Plants on the slopes in landscape design. Successful examples of landscape design of a summer cottage on a slope. Getting Started with Design

In this article, we will offer you ideas that will help you equip a site that has a noticeable slope. We hope that our advice will help you turn the presence of a slope from a disadvantage into an advantage of the site, its highlight and the most noticeable element of landscape design.

Usually, a flat relief is positioned as the main advantage of the house adjoining area. In fact, on such an allotment it is easier to carry out construction, arrange landscape design, you can choose any project you like.

However, if your plot of land has a noticeable slope, you should not give up and assume that nothing can be done about it. There are several options for turning the slope into the most beautiful element of the allotment. The most interesting of them we will offer you in this article.

Equipping a site with a slope, one should not forget about convenient ways of movement. If the slope is very noticeable, of course, you can’t do without ladders and steps.

1. Deck

Above the slope, you can build a real deck from a decking board. This area will offer a beautiful view, and the deck itself will be an ideal place for outdoor recreation. Most often, such sites are equipped near the house, but they can be built in any part of the garden that differs in slope.

The deck can be supported by poles or a solid concrete foundation. A terrace board is used, which perfectly withstands all temperature changes and is not afraid of moisture.

The deck above the property will, of course, feature garden furniture that will transform the outdoor area into a cozy area for family dining outdoors.

2. Alpine slide

This element of landscape design traditionally rises above the site, and when arranging an alpine hill, you usually have to make an embankment. So why not use a natural slope, which will be the perfect location for such a "stone bed".

To create an alpine slide, flowers are used that feel good on rocky soil and slopes, strengthen the earth. This arrangement will emphasize the "stony flower bed", highlighting it from the surrounding space.

3. Terracing

Have you ever seen rice fields located on the slopes on separate steps? The same method can be used in the country. Experts advise creating three or four terraces in areas with a height difference of about three meters. For their arrangement, retaining walls are used, created from concrete, reinforced mesh, stones or boards.

Each such terrace can have its own function - beds with vegetables will appear on one, shrubs on the second, and a flower bed on the third. These will be clearly defined separate zones with their own borders, united, for example, by an inclined path, stone or wooden steps. Terracing is done across the slope.

The disadvantage of terracing is that the supporting walls themselves will take up a lot of space, so there will be less land left for flower beds and beds.

Experts advise building the outer side of each terrace with a slope towards the slope to ensure natural water runoff during heavy rains.

Metal plates can also serve as retaining walls. In this case, professionals advise adding natural materials and elements, for example, large boulders, which will soften the coldness of the metal.

Gabions can be used as a retaining wall on a site with a slope.

4. Stream and waterfall

If your site has a slope, this is a great opportunity to create an artificial stream or waterfall. To do this, you do not have to equip the embankment and worry about the flow of water, everything will happen naturally. A water cascade can also decorate a retaining wall supporting one of the terraces.

The slope is already there, it remains to take care of the course of the future stream and think about where exactly your future river will flow

A cascade stream on a slope, surrounded by lush juniper thickets, looks very natural, it seems created by nature itself

5. Vertical garden

On a site with a slope, the most noticeable part will, of course, be the upper wall or fence. Its design should be given special attention, for example, to create a beautiful vertical garden.

Along the most visible, located at the top wall of the site, you can arrange tall plants in flowerpots or pots. You can use vertical gardening techniques on the wall itself. Climbing plants are ideal, such as parthenocissus, honeysuckle, common ivy or vichi grapes.

6. Observation deck with a bench

A site with a slope usually does not offer a place to relax - only terraces and paths with steps connecting them. Allocate one terrace for a small seating area - plant a tree there, and install a bench in its shade. You will get a beautiful observation deck where it will be so nice to sit with a book or just admire your lush garden. Of course, for the arrangement of the viewing area, it is better to choose one of the upper terraces to provide a beautiful view.

Find a place on the site for a swing sofa or a regular bench and you will get a great seating area with a view of the entire lower part of the site.

7. Ornamental garden

A plot, even with a strong slope, is not a reason to abandon the cultivation of herbs, spices and vegetables. True, the arrangement of the beds will have to be taken care of additionally. High beds in special flowerpots are perfect.

This site has a strong slope, but this did not stop the owners from equipping a garden that looks attractive and will bring a good harvest.

In a cramped space between two retaining walls made of stone, in any case, there will be enough space for cabbages and greens.

8. "Wild" slope

It is not at all necessary to bring your site with a strong slope in perfect order. It is quite possible to leave it in its natural state, providing only a convenient descent-ascent in the form of steps or stairs. And on the sides of the path, let such plants that do not require constant care grow, such as crocuses, botanical tulips, mint and lemon balm, bluebells, St. John's wort, ayuga.

