Open a home appliance repair service. How to open a computer service: a computer, laptop, smartphone repair company

Before you start working on the creation of a computer service, you must officially register with the tax office and coordinate your activities with regulatory authorities.

If you plan to open only one computer repair shop, the best thing. LLC should be registered only if more than 2-3 customer service offices are planned.

Advice: You should not work without registering an IP. If you do not pay taxes, you may experience serious problems with government agencies, which will entail huge fines.

Drawing up a business plan

Before you start working on any project, be sure to . It is very important to write down all the points that are related to your future business:

  • expenses;
  • income;
  • risks;
  • planning.

If your qualifications are not enough to draw up such a plan, be sure to contact a specialist. The future of the entire business project will depend on this business plan.


The most important point in the work of any service center for the repair of computers and related equipment is the professionalism of employees. The best option there will be hiring a few familiar professionals who you know personally.

They will be able to supervise newcomers and check the quality of their work, at first. If this is not possible, all employees must be tested who you will be hiring.

The peculiarities of such a business are that from time to time, employees will have to go on orders (repair with a visit to the house, to the office). In this case, the employee must be tidy, polite and treat with special patience those who do not understand certain points or ask several times.

The knowledge of workers is also important, they must quickly navigate all models of numerous computer devices and be able to quickly repair them. If the work is of poor quality, the client will no longer contact your service.

Advice: to get qualified employees in a short time, you need to contact a special recruitment agency.

Computer service room

Renting a place for the work of the service is one of the easiest points in building such a business. You do not need to look for a particularly attractive office, even semi-basements will do. The main thing is to place an attractive sign above the entrance so that customers can easily find you.

For the office, choose a place that will be easy to reach from anywhere in the city. The ideal option is a place near the subway, closer to the city center.

Finding Clients

Operating time client base from scratch takes a significant amount of time. There are several options:

  1. Advertising on billboards and flyers. One of the most popular species modern advertising, not the most effective, but bearing fruit.
  2. Website from detailed information about services. Creating a website, promoting it online will help you attract a large number of customers, the better the site and better price the more clients you will have.
  3. Contextual advertising on the Internet. Today it is a very popular way of advertising.
  4. Cooperation with electronics companies. If you manage to sign an agreement with such a company, you will receive a constant influx of customers, as you will be serving people who buy equipment of this brand. In this case, the work is paid by the company.

Equipment for work

For successful work you will need specialized equipment. It can be purchased at electronics stores or ordered abroad. Find out the list from your employees, they know better what exactly they need to repair equipment. Roughly the list is:

  • multimeter;
  • soldering iron;
  • oscilloscope;
  • current clamps;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • tweezers;
  • sets of parts for equipment (video cards, keyboards, wiring, motherboards and etc.).

Having a ready-made set of parts in the workshop is very important. Some computer repair companies neglect this point and order parts only when the client has already paid for the work and sent his device in for repair. If the delivery is delayed, and the parts arrive later than the scheduled date, you may lose the client forever, as the repair will be delayed for at least 2-3 weeks.

Decide on a list of services

Before opening, decide on which you will provide. A detailed list can be peeped at competitors. They can also find out the prices that you can ask for such work. It is important not to forget that during a crisis, all people are looking for cheaper options, so they will turn to you if you make the price average or below average by 5-10%.

To attract customers, at first, some service can be made free.

Advice: make a detailed price list in which you list the prices for all services and post it on your website on the Internet, this will seriously reduce the flow of calls to the company on this issue.


The profitability of a business is very important in order to calculate it, it is necessary to take into account the following costs:

  1. Purchase of equipment for repair. About 2 thousand dollars. The cost depends on the quantity and quality of the purchased equipment. Remember that some parts will have to be purchased constantly. Equipment of this type can be purchased on lease, which is profitable and convenient, especially.
  2. Room rental. Depending on the location, it's about $400. The closer to the city center, the more expensive. Try to choose optimal location, closer to the subway or public transport stops.
  3. Advertising company. About 350 dollars. You need to pay for advertising all the time, focus on creating a site and contextual advertising.
  4. Utilities, internet, cleaning, etc. About $150-160 per month.
  5. Other expenses. This paragraph refers to unforeseen expenses in the office. Usually, it is no more than 200 dollars.

