Wooden staircase project online. How to calculate the stairs to the second floor: optimal parameters. Choice of march width

Private country houses and cottages in two or more floors- have long ceased to seem like a curiosity. This approach to planning their properties allows owners to achieve the maximum possible usable area of ​​​​housing even on "modest" in size plots for construction. It is clear that both the design of a building on several levels and its construction are seriously complicated. In particular, in addition to the usual architectural and interior elements inherent in any house, it is necessary to think over the creation of interfloor transitions. Most often this role is played by stairs. And if we consider the statistics of individual construction, then the undisputed "leaders" in popularity are

Nowadays there is no shortage of finished projects staircase structures. You can find on the Internet and special applications that conduct necessary calculations. But it is quite possible to carry out an independent calculation wooden stairs to the second floor. For many, this will be even more interesting and understandable, since in the course of the calculation, the owner of the house delves into the many nuances of such a structure, trying them on for his possessions.

Let's walk through the steps in this post. basic calculations stairs. You will see that everything is not so prohibitively difficult.

The main structural elements of a wooden staircase

First of all, what are they - wooden stairs on?

  • The simplest option is a single-flight straight staircase. Such designs are relatively simple in calculations and installation, they are distinguished by high reliability and comfort in operation.

A significant disadvantage of such a staircase can be considered that it "eats" a lot of usable space. And a decrease in its size (meaning its projection onto the floor plane) leads to an increase in the steepness of the ascent and descent. Which, in turn, makes the flight of stairs inconvenient and even unsafe for movement, especially for children or for people with disabilities.

  • If the space available in the room does not allow for a single-flight staircase, or it turns out to be too steep, it is divided into two or more flights, changing their direction to perpendicular or opposite.

It is clear that the total length of the marches, with the same height of rise and its steepness, will not decrease. But this approach allows, so to speak, to optimize the space. For example, flights of stairs are located in the corner of the room along the walls, and it does not clutter up the room. Or, under the interfloor passage, they allocate a small separate room at all, turning it into a compact stairwell with opposite marches.

  • Stairs with two or more straight flights may also vary. And this difference lies in the features of ensuring a change in direction of movement. So, between the marches there can be a horizontal transition platform. Another option - marches connects a curved section with a smooth change in direction, with steps of a characteristic trapezoidal shape. Such steps are called running.

A staircase with a running section, of course, looks more elegant in the interior. And due to the fact that the rise does not “stop” anywhere, including at the turn, there is a gain in the overall dimensions of the structure. But a winder ladder is much more difficult in calculations, design and installation, and in operation it is not as convenient and safe as a similar one, but with a transition platform. So it is better to weigh all its advantages and disadvantages in advance.

Prices for wooden stairs

wooden staircase

  • The design allows you to place the interfloor passage literally "on the patch". And one cannot but agree that such a staircase in the interior looks very vintage (sorry for the pun). However, this is where its virtues are limited.

But her shortcomings - more than enough. The complexity of calculations and installation largely limit the possibilities for independent creativity - the construction of such structures is still the lot of professionals. Moreover, in many models curvilinear, bent parts are used, which can be made on your own without special equipment and without knowledge of technology - it is completely impossible. From the point of view of convenience and safety of moving along the spiral steps, the staircase generally loses to all its “brothers”. And yet - just imagine that you need to raise to the second floor (or lower down) some dimensional piece of furniture or household appliances!

  • From the inside, the steps can be closed with riser panels (pos. 5). However, this element is not mandatory, and often the risers are not installed either for the sake of giving the structure visual lightness, or in order not to create an obstacle to setting the foot (this is typical for stairs with a pronouncedly steep rise).

For the manufacture of risers, a board with a thickness of at least 20 mm is used (recommended - 30 mm). This part can be located and attached in different ways, and this must be taken into account in advance, since its position often affects the “working” width of the tread.

The figure above, just as an example, shows two different principles connections of treads with risers. It is quite obvious that on the left fragment the position of the riser does not affect the width of the step. But on the right, where the riser is installed in the selected grooves, you will have to adjust the width of the tread panel so that the calculated step width does not decrease.

Prices for stairs

  • The first step of the lower march (pos. 6) may not differ from all the others. But sometimes its configuration is varied (while trying not to change the height), they are made wider, with rounded edges, so as to facilitate the approach to the flight of stairs from the left or right side. Such a step is called a frieze.

  • An important element of any wooden staircase is the design of the railing. This is both security and an additional decorative "highlight" of the interfloor transition. The basis for the installation of the fence are powerful posts (pos. 7), which should be at the beginning and end of each march. On the transition platform, such a column becomes common to both marches. If the entrance to the stairs is made frieze, then the lower pillar can be shifted to the second or even third step.