By the way, all ground cover plants perfectly strengthen the slopes. In addition, for this purpose, you can plant sea buckthorn, broom, wild rose, lilac, cotoneaster, Japanese quince - all these shrubs do not require special care and feel great on an inclined surface, holding the soil with their roots.

Who said that a site on a slope must necessarily be decorated with regular flower beds with their clear boundaries, have a “sleek” civilized look? Do natural slopes with their wild flowers and shrubs look less attractive?

In conclusion, we note that landscape design experts are confident that it is easier to design a plot with a slope when the house is on a hill. However, if there is no other way out and the cottage had to be located at the very bottom of the slope, do not despair - many of our tips can also be used for such an arrangement, which is considered the most disadvantageous.

In general, many professionals are convinced that a flat terrain is too boring, but a natural slope can be used "to the fullest", turning it into an unusually beautiful place. Try it, perhaps, after the completion of the work, you will also be convinced of their correctness!

Basically, in such articles they write how cool and beautiful it is, then they add that you are very lucky, because you have a plot with drops, create, everything is in your hands. All these parting words are abundantly “fertilized” with a huge number of ideas and a bunch of beautiful photographs from all over the world, and at the end of the article, some masochists definitely recommend smearing stones with kefir to root moss in retaining walls. But that doesn't make it any easier for us, though :)

And here we can safely state that we are part of society. In such dense urban, suburban and cottage areas, we feel like in an aquarium!

Then our main task is to create an isolated island for the rest of the family, through a gradual transition to a separate zone-an oasis of calm. I call it the third dimension. The first dimension is the official entrance in front of the house. The second dimension is the area behind the house, and the third is the most hidden, the most intimate for rest and reflection. Wind, noise, vanity is somewhere higher………
In this case, the site with a slope is very beneficial to us, since the descent is always identified with shelter and protection. And with proper zoning of the site, we can develop and enhance this feature and in the end get a chamber patio, a small lawn or a gazebo by the pond, hidden from prying eyes, that is, our main requirement create isolation.

Here is a good example.
Small lot all around densely populated by neighbors. I, while planning and designing a garden in Raubichi, Minsk region, isolated the most remote corner even more, and strengthened the feeling of intimacy by a general decrease. Moreover, he revealed and enhanced the characteristic natural features of the site with a slope, equipping from top to bottom a stream that flows into a pond under the terrace in the patio. The dimensions of this cozy patio repeat the dimensions of the terrace near the house. Everything is made from natural materials. Everything is focused on solitude and relaxation after a week of work.

  • Important. In the city and the suburbs, natural materials - wood, earth, plants, water - become even more important than in a distant village, where we are surrounded by all these textures in the literal sense. Therefore, make the most of natural materials to enhance your ecological island.

Let's look at a common planning error
Look, we can do it traditionally, just order the construction of a retaining wall made of concrete in Minsk, thoughtlessly pour it and we will get a lower terrace, or just 2 pencil cases crushing the most important area of ​​the garden.

It looks very disharmonious, but most importantly, these pencil cases subsequently determine the structure of landscape design.

In this example, we organized a retaining wall in the most active movement zone in the form of a closed courtyard near the bathhouse, and designed the second part, where there is much less traffic, in the form of a descending slope that can be formed in the form of another volume. Such an arrangement will strengthen the relationship with the house and the bathhouse, create a much more harmonious development of landscape design, and in the future your stay will be much more comfortable. It turns out and saved and strengthened.

Important. Use the golden ratio. If you decide to combine a retaining wall with a natural slope, stick to the one-third rule. That is, either the slope occupies 2/3, and 1/3 is a support with a ladder, or vice versa. Use the laws of similarity and identity. Use the dimensions of the house and materials for facade decoration in the dimensions of retaining walls, patios, terraces. Let's say you have a house with a width of 11 meters. If this size is used in the dimensions of the retaining wall, patio, gazebos, then such a direct interaction unites disparate volumes. Your main task is to avoid fragmentation of unrelated elements.

Island example. I designed and built this zone in the form of a semicircle, which forms the lower island where there will be a gazebo and around the lake. Please note that on the side of the retaining wall there is a bridge for connecting two ponds, and the composition will be completed by a waterfall falling into the lake from the retaining wall.

This example demonstrates a fragmentary retaining wall with a staircase leading to the bath complex, I organized the rest of the area in the form of a natural slope.

Practice shows that many individual developers do not consider one of the better and more logical options placing stairs, retaining walls and leveling the height difference on your site, on the side of the house, let's look at this option.

