Fruit tree with pink flowers. Which trees wake up first in spring. Bright luxurious flowering trees and shrubs

Seasons are seasons that differ in weather and temperature. They change with the annual cycle. Plants and animals adapt perfectly to these seasonal changes.

It is never very cold or very hot in the tropics, there are only two seasons: one is wet and rainy, the other is dry. At the equator (on the imaginary midline) it is hot and humid throughout the year.

In temperate zones (outside the lines of the tropics) there is spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Generally, the closer to the North or South Pole, the cooler the summer and the colder the winter.

For three spring months, nature has time to change beyond recognition. In March, she is just beginning to wake up from hibernation. The spring warmth is not enough to make the snow and ice blocks melt, but the air gradually warms up, preparing all living things for a gradual awakening, the first cumulus clouds appear, which are still very high.

Astronomers consider the beginning of spring to be March 21–22, the moment of the vernal equinox, when the day is equal to night, and the end, June 21–22, the longest days of the year.

For naturalists, spring begins with the arrival of rooks (March 19 on average) and the movement of sap from the Norway maple (March 25).

This season is conditionally divided into three periods: early spring - before the snow melts on the fields (until mid-April), middle spring - before bird cherry blossoms (until mid-May) and late spring - before apple and lilac trees bloom (until early June).

Phenomena in inanimate nature.

In the second half of March, the days noticeably lengthen, the nights decrease; the sun rises higher and higher at noon above the horizon, its rays fall more directly on the earth and warm it more strongly. The snow becomes loose, begins to melt, and on open places thaws are formed.

In the second half of March, the first cumulus clouds appear.

They are very beautiful, they look like snow-white, dome-shaped masses with even bases. Clouds usually arise in the morning or at noon due to the heating of the air adjacent to the earth; towards evening, when the ascending currents weaken, they begin to disappear, to melt.

In the first half of April come off the ground snow; streams formed during its melting run down to reservoirs.

Ice drift usually begins in mid-April. Shortly before this, rims appear near the shore - narrow strips of water. Under the influence of water and the sun, cracks form in the ice, it breaks up and starts to move. Ice floes, crowding and pushing, rush down the river, hitting the banks and piles of bridges. In the middle of the river, ice floes move faster than near the banks. They melt along the way. The river is freed from the ice cover, overflows its banks and overflows. The flood begins.

Usually in early May there is the first thunderstorm.

At this time and later, a sudden cold snap often occurs with frosts, from which plants suffer greatly, especially fruit and berry plants.

Spring awakening of trees. Soon after the appearance of thawed trees, trees wake up: they begin to flow sap. This phenomenon is revealed if the bark is pierced with a thick needle: a sweet transparent liquid flows out of the raki; in air, it oxidizes and acquires a reddish color.

Extraction of juice causes great harm to trees.

Sap flow is a complex physiological process. The roots begin to actively absorb water from the thawing soil, it dissolves winter reserves nutrients plants and in the form of a solution moves along the trunk and branches to the kidneys.

Swelling and bud break.

Top 16 primroses among shrubs and trees

Ten days after the start of sap flow, swelling of the buds becomes noticeable, in which rudimentary shoots are located under the protective bud scales.

Trees and shrubs, pollinated by the wind, bloom before they are covered with leaves, or at the very beginning of their deployment.

Alder and hazel are the first to bloom in the second half of April, and willow is among those pollinated by insects. Willow buds are densely tightened with brown scales that look like caps.

Having dropped them, the buds look like fluffy balls, consisting of hairs that protect the flowers from sharp fluctuations in temperature and rain.

In April, most of the trees are still bare, but the integumentary scales of the swollen buds are already moving apart, and the tailbones of the leaves are showing from them.
The appearance of leaves. The young leaves of some trees are covered with a sticky fragrant substance, while others have a fluff that protects them from the cold.

Gentle and transparent at this time is the light green outfit of the trees.

At the end of April, bird cherry and birch buds bloom; in the first half of May - buds of maple, yellow acacia, apple and pear, and then - oak and linden.

In late spring, in the second half of May, the real flowering of spring begins. Bird cherry blossoms, at the same time - blackcurrant, a little later - wild strawberries and fruit trees, lilac, mountain ash and most herbaceous plants.

In the last days of May, the fruits of aspen and willow ripen.

The petals of apple and lilac flowers fall off - spring ends, summer begins.

Biology Spring phenomena in plant life

Spring is the time for the awakening of nature. According to the calendar, spring begins on March 1. In nature, spring comes into its own with the beginning of sap flow in the trees, earlier in the south, and later in the north on March 1.

The spring movement of juices near trees and shrubs is the first sign of spring. It occurs after the soil thaws and water from the roots begins to flow into all organs of the plant. At that time leaves not yet.

Water accumulating in cells plant stems, dissolves organic matter stored in them. These solutions move to the swollen and blooming kidneys. Already at the beginning of March, earlier than in other trees, spring sap flow begins in Norway maple, a little later in birch.

The second sign of spring is the flowering of wind-pollinated trees and shrubs.

