We bury fish in the garden when planting tomatoes: an amazing life hack effect. How to grow a good crop: banana peels and other ways to fertilize tomatoes How to plant tomatoes on fish


Tomatoes are a favorite vegetable of many people.
But to get juicy and ruddy fruits, you should
work hard, because the tomato is enough
demanding culture.
This vegetable needs a lot of fertilizer.
To provide it with the necessary nutrients,
you need to know: what to put in the hole when planting tomatoes,
how to prepare the soil and how to fertilize it?

After all, the pre-prepared and fed land
is the key to a high and tasty harvest!
Before planting tomatoes, the holes must be well seasoned.

Fertilizing the soil in autumn
See more How to feed tomato seedlings at home,
so that they are plump What number is needed
plant tomatoes? Planting a tomato takes place in
spring time, but ground preparation should begin
in autumn time. This process is very important, because the introduction
fertilizer when digging will help saturate the earth
necessary vitamins, as a result, it will become fertile
and nutritious.

Digging the soil will saturate it with oxygen and
destroy many pests

What fertilizers should be applied to the soil?
Application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers
preparing the soil for a tomato is a must.
Any composition of the soil needs them.
Scatter fertilizer over the ground, then tackle
digging. If the earth is acidic, liming.

The soil also requires organic fertilizers and nitrogen,
which is found in large quantities in poultry
litter. If there is a manure heap on the site, which
rotted, spread it over the ridges during the year.
By adding superphosphate to manure, the action of beneficial
substances will increase, the root system of tomatoes will
fully saturated with the necessary elements.
It will bring considerable benefits to the soil and future vegetables.
compost heap and ash.

The earth will not only be perfectly prepared for
planting a tomato, but it will be light and airy.
Do not forget that a high yield of tomatoes
depends entirely on soil preparation!

What to put in the hole when planting a tomato
After the preparation of the soil in the fall,
she was completely saturated with all the useful elements.
However, in the spring, 24 hours before planting seedlings, it is necessary
add a weak solution of manganese and yeast to the ridges
mixture at the rate of 10 grams per 10 liters of water.

The yeast solution in the hole will help the bushes
quickly adapt to new conditions

Yeast fertilizer should be infused for a day,
when planting tomatoes, pour it into each hole,
Approximate dosage is 220 grams. In an organized
planting hole where tomato seedlings will grow,
you need to put crushed egg shells.
It will help enrich the plant.

Also, potash fertilizer will be useful for root
tomato systems. The source of potassium is ash,
which can be obtained from burnt straw, grass
or sunflower. In each prepared hole
put 100 grams of dry matter.

Wood ash - a source of minerals

When the seedlings are planted, each hole should be
sprinkle with black soil or compost fertilizer
(no more than a pinch!). Do I need to add to the hole when
planting tomato, mineral fertilizers When planting
tomatoes both in the greenhouse and in the open ground
mineral fertilizers are not recommended.

They will be needed with the further growth of the vegetable,
but it is not worth making them directly into the hole.
At first, the plant should get stronger and form
root system. Therefore, those substances that were
introduced into the soil in autumn and a little added organic matter
in the spring is quite sufficient for
early stages of plant development. Excess fertilizer
when planting seedlings can destroy the root system
tomato. If the seedlings were grown in peat glasses,
then in the hole when planting a tomato fertilizer
mix can not be put!

Humus is a must for tomatoes

What to add to the holes after the tomatoes are planted
So that the tomato crop can please every gardener,
it is necessary to regularly feed not only bushes,
but also the soil. It is worth considering what fertilizers should be
to make, their dosages and time:

After soil preparation is done, seedlings
landed. After 14 days, we carry out top dressing of the soil
complex fertilizers, with the calculation of 1 tsp per 900 grams
water. After passing ten days under each hole
pour potassium permanganate with the addition of nitrophoska.
After fourteen days, feed the soil with superphosphate
and potassium, in each hole 100 grams of fertilizer mixture.

On the tenth day, after planting seedlings, add chicken manure.
It must be diluted with water at the rate of 1:15.
At this stage, it will be useful to sprinkle ashes around the holes.
After three weeks, apply ammonium nitrate 25
grams per 8 liters of water. When will the first flowers appear
feed the plant with mullein and azophos, 20 grams per 8 liters of water.
Then make three more dressings with aged
interval of 14-20 days.

Onion peel - both fertilizer and protection against diseases

The best fertilizer for tomatoes during this period is
mullein and bird droppings. What to put in the holes when planting a tomato?
Folk method When planting a tomato in the holes, many
gardeners recommend using onion peel.
As soon as the first stages of landing preparations begin
seedlings, fertilizer of rotted
manure, humus and onion peel. It can be applied
not only dry, but also in the form of tincture.