An entrepreneur's initial outlay will be $4,500-$5,000, including employee salaries. It is not difficult to calculate that such an amount will pay off in 5-6 months, the net profit of the service center is about 400-500 dollars per month. It is very important that you can bring customers to you.

The computer repair business is very profitable today and will be profitable for decades to come. Each person has a phone, computer, tablet, which periodically breaks down, which means that he becomes your potential client. and already, in a few years, you will have not one office, but a whole network.

Service centers that repair equipment are divided into 2 types depending on the type of repaired devices: single-brand and multi-brand. Multi-brand workshops are, in principle, subsidiaries of a manufacturer.

Service centers (SC) for equipment repair different manufacturers are completely independent and work relying only on the ingenuity of the management and the skill of specialists. In small workshops, the functions of a repairman and a manager are often combined in one person. But even among such services there are slight differences, some repair everything in a row, while others repair only certain types of devices.

But as practice shows, many SCs are gradually moving to the repair of everything in a row, this is more connected with the state of affairs in the market and in the country, where it is not necessary to go through much. And working with equipment of the same brand and type is unprofitable. As a result, many services are switching to the repair of equipment from different manufacturers. But there is also a negative point in this transition, the fact is that citizens will trust service centers that have been authorized by the manufacturer and hang out its logo more. It is worth noting that obtaining authorization is quite expensive. Consequently, many services spit on prestige, and repair everything in a row, and focus on increasing reputation not with logos on signs, but impeccable quality repair.

The main reason during cooperation with the manufacturer for the service center is the difficulty of importing original parts and components. Cunning manufacturers often shift the problems with transportation onto the shoulders of the workshop. All this imposes additional costs and significantly increases the repair time.

Where to begin?

If you do not want to waste your time on trifles, it is best to immediately conclude an agreement with a call center, whose memorable number will be of great help to you. At first, you will have to spend money on advertising, the costs of which usually "eat up" about half of the start-up capital.

Another factor that can ensure success in this type of business is the repair time, which is much shorter than that of competitors. Such deadlines are achieved by a well-organized supply of spare parts - “fast logistics”. To achieve maximum efficiency in this area, experts recommend acquiring a network of suppliers that will replace each other. A significant expense item, which cannot be dispensed with, will be a set of test equipment for those types of equipment with which you will be dealing. Its cost can reach 100 thousand dollars. However, in some cities, the repair business household appliances thrives with only the most primitive equipment - roughly speaking, a tester and a soldering iron, such a business can be organized almost from scratch. And often such a business turns out to be much more tenacious than a business organized according to all the rules of science - such are the paradoxes of reality.

For the full functioning of the service center, you will definitely need:

  • reception point;
  • directly repair shop;
  • transport for delivery large equipment to the repair shop.

Negative points

When considering the idea of ​​a business to open a repair business, it should be borne in mind that its profitability, according to statistics, is very low - 6%. This is due to the fact that prices for many types of household appliances are quite low today, and it often becomes more profitable for consumers of repair services to purchase new technology instead of the old one, not only in need of repair, but also obsolete. On the other hand, even if the consumer wants to repair a model that is more than 5 years old, then most likely he will face the problem of a lack of spare parts. However, all of the above does not apply to the repair of refrigerators. These units are no different. affordable price, like players, and do not become morally obsolete as quickly as computer equipment. At the same time, unlike a player, not a single family can do without a refrigerator, and repairing a refrigerator is not particularly difficult. Any person who has any idea about fixing appliances can learn how to fix refrigerators within a month.

What other difficultiescan you encounter?

There are a lot of problems:

  • lack of intelligent engineers;
  • inadequate requests for salaries from the capital's craftsmen;
  • high non-competitive prices for spare parts from suppliers;
  • interruptions in own supplies;
  • a huge number of defective parts that cannot be returned;
  • violation of the terms of repairs;
  • poor quality of spare parts and crooked hands of craftsmen, which leads to complaints and claims from customers.

ToWhat documents are needed to open a service center?

Registration of a private entrepreneur is enough to start. No licenses or permits are required.

Whichneededstart-up capital?

$ 10,000 will be enough to open a small workshop. The money will be used to purchase equipment, furniture, rent small room(15-30 sq.m.), advertising, purchase of a minimum warehouse of spare parts.


