Hill of snow. Tips on how to make a slide in Tyumen out of snow with your own hands and how to fill it properly13432. Original forms of slides

Sledding, skiing, skating and more fun entertainment opens winter for us. To give real joy to your own kids, you should figure out how to fill snow slide. Let's try to understand this issue.

Choosing a place to build a slide

Before answering the question of how to properly fill the hill, let's find out in which places it is better to form it. It is recommended to select safe zones. It is desirable that the slide be away from trees and shrubs, the roadway, all kinds of drains and sewer manholes, deep ravines, and other objects that can cause injury during the descent.

It is better to choose a spacious area. The higher the hill is planned to be built, the more free territory should be available. Of course, going down from a high, massive slide, the slope of which is made with all sorts of turns, will be much more fun.

slide size

The width and height of the future structure will depend on the amount of snow available, own forces and patience. If you plan to make a slide for very young kids, do not get too carried away. For the smallest, a structure of the most modest size will suffice. So what should be the dimensions of the slide? As practice shows, the ratio of the height of the structure to its length in the ratio of 1:4 is optimal.

How to fill a hill of snow with water? In addition to the descent itself, you will need to create a rollout. The latter is a flat, trampled and icy territory, along which the sliding will continue for some time until it stops.

Tilt angle

Trying to figure out how to properly fill a hill of snow, you should not make the descent too gentle or, conversely, too steep. Ideal top point a slope of 30-50° is considered. Further, the height of the descent must be gradually reduced, trying to make the slide evenly flat until its very end.

How to build a hill?

It is convenient to build a slide using large balls of snow prepared in advance. The latter must be tightly laid to each other, and fill up all the gaps with a shovel. The resulting mass of snow must be well compacted. The result is a base on which it will be convenient to create a descent, railings, and other elements.


To make it convenient to use the slide for both children and adults, you should take care of creating steps. They need to be placed on the highest side of the structure. The optimal width for the steps will be from 40 to 50 cm. This will allow people with the most different size legs. On the sides of the steps, you can make low sides, which will be handy to grab while climbing.

How to fill the hill with water?

Now let's move on to the issue of filling. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to let the slide stand for several days at rest. This will allow the frame to compress and get stronger as much as possible. Thus, the snow structure will not fall apart after the first ride.

How to fill a hill correctly? It is necessary to perform such work when severe frosts are observed on the street - from -20 ° С. Otherwise, the shape of the structure may "float". The best time for filling the slide with water is the evening, when the sun has already managed to hide behind the horizon.

People who are well versed in how to properly fill a hill with water recommend first walking on its surface, spraying small drops with a spray gun. After a few hours, the structure will be covered with a thin ice crust, which will allow you to proceed with the main pouring.

It is convenient to water the hill with water from a watering can. This must be done slowly. Indeed, with a large flow, there is a risk of large gaps in the thickness of the snow. Oddly enough, the water should not be the coldest. Using barely warm water, you can get perfect much faster smooth surface. If, with this solution, voids form on the surface of the snow, they should be immediately sealed with snow slurry, leveling with a piece of cloth. If you leave such shortcomings without attention, when riding on the notches, you can scratch or tear your clothes.

How to fill the hill in the place of descent? To do this, you need to mix snow into a container with water. The resulting slurry must be laid out on the descent, leveling with a construction spatula. For safety, it is worth building curbs along the entire length of the ramp and treating their inner surfaces in the same way. Then you can leave the slide alone until the ice layer completely solidifies.

After complete freezing, the structure can be doused with water again. Then it is worth walking down the slope with a polished board. As a result, the slide will become even more slippery and smooth.


Using the above recommendations, it will not be difficult for an adult to build a slide and fill it with water. The main thing is to show imagination and do the work carefully. Naturally, the implementation of the plan may take a whole day or even more.

However, the effort spent will pay off with interest, because with the help of an ice slide, kids will be able to have fun from the beginning of the first frost until spring, without leaving their own yard. By the way, it will be possible to go down from such a makeshift structure not only in warm clothes, but also on rubber mats, cardboard and even a sleigh.

