Learning to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners. Correct wallpapering in the corners of the room How to glue wallpaper in the corner

Date: 05/13/2017

Many people who decide to make repairs in an apartment or house with their own hands believe that high-quality wallpapering will not be difficult for them. Yes, to some extent this finishing material is quite practical, but only on flat sections of the walls, which cannot be said about the corners. And how to glue wallpaper in the corners? This is the question faced by people who have begun repairs without professional help.

It is in the corners that gluing is a laborious process, which makes it difficult and calls into question the quick completion of the repair. So you should approach this issue with all seriousness and study with scrupulousness all the nuances of such an operation, because poor wallpapering in the corners can generally ruin the whole look.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

Wallpaper is and remains the most popular material for finishing any kind of premises, whether it is a room in an apartment, an office, or a beauty salon. The quality of the wallpaper varies, and you can meet absolutely every taste, color scheme and cost.

Sometimes cheap nondescript wallpapers transform a room so much that they seem almost as good as expensive ones, that is, now the range of wallpapers on the construction market is different, and there is a high-quality and at the same time cheap material - two in one.

Today, in order to paste wallpaper, you do not need to have professional skills, but you need to know the pasting system. The walls must first be aligned along the perimeter, in the corners, and from here problems begin for non-professionals.

Wallpapering in the corner

It is not recommended to glue a single strip of material. In the presence of uneven corners, the strip lies in folds and does not converge with the other. We recommend leaving a protrusion around the corner by 1.5 or 2 centimeters and then the strip will lie flat. Having chosen a wallpaper with a high density, use a plumb line. Glue part of the cut wallpaper with a small overlap on the adjacent wall so that it is as vertical as possible.

If there are switches, sockets in places of corners or in proximity to them, before gluing and any construction work, turn off the electricity supply and remove the covers. Fully stick the material on the convex parts, and only then carefully cut it out by making small cuts.

When starting to paste over the wall near the door, it is important to know that the strip of wallpaper must be cut vertically before the beginning of the frame. Then it is attached along the edge of the wall. Wallpaper protrusions should be cut off.

Non-woven wallpaper - how to glue wallpaper in the corner

Wall preparation

Wallpapering should be carried out in accordance with the existing technology, observing the sequence of processes, which applies not only to the corners, but in general to the entire procedure for pasting walls with flashing.

List of the sequence of stages of finishing work for wallpapering:

  1. Clean the walls of oil paint;
  2. If there is whitewash, then clean it off;
  3. Remove deep irregularities, especially in corners;
  4. Carry out the preparatory work. Surface primer.

It is better to prime the surface with professional tools that are sold in containers of various prices, but can also be primed with diluted glue, but not particularly welcome. A special roller or a wide brush will help you prime the surface. Due to the fact that pasting is especially difficult in the corners, there is such a nuisance as a pattern shift. On the walls, the geometry of the drawing was preserved, but in the corners everything went wrong and now spoils the general background. Therefore, most responsibly approach the inspection of the corners, whether there are irregularities, eliminate them if any.

Preparing walls for wallpapering

Stage alignment of the corners of the wall

After you have pasted over all the smooth surfaces of the walls, you have to move on to the corners. Now inspect, and noticing irregularities, proceed to grinding - carefully puttying. After the putty is completely dry, it is necessary to clean the entire surface with sandpaper to achieve a perfect smooth surface so that the wallpaper does not peel off in the future.

Now the corners need to be coated with a primer. If you do not have the skill of puttying, then there is a way out, just buy the same type of wallpaper, or with a simple pattern that does not require further joining (paper). So part of the question of how to glue wallpaper in the corners can be considered disclosed.

The stage of applying glue in the corners

After leveling the surfaces in the corners, we proceed to the application of glue, it must be distributed with all care along the height of the walls, and in the corners most conscientiously, because in these places the wallpaper is most often peeled off. With a roller, we distribute the glue along the entire length and with a brush in hard-to-reach places.

Applying glue to wallpaper and walls

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

Finally, we moved on to the important part of the issue of gluing in the corners. The pros of this business recommend gluing a piece of canvas in the corners, even if the whole piece is perfectly straight. This can be explained by the fact that there is a high probability of distortions in the corners, and the subsequent sheet does not fit at all, and after drying, folds can be found. Room decorating professionals advise cutting wallpaper canvases so that the side side goes to the next wall by 50 mm. Below is a picture of wallpapering in the outer and inner corners.

