What color goes with turquoise in the interior. The combination of turquoise in the interior with other colors (photo). Turquoise accents in cabinet design

The turquoise color, whose name comes from the talisman stone of all travelers, has always been on the list of favorites of interior designers. Understanding the full power of shades, balancing between juicy green and carefree blue tones, experts often turn to them when decorating houses and apartments. Turquoise, being very bright and expressive, is devoid of the inherent passion and aggressiveness of red, it also does not know the dramatic nature of many other rich tones. Shades of turquoise, on the contrary, are able to pacify and soothe, and help to return to a stable psychological state. The turquoise interior, as can be seen from the photo, always evokes associations with the southern seas, quiet ocean lagoons, which is why it finds so many fans.

The meaning of turquoise in interior design

5. Design a turquoise bedroom with a mini boudoir

In the photo: Design of a turquoise bedroom in a neoclassical style

If you are looking to create a feminine bedroom interior, then shades of turquoise can be the most the best helpers in this matter. They look light, fresh, completely unobtrusive. For neoclassical interiors, as in the case of the bedroom design shown in the photo above, turquoise tones, in contrast to the usual beige palette, add more expressiveness. Do not be afraid to paint the walls in the bedroom in shades of turquoise and “reinforce” the chosen color base with appropriate accents.

6. Bright bedroom design with turquoise accents

In the photo: Bright bedroom with turquoise accents

When it comes to the design of a small bedroom, it is most reasonable to use ergonomic built-in furniture and light colors. Turquoise in this case may be present in textiles: in the form of pillowcases, curtains and bedspreads. Olga Kondratova's studio, in one of its bedroom interior projects, used turquoise tones in the headboard decoration, which made it possible to distinguish this element against the background of a light built-in wardrobe.

7. Bedroom design with turquoise and peach accents

In the photo: Bedroom interior with turquoise and peach accents

8. Beige and Turquoise Bedroom Design with Screen

In the design of the turquoise bedroom shown in the photo above, a partition plays a key role, conditionally dividing the room into a sleeping area and a mini-boudoir. At the same time, for each of these two completely independent zones, our designers have selected shades of turquoise. In the case of the boudoir, this is a wall, in the bedroom itself - bedding and lamp legs. Such a decision leads to the fact that both parts of the room "resonate" with each other, due to which the unity of the interior composition is formed.

9. Turquoise accents in modern bedroom design

In the design of the bedroom in a modern style, shades of turquoise are used to give more color to the restrained laconic composition and set a certain dynamics. Pictured turquoise interior due to the addition of a balcony, I acquired an additional functional area in the form of a small home office. And in order to create the unity of the two independent parts of the room, our designers decided to paint the wall of the study area in turquoise, echoing the decor of the bedroom itself.

10. Turquoise and chocolate in bedroom design

Pictured: Modern bedroom design with turquoise accents

The design of the bedroom shown in the photo is proof that turquoise goes well with shades of both white and dark chocolate. In this modern interior, shades of turquoise again act only as accents. In addition to bright textiles, a pouffe with dark veins draws attention to itself, which seems to be created from turquoise itself.

11. Bedroom design with turquoise textiles

In the photo: Bedroom interior with textiles in turquoise shades

And in this bedroom interior design project, the color accents are closest to the shades of turquoise pearls. Light curtains and bed linen shimmering in green tones, harmonizing well with the beige-gray base, help to form a composition ideal for a relaxing holiday.

12. Turquoise accents in the design of the bedroom in the house

Pictured: French bedroom design with turquoise accents

Turquoise color is optimal for country houses, because, being a reflection of rare natural colors, it fits perfectly into interiors designed for life outside of megacities. Shades of turquoise in the interior of the bedroom presented here in the house are combined with beige and coffee tones. Such color palette very discreet and organic, which means that it is ideal for a room to sleep.