The gray alder is the first to bloom in the middle zone of the European part of the USSR. Its flowers are inconspicuous, but the blossoming earrings of staminate flowers are clearly visible. 123 . One has only to touch an alder branch with catkins, as the wind picks up a whole cloud of yellow pollen.

Pistillate alder flowers are collected in small grayish-green inflorescences. Next to them, dry, blackened cones of last year's inflorescences are usually clearly visible.

Almost simultaneously with the alder, the hazel, which you met in the fall, blooms.

Hazel staminate flowers develop in inflorescences - complex catkins, and reddish stigmas of pistillate flowers protrude from generative (flower) buds.

Early flowering of alder, hazel and other wind-pollinated plants- good adaptation to life in the forest.

Bare leafless branches do not impede pollination. Pollen, picked up by the wind, is freely transferred from one plant to another.

Flowering coltsfoot is also a sign of the coming spring. This perennial herbaceous plant grows in open, sunlit places, on railway embankments, river banks, steep slopes and cliffs.

As soon as the snow melts, its scaly stems already appear - flower stalks with bright yellow inflorescences, similar to dandelion inflorescences 124 . The large leaves of the coltsfoot grow after its fluffy fruitlets have ripened and scattered.

The coltsfoot received its unusual name for the originality of the leaves. Their underside is covered with white, soft, like felt, hairs, and the upper side of the leaves is smooth and cold.

The coltsfoot blooms in early spring, before the leaves bloom, perhaps because its thick, long rhizomes have accumulated reserves of nutrients deposited in the summer of last year.

Feeding on these reserves, flower plants grow shoots and fruits are produced.

The third sign of spring is the flowering of perennial herbaceous plants of the deciduous forest. In areas of the middle lane, they bloom almost simultaneously with the coltsfoot. The first to bloom in the forest are the noble liverwort with azure flowers and the medicinal lungwort, then the oak and buttercup anemones 125 , Corydalis 119 , spring chistyak 126 , spring primrose 127 .

Flowering shrubs in spring

All of them are photophilous and bloom under the canopy of the forest, when there are no foliage on the trees and shrubs yet.

In the life of some early-flowering herbaceous plants of the forest, their growth under snow is very interesting. Plants such as the blueberry, or snowdrop, grow even in winter under the snow.

In spring, many of them come out from under the snow with green leaves and with buds that were formed last fall.

Οʜᴎ often bloom before the snow melts 128 . That is why these plants are called snowdrops.

Plants that bloom in early spring always attract attention because they are beautiful and because after a long winter they are the first flowering plants. Unfortunately, they are often collected, making up large bouquets. Often they destroy entire plants, pulling them out with roots. Plants with flower-bearing shoots torn off do not produce fruits and seeds.

This makes it difficult for them to reproduce. Many of the plants have become very rare, for example, noble liverwort, sleep-grass. They cannot be allowed to disappear completely. We must take care of the preservation of plants, not tear them in order to throw them away in a day, not damage wild plants and actively protect nature.

Protection of Nature and rational use natural resources of the country are legalized by the Constitution of Russia, i.e.

e. obligatory for all citizens of our country.

Trees and shrubs pollinated by insects bloom later, after the leaves bloom. If you observe the course of spring from year to year, you will be able to establish the sequence of spring development of plants.

In the middle zone of the European part of the USSR, usually 8 days after the flowering of the coltsfoot, lungwort begins to bloom, after 21 days - dandelion and willow-willow.

The pear blossoms on the 29th day, the yellow acacia on the 30th, and the linden on the 75th day after the start of flowering of the coltsfoot.

Every year the spring phenomena come in strict order. For example, lungwort always blooms later than coltsfoot, but before dandelion.

Observations of spring phenomena in plant life help to establish best timing agricultural work and prepare for them in a timely manner.

For example, it is known: in the regions of the middle lane best harvest cucumbers are obtained by sowing their seeds during the flowering of lilac and yellow acacia, and the best crop of turnips and beets is obtained by sowing them during the flowering of aspen.

Knowing how many days after the coltsfoot blooms lilacs bloom, it is easy to set the time for sowing cucumbers and prepare for it.

Spring. Spring months. Spring phenomena of nature. Spring weather signs.

Answer left Guest

Signs of spring in inanimate nature:
1) The main sign of spring in inanimate nature is that the sun rises much higher above the horizon than in winter.
2) It shines brighter and warms more and more every day.

The days are getting longer.
3) The most noticeable sign of the onset of spring in inanimate nature is the melting of snow.
4) The ice starts to melt. Ice starts on the rivers.
5) It is very dangerous to walk on melted ice. You can not start games on the river during the ice drift.
6) When rivers and lakes overflow with water from melted snow, water fills meadows, forests, fields along the river.

This is called a flood.
7) The soil thaws from the spring heat. It accumulates a lot of moisture. This moisture is very necessary for plants.
8) It rains in spring, not snow. Not far from the first thunderstorm.