Did you know: a nuisance for beginners in this matter is the curvature of the gluing areas. Such a defect in the eye surface cannot always be detected, so a list of tools will come to the rescue: a plumb line and a building level. They measure the corners before wallpapering.

If there is a quite serious "blockage", then it is better to come to the method of "cutting" in these places. This method is used for thick wallpaper - vinyl.
According to this method, the material is passed 50 mm to the adjacent wall around the corner, and the next sheet is glued with an overlap.
The next step: in the middle of the corner, a vertical cut is made with a special construction knife under the level or ruler in the direction from top to bottom through two layers of wallpaper.

The scheme of wallpapering in the corners

During the whole process, the iron ruler must fit snugly against the corner and be pressed strongly so that there is not the slightest movement. Otherwise, a shift along the cut sheet is provided. Masters recommend using a long metal ruler, a building level, which has more weight and produces a wonderful press that interferes with movement.

We glue wallpaper in the inner corners

To avoid the appearance of wrinkles in the inner corners, these canvases should be divided into two parts before wallpapering. The first step is to stick the material to the corner of the room, then you need to accurately measure the distance from the last pasted piece of wallpaper to the corner bend, and add 10-12 mm to the resulting figure. Next, one prepared part is glued to the wall with a cut edge at an adjacent corner. Adjust the edges as usual, be it top or bottom.
Now, using a brush or rag, press the wallpaper into the inner corner of the room. If irregularities occur, such as warping of the material, then take a special knife and make cuts, while pressing the wallpaper into the wall. Then glue the next part with an overlap on the glued material, pushing it tightly against the wall with a brush. Finally, cut off the remains at the bend with the same knife.

Tip: If your corner inner and middle parts have small bulges, and the bottom is littered a little inward, it is better to press the cut edges with an overlap. When pasting a room with thick (vinyl) wallpaper, the best option is to use glue with a transparent base at the junctions, such glue is suitable for dense materials.

Methodology for pasting the outer corners of the room

Gluing the outer corners of the room requires pre-calculating the length of the wallpaper, and so that the canvas is not only enough, but it can go around the convex part of the wall from 21 to 25 mm. When gluing dense quality wallpaper, be sure to make light cuts to smoothly lay the strip.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners correctly

So, on dense wallpaper, using an iron ruler and scissors, excess strips of material are cut off, leaving a minimum of an edge, the visibility of which will not be visible under the subsequent canvas. On top of everything, a subsequent strip is glued with an overlap of 5-6 mm. If you have chosen smooth wallpapers, then immediately iron them with a roller, and with a convex pattern, voluminous ones can be very slightly passed with a rag.

Wallpapering with a pattern in the corners

The vertical pattern of the wallpaper makes it difficult to stick in the corners, because in these places distortions are especially noticeable. A pattern with a horizontal position is no exception, for example, after gluing it can be completely skewed. To avoid such incidents, it is necessary to make a small overlap on the wall in the neighborhood and hide the joint at the top of the corner.

Tip: the difficulty of wallpapering corners is to follow the rule - the edge lay flat on a plumb line, and the other should be cut along the edge of the corner.

It is not possible for a non-professional to glue wallpaper and at the same time without pattern shifts without experience. The main thing is to make it less noticeable using the instructions provided above.

Repairing an apartment, house or office takes a lot of time and effort, as well as money, if you decide to turn to hired workers for help. But thanks to the instructions given to you above and following them exactly, you will be able to start finishing on your own, paying attention and time to studying wallpapering in the corners. Pay attention to the presence of defects, whether your walls are even, and carry out preparatory work to eliminate irregularities. In addition, radiators and pipes often pass in the corners, interfering with the pasting process, turning repairs into a hassle.

If you approach this task responsibly, taking into account all the recommendations and rules, then you will expect quite a wonderful result, no worse than if the gluing was carried out by a professional team of craftsmen. By doing the finishing work with your own hands, you will save a lot of money. Good luck, and have a good completion of repairs in your home!

How to glue wallpaper in the corner - video review

Wall decoration with wallpaper is the most popular option for decorating walls in rooms. Undoubtedly, wallpapering on even walls is quite elementary and requires only a little skill, but wallpapering the corners of a room is technically more difficult. Before sticking wallpaper with your own hands, you need to properly prepare the walls.

First you need to clean off old wallpaper or paint, apply primer to the walls and level their surface. And only then begin to paste over the corners with wallpaper.