In winter for most children the best entertainment is snow skiing. Combining this activity with snowman modeling and snowball fights, you can have a great time outdoors. Moreover, during the winter holidays, options active rest must be associated with visiting the street.

In order to get the maximum pleasure from a quick descent, you need to know how to properly fill the slide. This requires the presence of certain conditions and certain means. The most important of them are snow and frosty weather. In case of their absence, the skiing venture will have to be postponed until the appropriate weather conditions arrive.

We pour a hill of snow

Initially, you need to build a hill of the required height and desired design from the snow and carefully compress all the snow elements. This will make it durable and will not let it sink during active use. In order to avoid the question of how to fill the hill correctly, you need to perform all actions in strict sequence and not neglect any of them.

We strengthen the hill with water

The next step is to fix the snow slide and give it strength. But before this, the existing structure must be allowed to settle and sit down for several days. After that, in the presence of a strong frost, it can be applied to the entire surface of the slide. cold water. To keep the snow surface intact, it is best to spray water. Otherwise, the snow will simply melt, forming grooves and bumps.

Watering a hill from a watering can

Another option for how to properly fill a hill in winter can be to use a watering can for this purpose. It, filled with water, needs to be watered over the entire surface of the snowy mountain from the base to the top. Moisture should be evenly distributed over the entire pitched area. This will keep the surface smooth after the water has completely frozen.

Let's make the surface of the slide smooth

In order to understand how to properly fill the hill, you need to take into account such a moment that in the event of the formation of pits and irregularities, clothes may be damaged when sliding over them.

To eliminate such a plan of defects, you need to use a small amount of snow mixed with water to the consistency of gruel. With this mixture, you need to close up all the recesses and smooth out all the bumps. If necessary, it can be used to apply over the entire surface of the mountain. This will even out all the protrusions and recesses and further strengthen the structure.

For a more comfortable descent, the slide can be equipped with bumpers. They can be molded from wet snow. The edges of the sides should be as smooth as possible to avoid damage to clothing or body parts.

Use a hose to strengthen the slide

Another great option on how to fill the slide correctly is to use a hose with a spray nozzle for this purpose. This method is possible only if there is a water supply or a water column in the immediate vicinity. Water should be poured carefully, avoiding melting snow. Starting to apply water is from the top, gradually sinking down. This procedure must be done several times, then the question of how to properly fill the slide will be closed completely.

After a few hours, the wet snow should freeze completely. If this does not happen, it is worth waiting for time until it completely solidifies. After that, it's time to start riding. A flat and smooth surface of the descent is the key to a high sliding speed. A properly made slide can deliver a lot of pleasure, joy and positive emotions. If you follow these tips, there will no longer be a question of how to properly fill the hill.

When descending from the ice slides, you should be extremely careful in order to avoid injuring yourself and those around you. Small children must be ridden under full control adults to prevent injury and avoid possible accidents.

Winter is just around the corner, and for the kids it's time for school holidays. Any parent wants their child to have fun and usefully spend time during this period. Of course, outdoor activities and family leisure are also important for children and adults. So that they do not turn into a boring pastime, you can entertain yourself. For example, together with the children, build a snow slide, after which it is fun to ride from it. We will tell you how to do this in this article.

snow Hill

Since ancient times in Russia it was customary to ride a sleigh from the hills. It was a favorite pastime of both old and young. Those who live in hilly or mountainous areas are lucky enough to wait for snowy weather and the slide is ready. And most importantly, no effort is required. Well, if there is no hillock near your house, or you live in apartment building the hill can be built with your own hands. How to do this we will tell further.

do-it-yourself snow slide

Making a slide with your own hands is not so difficult. For this you will need:

  • prepared site;
  • snow;
  • several shovels;
  • water.

Firstly, you need to choose a place for the future slide. It is best to place it in an open area away from roads. This is primarily a question of the safety of the children themselves. If necessary, free the area from debris. The size of the slide is also important; from a small slide, it will be inconvenient for children to ride, and a very large one may not be safe for children. The height should be comfortable and preferably below the height of an adult. So you will be more comfortable to follow and help the child. The length is best done 5 m, this is the most optimal length. The shape of the slide is also important.

