How to make a garden table Table for the cottage. Sawing out elements of the future design

After a hard week of work or on vacation, there is nothing better to spend time in the country. Sit comfortably by the fire, drink tea brewed with herbs, gather at the table for the dacha, which is assembled with your own hands.

The modern market offers a wide range of affordable plastic furniture. But, plastic tables for giving, unfortunately, do not differ in reliability. Therefore, many owners of a garden plot dream of making it themselves from natural materials.

The process is quite simple, as it may seem at first glance, you just need to properly prepare for work.

Country furniture set: what material to choose?

The outdoor table and benches, constantly being in the open air, are exposed to natural precipitation, so they should be made only from durable materials: natural wood, stone, metal raw materials.

natural wood

Please note that not every type of wood is suitable for the job. The species of coniferous trees have a loose, light structure, besides, they are prone to ignition, constantly emitted drops of resin can ruin the tablecloth and dishes. Therefore, they are recommended to be impregnated with special moisture-resistant compounds.

For a wooden table in the country, it is better to take hardwood, and each board must be at least 50 millimeters. The design of the legs can be made both in a straight line and in an X-shaped version.

Make sure that all surfaces of the component products are carefully treated to avoid getting a splinter in further use. And do not forget to apply special impregnation to the finished product.

To extend the durability and strength of a wooden table to the country house, experienced experts recommend varnishing it with at least three layers of varnish.


Stone furniture will undoubtedly amaze everyone with its grandeur and beauty. You can buy ready-made furniture, but its price value is too high. You can reduce costs by doing the base for the table and benches yourself. What can be used for available materials: slabs, bricks, building blocks, ordinary natural stone.

Such a base will perfectly fit into the general style of the garden plot and other buildings. For countertops and backs of the bench, it is reasonable to take an artificial stone.


Tables and chairs for summer cottages made of metal are not at all difficult to do on your own, but for the workflow you will need a welding machine. Such furniture looks very attractive, and decorating with openwork inserts will add aesthetics. But metal furniture is also subject to gradual destruction, so it also needs special anti-corrosion treatment.

If financial resources allow, you can order forged products from a specialist in a professional workshop. Forging is perfect as a base, which can be supplemented with glass, stone and wood.

Therefore, there is an option to buy only the basis for furniture and further complete it yourself.

Country furniture options

To create real unique masterpieces of furniture, you can use improvised unnecessary things by rummaging in a barn or garage, where it is undoubtedly possible to find suitable consumables:

  • metal barrels;
  • used plastic parts;
  • glass surfaces;
  • other.

The old barrel lid can be cleaned of rust and processed, then covered with paint - you get an interesting countertop. Or for the base (legs) of the table, you can use the iron part of the flower stand. It must be primed, covered with acrylic paints. Next, it is required to glue the window seal on the support, and the glass to it - the countertop, to improve fixing.

A non-wasteful owner, of course, has pallets from sets of bricks, which can also be used as a countertop. It is not at all a shame to invite friends to a tea party or a dinner party at such a table.

Pallet table designs

Self-construction from old pallets will not require any special costs. You can do it in several simple ways, for which a simple set of tools is useful:

  • construction screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • colored stain;
  • wheels;
  • self-tapping screws and screws.

First you need to properly sand the pallet, this is first done with coarse sandpaper. At the completion stage, a finer sandpaper is already taken. The work will go much faster if there is a grinding wheel for processing parts in everyday life.

Next, turn the finished processed pallet over and screw the small swivel wheels from below with a screwdriver. In order to better and more reliably fix the product to the tree, it is recommended to use washers for lining under the wheels.

The finished base must be carefully treated with an antiseptic. The transparent composition will preserve the interesting unique structure of the tree, and the stain will give the object a colorful look.

A small neat table for giving, as shown in the photo, can be placed on the terrace, veranda, or directly in the room.

The summer recreation area will look most comfortable and cozy if you make a large set of furniture out of pallets. Such a furniture set can be made in a portable version, that is, with the possibility of transferring it to different parts of the area.

Scope of fantasy: table option

A heavy cable reel is a relatively heavy construction that can be lightened and turned into an outdoor table in the country. You will have to make a little effort to decorate, and so - the design itself is almost ready.

The easiest way is to wrap the barrel of the product with screw twine, and carefully sand the top and coat it with clear varnish. And you can take only the center itself from the coil, adding a tabletop to it, or vice versa - the base is made of metal, and the surface is made of the upper disk.

