Calculation of running steps. Metal turning stairs with winder steps: features and benefits Calculation of a single-flight staircase with winder steps

This online calculator has an integrated system so that you can calculate the stairs to the second floor with a 90-degree turn and winders without having the skills of a designer and without special knowledge in the field of construction. This program was created by people, for people. Simplicity and ease of use, a logically understandable interface will help you make seemingly complex calculations in just a couple of clicks. Following the general instructions and rules, you will receive an accurate calculation of materials, as well as clear drawings that exclude any errors.

This simple program is able to produce for you a highly accurate automatic calculation, whether it be wooden or metal stairs. Let's try to figure out together what is, first of all, the very design of the staircase with winder steps. This type of stairs is not only for easy movement between floors, but also significantly saves space in comparison with conventional mid-flight stairs. Due to the absence of a mid-flight platform as such, its aesthetic appearance is enhanced, thanks to which it fits perfectly into any modern decor. Due to the fact that the interfloor platform is made in the form of steps, you save on material when erecting this structural element.

To calculate winder stairs with 90 degree turn, you need some basic data:

  • Standard sizes, lengths and widths;
  • Dimensions of the opening where the winder will be located;
  • Well, perhaps the most important thing is the geometric dimensions of the steps.

In the last paragraph, you need to know and take into account some features.

  • In narrow areas, 100 mm is considered the most convenient size.
  • In the central part of the step, the average size must be reduced to 250 mm.
  • Well, on the widest section, experts recommend using a step depth of no more than 400 mm.

In this case, it is better to take the step height according to the standard within 15-20 cm. And the slope of the kosour for convenient ascent and descent is 30-40 degrees. You should also take into account the features of the material from which you plan to make the staircase itself. It can be metal and wood, concrete and even glass. The last thing you should not forget when calculating the stairs is the overhang of the step over the riser, the maximum size for this type of stairs should not exceed 5 cm.

Calculation results.

If you follow the rules and recommendations and correctly enter the initial data, as a result you will receive: the most accurate drawing of the l-shaped staircase to the second floor, the calculation of the staircase itself, made in accordance with all the rules of GOST, as well as a safe and comfortable design after its installation.

When calculating and designing a staircase in a two-story house or a two-level apartment, a common problem is the lack of free space for its installation. In such a situation, a wooden staircase with winder steps would be an excellent solution. But such a design has its own characteristics in the calculation and installation, and we will talk about this below.

A winder staircase is a flight staircase with a turn of 90 or 180 degrees. Its feature is winder steps, which can significantly save the area occupied by the stairs after installation. Winder steps are installed at the turn of the stairs instead of an intermediate platform.

Staircase with winder steps and turn 90 degrees
Staircase with winder steps and turn 180 degrees

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of stairs of this design include:

  • take up little space
  • aesthetic appeal
  • visually make the room wider

to the cons:

  • complexity of calculations
  • winder steps are already ordinary, which causes inconvenience
  • increased risk of injury

How to calculate a staircase with winder steps

Before proceeding with the design, you must understand that any calculation is a complex procedure that requires certain knowledge and the use of special formulas. Therefore, in order to avoid errors and problems in the future, it is recommended to use special programs, such as AutoCAD, StairDesigner, Compass, or use the services of specialists.

The manufacture of any wooden staircase begins with the calculation of dimensions and its presentation graphically. Before calculating the dimensions, you should remember the recommended dimensions of the elements of the stairs, namely:

