How to make a tall flower pot. DIY flower pot at home. Selection of ready-made planters for indoor and garden plants

Flowers are always beautiful. And when these beautiful plants are in their original pots and planters, it looks just great. Of course, you can go to a specialized store and buy everything you need to decorate the garden there. But it is much more interesting to make pots with your own hands. We have a lot of great ideas that will come in handy for anyone who wants to do their own landscaping in the garden.

What can be made from?

For those who like to independently invent original decorative decorations for interior decoration, of course, it will not be difficult to make something original and useful for the garden.

Pots can be bought at any flower shop. But you must admit that when you do this or that thing on your own, putting your soul into it, you get something special. As a result, it will be not only original, but also expensive for you.

You can make an original pendant, where you can then place pots with your favorite flowers, from absolutely any materials. You can safely use everything that is in the barn of your country house. From improvised means, quite original things will turn out.

You can use large plastic bottles. You can make outdoor hanging flower pots yourself from fabric or any other materials. The main thing is that all this does not require any high costs and special skills.

We have prepared for you some unusual ideas that will help you decorate your garden in an original way.

By the way, all this can be done by the whole family, connecting children to the exciting process.

improvised materials

Perhaps the simplest option is a cement product using various fabrics and rags. All you need is cement, a cloth (like a tablecloth or a large, medium-sized towel), a large mixing container, anything to shape, like an old bucket. You can take any bucket: wide, narrow, elongated.

The shape of the future product will depend on this.

So, in the container you need to prepare a cement mixture, it should not be too thick and homogeneous. Then the fabric must be completely immersed in this mixture. Leave it there for ten minutes. This is necessary so that the fabric is saturated with the cement mixture as best as possible.

Then take out the cloth and hang it on the overturned bucket. The fabric should be carefully straightened, if desired, make folds, an asymmetric shape, and so on. Leave everything in this form until completely dry. Then remove the blank from the bucket, feel free to paint in any color that you like. By the way, use paints that are suitable for concrete. As a result, a concrete product is obtained in an original form and is quite durable, thanks to which it will delight you for more than one day.

You can also make an original hanging planter from plastic bottles in which the plants will look quite impressive and unusual. In order to make it yourself, you will need: a rope, sharp scissors and several 5-liter plastic bottles. Of course, it is quite possible to take a 3-liter. It all depends on what kind of flower pots you plan to put in this product.

So, carefully cut off the part of the bottle with the neck, as you will only need the bottom, straight part of the bottle. By the way, here you can also, based on your own preferences, adjust the height of the product. Someone decides to make a high planter, and someone low.

It all depends on your taste.

You can then decorate the product however you like. You can use a special retractable knife to cut out original patterns around the perimeter of the bottle, you can simply draw patterns or whole pictures on its surface, you can cut off the upper part in a wave-like manner, and so on. It all depends on your imagination and individual preferences. As a result, you just have to thread the rope, strengthen it and safely hang the product in the chosen place.

By the way, plastic bottles can be replaced, for example, with plastic buckets of mayonnaise or delicious ice cream. In this case, the rope will no longer be needed, as they have a strong handle.

A wooden planter will also look original and unusual in your garden. Wood products are always in perfect harmony with plants. In such an object, you can safely place a pot with ordinary flowers that resemble creepers.

So, to make a wooden product, you will need 20-22 identical bars. Their length can be both 10 and 20 centimeters. Lay the bars in a checkerboard pattern, fastening them together with nails or self-tapping screws. As a result, you will get an original lattice product. You can leave it as it is, or you can paint it your favorite color.

Ready-made wooden boxes, in which fruits or vegetables are usually sold, are also quite suitable. They come in different sizes, and all you have to do is to carefully surface and paint in any color. With the help of boxes, you can safely create whole compositions, building them in an original way on top of each other.

Also, a wooden planter can be made using a large log. True, for the manufacture of such a product you will need brute male power.

If your spouse is busy, then you and your children may well make a plaster product. It can be made in any shape: round, square, high and low. Take as a basis the product that you like best in shape. For example, a vase or a bucket. Turn over and start making a frame with wire. Make it simple. It is enough to completely braid the entire surface, and then remove the frame from the product.

Next, prepare the gypsum mixture. Pre-prepared strips of fabric, gently soak in the solution for literally two to three minutes, no more. Next, take out one strip and put them on the prepared frame. This must be done carefully, evenly, layer by layer. As a result, you should get a product thickness of at least two centimeters.

The walls of the resulting gypsum blank must be treated with the remaining mixture in order to level the product. Leave it to dry completely, about 10 hours, maybe more. Then you can decorate it according to your own imagination. For example, paint with waterproof paints, decorate with original stones, shells, and so on.

There are still a lot of original ideas. It is quite possible to make a planter using an unnecessary wicker basket. Such a product will always look original in the garden.

You can independently weave a product from a vine or tie it with strong threads.