An excellent designer garden set will come out of old tires: a table and ottomans with a back. They can be painted in your favorite color, fastened together with silicone sealant, or a similar adhesive composition. It is reasonable to make the countertop from durable plastic or hard wood. Foam rubber can be cut out on the seat of the pouffe for convenience, covering it with fabric.

A powerful brutal set will be obtained from ordinary thick logs, which must first be carefully processed and impregnated with high-quality stain. Then, for stability, the bottom of the log should be leveled.

Similarly, a slightly smaller pouf is made. But an interesting table will come out of a long log, aligned on top for a table top.

Creating a furniture set for a personal plot is quite an exciting activity, and it is absolutely not a costly affair. For work, any old things prepared for disposal will come in handy. Make every effort and the results will no doubt surprise you and your guests!

Photos of tables for a summer residence

This piece of furniture is one of the most versatile in use. The table can be a dining table, household table, installed in a living room, on a veranda, territory, in a workshop, and so on. In a word, it is impossible to do without it. But purchased products do not suit many for a number of parameters - size, design features, shape, or for another reason.

Given that the tree is relatively easy to cut, grind, make a table out of it according to your own drawing, with your own hands for a good owner is not a problem. Yes, and it will be much cheaper. Plus - satisfaction from such work.


This is ideally an extension, a barn, an empty garage, although a small area under a canopy is also suitable. To work with a tree on a site, in the open air, means to be completely dependent on the vagaries of the weather. If there are “square meters” suitable for making furniture, then you should worry about high-quality ventilation in advance. Natural is sometimes not enough (besides, it depends on the change in wind direction and pressure), and an exhaust hood is installed.

Arguments that if you use protective equipment, then you can work in a closed space, do not stand up to scrutiny. Wood dust will immediately settle on everything, including the sample with which some actions are performed. Neither an accurate cut along the line, nor a high-quality surface treatment of wood (not to mention the impregnation and finish coating with a paint and varnish composition) can not be obtained.

It is impossible not to take into account the fact that many preparations used for wood processing contain toxic components. For example, varnishes, paints, impregnations, if they are not natural, then harmful fumes are guaranteed.


Their set depends on the extent to which it is planned to “ennoble” a simple wood structure, what shape to give it and a number of other nuances. If the master does not claim the elegance of a wooden table, does not aim to achieve its originality, then the usual carpentry set will be enough.

For more “fine” work in the process of making a table of unusual shapes, external design, special devices will be needed.

El / jigsaw. With a conventional saw, it will not work to make an inclined vertical cut, accurately maintaining the angle. The canvas will “play”, and therefore the quality of the work will be extremely low. The electric jigsaw is universal in use, besides it gives high accuracy in cutting wood or cuts in it.

Miter box rotary. The main function is to facilitate corner cutting. Such a device can either be bought or made. A thing, no doubt, useful in the house. The irreplaceable assistant for exact cutting of various preparations. For example, plastic or wooden fillets (floor, ceiling), which are used to decorate any premises during the repair process.

Grinder. There are several modifications of this electric tool on the market, and the criteria for choosing it are a separate issue. For the manufacture of the table is quite suitable tape. It is universal in application, and is used not only in the assembly of furniture.

Manual frezer . If it is necessary to select grooves, process holes, and in a number of other cases, one cannot do without it.

Many of the listed fixtures can be rented if furniture making is not a hobby, but a necessity.

Impregnation and other compounds

Rotting protection:

  • Working off engine oil is an effective, moreover, free tool. But not for dinner tables.
  • Linseed oil. A natural and effective product that penetrates deep into the wood structure and protects it from mold and mildew. Minus - high cost. But if the table is intended for eating - a great option. The drug has no color, therefore, after processing the lumber, it does not leave any traces in the form of darkening, stains, streaks, unlike mining.
  • The emulsion is water-polymer. It is characterized by duration of action and safety for health.
  • Acrylic varnishes. They practically replaced their predecessors of the "NC" category, as they are harmless and in many respects better than compounds that are diluted with solvents.
  • PVA, bone glue and a number of others. More detailed information about carpentry compositions -.

To decorate a tree:

  • Colorless varnishes are used not only to protect the material from moisture. With their help, you can save the texture of the tree, shade it.
  • Wood stains.
  • Varnishes with a coloring effect (toning).
  • Paints (but only for wood!).
  • Putties.

Using a colorless varnish and pigments, you can make a coloring composition, and any shade. It is enough just to correctly determine the proportion of components. This is easy to do by experimenting with mixing and applying a sample to a rejected board. This will allow you to choose an acceptable tone. More than expedient, since it is not always possible to buy exactly what you need on the market.