13. Shades of coffee and turquoise in the interior of the bedroom

In the photo: Bedroom design in turquoise and coffee tones

The color palette of this bedroom is based on shades of coffee and turquoise. On the one hand - quite cozy brown tones, on the other - refreshing, almost mint, textiles. This combination of coolness and domesticated comfort forms a rather advantageous contrast.

14. Frosty freshness in the design of a turquoise bedroom

In the picture: Bedroom design from the portfolio of Olga Kondratova Studio

Mirrors with facet, patterns on the walls, tall windows with a view of the snow-covered forest - what else do you need in order to feel like a hero of a snowy fairy tale? In the bedroom design presented here, properly selected turquoise tones help create that very atmosphere of freshness and coolness brought by winter colors.

15. Turquoise palette in the design of a bedroom with a loggia

In the photo: Design of a turquoise bedroom with an attached loggia

In the design of a modern bedroom, several shades can be combined at the same time. turquoise color. As, for example, in the project presented in the photo above. There are both pure bright turquoise tones and shades close to green. We can say that in the coloristic ensemble of the interior, it is turquoise that remains the main party. Having painted the walls in this shade, the designers decided to support the chosen palette with the help of accents in the form of an armchair and a pouffe. It is worth paying attention to the fact that blurry pink tones serve as good allies for turquoise in this project.

16. Beige bedroom with turquoise accents

Pictured: Neoclassical bedroom with coffee and turquoise hues

Another example of using turquoise accents on a beige and coffee base in a bedroom. The velor surface of the chair sets off the bright pillow well here. Revisiting the shade of turquoise in the bed décor balances out the accent used in the reading and lounging area.

17. Small size turquoise bedroom design

In the photo: A contrasting combination of turquoise and white in the design of a modern bedroom

Despite the small size of the room, the designers of the Olga Kondratova Studio were not afraid to use rather dark turquoise colors in the room. Curtains of a shade of turquoise are assigned to the bench that replaces the window sill, the status of a relatively independent area for reading and relaxing. And the dark turquoise wall contrasts beautifully with the white, creating a very winning combination.

18. Study bedroom design with turquoise accents

In the photo: Light modern bedroom in beige and turquoise colors

In bedroom design panoramic window, shown in the photo above, shades of turquoise bring with them the charm of Provence with its open spaces of the sea, expensive resorts and lavender fields.

19. Bedroom interior with floral motifs

Pictured: Children's bedroom design with floral motifs and turquoise accents

Turquoise shades in the interior of the bedroom can sound joyful in spring, if used together with bright floral motifs. This is exactly what the designers of the Olga Kondratova Studio did when working on one of the projects. Here you can see images everywhere bright colors(blue and yellow), which, together with turquoise textiles, give the room a colorful look.

Turquoise kitchen: photos and drawings

20. Turquoise kitchen-dining room design

In the picture: Kitchen-dining room design in turquoise tones

In kitchen decor, turquoise is one of the most popular colors. Here it is often used to create Provence style designs. In the interior of the kitchen shown in the sketch above, shades of turquoise create the atmosphere of a coastal cafe. Breakfasts here will be characterized by the mood of relaxation on the shores of the warm Black or Mediterranean Sea.

21. White kitchen with turquoise accents

Pictured: Design bright kitchen with turquoise accents

Like bedroom interiors, turquoise is often used as an accent color in kitchen design. It can be, as in one of the projects of the Olga Kondratova Studio, the upholstery of chairs in the dining area.

Turquoise children's room

22. Children's room with turquoise and pink accents

In the photo: Children's room design with turquoise and pink accents

In the design of the children's room for sisters are used pastel shades turquoise. As bright accents in this interior, the designers decided to use pink.

23. Turquoise tones in the design of a modern nursery for a girl

In the photo: Design of a modern children's room with turquoise accents

In the design of a modern nursery, along with beige, there are turquoise and pistachio accents. The choice of such a color palette is determined, among other things, by the style of the room, which was important to set dynamism and rhythm.