Unusual ideas

We offer you a few more ideas that will win your hearts with their unusualness and originality. In fact, the product in which the flower pots will be located can be made of anything. And not always for this you need to cut, cut, plan, weave, and so on. Sometimes you can just take an unnecessary old thing and use it. The main thing is to arrange everything beautifully.

An old kettle or saucepan may well act as a planter. It is enough to rid the product of rust, from the old, peeling layer of paint and everything that can interfere. You can arrange unnecessary kitchen utensils in any way. Of course, the easiest is painting. Here you can safely show your imagination, draw any patterns, drawings. Such a product can also serve as an independent pot in which you can plant your favorite plant. Usually such products are bright and cheerful and look quite unusual in the garden.

Many brave summer residents use such an old item as a suitcase in the design of their garden. If you still have an old grandmother's or grandfather's suitcase, then it is quite possible to make an original flowerpot out of it, in which the plants will feel great.

To make it easier to care for flowers, place rectangular plant pots in a suitcase. Thus, you can swap them every time, constantly creating a new original look.

Old tires are often used as an affordable material for original design ideas for a garden or vegetable garden. They can simply be painted in bright colors, laid out in an original way on the lawn, and containers with plants can be placed inside. But you can do something else.

Potted and ampelous plants are now at the peak of popularity in landscape design. Vases, pots, hanging planters with armfuls of bright flowers adorn terraces, balconies, patios, paved paths. Do you want to decorate your site in the same way, but all the flowers are already planted in primitive plastic pots? Buying new, expensive flowerpots is not necessary. There is an alternative: you can make original pots for the garden with your own hands, and then install old plant pots there. And the garden composition will change!

Let's take a look at a few simple ideas for making your own flower pots.

A simple planter can be made from small mirror tiles that are sold in hardware stores. For one product you will need 5 tiles and a glue gun.

Mirror tiles are used for wall cladding, but can also be used to make planters.

The first tile is laid on a flat surface (table) with the mirror side down - it will be the base of the planter. The remaining 4 tiles are applied perpendicularly to its sides and the joints are fastened with glue. After the glue has dried, a pot with a plant is placed in the pot.

The mirror planter does not need additional decorations. It looks stylish in itself, and, thanks to the ability to reflect the surrounding objects, it is not boring at all.

Mirror planters look stylish and expensive in any interior.

Option # 2 - wooden flower pots from a bar

This idea will surely appeal to home carpenters who know how to handle timber.

For the original hanging planter, you will need 24 bars 15-20 cm long. Laying them in a checkerboard pattern, they form a square box with through holes. Connect the bars with nails or screws. Ropes are tied to the bars, at the corners of the upper edge of the planter and a homemade planter is hung on any tree in the garden.

A wooden planter, similar to a hanging swing, will “hold” an entire flower bed with pansies (violas) on itself

Option # 3 - coconut planters

Exotic planters can be made from coconut shells. Blooming orchids will look especially harmonious in them.

First, cut the coconut. At one end of the nut, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthree dark "eyes", holes are made with a knife. Juice is drained. Bulgarian cut the nut across. You can do this in the middle of the nut - then the output will be two planters. Or closer to the end, so that a deep pot is formed, which looks like a pot-bellied vase.

After the coconut dries, cut off all the inner flesh with a knife. Closer to the upper edge of the planter with a drill, make 3 holes for hanging. Ropes, wire, chains or special metal suspensions are threaded through the holes.

Coconut planters can be left as is or varnished for durability

Option # 4 - burlap pots (tarpaulin, felt)

A heavy fabric, such as burlap, is great for making rustic planters. All that is needed for this is to cut two blanks from the fabric in the form of a semicircle or square, sew them like a pocket and hang them on the fence. For hanging, you can use a fabric strip sewn to the upper edge of the planter or a wire threaded into the fabric.

Unpretentious garden annuals are planted in a flower pot made of felt: petunias, calibrachoa, lobelia, etc.

Option # 5 - vinyl planter from a record

Vinyl planters were very popular during the era of Soviet scarcity. Then they forgot about them - and in vain! It is impossible to find such unusual pots with curved edges on sale. Therefore, after spending literally half an hour, you will find a truly original little thing.

Planter made of phonograph record, decorated with acrylic paintings

Necessary materials:

  • gramophone record;
  • jar, pan - for molding;
  • acrylic paints;
  • thick household gloves - to prevent burns.

Stages of making a vinyl planter:

  1. The plate is placed on a plate.
  2. On top of the plate, a jar or pan of the same shape and diameter as the future planter is installed.
  3. Put the whole structure with the plate in a preheated oven for 1-2 minutes.
  4. The plate will begin to soften and melt very soon. As soon as this process becomes noticeable, the plate is taken out and manually (not forgetting to put on gloves!) They begin to form the edges of the pots around the jar installed in the center. If the workpiece begins to harden quickly, then it is again placed in the oven, softened and continue molding.
  5. While the plate is still soft, 3 holes are made in the walls of the pots with a screwdriver - to install the suspension. The most beautiful in this quality look special suspensions made of thin metal chains.
  6. The finished chilled planter is painted with acrylic paints on the outside and, if desired, inside. When painting, you can act on your own or use special templates for painting.