Signs of spring in wildlife:
a) in the life of birds with the advent of spring: they return migratory birds build nests, lay eggs, raise chicks
Such changes have become possible because many birds feed on insects. And with the advent of spring, insects crawl out of their hiding places.

The birds got more food. The ice on the rivers and lakes has melted, so waterfowl are returning

b) in the life of animals: Animals shed - they change their winter coats for summer ones. Bears, badgers, hedgehogs, chipmunks wake up from winter sleep.

Many animals have cubs in the spring.

c) Buds swell on deciduous trees and shrubs; earrings, silvery lambs, flowers appear, then leaves appear. At coniferous trees the color of the bark, needles changes.
The ground is covered with young grass, many plants begin to bloom. Usually early flowering herbaceous plants are called snowdrops.

if everything is short:
The sun is higher than in winter. The days got longer. It got warmer outside. The sky in spring is blue and high.

The clouds are white and light. Snow and ice are melting. On the rivers ice drift, flood. In the spring, in different months, it snows, then it rains. In May, the first thunderstorm rumbles. The soil thaws, buds appear on the trees, and then sticky leaves. Primroses bloom. Insects appear. The migratory birds are returning. Forest animals breed offspring.

- familiarization with the change in trees and shrubs, with the change in buds.

Lesson progress:

I. Organization of attention.

Updating what has already been learned.

- What are the mushrooms that we meet in the forest consist of?

What is the name of the underground part of the fungus?

- Do you need a fly agaric?

Who is it useful for?

- What mushrooms can not be collected?

What should be done to avoid damage to the mycelium?

- Is it possible to collect old mushrooms?

But someone important

On a white leg.

He is wearing a red hat

The hat has polka dots.

Learning new.

1. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

It is impossible to imagine our nature without the white-trunk beauty of the birch. How many fairy tales, poems, songs have been composed about her? It is interesting that birch is the only tree in Russia with white bark that lives

birch 100 - 120 years old. Yes, people love birch, but how often do they not take care of it. Losing in the spring through the fault of man a considerable part of the juice, birch

If you inflict wounds on her for several years in a row, she can

die completely. Remember that the sugar contained in the juice is needed to feed the tree!

The movement of sap from trees and shrubs is a sign of their spring


Another sign is the flowering of some trees and shrubs. Of the trees, the alder is the first to bloom. It is easy to recognize it in winter and spring by the black bumps on the branches. In the spring, earrings appear on the alder.

Which trees wake up first in spring? Urgently give 100 points

Earrings are many small flowers gathered together.

Willow blooms early in spring. Bees and bumblebees curl around its flowers. They come here for sweet nectar.

Of the shrubs, hazel and wolf's bast are the first to bloom. On hazel, as well as on alder, earrings are visible. And the wolf's bast is a poisonous plant.

All these plants are early flowering. They bloom before blooming

Birch blooms later, when the leaves on it are already beginning to bloom.

Even later, the bird cherry blossoms.

Swelling of buds and blooming of leaves is a sign of spring

awakening trees and shrubs.

Guys, interesting changes occur in the spring with conifers.

The larch is fully dressed with new needles. But coniferous plants never bloom.

Rules of friends of nature: do not damage the bark of trees, do not cut on

her letters.

Do not collect birch sap. Take care of the trees! Do not break branches of flowering trees and shrubs. Without flowers, there will be no fruits!

IV. Fizminutka.

V. Practical work.

- Unravel the ball. (Circle around)

- Writing straight lines with a rounding at the bottom.

- Shade the tree.

(The material is taken from the book Psychological and Pedagogical Support for the Life of a Child in the Conditions of Preschool Education (Part II)) - N.

And now let's admire the luxurious flowering of southern tropical trees. blooming gardens and parks of warm countries - a magnificent and amazing sight! And outlandish flowers and trees that we have never seen bloom here. They bloom not only in spring, but also in summer and autumn ...

All the colors of the rainbow pass before us, let's look at the fabulous beauty and generosity of nature.
Flower rainbow colors


Maple Leaf Brachychiton - Fiery or Fiery wood

Deciduous tree up to 30 m in height, leaves are similar to maple.

At the beginning of summer, many bright red flowers bloom on it, completely enveloping the tree, and giving the impression that it is on fire.

Delonix royal- Another fiery wood.
It grows in many countries with a warm climate, and is one of the five most beautiful trees in the world. The elegant feathery leaves are 30-50 cm long, reminiscent of a fern, and fold at night .

In spring, the tree is covered with large bright red flowers, about 10 cm in diameter, collected in large racemes.

The flowers rival orchids in beauty and the flowering trees are a delightful sight lasting for 1-2 months.

The name comes from the Greek kallos - beautiful and stemon - stamen.

The beauty of this tree is given by bright red stamens, collected in dense cylindrical inflorescences, similar to dish brushes))

Sometimes the stamens are yellow or green.

The bombax is a cotton tree related to the baobab. Very beautiful, large, palm-sized, bright red flowers are pollinated by birds or even bats.



Fluffy balls of eucalyptus are red, white, yellow.