So, repair specialists distinguish the following stages of this process:

  1. You need to start by leveling the corners, for this you can use putty and, after it dries, clean it with sandpaper. In order for the angle to be even, you can use a special device - a plastic corner, which is attached to the putty. Remember that if you do not get rid of uneven surfaces, the wallpaper may peel off.
  2. The next step is to apply glue - before gluing the wallpaper into the corner of the room, you must very carefully glue the entire height of the corner with glue. If the roller does not cope with its task and leaves unsmeared fates, it is worth using a brush.
  3. Direct wallpapering of corners with wallpaper - there are different lessons of specialists that help to properly wallpaper the corner of a room, it is worth listening to them, but for greater productivity, we will indicate some features of this stage: competent finishers do not recommend gluing wallpaper in the corners with whole strips, this is due to the fact that they can distortions will appear and the joints will be uneven.
  4. The wallpaper canvas must be cut so that their side from the sides extends 50 mm onto the adjacent wall.

Glue must be applied to the strip of wallpaper and the corner of the wall. Next, you need to attach the wallpaper to the corner of the wall as follows - if the pasting process starts from left to right, then the left side is applied to the inside of the corner to evenly cover it.

At this stage, you need to clearly understand that you need to wallpaper the outer and inner corners in different ways.

outside corner

External corners can be glued in two ways: firstly, if the outer corner has a flat surface, you can not waste time aligning it and immediately apply wallpaper to the corner, then use the level and measure the edge of the strip so that the remaining strips lie evenly; secondly, to glue the outer corners, you first need to lead the strip around the corner by 4-5 cm, and glue the next part of the wallpaper at the top. Using a clerical knife and a ruler, cut these layers vertically.

Inner corner

Internal corners require more attention. Wallpaper must be glued so that they go onto the adjacent surface by about 3 cm, but not more, otherwise they will go wrinkled. The fold and turn of the wallpaper must be coated with glue. Next, you need to measure the width of the wallpaper located on the adjacent wall, mark the allowance of the glued side, which is glued at a distance of about 2 cm from the corner and a vertical line is drawn through it with a plumb line - this will mark the edge of the glued wallpaper.

Alignment of the wallpaper is done by rolling, for this there are special rollers and spatulas.

All the above stages of wallpaper stickers in the corners go sequentially.

Corners on the walls on the wallpaper: what is it

Plastic wallpaper corners are a good finish for finishing corners - they have protective functions and give the corner a finished look.

Construction markets offer different decorative corners:

  • Corners with a width of 20 × 20 to 50 × 50 mm are suitable for corners that are subject to heavy wear;
  • Dimensions 10 × 10 or 15 × 15 mm will give a neat finished look to the wall - they are called decorative corners;
  • The corners may differ in color, may have the texture of wood or metal.

For arched outer corners, it is better to use corners with the following approximate dimensions: 5 × 17.7 × 17.10 × 20 and 15 × 25 mm. Plastic corners are recommended to be mounted with silicone sealant, it is colorless and has good adhesion. The length of the corners varies from 3 to 7 m, so it can be adjusted to individual sizes.

Plastic decorative corners help protect wallpaper from mechanical damage at the corners of the wall, in addition, they are not expensive and easy to install.

How to glue wallpaper in non-woven corners: features and tips

Non-woven wallpaper is particularly durable, but working with them is quite difficult, especially on corner surfaces, because. they are not elastic.

To paste over the corner of the wall with such wallpaper, when cutting off part of the wallpaper, it is necessary to make an allowance of 1.5 cm, this allowance must overlap.

You need to know a little secret - sticking non-woven wallpaper will be easier if you make equal cuts along their entire length along their edge.

Glue in this case is applied only to the wall, and the wallpaper must remain dry. In the work on decorating the corner with such wallpaper, it is better to first use the corner, then unnecessary crooked places will not appear. If the choice is made in favor of wallpaper with a pattern, in this case it is necessary to qualitatively adjust the pattern in the corners. In order to keep the pattern in the corners intact, you need to cut the next strip from the corner to fit the pattern of the already pasted wall.

Here are some tips:

  • It is necessary to make a small overlap on another wall;
  • It is better to hide the joints at the top of the corner;
  • Wallpaper with a pattern in the corners is better to glue on a plumb line.

Meter wallpaper is a wide non-woven fabric a little over a meter. This type of wallpaper helps to quickly paste over a large apartment and the selection of a pattern becomes easier. In order to stick meter-long wallpaper in the corners, you need to overlap up to 3 cm on the next wall. The rest of the procedure will not differ from the standard pasting of corners, which is described above.