Option # 6 - pots of sticks or branches

This planter of the most natural look will harmoniously fit into the garden interior.

Cache-pot from branches - a spectacular design of any plastic pot

Materials used:

  • branches or sticks;
  • tight rope;
  • sackcloth;
  • glue;
  • finished plastic pot.

Planter manufacturing technology:

1. Smooth sticks, twigs, bamboo stems are cut into pieces of the same length - about 20 cm. The number of branches used depends on the diameter of the planned planter.

2. Top and bottom branches are tied together to obtain a single canvas. They do it this way: they tie a knot on the first branch, lay the next branch - again a knot. This continues until all the branches are connected together.

When creating a wooden canvas, two knots are tied on each branch

3. A strip of burlap is wound onto a used plastic pot and fixed with a glue gun.

4. A wooden sheet of branches is wrapped around a pot with a plant, the ends of the ropes are tied along the edges of the sheet.

On a wooden planter, as a decor, you can tie two bow knots made of thick twine

Option # 7 - tin pots from a can

Spectacular hanging planters for the garden can be made from completely junk material - old tin cans, for example, from canned food or drinks.

A metal planter from a tin can can be used as a garden vase for cut flowers.

To make one of these pots you will need:

  • can;
  • tight rope - 10 m;
  • white primer paint;
  • acrylic colored paints.

Operating procedure:

1. Remove the label from the jar, peel off the glue.

2. Apply white primer paint to the surface of the can. It will cover the metallic color of the tin and will serve as protection against corrosion.

The jar is painted with a white primer

3. Cover the jar with several layers of colored paint, achieving a rich color. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Apply a layer of bright yellow paint

4. Perform a decorative pattern - first apply its contours with a marker. You can draw by hand or use paper stencils.

The stencil simplifies the execution of the planned pattern

5. The drawing is painted over with a bright color, preferably contrasting with the background. The contours can be additionally marked with a marker.

6. After the cache-pot is completely dry (1-2 days), a transparent varnish is applied to its surface.

7. The final touch is the manufacture of a rope suspension. To do this, the rope is cut into 10 segments of 1 m each. The entire heap of ropes at a distance of 15 cm from the edge is tied with one knot. This knot will be under the center of the bottom of the pot.

After that, nearby ropes are tied in pairs so that the knots fall on the border of the bottom. In other words, if the diameter of the bottom of the jar is 16 cm, then the knots are tied at a distance of 8 cm from its center. At the height of the middle of the pot, the adjacent ropes are again tied in pairs, and then again - along the upper edge of the pot.

From above, all the ropes are tied into one large knot - the mesh suspension is ready. A tin planter is placed in it and beauty is hung in the “hade made” style on a tree branch, a nail nailed to the wall, etc.

Option # 8 - a swan planter from a bottle and putty

A floor decorative planter for the garden, which is not inferior in beauty to expensive ceramic products, can be made in a couple of days from available materials.

Swans from putty - spectacular garden flower pots

For work it is necessary to prepare:

  • plastic bottle - 5 l;
  • small pieces of reinforcing mesh;
  • metal rod;
  • putty starting (gypsum);
  • water;
  • bandage;
  • oil paint;
  • sand.

Step by step manufacturing instructions:

1. Cut off one side of a plastic bottle, twist the neck with a cap.

2. The bottle is placed on a flat surface, filled with wet sand. They try to compact more sand in order to expand the internal capacity of the bottle.

Sand is poured into the inside of the bottle to fix the convex shape of the planter

3. Bend the rod in the shape of a deuce (swan neck) and fix it in the cork.

The neck of the swan is made of a thick metal rod.

4. The putty is closed in water, a layer of a thick solution is laid out on a work surface (previously covered with a film). A bottle of sand is placed on the solution, the excess putty is pulled up with a spatula.

5. Form the beginning of the neck. To do this, a layer of putty is applied to the neck of the bottle and the beginning of the rod.

The beginning of the neck is formed with putty, smoothing the lines with a wet brush

6. A layer of solution is also laid on the walls of the bottle with a spatula, the surface is leveled with a wet brush.

Putty is applied over the entire outer surface of the bottle, applying a layer of up to 2 cm

7. For the wings, two grids 15x30 cm in size are used. They are slightly bent and fixed on the sides of the cache-pot with putty.