African tulip tree- spathodea bell-shaped- a very beautiful and exotic plant.

It is called the "African tulip tree" or "fountain tree" because of the numerous large bright red flowers that resemble tulips in shape.

Another tulip tree is called lirodendron (see Yellow).

We know that in Japan there are holidays for admiring the cherry blossoms, wisteria.
But in North Africa, one of the most beautiful holidays - almond blossom festival. Tafraoute is the almond capital of Morocco. Every year in February (!) Morocco hosts the Almond Blossom Festival. By the way, both in Italy and in Israel there is a holiday, the flowering of this tree.

I love when they bloom
almond trees,
The veil of my anguish is removed, as if by hand.
In my heart, for many years
Tired of the nomadic
I find again bliss and peace

Oleander - large evergreen shrub. It blooms in summer with bright large flowers - usually white or pink.

The homeland of the oleander is the subtropics from Morocco and Portugal in the west to South China in the east. The juice of oleander leaves is poisonous.

bougainvillea. White, pink, raspberry, orange, purple, there are none!

Bougainvillea - flowers and bract different color. Her flowers are actually small yellow-white and inconspicuous. These flowers are surrounded by three petals-bracts - it is they, brightly colored, that give the beauty of bougainvillea.

At home, in South America, bougainvillea flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds, and in other countries by hawk moths.

Bauhinia, orchid or orchid tree. Her flower flaunts on the flag of Hong Kong.

During flowering, the tree is almost completely covered with magnificent flowers resembling orchids.

The petals of Bauhinii (Bauginii) evoke an association with butterflies not only in their form, but also in their "mobility". At night, they fold along the central vein.

Lagerstromia indica. The flowers of this tree are collected in clusters, similar to lilacs.

Albizia or sleeping tree, or silk acacia, Lankaran acacia.
The name is from the name of the Florentine del Albizzi, who introduced this plant to Europe in the 18th century.

The tree attracts attention with delicate tassels of pink and lilac flowers. In general, the flowers themselves are yellowish-white in color, but the stamens are long, pink or lilac in color and form charming fluffy panicles.

European Cercis, or European Crimson, or Judas wood.
Judas - because Judas Iscariot hanged himself on it after his betrayal, and the tree that used to bloom with white flowers now blooms with pink ones. In Russian tradition, he hanged himself from an aspen, but there are no aspens in biblical places.

Another version: the birthplace of the scarlet is Western Asia, Judea, which is why this tree is called the Judaic or Judaic tree.
Incredibly beautiful tree. His bright- pink flowers bloom not only on branches, but also decorate the bark of branches and trunks in clusters.

In the tropics, stem flowering (caulefloria) is common. Most famous plants, which have stem flowering - cocoa tree and tropical breadfruit.

When, suffering from a cold, Ai-Petri rises in the snow,
crooked tree of Judas blooms on the south coast ...

Nikolay Zabolotsky

Interestingly, Cersis was declared in Turkey tree 2012 of the year. In honor of the high-profile title of "Tree of the Year", thousands of seedlings were handed out to Istanbulites for free!

Sakura- the favorite tree of the Japanese, on the days of flowering of which the holidays "Hanami" are held.
Hanami - Japanese national tradition admiring flowers, the most famous of which is cherry blossoms.

A few months before the cherry blossom season, television starts showing forecasts of cherry blossom dates.
Blooming sakura is a traditional symbol of female youth and beauty. Sakura is also used on the coats of arms of the police and armed forces Japan.

Tabebuya - or Ipe- grows in the tropics of South America. Trees bloom beautifully in different colors: white, pink, yellow, lilac. Flowers ranging in size from 3 to 11 cm are collected in dense inflorescences; hummingbirds feed on their nectar.
Even the ancient Incas called ipe (lapacho) a divine tree that gives vitality.
Interestingly, Ipe of different colors bloom at different times. First, in July, after the leaves fall, pink ipe bloom. (In Brazil in July - winter!).
pink ipe

After the pink ones, yellow ones bloom, then white ipe bloom, and purple ipe bloom by the end of September.

Magnolia pink

Stunningly beautiful large lily-shaped flowers, pink-purple on the outside, white inside, with faint aroma. Fruits of wine-red color, up to 9 cm, ripen in November.



Coral tree or Erythrina

Erythrins are valued for their magnificent orange-red flowers in bizarre shapes in large inflorescences. Because most erythrins have coral-colored flowers and red bean seeds, which is called the coral tree. This feature is reflected in the scientific name - from the Greek "erythros" - red.


Caesalpinia rusty, Yellow Flame- view of Peltoforum. (See yellow color)

Other colors of the rainbow - to be continued

Flowering trees are very beautiful, especially if they bloom in your garden. In spring, when nature comes to life, flowers begin to bloom on trees and shrubs. People, looking at this beauty, enjoy life, become kinder and more beautiful.

Let's look at which of the trees are in bloom in spring, and many in summer, until autumn.

japanese sakura

Sakura- a symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun. Very connected with her. beautiful holiday Japan - Hanami.