Between pillars, with an equal pitch, which should not be more than 150÷180 mm, (pos. 8), forming a common balustrade. From pillar to pillar, railings (handrails) (pos. 9) are launched, which, along the march, rest on the upper ends of the balusters.

As a rule, pillars and balusters are given a beautiful configuration - the details are turned on a lathe. There is no shortage of such products now, and it is quite possible to order a kit in a carpentry workshop. Railings will also be made there. desired shape in section. Some recommendations on the shapes and sizes of the design details of the staircase railing are clearly shown in the diagram.

By the way, it is the position of the fence system that determines the width flight of stairs- it is calculated between the wall and the handrails, or between the handrails on both sides. From the point of view of convenience for intra-apartment stairs, a march with a width of 900 to 1000 mm is considered optimal - not too wide so that the space is not “eaten up”, and quite convenient for moving one person and transferring furnishings. However, the upper limit in width is not indicated anywhere - this is at the discretion of the owners. But the minimum size is strictly stipulated by fire safety rules. In any case, the staircase is considered as one of the evacuation routes, and its width cannot be less than 800 mm.

It is clear that models of stairs can combine various elements, including those that were not shown in the proposed scheme. But since our article is intended for beginners ( experienced craftsmen have long known all the intricacies of calculation and installation), it is better not to spray, but to limit ourselves to analyzing the most affordable options.

The principal device of the stairs is considered. You can choose the type of construction that is most suitable for specific conditions and proceed to the calculations.

The main steps in the calculation of a wooden staircase

Stairs can be attributed to structures of increased complexity, however, nothing is impossible for a real owner. The main thing that created structure was convenient and safe in everyday use, distinguished by high reliability and durability. Plus, no one ever, as a rule, discounts the aesthetic component, since the staircase should fit well into the intended interior.

And they begin to carry out calculations with an assessment of the place where the ladder is supposed to be installed. The steepness of its rise directly depends on this.

Calculations the main general linear parameters of the ladder structure

Although within his home the owner is free to "experiment", certain rules when creating a staircase design, one way or another, he will have to adhere to. And above all, this applies to the steepness of the flight of stairs, that is, the angle between the direction of ascent and the horizontal plane.

The ladder should be both convenient to use and safe. Therefore, there are certain limits to its steepness. So, the rise should not be too gentle - this is both inconvenient for a person and takes up too much space in the room. Less than 20 degrees of slope in residential buildings, stairs are not made at all, but it is still better to consider 24 degrees as an acceptable lower limit of steepness, although this is also somewhat small.

The most optimal a range of approximately 27 to 33 degrees is considered - such marches are the most convenient and safe. But often in cramped conditions at home it is difficult to come to such values, and stairs are made with a slope of up to 40 degrees. Well, the top one. the critical boundary for a staircase in constant use to the second floor can be considered an angle of 45 degrees. But for individual family members, even such a bias is already becoming quite difficult to overcome.

It is clear that the more gentle the staircase, the more space required for its installation. Therefore, it seems appropriate as a first step to assess the steepness of the march and the size of the horizontal projection - how it will "fit" into the space of the room, which can be allocated for its installation.

So, we consider the interdependence of the steepness of the stairs and the space required for its installation.

This dependence is expressed by the trigonometric relation:


Below is an online calculator that already includes this trigonometric function. And come to the calculation, with a known lifting height (and it is calculated “from floor to floor”, that is, taking into account the thickness of the ceiling), you can do it in two ways:

  • It is planned to create a staircase with a precisely selected flight steepness angle. The calculation will show what place she will have to allocate in the room.
  • The dimensions of the area under the stairs are strictly regulated - you need to determine what angle the march will get, and whether it will fall into the allowable range. For this calculation, it is only necessary, by varying the slope in the input field, to achieve the required value of the projection length at the output - all this will take a few seconds.

If there is not enough space for a single-flight staircase (and this most often happens in a small private house), then it should be divided into two flights, as already mentioned above. In this case, for each of the marches, you can carry out your own calculationby changing the height of the transition platform. But at the same time, not forgetting that the angle of inclination is necessarily maintained the same for all marches. This is a strict rule, which is unacceptable to break!

Calculator for analyzing the interdependence of the slope of the stairs and the size of its horizontal projection


After the value of the length of the horizontal projection is obtained, it is easy to calculate the length of the march span. This parameter is necessary, for example, when ordering materials for the manufacture of stringers (strings) and railings. It is clear that the workpieces must be with a margin - for accurate cutting in place, but you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe estimated length, at least in order to ensure this margin.