To fix the grid, instead of putty, it is better to use gypsum - it will harden much faster, literally in 5-10 minutes

8. After the nets are glued, with wet hands apply a "plumage" of putty.

The plumage is formed with short strokes on the putty surface

9. With wet hands, spread the solution around the rod, forming a neck.

10. In the course of work, the rod is wrapped with a wet bandage.

The bandage serves to additionally fix and fix the putty on the rod

11. A tail is made from a small mesh, also covering it with putty.

To fix the tail, it is also better to use a small amount of gypsum.

12. Eliminate all the shortcomings: add putty where necessary, level the surfaces with a wet brush.

13. After the putty has dried (2-3 days), the surface is cleaned with sandpaper.

14. Apply a layer of primer on the pots for painting.

15. They cover the swan with white enamel, decorate the beak and eyes with bright colors.

The final decorative appearance of the cache-pot acquires after coating the putty surfaces with enamel

Option # 9 - using the decoupage technique

Any clay, plastic or metal pots can be changed beyond recognition by applying the decoupage technique on it. This technique involves decorating household items with applications made of thin paper, most often from napkins. After varnishing, the texture of the appliqué visually merges with the surface of the product, becoming not like paper shreds, but like a beautiful hand-painted.

Decoupage technique allows an old pot to find a new life

To make a planter using decoupage technique, you must have:

  • flower pots - plastic, ceramic, metal;
  • patterned napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • clear nail polish;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes or foam rubber sponges.

Decorating process:

1. On a napkin, they find the fragment they like and carefully open it. It is necessary that the edges are as uneven as possible - then they will be invisible on the finished product.

Fragments of napkins must be torn off carefully so as not to damage the pattern.

2. The topmost, thinnest layer is separated from the cut out fragment.

3. Dilute PVA glue in water in a ratio of 1:2.

4. A fragment is placed on the surface of the cache-pot and an adhesive solution is applied on top with a brush. Carefully spread the fragment with your hands or a sponge and press it to the surface.

Instead of PVA glue for gluing fragments, you can use special decoupage glue

5. All other fragments are glued in a similar way to create a common composition.

Floral motifs are the most popular when decorating planters using decoupage technique.

6. After the glue dries, you can add drawing elements to the composition. For example, paint an ornate pattern with paints, sign the “work” with your name, or add a bright border to the planter.

7. At the end of the work, when the paint and glue are completely dry, the surface of the pots is varnished in 2-3 layers.

If you are the owner of a private plot, then you probably wondered at least once: how to make original flower pots for the garden with your own hands, guided by ready-made projects and photos? Unusual decorative vases for flower pots can be made independently from improvised materials. In our master class, we will consider several simple options for products, the manufacture of which will take only a few hours of time.

Original street wicker planters.

Wooden planters

Planters made of wood are very harmoniously written off in the interior of the garden and are in harmony with the greenery. Wooden planters can be hanging and floor, for one small pot or for a whole group of plants. We're going to look at a few simple tree planter ideas that you'll need some special carpentry skills from me to create, just a hacksaw, hammer and nails.

From beams and boards

Many summer residents have ordinary boxes lying around that can be used to create planters. For example, in the photo below, the boxes were sanded, painted in the desired shade and connected with nails into a single structure.

Composition of several boxes fastened together.

If there are no ready-made boxes, it will not be difficult to make them. To do this, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • wooden beam with a section of 3 * 3 cm;
  • kapron ropes;
  • nails;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw.

If you have a more advanced tool (jigsaw, screwdriver) and the skills to work with it, you can safely replace the hacksaw and hammer. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Create a drawing of the future box and decide on its dimensions. For one small pot will make square boxes with a side size of 25 cm.
  2. Cut the timber into 24 equal pieces 25 cm long.
  3. Build a base of 6 bars and connect them with transverse bars. The distance between the bars should be the same, and the sides of the base should be equal.
  4. Next, alternately attach the bars to the base in a checkerboard pattern. In the end, there will be 4 bars on the two opposite faces, and 5 bars on the other two.
  5. At the top, you need to fix the rope, put the pot with the plant inside and hang the planter in the desired place.

Miniature wooden flowerpots for one pot with a plant.

Instead of a through box, you can build a solid one from wooden boards, as in the photo below:

Cache-pot in the form of a palisade.

For manufacturing, you will need a board 1 cm thick, about 5 cm wide. For greater decorativeness, the tops of the boards are cut off in the form of a roof of a house, which is why the side of the box resembles a palisade.

Sometimes solid boxes are used for planting seedlings or planting flowers, pouring soil straight into them. In this case, they cannot rightfully be called flower pots, but this makes them look no less decorative.

If you are planting plants directly in a box, it is imperative to lay insulating material on the bottom and sides, and make drainage holes at the bottom.

From twigs, rods, bamboo

Street planters made of wooden twigs look no less original and impressive. In just a couple of hours, you can make such a beautiful decorative flowerpot:

Cache-pot from wooden twigs and twine.