  • the width of the flight of stairs in a private house should be 600 - 700 mm for one person, but do not forget about the possibility of oncoming traffic, so the optimal width will be 900 mm
  • tilt angle. The ideal ratio of the height of the march to its horizontal projection is 1:2 - 1:1.75, in which case the slope of the stairs is about 30º. If there is not enough space, then the maximum allowable slope is 40º, which in the ratio of march to projection is 1: 1.25
  • the thickness of the tread usually depends on the width of the march in a ratio of 1:20, for example, for a march 900 mm wide, the thickness of the tread should be about 45 mm
  • there are no special requirements for the riser, it can be made of any wood, and the recommended thickness is 15 - 25 mm. Veneered plywood is also often used to make risers.
  • stringers should be straight and without knots, the width of the board from which they are made should be 250 - 300 mm, and the thickness 40 - 70 mm
  • for convenient descent and ascent, the railing is set at a level of about 900 mm
  • the dimensions of the steps must correspond to the formula 2 * h + b = 600 ... 650 mm, where h is the height of the step, and b is its width. A comfortable height is considered to be a size of 140 - 180 mm, and a width of 250 - 300 mm
  • the number of winder steps is recommended to be three, less often four pieces. It all depends on the specific situation.

Staircase with three winders (marked in green)

DIY wooden staircase with winder steps

Start calculation wooden stairsyou need to determine the number of steps, for this you need to take the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor and divide by the approximate height of the step. Consider an example where the height of the stairs is 2700 mm, and the length of the free space allocated for the stairs is 3300 mm.

Dimensions of the future stairs

Dividing the distance between the floors of the first and second floors by the average recommended step height of 2700/155, we get the number of steps equal to 17.41 pieces, round up to 17 pieces and subtract one step, since the floor of the second floor is already one of the steps of our future stairs. Thus, we get the number of steps equal to 16. Dividing the height of the stairs by the number of steps, we get the exact size of our step, which is 169 mm.

At the next stage of the calculation, you need to decide how many straight steps there will be before the turn of the stairs and, accordingly, before the winder steps. Suppose there are three straight steps. The next element of the stairs will be a winder turn. First of all, you need to decide on the width of the flight of stairs, since in order to turn the stairs by 90 degrees, it is necessary to allocate space for winders in the form of a square, the sides of which have a length equal to the width of the flight of stairs. Let's take the size of 900mm for the width of the flight of stairs. Now knowing the size of the element with winders and the number of steps after, we can calculate the width of the step. In our case, the number of steps in the upper flight is 10 pieces (the total number of steps is 16, 3 steps before the turn, 3 winder steps)

(3300 - 900) / 10 = 240 mm

Having the width and height of the steps, we can check whether they will be comfortable for walking using the formula 2 h + b = 600…650 mm.

2*169 + 240 = 578

As we can see, 578 mm is much less than the recommended 600 - 650 mm, so in order to increase the width of the tread, we need to reduce the number of steps after the turn. To do this, you can increase the number of steps before the turn or increase the number of winder steps to four. We will increase the number of steps before the turn to four, thereby reducing the number after the turn. Let's carry out once again our calculations with the width of the tread:

(3300 - 900) / 9 = 267 mm

The width has increased. Now let's check the comfort of movement with such dimensions

2*169 + 267 = 605mm

Now, knowing the size and number of steps before and after the turn, we can calculate the angle of inclination of the stairs and check if it falls within the recommended range.

To do this, we need to know the height of the last march and the length of its projection onto the floor. We can get the height by multiplying the number of steps up to it by their height and subtract this value from the total height

2700 — 7*169 = 1517

The length of the projection will be equal to the difference in the length of the niche and the platform for winders

3300 — 900 = 2400

Knowing this data and using the tangent angle formula, we can determine the angle of inclination of the stairs, which is approximately 32º, this result falls into the recommended range.

Approximate appearance of the finished staircase made according to the dimensions taken above

It remains only to calculate the size of the wooden winder steps. When assigning the size of the wedge-shaped winder steps, the calculated values ​​​​are taken in the middle of the march. From practice, I can say that on average there are 3 steps per square, less often 4 steps, it all depends on the specific case. With three steps, the angle of rotation of the winder steps is a multiple of 30 degrees, with 4 steps the algorithm is different. The angle of the first step is 24º, the second 45º, the third 67º and the fourth, respectively, 90º.

