Composition and proportions of expanded clay concrete blocks. Expanded clay concrete for screed: necessary proportions Composition of expanded clay concrete mix for blocks

When choosing a solution for pouring a floor screed, preference is given to durable, fireproof and moisture-resistant compounds with good insulating properties. These conditions are fully consistent with expanded clay concrete - a mixture of cement, sand and light porous granules of baked clay or slate. During its preparation, the same requirements are met as for ordinary concrete, in particular, the recommended ratios are observed, the components are checked for quality and pre-prepared, the maximum possible uniformity is achieved, the poured structure is subjected to moisture care.

Composition and proportions

To equip a screed made of expanded clay concrete, a standard solution based on Portland cement is kneaded, while it is recommended to use a specific brand - PC M400 D0 or PC M500 D0. The binder should not contain extraneous additives; exceeding its share leads to a loss of thermal insulation properties. There are no special requirements for sand other than purity and strength. The final parameters and characteristics of the mixture are largely determined by the quality and particle size of the main coarse-grained filler.

Of all the claydite grades used in private construction, grades with a bulk density of at least 400 are recommended for pouring the screed (in strength - not lower than P100). The maximum allowable size of fractions is 40 mm, but it should be remembered that it largely determines the thickness of the structure being formed (its minimum is 3 cm, pure DSPs are used for finishing alignment). In practice, the best results are observed when mixing a solution for expanded clay concrete screed with filling granules with a diameter of 3-5 mm, larger ones are only permissible when pouring thick layers. To improve mobility, liquid soap, wood saponified resin or a similar plasticizer is introduced into the mixture along with the mixing water, the ratio of impurities to the binder does not exceed 0.5-1%. In general, they don’t take much per cube, there is no need for expensive modifiers and additives.

Classical (cement, sand, expanded clay) are 1: 3: 2 with a W / C ratio of at least 1. But they can be changed when using filler with different bulk density and sizes, in contrast to the preparation of mixtures for forming blocks, in this case, accurate an increase in the proportion of the mixed liquid (from 200 l to 300 per 1 m3 of solution), as a result, in the liquid state, expanded clay concrete for pouring floors should have the consistency of sour cream. The recommended strength class for this design is 7.5, the approximate consumption of the components required for mixing 1 cube with suitable properties is given in the table:

If it is necessary to mix more dense and durable mixtures of expanded clay concrete (for pouring the floor in rooms with high traffic), the proportion of cement in the composition is increased. In this case, for the preparation of 1 m3, it will be required (with a water-cement ratio of at least 1):

Expanded clay grade by bulk density Average density of dry concrete Cement, kg Expanded clay, m3 Sand, kg
1500 700 430 0,8 420
1600 600 0,68 680
700 400 0,72 640
1700 600 410 0,56 880
700 380 0,62 830

When mixing a small batch, it is more convenient to use ratios in l, 1 bucket of cement, 3-4 sand, 4-5 expanded clay and about 1.5 water are poured into the concrete mixer bowl. The specified composition and proportions of expanded clay concrete are observed when pouring floors using the so-called "wet screed" method. The approximate consumption of materials per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 3 cm is 16-17 kg of cement, 50 kg of sand, one 50 kg bag of expanded clay.

When using the semi-dry screed method, the granules are scattered on a floor previously insulated with a film and poured first with a liquid solution, then with a classic DSP.

Work begins with determining the volume of the layer and calculating building materials, it should be remembered that the smaller the size of the expanded clay fractions, the more it will go. The next step is the preparation of the components: the filler granules are pre-moistened to reduce its absorption capacity, it is advisable to sift the cement and quartz sand together (in order to speed up the work, it is convenient to use ready-made dry compositions). In the absence of the possibility of mixing a binder and a fine-grained filler, proceed as follows:

  • When using a concrete mixer: cement and sand are mixed in a dry state and partially closed with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which the wetted expanded clay and the rest of the liquid are introduced.
  • With manual kneading: large granules are soaked, wrapped in a binder and only then sand is added, at the end the remaining water is added.

As a result, the mixture should have a uniform gray color throughout the mass, the appearance of brown spots is a sign of poor mixing of expanded clay concrete. During the preparation process, it is important to monitor the volume of water introduced - hard solutions will not fit well, too liquid - have poor strength due to the flow of the binder from smooth granules.

A clear sign of excess moisture are puddles on a leveled screed. The flooded surface requires standard care - in order to avoid cracks, it is covered with a film and sprayed for the first few days. It is allowed to start operation no earlier than after 4 weeks.