Show your imagination and make it with a twist, or decorate with an arch at the top. Children will have a lot of fun riding a non-standard slide. The place is marked, now it is necessary to sketch the snow in the form of a hill and compact it. Everything must be carried out evenly and in several stages. The angle of the slide should be between 30 and 50 degrees. The slope angle can be adjusted by adding material. If the slide is intended for young children, then it must be made flat from the very beginning of work. For convenience, it is necessary to provide steps along which the children will climb the hill. So that they do not slip, you can lay them out with planks. Along the length of the slope itself, you can make a small side of snow so that children who ride do not fall. After completing the main work, it is recommended to fill the slide with water. To do this, you can take a bucket of water, and gradually water it from the steps. Then let the water freeze, and repeat the procedure several more times until the surface becomes smooth. If cracks and pits appear on the slope during the pouring process, they must be filled with snow and poured with water. After that, it is recommended to leave the slide for the night, during which time the water will freeze and in the morning the children will be able to ride from it.

How to make a snow slide

Making a snow slide is quite simple. This will require a minimum of inventory, just a couple of shovels, pieces of plywood and snow. The snow slide has a number of positive aspects:

  1. children can be involved in work, regardless of age;
  2. no material costs;
  3. malleable material gives a great flight for imagination;
  4. the ability to add new items at any time.

There is only one drawback - it's seasonal. The slide will delight everyone only during the winter. Most importantly, adults and children can show their imagination and create something original. To simplify the work, you can build a frame from pieces of plywood. Secure them firmly and decorate with snow. Having made the descent and steps, it is worth taking care of safety. Along the edges of the descent, make bumpers and provide small handrails for the convenience of climbing the hill. After that, the entire hill must be covered with water to form an ice glaze. It will give the whole structure strength. For convenience and safety, the uppermost platform of the structure can be covered with plywood. Then you need to wait until the next day and you can safely proceed to the tests.

How to fill a hill of snow

It would seem that it could be easier pouring snow slide water. But, and here there are some nuances, the implementation of which will greatly simplify the work. For proper filling, the following rules must be observed:

  • you need to protect your hands from cold and moisture, for this we put on warm gloves, and rubber ones on top;
  • it is best to fill the surface in frosty weather;
  • best to pour warm water it will dry up faster.

It's not all that difficult. For pouring, it is best to use an ordinary garden watering can. With its help, the water is more evenly distributed over the hill and the surface will be smoother. This process is quite labor intensive. But a few hours of work are worth happy children's eyes and ringing laughter. This will be the best reward for your efforts.

Snow slide

The snow slide can be made in different shapes and sizes. For example, you can build wooden frame with two slopes. One is steeper and longer for adults and older children, and the other with a smaller angle and length of descent for toddlers. After that, the frame is filled with snow and the slide is ready. This building will be strong and safe. And most importantly, it can be used in the warm season. By placing sheets of tin or other sliding material on the slopes for the amusement of the kids.

If you have imagination and free time you can build a slide for children with arches in the form of a log hut. On such a hill there are several descents. Children will be very interested to ride from such a slide. The main thing is that they will have a fun and active time.

If desired, you can beautifully decorate even the most ordinary mountain. To do this, you need paints and brushes. On the side surfaces of the slide, you can draw Christmas trees, snowflakes and winter birds (for example, a bullfinch). Such uncomplicated patterns will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Toddlers will enjoy rolling down the slide and admiring the drawings on their way to the climb. As you can see, making a slide is quite simple, and with a little imagination, you can make even the simplest model beautiful.

This article talks about snow slides and how you can build them yourself. Advice is given on filling the resulting structure with water. Describes how to arrange appearance structures. Using the tips of the article, you can quickly build a safe slide for children using improvised materials. Correctly fill it with water and, if desired, decorate it in an original way. Successful work.

Skis, sleds took in hand -

And they ran to ride.

On a winter day, in frost, in the morning

A snowy mountain is waiting for us.

O. Karelin

New Year holidays - best time for winter outdoor fun. Well, isn't it great to go out with the whole family after breakfast and lie in soft snowdrifts, arrange a fun mess on the hill, scream, laugh, so much so that the neighboring kids come running?! If your yard doesn't have an ice slide, then it's time to build one! And it doesn't matter where you live - in your own house or in a high-rise building - there will always be a place and grateful kids, the main thing is that there is material - snow. A lot of snow.