Each house has passages between the wall of the house and the fence on both sides, usually narrow.
These passages are ideal for stairs and retaining walls.
1) With this arrangement, a staircase with a retaining wall will be located in narrow, little-used areas, as a result of which it gives us the opportunity to use the most important area behind the house without drops and heaps of concrete walls, for example, for .
2) There are many more options here to technologically link the landscape design with the design of the stairs, retaining wall or a group of stairs, terraces, since there are two verticals, a fence and a wall of the house. In which runs of stairs can rest. In addition, it is easy to use structures for vertical gardening.

And here is a good example of a difference of 1.5 meters, equipped on the sides of the house.

When designing the space of your site, always try to perceive retaining walls as an important element that must form some kind of isolated zone. That is, retaining walls are always more harmonious when they predetermine or highlight the neighboring volume with their shape.

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Owners of a site on a slope are in an ambiguous position. Standard methods for placing beds are unacceptable here, and the arrangement of such a site involves significant material costs. However, after studying the existing approaches to registration, the owner most often comes to the conclusion about the advantages of such a situation. Landscaping of a plot on a slope will be developed and implemented by specialists. The presented ideas are able to transform the territory, making it unique, immersing in the beauty of mountain landscapes.

Strengthening the slopes on the site with your own hands

Landscaping begins with work to strengthen the slopes on the site. This will prevent further destructive processes that can damage buildings and decorated landscape design.

Preparatory actions

When strengthening slopes, various methods and designs are used. Landscaping allows the use of stones and concrete blocks, biomats and gabions, logs and lawn grates in the preparation of the site. To properly strengthen the slopes, it is necessary to study and calculate the following points:

  • how close are groundwater;
  • under what slope is the slope;
  • geological features of the soil;
  • is there a danger of washing away the site at a close location of the reservoir;
  • take into account the pressure of the soil on the slope;
  • determine the material for strengthening;
  • identify areas in need of strengthening.

With a slight slope, it allows solving the problem of fixing the soil by planting trees and shrubs with a developed root system. With a significant slope, terracing or the use of geotextiles will be required.

Methods for strengthening slopes

The simplest and most inexpensive option for landscape design when strengthening a slope on a site is planting plants with a developed root system. This solution is acceptable under the condition of a small slope and its area. Plants are planted in cells that play the role of a reinforcing structure. In the future, the developed root system is intertwined with the fastening elements and does not allow the occurrence of landslides or soil erosion. Juniper is the leader with this method of strengthening the soil, it is also recommended to plant Chinese blackberries, lilacs and hawthorn.

Slopes in a summer cottage are often reinforced with fences made of concrete slabs, sandstone, brick or limestone. The advantage of this landscape design method is as follows:

high level of resistance to external destructive factors;

  • does not require significant care efforts;
  • does not interfere with the growth of green spaces;
  • structural durability.

Such fences are erected subject to certain conditions:

  • a solid foundation is laid;
  • the minimum height of the fence is 1 m;
  • the thickness of the fence is 1/3 of the height;
  • mandatory drainage system equipment (water flowing down the slope should not wash away the structure)
  • fences are built from the bottom up;
  • it is recommended to build a cascade structure;
  • it is necessary to provide for a slight slope towards the slope.

The landscape design of the site provides an opportunity to decorate such a structure with flower beds, decorative stairs, and lanterns.

Another option for strengthening the slope on the site is the use of stones and logs. They are dug into the ground, having previously studied the type of soil and the condition of the surface. At the same time, do not forget about the aesthetic appearance of the site and take care of the presence of drainage. Such an inexpensive way of landscaping is acceptable on both small and large slopes.

Modern developments in landscape design suggest using geotextiles in arranging a site on a slope. This product in rolls, consisting of polyester and polypropylene fibers, has the following advantages:

  • water resistance;
  • soil protection from freezing;
  • when the water converges, it prevents the mixing of soil layers;
  • plastic;
  • has a high resistance to damage;
  • ease of laying on the ground.

Another option that is acceptable when developing landscape design on a slope is the laying of geomats. This waterproof material consists of polypropylene gratings superimposed on each other and connected as a result of exposure to high temperature. Geomats have the following features:

  • do not contain toxic substances;
  • UV resistance;
  • maintaining the natural beauty of the landscape;
  • not afraid of aggressive substances;
  • resistant to low and high temperatures;
  • easy to install.

The presented methods of landscape design when strengthening the slope can be done with your own hands or with the help of professionals. Their choice depends on the preferences of the owner and further plans for arranging the site.

