What plants like to grow in the shade. What can be planted and successfully grown in the country in the shade? Shade tolerant ampelous plants

The dream of any summer resident is a plot on which trees and fruit bushes for the garden will be competently and efficiently distributed, with an optimally selected, comfortable landing site for each of them.

What can be planted in the shade?

It is most easy to identify light-loving crops (of which there are an overwhelming number) on their land acres. The problem arises with shady areas, where not all fruit trees and shrubs for the garden can grow. In addition, the shadow of the shadow of strife!

The shade from the trees is different from the shade on the north side of the house. As you understand, in the second case, it is more dense. The shadow of one tree is not like the dull shadow created by a group of plantations. It can be temporary and light (and many plantings perceive it normally), or it can be permanent and dense, creating a huge problem in selection for a low-light area. suitable tree or shrub.

You can try to plant light-loving fruit shrubs for the garden in a shady place, but the return on them compared to the expected one will be completely opposite, because the crops will only have to adapt to unfavorable conditions for themselves and try to simply survive in them, not to mention their high yield.

Shrubs in the shade as decorative elements of the garden

Those who are shade-loving for the garden will enliven shaded places with their foliage, and often it is not their flowers that attract attention, but the leaves: original, diverse, giving a decorative effect to the overall look. Factors such as diverse (kidney-shaped, lobed, heart-shaped, lanceolate), their unusual texture (color shades, embossed veins, pubescence) and even location on the stem (alternate, not covering or shading each other) can create an attractive composition, from which, moreover, it will subsequently be possible to obtain an excellent, high-quality harvest.

Shade-tolerant fruit trees and shrubs for the garden are suitable for planting in the shade, such as:

  • currant red, pink, white, black, alpine;
  • raspberry;
  • blackberry;
  • black elderberry;
  • hazel;
  • dogwood;
  • viburnum;
  • honeysuckle edible;
  • barberry;
  • gooseberry;
  • deren male;
  • Apple tree.

Currant grows in the sun and will help out in the shade

Naturally, shade-loving fruit shrubs for the garden planted in sunny places will bear fruit much better, but in the absence of an alternative, this optimal crops able to grow well in the shade.

Currant - one of the most adapted to grow in the shade of shrubs. Unpretentious in care, it in all its varieties reproduces easily and quickly. large berries will please compact bushes such high-yielding varieties like Pygmy, Mermaid, Vigorous.

It is a beautiful tall (about 2 meters) shrub, characterized yellow flowers and graceful leaves. Flowering occurs in May, and in July the culture is already able to please with appetizing-looking red berries, which are actually completely tasteless. Currant is a winter-hardy plant, which can be attributed to the advantage of such a crop.

Shadow Protector: Black Elderberry

Like other shade-tolerant fruit shrubs for the garden, it is a wonderful decoration for any site and, moreover, is able to effectively protect it from pests. It will be very difficult for her to grow in a strong shade, the plant will endure the penumbra calmly. Black shiny fruits remain on the bushes even after the leaves have fallen. Healing properties due to the unique chemical composition, have berries, flowers, leaves and bark of the plant.

Shrub of life - honeysuckle

The very interpretation of the name of the culture (“life” and “youth”) indicates the enormous benefits of such a plant. The shrub, whose height can reach 2.5 meters, has a yellowish-brown bark and pale green oblong leaves. Not all fruit shrubs for the garden are characterized by such vitality; honeysuckle age in vivo may be over a hundred years old. Such a plant is simply recommended for growing in a summer cottage due to its powerful anti-inflammatory characteristics, choleretic and diuretic effects, as well as protective functions, especially in cases of intoxication of the body. Interestingly, the first pruning of the plant is carried out 5-7 years after planting due to its too slow growth. With such a shrub, a plot in the shade can turn into a real berry conveyor, the main thing is to have time to harvest a bountiful harvest!

Shade plants for health

Kalina is a beautiful shrub, which is pleasant to admire at any time of the year. In summer, the plant pleases the eye with attractive spherical or umbrella-shaped inflorescences that have pale pink or snow-white flowers. In autumn, carved foliage arouses admiration, playing with different shades of berries hanging on the branches: from juicy orange to rich crimson red. The fruits of viburnum can hang until the snow falls, being especially popular with birds during this period. Useful properties of this culture are successfully used in folk medicine. Fruit shrubs for the garden, in particular viburnum, will only decorate country cottage area, giving it a touch of aristocratic nobility and ornamental beauty.