Together with seedlings, bring onion peel into the pits, then you
get: strong, healthy seedlings; resistance to various
diseases; rapid growth of the plant; at low temperature
seedlings do not deteriorate, they are not afraid of drafts. onion peel
is a universal fertilizer for a tomato bush.
Just a handful of onion skins placed under each
the plant will provide normal growth, development, high
fruiting and excellent top dressing rich in useful
vitamins. In addition, this husk is rich in essential substances,
which effectively control garden pests.

Prepared holes in the greenhouse

Seedlings are not attacked by the Colorado potato beetle, but
The root system takes root quickly and does not rot.
During the entire growth of tomato bushes, 2-3 times
do the feeding. Take 300 grams of onion peel,
pour them with hot boiled water, insist 10 hours.
Then dilute the resulting mixture at the rate of 4 liters
fertilizer per 20 liters of water.

Only two sprays, for the entire period of growth
tomato bushes, able to prevent the plant
infection with fungal diseases and powdery mildew.
The spraying procedure should be carried out with the growth of the ovaries and in
flowering time. Prepare the solution: 100 grams of onion peel
pour one liter of boiling water, leave for 20 hours, strain
and apply. Holes must be well watered.
Tomatoes grown on their own plot are different
perfect and unique taste.

Holes must be well watered.

However, in order to achieve a high, rich harvest
it is necessary to make careful care of the plant
and soil. Do not forget and be lazy to bring into the holes
the necessary fertilizers and top dressings, because they
are the key to a plentiful and tasty harvest.
Following the above tips, picking a tomato
will bring a lot of positive emotions to every gardener.

Advice from readers

When the tomato brushes have already formed, the tomatoes
green and you expect them to turn red - this is the period
late July - August. Watering is significantly reduced,
only once a week in the evening - from excess water they
you have cracked.
And one more piece of advice. To make tomatoes turn red faster
(in St. Petersburg, in mid-August, it is already much colder
and there is a possibility of late blight), once a week when watering
add one capful of ammonia to a bucket of water,
see the result.
You can take a few bushes as an experiment.
Tomatoes are very responsive to yeast - when watering in June
- July can be diluted in a bucket of water 50 grams of yeast and
one liter for each bush
. And I also collect bread and rolls in the winter, and in the summer by the eye of a gram
I soak 500-600 of these crackers in a 15 liter bucket and put
in the sun in the yard for 2 days, then I crush the bread with my hand
to crumbs and pour under the tomatoes a liter per bush,
you will be pleasantly surprised by the result, and the leaves are gorgeous
and the bush is strong and many fruits !!!
About the fact that tomatoes love fish - probably everyone knows that
when planting seedlings in the hole, you can put ice cream
sprat or other fish, and during the season, if there are bones
or any fish itself, then you can dig it under a bush.
They need phosphorus.
Have a good harvest!!!

Once in the USSR, frozen sprat cost 10 kopecks per kilogram, and there were no fertilizers available for free sale for summer residents at all. Because of the cheapness, our grandmothers used fish as a top dressing for garden plants. How to do this and does it really give any useful effect?

It turns out that those who are fond of fishing do not have to spend money on buying fertilizers for crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers or bell peppers. Fish entrails, heads and scales can be an invaluable source of phosphorus necessary for plant development. Even at the seedling stage, if you wash and clean the fish, then you need to do this not with tap water, but with specially settled water, which every gardener probably has at home for watering seedlings. Such water is very useful for seedlings. She stops reaching up. Due to the abundant nutrition of the roots with phosphorus, they are strengthened and, consequently, the growing stem is strengthened.

Try to bury one or two sprats in each hole before planting tomatoes in open ground and the result will surprise you. The plant will develop much faster, the stem will be thicker, and the side shoots will not be as brittle. And most importantly - for all nightshades, these are larger and juicier fruits. In general, the yield will be much higher due to the earlier development of the plant as a whole. For our early cold weather, this is an important advantage.

Fish fertilizer has another advantage - it not only strengthens the plant, it makes the soil more fertile. The nitrogen contained in fish waste gradually decomposes in the soil over 6-8 months, making it more loose and oily.

It is necessary to bury the fish to a depth of at least 8-10 cm. This is due to the fact that, firstly, at such a depth, nitrogen will not evaporate from the soil, and secondly, it is less likely that tailed fish lovers will sniff out a delicacy and dig your garden ( I mean cats). And it is also very important that the roots of the plant and fish fertilizer do not come into contact with each other, otherwise they may slightly “burn”. Therefore, it is necessary to make an earthen layer between them.

Fish feeding can be applied not only during planting. Fish waste infused in water is called fish emulsion. It can be watered plants until the very end of fruiting.