How to glue corners on wallpaper: installation technique

Then proceed according to the following plan:

  1. The adhesion of the corners to the wall will be stronger if they are glued to the wall, and not to the wallpaper;
  2. Distribute adhesive material evenly on the inside of the corner;
  3. Attach and press to the desired area on the wall, remove excess glue with a napkin;
  4. Do not touch the corners until the material is completely dry.
  5. In order for the sealant to better grab on the site, you can fix the corner with adhesive tape.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners (video)

So, knowing the technology of gluing wallpaper in the corners, you can make high-quality repairs with your own hands and, in addition, help your relatives in this difficult task.

Decorating walls with materials such as wallpaper is the most common way when it comes to updating the interior. It is convenient, but not necessary, to invite specialists to wallpaper the premises. It is enough to be willing to carry out such repairs yourself.

Process features

If there is no extra money to pay professional finishers, you can handle wall pasting yourself. But there are problems with how to carefully glue the wallpaper in the corners. Before getting down to business, it is better to learn some building rules.

It does not matter from what place to start wallpapering the room with wallpaper, if all the corners are even. If this is not the case, it is better to choose the angle, after wallpapering, on which it will be possible to avoid skewing the stripes on a flat surface. In any case, it is better to start work from an angle that is not conspicuous, or at least in the future will be blocked by furniture. It is certainly not necessary to choose a protruding corner for pasting with the first canvas.

You should not use a whole wallpaper at the junction of two walls, especially considering that some are very wide. Even on the most even and neat-looking turn, the wallpaper wrinkles and slightly warps, shrinking after drying.

If there are switches or sockets near the corners, it is better to interrupt the supply of electricity before starting work, remove the casings of these devices. The protruding parts of the electrical system can simply be glued with wallpaper, and after completion of work, carefully cut out the places of sockets and switches. So you simplify your work and the result will be of better quality.

Surface preparation

So that wallpapering the walls at the first turn does not turn into torture, you need to carefully prepare the walls for decoration in advance.

The corners on closer inspection may turn out to be crooked, rounded, sometimes they have noticeable depressions and bumps. Therefore, experts advise to spare no effort and time to putty an uneven surface, and maybe even plaster. Stucco corners will be a good helper in this matter.

They are leveled and glued with the same plaster or putty. There are corners for inside and outside corners. When the fresh putty is dry, it needs to be rubbed with sandpaper to make the surface smooth. Then the corners should be carefully primed and wait until the excess moisture leaves the primer.

All these measures will make the process of pasting the corners easier, and you will be satisfied with the result.

If it is not possible to achieve absolute evenness or there is no time to do this, you need to carefully approach the choice of the wallpaper itself. For pasting curved surfaces, loose finishing materials are suitable, since they will have to be glued with an overlap, and from the side of the place where the canvas is applied to the canvas, they should not be noticeable.

A good choice in this case would be non-woven wallpaper with a small pattern or plain. Also, the curvature of the corner can be hidden by non-smooth decorative materials, or even fiberglass for painting.

Sticking step by step:

  • Before you start pasting, you need to prepare all the tools and materials.
  • Make a calculation of the area to be pasted over and buy the required number of wallpaper rolls.
  • Choose the appropriate wallpaper paste and dilute it according to the instructions.
  • Stock up on a tape measure, a plumb line, a pencil, a long metal ruler.

  • Prepare a construction knife, roller, brush, sponge or clean rag.
  • Bring a stool or stepladder to reach the top edge of the wall during work.

Stepping back from the junction of four or five centimeters, we draw a line perpendicular to the floor with a pencil along the wall, focusing on a plumb line. Most modern wallpapers are glued end to end. Therefore, on how correctly you draw this line and stick the first canvas, it depends on whether the subsequent strips will lie strictly vertically or skewed.

For fidelity, it is better to make pencil guidelines for each of them.

Wallpaper strips are cut with a margin of 2 centimeters, since after drying they become shorter. Since the wallpaper is sold in round rolls, which are also quite wide and heavy, it is inconvenient to apply them to the wall every time. So it is better to cut a decorative canvas on the floor on a surface prepared for rolling wallpaper.

The wall must be carefully glued with glue. Particular attention should be paid to the corners, because it is in these places that the probability of lagging behind the decorative layer is greatest. The rule of glueing the wall applies to all cases: when you finish the walls with paper, non-woven, and vinyl wallpaper. And in the case of using heavy vinyl wallpaper, it is necessary to coat them with glue as well. In the process of work, if you hesitated and the glue in the corners had time to dry, be sure to repeat the gluing again.