The calculation is simple, since it obeys the Pythagorean Theorem known to everyone from school:

L = √ (D2+H2)

Prices for balusters


We simplify the task for the reader - he has an online calculator at his disposal:

Stair span length calculator

Enter the requested values ​​and click

Lifting height (from floor to floor), meters

Length of horizontal projection, meters

Another important nuance that should be immediately foreseen when planning stairs. This is an opening in the ceiling through which the flight of stairs will pass. Here you need to focus on the following:

  • A person climbing a ladder should not risk hitting his head on the ceiling or the edge of the opening. Therefore, from any point on the stairs to the ceiling, it must be maintained safe distance. Usually it is taken at least 2000 mm, but for tall people who make the stairs “for themselves”, more can be set.
  • In order not to weaken the floor structure, it is better to position the opening so as not to resort to complete dismantling beams or to the cutting of its fragment with the subsequent installation of an additional support. That is, it is better to think over this question in advance.

According to the scheme presented above, it is easy to establish the dependence of the length of the cut opening (S) from safe passage height (v) and the angle of steepness of the march (a), taking into account the thickness of the overlap (P).

S = (V+P) /tg a

The same dependence, but "transformed into the appearance" of an online calculator:

Slab Opening Length Calculator

Specify the requested values ​​and click

Safe height to overlap, meters

Floor thickness, meters

Angle of steepness of stairs, degrees

The width of the march has already been mentioned above. Important - the dimensions of the transition area cannot be less than the established width of the stairs, and the marches must be equal in width.

The main overall dimensions of the stairs have been determined, the design has so far been theoretically, in terms of, inscribed in the space of the room - you can proceed to the calculation of the parameters of the steps.

Calculation of steps of a marching staircase

This is one of the most crucial moments. The dimensions of the steps should be such that it is most convenient and safe for a person to move up the stairs.

  • The height of the step should not be too small, so as not to knock down the step. But at the same time, the height of the leg lift, followed by the transfer of the center of gravity and taking a step up, should correspond to the normal ergonomics of human movement, and not cause rapid muscle fatigue. It is believed that in the best option this indicator should be in the range from 150 to 180 mm. It is permissible for marches with too gentle or steep angles of rise to use a height from 130 ÷ 140 to 200 ÷ 210 mm, but comfort will certainly decrease from this.
  • The width of the tread should provide the fullest possible setting of the foot or shoe sole, but at the same time not force the person to take too wide a step when moving to the next step. That is, the range from 310 to 270 mm is considered optimal, with a permissible variation of up to 320 and 250 mm. True, if the calculated width of the treads is insufficient, it can be “increased”. For this, either oblique risers are made, or they are completely removed so that a barrier is not created for the leg, or, which is most commonly practiced, the tread is made with an overhang over the lower step.

1 - stairs with straight risers;

2 - stairs with risers bevelled inward;

3 - a ladder with ledges of treads above the lower steps;

4 - stairs without risers.

How to determine optimal ratio step height and width? It is almost universally recommended to use the so-called "safety formula"

2 h +b = 600÷640 mm

h- step height:

b- tread width

600÷640 - Approximate length of a person's average stride.

The formula itself is certainly correct. But there are two nuances:

- The width of the step can be greater or lesser. It is no secret that there are very tall families and, conversely, people with growth below the norm.

- The formula does not take into account the steepness of the flight of stairs. That is, it allows you to find the optimal ratio of a single value, but does not give an answer, but what should be this one of the initial parameters.

Therefore, another algorithm can be considered more universal and accurate. calculation, which takes into account the ergonomics of human movement and makes the size of the steps also dependent on the steepness of the stairs. This method can be implemented graphically and mathematically.

Graphically, the calculation is as follows:

  • The coordinate axes are drawn - X and Y, respectively, the length and height.
  • The normal length of a person's step is plotted along the X axis (naturally, on the selected scale). Everyone is free to carry out the calculation, in accordance with the most acceptable value of this parameter. The points of these "steps" can be numbered - they are indicated on the diagram 1 ; 2 ; 3 etc .
  • Segments equal to half the length of the step are plotted along the Y axis. It is believed that it is to such a height that any person easily raises his leg, without a feeling of discomfort and rapid fatigue. These points are numbered 1v; 2c; 3c and t.d .
  • Now points with equal numbers can be connected auxiliary lines.
  • The next step through the center of coordinates is the line of the flight of stairs, that is, at an angle that was obtained as a result of previous calculations. Just for clarity, the diagram shows two options - for two stairs of different steepness.
  • The intersection points of the march line with the auxiliary lines will indicate the outer edge of the step. From these points it is already easy to draw vertical and horizontal lines to draw the entire profile of the stairs.
  • After that, it remains only to measure the resulting steps, and, knowing the magnitude of the scale, translate the obtained values ​​​​to real ones.
  • By the way, pay attention to the nuance. If you connect the dot 1v With 2 , 2c With 3 etc., then the lines will pass exactly through inner corner steps.

As mentioned above, the same algorithm can be applied purely mathematically, without going over to graphical constructions.