» Tomatoes (tomatoes)

Fish in a garden with tomatoes is not at all an invention or a joke of gardeners. Among the many tricks taken by the owners of household plots in order to obtain a grandiose harvest, there is also one. Let's try to figure out whether it is worth stocking up on fish at the time of planting tomato seedlings in the garden and, if this is really worth doing, how to do it with the highest probability of winning.

There is an opinion that even the American Indians planted fish under their plantings. Allegedly, this is even reflected in rock art. We do not undertake to say for sure, but we admit such an option. At present, when fish products are not cheap, this is done in our country in those places where it is available in sufficient quantities: in Primorye and the Far East, fish waste is even used to grow potatoes, in the Astrakhan region this method of growing tomatoes is also common . In this case, the cheapest types are used.

Feeding fish tomato during transplantation

Why put fish when planting a tomato? It is clear that the fish, with its organic composition, will obviously add some useful components to the soil during its decomposition. What exactly? This is what needs to be defined in more detail.

For growth and development, plants need to receive a sufficient amount of various macro and microelements.

Among the macros (= many), the following are especially needed:

  • Nitrogen- necessary for the process of photosynthesis. The main sources are manure, humus, urea, etc. If a plant receives it in excess, it “fattens”, i.e. the plant forms a large green mass, and the yield is minimal.
  • Potassium- Helps fruit ripening. The main source is potash fertilizers and wood ash.
  • Phosphorus- promotes flowering and fruiting of plants. The main source is superphosphates and bone meal.

It is known that it is tomatoes that are especially demanding on the content of phosphorus in the soil. At the initial stage, phosphorus stimulates the development of the root system of plants, later accelerates the formation of flower clusters, and at the stage of crop ripening improves the taste of tomatoes.

Just to provide tomatoes with a sufficient amount of phosphorus in an accessible form, fish are added under the roots of seedlings. The same result can be achieved with superphosphate. But if there is such a tradition, we will decide how to do it most correctly.

Feeding tomatoes with fish when planting seedlings

At the time of planting tomato seedlings, small fish are often used as a fish additive: capelin, sprat, herring. Connoisseurs of organic farming argue that it is best to use pre-harvested and frozen heads as top dressing for tomatoes.

At the time of planting the seedlings, you need to prepare holes of sufficient depth (at least 60 cm deep), put them in each head, sprinkle it with soil, and then plant the seedlings. If the holes are less deep, there is a danger of an odor that may attract pets. Attracted by the fishy smell, cats and dogs are able to break plantings and damage planted plants.

Fish feeding tomato throughout the season

If at the time of planting the seedlings the fish was not at hand, then this can be done later by digging it deep enough next to the bush. In addition, this method of feeding is recommended to be carried out during the entire growing season.. This is especially easy to do if someone in the family likes to fish. Fish leftovers can be passed through a meat grinder, diluted with water and such liquid fertilizer, without waiting until it starts to smell unpleasant, pour the ground between tomato bushes (not under the root!)

There is also an opinion that fish (even just scales can be used) are buried in the soil to scare away the bear, which destroys young plants, feeding on their roots, but does not tolerate the smell of rotten fish. The insect bypasses such places, and this helps to save the plants.

Other ways to feed vegetable plants with fertilizer based on fish waste

Fishmeal and other waste-based feeds can be used in place of the fish itself.

Maxim Zhmakin's book "All About Fertilizer" provides several options for top dressing for tomatoes based on fish waste:

  • Flour from the bones- produced industrially. Stimulates the rapid formation of roots during transplantation. It is important to mix it well with the soil in the hole when planting seedlings, because. Phosphorus does not dissolve or move in the soil. Application rate - 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or 40 g) / bush.
  • - Produced in the same way as fish bone meal. Additionally, soft waste is used. It contains more nitrogen (up to 10%). Phosphorus is usually 3%. It is applied immediately before planting a bush, in each hole, 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or 40 g) / bush.
  • Fish emulsion- mainly obtained during the processing of fish of the herring family - menhaden, which the American Indians used as a fertilizer. This type of fish is of no value for the food industry and is used for livestock feed and for the production of fertilizers. It is recommended to apply in small doses once/month during the entire vegetative period. To do this, a small amount of the emulsion is dissolved in water and the plants are watered directly under the root. The disadvantage is the characteristic fishy smell, which can attract cats.

Here is a study on the usefulness of the use of fish and derivatives in the agricultural technology of growing tomatoes. There is almost no scientific justification for its mandatory use. But in practice, this method is widely used. Amateur vegetable growers often write on the forums about the results that pleased them. Therefore, everyone here decides for himself, many questions can only be answered empirically. At least within the boundaries of his own greenhouse.

Hello dear friends!

Tomato seedlings are growing day by day. Tomatoes grow and, like green chicks, reach out to meet us - feed, master. Occasionally, once every two weeks, you can treat them with fish or meat water. Its easy to prepare.

We made it a rule to stand water from the tap for watering plants for a whole day in a special bucket so that chlorine, harmful to plants, evaporates. And when we clean fish or cook meat, we usually rinse them under the tap.

But if seedlings grow, it is better to rinse in water ready for irrigation, that is, in settled water. Pour into a bowl and rinse! You can add to the irrigation water and ichor - meat, fish juice, which remained during the defrosting of food, leaked into the bag while we carry the meat from the store or from the market. No need to boil this top dressing!

Tomatoes get fat from such top dressing, look like healthy fellows. Such meat or fish top dressing of tomato seedlings is a signature dish. What is her strength? She is alive. There are vitamins, proteins; there are also phosphorus salts in a very accessible form.

Take a magnifying glass and look at the stem of a tomato. See? It is pubescent with the finest hairs. It can be thought that the hairs protect the plant from pests. But after all, approximately the same hairs, only more developed, cover the leaves of the marsh sundew plant.

Sundew is a plant predator. Once a mosquito sits on a leaf, the cilia glue the victim, fold and digest, suck out the mosquito broth that is useful for themselves. Soon, an empty shell remains from the midge.

Western scientists draw an analogy between the hairs on the stem of tomatoes and the leaves of the marsh sundew. It is believed that tomatoes are also predators, but only they have not reached such a degree of development as the sundew. And yet, raw meat or fish “broth” turns out to be the most desirable treat for our respected tomato.

It happens that after organic meat and fish top dressing of tomato seedlings, flies suddenly begin to fly out of the soil. This also applies to fertilizing home flowers. How to deal with them? What poisons to destroy?

Don't worry too much. Sprinkle the ground with clean river sand. The layer is about 2 centimeters, and the problem is solved.

Read more about being on house plants.

See you soon, dear friends!

Preparatory garden work begins in the fall with digging. But before you take up the shovel, you need to decide where the tomatoes will be planted. The right choice of site plays an important role in high crop yields.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to plant a crop in one place every year. This not only depletes the soil and breaks its acidity, but also contributes to the development of resistant diseases, attracting pests.

Tomatoes prefer loam, but can grow well in sandy soil with neutral acidity. The earth should be saturated, well aerated and enriched with organic matter. Heavy clay soils will not allow you to achieve a high yield. In addition, the culture does not like close groundwater.

Tomatoes are thermophilic, so they need to choose a "place in the sun", well lit and warmed up. It is better if these are southern slopes in hilly areas, and well-lit, but protected from the wind areas on the plain.

With the onset of spring, it's time to prepare the site for planting. To do this, it again needs to be dug up shallowly or simply loosened well by removing weeds and leveling the soil.

When everything is ready, make beds along the movement of the sun. The width of the beds should be about 70-80 cm, and the row spacing should be at least 30 cm. A groove can be made inside the beds for the convenience of watering from a hose, along which holes up to 40 cm deep are dug in a checkerboard pattern.

Fertilizers are applied to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site or directly to the wells. In the latter case, fertilizing should be seriously considered, as direct contact of the seedling roots with unwanted fertilizer can lead to stress, which will adversely affect yields. If two plants grow in one well, the amount of top dressing is doubled.

So, what to put in the hole when planting a tomato in open ground? There are several options.

wood ash

Wood ash, by the way, is suitable for the active growth of tomatoes and their fruiting. It's impossible to go wrong with her. The ash contains the main elements that garden crops need: magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium. It promotes the active growth of tomato tops, improves the taste of fruits and protects against diseases.

When planting seedlings, it is recommended to put a handful of ash in each hole, or about 50-100 gr. You can add 1 tsp to the ash. superphosphate. After the seedlings are dug in, you can lightly sprinkle the soil around it with a pinch of compost.

yeast mixture

It is obtained from dry yeast with the calculation of 10 gr. on a bucket of water and further infusion during the day. Pour a glass of the mixture into each well, combining with ashes, eggshells or onion peels for a general enrichment.

Read more in our article: Fertilizing tomatoes and cucumbers with yeast. Feeding Recipes

onion peel

Onion peel is equally useful for tomatoes at any stage of their growth. Usually it is taken for the preparation of infusions and decoctions, which are watered and sprayed with plantings. But when planting seedlings, it is used as follows:

  • dry completely;
  • finely crushed;
  • bring into the hole, mixing with the ground.

Useful substances will be washed out of the husk with each watering. Such top dressing will protect seedlings from external negative influences.

In warm regions where frost recedes early, tomatoes can be planted in the ground with seeds. Such plants develop a more powerful root system, they do not require abundant watering, and they are stronger and more resilient. Tomatoes grown in soil from seeds are much more disease resistant.