Admiring flowers becomes a whole event for the Japanese people and guests of the country. And the pink color in Japan is a symbol of the awakening of nature, the beginning of a new life.

Did you know? Japanese weather forecasters make a separate cherry blossom forecast, telling residents exactly when to expect the flowers to bloom.

On the spreading crown of the oriental miracle, pink densely double buds bloom. From afar, sakura looks like a pink airy cloud.

At this time, people stop everything and try not to miss this enchanting sight, which lasts only 5 days.

They say if you had time to enjoy cherry blossoms you can live up to 100 years.

Apple trees in bloom

Blossoming apple tree , no less enchanting spectacle. In May, the apple trees are covered with a white cloud of flowers, from which a heady spring fragrance emanates.

White, with a pinkish tint, flowers cover the crown of the apple tree so densely that delicate green leaves are not visible behind them.

AT recent times decorative apple trees appeared, which are used in landscape design, often as hedges. Imagine how great it will look hedge when it blooms!

Did you know? In almost all cultures, the apple tree is a female tree. It helps a girl to meet her betrothed if she ties a red ribbon on a trunk or branch on a full moon.

yellow mimosa

Mimosa- a symbol of spring. A plant of marvelous beauty, used to decorate city parks and landscapes in private estates.

A shrub with densely growing branches strewn with bright yellow flowers can be found on the entire Black Sea coast.

On the eve of the spring holidays, this yellow miracle - branches of blooming mimosa - fills all flower shops, giving joy and a drop of spring to all women on March 8th.

Did you know? In aromatherapy, the smell of mimosa is intended to purify the spirit, alleviate mental anguish and the suffering of a broken heart. Inhaling the smell of mimosa brings joy and relief. In addition, mimosa sets in a romantic mood, promotes flirting and flirting.

Mysterious Magnolia

magnolias are considered an aristocrat in a number of plants. Hearing this melodic name, a person immediately imagines the south, the sun, relaxation and exoticism.

In Russia, this is beautiful flowering shrub(tree) is used for landscaping parks and boulevards of coastal cities. Despite the fact that the magnolia is considered a shrub, its height can reach 6-10 meters.

Magnolia blooms with snow-white flowers and has a delicate, unforgettable aroma. it oldest plant, who lived on earth about 140 million years ago, found the era of dinosaurs. This makes magnolias seem even more mysterious and exotic.

Did you know? In China, magnolia flowers are considered a symbol of virgin purity. And in our country, magnolia flowers are associated with warm summers and gentle seas.

About the tulip as a flower, every grower knows. It grows in almost every garden, decorates every flower garden.

But few people know that in nature there is a tulip tree - one of the most luxurious trees in the world! This "wonder of the world" can grow in temperate climates. A tulip tree can be grown in your backyard, it:

  • resistant to diseases and pests,
  • easily tolerates soot and smoke,
  • long lives, almost 500 years,
  • able to withstand frost
  • settles in well
  • does not require special care.

Liriodendron inflorescences are distinguished by an amazing shape resembling a tulip (size from 6 to 10 cm) with white-green sepals curved down and yellow-green petals.

The petals of the bud are decorated with an orange spot, the smell of the buds resembles the fragrance fresh cucumber, blooms for a long time, from late May to mid-June.

This tree is loved by bees for a large number of nectar. If the flower is placed in warm room, then you can collect a teaspoon of nectar from it.


almond tree already settled in many household plots. It strikes the eye with fabulous flowers that exude a pleasant, enchanting aroma.

In spring, almond groves are an airy cloud of pale pink buds. There are such buds that cut red streaks in the middle.

There are many beliefs associated with almonds. Moreover, all these signs speak of good luck and happiness, which brings an almond tree or an almond nut.

In the Old World, there is still a tradition, following which the bride gives each guest 5 almond nuts, symbolizing happiness, wealth, longevity, health and abundance.

A coffee tree

A coffee tree can be grown indoors. It not only blooms beautifully, “treats” fresh coffee, but also purifies the air in the room. By pinching and pruning branches, you can achieve desired shape.

The coffee tree is an effective absorber of negativity in the home. If your family relationships have recently cracked, then the tropical "pet" will help to extinguish mutual aggression and smooth out conflicts.

In his presence, different generations begin to better understand and respect each other more, and the spouses acquire their former freshness of feelings.

In addition to protecting the family from conflicts, flowering a coffee tree attracts prosperity to the house, promotes business development and improvement in the profession, helps to make a career and awakens the talent of a financier.

White and yellow acacia

Acacia- the most common tree of the southern strip. The flowers of white or yellow acacia are collected in large brushes that hang down beautifully.

During the flowering period, so many flowers bloom on the tree that the entire bush turns white or yellow color, depending on the type of acacia.

The mystical abilities of acacia are especially strong during its flowering, and the direction of energy depends on the shade of the inflorescences.

Pink flowers will support creative individuals, especially if they belong to the weaker sex. They awaken imagination and inspiration, generate non-standard ideas and solutions.

