Leo Bokeria about the dangers of breakfast. World famous doctor Leo Bokeria: Breakfast - give it to the enemy! How to eat well to lose weight

The famous Soviet and Russian cardiac surgeon, Professor Leo Bokeria turned the idea of ​​traditional diets upside down. According to him, the legendary advice about breakfast, lunch and dinner is harmful.

The cardiac surgeon told the Ren TV channel:

Eat breakfast yourself - this is absolute nonsense, I mean a full breakfast. Because you woke up, the body begins to come into working condition, you sit down at the table, eat a plate of meat, flour, drink a large glass of something. Then you get dressed, go to work - and then which one of you is an employee?

Actually, some workers are not spoiled by a hearty breakfast, but it is worth listening to the words of the doctor, especially since he refers to the experience of entire nations. The cardiac surgeon is sure that Western colleagues act more competently, who drank a cup of coffee in the morning, ate a sandwich in the afternoon, and ate fully only in the evening after work, after which they went in for sports:

Therefore, breakfast - give it to the enemy, at lunch - have a snack, in the evening - eat normally, and then - physical education. According to my observations, in countries where people live long, they live like this.

Of course, it must be borne in mind that the cuisine of peoples and customs vary greatly, just as food traditions in families differ. Nevertheless, Leo Bokeria's call to abandon dogmas and take a more critical look at established rules is of considerable interest.

Leo Bokeria is a legend, a genius of optimism. The Bryansk journalist, who at that time became a TVC reporter, spoke about her meeting with an amazing person.

When fate gives you meetings with such people, you remain grateful to her for life.

At that time, I worked as a correspondent on the TVC channel in the Forecasts program. Another topic was announced at the planning meeting: myocardial infarction — a disease of the 21st century. The last minibuses left, I sat in a half-empty office and pounded on the keyboard. Tomorrow you need to submit material about the famous Russian surgeon Fedor Uglov:

“... He was applauded by world luminaries of science. And in the Guinness Book, opposite his last name, a record - he operated at 100 years old. Uglov left 12 commandments after his death. It was a "memo to the Russian centenarian" from a Siberian doctor. Alcohol, tobacco, gluttony - they were strictly taboo. Uglov's widow recalls that the doctor never drank a single glass of alcohol in his life. Someone for courage before the operation suggested skipping 100 grams of vodka. The surgeon drank a glass of water and put on a white coat. Every morning, in any weather, he poured two buckets of ice water over himself. Walked a lot. He especially liked to walk along the coast of the Gulf of Finland. The surgeon's heart beat in time. Fedor Uglov did not recognize any excesses. I was unstoppable only at work ... "

I was tapping the keyboard almost with my nose when the editor's call came:

- Get ready. The day after tomorrow you have a meeting with Leo Bokeria at the Bakulev Institute. I'll email you the phone number of his assistant.

I couldn't believe it. Interview with Leo Bokeria. A genius, a sage, a doctor to whom millions are grateful ... who saved millions of human hearts! My heart skipped a beat!!! Live until the day after tomorrow.

I spent most of the night at my laptop reading dozens of articles about myocardial infarction, Leo Bokeria, the Bakulev Institute, and other matters of the heart. Whatever the topic: whether it is the purchase of feed for a pig-breeding complex, or horse cosmetics for people, or ... myocardial infarction, I always monitored a bunch of information before filming and text. The journalist must be in the subject!

The next day I dialed the assistant's phone:

- Hello! You are concerned about Natalia Fedosova, correspondent of the TVC channel.

I did not have time to finish, as either accusations or reproaches rained down from the other end of the wire.

- What is the topic?

- Myocardial infarction.

- Do you know anything about it? Though eye looked into a large encyclopedia? Forever these journalists come and cannot connect two words, they ask absurd questions. Leo Antonovich has little time to chew everything for you!

I listened in a daze to this furious speech and could not even insert a word and did not want to.

Make me a list of questions. Tomorrow at 8 am he has an operation. Be at the institute at 9 o'clock.

And hung up. Fuhhh.. Well, oh well. And not with such communicated, I reassured myself.

It seems that during these two nights I learned the entire course of the medical institute. I knew everything about myocardial infarction!