All tips for assembling a wooden table with nails (the argument is simple, fast and cheap) are best ignored. The reasons are as follows:

  • A nail easily pricks a dry tree (and this is exactly what is taken; more on that below).
  • Correctly directing his leg (strictly vertically) is quite difficult. In some cases, it is even more difficult to redo your oversight.
  • A tree, even the most protected from rot, eventually succumbs to it. The maintainability of a table knocked down with nails is extremely low. Practice shows that it is rarely possible to remove such fasteners without damaging adjacent structural parts. As a result, instead of the planned replacement of one element, 2 - 3 will have to be changed.
  • When assembling a wooden table, if one glue is not enough, you should use only self-tapping screws.
  • Sometimes its individual parts (at the joints) require reinforcement. It is not advisable to strengthen the strength with a hardware with a thicker and longer leg. The reason is the same - the probability of splitting the tree. For these purposes, metal strips, brackets, corners are used.

Features of the choice of wood

Someone focuses on the cost of lumber, another is important for the resistance of the tree to decay, for the third - its texture. What can you recommend to a novice furniture maker? Do not use for the table, unless it is intended to be installed somewhere in the back room or garage, the same type of wood. This is exactly what many novice "craftsmen" do, picking up the same type of boards and bars from what is left of the construction or repair and gathering dust in the barn.

When making a wooden table for living quarters, verandas, and so on, you need to take into account the properties of individual species. Naturally, if there is not enough experience in assembling furniture, you should pay attention to cheaper wood. The first table (chair, stool) in life is just a kind of training in manufacturing, gaining experience.

Tabletop. Here in the first place - strength and minimal absorption of moisture. It is on this part of the table that something is constantly spilled. The best choice is pine, larch, oak (although the latter is more expensive). Thickness - at least 3 cm.

If the dimensions of the countertop are small, then wood-based slab products (OSV and the like) can be used. But only with lamination to prevent swelling of the material when liquid enters the surface of the table. For example, LDSP.

Legs. Birch. From moisture it can “lead”, but in terms of strength - an excellent option. The optimal parameters for the blanks for the legs (in cm) are: length - about 76, cross section - 5 x 5. Dowels. Acacia. It is much easier to find than boards from the often recommended boxwood.

In the furniture industry, low-grade lumber is not used. This is not economically feasible, since pre-treatment of wood increases the duration of the production cycle. But in the manufacture of something, wood of lower grades, substandard - just right. The same pallets left after using stacks of foam blocks or bricks.

And not just because it's free or relatively cheap. Many of the disadvantages of such wood with a competent approach can be turned into pluses. For example, after coating with a colorless varnish, the countertop acquires a unique original look.

The main thing is that the boards do not have obvious defects in the form of rot, cracks, falling knots and wormholes.

If pine is chosen for the countertop (this also applies to many other conifers), then you need to pay attention to the location of the annual rings. These arcs are called humpbacks. The cuts of the boards show how they are oriented, and this is taken into account in the process of laying them in a row. Samples obtained by the tangential sawing method are arranged in alternation (pink down, the next one up); radial cutting - the same way (with arcs in the same direction). The nuance is insignificant, but it is the observance of this recommendation that eliminates the risk of warping and splitting of the boards.

For furniture, if you think about its durability, you should take only dry lumber. During the drying of the wood, it will deform; this is a natural process, and its consequences in the form of twisting, warping, bending are inevitable. Such a table will quickly begin to warp, and you will have to deal with its repair. And here you need to decide whether to purchase high-dry wood or rid it of moisture yourself. The first option is simpler, but such a tree is more expensive. The second will cost less, but there are a number of purely technical difficulties.

  1. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure a stable temperature regime in the place where the blanks are stored. Changes in its value will lead to uneven evaporation of moisture, which will negatively affect the strength of the tree.
  2. Secondly, good ventilation must be organized.
  3. Thirdly, and, perhaps, this is the most unpleasant moment - you will have to wait, up to about six months, depending on the initial moisture content of the tree. But this is not a guarantee that the result will be expected; Even this takes practice.

This once again confirms the idea that when starting to make wooden furniture for the first time, one should focus on the simplest table for household needs from cheap lumber, without pretensions to its sophistication and originality of design. For example, for a barn, garage and the like.