24. Nursery design with bright turquoise tones

In the photo: Design of a nursery with bright tones of turquoise

The specificity of children's rooms in itself allows you to make even the most daring experiments with colors. The same turquoise can be used very generously here, and not as single accents. At the same time, quite bright tones of turquoise are acceptable in children's rooms.

25. Nursery design with turquoise and pistachio accents

In the photo: The interior of a French nursery with very dark shades of turquoise

The very dark turquoise color used in the decoration of the wall decorated with moldings at the head of the bed harmonizes well with pistachio accents. This is another successful color combination that can be safely used in the interiors of bedrooms and children's rooms.

26. Blue-turquoise children's

In the photo: Design of a nursery with blue-turquoise tones

In the design of the nursery, which with all its colors should remind you of games in nature, blue tones Perfectly combined with turquoise accents. This solution creates a truly maritime atmosphere.

Turquoise in bathroom design

27. Turquoise bathroom accents

Pictured: Bathroom design with turquoise curtains

In the bathroom design shown above, rich turquoise accents stand out well against a light background. Room curtains contribute to the conditional division of space into two zones. And their shade is supported by the upholstery of a small bench.

28. Beige-turquoise bathroom

In the photo: Design of a modern beige and turquoise bathroom

In the design of modern bathrooms, turquoise, as in other rooms, is usually combined with beige.

29. Turquoise colors in the hallway

In the photo: Turquoise colors in the design of the hallway

And in the interior of this hallway, matte turquoise paints themselves serve as a good base color. The flooring here combines turquoise, raspberry and gold tones with each other. The unusualness of this color scheme is optimally suited for this non-standard hallway project, which, thanks to the decor, is a bit like an old railway station somewhere in Europe.

30. Turquoise accents in office design

Pictured: Empire style office design with turquoise accents

The turquoise color may also be appropriate in the interior of an office, designed in a strict empire style. It is believed that shades of turquoise are good for calming and helping to focus. Therefore, turquoise interiors are always a little easier to work with.

If you prefer to choose a delicate color scheme, strive to make the house cozier, warmer, we recommend decorating a turquoise living room!

Despite the fact that until recently this color could only be found in bathrooms, explaining that this color resembles the color of water.

To some extent it is. Looking at turquoise, you remember the sea waves, but the stereotypes of people still change over time. Now shades of turquoise can be found in any room of an apartment or house!

What does turquoise mean?

In the hall in this color, clean and positive, always relaxing. The situation does not give rise to sit down and sit, stimulating some kind of creative abilities.

In general, turquoise is a very successful combination of the main color spectrum: blue and green. Therefore, this color is correctly called natural. It is noble, pure, enveloping with romantic notes.

It is revered by many cultures, calling it the color of love, faith, compassion.

See photos of turquoise living rooms with interesting ideas turn your fantasies into reality, get inspired and create your masterpieces!

In addition, the turquoise color is able to remove the fear of panic, sometimes one that covers people for absolutely no reason. For this reason, psychologists are advised to take a turquoise-colored craft with them to those people who go to serious negotiations and meetings.

For women, the use of this color is fashionable in clothing as well as in accessories with fine stones. It is enough just to look at the turquoise interior of the living room, as it will return to you peace of mind and tranquility.

There will be no trace of the experience, and you can calmly reflect on this or that situation, having calculated your own benefit.

Hall psychology in turquoise color

This shade is very successful for decorating especially living rooms, because it is this room that is central in the whole house, where guests and the whole family gather. Naturally, it is decorated stylishly and fashionably, hospitably, amazingly comfortable, setting everyone up only for positive communication, and also bringing moral satisfaction.

How stylish the room looks can be emphasized in an original way. interesting options furniture and accessories. As for providing an emotional background, this is done only with the help of the main decorative shade.

If your living room is in turquoise tones, know that this color can have a very positive effect on people!

Color is able to give rise to memories of a vacation in the summer. There is always a pure and positive spirit, a relaxing atmosphere that does not give rise to a desire to just sit in soft comfortable furniture. In this environment, you will completely forget about fatigue, aggression will also recede, if it was.