It all depends on many factors, you can recapture the initial investment in 2 months, or you can even burn out and never return this money. After all, it is important to understand that customers have money, they must come to you and give it to you. But how many customers will turn in the first month depends on the site, on advertising, on the list of services that you provide, etc.

The consequences of the past crisis still affect the purchasing power of the population of our country. Consumers even now prefer not to buy new expensive household and industrial appliances, but to get by with the use of the old one. But old equipment has such a feature as failure, it often breaks down and is repaired. Consequently, there is a growing demand for authorized service centers to repair this equipment.

Hence the conclusion: your own authorized service center is a promising option for a profitable business. In order to understand how to open a service center, we will consider what actions will need to be taken step by step for this, how to form a business plan for the structure and activities of the service center.

A service center is an enterprise that provides services for the repair, maintenance and service support of industrial and household appliances, production equipment and other miscellaneous products. In addition, the scope of services of authorized service centers (ASC) includes such activities as the implementation of pre-sales, warranty and after-sales repairs of equipment.

Goals, objectives and ways to create the future business

Before you open your service center, first of all you need to decide which equipment will be repaired by the SC. Will it be an authorized SC, which has a narrow specialization and is engaged in servicing one specific type of equipment, or is it planned to open a large company providing a wide range of services. In order to occupy a successful and profitable niche in the services market, you will need a thorough study of the market, an analysis of the ways of doing business of all kinds of competitors and, based on the analysis, competent calculation and planning of your own entrepreneurial actions.

Then you need to correctly and competently assess your capabilities and choose one of three ways to start your business: from scratch, buying an existing ASC, acquiring a franchise. Opening your service center, starting from scratch, is, of course, the most difficult path. Here it would be nice to have some professional connections to help and support in establishing a business. The purchase of an already functioning and existing enterprise will significantly reduce difficulties and reduce risks, because there is already a base of attracted customers, a reputation, a trained staff of employees and workers. It is worth noting that opening a service center by acquiring a franchise does not give much more chances to start. successful business than other ways of becoming a business.

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Registration and licensing of the service center

, including the opening of authorized service centers, begins with the registration of the enterprise. For this, it is necessary to register the company with the tax office located at the place of residence, and after you have officially registered as a legal entity, you need to take care of ordering stamps and the seal of the organization. Then you will definitely need to open a bank account to carry out cashless transactions with other legal entities. You will also need to issue a license for the right to conduct activities that your company will be engaged in, purchase or rent premises and also document this premises.

It should be noted that a license does not need to be obtained for every type of activity. For example, if authorized service centers are repairing garden equipment, no license is required. But the maintenance of medical equipment is subject to licensing.

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Why do you need a service center authorization?

If in the open service center it is planned to carry out warranty or post-warranty repair of equipment, he must be authorized and have a legal right to such type of activity. The authorized service center can be contacted by the buyer of equipment that failed during the warranty period. ASC in this case carries out free repairs or replaces faulty equipment.

Most manufacturers of any equipment do not have the opportunity to locate their service centers in the vicinity. In this case, manufacturers enter into an agreement with an authorized service center to repair their branded equipment. In order for the service center to meet the requirements of the manufacturer and be able to fully function, it must have its own collection point, an equipped repair shop, and vehicles adapted for transporting bulky cargo.

All current issues that arise in the process warranty repair, directly decides the service center. The manufacturer is interested in prompt and quality repair of its products and therefore supplies its branded parts and replacement parts free of charge, replaces equipment that is no longer repairable, and pays for repairs.

The service center, for its part, must also diligently treat its duties in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer. Repair shops should be equipped with high-tech equipment in order to produce high-quality repair work. Personnel must be qualified professionals who must be neat, tidy and courteous.

The authorization of the service center is confirmed by the manufacturer with a special certificate. An individual contract is concluded between both parties, on the basis of which the equipment is repaired by the service center. In addition, even at the initial stage of the service center, it is necessary to establish partnerships with several suppliers of parts and spare parts for the repaired equipment. This is necessary to speed up the repair period of equipment and avoid possible interruptions in the supply of spare parts. After all, the timing of the repair depends on the speed of delivery of the necessary part.

What is a service center? This is a service organization various equipment, equipment, service support, etc. This activity includes pre-sales, warranty and after-sales repairs. This article will consider the issue of creating a service center from scratch, as well as a business plan on how to organize this company.