Variants and schemes of wooden tables

It should be noted right away that any work related to the design and self-assembly is a creative process. There are no stereotypes in this business, so you can only take the model you like as a basis, and everything else - linear parameters, shape, manufacturing specifics - depends on the purpose of the product and your own imagination. Here are just a few examples of what wooden tables can be. For example, for summer cottages, small utility rooms, it is worth choosing structures whose geometry is easily changed - folding, hiking, hanging, garden, level, and so on.

Tables that are supposed to be used for eating, playing games, as coffee tables for installation in living rooms for a specific purpose, are made stationary, that is, of unchanging size. These assemblies are more “solid”, since all articulated parts are fixed rigidly; no articulated joints.

Features of the assembly of wooden tables

If a person undertakes to make something, then he knows how to use the tool, read the drawings and work with lumber. Such a home master does not need to be taught the basics of carpentry. But a number of nuances in the manufacture of a wooden table will be useful to note. These notes will only help in the process of work.

Let's start with the types of connections. There are quite a few of them, but for a table that is assembled with your own hands, the following are quite enough.

On dowels

In this case, the parts are fastened by landing on the adhesive composition (Fig. 1 - 3).

The nuance is that for the manufacture of "cylinders" that are inserted into pre-drilled "channels", a tree of a denser structure is taken than the elements of the table. This is what ensures the strength of the connections. Before installing them, chamfers are removed from the edges of the dowels and holes.

These round sticks are commercially available, in any furniture store, in several sizes. To grind them, even with a carpentry machine, is a waste of time. It is not recommended to purchase plastic dowels for the table; they are used for collapsible connections. For example, frame furniture (walls, multi-level racks, etc.).

Nails should not be used to fix table elements (Fig. 4). Metal and wood differ in the degree of thermal expansion. Such a connection will not last long - a “shat” will begin, especially if the table is intended for installation on the territory or in an unheated room.

On the tsargs

It is advisable to make such connections if the table has to be either periodically disassembled, or without it it cannot be moved through the doorway. Although not all kings involve the dismantling of the structure. The most practiced options are shown in the figures.


Such connections are mainly used for garden or outbuilding furniture; for utility tables. An example is shown in the figure.

The nuance of working with fasteners

In order for the self-tapping screw to be easily screwed in and “go” in the right direction, a hole is first made at the point of its installation with a drill, with a diameter slightly smaller than the leg of the fastener. The main thing is to maintain the coincidence of the center lines, that is, to prevent skew. In this case, for the "landing" of the self-tapping screw, you can do without a screwdriver.

Features of wood processing

Everyone knows that a planer is used first, an abrasive with a large grain, and then a fine one. But sometimes it turns out that the last stage, grinding, has to be done repeatedly. Here much depends on the type of wood and the degree of its drying. After applying the first layer of varnish, the villi may “stand up”. Nothing wrong with that. You should wait for the workpiece to dry and repeat its processing with an abrasive. The work is painstaking and takes time. But it is by this technique that you can bring the "problem" wood to the ideal "smoothness".

To eliminate the risk of injury to a person, all edges and corners of the table should be slightly rounded.

Features of the exterior

  • Minor defects in the form of cracks, chips are eliminated with a putty composition.
  • After sanding, all wood dust must be removed. In this case, an ordinary household vacuum cleaner with an appropriate nozzle will help out. After such cleaning, it is recommended to wipe the entire table with a slightly damp cloth, let it dry and repeat the cleaning of the remaining dust. After that, you can safely proceed to applying stain or varnish - there will be no “pellets” on the tree.
  • You can give originality to the table not only with the help of curly cutouts, an unusual shape of the tabletop or legs, a combination of textures of different species, and so on. One of the good options is art painting.

And finally. Work on the independent manufacture of something from wood (the same table) is just the initial stage in mastering the skill of the “assembly designer”. Having worked out the technologies, techniques on wood, having acquired the necessary skills, it is enough just to switch to other materials - metal, plastic, glass. So the benefits of a wooden table, made according to even the simplest drawing (except for the pleasure of work and the money saved) are obvious - not wasted time.

We continue to equip the summer cottage. Today we’ll talk about how and with what to fill the dining area or recreation area. It is difficult to imagine a cozy gazebo or a shady canopy without a table and comfortable benches or chairs.

Today, garden furniture manufacturers offer a huge variety of tables: large and small, wooden, forged, wicker or plastic.

Of course, you can buy a finished product, but many people prefer to make garden furniture with their own hands.

About how and from what material to make a table, how to decorate the countertop will be discussed in this article.