Rosehip (most varieties) - also B summer period will delight you with fragrant bright colors and a swarm of bumblebees useful for the garden; in autumn the plant will give a wonderful harvest useful berries, which in dried form will become a therapeutic basis for many medicinal formulations.

Raspberries are tasty and fragrant, a favorite berry of adults and children, the benefits of which are known to everyone. Being a shade-tolerant plant, it is very demanding on the soil in which it grows. The area allotted for its landing should be moderately wet and closed from penetrating winds. The most adapted varieties for growing in the shade are Turner, Marlboro, Crimson Mammut. The compatibility of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden should be considered when planting raspberries and apple trees nearby. This neighborhood is unprofitable for both. fast growing root system raspberries, located close to the surface, take all the nutrients from the soil, thereby dooming the fruit neighbor to a hungry existence. The apple tree, in turn, during the period of active development, which coincides with the flowering and fruiting of raspberries, generously shares with the latter the pests present on it, the destruction of which by spraying will cause poisons to enter the ripe raspberries.

Dogwood and hazel: useful and beautiful

Dogwood is a rare culture, but this does not detract from its medicinal and technical properties. Representing a bush or tree, whose height is about 2.5 meters, it has a well-leafed, compact crown, giving the area on which it grows a neat and well-groomed appearance. The taste of juicy fragrant fruits is sweet, with a certain amount of pleasant sourness. The plant is not capricious to soils, but optimally bears fruit on well-fertilized light soils. Productivity increases incrementally: at the age of 5-10 years, the plant is able to produce up to 25 kg of fruits, at 15-20 years old - from 40 to 60 kg, at 25-40 years old - up to 100 kg of beautiful high-quality berries.

Common hazel, which is gaining more and more popularity among gardeners due to its tasty fruits, perfectly tolerates shade and grows up to 5 meters in height. Blooming early, before the foliage blooms, it forms graceful earrings at the ends of the shoots, looking at which the mood rises in anticipation of the long-awaited warm days.

Barberry for decoration

Barberry, a branchy thorny shrub, is characterized by tallness, but its dwarf varieties are most in demand among gardeners, convenient for harvesting and effectively used as an ornamental hedge. The culture is characterized by increased winter hardiness.

Sour berries are most often used in industry. Barberry prefers neutral soils, is characterized by easy survival and rapid growth. Needs periodic pruning. If we take into account the compatibility of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden, then the barberry is optimally combined with raspberries and can easily grow next to it.

for shady areas

Gooseberry, moderately demanding on the soil, grows well in the shade, is characterized by winter hardiness, high yields. Berries are rich in many useful substances.

Blackberry, as well as red rosehip, until a certain time was considered an exceptionally light-loving plant. This statement was refuted empirically: such crops bear fruit perfectly in semi-shaded places, delighting the consumer with their tasty and healthy fruits.

Fruit trees and shrubs in the garden (you can see a photo of them in this article) are recommended to be selected, focusing not only on their agrotechnical characteristics, but also using your own imagination, aimed at forming a beautiful autumn composition that will play with a variety of colors: green, orange, yellow, purple. A bright area will please with its contrast, giving the gardener a great mood and inspiration for creating future masterpieces.

She gives the desired coolness; without legs, it moves around the garden, giving it depth and mystery. The mysterious lady of the half world by name can be completely different - she is full of contrasts and halftones, which indirectly affect our emotional state and directly - on the choice suitable plants in your favorite garden. Let's learn more about her habits and whims!

Penumbra, or diffused light, reigns in places that are caressed by the rays of the sun no more than 4-5 hours a day. Its characteristic constant play of highlights, coolness and higher humidity have a beneficial effect on many green tenants, for example, or. And even among the sun-loving grassy plants, there are many who tolerate the openwork shade well, for example knotweed or basilisk delavaya. But in full shade, say, on the north side of a tall building or under trees and shrubs with a large and dense crown, sunlight chronically lacking. Here only the most persistent are able to survive, for example (Vinca) or. What design is best for your shady garden?

2. Similar to air feathers, pink inflorescences of Astilba Arends(Astilbe × arendsii) ‘Bressing Beauty’ looks very impressive on a contrast dark background. This is one of the few plants that can bloom profusely and for a long time in the shade. However, the complete absence of the sun is contraindicated; an openwork shadow is most suitable for her. This perennial winters well in middle lane Russia and is not popular with insects.