What is combined with?

It is important to understand that this color can be applied in any interior style. It is appropriate even in classic, modern, minimalism, etc.

Due to its naturalness, this color is easily combined with various shades of the color palette. On the presented photos you can see for yourself! As a rule, in interiors such color options, how:

  • Turquoise dominates, it is interspersed with various decorative elements.
  • Turquoise as an accent on a neutral wall.

actually create interesting design turquoise living room is not difficult. It is enough to take a chance by adding pillows / curtains in such a color scheme. After that, you yourself will already understand what exactly and how much of this color you still need to use.

You literally do not have time to look back, as the walls in the hall will become a completely different color, which will even need to be diluted with something!

Turquoise living room design photo

The living room has always been considered a meeting room for guests. It is this room that you want to make as comfortable and stylish as possible.

The main desire of many hosts will surprise guests. A turquoise living room will help with this.

Often the turquoise background is compared with maritime theme, therefore, bathrooms are most often decorated in this color.

Modern designers have often begun to use turquoise colors of various tones for use in various designs interior. Among fashion trends turquoise living room design will soon take first place.

In this article you will learn:

How to decorate a living room in turquoise tones, what is the peculiarity of such a design, let's clarify how to use it correctly to create fashionable interior and consider options correct location for individual elements in different variations of turquoise in the interior of the living room, photo for clarity:

What magical properties does this tone have?

The association of relaxation and purity has always been associated with the perception of this color. At the sight of this shade, a person tunes in to the fruitfulness of thinking and positive.

If you are a creative person, then contemplating the interior executed in turquoise tones, you will develop in yourself creativity and an additional influx of positive energy is guaranteed to you.

At the current time, the turquoise interior of the living room is a fashionable beginning in design work.

Turquoise will fit into the creation of any room, regardless of its style and direction. It will only refresh and give airiness to the interior.

Turquoise is also used to dilute the dominant color in the living room. It is not forbidden to use such a color as the basis of a design idea, since it is not annoying, except, of course, for dark shades.

When creating a living room in turquoise tone, do not forget about the right combination of shades with those already present in the interior.

This is done to fully reveal the turquoise color. by the most the best combination considered turquoise - white. Some designers also add blue, yellow and green colors to turquoise, thus creating the effect of a tropical style.

Do not forget that in combination with blue, white or blue, an impression of cold is created, an increase in lighting ( artificial way), to add warm light, or decorate the living room in a turquoise hue only the one with windows facing east or south.

If you have difficulty adding light, just dilute the color with warm shades: brown, yellow or sand.

You can also dilute the turquoise color with silver shades or interior items. Any silver accessory, interspersed with the same shade, is perfect for decorating your interior.

Turquoise wall decoration in the living room

For a radical change in your living room, paint the walls turquoise or use vibrant turquoise wallpaper.

Adding freshness and positiveness to the living room is guaranteed to you, but on condition that there is lighting in the room. For a dark living room, it will become a depressing sight and will please you a little.

Turquoise wallpapers look great with silver inserts. The best option would be to apply a variety of subtle patterns on a wall painted with turquoise paint, silver paint.

Chocolate-colored blotches will be good thinners for turquoise on the walls. But since this color tends to visually cut down on the space of the room, it must be used with a sense of proportion.

floor design in turquoise living room

The floors in such a living room must be done in a different tone. If you overdo it with turquoise colors, then this will cause an unpleasant effect, under the influence of which you can suffer psychologically, up to the loss of space.

At correct selection colors for floor decoration can be avoided. The best option would be to cover the floor with gray, sand, or a shade similar to them.

If the turquoise color on the floor is important for you, use a regular rug of this shade.

Pairs well with turquoise walls perfectly white floors. But this combination is not considered practical in one case. Many families have children or pets, and, as everyone knows, White color very brand.

And if even a small speck appears on it, it will be too noticeable and will bring a significant minus in the style of the room. After all, how much effort is required to remove this stain.

Using a reverse style, alternating turquoise as a color for floor covering and snow-white walls are also possible, but with the condition that the furniture for the interior will be selected in warm colors. And accessories that dilute the style of the room will be selected in bright colors.

Turquoise ceiling in the living room

A person should have a very responsible approach to the ceiling when decorating a living room decorated in turquoise.

After all, it is located on it lighting, and from their location directly the visual perception of the interior of your room. With the right decoration of the ceiling, you can visually increase or vice versa reduce the space of the room.

Choosing the right shade will help us not make mistakes. good way out become turquoise stretch ceiling, perhaps with photo printing in the center and backlighting at the edges. The only thing that when choosing the colors of the walls for a duet to such a ceiling is to make your choice in favor of white or beige.

And you can dilute all this beauty with turquoise textiles from curtains and all kinds of accessories.
However, the turquoise ceiling in a duet with a light color in the design creates the illusion of a lagoon.

Add a backlight and this look will make you wonder.

How to choose furniture for a turquoise living room?

The ceiling and walls in turquoise color are not what you need? But do you want to change something? Decorate your living room in turquoise with turquoise furniture. Accent on a set of turquoise sofa and a pair of small armchairs.

Repaint the door that separates the hallway from the living room turquoise. Will be visible upon login special design. Order modular slide under the TV, naturally relying on a turquoise hue.

You can order a completely turquoise piece of furniture, or you can play with colors and make some turquoise inserts on the hill.

We select accessories and textiles

Not always the design of a turquoise living room is based on painting and wallpapering a certain tone.

Many interior designers suggest using bright accessories as a basis for refreshing the interior of a living room decorated in soft colors.

The advantage of this move is that they can be replaced as soon as they start to bother. The turquoise color will definitely suit this option the most.

The most suitable accessories are:

  • Various types of figurines and boxes,
  • decorative vases, various shapes
  • curtains or curtains,
  • pillows,
  • paintings,
  • lighting,
  • carpets,
  • paintings.

By choosing this option for decorating the room, you do not risk oversaturating the room. turquoise color.

And when you get tired of this design, or it goes out of fashion, you can easily replace it, without prejudice to yourself and the room.

Indeed, in theory there is no need to replace the wallpaper and repaint the walls. Decide on an experiment, a couple of turquoise small pillows lying on the bed, cute trinkets and curtains on the windows to match will suffice.

Summarize. The design of the living room may be different. And it depends only on your choice whether to stop on accessories or completely paint it in a turquoise tone.

At the same time, do not forget that there are many shades of turquoise, and each of them gives the room a special look.

The main thing is to pay attention to the right combination and the location of the shades, as described above. And then the living room will charge you with positive for a long time.

Photo of a turquoise living room

Most people like to bring gentle, warm tones into the interior of their home. Thanks to the calm shades, the house becomes cozy, you feel comfortable and relaxed in it.

Entering the house from the threshold you feel its whole atmosphere, so it is recommended to issue in pastel colors just the living room.

To make a room in turquoise tones is within the power of the most daring personalities.

If you are indifferent to such shades, try to use this color in minimal quantities, for example, decor, dishes, textiles.

Creative individuals, as well as connoisseurs of cold shades, will like the maximum amount of turquoise in the living room.

More recently, this color adorned only the bathroom, because it is combined with the color of water, coolness, freshness.

Designers do not stand still, every year additions are made to the design of the premises, projects are created where there are more and more innovations, rare styles.

What does the color turquoise mean?

In the living room, where the turquoise color predominates, or in another way, it is called the color of the sea wave, it always breathes freshness, neatness, and comfort.

People, being in such a space, get more positive, peace. The turquoise color relaxes, takes you far into the old Provence.

The shade of turquoise appeared due to the successful mixing of green and blue tones.

In the interior of the living room, designers bring such a shade in noble colors, drown out its brightness, the color becomes calm, at the same time it radiates bright colors.

How to apply turquoise color in the living room?

A similar marine shade can be in any design. In the living room, you can safely invent and combine various shades of blue, turquoise.