Design options

Landscaping of a site on a slope opens up wide prospects for the realization of vivid fantasies and bold ideas. Considering the need for serious financial investments in landscaping, the approach to planning a site on a slope requires special care and thoughtfulness. The development of landscape design design work is necessarily preceded by a study of the technical indicators of water supply and soil characteristics. The location of future outbuildings and recreation areas deserves special attention. Already starting from their location, they are planning the construction of future terraces, flights of stairs, retaining walls and other elements of landscape design. When landscaping a site on a slope, its location relative to the cardinal points must be taken into account.


Having decided to use terracing in the landscape design of a site on a slope, discard excessively long retaining walls in a straight line. This design will create the impression of a huge staircase. Landscape design experts recommend arranging terraces randomly with ledges or cascades. This will create a picturesque picture of the general view.

Winding paths or paths are provided between the terraces, and several steps are designed on steep slopes. Retaining walls on the site are made of various materials: natural stone and brick, wood and concrete. It is better to equip a steep climb with retaining walls using cement mortar; dry masonry will suffice on a flat place.

Original ideas in the design of retaining walls on the site are only welcome. Refuse straight lines, rounded shapes will provide smooth relief transitions and visually make them less conspicuous. Deviating from standard approaches will allow terraces with various functional purposes. Landscaping allows you to place vegetable beds and plantings of shrubs in separate areas. Combining them with winding paths will visually create a single picture of incompatible things.

The location of the terrace on wet ground suggests the presence of drainage filling from crushed stone. It is located between the wall and the ground in a width of 10-15 cm. It is recommended to supplement the masonry with pipe trimmings, which will ensure moisture escapes to the outside and prevent it from accumulating behind the retaining wall. The absence of such protective measures will provoke the rapid destruction of the structure.

Arrangement of paths and stairs

Neat paths are an indispensable attribute of landscape design, which help to achieve an organic connection between terraces. To ensure compatibility, it is better to perform them from a similar material.

Important ! Large decorative elements, whether stones, tiles or circles of wood, are capable of creating good visibility and a vivid perception of the path.

The winding shape of the path hides the steepness of the slope, and the serpentine, on the contrary, emphasizes it. Following the rules of landscape design of a site on a slope, it is better to emphasize the bends of the paths with low trees, shrubs or evergreens. Stairs on a steep slope of the site will be required. In width, it can correspond to the path that continues it or be a little narrower, but not less than 60 cm. If the staircase has many steps, it is better to separate them with platforms. It is advisable to equip them in places where the direction of movement changes. With a sufficient size, the site is decorated with a bench, an elegant statue or an original flowerpot. Landscape design experts recommend that a staircase located in a shady place be made of building materials of a lighter shade.

Remember! The beauty of landscape design must be combined with safety, choose non-slip material for paths and stairs.

Thoughtful landscape design will provide comfort during evening walks with the help of competent lighting. There are many ways to design it, and it will not be difficult to choose an option that matches the general style.

Site floristry

Choosing the concept of floristry, the best option for landscape design would be the style of a mountainous area. In this case, the location of the territory relative to the cardinal points must be taken into account. In this aspect, the site on the northern slope has its advantages, due to the possibility of decorating it with moisture-loving plants, accustomed to a shady location. For the south side, grasses and flowers that can withstand high temperatures and drought are more suitable.

Landscaping is developed in such a way that the planted plants have a different flowering period. Tulips, hyacinths and crocuses will be the first to please the owners in early spring. They can be replaced by decorative bows, California poppies and marigolds, and autumn will delight with bright colors of asters and chrysanthemums. Planting perennials will make gardening easier.

Trees on a plot with a slope, according to the rules of landscape design, are planted in a special way. If the house is at the top, next to it there are high plantings in the form of thuja, spruce or pyramidal poplar. Barberry or lilac will help create an interesting composition.

Please note! Planted trees and shrubs should not close the house.

Lower plants are found further down the slope. Evergreen shrubs and colorful flower beds can add nobility and sophistication. Juniper, magnolia, boxwood will be appropriate here. The region in which the site is located also plays a role. Therefore, when choosing green spaces, consider the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of your area.

The basic rules for landscape design of a site on a slope are as follows:

  • correctly organize the division into zones;
  • equip strong retaining walls;
  • protect the site from soil erosion with the help of a competent drainage system;

Many owners of a plot on a slope do not understand their happiness. They only complain about the hassle associated with non-standard arrangement of the territory, not realizing that they got a unique example of the craftsmanship of nature, which can be turned into something even more special.

The landscape design of the site on the slope looks peculiar, often fabulous. Winding paths, stone terraces, elevation changes - all this only decorates an uneven area.

A plot on a slope requires certain efforts and costs, which also scares away unlucky lovers who do not want to transform their summer cottage. This article will help to give an idea of ​​the methods and techniques of landscape work on a similar site.