For manufacturing, prepare materials and tools:

  • wooden sticks or twigs (you can use bamboo);
  • garden shears or secateurs;
  • twine;
  • piece of burlap;
  • glue for fabric and plastic;
  • flower pot.

Step by step instructions:

A step-by-step process for making planters from twigs.

It will take a little more time to create another planter from twigs:

Wicker hanging planter made of twigs.

Materials and tools for manufacturing:

  • a bunch of thin willow or birch twigs;
  • knitting wire;
  • metal chain;
  • decorative metal hooks;
  • white paint and brush;
  • cutters and pliers.

Step-by-step production of pots:

For hanging from the support, the pots need to be equipped with a metal chain that will be attached to the hooks.

From cement and burlap

DIY flower pots made from cement and waste fabric are a great option for outdoors and gardens. Such decorative vases are durable, easily decorated with acrylic paints, withstand any adverse environmental conditions, and besides, they can be given any desired shape.

A bouquet of lilacs in a "cement" flowerpot.

Required materials and tools:

  • for concrete: sand, cement and crushed stone;
  • water;
  • cloth;
  • plastic containers of any shape (for the frame).

Manufacturing process step by step:

If desired, a home-made planter can be coated with paints of any shade for greater decorativeness.

To obtain a smoother and more uniform texture, instead of water, the mortar can be beaten on 15% silicate glue (available at any hardware store). The finished product can be sanded with a large mesh for grinding putty.

Cache-pot of various shapes from mortar and cloth.

Knitted planters

The garden and the plot can be decorated with flower pots created with your own hands using the macrame technique according to ready-made schemes. To make flower pots, it is not necessary to have weaving experience or even buy threads. You can create an original decoration for a flower pot from unnecessary T-shirts.

Planters made from old T-shirts.

Materials for manufacturing:

  • a piece of knitted fabric (unnecessary old things);
  • screw hook;
  • scissors;
  • measuring tape or ruler;
  • ceramic or plastic flower pot.

Necessary materials for work.

Manufacturing process:

A more complex and sophisticated version of the product can be woven according to the scheme.

Flower pot made using macrame technique.

For manufacturing, a minimum of materials is required: nylon white thread (a universal option for flowerpots of any kind), scissors, narrow adhesive tape.

Step by step process:

Type of finished product.

For greater decorativeness, the “tail” can be made longer, and when weaving, decorate the threads with ceramic and wooden beads, buttons, and pebbles. Planters will look more stylish with fringes and tassels.

Unusual uses for everyday things

Old household items can be given a second life by using them as a planter for a flower pot. What can be used to make pots:

  1. Old dishes (kettles, mugs, pots and other deep containers).
  2. Unnecessary baskets, suitcases, wallets.
  3. Plastic bottles, sprinklers.
  4. Food storage containers (cans and containers, buckets).
  5. Old shoes.

Let's consider the listed options in more detail.

Knocked, scratched, deformed kitchen utensils can be a great decorative and functional element in the garden. For example, in the photo below you can see how harmoniously a similar set of cups and a teapot looks in the garden.

Cache-pot from old teapots and cups.

Old shoes can also serve as a decorative flower pot. You can use any shoes: boots, shoes, sneakers and sneakers, rubber and leather boots. The composition will look more original if the shoes are densely covered with paint in a contrasting shade (for example, under gold or silver). Among the flowers, preference should be given to bright undersized perennials.

Original use of old boots.

Old baskets can be used as a hanging method, attaching them to a support using nylon threads or a chain and a hook, or simply placed along the paths or near the site.

Undersized wildflowers look harmonious in an old basket.

Old buckets can be safely used to create an original composition. Pots from buckets are most harmoniously suited to field, elegant flowers, but for more refined flowers (roses, lilies, etc.), such planters are unlikely to fit.

The use of old buckets as coasters for flowerpots.

You can make very interesting compositions from tin cans (cans, beer, etc.). The advantage is that you can decorate products in any way: paint, paint with patterns and ornaments, process using decoupage technique, decorate with ribbons and ropes.

Wall composition made of painted tin cans.

We examined how to make hanging and floor planters for flowers for the garden with our own hands, guided by photos and manufacturing schemes. To decorate the site, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive decor items, because home-made things often look more advantageous than store-bought ones, and save a lot of money!

You can learn more ideas for creating garden planters from the following video:

Original flower pots can be an interesting design accent in a home or office interior. This does not mean that they will not perform practical tasks at the same time - first of all, flower containers should be comfortable for plants. But at the same time, they need to be selected taking into account the color scheme of the interior and the characteristics of the plant itself. And if you can’t find the desired design in the store, then it’s worth thinking about decorating flower pots and doing it yourself so that they match the general idea.

Flower pots in the interior

Before you buy a container for flowers or make it yourself, you need to consider which pots will look good in the interior. If there is only one flower in the room, you should not plant it in a bright pot. Containers of saturated colors look better when there are at least 2 or 3 of them in a room, and a single pot of this color can look like an artsy and alien interior detail. Therefore, when planning the decor of the only flower pot in the room, you need to remember that it should not be brighter than the houseplant itself.

Of course, neutral tones look best in the interior - gray, sand, terracotta. But often they look boring, so it's worth experimenting with the palette.

As for the shape, it is important to match the configuration of the container and the flower itself. For example, plants that form a bush look good in traditional pots that expand upwards. Lower pots of considerable diameter look good if they are planted with elongated flowers. Then a flower container of this shape gives stability to the composition.

What materials are flower pots made of?

Flowerpots, flowerpots and pots today are made from a variety of materials. The most common option are plastic pots. They really amaze with an abundance of colors and shapes. In addition, they may have a different texture, as they are stylized as wood and stone. Their main advantage is their relatively low price. In addition, such containers are easy to wash, efflorescence does not appear on their surface, that is, traces of salts and lime. And the flowers in them will not freeze, although overheating is possible with prolonged exposure to the sun. At home, making plastic pots is quite difficult. But you can decorate them, for example, using decoupage or painting. For this, light tones are chosen, since dark ones often cause overheating.

Clay pots and planters always look good. They are quite solid, reliable and durable. In addition, ceramics is considered a "breathable" material, which is useful for plants.

Concrete flower pots are rarely made to enliven the interior. Usually this is an option for the yard, terrace or playground. By the way, flowers in such flowerpots require more frequent watering, since the concrete warms up a lot and the earthen ball dries faster in it.

Wooden pots also have their advantages, as they look presentable and help create a comfortable microclimate for plants. In addition, wooden containers can be made independently. But it should be remembered that wood still has to undergo appropriate processing.

How to make your own pots

At the first stage, before starting the manufacturing process, you need to decide what is more important - the original flower pots or how comfortable the plants will feel. Whatever the decor, the ideal shape for a flower pot is a truncated cone. Moreover, the height of the pot should be equal to the upper diameter, and the size of the base should be approximately 2/3 of this value. This will help ensure optimal ventilation of the soil and its moisture when watering. But a pot that tapers towards its top hole will be inconvenient, since it is very difficult to pull out the root system from it if you need to replant the plant. Spherical pots will also not be the best option, since in this case the entire volume of the earth is not used and it turns sour over time.

Another prerequisite is the presence of a drainage hole at the bottom so that water can flow out from there.

As for the process of making a pot, it all depends on what material it will be made of. For example, making ceramic flower pots with your own hands requires clay raw materials and a kiln for firing products. A small planter can even be made from polymer clay, but usually natural raw materials are still used. Before starting work, you need to properly knead the clay so that it has a uniform consistency, then separate a relatively small part from the common piece and form a ball out of it. It is then flattened to form a flat disc. This will be the base of the pot. It will need to make a drainage hole.

Then a piece is separated from the rest of the clay, a bundle is formed with a diameter of about 0.5 cm, and the length is equal to the circumference of the base. This harness must be fixed at the bottom. And then step by step, with each new tourniquet, the pot will become higher and higher. The finished work is left on the windowsill to dry, and then the product is fired in a kiln.

For container plantings in the garden, you can make a concrete flowerpot. When thinking about how to decorate a flower pot, many people think that painting is suitable for concrete models, and this is partly true, although such containers themselves can be a garden decoration, as they are both durable and aesthetically attractive.

To make such a pot, you will need: cement and sand, several bricks, 2 plastic containers of different sizes. To mix the solution, you can take a perforator. And it is convenient to do this in an old basin. Prepared containers are lubricated with vegetable oil to make it easier to get the finished product. The larger container is on the inside, and the smaller one is on the outer surface. So the solution will stick less.

Sand, cement and water are mixed in a basin. This solution is placed in a larger container, a smaller container is placed inside. The greater the difference in these diameters, the thicker the walls of the pot will be. Bricks or other cargo is then placed inside the smaller container. The solution will dry out in about a couple of days. After that, it will be possible to take out a small container and cut a large one to free the finished product. As a rule, large-sized containers are made using this method. For small pots, this is not the most convenient way.

How can you decorate?

There are many ways to decorate that allow you to turn an ordinary flower pot into a real work of art. Some of these options do not even require the use of complex and expensive elements, since everything can be made from improvised materials using the simplest equipment.

The classic way is to decorate flower pots with twine or pieces of broken ceramics. In the first case, you only need: a pot, twine from a hardware store and glue. With it, you can fix the initial loop of twine, which is wrapped around the container for flowers, and so on layer by layer. The end of the last turn is also fixed with glue. On such a surface, consisting of numerous turns, you can stick several decorative buttons or other decorations.

As for decorating with ceramics, fragments of an old cup or saucer are suitable for this. The pot is covered with a decorative primer and pieces of broken ceramics are glued in random order or according to a predetermined pattern.