Winder Angle

Of course, 3 steps are more comfortable than 4, since the average tread with three steps will be 290 - 300 mm, and with four 210 - 220 mm. This can be seen in the figure below.

Step size

The last, but optional step is to draw a ladder in real size on the wall in the place where it will be installed. Such actions will help you visualize the design in space and check the correctness of your calculations.

Before you start making a wooden staircase with winder steps with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of wood from which it will be made. The most common species for production are oak, ash, beech, maple and larch. Pine is also very popular, but compared to the listed species, it does not have the same density, but it is much cheaper.

List of tools that you may need to make and install stairs:

  • drill
  • screwdriver
  • jigsaw
  • hand saw
  • hammer
  • plane
  • chisel
  • roulette
  • level
  • screws, screws, nails and other fasteners

A ladder with winder steps can be made in two ways: on stringers or bowstrings. The option with bowstrings is more common and easy to install, in the case of stringers, manufacturing and installation is more difficult, but this design looks more elegant and beautiful.

Installation of a wooden staircase occurs in stages:

  • installation of a bollard for the winder steps and the first flight
  • installation and fastening of the supporting structure of the second flight
  • installation steps, should be done from the bottom up
  • installation of supports, balusters and pillars
  • installation and fastening of railings


In this article, we have reviewedhow to make a running ladder and how to calculate it. Making a wooden staircase with winders is a difficult process, but if you have certain skills in working with wood and sufficient knowledge in geometry, then this process is quite doable on your own. Do not forget that with proper care and maintenance, a wooden staircase will serve you for more than one year, so when making calculations, follow the recommendations outlined in this article, this will help make it safe, and walking onstairs all these years will bring you only pleasure.

With a good design, a corner staircase will look great in your home.

How to calculate winder corner stairs

The main disadvantage of a direct march is the high requirements for free space. Therefore, this design is not suitable for every home. Less demanding on free space - a corner staircase with a 90 ° turn.

Stylish corner staircase that occupies a minimum of space.

Short description

A distinctive feature of a winder staircase with a turn of 90 degrees is the absence of a landing. In its place are several wedge-shaped steps. Together they form a smooth turn from one march to another. To do this, one part of the steps is made narrow, and the other - wide.

Such a turn of the stairs is no less convenient option than with a landing.

In fact, a winder staircase is a combination of a helical and marching structure. From the first variety, she got space savings (albeit not too significant), from the second - ease of use.

Climbing the winder ladder will be more convenient for one person.

Such structures are usually installed in the corner of the room, although in some cases they can be placed right in the center of the room. In the first case, the load is partially transferred to the walls, in the second case, the structure is held by 2 load-bearing beams.
Making a staircase with a 90 degree turn is a rather difficult task. This will require the implementation of accurate, the availability of the necessary tools, as well as the manufacture of complex parts. However, with the right approach, this is quite a doable task.

An interesting option for installing a corner staircase is to an attached load-bearing wall.

Pros and cons of winder design

The advantages of stairs with a 90 degree angle include the following points:

  • Saving free space. Compared to straight marching products, running models take up less space.
  • Ease of use. If the steps are not too narrow, then climbing or descending the corner stairs is almost as convenient as using a conventional marching structure.
  • Good reliability and load capacity. Marching varieties are the strongest and most reliable structures.
  • Wide range of design possibilities. A variety of materials, shapes and details allows you to create a staircase with a unique design.
  • Interior element. Turning stairs fit almost any room, giving the interior a new and unusual look.

Like all ladder structures, winder ladders have not only advantages, but also some disadvantages. Among which it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • High price. The cost of manufacturing or purchasing a finished structure remains high.
  • Manufacturing complexity. To create a quality product, complex calculations and a lot of time for manufacturing parts will be required.
  • Difficulty in installation. To install a ladder with a turn of 90 degrees, considerable effort and at least 2 people will be required.

A simple version of the winder ladder.

Material used

In the modern world, many materials are used for the production of stairs. For example:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete;
  • fiberglass, etc.