Fortifications can be made with your own hands, but this requires a detailed study of the area.

The main technique in the design of a sloping site is terraces, which help to visually smooth out elevation differences and add sophistication to the overall look of the landscape.

Priority questions:

  1. What is the slope of the slope?
  2. How close is groundwater?
  3. What are the features of the soil?
  4. If there is a reservoir nearby, is there a risk of washing away the site?
  5. What is the ground pressure on the slope?
  6. What is the best reinforcement material?
  7. Which areas are most in need of strengthening?

You can answer all these questions yourself, as well as take the help of an expert who will conduct a professional analysis of the area and give recommendations.

As a result, on a problem area with a slope, you can organize a very effective design that cannot be obtained on land with a horizontal surface.

Fortifications and decorations

So, if you are well prepared, then you need to choose the best option for strengthening the site on the slope.

  • To strengthen the soil, you can plant plants that have a fairly strong root system. This method is ideal for small slopes. For this, special molds are purchased in which plants are planted; the root system will intertwine with the attachment forms and create a solid ground, preventing the danger of landslides or landslides. Plants with a strong root system are: juniper, Chinese blackberry, hawthorn, and lilac.

    Natural strengthening of the slope is carried out by planting shrubs with powerful root systems.

  • The construction of a fence is becoming an acceptable way to strengthen the soil, since it provides a long service life, does not interfere with the flourishing of plants, and does not need careful maintenance. Materials from which slope fences are usually built: sandstone, concrete slabs, limestone, brick. When building a fence, it is important to take into account some of the nuances. You must be sure of the strength of the base, the height of the fence must be at least one meter, and the thickness should be 1/3 of the fence. It is important to eliminate the slightest chance of washing away by adding a cascade design. Since the site is sloping, it is necessary to provide the same slope for the fence.

    The fence on the slope can be made in the form of gradually decreasing horizontal steps or in the form of inclined sections

  • Stones and logs will become the personification of simplicity and quality. Having previously studied the surface of the site, they dig to a sufficient depth into the ground. Classical drainage can ensure the aesthetics of the site.

    Low retaining walls are laid out without a foundation

  • A good choice can be geotextile products in rolls, which include polyester and polypropylene. This option protects against water inflows, freezing, accidental damage. One advantage is plasticity, which makes geotextile rolls easy to apply.

    Geotextile passes water in a metered volume and holds various bulk materials on its surface

  • Geomat materials form polypropylene grids, providing complete watertightness. The grilles do not contain toxic substances, are resistant to damage from sunlight, are naturally aesthetic, resistant to heat, do not require special skills for installation.

    Strengthening the slope of the suburban area with a geogrid

The choice of material, in most cases, depends on the angle of the slope and the analysis of the soil of the territory on the slope. This question must be considered with all pedantry.

Never plant tall trees on a steep slope, strong winds can uproot them.

Soaring gardens and nature views

The landscape design of the site on the slope allows you to implement a lot of design solutions. Some costs will be required to create an aesthetic component of the site on the slope. The choice of design is carried out depending on the location of buildings, places for recreation, terraces, stairs and even cardinal points.

The construction of terraces creates a picturesque and vivid picture in the summer cottage. Experts advise abandoning symmetry by placing terraces randomly. The lack of consistency gives a natural look to the landscape, completely likening it to a natural creation.

A slope area with a beautiful panoramic view will be an ideal place to relax.

The waterfall will decorate the slope of the garden plot, and with a good design with stones and plants, it will create the impression of a natural source

The terrace can be placed on any ground. For the wet surface of the site, a drainage mound of crushed stone is used, it will give stability to the structure. The arrangement of the terraces is complemented by the cut parts of the pipes, which will ensure the exit of groundwater to the surface, preventing its accumulation under the structure.

The construction of terraces always implies the presence of paths and paths. Steps are made in some places. Various materials are ordered for retaining walls of terraces:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • concrete;
  • cement.

A small slope can be strengthened with wooden supports.

Significant elevation changes will require concrete work

Retaining wall materials can be combined

When designing a summer cottage, you can release all the accumulated ideas. Create a unique look for your site with asymmetrical lines. Flower beds, bordered by elements of unusual relief, will be evidence of refined taste.

One step, two steps

It is impossible to imagine a suburban area without the main attribute - steps. The main staircase can be part of the terrace or be located somewhere on the slope. The steps should be of a certain width so that the muscles of the legs do not strain once again, and also fit the general style of the summer cottage on the slope.

On steep slopes, stairs are equipped with railings.