A spectacular braid can be made for a low pot from short wooden twigs or even from cassia sticks (it is sold in stores under the guise of cinnamon).

For example, you can create a unique pattern that resembles stains on natural stone - this technique is called marbling. This is actually a fairly simple method for decorating small flower pots. To do this, you need a container of water, nail polishes of several shades that match with each other, a stick with which the mass will be stirred, and the flower pot itself.

For this decorating method, it is important that the water temperature is slightly above room temperature. Lacquer is poured into water, the colors are mixed with a stick to get marble stains. Now you can lower the pot into the water and twist it so that the patterns seem to wrap around the walls. If desired, you can repeat the procedure again until you get the desired effect.

You can manually paint a flower pot. To do this, you don’t even need to be able to draw - just choose the right stencil. It is best that these are geometric shapes. The design in this case includes the creation of a sketch on a stencil and the execution of a drawing with paint. It is best to use acrylic compounds for this. Of course, the invoice depends on each specific case. For example, a matte pattern will look spectacular on a glossy surface, and vice versa.

You can get a beautiful pattern even without a stencil. It is necessary to turn the product upside down and generously apply paint on it so that it flows down the walls. At the same time, the pot needs to be rotated a little in both directions so that the streaks turn out to be chaotic. Under this container, put paper or an unnecessary cloth so that the paint does not stain the floor or table surface.

You can decorate the pots using the decoupage technique. Moreover, it is permissible to use not only paper, but also fabric. It is better to choose such textiles so that it is easy to wash off dirt from its surface. To fix it, use ordinary decoupage glue.

To decorate the garden and the house, gardeners often use hanging planters.

Baskets made of vines look very nice, which can be made in a wide variety of shapes, for example, in the form of a ball, cone or rectangular box.

Perhaps, flowerpots made of wire or forged metal will become a harmonious decoration of any landscape design. This option is especially attractive in that it creates the feeling of a certain complete "flight" of the flower bed.

In addition to the shape, material and design of the flowerpot itself, when choosing it, it is important to pay attention to the fastening. In addition, the fastening of containers for hanging flower beds must be very strong and reliable.

This is necessary so that when decorating a flower bed in the yard, you can rotate the plant from time to time to protect it from the sun's rays.

The specifics of planting suspended flower beds

Planting a hanging flower bed depends on the shape of the flowerpot. In simple flowerpots, reminiscent of potted plants, that is, those that have only one open surface, the plants are planted as usual.

It is a completely different matter if the flowerpot is designed to create a hanging ball. In this case, the walls of the frame are filled with moss, which is designed to retain moisture, and the entire basket is covered with a special film, which is most often sold complete with such flowerpots.

Then, in those places where the shoots should subsequently grow, it is necessary to make small holes. The seedlings should be carefully inserted into the holes made, and the soil should be poured into the flowerpot and the plants should be planted at the top.

Having planted flowers to create a hanging flower bed with your own hands, you should water the soil a little and hang the flowerpot in a cool place for several days.

Hanging flowers in the garden: which plants are suitable for hanging flower beds

To create hanging flower beds, it is better to choose plants that are unpretentious in care and do not have special requirements for the condition of the soil.

In addition, when choosing inhabitants for such flowerpots, it is important to consider the ratio of the size of their root system to the size of the pot.

For example, petunia roots grow very quickly, and if the pot for this flower is less than 6-8 liters, then its root system will soon fill the entire volume of the container, due to which the plant may die.

A do-it-yourself hanging flower bed will have a very beautiful design when planting luxuriantly blooming annuals in flowerpots, for example, pansies, petunias, verbena, marigolds, etc.

Almost all domestic plants, including Kalanchoe, nasturtiums, daisies, rejuvenated, stonecrops, etc., also get along well and grow in a hanging planter or flowerpot.

Of course, bright colorful flowers will always be a worthy decoration of any garden or interior, but you should not think that only flowering plants can be used in the design of hanging flower beds. For example, flowerpots with herbs - mint, rosemary, etc. look very beautiful and stylish.

And for those who love originality, we can advise you to make a very unusual, but very useful decoration - a hanging basket with small-fruited vegetables, for example, strawberries, which will bear fruit even on the veranda or balcony.

Specific care for hanging flower beds

Caring for plants planted in hanging pots depends on whether they have pallets.

Baskets without a pallet prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil, which, on the one hand, is good, since it slows down the decay of the root system of plants, and on the other hand, it can lead to a lack of moisture if the flower bed is in a sunny area.

If the flowerpot is equipped with a tray, then you should not water the plant too often, and also install it in darkened areas.

In addition, the soil in hanging flower beds must be periodically fertilized, because. during watering, minerals in it are washed out.

In all other aspects, caring for plants in hanging garden beds is no different from caring for plants planted in open ground - they also need to be watered regularly, eliminate dried leaves and fight pests.