Pretty not a simple design winder stairs made of concrete.

In most cases, there are models made of wood or metal. The high popularity of these materials can be explained by two factors: reasonable cost and good strength.
Working with a tree is quite simple - no special skills or sophisticated equipment are required here. Also, wooden stairs look presentable and give the room a certain comfort. However, it should be borne in mind that in order to protect the surface, it is required from time to time to cover it with protective agents.

A wooden winder staircase will be ideally combined in a country house.

All-metal products are less common. The fact is that for the manufacture of such structures, knowledge of welding and the availability of appropriate equipment are required. In addition, metal stairs with an angle of 90 degrees look quite specific and will not suit every interior.

In some cases, a combined approach can be used. For example, to make load-bearing beams of metal, and install wooden steps on them.

Metal staircase with wooden winder steps.

Despite the similarity of the running corner design with marching models, it is less convenient to climb or descend such stairs. The main negative point is the winder steps, in which one end is narrow and the other is wide. It is this structure that increases the risk of injury and the likelihood of slipping off the steps.

Such a corner staircase is not very safe, so you should go down closer to the wall.

Also, usability is affected by the size of other elements. For example, high railings are not suitable for children, and climbing narrow steps will not be very convenient for everyone without exception.

Therefore, to increase the comfort of use, important points should be considered:

  • the minimum depth of the narrow part of the winder step is 10 cm, the middle one is not less than 20 cm, the wide part is not more than 40 cm;
  • the optimal step height is 15-20 cm;
  • the dimensions of the running and straight steps must correspond throughout the entire flight of stairs;
  • recommended railing height - 80-100cm;
  • the optimal distance between the balusters is 12-15 cm;
  • the minimum height of the opening (free space above the stairs) is 2 m;
  • the optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is 30-45O;
  • the minimum width of the flight of stairs is 90 cm.

The optimal dimensions of the winder ladder.

Step calculation

  • N = number of steps;
  • H1 - floor height;
  • H2 - step height.

Calculation of stairs with running steps.

But in some cases, an integer value may not work. In this case, you can go three ways:

  • change the height of the steps;
  • make the first step of a non-standard size;
  • install a platform under the stairs to “adjust” the structure to the desired height.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the winder steps - they are not recommended to be installed more than three to five pieces. If there are more of them, then the depth of each tread will turn out to be too narrow and it will be inconvenient or even dangerous to climb such a ladder.

Enlarged winder step.

Making a winder ladder with your own hands

Unlike buying a finished product, creating a winder staircase with a 90-degree turn on your own will avoid large financial costs. However, keep in mind that this is a long and complicated process.

A more complex type of winder staircase design with a 180 degree turn.

For greater clarity, it should be divided into several stages:

  1. carrying out calculations;
  2. parts manufacturing;
  3. construction installation.


Design is the most important step in creating a staircase. It is at this stage that the dimensions of the elements are determined, as well as the appearance of the structure. For this reason, special attention should be paid to preparation.

Design consists of 3 stages:

  1. taking measurements;
  2. making payments;
  3. diagramming.

First of all, you should determine the location of the flight of stairs and take appropriate measurements. In particular, the length, width and height of the space under the stairs. It is the location of the running product and the free area that affect the size of the structure.

A good miscalculation of the space under the winder stairs.

The next step is to do the calculations. Here you should build on the previous stage, and also take into account the optimal dimensions. For example, the angle of the stairs, the number of steps, etc.
Produced drawing of winder staircase with 90 degree turn.

The winder ladder scheme acts as a visual aid. In addition, a neat and unhurried approach to drawing up a drawing will avoid many problems in the following stages. For example, questions about the size of individual elements or their compliance with the recommended parameters.

Execution of works

For the manufacture of parts and installation of the structure, the following tools will be required:

  • saw;
  • Sander;
  • drill;
  • welding machine (if there are metal elements in the stairs);
  • fasteners (bolts, anchors, self-tapping screws).