Wooden outdoor table

Undoubtedly, the most malleable and environmentally friendly material is wood. A wooden table can be made round, square, rectangular or irregular in shape, it all depends on the size of the gazebo or the number of seats. As a tabletop leg, you can use a regular stump.

The shape and appearance of the table largely depend on the style of your country house and exterior. A log house can be supplemented with furniture made from logs and boards. The main tool for processing parts is a grinder, since the surfaces of the tabletop and benches must be smooth, without nicks.

The tabletop can be made from slats or a narrow board, strung on metal rods, or by connecting them with short slats.

A table made of wooden saw cuts looks interesting, especially if there is one on the site.

There are several ways to make such a table:

  • connect the saw cuts to each other with brackets or tongue and groove, forming a flat surface;
  • fix the cuts on some kind of base (in this case, the parts must be of the same thickness to form a flat surface). The product must be sanded and varnished. If desired, the gaps between the cuts are filled with epoxy resin, after which the surface has dried, the surface is polished again and coated with a protective compound.

A garden table made of wood with benches, made of a single design, looks great both in the gazebo and in the open area.

It's easy to make. Use the diagram below to make your own drawing and calculate materials.

When drawing up a drawing, consider some generally accepted standards:

  • bench seat height from ground level - 400-500 mm;
  • seat width - 300-400 mm;
  • tabletop height from floor level - 700-750 mm;
  • tabletop width - 580-900 mm.

The length of the table and benches is individual. The figure shows an example of the manufacture of a table with benches located on two long sides of the tabletop. Similarly, you can make a design with benches on four sides.

And here is a variant of a small round table with stationary benches-stools for four seats. It is easy to move it to the place you need at the moment: to an open area, under a canopy or in a house.

If you wish, you can purchase or make your own folding garden furniture, which can be easily installed in any part of the garden or in the house.

Such furniture will last longer, as it will not be constantly exposed to precipitation. The weight of such products is small, they can be easily and quickly transferred to a permanent storage place in a house or barn, where they do not take up much space.

In order for the product to serve for a long time, all wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic and coated with varnish, wax or paint. To give the wood the desired shade, use a stain or a special impregnation with pigment.

Garden table from improvised material

Earlier we already talked about furniture made. A stylish table made of pallets is cheap and organically looks on the backyard. The design, complemented by furniture wheels, is also mobile.

Ordinary stumps, decorated with mosaics, look very original and can serve as a small table or stools in the recreation area. For mosaic decor, various tiles left over from repairs, chopped into small fragments and laid on tile adhesive or cement mortar, are suitable.

The originality of this composition lies in the creative approach of the owners. The most ordinary stumps turn into a work of art.

An old table that has fallen into disrepair can also be decorated with mosaics and thereby update the tabletop. Old paint must be removed from the legs, sanded and repainted. Such a garden table will serve the owners for a long time and will gather the family around it for lunch and tea drinking.

A wooden reel for winding a cable can also serve as a table, it is enough to process it and decorate it a little or simply paint it in the desired color. The table will be easy to move if you attach wheels to the bottom.

Many have things that they inherited, as they say: it’s a pity to throw it away, and there is nowhere to put it. Try to be smart and use them when arranging a summer cottage. As table legs, you can use the base of an old sewing machine, metal headboards and much more. By the way, you can simply buy a countertop and install it on top of a metal structure.

Those who have weaving skills can make garden furniture from vines with their own hands. If you are not capable of such feats, but love wickerwork very much, then you should go to the store. Manufacturers offer tables and chairs made of wicker, rattan or artificial fibers for every taste and budget.

Metal garden furniture

If you are “friends” with metal, have a welding machine, then you can make garden furniture from this material. Such furniture, as a rule, is openwork and original. In order for the product to serve for a long time, the metal must be protected from corrosion before it is used. One of the simplest ways to protect metal surfaces is a primer, which is applied to the product before finishing painting.

Forged furniture for summer cottages is an excellent solution for respectable homeowners. Only blacksmith forging masters with the appropriate equipment and the presence of a forge can make one.

Forged products are perfectly combined with many materials: wood, glass, marble. If desired, you can purchase a forged blank for the table, and fill it yourself.

Stone table

Recently, small architectural forms made of stone are gaining popularity. Including on sale you can find tables and benches made of marble or granite. Such products have a high cost.

But this is not the only solution. You can independently make a stone base for a table and benches, for example, from rubble, flagstone, brick or blocks, fitting them into the overall look of the garden, combining them with other stone buildings.