All kinds of paths are created from serpentine, and for movements that are too long in time, transitions are provided on which benches are installed. You can decorate resting places from crossings with busts, statues, fountains or small ponds with exotic fish.

A straight path will smooth out sharp changes in terrain

Stairs are usually made from materials such as:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • a rock;
  • wood.

Stairs can be stone, brick or wood.

When creating a landscape design on a slope, it is recommended to choose the same, preferably light-colored material from which the terraces on the land were made. The aesthetics of the paths are supported by large decorative elements, as noted by florists, which give more contrast to the green flora of the site.

Rules for landscaping a summer cottage on a slope

A harmonious combination of flower pots and shrubs develops into an amazing and original corner where you can spend time contemplating the beauty of plants. In such a place, it is recommended to install a bench in order to achieve maximum comfort.

Thyme, stonecrop, soapwort and phlox grow well between stones

Coniferous plants are ideal for the northern slope

Rockeries and flower beds will be good on the southern slope

The west side is suitable for flowers and shrubs that love mild growing conditions.

Decorative arches and grasses, complementary to each other, develop into a single landscape image on the slope, so you need to subtly feel what is best for this area. From the choice of plants most often recommend:

  • thyme;
  • cotoneaster;
  • bells;
  • feather grass;
  • geranium;
  • phloxes;
  • roses;
  • rose hip.

The dense green or myrtle color of the cotoneaster turns into a bold blue in low night light, and the blue, cobalt color of the phlox behaves like a false green. The red, full-blooded color of roses fills with life only in sunlight, but dies, turning into deep scarlet in the moonlight. Conversely, a light blueness is expelled from the pale green of thyme during daylight hours, leaving only a cloudy aftertaste.

Choose unpretentious ground cover plants that strengthen the soil and give aesthetic pleasure

Arranging a garden involves painstaking work with shades. Depending on your temperament, personal preferences and lighting, the desired combination of colors is selected. Choose a dominant color, and then decide on auxiliary shades.

Planting annual plants involves preliminary soil preparation. It takes a lot of physical effort.

For lovers of natural style, the “wild” design of the slope is suitable

Southern slopes are chosen for planting garden plants, as they have more sunlight, from which the soil warms up faster, increasing the yield. Grapes, apple trees, apricot and peach trees are planted in the upper part of the plot. For plants that are afraid of the cold, the lower part of the plot is best suited.

Beds of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and onions feel comfortable in areas with a slope. However, it is worth worrying about possible drafts. A sufficiently high fence can protect the garden from strong winds.

Neat boxes-beds on the slope of the garden plot

A more budget option for beds, moreover, suitable for steep slopes

Video: slope garden

Photo: the best ideas for using the slope in design

The cost of land plots on slopes is much lower than the cost of allotments with a flat surface. This is explained by the complexity of their development: it is necessary to create terraces, retaining walls, level areas for a garden and build a house, as well as create a drainage system. That is, the money saved will have to be invested in the improvement of the territory. But there is a weighty argument in favor of a site with uneven terrain - it is possible to create a unique landscape on it, which is almost impossible to form on a flat area. In addition, there are several more "behind" the house on the slope.

How to start landscaping an uneven area

A territory with uneven terrain requires a more responsible analysis than a flat one. If there are areas with pronounced elevation differences in the landscape, it is better to invite surveyors for measurements.

They will help to outline the trajectory of the retaining walls, give recommendations on laying the routes of the tracks. If the slopes are gentle enough, you can cope with the layout yourself. By visually determining the highest and lowest points, you can find out the direction of the flow of storm water, and by correlating the hills with the cardinal points, it is easy to find out where the soil warms up better. After the initial analysis of the site, an approximate relief plan is drawn up on a sheet of paper and its layout is carried out.

Where to build a house?

It is most logical to place a residential building at the highest point of the site, on a previously leveled site. With this arrangement, it is easier to drain melt and rainwater from the foundation, and enough natural light will enter the rooms. In addition, the view from above is always more interesting.

But this is not the only option: the slope can be used in construction, even if it has a large angle of inclination. Of course, it will be necessary to create a special development project adapted to specific relief conditions, but this has its advantages. The advantage is that in the planning of a house on a slope, you can embody interesting architectural and constructive ideas that are not available when building a flat area.

One of the solutions is a part of the house that protrudes from the hill and rests on retaining columns, under which parking or a place for recreation is arranged. The complex of buildings on several levels with partial integration into the slope looks dynamic, and the division of the territory into zones is more expressive.