Heuchera hybrid Cappuccino (V1,5l.) 382 rub LOOK
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Volzhanka dioecious Neffi (V1,5l.) 467 rub LOOK
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Hosta Fortune Patriot (V1.5-2L) 297 rub LOOK
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Astrantia Rose Symphony, 4 pcs. 34 rub LOOK

Plants for, located in partial shade, are intentionally matched tone on tone: this classic version, which always looks harmonious. In all its glory, "pets" appear at the peak of summer. At this time, compact pink inflorescences appear. (1) knotweed(Polygonum amplexicaule) ‘Anna’. Nearby, with every breath of the breeze, lovely panicles sway (2) drooping sedge(Carex pendula) with picturesquely drooping beautiful leaves. In July, the composition is supported by purple-red heads (3) Astrantia major(Astrantia major) ‘Abbey Road’. Adds colors to the flaming flower fire and (4) Heuchera hybrid(Heuchera hybride) ‘Obsidian’ with dark red leaves and lovely pink buds. Ground cover spreads between geyhers (5) geranium hybrid(Geranium hybride) ‘Sue Crug’, which from July to September enchants with pink-purple flowers.

In this example, tall and short plants are planted in a tiered arrangement as they would normally grow in nature, with the tallest in the background and the shortest in the foreground. On the right, a stately figure proudly stretches up (1) (Aconitum napellus), which blooms from July to August. Near fluffed their unusual huge leaves (2) horse chestnut(Rodgersia aesculifolia). It contrasts beautifully with her. (3) basilisk delavaya(Thalictrum delavayi) ‘Album’ is a delicate herbaceous perennial with airy openwork buds that are great for cutting. On the left, a flower garden adorns one of the most beautiful summer flowering plants - (4) hydrangea large-leaved(Hydrangea macrophylla), whose snow-white balls-inflorescences attract the eye with incredible size. In the center flaunts an unusually hardy (5) male thyroid(Dryopteris filixmas). The edge of the flower bed is lightened by the wide oval leaves of the variegated (6) hybrid hosts(Hosta hybride) ‘Patriot’.

12. Mini Jungle: in one container they coexist amicably ivy, gillenia(Gillenia) multi-row bristle-bearing(Polystichum setiferum) ‘Dahlem’, dot bell(Campanula punctata) ‘Sarastro’ and derbyanka(Blechnum).

You can clearly structure the site by laying strict geometric shapes. Or, on the contrary, make your green oasis more intriguing, with a predominance of smooth lines and transitions, that is, close to nature. The choice of a stylistic strategy largely depends on specific conditions: for example, under a sprawling big tree an imitation of a forest clearing will look better, and in the heavy shade of a building or in courtyards, a formal “rectilinear” style is more appropriate. scattered deciduous trees"half light" pacifies, but a sharp thick shadow from the house can make you sad and depressing. However, each case is individual: for example, a corner on the east side of the building, lit by the morning sun, is quite suitable for having breakfast and enjoying the beauty of nature.

Alas, adapted to the shade flower plants much less than sun-loving. But among the shade-tolerant ones, there are plenty of decorative-leaved beauties with different structures, shapes and colors of leaves - it’s worth betting on them when decorating a shady corner, because it is these modest heroes that set the tone in such places. For example, Goryanka (Epimedium), Rogersia (Rodgersia) and host (Hosta), although they come from East Asia, grow well in our latitudes.

Flower beds of (Darmera) and Rogersia (Rodgersia) look very dynamic with large leaves in combination with filigree ornamental grasses and ferns. For colorfulness, they can be diluted with floral herbaceous perennials such as Astrantia (Astrantia), Cimicifuga (Cimicifuga) and Astilbe (Astilbe).

When choosing for planting in the shade, give preference to plants with variegated white-green leaves and white flowers - in dark corners they will serve as so-called illuminators. Pastel blues, pinks and lilacs also work best in low light. And finally, one cannot help but recall a couple of undeniable advantages of shady flower beds: dense plantings with hardy herbaceous perennials are bypassed, and moisture from the soil does not evaporate as quickly as in the sun. 7

Each gardener, planting plants on his site, should be well aware of what place on the territory is suitable for his new "favorites". Otherwise, disappointment awaits him: the flowers do not bloom, the plants do not grow, the leaves get sunburned.