There were a lot of people in the hall of the institute in the morning. And almost all of them are young parents with babies. They believe in a miracle. How so, why? why? from the first day of life, terrible diagnoses ...

We were invited to the reception, the whole film crew dressed in a robe. At 9 am. Already an hour Bokeria was at the operating table. For about 10 minutes we meandered through the long labyrinth of the institute. Everywhere sterile cleanliness and some kind of frightening silence ... At the office we were met by the same assistant. I met him live. Today it was a completely different person. He opened my notebook and began to draw. Heart…

He talked about laser myocardial revascularization, coronary bypass grafting ... And I nodded and butted into the conversation)). She had every right! For two nights to study so much literature about the myocardium!))) We became friends. The nurse came out of the operating room.

We don't know how long the operation will take. The baby has a serious heart condition. It's unpredictable. Wait, we'll let you know.

The assistant responded:

Would you like to see how the operation is going? Are you afraid of blood?

- Yes I want to.

We entered the operating room and the door was slammed behind us. I looked around. Almost twilight. The lamps emitted a cold marble light. 6-8 people leaned over the table. I did not immediately recognize Boqueria. He had surgical loupes over his eyes. Baby heart! how can you consider it? how can you help him? Silence. Only monotonous sounds were made from everywhere by medical devices. Still, a shiver ran through my body. An assistant came up to me and whispered:

"Come on, look at the doctor's hands." And in the heart of a child.

For a minute I stood stock-still. But she went.

Do not put it into words. Don't tell.

No sudden movements. Quietly, silently. Child on artificial respiration. He is not. Disconnected from this world. And only HE is able to “resurrect” him again. Incredible feeling. The life of a little man is in his hands. Heart with nails. And he sees right through it. And brings together invisible threads. I stood spellbound...

We took a few more shots and left ...

It didn't fit in my head. But he does 5-7 operations a day! "Turns on" human hearts.

We've been looking forward to seeing him. He left after 40 minutes.

I have never seen such deep, wise and radiant eyes. He smiled. Softly, heart. And as if with his arrival it became lighter. You feel awe of this person. I want to listen and listen to him, to admire. And don't interrupt.

He answered our questions very intelligibly and measuredly, joking.

- How do you manage to keep yourself in shape at that age and carry out 5 operations a day? - asked a colleague.

I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't drink a lot of coffee. Light breakfast in the morning. My wife usually makes cottage cheese. I walk a lot a day - an hour and a half.

After our interview, I came across an article on the Internet where Bokeria revealed the secret:

- “... the years of my early childhood fell on the Great Patriotic War. I will reveal such a small secret: my mother did not want to give birth to me. Before I was born, she already had two daughters. My older sister says that my mother, having learned about the pregnancy, tried in every possible way to get rid of her. She drank some bitter onion tinctures, jumped down the stairs. Sister always laughed, "That's why you're smart." In fact, the time was difficult, and I was attached to my mother's breast until the age of five. This continued until the mother's sister said: “Listen, wean him from this lesson. It’s a shame already, the man is growing.” And smeared her breasts with mustard. Aunt later told me that I ran in from football, habitually reached for my mother's sweater, tried it and ... began to spit. I didn’t bother my mother anymore.”

That's it. A genius might not have been born into the world. But God decreed otherwise.

We wrote the interview and he again disappeared into the twilight of the operating room. A few days later, Leo Bokeria performed in our program, came to the recording at Mosfilm. There were many of his patients. I couldn't get on the show. But as the editors said, after filming, a terrible incident occurred.

They stood in a crowd talking, joking about something ... A man of about 35 years old, an employee of the TVC, pale, approaches. And Bokerii says in a trembling voice: “Do you remember all your patients?” He: “In the face - yes ..” Man: “And by last name ... such and such?” Bokeria: "No .. what?" “The surname is such and such .. my child .. you performed an operation on him, remember? He died. I wanted to look you in the eyes.. he was 4 days old.”

… I will not forget his face and his eyes for a long time now.

This story still gives me goosebumps… Why like this??? After all, he did everything he could ... This is the worst thing you can hear ... like this - eye to eye ... “He was 4 days old ...”

Leo Bokeria is a famous cardiologist, professor, chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, a specialist whom many dream of getting an appointment with. Taking care of patients, he studied the human body comprehensively and came to conclusions that amazed modern nutritionists!

We are told that breakfast is a mandatory meal, due to which the metabolism in the body proceeds correctly, and in no case should it be skipped. Leo Bokeria claims to know How to lose weight fast without dieting: You just need to give up the morning meal. To say that I was interested in this information is to say nothing, because it is much easier for me to skip breakfast than dinner.

How to eat to lose weight

“Eat breakfast yourself - this is absolute nonsense, I mean a full breakfast. Because you woke up, the body begins to come into working condition, you sit down at the table, eat a plate of meat, flour, drink a large glass of something. Then you get dressed, go to work - and then which one of you is an employee? Purely physiological.

A long time ago, when Soviet-American cooperation began, I noticed that very big surgeons, in the morning, at best, they drank a small cup of coffee. All! At noon - this is what they call lunch - this is some kind of sandwich.

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And in the evening he comes home, eats normally, then goes to the pool, swims, reads something there ... Therefore, give breakfast to the enemy, at lunch - have a snack, in the evening (but not deep in the evening) - eat normally, and then - physical education. According to my observations, in countries where people live for a long time, they live like this ... "

David Lewicki of Cornell University has done some interesting research that shows that if you skip breakfast at least a few times a week, you can significantly lose weight! People who did not eat in the morning experienced an acute feeling of hunger in the afternoon, but this did not mean at all that they ate more than the rest. But the calories eaten per day, they had less than those who regularly ate breakfast.

If you think about it how to eat to lose weight, be sure to try this power scheme. Contraindications are available only for people with diabetes who need to monitor their blood sugar levels. For the rest, this is a perfectly acceptable plan!

For best results, do at least minimal physical activity and try to avoid certain foods. Leo Bokeria lists processed cheese, muesli, sausage, instant cereals, curd cheese, packaged juices among them.

slimmer people know how nice it is to be pleased with your body and be proud of your willpower. Try this famous doctor's technique, it's one of the easiest ways to control your weight that I know of!

Give breakfast to the enemy

It has long been believed that for high-quality and fast weight loss, you need to give up dinner. It is assumed that in the evening the metabolism of people slows down a lot. In addition, it is evening food that passes into game deposits. Breakfast, with such a system, is the most correct meal of the day. And the denser it is, the better for the body, health and weight loss.

However, modern research surprises even experienced dietitians. The fact is that the Russian cardiologist Leo Bokeria refuted the theory of the indispensability of breakfast. In his professional opinion, it should be abandoned. And dinner, he believes, is a prerequisite for quality and healthy weight loss. The cardiologist declares that it's all about normal physiology.

How are breakfast, dinner and weight loss related? What should you really give up? And what is actually better to neglect in the conditions of modern life? Should be more detailed!

Why do we gain weight

It's no secret that weight gain is primarily associated with malnutrition. Of course, if you put aside the issues of hormonal disruptions or health. It is a violation of nutrition (quality or regimen) that can destroy the figure. This is the reason why proper nutrition is so important. Or watch what and when you eat.

Weight gain is also due to the incorrect distribution of KBJU. KBJU is calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Few people know, but carbohydrates should not be eaten in the morning. And many people neglect this rule when they eat cereals, especially instant ones.

It is also possible to gain weight due to strong misconceptions that are being imposed on us. For example, it has long been believed that the metabolism slows down in the evening. Of course, this is true. But according to nutritionists, this does not mean that you have to stop eating dinner.

How to eat well to lose weight

So, if you follow the precepts of the cardiologist Leo Bokeria, it is better to refuse breakfast. Why? Because in the morning the body is not yet ready for work. And when food enters it, the corresponding signals from the brain have not yet been received. Food is processed poorly, sluggishly and completely inappropriately.

That is why people begin to experience wolf hunger precisely by noon. At this time, the body is fully alert and ready to work.

Many people believe that it is necessary to drink water with lemon half an hour before breakfast. This, they say, awakens the stomach. However, this is not quite true. Even in this case, the body is still very lethargic. Therefore, neither half an hour, nor an hour, nor an hour and a half will in any way affect the quality of assimilation of food. Therefore, the best solution is to simply abandon breakfast in favor of dinner.