Walkways and steps

In a relief area, it is important to correctly plan the path of the tracks. If on flat terrain they can be laid along the shortest route, then on a slope you need to reckon with the steepness of the ascent and look for the smoothest paths: they do not cross the slope strictly from the bottom up, but are laid along its diagonal. On a fairly long hill, the path is made with zigzag turns. Perhaps the path will not seem short, but it will be easier to climb along it.

On sections with significant elevation differences, gentle ramps are combined with stairs.

Since you will have to climb the stairs quite often, they should be made low and wide. Steps with a height of no more than 20 cm and a width of at least 30 cm are considered comfortable for movement, so that the foot becomes completely on them.

From the terrace to the terrace you can get on the stairs.

At the end of each ascent, platforms are arranged that allow you to take breaks while moving.

Advice. The base for the tracks is best made of concrete - although this is laborious, it is reliable.

Walking paths can be made in the garden, on the lawn and between flower beds. Individual stone tiles are laid at intervals of 40 cm, and the rest of the space is sown with grass. Such paths are designed more for walking and decorating the site.

Features of drainage of a site on a slope

It seems that the water flows down the slope without assistance, so why drain it. Drainage must be arranged due to the fact that randomly flowing surface water leads to wetting and destruction of the foundation of the house and other buildings. There are two ways to drain excess water: open and closed.

Open drainage system

From the side of water inflow, a trench is dug about 80 cm deep, which is located parallel to the foundation of the house. Ditches are dug from its two ends, diverting water down (since the site has a natural slope, trenches are obtained with a slope). They are connected to a collector (well) to discharge water. Such a system will save the foundation of the house from storm and melt water.

The appearance of the trenches does not decorate the territory of the dacha, so they can be ennobled by falling asleep with rubble or pebbles. Large stones are piled on the bottom, and the upper layer is formed from smaller, more beautiful stones. Some trenches are simply closed with metal bars.

Closed drainage system

If groundwater is located close to the surface at the site, a deep drainage system will help prevent basement flooding. Perforated pipes are laid around the house and divert water to a well or artificial reservoir located at the low point of the site. The depth of the drainage system depends on the type of soil.

At what depth to put drains:

  • Clay soil - 60 cm;
  • Sandy soil - 100 cm;
  • Loams - 80 cm.

The bottom of the ditch is covered with sand and lined with geotextiles. Pipes are also wrapped with geotextile and laid in a trench.

After that, the ditches are half filled with rubble, and a layer of soil is poured on top. The closed system has a significant drawback: perforations in the pipes become silted, especially on soils with a high clay content. Therefore, once every 10 years they are dug up and washed.

Slope strengthening

On a site with an uneven relief, troubles arise during heavy rains and spring snowmelt. The flowing water makes its own channel, washing away the fertile soil and exposing the roots of cultivated plants. Snow caps may also come off along with mud and stones. Landslides cover the yard, paths, vegetable garden and garden, breaking buildings and trees. It is for this reason that slopes and slopes need to be strengthened.

Strengthening with the use of geomaterials

Various types of geosynthetic materials are used to create a durable top layer on a surface with a bevel of 8 to 70. The principle of use is almost the same for all types of nonwoven materials: the fabric is spread over the surface, cleared of weeds and stones, and fixed with anchors. The edge of the material is fixed more carefully so that at first it does not wrap under the pressure of flowing water.

Geomaterials for slopes:

A thin layer of soil is poured on top of the stretched fabric (mats), lawn grasses are sown or decorative perennials are planted. The root system of plants easily penetrates through the geomaterial and creates with it a solid foundation that keeps the soil from slipping. All types of geosynthetics pass moisture and air well, therefore they do not hinder the development of vegetation.

Strengthening with plants

Sloping areas, the bevel angle of which does not exceed 10, are strengthened by plants with a well-developed root system. Intensive growth of field grasses contributes to the natural grassing of slopes and is an easy way to combat soil erosion. Soil leaching is prevented by ground cover species of unpretentious perennials: tenacious, saxifrage, lilies of the valley, bryozoan, creeping thyme. It also does this job very well. euonymus and periwinkle.

Ornamental shrubs and trees are able to fasten slopes up to 45. But it must be borne in mind that the growth of roots that reinforce the soil will take several years, and during this time the relief may change due to the influence of natural factors: precipitation, wind, groundwater.

To avoid "surprises" with unauthorized changes in the relief, it is not recommended to uproot the thickets already existing on the site and immediately plant cultivated plants instead. This should be done in stages, as the territory is developed and retaining walls are created.

Retaining walls and gabions

To give the soil stability forever, even on an almost sheer slope, is possible only with the help of retaining walls. They are built at the foot of the steepest slopes and act as a restraint for the land behind the fence. For the construction, durable materials are used that can withstand weather conditions and soil pressure.

brick retaining wall

The principle of a brick retaining wall is no different from the main wall of a residential building: it is built on a deep foundation and connected with reinforcement. The difference is that in the body of the wall, drainage systems are made to drain water.