In comparison with other types of lightweight concrete, expanded clay concrete has found more extensive use, due to the ability to synthesize expanded clay gravel from clay raw materials. This is beneficial from an economic point of view; It has high strength with low thermal conductivity.

When choosing a composition, it is necessary to understand the classification of concrete, which will avoid mistakes.

Expanded clay concrete (GOST) according to its physical and technical properties and purpose is divided into:

  • heat-insulating - the volumetric weight of the material in a dry state is 300-900 kg / m³, thermal conductivity is up to 0.2. There are no requirements for high strength to the material, the volumetric weight depends on the quality of expanded clay. To implement a heat-insulating type with a low bulk density (150-200 kg / m³), ​​the largest and lightest fractions from 20-40 mm or more are used, after which large-pore expanded clay concrete 350-400 kg / m³ is produced;
  • structural and heat-insulating - the volumetric weight is 700-1400 kg / m³, the material is assigned grade strength M35 / M50 / M75. Higher strength compared to the previous type, along with low thermal conductivity (up to 0.5), allows use in building envelopes;
  • structural - volumetric weight reaches 1700 kg / m³, compressive strength - 400 kg / cm². It can be reinforced with prestressed or conventional rebar.

Good expanded clay concrete should be viscous and fluid at the same time. The amount of water and plasticizers included in the composition is determined empirically

Claydite concrete grades

Most often, several main grades of material are used - M100 / M150 / M200 / M300. They are successfully used for building walls, pouring floors, manufacturing panels, blocks, floor slabs.

M100 - characteristics:

  • frost resistance class - F50 - F100;
  • water resistance class - W2 - W4;
  • average density - D900 - D1300;
  • strength class B7.5.

Expanded clay concrete of this grade is used in the construction of low-rise residential buildings, for the insulation of enclosing structures, for the arrangement of monolithic ceilings, floors, and for pouring screeds.

M150 - characteristics:

  • frost resistance class F75 - F100;
  • water resistance class - W4;
  • average density D1000 - D1500;
  • strength class - B10 - B12.5.

The material is used for the construction of enclosing and load-bearing structures, in the production of wall blocks and panels. Concrete is resistant to temperature fluctuations and chemical influences.

M200 - characteristics:

  • frost resistance class F100;
  • water resistance class W4;
  • average density D1600;
  • strength class B5.0.

The brand is used for the manufacture of light floors and blocks. The material is resistant to moisture and chemical processes.

Requirements for materials and raw materials

The composition of the expanded clay concrete mixture should be formed on the basis of high-quality raw materials, whose characteristics are normalized by GOST:

  • for the manufacture of stones, it is recommended to use cements that meet the standard (10178/22266/25328), colored and white Portland cements (15825/965).

For stones made of lightweight concrete, large and small aggregates are:

  • crushed stone, sand, gravel (9757);
  • fly ash (25818);
  • sand and crushed stone from slags of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy (5578), porous from rocks 22263), expanded pearlite (10832);
  • mixtures for ash and slag CHPPs (25592);
  • crushed and natural sand (8736).

Despite the characteristics of expanded clay concrete, it cannot be used for the construction of load-bearing foundations below ground level, even with low design loads.

For stones from fine-grained and heavy concrete, the following is used as a filler:

  • gravel and crushed stone from dense rocks (8276);
  • ash and slag mixtures from CHPP (25592);
  • sand and crushed stone from thermal power plant slag, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy slag;
  • sand from crushing screenings or natural and blast-furnace granulated slag, in accordance with the current regulatory documentation.

*in parentheses is the number of the corresponding state standard.

Expanded clay concrete (GOST 25820 2000) is made with the participation of coarse aggregate, the fraction size of which corresponds to 10 mm for a hollow module, 20 mm for a solid stone. If chemical additives are introduced into the composition, their proportional ratio is determined empirically. If it is necessary to obtain colored blocks, pigments of inorganic origin are used.

The actual composition of expanded clay concrete, the proportions in independent construction are formed directly at the place of work. The properties of the material used are taken into account: particle size, humidity, etc.

There are general recommendations to take into account:

  • to increase the strength characteristics and modulus of elasticity, quartz sand is introduced into the composition;
  • it is allowed to use quartz sand and expanded clay gravel without expanded clay sand, hydrophobic cement, which is effective in reducing water absorption;
  • as a binder, mainly Portland cement is used, the grade of which is not lower than M400, without plasticizers (this can cause a decrease in the strength of the material at an early age);
  • with an increase in the proportion of cement in the composition, the strength of the material increases, but at the same time, an increase in bulk density is observed. This necessitates the use of high-quality Portland cement;
  • if expanded clay concrete is subject to heat treatment, it is indicated to use alite cements.