For a spacious living room, it will be successful to apply turquoise color on the walls, while furniture is better to put cream tones.

The floor also needs a play of turquoise colors. A rug with various cold shades is well suited.

You can always throw blue pillows on light furniture, better in combination with a light turquoise color.

Painting the ceiling in a room turquoise is not a bad idea, but it will greatly underestimate their height. If the walls are decorated with a solid turquoise color, then it is advisable to complement them with light columns. This will make the room more cheerful, brighter.

By itself, the turquoise color is quite dark, so designers recommend combining it with a light tone.

In harmony with turquoise, all shades of white, gray, creamy tone look.

Turquoise came to us from old France where the shade could be found in every home. In the past, this complex, deep shade of turquoise was used throughout the home, not just in the living room.

Perfect combinations of turquoise

Turquoise is used in all styles, it cannot be said that the color is typical only for Hi-tech or Provence style. This shade was called the universal color for its harmonious combination with all shades.

Turquoise looks great, made in a soft tone, as if unobtrusively showing its superiority of color. If you choose the right color, you can beautifully decorate even the most dark room in the house, although designers do not recommend doing this.

If there is little light in the living room, then it is not recommended to paint the walls turquoise, they should be made in a creamy tone, but marine color should be on textiles, furniture, decor.

In the case of a large, bright living room, everything is different, the walls in turquoise color will look luxurious, the room will gain status, it will have a clear style.

It is important to remember that the marine shade can be slightly lightened by diluting with light paint.

If your living room works experienced designer, then he will definitely give you a choice of several shades of turquoise, from dark to light.

In a living room with light walls, a floor, a white ceiling, turquoise-colored furniture will look beautiful, here you can use the entire turquoise palette, from the darkest to the lightest shades.

Using furniture in this tone, the room will have the right balance between colors.

Turquoise is ideally combined with white, in almost any solution. Bright room, in which the turquoise color is clearly indicated, is considered stylish, contrasting.

It has become fashionable to combine the turquoise color in the living room with a chocolate shade. The approach is non-standard, however, it looks noble in all types of premises.

If a similar color scheme is used in the living room, it is more correct to leave the walls and ceiling light, preferably white.

The combination of turquoise and purple will take you to classic style. Such color scheme elderly Italians love it, and purple is used exclusively in decor, the basis is turquoise.

Experiment with turquoise color, get extraordinary solutions, maybe you will create a special style for your home and become an example to follow.

Photo of a turquoise living room

Source: //www.houzz.com

The combination of turquoise and brown for the bedroom is very interesting solution. Such an interior will become expressive and bright, conducive to good rest and sleep. But, since turquoise is an emotional and bright shade, it should be used very carefully, observing the features and recommendations of designers.

Features of the combination of turquoise and brown for the bedroom

Source: //i.pinimg.com

Turquoise is a very pleasant and beautiful color, they are equally suitable for men's and women's bedrooms, it can be used for children's rooms, creating a comfortable and cozy space. But turquoise alone for the bedroom will be too flashy, it is usually used in combination with other colors, among which brown will be the most spectacular.

The turquoise-brown combination allows you to create a feeling of harmony and comfort in the bedroom. This is a unique setting with a color palette reminiscent of closeness to nature, yet a great option for contemporary futuristic styles. This combination can be used for classic or minimalist interiors, for interiors in the style of ethno, Art Deco, fusion and many others.

Source: //0.lushome.com

The peculiarity of such an interior lies in the possibility of using a dark palette even for bedrooms with not very good natural light. This is due to the fact that turquoise as a background enlivens the environment, makes it visually lighter, creating a light atmosphere. It should also be borne in mind that accent tones are ideal for such a combination - light green, black, yellow, golden.