How to build a brick retaining wall:

  • A trench about 1 m deep is dug along the wall and covered 40 cm with drainage material (crushed stone, broken brick);
  • Concrete is poured into the pit, compacted with a vibrator and left until completely set (1-3 weeks, depending on humidity and air temperature);
  • A brick wall is laid out. If its height is more than a meter, the laying is carried out in 1.5 bricks, if lower - in 1 or 0.5 bricks;
  • In the first row, and then every 2-3 rows, through drainage holes are left. They can be made by inserting pipe trim into the masonry. If the wall is long, weirs are installed every 1.2 m;
  • The space behind the wall is filled with drainage almost to the entire height of the structure. This should be done at the same time as backfilling the soil, so that the rubble fits snugly against the brick surface.

stone retaining wall

A stone wall with a height of 1 m or more is built according to the same principle as brick. The foundation is poured, and several rows of large stones, fastened with cement mortar, are laid on it. Some joints will not fill with mortar and play the role of drainage holes - excess moisture flows through them. Gravel filling behind the wall is not necessary, since the stone is stronger than brickwork and does not collapse under the influence of moisture.

Low stone walls are laid out by the dry method, without the use of mortar and pouring the foundation. The first row of stones is dug into the soil by 1/3, and another 1-2 rows of large boulders are laid on it. It is not recommended to make a wall higher so that it does not collapse.

concrete retaining wall

The concrete wall is poured in stages. First, a lumber formwork is erected, and concrete is gradually laid into it. It is important to do everything in a few days so that the cement sets almost simultaneously along the entire height and length of the structure. If you let the first layers dry completely, and then continue building, you may not achieve the effect of solidity.

During pouring, pieces of reinforcement or wire rod are inserted into the concrete. This will prevent cracking of the wall. Drainage pipes are also made of metal pipes.

Advice. Since the concrete surface is not particularly decorative, it is better to revet it with clinker tiles or sawn wild stone.

wooden retaining wall

Logs with a diameter of 20 cm or more are dug in in a vertical position right next to each other and fastened with brackets and clamps.

More reliable is the device of a wall with a horizontal arrangement of logs. First, vertical racks are dug in, and then horizontal rows of logs are laid from the side of the slope. Joints in two adjacent rows should not match.

Important. Before making a retaining wall of logs, they must be treated with special impregnation, bitumen or used engine oil. For greater protection against dampness, the inner side of the wall in contact with the ground can be laid with roofing material.

Making a retaining wall from gabions is not much more difficult than from stone, but for them you need to prepare a welded mesh: it will require twice the total length of the structure. You will also need metal poles, which are installed every 1.5-2 m.

The concrete foundation is poured and at the same time the supports are concreted. After that, a double-sided mesh frame is welded right at the site of the gabion construction and filled with stones. To prevent the box from bursting under the pressure of the filler, the opposite sides are connected by jumpers.

For economical use of expensive material, the most beautiful stones (large pebbles, granite, sandstone slabs) are carefully laid on the front side of the gabion, and the inside is filled with rubble, inexpensive cobblestone, broken bricks and other construction waste.

slope design

The main advantage of a site with a pronounced relief is the terraces, and the design task is to keep this beauty open for viewing.

For this reason, tall trees are planted at the top of the hill, behind the house. The lower part is decorated with stunted trees and ornamental shrubs. Rocky hills with creeping junipers and dwarf firs look great on the lower terraces.

The terrace, equipped for relaxation, is located in the upper part. This location will allow you to admire the mountain landscape.

If you need to allocate a shaded place for rest, it is better to organize it at the bottom of the northern slope. All hydraulic structures are also created in the lower part: cascades, waterfalls, streams (they are quite easy to form on natural height differences).

Practical advice. If the house is built on a slope, the yard may be located at some distance from it - it is usually equipped near the entrance to the site. There is also a garage and all outbuildings.

The slopes are planted with plants that quickly adapt to mountain conditions and easily tolerate the lack of moisture. On the north side you can plant rhododendrons- flowering shrubs with a noble appearance.

Shaded places will also please loosestrife, daylilies, hosts.

On the southern terraces you can plant all plants that love the sun. Here you can even plant roses of certain subspecies: creeping, wrinkled. Does well on a sunny slope astilba, the roots of which go deep into the ground, securely fastening it.

Landscape with elevation changes can overshadow the design of any site on flat terrain. True, to work hard for this will have to be much harder.

How to make terrace beds, see our video:
