the film with sand and tamp it down. After that, you can lay out the dried hemp saw cuts. Lay out the circles fairly close to each other. Alternate between large and small. After laying the entire path, sprinkle it with sand and pour water over it. Thus, the voids that have arisen will be filled, and all the cracks will be filled with sand.

The degree of illumination by the sun

Summer cottages and garden plots allow citizens to join the rewarding business of growing plants, working physically, but resting their souls. And, although almost all fruits, herbs and vegetables can be bought in the store all year round, many people prefer to grow them on their own plots. Harvest grown with my own hands both healthier and tastier.

And you look around, which trees grow well with your neighbors, they will take root with you with proper care.

See what grows in summer cottages in your region, what is sold in the season for planting, which seedlings, then plant.

Types of flowers for shady areas

You can plant apricot, quince, cherry.

  • Pear, the plant is quite whimsical: it doesn’t like the soil, then there is too much water in the ground, then, as they say, the wind does not blow from there. If in the garden ground water approach the ground closer than 1.5 m, you will probably have to do without pears.​
  • Not so long ago, new items appeared on the market that immediately gained popularity as wonderful plants for the shady zone of the garden. This is the ever-flowering begonia and Waller's balsam. These plants were previously grown as houseplants. New varieties, more cold-resistant and with a varied colors, are offered for cultivation in the garden. These species, especially ever flowering begonia, are just a godsend for flower beds in problem areas garden.​

Hosta can be called the queen of the shadow. This amazing plant develops beautifully and blooms in any shade, creating large curtains of green or variegated leaves. Together with the host, you can also plant a kupen. Ferns are also shade-loving plants, although they do not bloom, their beautiful leaves are very decorative and go well with any other plants.

Bulb plants for shaded areas of the garden

Both are suitable for landscaping shaded areas in the garden.

The shadow that the crowns of trees create can be thick or sparse. In light, rarefied shade, under the canopy of trees and shrubs with small or pinnate leaves, such as gray walnut, acacia, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, herbaceous plants feel good. Large-leaved trees with a wide crown, with low-hanging branches, create a dense shadow.

Shade tolerant perennials

Illumination of the selected area by the sun according to the seasons

As for the narrow shady strip near the house, we recommend that you plant epimedium, mertensia, black cohosh. They do very well in the shade. Plants such as bergenia, cuffs, geyhera may also come in handy. Their decorative effect lies in a chic leafy outfit. But large-leaved decorative perennials will give the most relish to your site. For example, buzulnik, astilba, volzhanka dioecious. good decoration The “hearts” of your site will be flowers such as lily of the valley, a magnificent dicentra, a kupena, whose arched long stems resemble a thread on which flower pearls are strung.

More and more often summer cottages are used not only for vegetable plantations, but also as a full-fledged resting place with comfortable country house. On the same 6-8 acres, it is required to place not only a building, but also auxiliary buildings - a bathhouse, a garage, as well as ornamental shrubs, flowers, fruit trees and several beds with herbs and vegetables. The question arises of how to do this correctly so that those areas that are mostly in the shade or where the light is diffused are also involved. As a rule, fruit trees are planted along the perimeter along the fence, and fruit and ornamental shrubs are planted in rows in the center of the site, delimiting him, thereby functional areas. But flowers and vegetables can be planted on the remaining free “patch”, taking into account the fact that some of them prefer the sun's rays, and some of the plants are shade-loving and shade-tolerant. It should be noted that reduced requirements for the amount of sunlight, as a rule, imply increased requirements soil moisture and composition. Therefore, when choosing vegetables for planting in the shade, be sure to provide them with required composition soil and regular top dressing with compost as the crop matures.​

Whatever you want - the main thing is that the climate in which they grow in your dacha is suitable

All those that are adapted to your regional growing conditions and that you deem necessary for planting in your area.

Indoor plants for garden landscaping

apple tree, pear. This is all over Russia. What region are you from?

Cherry, apricot and peach are not only sensitive to cold, but also demanding on the soil, and they do not grow well in wet clay soils. Plums, on the contrary, are adapted to a cold climate and do not suffer from excess moisture, but they do not tolerate drought well. Plums can be planted at a distance of 3 m from each other along the fences, but only on the sunny side, protected from the cold wind.​

In addition, they are used for garden landscaping and such thermophilic plants like tuberous begonia and zantedeschia (calla). They have tubers, require wintering indoors (can be kept in the cellar), do not withstand frost, but in gardens they can also bloom in shaded corners.

what fruit trees can be planted in the country?


All early spring bulbs are well suited for planting in the shade. Snowdrops (galanthus, scylla, muscari are often planted in the near-trunk circles of fruit trees, under shrubs. Their flowering time is early spring, when the trees are still without leaves. At this time, they have enough light, and the vegetation period of these plants is short.