As you can see, there are quite a few options for arranging a recreation area on a personal plot: from cheap, practically worthless, to expensive ones. A table made with love will surely gather wonderful people around it, and joint gatherings will bring pleasant moments.

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There is a table in every house. In dachas and private houses, it is customary to install outdoor models that can be moved around the territory and placed in gazebos and on verandas. A wooden outdoor table for a summer residence is made by hand according to a developed drawing or a finished model is purchased. The product is made of high quality material, adhering to the basic rules of manufacturing.

Model types

Tables can be of any shape and size. For their manufacture, different materials are used: wood, plastic, metal. Types of models depending on the materials:

  1. Plastic. Products made of plastic are a budget option: lightweight, compact, with proper operation have a long service life. This is an ideal country furniture option, designed for 6-8 people. The shape of the table is round or oval. Direct sunlight destroys the material, which is one of the disadvantages of plastic furniture. The table is installed in a closed area or securely fixed, because due to its light weight, strong gusts of wind can turn it over.
  2. Wood. In summer cottage design, wooden tables for summer cottages are very popular. These are expensive models that are in perfect harmony with garden plantings. Products must be periodically treated with an antiseptic, because under the influence of humidity and temperature changes, the wood is destroyed. Table legs dug into the ground are prone to rotting.
  3. Metal. Metal products are highly durable, durable in use and well tolerate any climatic changes. This is heavy furniture that goes well with wrought iron railings and other decorative elements. Metal is often combined with glass and wood, making a countertop out of them. To give stability, the legs of the table are buried in the ground.

Before you purchase a finished model, you must consider the following:

  • product dimensions;
  • place of installation of furniture: in the house or on the street;
  • number of seats;
  • product cost.

From what to make a table on the street with your own hands, everyone chooses for himself according to the availability of available material.

Table making step by step

Tables for giving street from a tree carry out independently with the minimum monetary expenses. First you need to prepare a drawing. To build an original product with optimal dimensions, the shape of the table top and frame is invented independently. Standard tables have a size of 178x95x77.5 cm. When preparing a drawing, you must adhere to these figures. To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • boards - 2 pcs. (0.85 × 0.1 × 0.025 m) and 2 pcs. (1.53×0.1×0.025 m);
  • boards - 4 pcs. (1.68 × 0.1 × 0.025 m) and 4 pcs. (0.75×0.1×0.05 m);
  • boards - 17 pcs. (0.95×0.1×0.025 m);
  • drill, saw;
  • building level, tape measure;
  • fasteners;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • wood varnish, brushes.

Protective equipment includes gloves and goggles.

Part preparation

All elements for the table are made of solid wood. The parts must be even, so each of them is carefully aligned and polished. Then treated with antiseptic agents. Oil-based waterproof formulations cannot be used. Despite its protective qualities, the substance has increased flammability and emits an unpleasant odor that does not disappear for a long time. For additional protection, the material is coated with a glazing antiseptic. In addition to protective properties, the tool gives the product special decorative qualities.

Frame assembly

All prepared boards for the table top and furniture legs are attached to the frame base, so they begin to assemble a table for giving with their own hands from it. Assembly is done on a flat surface:

  1. For the frame, end boards with a size of 0.85 × 0.1 × 0.025 m and 4 longitudinal boards with a size of 1.68 × 0.1 × 0.025 m are used.
  2. The end parts are fixed with self-tapping screws on the longitudinal boards. The frame must be flat, without distortion.
  3. To give the frame additional rigidity, a second pair of boards is fixed - 1.53 × 0.1 × 0.025 m in size. With these elements, the attachment points of the legs will be outwardly invisible. Before fixing the boards, the base is checked diagonally for skew.
  4. Boards measuring 0.95 × 0.1 × 0.025 m in the amount of 17 pieces are designed for countertops. They are fastened with self-tapping screws or galvanized nails, leaving a gap of 5 mm between them.
  5. To make the product easy to store and transport, the legs are bolted to the tabletop. It turns out a removable model.

Mounting amplifiers will make the structure more durable and massive. The table is turned upside down with legs, transverse amplifiers are nailed to the center of the table top. To save free space, their corners are cut off. Several curved amplifiers are nailed to the sidewalls. They must match the shape of the countertop crossbars.

Protective covering

Any wooden structure that is used outdoors is prone to rotting. The sun, rain and other adverse conditions have a bad effect on it. To protect wooden furniture and extend its service life, you can use:

  • special film casings;
  • impregnations;
  • polyurethane film.