Benefits for health and soul

Skiing from the mountains in winter is an old Russian fun, which was enjoyed not only by children, but also by adults, or rather, youth. Well, or those who considered themselves young. Merchants, peasants, and even burly ladies - it was not shameful for anyone to vzhuu-hunt down the hill. Peter I was especially fond of such fun: he personally participated in the opening of the main slides in the capital and did not disdain to share the fun with the walking people. Moreover, for each new season, he demanded a new sledge for skiing. They say that in those days there was a tradition - to ride down the mountain in pairs and kiss hard after each successful descent. It is not surprising that young people loved this fun, because everyone tried to invite the object of their adoration to their couple.

Sliding down the hill is an unforgettable experience that a person carries through his whole life. After all, on a hill, a child gets to know his body in a new way. When you slide down a hill on your stomach, buttocks or legs, then "the soil leaves from under your feet." And you need to learn to control yourself in other conditions.

Rolling downhill develops speed of reaction and trains the vestibular apparatus. In active games and for adults, the slide is a great way to disperse the blood throughout the body, as well as a great opportunity to contact your child.

So, if nature did not deprive your region of a rich snow cover this year, then do not hesitate to start building an ice slide!

We make a slide

If the decision is made, then it's time to start translating it into reality. So what will need to be done?

Place for a slide

First you need to choose the right place for the future slide. Pay attention to safe open areas that are away from the road, trees, house walls, ponds, bushes, etc. The descent should be free and nothing should interfere with it.

If there is a natural slope nearby, then this will make your work easier. If not, you will have to create your own. To do this, invite your neighbors who also have children to help. This will speed up the process and make your job easier. Well, it will be more fun.

To create an artificial slope, start throwing snow in one big pile. If the snow is heavy, then throwing it will, of course, be more difficult, but this will facilitate the process of forming a slide.

slope formation

Did you get enough snow? Climb onto the pile and start trampling and crushing it, gradually forming a path down. If the snow is loose, then thoroughly spill the snow blank cold water from a watering can. It is important that the water falls evenly, so it is better to take a watering can with a spray nozzle.

Now you can again throw snow, slowly changing the contour of the hill to the one you need. Try to make the slide path long enough - at least 5 meters. At the top of the hill, trample down a wide area, and on the reverse side, arrange a descent with a steepness of 55-65 degrees. This is a preparation for future steps. And the slope on which children (and not only) will ride should be 35-45 degrees. The steeper the angle, the sharper the sensations, but to make such a slide, you have to sketch a very large pile. Therefore, try to form a gentle smooth descent.

Sides and steps

Be sure to make the sides of the hill. To do this, you need to "cut" upper layer snow, leaving an edge around the edges.

Form steps. Start cutting snow from top to bottom. Slap the snow with a shovel, then tamp down with your feet. Optimal Width one step - 45 cm. Do not pour water on the steps! Otherwise, it will be impossible to climb them. For the safety of lifting, you need to make bumpers, for example, from old wooden slats.


If you want to make a high-quality slide, then leave your building for a day so that the snow settles. Better yet, 2 days.

When the time has passed for the snow to shrink, return to the water slide. If it is possible to remove the hose, then it is better to do so. If you put a slide in the yard apartment building, again, contact your neighbors, whose window is closer. I think they will not refuse and allow you to extend the hose.

Get your shovel ready. Water the hill from above with water, trim the surface. During pouring, pits may be found. They must be compacted with snow until they are equal to the total surface of the hill.

Fill with an even layer of water and a horizontal track. The longer it is, the greater distance future riders will glide.

It is important to form a smooth surface immediately after dousing the snow with water. Otherwise, he will "grab" and have to cut the ice and smooth out the bumps.

Roll the hill several times at short intervals so that the ice has time to forge the surface of the slope.


Design the area where the skiers will land. Free it from stones, branches, snags. Throw a thick layer of snow and trample down. And, of course, fill in the path that continues the exit from the hill, but we have already talked about this.