This happened to me when I planted the hydrangea in the sunniest place, and planted the lavender, the seedlings of which I got with great difficulty, in the form of a border along the house. As a result, I almost killed the hydrangea (I managed to transplant it into partial shade), and the lavender never bloomed in the shade of the house and died a year later.

Only knowing the biological characteristics of each plant in relation to light, we will choose the right place for it in the area and will not destroy them with our unprofessional illiteracy.

Today all my flowers and ornamental shrubs seated correctly, pleasing me abundant flowering and healthy looking.

In the article I will tell you what is best to plant in shady places, since it is the areas in the shade that are problematic, and we make the most mistakes on them.

All plants need the sun, it is the basis for their development, but the need for it for different cultures different.

There are 3 groups of plants that differ in the degree of demands for lighting: light-loving, shade-tolerant and shade-loving crops.

As a rule, not the entire territory of the garden is completely lit by the sun, there are places that are in the shade or partial shade, so they are divided into sunny, partial shade and shady areas.

Partial shade areas suitable for shade-tolerant crops can be:

  • with diffused light;
  • with reflected lighting;
  • with lighting in certain hours day, for 3-6 hours, most often in the morning or evening hours.

It is necessary to distinguish between shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants. Shade-loving plants (hostas, ferns) prefer shade and do not tolerate even short exposure to sunlight. Shade-tolerant plants can grow in the sun, but tolerate partial shading without prejudice to themselves.

shade tolerant shrubs

Shrubs are the most numerous group among shade-tolerant plants. A slight shade during the day does not affect their development and decorative effect.


Lilac - a shrub with white, purple, lilac, purple flowers collected in a brush. There are about 2500 hybrid varieties of lilac, lilacs are distinguished with simple and double flowers. Has a delicate aroma. Tolerates some shade well.

The flower has 4 petals, but folk beliefs If you find a flower with 5 petals and eat it, then your most cherished wish will come true.


Rhododendron is also called the tree with roses because of the magnificent flowers that adorn the shrub since May. The ideal place for planting shrubs is partial shade, without bright sunlight and drafts.

There are more than 1000 varieties of rhododendrons with a variety of colors and shapes of flowers, bush height, flowering time. In Russia it is better to plant frost-resistant varieties and be sure to use shrub shelter for the winter.


Dogwood is most often found as a shrub, but can also be formed as a tree. Translated from the Turkic means "red", the people call him "shaitan - berry". It is valued for the excellent taste of fruits, from which jams, jams, compotes are cooked. It blooms in early spring, when the leaves have not yet blossomed, the fruits ripen by the end of summer.

Feels great in a little shade. It begins to bear fruit from the age of 10, the life span of the dogwood can reach 250 years.

Jasmine (mock orange)

Jasmine is often used in single plantings and as an ornamental. hedge. In any case, this is a decoration of the site, especially during the flowering period of the shrub. Jasmine flowers can be white, yellow, cream, have a pleasant aroma.

The bush can reduce the abundance of flowering, being in partial shade. In the villages in Russia, tea was brewed from jasmine flowers, if the husband for some reason lost interest in his wife, and they gave the spouses a drink 2 hours before bedtime.


The difference between the barberry and other shrubs is the color of the foliage, which can be green, purple, yellow, which makes the barberry beautiful at any time of the year. In autumn, the bush is sprinkled with red berries, which are used in the preparation of pilaf due to the specific sourness.

Unripe berries are poisonous. The caramel of the same name is named after the shrub. Barberry grows well both in the sun and in shaded places.


Hydrangea can only be grown in partial shade, the growth of the shrub slows down in the sun, the flower caps quickly lose their color brightness.

The color of the inflorescences, which can be in the form of a ball or panicle, can be varied: snow-white, blue, pink, bright red. Florists often experiment with the color of hydrangeas, adding aluminum sulfate to the soil when watering to get blue or of blue color or a solution of potassium permanganate for pink shades.

shade tolerant fruit trees

Among fruit trees, there are not many species that can tolerate shady areas. This is due to the fact that the sun is necessary for the ripening of fruits, a set of sugar content. A little shading will not hurt only cherries, cherry plums, plums.


Cherry is one of the few fruit trees that tolerates partial shade well and does not reduce yield. Cherry is not found in the wild, about 20 species grow in Russia.