Let's try to increase one of the schema fragments:

The X-axis represents the length of the step, and the Y-axis represents half of this length. It turns out right triangle with legs, one of which is twice as large as the other. This is possible only in a triangle, in which the angles (except for a right one) are approximately 63 and 27 degrees (the indicators are actually not rounded, but this is of no fundamental importance).

Knowing this, we can determine the length of the segment G, which connects the edges of the steps. We apply the sine theorem:

G / sin 63° = (0.5 × L) / sin (27° + α)

And the found segment G- is nothing more than the hypotenuse of a triangle whose legs are height ( h) and width ( b) steps.

h = G × sinα= G × cos (90 – α)

b = G × cos α = G × sin (90 - α)

It is these trigonometric dependencies that became the basis for the recommended calculator, which will carry out calculations in a matter of seconds.

Calculator calculationthe optimal size of the steps of the mid-flight stairs

The values ​​obtained as a result of calculations cannot yet be considered final. They need to be brought to real size flight of stairs. How it's done?

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  • The lift height is known. The calculation gave the recommended step height. We divide one by the other and we get the approximate number of steps. Approximate because it usually turns out to be fractional, and requires rounding.
  • Rounding, of course, "asks" to the nearest side. But here you can show some "flexibility". The fact is that it is recommended to have an odd number of steps on the flight of stairs. This is from those considerations that it is always much more convenient for a person to start and finish moving up the stairs with one foot. The rule, of course, is optional, but you can still keep it in mind.

Another nuance - the number of steps in the march cannot be unlimited - the maximum allowed is eighteen. However, if a wooden staircase to the second floor is calculated in an ordinary private house, to such a large number still don't have to resort.

  • Now that the number of steps is known, it is already possible to accurately determine their height. To do this, divide the height of the lift by the resulting number.

This value is sometimes also led to some kind of rounded indicator, for which, for example, the height of the first frieze stage. But you can leave it as it is - there will be no big difference, for example, when marking a kosour or a bowstring - whether you will draw the lines of steps through 186 or through 190 mm. It just takes a little more care.

Well, if the calculated width of the step turned out to be not quite sufficient for setting the foot (you can focus on about 290 ÷ 300 mm), it can be increased by creating a small overhang - already mentioned above.

Peculiarities calculationsteps of the running section of the stairs

The calculation of the steps of the running section has its own characteristics. But this applies to a greater extent to their size in terms of. The height and width in the central part of the treads should remain the same as on the marching sections of the stairs.

In planning such a site, options are possible.

A. The change in the shape of the steps begins along the border of the curvature of the stairs.

The calculation for this option is somewhat easier.

Winder steps have a trapezoidal shape. In their central part (along the line of movement along the stairs), the width must be the same as on a straight march.

You can make the following diagram. It is shown here to start a 180-degree turn of the flight of stairs, but with a perpendicular arrangement of flights, the principle remains the same.

  • The lower left of the diagram shows a straight flight of stairs. There are also notations: L in this case, this is the width of the march, and b- calculated step width for the entire staircase. The height of the steps in this calculation is not required - it simply remains the same for the entire length of the interfloor transition, regardless of whether it is a straight line or a running section.
  • A line is punched in the center of the march, which becomes an arc at the turn. It can be conditionally called the "line of motion" (it is shown in the diagram blue color). It is along this line that the “trajectory” of a person moving up the stairs usually passes.
  • Top boundary of the last straight step a horizontal line is drawn, on which the center of rotation is plotted - a point BUT. It is she who becomes the center for the arcs that determine the turn of the stairs. The position of this center is arbitrary to a certain extent, but they always try to “move” it outside the stairs by at least ¼ ÷ ⅛ of the march width, otherwise the turning radius R will become too small, and this, quite obviously, will unacceptably narrow inner sides trapezoidal winder steps.

The diagram clearly shows that the radius R is equal to the shortest distance from center A to outside(along the perpendicular) of a straight flight of stairs, and it also sets the "outer contour" of the curved section.

Inner arc with center BUT is a continuation of the inner edge of the straight march section.

  • With the next step from the edge of the last straight step along the arcuate line of the course, chords are laid (segments, the edges resting on this arc). Their length is equal to the estimated width of the stairs. This achieves the required width of the winder steps in the center.
  • After that, lines are drawn through the ends of these chords to the center BUT. It is these lines that will set the boundaries of the winder steps.
  • The intersection of these lines with the arcs of the outer and inner contours will show the ends of the chords, which already become the width of the outer ( S) and inner edge ( m) winder steps. As mentioned above, for the inside, this figure should be at least 100 mm, for the outside - no more than 400.
  • It is clear that it is hardly convenient to make a complex bent kosour or bowstring for the outer edge of a curved section. Therefore, the lines can be extended to the surface of the walls (shown by the red dotted line). The steps will take on a triangular or other polygonal shape, and their specific size will be easy to remove from the drawing if it is drawn to scale.