The manufacture and installation of the structure takes place in a certain order:

  1. load-bearing beams are made and mounted on the wall;
  2. a support pole is installed;
  3. steps are cut;
  4. steps are installed on load-bearing beams (they should be mounted from the bottom up);
  5. balusters are inserted into the bearing beams;
  6. handrails are placed on the fence posts.

Saving space and pleasing appearance - this is a brief description of the corner staircase with winder steps. This design will look great in any room, literally transforming it. Therefore, in order to get a beautiful and high-quality product, you should act very carefully and slowly at all stages of manufacturing.

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, work with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy of Culture, specialty “Culturologist. Lecturer in History and Theory of Culture. Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to the present. Editor: since 2016.

To reduce the size of the staircase along its length, caused by lack of space, an intermediate landing is not made, but winder steps are placed instead, with a width along the line of motion equal to the width of the straight steps. Such steps are inconvenient, especially when descending from the stairs, since their width decreases as they approach the center and becomes insufficient for setting the foot. At the opposite end of the step, the width, on the contrary, increases and becomes wider than the average step of a person. In this case, at the turn of the stairs, it is desirable to make the walls of the staircase rounded, this reduces the length and width of the steps, and hence the cost of arranging the stairs. The narrow end of the winder tread must always be at least 100 mm.

In order to smooth out the described inconveniences of winder steps, it is necessary, firstly, to allow their device only if the horizontal distance between parallel marches is at least 1/4 of their width and, secondly, to resort to calculating the width of the steps according to one of the following graphical methods based on the proportional broadening of the ends of the winder steps due to the width of the straight lines.

Suppose we have a staircase with two parallel flights and a winder turn. It is required to calculate the width of the winder steps replacing the interfloor platform.

We draw a line in the middle of the march (Fig. 9, top left) a b c called the middle line of movement, on which we apply the width of the treads, starting from the top of the rounding, distributing the steps so that the vertical line BC divided the middle step along its width into two equal parts. Thus we get divisions 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. The more straight steps are included in the calculation, the more convenient the staircase will be and the more inconspicuous the transition from straight steps to winder steps will be. In this case, from the straight steps shown dotted in the figure, we capture three - 6, 7 and 8. Drawing a horizontal line DE enclosing a straight step 8 , with which we start adjusting the tread width, connect the center A with divisions 1 and 2 on the line of motion. Continuing these lines until they intersect with the horizontal DE, we get a segment on it 1-2 , setting aside which in the direction from D To E find points 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Then we connect these points with straight lines with the points corresponding by numbers, outlined along the line of motion. As a result of the graphical calculation, we obtain in a horizontal projection the shape of the treads of the winder steps of the left half of the stairs. We do the same for the right half of the stairs.

Rice. 9. Two graphical methods for calculating the size of winder steps

Another way (Fig. 9, top right) to adjust the winders is as follows: starting from the point b along the line of motion, set aside the width of the treads according to the accepted norm, but so that the vertical line DB shared the middle step 1 lengthwise into two equal parts. Then, having given the number of direct steps included in the adjustment (in this case, three steps: 6, 7 and 8) and, thus obtaining the segment AB from the vertical line DB, draw an oblique line to this segment AC of arbitrary length at any acute angle, and 7 divisions are applied on it, corresponding to seven adjustable steps, on any scale, but so that the dimensions of these divisions increase sequentially by one part, and from the point A the first division should be 2, the second - 3, the third - 4 parts, etc. For one part, you can arbitrarily take, for example, a segment of 3, 5 or 10 mm, it depends on the size of the paper and the scale of drawing the stairs.

Connecting the dot WITH with a dot B and drawing from each division point lines parallel sun, we get on the vertical AB the corresponding segments. It remains only to connect the division points with the points 2, 3, 4 etc. on the midline of the movement and continue them to the wall surrounding the cage in order to obtain the dimensions and shape of the treads of the winder steps in a horizontal projection.