White acacia means purity of thoughts and immortality, and besides it is considered an inexhaustible source life force.

Her yellow relative was worshiped in ancient Egypt, as she symbolized the Sun and rebirth to a new life. But in our time, amber inflorescences are presented if they want to hint to a partner to cool their feelings.

snow tree

snow tree already decorates the gardens of many gardeners. Blooming, the snowflower strikes with a solid white fringe, consisting of airy buds, of rare beauty.

Even after a cold winter, the snowy tree will delight you with snow-white blooms.

lily of the valley tree

lily of the valley tree blooms with delicate bells, similar to lily of the valley bells. The lily-of-the-valley tree can survive the winter even in middle lane provided good frost protection.

In the spring, in just a few days, the tree turns into an amazingly beautiful plant.

I hope that you have found a new hobby for yourself - growing flowering trees that are rare for your area. Waiting for your comments. And goodbye - look at other flowering trees of our region.

It cannot be argued that beauty is a very relative concept, but there are plants in whose superiority everyone will agree. We have prepared a list of the 12 most beautiful trees according to most people.

Sakura - this name has one of the most beautiful trees with pink flowers. Its beauty is admired by many peoples of the world, but most often it is found in Japan. That is why the inhabitants of this country have made sakura their symbol.

Belongs to the Pink family, Plum subfamily. The type of sakura is small-serrated. The Japanese tree is kept not for the sake of the fruit, but for the sake of it. bright colors. In total there are more than 20 types of sakura.

The big disadvantage is the fact that the flowering period accounts for only 7 days a year. However, this time is the most favorite among many people: hundreds of tourists come to Japan to watch the cherry blossoms.

The fruits of the tree are black drupes. Their size is only 6-7 mm. In Japan, sakura can be found literally everywhere: it grows in cities, towns, along roadsides.

Did you know? Japanese weather forecasters make a separate cherry blossom forecast, telling residents exactly when to expect the flowers to bloom.

It can rise up to 10 m. The diameter is often about 5 m. The branches grow rapidly, so the shoots overloaded with flowers begin to sag.

Leaves are glossy green in summer and turn bronze in spring. AT autumn period the foliage turns yellow, some areas become bright orange. However, these color changes also depend on the type of sakura.
It takes root well in new places, but you need to choose a site for planting carefully. Sakura loves slopes or hills that get sunlight.

Delonix royal is called a fire tree. According to some ratings, it is one of the five most beautiful trees in the world. He acquired such a title thanks to his bright branches, the flowering of which can be seen even from afar.

FROM different languages the name of the plant is translated in different ways: peacock flower, Krishna's crown, Phoenix's tail. However, in the people it is always referred to as a fiery tree, a red flame or a flaming tree.
The homeland of the plant is the dry forests of the island of Madagascar. In the wild, it practically does not occur and today it belongs to the class of endangered. However, you should not worry, as the tree is actively planted in cities around the world. In particular, they are very fond of planting it in America.

These are low plants (on average they reach 9 m), but their crown is very wide. Often the width of the crown is greater than the height. Thanks to this feature, delonix creates a dense shadow that saves the townspeople from the heat on hot days.

It does not tolerate cold, it can survive a period of severe drought, but the leaves at this time will begin to turn yellow. Flowers on a tree consist of 4 identical petals 5-8 cm long, which are divorced from each other in different directions.
Delonix can also be grown at home, but as a tub plant or as.

Did you know? Bonsai is the art of growing a miniature replica of a tree.

Gardens with blooming wisterias are often compared by the Japanese with a walk through a real paradise. Such a comparison is understandable: for a long time you can watch a rainbow of pink, purple and lilac flowers growing on a tree.
In the wild, wisteria grows in subtropical areas. In total, there are 9 types of plants, but the most famous and most flowering are Chinese and Japanese.

At home, it is used to green up vertical areas (walls or hedges). It takes up little space, but it has a huge aesthetic potential.

Woody deciduous has drooping branches with purple flowers that can reach 18 m in length. The abundance of such branches makes it so attractive to passers-by. The unpaired leaves of the tree are about 30 cm long.
Flowers bloom at the end of March and can bloom all summer until its very end. In the garden, the plant is given the form of vines on the walls of buildings or grown as a separate tree. At home, the plant blooms in a container way and does not reach large sizes.

Albizia is a deciduous tree that belongs to the Mimosa family. Distributed in Australia and Africa. Albizia reaches 8 m in height, has pinnate leaves and capitate inflorescences. beautiful tree It is considered just because of its fluffy and delicate flowers.
Light green openwork leaves give the plant a bright decorative look. Usually their length is 20 cm. This is not an evergreen tree; leaves fall off in late autumn.

The flowering period falls on July - October, it is at this time that you should come to admire Albizia. In total, a tree lives for about 100 years, but much depends on habitat conditions.

Important! Albizia does not tolerate drafts or frost, which causes brown dark spots on the leaves. It may even die later.

In room culture, this plant usually does not take root. But it grows well in the garden, in sunny areas. It is abundantly planted in the Crimea, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea coast.