Since the width of the march and the width of the steps are constants, it turns out that the dimensions of the winder steps are more dependent on the radius R, that is, from the chosen location of the center A. And in order not to guess and not to redraw the diagram several times, you can “predict” this dependence in advance. To do this, you just need to translate the shown drawing into the "language of geometry". In this case, the patterns of similarity of triangles are most suitable for this.

Our online calculator will help you quickly and accurately determine this.

When building any stationary staircase, it is necessary to adhere to certain standards so that the design is safe, comfortable and durable. To do this, you should calculate the stairs, and it does not matter whether it is made of wood, concrete or metal. The correctness of the calculations depends on many factors, and in this article we will tell you how to correctly calculate the wooden stairs to the second floor of the house.

Before proceeding with the construction and calculations, it is necessary to study the structure of the stairs. Any design consists of a number of elements, some of which are mandatory (permanent), while others can be added depending on the design idea.

Any ladder consists of the following elements:

  • support beams (string or stringer);
  • support post (for a spiral staircase);
  • steps (treads and risers);
  • railings (balusters and handrails).

The bowstring runs along the edges of the steps from two or one side (if the ladder adjoins the wall on one side) and covers the ends with itself. Steps are inserted between support beams, and treads and risers are "recessed" into the structure. If the ladder is based on a kosour, then the steps are laid on top of it. And if the design can have a maximum of 2 bowstrings, then the number of stringers varies depending on design features and march width (1.3 or 4).

The tread is a horizontal surface that is stepped on with the foot, and the riser closes the gaps between the steps. Sometimes stairs are made without risers to give them lightness and airiness and not overload the interior. Railings are needed for support during ascent and descent. Their height is fixed, but still may vary slightly depending on the height of the occupants of the house. Balusters are located between the steps and handrails, and the distance between them should not be less than 7.5 cm - according to fire regulations, this minimum distance necessary to pass the fire hose. Usually, 15-20 cm are left between the balusters, but if small children live in the house, then for safety reasons it is recommended to install them every 10 cm.

Types of stairs

The choice of stairs depends on the preferences of the residents, the size of the room, the style of the interior and the purpose. So, in the children's room is better not to do spiral staircase, and give preference to elementary forms.

Calculation of stairs made of wood is carried out depending on the appearance and shape of the structure:

  • spiral (including stairs with winder steps);
  • marching - the most common type (the stairs may include intermediate and turntables).

Spiral staircases are generally used quite rarely, since their main task is decoration rather than functionality, but they can resolve the issue of raising to the second floor in conditions of limited space. Climbing them quickly will not work, but they perfectly save space and decorate the interior. If you want to build a spiral staircase, keep in mind that it will not work to lift a bulky sofa or wardrobe. In this case, the calculation of the rotation of the stairs with screw design quite difficult to do, especially if you've never done it before.

For beginners in the stair business, it is better to give preference to marching structures. They are called marching because they consist of marches or flights of stairs. These are steps separated by platforms. The calculation of the stairs with the platform takes into account extra space. There can be from one to 3 or more platforms on the stairs, however, 2 are usually enough to climb to the second floor. Marching stairs much easier in construction and calculations, but at the same time they can have a wide variety of designs.

Unlike screw structures, marching structures take up quite a lot of space, so some owners build three flights to save space, calculating stairs with a 90 ° turn or two flights with a 180 ° turn.

The march, in turn, can be curvilinear with an angular approach to the stairs and turning steps. In two- and three-flight structures, turning steps can be installed instead of spans.

Before picking the look ladder construction, you need to measure the free space, make calculations and, in accordance with them, make a drawing.

Stair calculation

Do-it-yourself calculation of a wooden staircase consists of several stages, after which all the data is brought together and displayed on the drawing. Let's consider in more detail each of the stages.

Steps and risers

How many steps will be in your future staircase? Their number does not depend on the preferences of the customer, but on the design features of the stairs - its length, width, riser height, etc.

It is necessary to start calculating the steps of the stairs by determining the height of the structure. To do this, measure the distance from the floor surface of the lower floor to the floor surface above. If you have not yet laid a finish coating, then you will have to measure "by eye" taking into account the approximate thickness of the future floor.

Let's say the distance between the floor and the ceiling is 2.5 m, the thickness interfloor overlap, including the floor on the top floor - 35 cm. To calculate the height of the stairs, we summarize the data and get 285 cm.

Further calculations should be done, focusing on the height of the risers ( vertical elements stairs). In most cases, they are made with a height of 15.2 to 19.7 cm. In this range, it will be comfortable for a person to move up and down, if you do less, the step will constantly go astray, more - the person will be very tired. For the convenience of calculations, we suggest choosing an average value of 17 cm.