Similarly, two-flight stairs with a radial turn of 90 ° are calculated. First, the middle line of the march is drawn (Fig. 9 below). Then, starting from the center of the arc, segments (chords) equal to the width of the ordinary step are laid on both sides of it. There are two options for the location of the winder steps in the center of the turn, when one step divides the line AC in half or when two steps adjoin this line from two sides. According to the marking of the line of motion (middle line), a plan of a staircase with steps is drawn. Next, a step is selected from which the winder steps will begin and a line is drawn EV, it must intersect with the line SA drawn through the center of the curvature of the stairs. Put a dot at the intersection IN. From a point A draw a line at any angle and any length AD. Let's split the line AD to the plots. from point A the first division should be equal to 2, the second - 3, the third - 4 parts, etc. We take an arbitrary size for one part. Connect the end of the last section with a point IN. Parallel to received line BD draw lines at the ends of all sections (points 2, 3, 4 etc.) until they intersect with the line AB. We connect the intersection points with lines to the corresponding points 1, 2, 3 etc. on the line of motion and extend them to the stairwell wall. Let's circle the dimensions of the drawn winder steps and take the dimensions adjusted for the scale.

Stairs with a radial turn of the march are difficult to manufacture, for them it is necessary to make bent stringers, bowstrings or make other supports under the steps that repeat the radius of the bend of the stairs. Therefore, turning stairs with winder steps are often made without a bend radius, but simply with a direct 90 ° turn. The calculation of the dimensions of such stairs is carried out by the graphical method of proportions. Since stairs with a 90 ° turn are more technologically advanced and can be made at home, we will give this calculation in full. The entire sequence of drawing the staircase plan is shown in Figure 10.

rice. 10. Calculation of the winder steps of a two-flight staircase with a 90° turn

It should be noted that the graphical calculations of the dimensions of the winder steps are not ideal and do not show an entirely accurate result. Therefore, at the end of the rendering of the stairs, it is allowed to slightly change the size of the steps, but in such a way that the width of the step along the line of movement remains untouched. That is, for some winders, you can change the size of the ends of the steps, slightly narrowing or expanding them, but the width of the tread (step) in the middle should remain the same. When taking dimensions from the drawing, check the dimensional chain of all steps by adding up, so that the sum of the dimensions taken from one side of the steps does not turn out to be more or less than the actual size of the stairs in this area.

If the room has high ceilings, then you should also pay attention to the buildings from a series of steps with a 90-degree turn. To make lifting safer, it is preferable to use an intermediate platform during the construction of structures.

Let's highlight some of the features:

  • the space under the steps can be used for your own needs;
  • may, if necessary, have entry from any side: ninety-degree stairs are right-handed and left-handed;
  • winder steps during the construction of the structure are smaller in height, unlike other types of stairs;
  • marches are at right angles, the intermediate platform is executed in the form of a square.

The most commonly used material in the manufacture is wood. By production of stairs of wooden rotary on 90 degrees firm breeds of wood are used: an oak, an ash-tree, a beech. Or semi-solid: spruce, larch, pine. Wooden structures have always been famous for their elegance. In addition, wooden products will have a beneficial effect on health.

The presented structure, right-handed or left-handed, can be equipped with winder steps. Climbing a winder ladder with a 90-degree turn cannot be called very comfortable, since the inner side of its steps is smaller than the outer one. However, the design has an elegant appearance, and if properly located, it will save a lot of space and will serve for many years.

Calculation of a turntable at ninety degrees

Calculating the dimensions of the finished structure is not an easy task. You can use special mathematical formulas, but it is easier to do this with the help of an online calculation calculator, which can be found on the Internet. You will need the following measurements:

  • distance between two floors (from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second);
  • opening length;
  • building width.

This is the minimum set of parameters that you will need.
With certain knowledge and skills, you can carry out the calculation yourself. If not, then we recommend using the services of our professional measurer.