Principles of proper nutrition without breakfast

However, skipping breakfast is not a bad idea. There are certain principles that must be followed.

Skip breakfast, but don't overeat at night. Of course, by the evening you will experience severe hunger. But still get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Overeating can only add stress to your stomach and body. And signals about overeating come to the brain longer. Believe me, after 20 minutes you will no longer feel slight hunger.

Eat plenty of protein and fiber for dinner. Of course, this is meat, fish, vegetables. Beans are also good. For example, beans. It is they who will saturate you and will not allow you to gain excess weight. Even with the no-breakfast system.

- Give up sweet, carbonated drinks, flour, raw smoked. All such snacks and sweets will only provoke your body. Refusal of breakfast is not a diet, but the body will demand delicious food by lunchtime. Don't let your brain fool you! Smoked and salted foods can greatly retain water in the body. Sugar will only raise your blood glucose levels. Believe me, the state of health after this will be terrible. So it's not worth the risk.

- Drink plenty of water. At least two liters of pure water per day. By the way, nutritionists also recommend drinking a glass of water before dinner. A psychological move is involved here: the stomach is full, therefore less is eaten. You can't drink after dinner. Maximum experts allow you to drink a glass of water a couple of hours before bedtime.

- After dinner (after an hour and a half), do physical exercise. Suitable light: running, squats, plank, small cardio loads.

So, in order to lose weight, you need to reconsider your nutrition system. Perhaps you are the person for whom this scheme does not suit. After all, if you are highly dependent on breakfast, then a sharp change can negatively affect your well-being.

However, even such a system of refusing breakfast can be applied. For example, if we consider it as a special non-strict diet. Try removing breakfast from your diet and including a protein-rich dinner.

The famous Russian doctor, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Lev Bokeria made a sensational statement: the well-established postulate of supposedly proper nutrition is false.

Photo www.vest-news.ru

According to him, the famous saying - "eat breakfast yourself" - is complete nonsense, especially when it comes to a hearty, high-calorie breakfast.

An organism that has just woken up is just beginning to come into “combat readiness”, and it is already offered to eat a plate of meat, a roll with butter and a large glass of some drink. Even purely physiologically after such a plentiful "snack" it is impossible to work normally.

Bokeria said that while working with American doctors, he observed the following picture: even very good, major surgeons drank a tiny cup of coffee in the morning. At noon - the traditional Russian lunch time - a snack with a small sandwich. And only in the evening, when he came home, the doctor ate a normal, full dinner.

W breakfast - give it to the enemy, at lunch - have a snack, in the evening (but not deep in the evening) - eat normally, and then - physical education. According to my observations, in countries where people live long, they live like this.

The Russian doctor is supported by David Levitsky, a scientist at Cornell University in the US. Through research, he determined that skipping breakfast at least a few times a week could lead to significant weight loss. The scientist conducted an experiment to determine the amount of food eaten per day.

The participants of the experiment were divided: one group had breakfast every day, the second - did not receive food. The "hungry" group wanted to eat significantly more after a few hours, but as it turned out, the amount of food they took during the day not only did not increase, but was 400 calories less than the breakfast group.

Lewicki believes that a non-constant breakfast can be used as one of the methods of weight control. After all, despite the feeling of hunger, a person does not eat more per day, and therefore does not receive additional calories.

According to the scientist, he understands that the results of his study run counter to the conventional wisdom that breakfast is the most important part of the diet. In addition, all this applies to relatively healthy people. If a person has a serious illness, such as diabetes or hypoglycemia, and he constantly needs glucose, then breakfast is necessary.

WHO experts categorically disagree with the point of view of the Russian academician and the American scientist. According to the results of their numerous studies, if a person who skips breakfast begins to eat regularly in the morning, his weight will return to normal, and unnecessary calories will disappear by themselves. Everything from the fact that in the morning when eating, metabolic processes in the body are launched and the metabolism is activated. That is, an overly plentiful breakfast can remain on the sides, while an average in calorie content and insignificant in volume cannot.

But almost all scientists agree on one point, or rather, a list - this is a list of products whose consumption should be reduced to a minimum, and it is better to completely abandon them.


The product, although tasty, is useless - there is practically no meat in it, and if there is, then the bare minimum. But there are plenty of harmful components and chemical additives. For example, a constant component of sausage - the preservative potassium nitrine - can provoke esophageal cancer.