Volumetric weight and brand of concrete characterize the properties of expanded clay concrete not completely.

To work with monolithic expanded clay concrete, the proportions can be adjusted in the direction of increasing the amount of expanded clay, which increases thermal insulation

The structure and grain composition change the properties of concrete, which can be:

  • macroporous;
  • with intergranular porosity;
  • dense;
  • moderately dense;
  • coarse-grained;
  • fine-grained.

Having achieved a homogeneous structure of expanded clay concrete, it is possible to improve the performance of enclosing structures and reduce their cost. All required parameters for the material must be strictly observed.

Composition, proportions of expanded clay concrete blocks

The principles of selection and mixing of expanded clay concrete are similar to all general provisions inherent in lightweight concrete. The preliminary water consumption is based on the assigned cement consumption.

For an approximate selection of the composition of expanded clay concrete blocks, you can look at the table data presented:

The composition of expanded clay concrete per 1 m³
Material density Cement M400, kg Expanded clay, bulk density, P150-P200 Water, l Sand, kg
M3 kg/m³ Kg
1000 250.00 700.00 720.00 140.00
1500 430.00 0.80 700.00 420.00
1600 430.00 0.68 600.00 680.00
1600 400.00 0.72 700.00 640.00
1700 410.00 0.56 600.00 880.00
1700 380.00 0.62 700.00 830.00

* brand of mix according to workability P1; class of expanded clay concrete B20, branded bulk density of expanded clay 600-700.

The composition of expanded clay concrete for the floor

According to the method of pouring, it is customary to distinguish between dry, semi-dry and wet floor screed made of expanded clay concrete.

The composition of expanded clay concrete and the proportions for conducting work using the wet method are as follows:

  • cement - 1 hour;
  • expanded clay - 4 hours;
  • sand - 3 hours

In terms of weight ratio, it is necessary to take 25 kg of expanded clay and 30 kg of sand cement. For the arrangement of the floor, it is recommended to use the presented composition of expanded clay concrete (M100).

The composition of expanded clay concrete for walls

To prepare strong structural concrete, use the following proportion:

  • cement M400 - 1 hour;
  • expanded clay sand - 1.5 hours;
  • expanded clay of fine fraction - 1 tsp.

Wall blocks made of such material can be successfully used in low-rise construction for the construction of wall structures.

The composition of lightweight expanded clay concrete

The smaller the grain size of the filler, the denser the concrete.

The specific gravity of light mixtures reaches 1000 kg/m³. In the composition, the amount of cement decreases, expanded clay - increases. Sand may or may not be present in the recipe.

If it is necessary to prepare sandless expanded clay concrete, the proportions, composition per 1 m³ will be as follows:

  • expanded clay M200 - 720 kg;
  • cement - 250 kg;
  • water - 100-150 l.


Expanded clay is an affordable raw material that is sold at most enterprises specializing in the production of lightweight concrete.

Expanded clay - price per 1 m³:

  • in bulk - from 950 to 1850 rubles. The smaller the fraction of the material, the higher its cost;
  • expanded clay in bags - the price is 58-104 rubles. One bag contains approximately 0.04-0.05 m³ of material.

If you need to purchase ready-made expanded clay concrete, the price for 1 m³ will vary from 3.1-3.9 tr, which depends on the brand and class of the material.

Calculation of the cost of expanded clay concrete block will allow you to understand whether it is profitable to purchase ready-made material or it is better to organize your own mini-production. Calculations are based on volume, market value of all components, electricity consumption and labor costs. Practice shows that self-preparation of the material allows you to save 30-35% of its selling price from the manufacturer.

If the master plans to organize independent production of expanded clay concrete, the proportions per 1 m³ are selected depending on the area of ​​​​application of the material.

The composition of expanded clay concrete blocks and expanded clay concrete for walls and proportions per 1 m3 is described in the video:

Expanded clay is a lightweight building material with a porous structure. It is formed as a result of the influence of high temperatures on fusible clay.


To prepare a mixture of expanded clay concrete, it is necessary to use water that meets the technical requirements for hardening ordinary concrete. It should not contain harmful impurities that can spoil the process of setting and hardening of the binder components.

Do not use waste water with a pH of less than 4, as well as sea water, which will cause white deposits to appear on the surface.