The technique of working when pasting corners has long been worked out. There are techniques for pasting both external corners and internal ones.


When decorating walls, convex surfaces are especially striking, so the quality of pasting the outer corners will largely determine the perception of the room as a whole. If the corners are even, it is enough to wrap the wallpaper around the corner of a centimeter three to four from the protrusions and glue it. If the wallpaper begins to wrinkle, you will have to carefully trim it in places of folds. The next strip can be glued to the wall in the same way as it is done on a plane.

If the outer corners are crooked, the problem cannot be easily solved. When you decorate walls with materials that practically do not shrink after drying and fit butt-to-butt, the canvas on the corner must be glued in such a way that it protrudes five centimeters beyond the turn. When gluing another canvas, it should run a little over the previous one. A neat cut is made in the middle along the ruler.

Excess material from above and below remains to be removed. The fabric should be smoothed and pressed as tightly as possible to the surface.

If you are dealing with paper wallpaper, there is no need to rush to cut the overlap. Double-check the correctness of the sticker with a plumb line. If the deviations are very large, obviously extra wallpaper can be carefully cut along the intended line.

To complete the design of the outer corner and so that over time the wallpaper does not fray on the ledge, it is better to use plastic corners for wallpaper, matched to them in color. It is necessary to calculate in advance how many of them will be required for work. Glue the corners on liquid nails or with silicone sealant.

The outside corner approach is also used on ledges around doors and windows. Beams and other similar elements with external corners are glued separately in a similar way using scraps of wallpaper that remain after gluing the paintings on the walls.


In order to correctly dispose of the next canvas in the corner, you need to measure the distance from the extreme pasted strip to the joint and add two more centimeters to the resulting figure. The wallpaper strip must be cut with this in mind and attached to the wall, previously lubricated with glue. With proper trimming, a narrow strip of wallpaper should be on an adjacent strip behind the junction line. Smooth the canvas with a roller and a rag to release all the air between the wall and the future decorative coating.

If such a bubble does not want to disappear, experienced people recommend piercing it to release air, and using a syringe, pour a little glue under the wallpaper, and then smooth it with a roller.

If the corner is uneven and wrinkles appear on the strip during gluing, with scissors, as in the case of the outer corner, it is necessary to make neat cuts towards the fold and glue the canvas.

The neighboring strip must be glued on the second wall with an overlap of a couple of centimeters on the previous one. Check the quality of your work with a plumb line. When smoothing the second sheet, do not press the edge of the required allowance against the wall.

Then, along the ruler, you need to cut through the layers with a construction knife, remove the extra top layer, and then the lower segments. Coat the wallpaper in the corner again with glue and press it against the wall so that no air bubbles remain.

If everything is done carefully, you will get an even seam.

The subtleties of working with a picture

There are certain difficulties in order to beautifully glue wallpaper with a pattern in the protruding and inner corners. Using a decorative coating with a clear, pronounced pattern, you will have to try not to distort it at the junction. It is necessary to foresee this task in advance when selecting materials in the store.

Distortion is especially noticeable on wallpaper with vertical stripes. If the pattern is horizontal, it may look skewed relative to the ceiling and floor.

You can avoid this only if you glue the corners with an overlap. The edge of the canvas should be glued strictly along the plumb line. The adjacent strip must be carefully cut along the edge of the corner. Moreover, pasting the wall with paper wallpaper, all these manipulations must be carried out not only carefully, but also with maximum speed. Otherwise, the coating itself will spread and you will ruin more than one wallpaper strip.

To make the irregularities hardly noticeable, it is recommended to hide the resulting joint in the upper part of the corner. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid a certain shift in the pattern, but with a competent approach, it will be so invisible that the eyes will cling to the joints only for those who themselves performed this repair.

The variety of modern finishing materials allows you to decorate the interior of an apartment or house in absolutely any style. If desired, the walls can be painted or an unusual design can be made using textured plaster. But such methods require a certain work experience, the cost of materials is quite high, which makes them available not in all situations. The most acceptable finishing material is wallpaper. It can mimic almost any surface. Canvases are not only beautiful, but also able to give the room a certain style and sophistication. They often decorate not only walls, but also ceilings.

Technologies for decorating the corners of a room with wallpaper.