Many people choose a product with the expectation that the supplier will provide service support as long and efficiently as possible after the sale of their products. This is especially important when buying various office equipment, electrical, electronics, auto and construction equipment, where the likelihood of breakdowns is quite frequent, and this circumstance does not allow the product to be used for its intended purpose, or there is an obstacle to use.

Brief business plan for an authorized samsung service center in Moscow

The organization of this type of business is absolutely identical with the opening of any business. The difference lies in the authorization. That is why you should choose a company for your business with which you would like to cooperate. Do not forget that quite a lot of companies provide their authorized partners with discounts for the purchase of their company's products. This will allow you to additionally open a retail outlet.

How to open an authorized samsung center in Moscow

First of all, you will need to register an enterprise, for which you should register with your local tax authority and get the corresponding document. Now you must register the future service center, and then, after everything is officially registered, receive a seal or stamp. In order to be able to carry out cashless payments, you will need to open a bank current account.

The next step is the acquisition of a license for a certain activity, the lease or purchase of an office space, and its documentation.

When the service center is authorized, it allows for warranty and post-warranty repairs. If any equipment breaks down during the warranty period, the buyer can apply to an authorized service institution in order to carry out free repairs, as well as replacement of defective equipment.

Not all manufacturers can have service centers nearby. In this case, an agreement on cooperation between the manufacturer and the service center is drawn up. He receives authorization to repair the equipment of this company.

For the full operation of the service center, you will need:

❶ Reception point;

❶ Repair shop;

❶ Vehicles that will be required to transport large equipment to the repair shop.

Current issues that may arise during the repair are decided directly by the service organization itself. In order to make repairs more efficient, the manufacturer itself supplies the necessary parts free of charge, replaces the equipment that is no longer repairable, and also pays for repairs.

The service center must also fulfill certain responsibilities, namely that the staff must be staffed with polite and well-trained personnel, and the workshop must be equipped with high-tech equipment, and be able to carry out the necessary repairs quickly and efficiently.

Before starting the activity, you should find a supplier of spare parts and conclude a contract with him. The delivery time of the repair order depends on the speed of delivery of spare parts. It is highly desirable that you have several suppliers of component parts. This will allow not to delay services in case of temporary interruptions with a particular company. You should start cooperating with suppliers even before the start of the main work of the service center.

When you have completed all the formalities, thought about which company you will cooperate with and what services you will provide, it is worth compiling business plan. Before work, make an accurate list of services provided, take into account approximate costs, hire and train staff. If you need to attract investors, a competent and clear business plan will greatly help injecting investments into your business. If your business does not depend on anyone, then the plan can be drawn up as a formality.

Have your dream business. Have a stable income. Do what you love, knowing that there is an inexhaustible financial cushion at your side. Isn't that why we're all here? Isn't that what we're developing for? Yes, friends, no matter what anyone says, this is an American, but still a cherished dream.

Today We will talk with You about the basics, about how smart people, which We are, start their business. Business plan. To understand what the conversation will be about, as an example, consider the business plan of a service center for repairing phones, computers and other electronics.


Absolutely any business for a clear understanding further action Start with a well-written business plan. To do this, it is necessary to approach the following points with multifaceted consideration:

Product Description - Repair Services

So, we want to open a service center for repairing phones, computers and other electronics. The products are REPAIR SERVICES. Let's stick to the following points:

  • Appointment and possible areas use. So, with the appointment, everything is clear - this is the repair of equipment.
  • Main characteristics, novelty of technical and technological solutions, strong and weak sides, competitiveness . The main characteristics of the service center is the range of services provided (that is, simply replacing the components of the device, or software repair and tuning, or it is work with hardware and complex repair work to troubleshoot, etc.). Obviously, the more this range of services, the greater the volume of the client base will be covered. As such, there is no novelty here, but you can come up with chips (for example, free diagnostics) that will allow the client to look at our service center in a new way. Definitely the most important forte is the time and quality of repair. Well, the main criteria for increasing competitiveness, in our humble opinion, will be the choice of the opening site at the first stage, and the quality of the repair at the second.
  • Readiness degree. In considering this item, We need to understand how well We can provide appliance repair services. It may be worth learning for a while by working and learning new things at another appliance repair center. At the same time save up finances to open your own.