Polyurethane-based film is the most popular, but over time it wears out, loses its properties and spoils the appearance of the product. If oil mixtures and repellent solutions are used for protection, they must be updated regularly.

Landscaping is an ongoing process. You build something, you improve it. Moreover, furniture is constantly required and tables are most in demand in the country. And put in the garden, and near the house, and also in. How to make a table for a summer residence with your own hands we will tell in this article using the example of finished projects.

Homemade table from boards from pallets

Dismantled pallets served as the material for this table. Naturally, you can use new boards. Only one condition - they must be dry. You can buy dry ones (it costs more) or buy ordinary ones, put them somewhere in ventilated piles and soak for at least 4 months, or better, six months. In general, any furniture, including, is made from dry wood.

We assemble the table for the street - put it in the gazebo, therefore we will not glue the tabletop boards, but fasten them from below, with the help of planks. This is a very simple country table and very cheap.

Having dismantled the pallets, we get boards with an individual color and pattern. Having conjured a little, shifting them several dozen times in different manners, we achieve the desired result. It turns out quite a nice table.

We take the side parts of the pallet. We use them for the frame of the table. We grind them first with coarse sandpaper, then finely bring them to the required smoothness (grain 120 and 220).

We take the strips that remained unused, with their help we fasten the countertop. We place them in the place where the joints of the boards are located. We use two self-tapping screws for fastening each board with a joint, one for a solid one.

From the processed sidewalls and two boards (also sanded), we assemble the table frame. We fix its parts with self-tapping screws at the end (two for each joint). The frame can be glued or also “planted” on self-tapping screws. Only their length is large. Under each, we pre-drill holes with a drill, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the diameter of the self-tapping screws.

We turn the assembled countertop over and grind it. The order is the same - first with sandpaper with a large grain, then with a fine one.

Next up is installing the legs. We select four boards of the same size, check their length, adjust if necessary. Then again grinding. It's easier than sanding already screwed legs. We fasten the sanded boards to the frame. These will be the legs. For each - two self-tapping screws fixed in a diagonal (look at the photo). For greater stability, we install jumpers at the bottom. About 10 cm can be left from the floor to the jumpers. We connect everything with self-tapping screws so that the boards do not crack, we pre-drill holes.

After removing the dust, varnish again. In theory, the varnish should lie flat, but depends on the wood, so another sanding / painting cycle may be necessary. As a result, we get such a homemade country table.

If you do not like motley boards and traces of old nails, you can make their boards the same design. This table can be rectangular, maybe square. All dimensions are arbitrary - see the available space.

Country table from the remnants of the boards

This do-it-yourself table for giving is assembled from the remains of boards of different breeds and sizes. Pine boards 25 mm thick and 50 mm wide went to the frame of the tabletop, the remains of 15 * 50 mm were left on the legs. We make the frame according to the dimensions you need. This table will stand on the veranda, and it has a small width. So let's make it not wide - 60 cm, and the length is 140 cm. The height of the legs is 80 cm (everyone in the family is tall).

We immediately cut off two long boards of 140 cm each. To make the width of the table top 60 cm, subtract twice the thickness of the board used - this is 5 cm. Short bars should be 60 cm - 5 cm = 55 cm. We fold the frame, following right angles, twist with screws. We check whether the bars are folded correctly - we measure the diagonals, they should be the same.

We cut off the boards four boards of 80 cm each, fasten them from the inside to the assembled frame. You can use 4 screws for each leg.

Approximately at the middle of the height of the legs we fasten the crossbars. This is a shelf frame. The shelf can be used for its intended purpose, and it also increases the rigidity of the structure. We fasten strictly at right angles, checking with a large square.

We put the frame on the floor, check whether it staggers or not. If everything is done correctly, it should stand rigidly. Next, take sandpaper or a grinder and grind.

Let's start assembling the countertop. From the finishing work there were boards of different types of wood, some of which were stained. We alternate boards of different colors.

We fasten the tabletop boards with finishing nails, carefully finishing them with a finisher. On the shelf can be fixed with ordinary nails or self-tapping screws. Then smooth with a grinder. The last step is painting. Very unlucky with the choice of varnish. Bought too dark, did not like the look. Will have to sand again and paint a different color.

Wooden table with glued top

This design features L-shaped legs. They are assembled from boards of the same thickness. In this case, 20 mm. To keep them well, 5 self-tapping screws are needed. Pre-drill holes with a drill with a diameter of 1-2 mm less than the diameter of the self-tapping screws. Then, with a larger diameter drill, we drill recesses for the hats. The diameter can be matched to furniture plugs of a suitable color or made from a wooden rod. Another option is to use wood putty, to which you add wood dust that remains after sanding. After drying and sanding, traces will be difficult to find.