Belongs to the Vereskov family. The heat-loving tree grows mainly in the Mediterranean. In northern latitudes, it does not take root well, as it poorly tolerates cold.

The name speaks for itself, it is translated into Russian in two words: and a tree. Flowers growing on a tree are very similar to real ones.
Very often it is grown in room conditions. In nature, they reach 30 m in height, but some species are low. The flowers themselves can grow up to 20 cm in diameter.

They are very sensitive to conditions. environment: influence on normal growth proper lighting, soil, access to water, proximity to other plant species.

Flowers look very impressive if you plant rhododendron in groups. Often they are placed mixed with other species of the same family. Multi-colored bunches of flowers stand out well against the background of the rest of the greenery of the garden.
The flower is very popular all over the world. It takes root well in many places on the planet, and its bell-shaped, funnel-shaped or wheel-shaped flowers have already managed to catch the fancy of many people.

Cassia is a close relative of the famous brown Chinese tree. The second name of the plant is fragrant cinnamon. Family - Laurel.
Cassia reaches about 15 m in height. Small oval leaves grow on the branches, which have glossy surface. Flowers are painted in a pale yellow hue. They are small size, but there are so many of them that they practically cover the crown of the tree.

Did you know? Cassia bark is often sold under the guise of cinnamon. At the same time, it is written on the package that in front of you is the so-called "fake cinnamon".

The difference between cassia and cinnamon is as follows:
  1. She is darker.
  2. There is a certain graininess at the break.
  3. The taste is more tart, there is a certain peppercorn.
  4. The sticks are less twisted.

Most often, the tree is grown in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Cambodia for the production of spices. However, the tree also grows simply on the streets of cities as a decorative ornament. Spices are made from the bark of the plant.

Important! Spices made from cassia contain coumarin. It can cause headaches and dizziness.

Because of the yellow flowers that grow on cassia, it is often called the golden rain tree. Branches are filled with bright petals around the end of spring. The diameter of one flower is about 15-20 cm. All of them are collected in numerous inflorescences, each of which reaches 40 cm in length.

A beautiful flowering tree called Canadian lives in the Mediterranean, Afghanistan, Iran. The genus Cercis includes only 7 species of various deciduous trees and shrubs.
Plants love warmth; you can observe their flowering in nature only in warm regions of the country. It is the Canadian species that can most often be found on the street, since it is the most frost-resistant compared to others.

it large tree which reaches 12 m in height. Small pink flowers grow on the branches, which are taken not by their size, but by quantity: one bunch consists of 6-9 pieces. A tree with large, broadly oval or heart-shaped leaves that have a smooth structure.

By the end of August, beans ripen on the tree. They may well hang on a tree for up to 2 years. Cercis does not grow very quickly: shoots alone will grow 20 cm in three years.
The Canadian species has two decorative forms that can be purchased at the store - it is white-colored and terry.

The genus includes about 80 plant species. In the wild, it is most common in Asia, as well as in North and South America.
Rightly called very beautiful plant: It has large unusual flowers and leaves that have a shiny fleshy structure. There are a lot of variations of petals, each of which is unusual and attractive in its own way.

Flowers can have up to 15 elongated petals or small star-shaped ones. Color palette very extensive: you can find white, pink, purple, purple shades. At the same time, the flowers emit a pleasant soft aroma.
If you have seen such plants in your city, then most likely this is an Asian species. It is considered one of the most frost-resistant. Types such as magnolia kobus, naked or lilyflowered can also come across. All of them can withstand an unfriendly climate for heat-loving trees.

It reaches a height of about 5 m. It blooms most brightly from late April to mid-May. The plant has its fruits: cone-shaped prefabricated leaflets.
Inside are seeds that have an ovoid shape and a glossy structure. When the fruits open, the seeds begin to hang from there on thin threads.

Lagerstromia - this is the name of the Indian lilac, so nicknamed because of its amazing resemblance to the common lilac. It became Indian because it grows mainly in India.
There it grows literally everywhere: right on the roads, along the streets and houses. The plant propagates by seeds, gardeners say that this is a fairly easy process. That is why it can easily be grown at home, not only in the country, but even just in the room.

The flowering period begins quite quickly: no later than six months after sowing. If you grow it at home, then it will bloom in the summer, but it will delight with its petals the whole autumn, and sometimes later.

In the wild, flowers bloom in December, but it is worth considering that this only happens in warm countries.

Did you know? In 1924 and 2002, the Indian lilac became the winner of the world exhibitions of beautifully flowering trees.

In the Philippine Islands, the plant is considered sacred, and many magical properties are attributed to it. The tree has a slender trunk, covered with bark, which easily separates from it and forms long strips.

Pyracantha is probably the only one of the above plants that freely tolerates the cold season. So, in winter, on snowy days, it looks very impressive: fiery berries variegatedly stand out against a white background.
It is chosen by many gardeners who want to give winter garden even more charm due to the flowering of the evergreen shrub. Pyracantha is beautiful at any time of the year: in winter it turns red from bright berries, in spring it is covered with white-cream fragrant flowers, and in autumn - berries that turn orange.