Cherry is valued for its juicy sweet and sour berries, which are used in cooking and in medicinal purposes. The wood of the tree is a valuable material for the production of furniture.

cherry plum

Cherry plum is an unpretentious tree that can grow well and bear fruit with little shading. Grown in the southern regions of the country. It is valued for its fertility (up to 300 kg of fruit can be collected from an adult tree). Contains many vitamins, used in folk medicine.

In the Caucasus, sauces and seasonings are prepared from it; it is included as a component in the composition of Tkemali sauce. The shell of the seeds is used for the manufacture of activated charcoal.

Shade-tolerant flowers - perennials

For creating flower arrangements perennials are very important in flowerbeds, especially if they tolerate light shading well during the day.


One of the most beautiful shade-tolerant perennials is dicentra, which, due to the shape of the flower, has another name - “broken heart”. There are about 20 varieties of this flower. Grows well in the shade of trees. It blooms for almost a month with pink or white flowers, which are located on stems inclined to the ground.


Perennial bulbous plant, has a variety of bright and diverse colors of flowers. The lily is often referred to as the "princess of flowers". The lily has been known since ancient times, among believers it is considered the flower of the Virgin Mary.

how shade plant can bloom in flower beds near arbors, terraces that limit the access of the sun. Flowers come in a variety of shapes, and many varieties have an unpleasant aroma.


Mimulus or Gubastic is a fairly rare flower in growers' plots, although its shade tolerance makes it a must-have in the flower bed. The flower comes from America, where it is called "monkey flowers". In our climate, they are grown as annuals, although it is a perennial flower.

The color of the flower is very original, with bright spots, strokes different color, and it does not turn pale and does not lose the richness of colors in the shade.

bathing suit

One of the easiest perennials to grow is the bathing suit, the lifespan of a flower is almost 10 years. Feels great in shady conditions and in the sun. It blooms with large, yellow flowers in the form of balls, otherwise it is called the "troll flower".

There are about 20 varieties of the flower, one of the most interesting is the variety with blue flowers, in Russia this variety can be found in Altai. The flower is listed in the Red Book.

Shade-tolerant flowers - annuals and biennials

Among annuals and biennials, there are not so many shade-tolerant flowers, most of them require sunny areas, however, in the presence of diffused light, good flowering can be achieved with them.


One of the simple and famous flowers is winged tobacco. The flowers open in the evening, filling the air with a wonderful aroma. The color scheme is diverse, it blooms well in shady areas. It grows up to 1 meter in height, looks very nice in flower beds, stands well in the cut.


A fairly well-known shade-tolerant flower in flower beds. Many underestimate marigolds for their modest appearance and grow it as a medicinal raw material. Dried flower baskets are used as infusions for the treatment of stomatitis, colds, and diabetes.

To relieve symptoms of depression and neurosis, flowers are added to baths. In the Caucasus, ground dried flowers are used as a seasoning (Imereti saffron).

Nasturtium (Capuchin)

Bright, orange, yellow flowered plant, most often used in landscape design as a border decoration of the site. Loves sunny places with slight shading open sun the leaves turn yellow quickly, the flowers fall off.

Nasturtium leaves look like a flat bowl, flowers look like gramophones. All this makes nasturtium very decorative. Used in folk medicine.

When using conifers for landscaping a site, there are no problems with their landing site, since most of the conifers prefer shady places, especially in the first years of growth.

It is impossible to imagine a cottage or a country house without vegetation. Any owner will be pleased to take the territory of their possessions for landing vegetable crops or fruit trees, which will not only please the eye with their picturesqueness, but also bring a bountiful harvest. Products grown with love own site Much tastier and healthier than store-bought.

In order to grow and bear fruit, most crops need an abundance of sunlight. But, one way or another, in every dacha there are shady areas unsuitable for planting tomatoes, watermelons, peppers and potatoes that are familiar to everyone. Many owners do not want to leave such territories unclaimed. The question "What to plant in the shade in the country?" can lead to a dead end, but in fact the list of shade-loving plants is quite wide - each gardener will be able to choose the options that he prefers.