When assembling the legs, make sure that the angle is exactly 90°. As a pattern, you can choose a bar. First, we coat the joint of the two parts of the leg with carpentry glue, then install the screws in the following sequence: first the two extreme ones, then the middle one, and only then the other two. After the glue dries, sand the legs, varnish and dry.

It's time to make the table top. It is assembled from boards of the same thickness. Pick up the size you need. You can use fragments of different widths. It is only important that everything looks organic, and the sidewalls of the boards are even and docked without gaps.

We coat the sides of the boards selected for the table top with glue, lay them on a flat surface (some kind of table) and tighten them with clamps. In this case, they managed one, but preferably at least three. We tighten so that there are no gaps in the resulting shield. We leave for a day. Having removed the clamps, we get an almost finished countertop. It still needs to be trimmed - to align the edges, and then sand it. You can trim with a jigsaw or a regular hand saw. Using a grinder is difficult to get a straight line, but you can try. After grinding, we get a beautiful countertop.

Using the same technique, you can make an oval or round countertop. It will only be necessary to draw the appropriate line and cut the glued boards along it.

To make the table look more attractive, we will make a frame. We take a thin bar, process it with sandpaper and fasten it around the perimeter of the countertop. Finishing nails can also be used. Only the planks are also pre-lubricated with carpentry glue, and then with nails.

After the glue dries, we again process the junction with sandpaper.

Now you can attach the table legs. We assemble a table frame from four boards (there is no photo, but you can do it as in the previous paragraph). We fasten it to the back of the countertop with glue, then install furniture confirmations through the countertop. Under the confirmations, a preliminary hole is drilled with an extension for the cap. Holes for fasteners are masked in the same way as on the legs.

We attach the legs to the fixed frame. We put them inside the frame. You can attach with ordinary screws. That's it, we made a table for giving with our own hands.

How to make a wooden garden table with benches

For this table, boards of 38 * 89 mm were used (they dissolved them themselves), but you can take standard sizes. The difference in millimeters will not really affect the results. In the photo below you can see what should happen.

To connect the parts, studs 16 cm long with washers and nuts (24 pieces) were used. All other connections are made with nails 80 mm long.

The parts are installed in place, a through hole is drilled with a drill. A stud is installed in it, washers are put on both sides and nuts are tightened. Everything is tightened with a wrench. How convenient is this option? For the winter, you can disassemble and take it to a barn or garage.

Making seats

According to the drawing, we cut the boards of the required size. Everything is necessary in double quantity - for two seats. We grind the boards, pay special attention to the ends.

We cut the short segments with which we fasten the three seat boards along the edges at an angle of 45 °. First, we assemble a structure that is attached to the seat from below. We take a board about 160 cm long, at the end we attach two short boards cut at an angle to it. Attach it so that this board is in the middle.

Then we attach the legs to the resulting structure (you can use nails). Then we add more boards cut at an angle and tighten everything with studs and bolts.

We attach the seat boards to the resulting structure. Since this is a table for the street, it is not necessary to knock them down close. Leave a gap between two adjacent at least 5 mm. We nail to the supports (which are cut down), two for each board.

We fix the finished seats with four boards 160 cm long. We fasten each leg with studs (if you walk, you can put two studs by setting them diagonally or one above the other).

Putting together a table

The table is assembled in a different way. Please note that for the countertop, the transverse boards are sawn along the edges at 52 °. We fasten them at such a distance that the legs enter. Each board has 2 nails. You can finish, with small hats, or you can hammer deep, and then mask the holes with putty.

Now we need to assemble the legs-crosses. We take two boards, cross them so that the distance between their ends is 64.5 cm. We circle the intersection with a pencil. At this point, it will be necessary to remove the wood by half the thickness of the board.

We make the same notch on the second board. If you add them together, they are in the same plane. We connect with four nails.

Similarly, we make the second leg for the table. While the table is not collected.

Installing the table

Now you need to fix the legs to the structure on which the benches are installed. We put them at an equal distance from the benches, fasten them with hairpins.

Now install the table top. We also fasten it with studs. The last step is painting. Here everyone does as he pleases.

Variations on a theme

According to this drawing, you can make benches and a table separately for giving, garden. The design is reliable and easy to implement.

Do-it-yourself table for giving: drawings