Usually, water is used to prepare the solution, which is suitable for drinking.


Expanded clay and quartz sand can be used as a filler. Expanded clay as the main component gives the final product good heat and sound insulation properties. According to its shape and appearance, this material is divided into crushed stone (irregular shape and rough surface) and gravel (round shape and melted surface).

Expanded clay gravel should lose no more than 7% weight in at least 15 freeze-thaw cycles. In the case of boiling, the loss of lime and magnesium oxide is a maximum of 5%. The higher the grade of expanded clay concrete, the less water it should absorb. So for M400 and less, this value is 25%, from M450 to M600 - 20%, from M700 - up to 15%.

Expanded clay fractions, the size of which is less than 5 mm, belong to sand (ordinary, fine or coarse).

Block mortar

For the manufacture of the mixture, it is necessary to know exactly its composition and proportions, and also to take into account what kind of material will be produced. If you need to take 2-3 parts of sand for 1 part of cement and mix everything thoroughly. Then add 0.9-1 part of water and stir again. After that, up to 5-6 parts of expanded clay are added.

If the filler is too dry, you can additionally add water to it. Components such as sand and cement can be replaced with Peskobeton. The resulting mixture is poured into molds, and the hardening process takes place in a special vibropress for a day. After this stage, the blocks are dried in the open air.

And now let's talk about the composition of expanded clay concrete grade 200 (M200), 75 and other popular ones, as well as about compliance with GOST 25820-2000 and other equally important nuances.

The following video will tell about the proportions of the mixture for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks, as well as its preparation:

Special Applications


The composition of expanded clay concrete for the floor is a common question for many people associated with construction. Expanded clay concrete includes several components, which may differ depending on the purpose of use. So the floor mix will include:

  • Cement minimum M500.
  • Water;
  • Sand;
  • Expanded clay.

For floor screed, expanded clay gravel will be the best choice. Moreover, by 0.5-0.6 cu. m of expanded clay should account for 1.4-1.5 tons of a mixture of sand and cement. For a more understandable example, the proportion is:

  • 1 hour cement;
  • 1 tsp water;
  • 3 hours of sand;
  • 2 hours expanded clay.

We will talk about the composition of expanded clay concrete for walls further.

This video will tell you how such a screed is made of expanded clay concrete:


For the construction of walls from expanded clay concrete, you can use the following proportion to prepare the mixture:

  • 1 hour cement brand 400;
  • 1.5 hours of expanded clay sand (fractions up to 5 mm);
  • 1 hour fine expanded clay;

The walls erected from this material are effectively used in low-rise construction.


For the construction of expanded clay concrete floors, cement M400 can be used. In this case, the composition of the mixture will be in the following proportions:

  • 1 hour cement;
  • 3-4 hours of sand;
  • 4-5 hours expanded clay;
  • 1.5 hours of water;
  • Plasticizer according to the instructions.

Depending on which proportion to adhere to, the final result, the strength of the material and its brand will depend. When using expanded clay of large fractions, a solution with low strength is obtained. It can be used as a heat insulating material. The use of small fractions makes it possible to create durable expanded clay concrete, which can.

The following video will tell you about the composition of expanded clay concrete for flooring and the production of a mixture for it:

Expanded clay concrete has unique properties. It does not rot, burn or rust. The composition of expanded clay concrete includes environmentally friendly material - expanded clay. This is clay foamed and fired in a special way in the form of granules. Hardened during the firing process at high temperatures, the shell of the granule provides a guarantee of density and strength to the material.

Expanded clay concrete consists of sand, cement and aggregate. This filler is expanded clay.

The composition of expanded clay concrete per 1 m3

Concrete with medium density 1500
Expanded clay with a bulk density of 700

  • Cement, kg - 430
  • Expanded clay, m3 - 0.8
  • Sand, kg - 420

  • Cement, kg - 430
  • Expanded clay, m3 - 0.68
  • Sand, kg - 680

Concrete with medium density 1600

  • Cement, kg - 400
  • Expanded clay, m3 - 0.72
  • Sand, kg - 640

Expanded clay with a bulk density of 600

  • Cement, kg - 410
  • Expanded clay, m3 - 0.56
  • Sand, kg - 880

Medium density concrete 1700
Expanded clay with a bulk density of 700

  • Cement, kg - 380
  • Expanded clay, m3 - 0.62
  • Sand, kg - 830

The use of expanded clay concrete

  • Filler of openings in a monolithic structure.
  • Being a classic wall material, expanded clay blocks are used in various areas of construction.
  • Construction of internal partitions.
  • Construction of external walls.
  • Sometimes this material is used in the device screed. Due to the distinctive properties of the material, the speed of its curing and drying is accelerated, and good sound insulation is also provided.
  • Expanded clay concrete is used for the production of floor slabs.
  • In the private sector, claydite blocks are used in the construction of baths and household-type buildings.