Gluing is extremely simple, you do not need to have special experience. But for beginners, the question often arises of how to glue wallpaper in the corners so that the surface remains of high quality, distortions and air bubbles do not appear. Sticking wallpaper in the corners is not so difficult, but there are a number of rules that you will have to follow. Internal and external corners are glued differently, but if you follow all the requirements, the work will be easy, and the result will be amazing.

Features of gluing in the corners

From tools and materials for gluing it is necessary to prepare:

The scheme of gluing wallpaper in the corners.

  • wallpaper in the calculated amount;
  • special wallpaper glue;
  • rollers;
  • a simple pencil, a metal ruler;
  • if necessary, it is necessary to prepare a putty, a metal spatula, galvanized metal corners;
  • to remove glue from the joints, it is enough to purchase a clean rag.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners of the room? The processing of external and internal corners is slightly different, but special skill is not required for this. Before work, markup must be applied. If you want to glue the canvases in the inner corners, then the material must be applied so that it wraps about 5 cm on the next wall. The problem of how to stick the wallpaper in the corner is quite simply solved. A larger or smaller amount of rotation should not be allowed, as this will affect the quality of the gluing. If the allowance is too large, then the coating will wrinkle, and this will require transverse cuts to remove all excess, to release air from the formed bubbles. But with too little allowance, the likelihood of peeling off after the glue dries increases many times over.

Scheme of pasting wallpaper on external corners.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners inside? The surface of the wall is carefully smeared with glue, if the wallpaper material requires, then the canvas must also be smeared with glue. After gluing, you can take a metal ruler, attach to the place of the joints of the two strips. An incision is made with a sharp knife, after which the trimmings are carefully removed. The remaining upper edge must be carefully smeared with glue, tightly attached to the wall, and immediately remove excess glue.

How to glue wallpaper on external corners: instructions

Everything is not as difficult as it might seem, but this particular angle should turn out perfect. If there are chips, bumps, potholes on the surface, then they must be puttied, and then use a metal corner to check the accuracy of the work. The angle should be perfectly even.

During wallpapering, the material must be carefully brought 5 cm around the corner, gluing it with an overlap. After that, using a metal ruler, an incision is made at the junction.

In no case should you move the ruler, as the cut will be uneven, and this will lead to the fact that the canvas will have to be removed and started working again.

To glue the wallpaper on the walls faster, you must first mark the surface with a simple pencil.

This will allow you not to worry about the quality of work in the future.

Sticking non-woven wallpaper in the corners and not only

Scheme for gluing non-woven wallpaper.

When deciding how to stick wallpaper, many prefer non-woven coatings, which are made on the basis of natural cellulose and fibers. This material is not only durable, but also beautiful, the gluing process is simple. Such coatings can be glued even on a wall with slight irregularities, as the wallpaper masks them. Typically, such material is used for painting, i.e. after pasting the entire room, non-woven wallpaper is painted with paint of the required shade.

Sticking does not require complex preparatory work, it is enough to clean the surface of dust and old coating, if any. In addition, high density avoids shrinkage, which is very important for obtaining a beautiful and neat wall covering. If necessary, non-woven fabrics can be easily removed from the wall if there is a need for a change of scenery.

The process of how to glue non-woven wallpaper is quite simple, although it differs slightly from how work is done with other types of wallpaper. The glue is applied to the surface of the prepared wall, after which the canvases are tightly glued. It is usually not applied to the wallpaper, but if there is such a need, then the wall should be thoroughly dried, and only after that finishing work should begin. During gluing, excess glue that has come out must be immediately removed from the joints with a dry cloth. If this is not done, then after drying the paint in these places will not be applied, the defects will be very noticeable.

Necessary tools for gluing non-woven wallpaper.

You can glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners in the same way as ordinary ones. During operation, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  1. Wallpaper glue is selected only for non-woven wallpaper.
  2. If there are strong wall irregularities, which is usually most pronounced precisely in the corners of the room, then it is best to immediately use relief coatings. For smooth wallpaper, careful alignment of the walls is necessary, otherwise the surface will turn out to be ugly.
  3. If the corner is very uneven, then it is recommended to use putty and galvanized metal perforated corners so that rust spots do not appear on the surface.

Otherwise, the process of how to glue wallpaper in the corners of non-woven fabric is no different from the conditions already given.

Wallpaper is one of the most common finishing materials. The gluing process is simple, but requires compliance with certain rules. Particular attention must be paid to how to stick the material in the corners of the room. Otherwise, distortions and irregularities will be observed, the canvas itself will be covered with air bubbles.