Do you want all your neighbors to admire your spring-blooming garden? Plant spectacular trees and shrubs in it, which shine with beauty in April and May.

We have included in the list not all existing plants, but only those that are especially popular with flower growers, are not very whimsical in care, are cold-resistant, and are not inferior to exotics in terms of decorativeness.

1. Almond low

Low almond, steppe almond, dwarf almond - all these are the names of the same plant - a low, slow-growing deciduous shrub that belongs to the Pink family.

It is very decorative, and not only during flowering. In addition, the shrub has medicinal properties, gives bountiful harvest and at the same time unpretentious in care. Steppe almonds winter safely without shelter even in Siberia.

The plant flowers in April for several weeks. Numerous pale pink flowers 2-3 cm in diameter bloom on the branches simultaneously with green lanceolate leaves. They have oval petals 10-17 mm long.

2. Forsythia, or forsythia

Solar forsythia can be found in many cities; this bright shrub adorns city parks and areas near residential buildings. Yellow, bell-like flowers appear in April before the leaves open. And if you cut the forsythia branches in February and put them in water at home, then after 2 weeks you will get a miniature golden beauty in a vase.

3. Spring flowering spirea

In spring, oak-leaved spirea, Arguta, gray, alpine, crenate, three-lobed, Thunberg, etc. bloom. Numerous white flowers appear on the shoots of last year in May. Flowering lasts about a month. However, shrubs look as impressive as possible in spring only if they grow in a sunny area. In the shade, the flowers shrink.

This "Russian sakura" blooms in early May. For two weeks before the leaves bloom, the shrub is strewn with delicate flowers, similar to roses, pink or crimson in color. Despite the thermophilicity, the charming Louisiana grows well in the unstable climate of the middle lane. True, it winters exclusively under cover.

This popular shrub needs no introduction. Its fluffy panicle inflorescences bloom in early May and do not fade until the end of the month. The color of the flowers, depending on the variety, can be white, pink, lilac, purple, violet.

Rhododendrons belong to the Heather family. These small trees and shrubs are found throughout the world, but are especially popular in China and Japan. Rhododendron flowers are collected in multi-flowered inflorescences of various colors: pink, purple, red, orange, yellow, white. They bloom in May, and at this time it is impossible to look away from the rhododendron.

The most winter-hardy and unpretentious rhododendrons are grown in the middle lane: Katevbinsky, Dahurian, Vazeya, golden, Caucasian, pointed, Japanese. Only their heat-loving varieties need shelter, and species plants tolerate even harsh winters perfectly.

7. Barberry Thunberg

This deciduous shrub with branching shoots is primarily famous for its bright red berries that adorn the plant from mid-summer to late winter. But no less spectacular reddish-yellow flowers. They bloom at the end of May and bloom for 10-12 days.

And the Thunberg barberry also has decorative medium-sized leaves. In species plants, they are bright green (scarlet in autumn), and in varietal specimens they can be yellow ( Aurea), brown ( Bagatelle), magenta with a border ( golden ring), variegated ( Rose Glow) and etc.

Deciduous forms of magnolia bloom in April-May, and the flowers bloom before the leaves appear. The most popular spring-blooming magnolias are Holly, Nude, Star, Cobus, Sulange, Lebner. It is noteworthy that in the middle of summer these shrubs can bloom again.

Magnolia flowers are pink or white, very fragrant. Depending on the species, they can be small or large (up to 20 cm in diameter).

Large spherical buds (15-25 cm in diameter) appear on the bush in the second half of May and do not fade for about two weeks. Double or semi-double flowers can be white, pale lilac, pink, crimson or lilac with a dark crimson spot at the base.

In ornamental horticulture, hybrids of the semi-shrub peony are the most common. They have long feathery leaves and white, pink, lilac or red flowers 25 cm in diameter.

In April - early May, plum branches bloom numerous flowers with five petals from pale pink to maroon. During flowering or immediately after it, attractive purple or dark green leaves hatch on the tree.

This tree is grown not for the harvest, but to decorate the garden. White, pink or purple flowers appear on the plant in May, and in autumn and winter the tree is strewn with small red apples. The leaves are no less attractive: in many specimens they are burgundy or purple.

In landscape design, decorative apple varieties are most often used. Royalty, Helena, Everest, Royal Beauty, Rudolf, as well as Nedzvetsky's apple tree.

In May, our gardens are also decorated with the well-known bird cherry. Its white panicle inflorescences exude a rich aroma that spreads throughout the site. But keep in mind: do not get too carried away and plant entire hedges of bird cherry, as its strong smell can cause headache. A few small trees will be enough to enjoy the flowering of this plant.

Bird cherry blooms profusely in well-lit areas with moist soils.

This shrub also knows both old and young. Wild roses bloom on the bush at the end of May and exude a pleasant aroma. The plant is unpretentious and undemanding to watering, however, for lush flowering he needs enough light.