Tracing the statistics, one can see how expanded clay concrete successfully displaces brick. Because the material has a number of advantages.

Material properties

  • Easy transportation;
  • Does not respond to temperature changes and other external factors;
  • Expanded clay concrete retains its original appearance for a long time.

Advantages of expanded clay concrete

  • The small weight of expanded clay blocks has the property of eliminating the load on the foundation;
  • A house built from expanded clay concrete blocks significantly reduces financial costs;
  • Fungi and mold are not afraid of this material;
  • Does not burn;
  • It is the expanded clay, which is part of the blocks, that allows you to save the maximum amount of heat in the house;
  • Walls can be treated with finishing materials for every taste;
  • Over time, houses built from other materials shrink a little. What cannot be said about a house made of expanded clay concrete;
  • Environmental friendliness will ensure the health and comfort of those living in the house. Seny breathe, allowing for a full air exchange;
  • Fast home construction. Using other materials, construction is slower; Building a house from expanded clay concrete guarantees five times the speed of work. And this despite the fact that the amount of solution is significantly reduced;
  • Excellent thermal insulation. With a high coefficient of thermal conductivity, it reduces the risk of heat loss by 75%. At the same time, additional insulation of the house is absolutely not necessary;

Expanded clay concrete is a kind of lightweight concrete, the main filler of which is expanded clay.

Obtained by special firing of clay, expanded clay has a porous structure. Thanks to this, concrete blocks are relatively light, but strong enough. They are mainly used for the construction of lightweight structures with a good margin of safety.

Composition and proportions

The main ingredients of expanded clay concrete: expanded clay (60%), cement (10%), quartz sand (30%). You will also need water to mix the solution. Sometimes plasticizers or special air-entraining additives are added, such as saponified wood resin.

The fraction of expanded clay concrete is usually 5-10 mm. The smaller it is, the higher the strength of the blocks and the greater the weight. Therefore, this material has several classifications, for example, by strength or thermal conductivity.

It is best to purchase ready-made factory blocks. They are manufactured according to certain SNIPs and GOSTs, have a strict proportion, the mixture itself is thoroughly mixed on special equipment, and then formed into blocks by volume vibrocompression.


But you can make it yourself with your own hands as separate blocks, as a monolithic structure.

To do this, all parts of the expanded clay concrete ingredients must be loaded into the concrete mixer in the following order:

  1. water,
  2. expanded clay,
  3. cement,
  4. sand.

Usually water is 8-10%, but the humidity of the claydite itself should be taken into account. If it was on the street or was pre-wetted for better adhesion, then less water will be needed than for pellets stored in a dry room.

The amount of water should be taken seriously. If it is not enough, then expanded clay will absorb it, and the mixture itself will turn out dry and falling apart.

In this case, water is added little by little to the desired consistency. If there is too much of it, the solution will be very liquid. In this case, you need to let him settle a little. The "raw" expanded clay concrete should be of such consistency that it can be taken by hand, and all the granules are covered with cement mortar.

In addition to a concrete mixer, you will need a vibrating machine.

A steel plate must be placed in the mold and filled with a mixture. After the finished block is dried for 2-3 days. But ideally, you need to let it rest for about a week. If the blocks are dried outside in the heat, they must be sprinkled with water from drying out.

Steel plates are removed from the already finished dried block. They will acquire branded strength only after 30 days with regular moisturizing. The standard form takes 10-11 liters of the mixture.


The main classification is by purpose.

There are types:

  • constructive - used for the construction of bridges, load-bearing structures of buildings, flyovers, etc.;
  • structural and heat-insulating - mainly used in the construction of walls;
  • heat-insulating - basically go as a heater.

They are also distinguished by application (partition and wall), size and shape.

The latter can be solid (monolithic) and hollow, in which blind and through holes may be present.


Partition and wall blocks of expanded clay concrete vary in size. But both are regulated by GOST 6133-99.

Wall have dimensions:

  • 390x190x188 mm,
  • 288x288x138 mm,
  • 288x138x138 mm,
  • 190x190x188 mm,
  • 90x190x188 mm.

Full-bodied weight reaches 26 kg. Hollow (slotted) is a little lighter, about 17 kg.