Instant porridge

In order for cereals to acquire the ability to cook in a matter of minutes, they undergo a special treatment. The result - carbohydrates are converted into starch, which is rapidly absorbed by the body. In addition, to enhance the taste, season with various spices and sugar in large quantities. So “quick” cereals are a simple dessert, not a full, healthy breakfast.

Quick breakfasts

To prepare them, different products are thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous mass, and then balls of a given size are “sculpted” from it. Indispensable ingredients: flour, butter, granulated sugar and starch. The value of such products is zero.

Dried fruits

Tasty and seemingly healthy dried fruits are prepared as follows: they are treated with alkaline and sulfuric acids, and then soaked in sugar syrup. So it’s impossible to talk about any benefit of this product, rather about harm.


Their production is very similar to the preparation of "quick breakfasts". Muesli is subjected to a special treatment, during which the structure of the grain changes, and slowly digestible carbohydrates are converted into "fast" sugar. Muesli and similar foods are high in sugar and empty calories.

Curd curds

The composition of this product is diverse, only the cottage cheese itself is the least there. Curds contain various fats, granulated sugar, preservatives, synthetic flavors and chemical additives. A product with such a “filling” cannot be called useful in any way.

Packaged juices

Freshly squeezed juice and packaged juice are two big differences. The first "lives" for about 15 minutes, the second is stored for months. The packaged drink is full of sugar and preservatives, and what is considered fruit pulp is just sugar beet cake or pectin. Excessive consumption of sugar is one of the reasons for the appearance of subcutaneous fat.

Bananas and other fruits

No one disputes the benefits of fruits, but, as a rule, we are talking about fruits grown in the “native” area. "Overseas" fruits - kiwi, bananas and others - are treated with specific gases and chemicals to increase the shelf life required for transportation.

Processed cheese

For any product, additional heat treatment is unnecessary. This is especially true for cheeses. After the melting process, the cheeses lose all their useful properties and turn into just a mass of fat. In addition, the raw material for processed cheese is cheese, which cannot be sold in a piece, that is, waste.

Leo Bokeria- the famous cardiologist, professor, chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, a specialist whom many dream of getting an appointment with. Taking care of patients, he studied the human body comprehensively and came to conclusions that amazed modern nutritionists!

We are told that breakfast is a mandatory meal, due to which the metabolism in the body proceeds correctly, and in no case should it be skipped. Leo Bokeria claims to know How to lose weight fast without dieting: You just need to give up the morning meal. To say that I was interested in this information is to say nothing, because it is much easier for me to skip breakfast than dinner.

How to eat to lose weight

“Eat breakfast yourself - this is absolute nonsense, I mean a full breakfast. Because you woke up, the body begins to come into working condition, you sit down at the table, eat a plate of meat, flour, drink a large glass of something. Then you get dressed, go to work - and what kind of worker are you? Purely physiological.

A very long time ago, when Soviet-American cooperation began, I noticed that very famous surgeons, at best, drank a small cup of coffee in the morning. All! At noon (that's what they call lunch) it's some kind of sandwich.

And in the evening he comes home, eats normally, then goes to the pool, bathes, reads something ... Therefore, give breakfast to the enemy, have a snack at lunch, eat normally in the evening (but not deep in the evening), and then - physical education. According to my observations, in countries where people live for a long time, they live like this ... "

David Lewicki of Cornell University has done extensive research showing that skipping breakfast at least a few times a week can help you lose weight! People who did not eat in the morning experienced a sharp feeling of hunger at lunch, but this did not mean at all that they ate more at dinner than the rest. But the calories eaten per day, they had less than those who regularly ate breakfast.

If you think about it how to eat to lose weight, be sure to try this power scheme. Contraindications are available only for people with diabetes who need to monitor their blood sugar levels. For the rest, this is a perfectly acceptable plan!

For best results, do at least minimal physical activity and try to avoid certain foods. Leo Bokeria lists processed cheese, muesli, sausage, instant cereals, curd cheese, packaged juices among them.

slimmer people know how nice it is to be pleased with your body and be proud of your willpower. Try this famous doctor's technique, it's one of the easiest ways to control your weight that I know of!