To find the number of steps, divide the height of the stairs by the height of the risers: 285/17=16.76, round up to 17.

Then there are two options - either make a small lower winder step, or recalculate for a more accurate, but not quite even result. If you want to go the second way, divide the height of the stairs by the resulting number of steps: 285/17=16.76. Thus, you can make 17 steps with risers 16.7 cm high.

Tread for stairs

According to research and many years of practice, the smallest tread that will be comfortable for movement should be 22 cm wide. If you make it narrower, then it will be very difficult to go down such a ladder, and a person will most likely constantly slide off. The maximum width can reach 37-40 cm, if made wider, the step will go astray, the person will get tired, and the design itself will take up a lot of space.

To make an accurate calculation, you should adhere to the following dependencies:

2a + b = 64 cm; a + b = 47 cm;

Here a is the width of the riser and b is the tread.

We know the height of the riser - 16.7 cm. We count according to the first formula: 64-16.7 \u003d 47.3; since in condition 2a, then 47.3/2=23.65. This is too small and inconvenient width, so let's use the second formula: 47-16.7 = 30.3 (round up to 30). A width of 30 cm is quite suitable.

March width

By and large, the width of the march can be any, but the number of marches in the structure depends on the number free space that you have. The smallest march width, convenient for an adult, is 80 cm, if you make it narrower, then when carrying large furniture or when moving fat people difficulties may arise. The most optimal width is 100-140 cm.

It is desirable that the staircase design look harmonious and beautiful, so we recommend using one proven trick - make the width of the march a multiple of the width of the tread. For our stairs, it can be 90, 120 and 160 cm.

Ladder length

Do not confuse the length of the stairs with the previously determined height. To calculate the length, it is necessary to use two quantities already known to us - the number of steps and the width of the tread. Multiply these two values ​​and you get the length of the structure, while the last step does not need to be taken into account, since it will be one with the floor of the second floor.

4.8 m is quite a long length for an ordinary interfloor staircase, and it will take up a lot of free space. If the area does not allow you to “walk around”, then you will have to change the design of a single-flight straight staircase, making it two-flight with a 180 ° turn or three-flight with 90 ° turns.

For calculations similar structures today is best to use computer programs or online calculators. They are suitable for both beginners and professional builders. most popular free programs are.

Distance above steps

Since the beginning of a flight of stairs is almost always under the ceiling, the free distance above the head of a person walking up the stairs decreases with each step. If it is incorrect to calculate the stairs to the second floor, then the person will constantly beat his head against the ceiling, or he will have to bend down.

To calculate the optimal clearance above the steps, the distance from the very last step to the ceiling is calculated - it should be at least 195 cm. If the residents of the house are tall, then this distance is recommended to be increased to 220 cm.

Kosour for stairs

As a rule, stringers are made of strong boards with a thickness of 5 to 7 cm and a width of 25-30 cm. Agree, it is very difficult to find a product of such dimensions from a single piece of wood, so glued boards are used.

The calculation of the stringers depends on the size of the steps and the slope of the beam. The slope should be as comfortable and smooth as possible, but at the same time save space and match the length of the stairs.

The image above shows that the stringer can be tilted from 20 to 75 degrees, but this does not mean at all that any selected degree of slope from this range will be comfortable for a person. So, a slope of 40° and above will be too steep for young children and the elderly, which is to say about 75°. Such steep sections of 40-45 ° can be used, but only on short sections of the stairs. Optimal slope, which will be convenient for all residents, is from 35 ° to 40 °.

To calculate the size of the kosour, use the Pythagorean theorem, where A will be the height, B will be the length of the march, and C will be the desired value. Make calculations according to the formula A2 + I2 \u003d C2. Substitute the digital values ​​​​of your ladder and determine the length of the stringer.

The calculation of the step of the stairs is one of the decisive parameters. The step of an adult with a height of 165 to 180 cm is about 60-65 cm. For calculations, we denote the width of the tread as D, and the height of the step - H. To make the stairs comfortable, 2 step heights and one tread width should approximately correspond to one step of a person, then yes 2H+D=60 to 65 cm.

We hope this article helped you understand how to calculate the stairs yourself. If we are talking about a single-march direct structure, then a beginner will cope with this task, but for designing more complex structures it is better to turn to specialists. The same recommendation applies to the use of expensive wood species for the construction of stairs.

Finally, according to tradition, a training video on how to build a strong wooden staircase with your own hands:

In the modern world, there are many opportunities that previously people did not even think about. Who plans or completes the floor, the program for calculating the stairs to the second floor will definitely come in handy. This important element in the organization of space, requires attention. Therefore, design should be taken seriously.