Partition wall dimensions:

  • 590x90x188 mm,
  • 390x90x188 mm,
  • 190x90x188 mm.

Its thickness is only 90 mm. Weight ranges from 7 to 14 kg (for hollow and full-bodied, respectively).

But almost any manufacturer can supply expanded clay blocks of non-standard sizes to order.


Expanded clay blocks have a number of characteristics, the indicators of which can differ dramatically from each other depending on the type and size of the blocks, as well as the presence of certain additives in them:

  1. Strength. The lowest values ​​​​for heat-insulating blocks (from 5 to 25 kg / cm2). The highest in constructive (from 100 to 500 kg / cm2). All intermediate indicators (from 25 to 100 kg / cm2) for structural insulation.
  2. Thermal conductivity. In terms of thermal conductivity, expanded clay concrete blocks can be compared with wood. And the less cement in the composition, the lower the thermal conductivity. But even heavy structural ones are much more preferable than bricks and ordinary concrete. If hollow blocks are used in the construction of a residential building, it will be much warmer. Usually its indicator ranges from 0.14-0.66 W / m * K.
  3. Frost resistance. The lower the porosity of the material, the higher its value. So for constructive frost resistance is up to 500 cycles, for structural and heat-insulating - 150, for heat-insulating - 15-50.
  4. Soundproofing. The higher the porosity of expanded clay concrete, the better the sound insulation. For example, blocks of 590x90x188 mm in size, folded into a partition, provide sound insulation up to 45-50 dB.
  5. Vapor permeability. Heat-insulating ones have a higher vapor permeability (up to 9 mg / m * h * Pa) compared to constructive ones (3 mg / m * h * Pa).
  6. Water absorption. For expanded clay blocks, this value is 5-10% by weight, but can be reduced by adding plasticizers.
  7. Shrinkage. Gives the same shrinkage as heavy concrete, namely 0.3-0.5 mm/m.
  8. The maximum number of storeys of buildings. Structural heat-insulating blocks are preferably used for low-rise buildings. But structural blocks allow you to build buildings of 10-12 floors.

About the features, characteristics and application of different types of expanded clay blocks, see the following video from the channel ForumHouseTV. Learn a lot of interesting things.


Advantages of building houses from expanded clay blocks:

  • as material for individual construction claydite blocks fit just perfect. They perfectly retain heat, practically do not absorb moisture, which is why they do not freeze, perfectly protect against street noise, and are fire resistant. Due to its size, masonry is much faster than brick. The only drawback is that the blocks do not always fit each other in size.
  • The financial side of such construction is also pleasant. First, the material itself is inexpensive. Secondly, it allows you to save on insulation, since it has low thermal conductivity. Thirdly, due to its light weight, it does not require a solid foundation, which can also be saved on. But expanded clay concrete is used only in the construction of walls. It is not suitable for pouring the base, because it does not have sufficient strength for this.
  • And because of the almost negligible shrinkage in the future, you will not have to spend additional money on repair work on the interior decoration of rooms.

Thanks to all these advantages, houses made of expanded clay blocks are very popular in Europe. But in Russia they are in no less demand. This is a great budget option. An analogue can be a house made of foam blocks.

Any construction begins with the development of a house project and drawing up a work plan.

Consider the following nuances:

  • Choose the type of foundation. If the basement is not provided, then you can stop on the strip foundation. As soon as the foundation is strong and shrinks, you can start building walls.
  • Blocks of expanded clay concrete are laid in the same way as bricks. But here it is important to observe the same thickness of the solution between the blocks. No drops, cracks or voids. All deficiencies are eliminated as soon as they arise.
  • For a comfortable stay in the house, the thickness of the walls should be at least 40 cm. Otherwise, additional thermal insulation will be required. In addition, over time, the design still loses its ability to retain heat at the proper level, which will affect the increase in heating costs. Therefore, additional insulation never hurts, but it is better to place it outside.

thermal insulation

You can increase thermal insulation in the following ways:

  • It is possible to make facing of expanded clay concrete blocks, but this method is costly and rarely used.
  • A more affordable option is mineral wool. It is laid in 2 layers, with a layer of waterproofing between them. Foil can be used for vapor permeable insulation.
  • Even as a heater (both on the outside and on the inside), fiberglass can be used. But to work with it, you will need a respirator and protective gloves.
  • If a choice is made in favor of foam, then you should choose with a higher vapor barrier. But it is important to remember that he is very fond of mice and other small rodents, and therefore must be walled up in concrete.