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    Features of geographical location and climate

    When choosing crops for planting in the shade, consider:

    1. 1. Geographic latitude. It is important to know that the "shadow" in different geographical latitudes has different characteristics. For example, in the southern regions, many light-loving plants grow well in the shade: tomatoes, watermelons, and peppers. But the northern shadow does not spare almost anyone.
    2. 2. Area of ​​residence. Various areas the same strip can create different conditions for plant life. Climatic conditions each district is unique, their importance should not be neglected.
    3. 3. The amount of light on the site. It is important to define the meaning of the term "shaded area". Not a single plant will survive in pitch darkness, and therefore it is pointless to plant even the most shade-tolerant specimens where sunlight does not reach at all. Suitable for planting food (or ornamental) crops is an area illuminated at least 2-3 hours a day. Many types of vegetables will thrive with access to light for just 4 hours a day.
    4. 4. The nature of light. Different light has different properties. In diffused light, many varieties of pumpkin grow well, cucumbers or zucchini. So the areas shaded by the crowns of fruit plants will certainly not be empty.

    The shade-tolerant vegetables and berry bushes listed below are mainly adapted to the conditions of existence in the middle latitudes.


    Many amateur gardeners are used to the fact that cucumbers are exceptionally sun-loving vegetables that, without proper lighting, immediately rot. However, this is not entirely true. Modern breeders, through trial and error, have bred several varieties that are resistant to penumbra conditions:

    • F1 Danila;
    • F1 Moscow evenings;
    • F1 Arina;
    • F1 Company secret;
    • F1 Master.

    Cucumbers of the listed varieties grow best in diffused light. It will be convenient to arrange a cucumber bed under fruit trees or near bushes. Growing in partially shaded areas, cucumbers retain their ability to bear fruit much longer and produce more yield. However, shade-loving varieties also have a drawback: almost all of them are considered late.


    Rhubarb is especially prized for its sour stems. From them you can cook whatever your heart desires: soups, jams, cereals and even desserts. Also, this vegetable is used for conservation.

    Rhubarb is not afraid of shadows, in such an environment it grows and develops beautifully. The most important thing in growing rhubarb is not to forget about timely watering, because the plant loves moisture very much and begins to wither in the absence of proper care.

    Planting rhubarb can be done using:

    • seed,
    • parts of the root.

    If you decide to sow the plot with seeds, you can do this both in autumn and in spring. But remember that it will take a long time to grow a full-fledged bush from seeds: it will take a year or two before the plant gets stronger and can please you with a harvest.

    When planting with a rhizome, the growing process is greatly facilitated: the bush takes root faster and gains mass, its stems become strong and juicy, and the plant itself is no longer as vulnerable as specimens grown from seeds.


    Garlic is versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes: canning vegetables, making hot sauces, drying garlic powder, etc.

    When a person uses garlic as a seasoning for salads and first courses, not much is needed. In this case, it makes no sense to allocate a whole bed for growing garlic. The plant can be planted under apple or plum trees, areas between currant bushes are also good.

    When growing garlic in such conditions, you should be prepared for the fact that its heads are slightly crushed. Nevertheless, garlic will not lose its taste. And the vacated garden bed can be taken to grow more popular vegetables.


    Some gardeners believe that beet roots should be large and juicy, while others prefer small "representatives", because they are an order of magnitude more tender and softer, and it is easier to cope with such when cooking.

    For adherents of the second option, growing beets in shaded areas is the best fit. Planted in the shade, beets will not suffer from a lack of sunlight. Even rare rays are enough for her to grow sweet, medium-sized root crops.

    Parsnips and root parsley are grown in a similar way.


    For horseradish, a garden in the shade will not be an obstacle, but a favorable environment for growth. This plant is able to survive even in the most shady areas, while it will grow large succulent leaves, reaching a length of up to one and a half meters.

    When it comes to "populating" a shady area, the best option than hell, it's not worth looking for. In cooking, it will certainly serve you well: any part of this plant (except inflorescences) can be eaten. The leaf will go into conservation, and the root can be used to make sauces and dressings or for medicinal purposes.

    Horseradish sometimes suffers from an excess of moisture in the soil, so keep an eye on watering. Dry summer is a comfortable and favorable environment for the growth of horseradish.


    It should be noted right away that legumes love the sun, however, this does not hurt to pick up shade-loving varieties: breeders worked hard to breed them. Bush beans also tend to adapt to partial shade.

    The most the best part garden for planting legumes - a bed under apple trees. Experienced gardeners recommend planting beans and bush beans here.