Existing forms of stairs

As in any other business, before starting it is necessary:

  1. Decide which staircase to the second floor you want to equip.
  2. You should also think about what the material will be. After all, the stairs are presented on modern market in a wide variety of variations.
  3. How Money are you willing to spend on this design. This question is also important, because it depends on what project should be done.
  4. Also worth considering design decision ladder structure. After all, today there are many options on the market.

  5. Decor details should also be considered in advance, so it will be easier to calculate the amount required for furnishing the space.

All these nuances are important when creating a scheme for future gangways remotely through special programs.

What parameters need to be measured before design

To calculate the stairs online, you must first carry out manual measurements of some parameters. To easily draw up a project according to a template, you need to measure:

The height of the staircase. To do this, you need to use a tape measure or a special ruler to measure the distance from the floor of the first floor to the beginning of the second tier of the room.
The width of the steps themselves should also be measured. The size of the steps for the stairs to the second floor should not be less than 25 cm in length. It is optimal to make 28-30 cm. This will allow people with large feet to move comfortably to the second tier of the room.
If railings are planned in the structure, then their height should also be measured.
The distance from the extreme step, parallel to the ceiling, to the ceiling itself. This parameter should not be less than 200 cm. This is necessary so that a person of any height can move along the steps without bending over.
It is also worth measuring the gap between the floor and bottom steps. Usually it is at least 50 cm. But this indicator may vary depending on which design is chosen.
Be sure to immediately determine what the angle of inclination of the structure will be. Ideally, it should be 35-45 degrees. However, depending on style decision products, figures may vary.

Stair project created in a special program

  1. Steps should be comfortable to move.
  2. It is worth considering what fasteners will be installed in the stairwell.
  3. Often people make an erroneous height measurement, counting the distance from the floor of the first floor to the ceiling of the same tier as the required number. With such a calculation, errors are inevitable. After all, it is necessary to consider the distance to the beginning of the second floor of the room.

Floor Plan 3D

This program is clear and easy to understand even for inexperienced users. Therefore, you should pay attention to it.

Stair design in FloorPlan 3D

In it you can see how it will look like or on the second floor in the general picture of the interior.

Program Benefits

In addition to the structure of the stairs, it is also possible to design and. This will help to see the result before erecting the second floor or the building as a whole. For the construction of stairs this resource there are many utilities and elements.


This program must be downloaded from Personal Computer with sufficient hard disk space.

Online staircase designer

The program, which bears the appropriate name, can be used for its intended purpose. This software will help:

During the design of any staircase, it is necessary to take into account many different parameters that affect the integrity of the entire structure. Particular attention in the calculation of such a structure, first of all, should be given to such elements as spans, marches, steps and, of course, fences.

The procedure for planning stairs must completely eliminate even the most minor errors, since this, in consequence, can lead to very serious troubles. At the same time, the most high precision it is very important to observe during the construction metal stairs, since to fit its elements to required dimensions, in case of any error in the calculation, it will be very difficult.

To calculate the metal stairs online, use the appropriate calculator:

Work on the design of such structures is necessary with the calculation of the landing itself. These elements at the stairs are most often performed in rectangular shapes, although, of course, there are exceptions. When designing a future staircase, it is very important to rely on its intended angle of inclination, which will help to achieve more accurate results. One more pretty important rule when calculating metal stairs, it lies in the fact that the width of the march for such structures must necessarily be similar or slightly less than the width at the platform itself.

The design of stairs with several marches is carried out according to absolutely the same rules, however, taking into account a number of certain nuances. So, for example, the level of the march for such structures must strictly correspond to the height of the steps, and the marches themselves must necessarily look only in the direction of the water.

As for the calculation of completely straight or curved stairs, then, as a rule, slightly different rules apply. The marches themselves for such structures must be located no less than nine to ten steps. In addition, it is also very important to take into account the protective fences and, of course, the supporting structures. Indeed, in addition to the aesthetic component, such a rather important detail of the stairs as the railing also serves as an element of security, which means that their correct calculation is incredibly important.

For the manufacture of stair railings it is desirable to select materials that have an increased strength index, such as, for example, aluminum or steel. The coatings themselves, in this situation, can be made from plastic or wood.

No matter how the imagination builds appearance stairs, to calculate its design according to the required type and load is a task of a completely different class of complexity. All sorts of calculators and programs for designing stairs help well in this matter, and we will talk about them today.

PRO100 - simple visualization

Almost any staircase, no matter how complex it may be, can be represented as a collection of simpler steps, bowstrings, railings and risers - boards, in other words. Therefore, it will be most simple to draw up a staircase project for those craftsmen who have experience in furniture creation programs. The notorious PRO100 is well suited for these purposes: outline the design the simplest staircase you can use it in 30-40 minutes, even a beginner will not be difficult to get used to this program.