Well, now the slide is ready to "cause happiness" to you and your children. Just sprinkle sand or small pebbles on the steps before you climb them. Spend more time with your kids and have fun riding!

Find out how you can make a snow slide yourself in winter, how to properly fill it with water so that it freezes.

Agree that in new year holidays one of the best, most memorable childhood memories is winter festivities. Making a snowman, sledding, skiing, and, of course, on a roller coaster is a wonderful activity. The latter will be discussed in this article.

You will learn how to build a slide without difficulties at home, without anyone's help from outside. This slide will bring great joy to your kids and even adults, and so that the work is not so boring, you can involve the whole family in it.

How to make a snow slide for children with your own hands?

It often happens that some problems occur during the construction of the slide. It collapses, disintegrates, pits, irregularities appear in the most inappropriate place. Next, you will learn how to make a slide correctly. So that it is durable, reliable, and most importantly - comfortable.

Materials for the construction of the slide

For a successful build you will need the following:

  1. Frost outside the window
  2. Lots of pure snow
  3. Shovel
  4. Broom
  5. A fair amount of water
  6. Watering can, ladle
  7. positive attitude
  8. Scraper or spatula

An example of building a slide for collective use

To blind a slide, you must follow a few simple rules:

Safety. Select safe place location future design. This is necessary so that your child is not injured during the descent, so that there are no trees, fences, roads, bushes and other obstacles in the way. You should not create an object of entertainment under the roofs of old houses, from which icicle, slate, brick, etc. can fall.

Hill height, angle of inclination. Determine the height of the future slide based on the age of the children. For very young children, somewhere up to three years old, a slide of one meter in height is enough. For older children, the most optimal, safe height is two to four meters. You should also follow right angle tilt, such that it was not more than forty degrees.

pure snow. When building a slide, you need to use pure material. Since your child can smear things. Make sure the kids don't get hurt. The problem arises if there is debris, branches, sticks, etc. in the snow.

How to create an ice slide:

  • After the location, size is determined, we get to work. With the help of shovels it is necessary to sketch right amount snow. For example, a meter slide can be built in about thirty minutes. It is advisable to make the foundation of your snow slide using rolled large balls of snow. Thus, you will already have the base of the slide.
  • Next, we proceed to the formation of our slide. With the help of a spatula, a broom, we give it desired shape. Doing optimal angle slope of the slide, straighten the area of ​​the descent of the snow slide.

The base of the formed snow slide
  • If the hill is high, make steps with a spatula (scraper), a shovel. For strength, strengthen the steps with your feet so that the snow settles, and only then form with an auxiliary tool. They should be comfortable, small, so that children can easily climb up.

Example of steps made of snow

IMPORTANT: Acceptable step width is at least twenty-nine centimeters.

Do not forget about the sides. Their height should be approximately ten to thirty centimeters, depending on the age of the child. The sides can be made with a shovel. Also, in order to give them a form, it is necessary to use manual work. During it, do not forget to wear gloves as protection from the cold.

If there is a desire, time, then add decor. Decorate the hill with snowmen, various figures, paint it with patterns. Or do everything to your liking, a lot depends on your imagination.

How to fill a hill of snow with water?

We have come to the most difficult final stage - to fill ice slide water. The descent of the slide must be poured in several stages - at least three times. Use cool water with a sprayer, watering can, ladle.

What needs to be done in order for the descent on the hill to be uniform?

You will need a broom, with which you spray an even layer of water over the entire surface of the structure. Make sure that there are no bumps, holes, bumps. To do this, during pouring, it is necessary to slap a seized thin, fragile layer of ice with a broom. After the second stage, you have a rough crust of ice. For a more reliable result, fill the slide for the third time, after which you will get a strong, smooth, and most importantly, reliable design.

IMPORTANT: It is worth pouring the finished structure at a low temperature, from 10 degrees below zero. Otherwise, your efforts will be completely useless.

If you follow the entire sequence of work, you will get an excellent snow slide, which your children will be very happy with. If the winter turns out to be frosty, then the subject of entertainment will stand until the spring thaw.

Video: Do-it-yourself snow slide