All herbaceous plants that are suitable for a shaded garden can be divided into two categories:

Wet or dry soil here

Shady places in the garden are traditionally considered unsuitable for creating flower beds; you cannot grow a beautiful green lawn here either. But that's not the case at all! There are many shade-tolerant plants that are quite suitable for landscaping the shady zone of the garden.

Of course, any vegetable still needs sunlight, but even if it only enters the site for a while or penetrates through the foliage, this will be enough for some types of vegetables. Almost all greens grow well in the shade: leafy salads, spinach, sorrel, horseradish, rhubarb, parsley, dill, cilantro, celery and mint. Onions grow well in the shade, including leeks and garlic. These plants need regular watering and 4-5 hours of sunlight a day. They like shade beans, erect beans and peas. Root vegetables feel great in shaded places under fruit trees - radishes, radishes, beets and carrots, as well as the entire cruciferous family: white cabbage, Chinese, cauliflower and broccoli. Provide these vegetables with regular weeding and plant them in rows in an east-west direction so that they receive the maximum amount of diffused sunlight even in the shade. In the southern regions, some varieties, usually sun-loving, grow well in partial shade: zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes. The lack of sun can only slightly delay the ripening period, but will not affect their taste and size in any way.

Arina Varikova

​Find a nursery near the dacha There are zoned seedlings And there are consultants


banana palm


Verochka, you, excuse me, horse! ! What area? what soil? Is there moisture in the ground? ! What exactly do you want? ! You can viburnum, or you can date! ! :(((((((((((((​

Boris Stepanov

Cherries should be planted on a hill and in a well-lit place, 2-3 m apart. The best time to do this is in April, before the buds open. Cherries take root best when planted immediately after the snow melts, in the shortest possible time.


​Fill in shade-tolerant plants areas of your garden where the sun rarely shines, and enjoy the beauty and diversity of nature in all its manifestations.​

Ludmila Aksarina

If the sun looks at least for an hour into some corner of the garden, especially if it happens during the day, you can safely plant irises, daylilies, phloxes, aconite, peonies.

Daniil Slepnev

Daffodils and tulips can also grow in shady places, but they are more light-loving, so they use some bulb growing tricks. The white flower and ornithogallum (poultry plant) feel good in the shade, you can grow crocosmia.

.She is the best.

Shade-loving. These plants prefer shady areas; in bright sun they grow worse than in the shade (hosta, lily of the valley, periwinkle).


The shading of a given area of ​​the garden is determined by the duration and intensity of the sunlight that it receives. If the area is exposed to the sun for 1-2 hours a day, then there is not enough light for most flowers, especially if the sun looks here early in the morning or at sunset. Some places may not be illuminated by direct sunlight at all, receiving only diffused light. Usually these are areas near the walls of buildings on the north side.​

Tatyana Vasilievna

From any garden there are places where the sun rarely looks. Shaded areas under trees, areas near the north side of buildings are considered a problem area. Ordinary garden flowers and ornamental shrubs there is not enough light for normal development. But with some experience, you can always pick up plants that will feel very comfortable here.


What plants love shade To create a decoration path, you will need to purchase sand, plastic wrap, drying oil and pine stumps themselves. Heat the drying oil to a boil, and then apply it over the entire surface of the wooden circles. Wait for everything to dry and start preparing the area for the track.​


​Fruit fruit trees everyone loves the sun!!! So I don’t know those trees that love the shade!!!​

Fruit tree growing in the shade. What kind of fruit tree can be planted to grow in the shade, (like a pear / apple tree) ???


Now I’ll say smartly-competently - REGIONED))). P.S. If the answer is wrong, please do not laugh) .​

Indoor plants decorate the house and make the life of a modern city dweller happier. And though not always city ​​apartment sunny and spacious. There are many - large and compact, bright and modest shade-loving, decorative foliage and flowering - that can decorate any home, even a dark hallway. For example, here are those do not need bright lighting.

In urban dwellings, there is often a shortage of well-lit, sunny places. Therefore, shade-loving ones are especially valued. Sciophytes - "shade plants" - this is the name of representatives of the flora who prefer shaded places. They are also known as heliophobes - afraid of the sun.

Bright light if not harmful, then definitely not useful. The ancestral home is the gloomy deciduous forests of various parts of the world. Under their canopy, the leaves acquire an exotic color, only here flowering is possible.

Many shade-tolerant inhabitants of the lower tiers of tropical and subtropical forests settled in city apartments. And now the best place for them were the northern and western home window sills, the shaded corners of the rooms, where only diffused light falls.