    As soon as the harvest has passed, it is advisable to leave the green tops on the site: this will enrich the soil with organic matter and minerals.

    perennial bow

    Varieties such as slime onions or chives are attractive in that they take root perfectly in the shade and partial shade, and also delight the owners with a harvest for more than one year in a row. Perennial onions grown in such conditions can boast more juicy greens.

    The beauty of chives lies in their amazing ability to "conquer territories". In a couple of years, the plant will flood the entire area, while the gardener will not have to make any effort at all.

    Chives produce early greens and bloom with pleasant lilac buds. First, they decorate the view of the garden. Secondly, these small flowers attract a large number of pollinating insects to the site, which help to multiply not only the onion itself, but also neighboring vegetables / herbs.

    The slime onion "comes to life" after the first thaw, that is, in early spring. At this time, there is no other garden greenery in sight, which is why this variety of onion is so valued: in early spring it is practically the only option for fresh herbs, it is actively used in the preparation of salads and dressings.


    Ramson - or bear's onion, as it is popularly called - is an amazing plant that combines the taste of both garlic and onion. In the wild wild garlic lives in the forest. Lush and dense crowns of trees obscure the plant from the sun, so it has adapted to shady conditions.

    Traditional medicine resorts to the help of wild garlic quite often: with beriberi, cholesterol and skin diseases. Therefore, keeping such a plant in the garden is not only desirable, but necessary!

    Salad with the addition of wild garlic will help strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with an additional portion of vitamins.


    Borago - the so-called borage grass, which pleases the owners of the garden with juicy greens already in early spring. A feature of the herb is its taste, very reminiscent of a fresh cucumber. For this, borago is valued - cucumbers in early spring more and are not ready for seedlings, and the fragrant borage grass will bring the taste of these vegetables to any salad or dressing. The plant is generally unpretentious. It is not afraid of frost, perfectly adapts to life in the shade. Cucumber grass pests rarely touch: borage is almost of no interest to harmful insects.

    To grow borage, gardeners do not need to put in almost no effort. Regular watering is desirable but not required. Even if you visit the "cucumber" garden once a week and sometimes forget to water - it does not matter! Borago will survive in such conditions.

    This plant is rich in vitamins, during the spring shortage of fresh vegetables and herbs, it will save you from weakening the immune system. Therefore, you will not regret at all by populating a garden bed in the shade with borage grass.


    Most different types lettuces (both head and leaf) adapt well to shaded locations. Lettuce, spinach, sorrel, chard, watercress and arugula, as well as mustard - all of these representatives will grow well in beds lit by weak sunlight for 2-3 hours a day.

    When these plant varieties are planted in light areas, their leaves grow excessively, quickly coarsen and can give off unpleasant bitterness. With specimens planted in the shade, this will definitely not happen: although their leaves will be a little smaller, they will acquire the ability long time remain soft and tender, retaining the original taste.

    Spicy herbs, herbs

    The herbs that came to us from the south are mostly sun-loving. For example, basil will definitely not grow without light. However, the following types of greenery are quite unpretentious, and therefore perfectly adapt to the shade:

    • parsley;
    • mint;
    • oregano;
    • celery;
    • tarragon;
    • Melissa;
    • thyme;
    • lovage;
    • cilantro.

    These herbs will not only bring a harvest of lush greenery, but also delight with their aroma.

    If spices and edible herbs grow under fruit trees or among currant bushes, they must be covered with a protective film when spraying these same trees and bushes with poisons against insect pests. Otherwise chemicals will settle on plants, which will affect both their benefits and their taste.

    berry bushes

    For growth a large number berry bushes are great for twilight. Under natural conditions, shrubs such as blue honeysuckle, shadberry, chokeberry (or chokeberry) and viburnum live under forest cover. These plants are naturally shade-loving. If you can't decide what to plant in the shade behind your house, take a look at these bushes: they all ripen at different times, so throughout the summer you will be provided with delicious berries that are extremely healthy.


    Raspberries in the shade take root as well as possible. If you have an unplanted area somewhere under the fence, you can safely take it for planting raspberry bushes. Raspberries ripened in shady conditions will be sweeter, juicier and larger.

    Rose hip

    Rosehip is a plant for all occasions. Few people know about the ability of rose hips to adapt to the lack of sunlight. It is simply necessary to have such a shrub on your site. At the beginning of summer, he pleases the owners with his flowers, delicate aroma and the ability to attract bumblebees to the garden. And in the fall you will get the opportunity to collect such healthy, full of vitamins berries.