Hanging flower beds are exactly the addition that can give brightness and expressiveness to any suburban area. They can be hung in gazebos and pergolas, on fences and poles, on garden benches, in a recreation area, on a summer terrace, balcony and even on the walls of the house - everywhere they will look beautiful and harmonious.

However, when designing suspended street flower beds, it is also important to take into account the style of the backyard plot. You can beautifully emphasize the beauty of the landscape with bright colors or unusual shapes, or you can focus on the natural beauty of plants.

If such hanging flower beds "settle" in your garden, be sure that this decision will not disappoint you. Beautiful flowers and plants, neat and well-groomed, always delight the eye and create an atmosphere of comfort, and if they are also suspended in beautiful, original flowerpots, then such an arrangement of the site can only be envied.

Old enameled bowls, flower pots, buckets will be used to create planters. The containers are hung on chains and hung as high as possible so that any passer-by can see and appreciate this beauty.

It is such a pleasure to make simple things for the garden with your own hands. Please yourself with a hanging flower pot, it can perfectly decorate the porch of a private house or a balcony in a city apartment. And we will share with you a master class on its manufacture ...

What you will need:

  • Wicker basket, you can use an old one or even weave it yourself
  • Sphagnum is peat moss, it is used in gardening and construction, you can find and collect it in a marshy forest or purchase it in specialized stores
  • Rubber gloves
  • land for landing
  • Small plastic trash bag
  • Bucket of water (for soaking the moss
  • Beautiful flowers and plants for planting

Soak the sphagnum fibers in a bucket of water, wring out a little and lay out the bottom of the basket.

Once you've laid out enough moss, place a piece of polyethylene on top and poke small holes in it to help trap some of the moisture.

Fill the remaining space with potting soil.

Start planting your flowers and plants. It seems to me that ampelous petunias or other ampelous flowers will look great in this pot.

We decorate the garden with our own hands. Enjoy)))

wooden planter

For the original hanging planter, you will need 24 bars 15-20 cm long. Laying them in a checkerboard pattern, they form a square box with through holes.

Connect the bars with nails or screws. Ropes are tied to the bars, at the corners of the upper edge of the planter and a homemade planter is hung on any tree in the garden.

Wooden planter with viols:

A wooden planter, similar to a hanging swing, will “hold” an entire flower bed with pansies (violas) on itself

burlap pots (tarpaulin, felt)

A heavy fabric, such as burlap, is great for making rustic planters. All that is needed for this is to cut two blanks from the fabric in the form of a semicircle or square, sew them like a pocket and hang them on the fence.

For hanging, you can use a fabric strip sewn to the upper edge of the planter or a wire threaded into the fabric.

Hanging planters for the garden made of felt

In a felt pot, you can put a pot with garden annuals.

New outfit for the watering can.

If you have old watering cans or buckets with basins lying around in your country house, do not throw them away, treat the surface with rust sandpaper, and paint them in bright colors. Inside it is fashionable to put pots (or bags of soil) and flowers. And these items will turn into funny pots

You can hang them on racks, trees, fences

How to make a hanging flower pot from a plastic container

1. Materials and tools. Plafond itself. Galvanized wire with a diameter of 2 mm from the latest project. Key ring. Round nose and pliers.

2. We prepare three pieces of wire 25 cm long.

3. With the help of round-nose pliers at one end of each wire, we bend a round eye.

4. At the other end of each wire, we make a “P”-shaped bend. After all the modifications, the length of the three blanks should be the same.

5. With the help of an awl or the sharp end of scissors, we make three holes with our own hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe neck of the ceiling.

6. Insert "P" -shaped hooks into the holes

7. We put wire blanks on the key ring. The pot is ready.

8. We plant plants. Plants can be varied, but it should be noted that the pot does not provide drainage and, if the plant requires frequent transplantation, it may be difficult to extract the plant in this pot design.

Pots can be built not only from cans, but also from plastic bottles(the most common source material. which is always at hand).

Paint the surface of the pots

You can decorate the pots with twine
To do this, we need a plastic bucket of ice cream or other products:
and you will also need jute twine

Glue the beginning of the skein together to fasten the handle.

And we begin to wrap the twine around the bucket. Make sure that each circle fits snugly together, without gluing the twine. When you have reached the bottom of the bucket, you can glue the last few circles, and also glue the end of the twine well.

Then it remains to make 4 holes and hang a bucket-planter decorated with twine.

Wicker flower pot

You can braid a flower pot to hang it in a simple way that imitates macrame.

In order to make a hanging planter, we need about 10 pieces of thick rope, about 90-120 cm long, several large buttons and a metal ring. And decide on the size yourself.


We fold our pieces of rope in half and fasten with a simple loop as shown in the figure:

Then select two loops located side by side and fasten their adjacent ends with a button, as shown in the figure. It is better to place buttons at a distance of 5-7 cm from the ring.