White color can be used as a base, which will create the necessary background. For example, you can paint the wall ceilings white, visually expanding the space. Brown can be used for furniture, and turquoise will create the necessary accents. But white for such a bedroom can be used in a completely different quality - when decorating walls in a rich chocolate tone and textiles with turquoise accents, furniture can have a snow-white hue. This solution is ideal for classic or modern interior, creating features of solidity and sophistication. For white furniture, you can use patination or rustic, use milled elements or inserts bright colors. The luminaires can be chosen in the main range or with glass lampshades made of colored glass, for example, in the Tiffany style.

Source: //i.pinimg.com

When choosing a range where the main colors are brown and turquoise, it is recommended to consider the following basic options:

  • chocolate rich and beige tones go well with white, blue, sand, gray-blue colors, which are complementary and accentuating;
  • a beige-brown tone with an active use of gray can be used with coral, green, orange tones, which will make the atmosphere brighter and more expressive;
  • beige-brown gamma with a red tone is combined with mustard, apricot, light green tones, which neutralize excessive aggressiveness;
  • the classic combination of beige walls and brown furniture will look good with light green, white, turquoise, green shades that make an unnecessarily strict and formal atmosphere homely and cozy.

Source: //i.pinimg.com

The role of this combination in color is quite large, it is this range that helps to relax, which is so important for proper sleep and relaxation. Light shades have an advantage, but correctly selected combinations with rich chocolate, coffee and intense beige tones can have no less effect, making the atmosphere very attractive.

The use of chocolate and beige creates the perfect atmosphere for relaxation, while the addition of green on a subconscious level causes positive emotions, creating reminders of the role of nature in human life. That is why when designing an interior with brown tones great attention must be paid to the selection of combinations:

  • beige or sand along with brown is great for those suffering from insomnia, irritability, and other sleep disorders;
  • the combination of beige with rich chocolate and green accents allows you to create the optimal environment for a good sleep, getting rid of stress;
  • warm and light tones of beige and brown furnishings with bright accents create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony.

Source: //design-homes.ru

Replacing beige with a color with a pronounced yellow tint is possible, but for the bedroom this is far from the best. the best option. It is this range that is stimulating, that is, it is not suitable for the bedroom, rather it can be used for other rooms. However, this effect can be reduced by introducing companion colors and accents into the interior, reducing the use of this shade of beige.

Source: //bedroom.adstores.ru

When developing a design using a contrasting combination of turquoise and brown, you should be very careful about choosing complementary and accent shades. A feature of the main palette is that it goes well with many shades, including the following options:

Brown companion. When choosing the main turquoise color, brown can act as an additional one, while you can use an unusual technique - the background will be a very light shade, and the dark one can be used as an accent. This solution will give the interior more harmony and make the interior individual. For such a palette, you can use one more additional color, the best option becomes white, but it can also be very light sandy, warm tones of yellow, the minimum amount of black accents, rather indicating individual functional areas or details of the situation.

Source: //remont-samomy.ru

The snow-white background will become great solution for the main turquoise-brown range. Walls and ceilings can be made in white, this will be the base on which brown and turquoise tones will form the necessary atmosphere. Furniture can be warm tones of brown, turquoise is used for textiles, upholstery furniture. But white can also be used as an accent, for example, for bedrooms with very good natural light. Walls can be either brown or turquoise, but only one of these colors will be decisive, the second can be used as a spectacular addition. These can be ornaments, linear wall decor, original lampshades for lamps.

Source: //mebel-go.ru

Beige will be a great addition to the chosen palette, it will soften, make the atmosphere more natural and soft, pleasing to the eye. If necessary, beige can be used as a backdrop by setting furniture in shades of brown and using textiles in a bold, very bright turquoise color.

Source: //remont.castorama.ru

Black. This is a bold decision for a modern interior, it must be used very carefully. The main background is usually turquoise; walls, textiles, and decor elements are made in this color. Brown is used for furniture, floors, partly for upholstery upholstered furniture. Black is used as effective accents, for example, for delicate ornaments on curtains, lampshades or crystal pendants of lamps, drawings on bedspreads. This solution can be combined with a small amount golden color, which will enliven the interior, make all its facets play.