Of course, furniture programs work mainly with primitives - details in the form of a parallelepiped. It can be very difficult to display carved handrails and posts, specially shaped steps and other artistic delights. But if the goal is to determine Common parameters, such as height, number and layout of steps, then furniture and general purpose programs for three-dimensional modeling will be more than enough.

Of course, not if you take on the independent drafting of a project, which will be brought to life by another master. Here it is necessary to pay attention to details and, in the end, the customer receives exactly what he was able to portray, but no more.

The main disadvantage of PRO100 (as, indeed, of most furniture "constructors") is the lack of any automation for working with stairs. There is no possibility, for example, to specify the dimensions of the span, the step and the height of the steps, so all the work is done from scratch. However, for most amateur projects, standard means of manipulating objects are quite enough: grouping, copying, moving, and others like them.

It should be agreed that the goal of designing a staircase can be either only general idea about the design and main parameters, or a complex visualization with all the curls and carvings, the shape of turning and the details of fastening all the elements into one beautiful one-piece product. In the latter case, you must have practical experience work with stairs, otherwise the project may not be feasible in principle.

Online services for obtaining drawings

You should start your acquaintance with programs for designing stairs with all kinds of online services and calculators. Their capabilities are severely limited by the web platform: although there are ways to implement detailed calculations and qualitatively visualize the product "without leaving the Internet", the development of such software is too expensive and almost never justified.

And yet, such programs have one plus: they provide the user with the opportunity not to install additional software, but to preliminary calculations on the run. One of the popular sites lesenka.com offers a schematic representation of a staircase - a plan and a section of steps - according to the set of parameters you entered. It is possible in just a couple of minutes to generate schemes of stairs, both simple single-span and spiral, and with platforms, and with winder steps.

Another popular site is lascalagrande.ru. Free input of parameters is not available here, but the parameterization form is quite “smart” and will itself offer valid options for the user to choose from. It is possible to choose one of six types of stairs (including multi-flight, rotary and complex shape steps), as well as calculate the fences and balustrades, resulting in a drawing with the main dimensions and an isometric sketch. The site stairshop.ru is almost a complete analogue of the previous one, but it has a rare possibility of a three-dimensional view of the designed staircase, although with a very primitive display quality.

Sites of this kind have a number of nice features. Most of them belong to companies professionally engaged in the manufacture and installation of stairs. Therefore, it is possible to familiarize yourself with the photo gallery finished products and roughly estimate the cost of the project.

Features of working in Staircon

Online design tools greatly limit the freedom of action when designing stairs with a unique design. If you need more individual approach, you will have to use either CAD programs (Autodesk, SketchUp), or pay attention to specialized software.

The Staircon program is a very, very good option even for a one-time use. Despite the abundance of functions, this product is quite easy to master, even when using a non-Russian version. Almost each of the settings windows has a small preview, which clearly shows the nature of the changes being made, plus all customizable parameters are immediately applied to the main scene. All work is carried out by parameterizing either the staircase as a whole, or individual platforms and spans, or even each step separately.

There are three main views in the program: general plan, sketch and three-dimensional model. Moving sequentially from one to another, the user first sets up the parameters of the ladder pocket, then the overall configuration of the stairs, for which there are several dozen built-in templates. And, finally, the work ends with the study small parts such as railings or handrails, and the choice of materials (including metal and glass).

As a result, the user gets design documentation, a list of parts and materials, or a render of a visual scene with quite acceptable quality.

Calculation of physical and mechanical parameters

Many are interested in the question: how to use programs to calculate the stairs according to the load. On closer acquaintance with Staircon and similar means, it turns out that the calculation technical parameters load is already built into the bowels of the program, and it simply will not offer to use sections of materials and design nodes that do not correspond to at least the average level of throughput load.

As with everything, an individual calculation may be required here, especially when fixing steps to the wall on only one side, when working with suspended stairs or calculating concrete spans with a large dead weight.

Unfortunately, these calculations will have to be done manually: no matter how perfect the program is, you should not rely on standard algorithms. No design tool can take into account bearing capacity walls, as well as the strength of individual materials for the execution of the staircase itself.

Should You Learn CAD and 3D Modeling?

If you do not have development experience in Autocad or 3ds Max, you should not pay attention to this class of programs only for designing stairs. The only exception is when you really need to create high quality visualization or to fit the staircase into the general interior visualization plan, which is quite rare in amateur practice.

But if you are already familiar with programs for three-dimensional modeling and drawing production, familiarity with special software for stairs can turn into a waste of time. As we have already said, CAD programs do not know how to space steps at the same distance or automatically adjust the line of fences to changes in the configuration of the span.

However, in reality, such capabilities are needed when developing only very large projects. In other cases, you can use the standard snapping and grouping tools, or find the appropriate plugin for working with stairs.