Analysis of the sales market for our services at the beginning is extremely simple - it individuals, namely, all people who use electronics. In the future, this list will expand, but we are just getting started. Therefore, we immediately proceed to the analysis of competitors. This is where there will be room for creativity. On the this stage We need to properly assess strengths and weaknesses of competitors. For example, a quick but expensive repair, polite administrators but paid diagnostics, a comfortable waiting room but an unfortunate geographic location of the center, etc. There is another criterion market volume, where the current state of the market and its forecasts are assessed, but we do not consider it, since the dynamics of sales of electronic devices is growing, and repair, as it was more profitable for the owners, remains. Smart people also love estimate market share by the end of the first year of operation. We will also bypass this, since even repair giants occupy a small share in the market for these services. Here it is better to focus on the profitability of the center.


When drawing up a marketing plan, you should build on the initial capital when opening a service center. Since our main client is individuals, the first thing to do is to pay attention to where there are a lot of them: on the streets of the city. To start, a great option would be to print business cards and distribute them on the streets. Further, as profits increase, you can start advertising on Avito and similar sites, in the Metro, if there is one in the city, but it should be remembered that the most important advertising for us is word of mouth, so it’s worth doing all the repairs as for yourself. Pricing and expected sales volume. For the first time, we will set average prices for the market, then, with a larger flow of customers, it will be possible to lower them to put pressure on competitors. After a confident start, you should consider further advertising and promotion, but it is rational to do this after 4-6 months of a stable flow of customers.


This section usually covers the following points:

  • Need for space (industrial, warehouse, office and other). Here, an important criterion will be where we open our service center. Naturally, the more traffic, the better.
  • The need for equipment (tools), ways of obtaining (own, rented, leasing), terms and conditions of delivery; equipment for the service center will depend on the skill level of the craftsmen. Will it just be screwdrivers, or Soldering Station, or an infrared soldering station, etc. Of course, it is better to reduce the repair time, but in such a way that it does not affect the quality.
  • Production and sales program for 3 years (1st year broken down by months). "Shakespeare strove for the sun and became Shakespeare." Be sure to set yourself a goal to which you will go.


So now we need to decide on location our service center. It should be chosen so that:

  • There was a high permeability;
  • There were no other service centers nearby;
  • It was located inside a residential complex.

If you manage to meet these three conditions, the flow of customers will grow extremely quickly from the very beginning. Another important aspect is information about partners, namely those from whom the purchase of spare parts will be carried out. At first, you will have to buy them in retail or small wholesale stores. An excellent option would be to conclude an agreement with any seller of spare parts and advertise it in your own center for a good discount. In general, what you come up with here is what you put into practice. Useful in the section of structuring your plans will be the creation calendar plan for the implementation of the business plan of the entrepreneurial project in a monthly breakdown, in which you will see the whole picture of what is happening in the service center. Be sure to keep all expenses (equipment, spare parts, staff salaries, advertising, etc.) and income.


In this topic, we will touch on our staff. So, the first cell of personnel is the repairman. With a good start, our center will need at least one repairman. Best conditions to work with the master, it is to share with him the cost of the repair that he performs in half. If it is not possible to immediately hire an intelligent master, the option of cooperation with another service center is possible, but the lion's share of the profit will have to be given to that center. When the main employees of our center have been sorted out, now it is worth thinking about the administrator. An excellent option would be a young girl versed in technology, who could immediately orient the client on the price, timing and complexity of the repair. But, since this is unlikely, we will get out with the favorite phrase of the administrators of many service centers: "Leave your device for diagnostics, and we will contact you within two business days." Over time, the service center will expand, and to cover a larger area, it is worth opening device collection points in different parts city, and the second workshop should be opened only if the service center has enough experienced craftsmen so that in each workshop our center can cope with the arriving “killed birds”.


You, dear reader, must overcome this point on your own, having decided on the direction of your business. We can only suggest the main points on which you need to draw up a financial plan:

  • Estimated project cost and traffic forecast Money broken down into equity and borrowed funds (broken down by months);
  • Profit and loss forecast for the first year (broken down by months).

It is best to present this data in tabular form.


So, after drawing up a business plan according to the plot presented above, you will have a clear idea of ​​​​the concept of your business, specific actions that need to be taken step by step for a successful start, an understanding of the life process of the enterprise that you open and the goal to which you should go. I wish you success!