Among them are those who do not bloom or have very modest inflorescences, but have extremely decorative leaves of various colours. Others have colorful flowers.

Some of the shade-loving ones are luxurious and large, many are graceful and airy. undemanding plants. Everyone needs correct placement and special reverent, loving care.


Small part shade-loving plants can boast of luxurious flowers. However, spectacular views are also known among them that can make up an exquisite collection.

Anthurium - a flower that prefers shade

For this well-being exotic plant partial shade is needed from spring to autumn and diffused light in the cold season. Blooms from mid-spring to late summer. The inflorescence-cob is framed by a bright "wax" coverlet.

Requires regular, but not excessive watering, air humidification, compliance temperature regime(constant temperature around 15 degrees).


Good lighting is needed, but indirect sunlight. Annual flowering will provide winter rest, during which the flower must be moved to a cool room (with a temperature below 12 degrees), reduce watering and stop feeding. The rest of his time do not move, replant, re-moisturize.

Occasionally, you need to wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

Bell-shaped red, yellow or orange flowers, collected in an inflorescence on a high peduncle, look bright and very impressive.

A bright representative of the "atmospheric" bromeliads. A 70 cm inflorescence with bright bracts makes it memorable. Luxurious flowering requires a stable temperature in the range of 19-28 degrees, and constant moistening of the outlet.

Sempolia or Usambar violet

This flower, although it needs enough light, does not tolerate direct sunlight: burn spots appear on the leaves, their color turns pale, there is no flowering. The best option placement - light penumbra, diffused light.

Violet is a very popular flower.

decorative leafy

The main advantage of decorative leafy plants - spectacular coloration of their leaves. The flowers may be small and inconspicuous.

This plant of "strict lines" is called by amateur flower growers "Teschin's tongue" and "pike tail". Numerous varieties have been bred various combinations flowers in the color of leathery leaves.

In partial shade, the contrast of color spots becomes brighter.. In favorable conditions, it blooms, throwing out long "candles" of white and yellowish inflorescences.

Ferns - love dark places

Among the many types, you can choose for both home and office, large-sized or compact views. For example, broad-leaved Asplenium or delicate thin-leaved Adiantum (Venus hair).

All of them prefers shade or partial shade, moist air and soil.

Fat woman (money tree)

It does not tolerate shade well, but feels comfortable in dim lighting. Abundant watering is not required.

Compact ampelous and dwarf species need partial shade, they bright light is contraindicated. Required moderate watering, air humidification, temperature above 12 degrees.

Fits well in bright room, but at some distance from the window. Requires frequent spraying of leaves and maintaining a temperature of 12 to 20 degrees. Compact and large species have been bred.

Palm trees and large trees for the home, growing in partial shade

Such plants will become an ornament spacious room, office or winter garden.


A tree-like plant with contrasting coloration of narrow long leaves. Depending on grows from 70 cm to 3 m in height. To preserve the decorative sufficient, but not bright lighting, moderate moisture.


Height from 0.5 to 2 meters. Often grown in tubs. It differs not only in a variety of colors, but also in the shape of the leaves: they are very narrow long, lanceolate, wide rounded. Cordilina is often confused with dracaena.

Cannot stand bright light at all. He likes "water procedures" - wiping and polishing the leaves, spraying, abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter.

Under this name, various species are combined that have one feature: a single growth point at the top of the stem. Most palms grown in room culture love penumbra, plentiful watering in summer and less intense in winter, moist air.

All do not tolerate drafts and transplants.

curly shade tolerant

For decorating walls, creating three-dimensional compositions, use climbing plants and vines.

Does not tolerate direct sunlight and strong shading. Best Accommodationin bright but diffused light or in partial shade. Humidification is weak in winter, frequent and plentiful in summer.

There are a huge number of species of this ampelous plant with a variety of leaf colors. To preserve the decorative penumbra is needed or indirect bright lighting.

A great option for decorating large areas. The scope of fantasy gives a variety of varieties - the leaves can be large leathery and small tender, whole and dissected. It grows quickly, becomes attractive and decorates the room.

Features of shade-loving colors

All shade-loving plants are characterized by properties that distinguish them from others:

  • most vividly decorative qualities appear, if the flower is in the shade or penumbra most days;
  • under intense illumination, development is inhibited, growth slows down, leaf color fades, flowering may not occur; with direct sunlight the plant can get burned;
  • need sufficient soil and air moisture;
  • it is necessary to observe the temperature regime;
  • usually shade-loving do not tolerate frequent transplants.

Shade-loving plants are beautiful in their diversity. From them you can make exquisite, bright, stylish, light or respectable compositions that will become the main decoration of any room.
