Installation of sewerage in the country: is it possible to do everything yourself? Communications: cellular communication and the Internet. DIY ideas for summer cottages and gardens. race track

In landscape design, perhaps the most functional and conspicuous element of the backyard are garden paths. Making a concrete path in the country with your own hands is quite realistic, without resorting to the help of numerous companies specializing in such products. The complexity of laying will depend on the features and characteristics of the materials used, the nature of the paths being laid, the structural features of the soil on the site. It is necessary to ensure that the paths being laid perform not only a practical, but also a decorative purpose, give the territory of the site an orderly look, be its decoration and make it possible to move without the risk of falling and getting dirty in any weather.

In this article, we'll look at how to do concrete walkways at the dacha with their own hands, possible options for their manufacture and features of the work.

Plan development

This is a very important stage of work that should not be missed. Before you make concrete paths in the country, you should develop a project where and how they will run. At this stage, you need to study the features of the natural landscape, the general style of garden design and your needs for convenient and efficient movement around the site. Qualitative planning at this stage allows you to optimally lay routes, develop forms and select the required width and strength of the pavement.

Required Tools

Before you start building concrete paths in the country with your own hands, you need to prepare tools for work: a container or a concrete mixer for mixing concrete, pegs, a cord, a shovel, a level, a tape measure, a rubber mallet and a certain amount wooden planks. Naturally, it is necessary to prepare the material itself, which makes up the main structure of the coating, and the components for the preparation of concrete: cement, sand, gravel of various fractions, water. It will not be superfluous to prepare pigments for coloring the concrete mixture.

Material options

How to cover concrete paths in the country? As a material, you can choose concrete itself, artificial or natural stone, brick, wooden dies or cuts of tree trunks, paving slabs. More specific materials include, for example, glass bottles, plastic stoppers and much more - it depends on your imagination, acquisition possibilities and aesthetic sense. Each type of material has its own characteristics that affect the technology of work. As far as possible, we will focus on the main materials and their inherent features.

The main stages of work

To build concrete paths in the country with your own hands, you must go through the following steps:

The choice of design and material of the tracks;
. site marking;
. deepening the soil surface to the width of the track;
. preparation of the base of the track;
. formwork preparation and reinforcement;
. track filling;
. leveling and decorating the surface;
. waiting for concrete hardening;
. track finalization.

Choice of design and material

Before a practical solution to the problem of how to make concrete paths in the country with your own hands, it would not be superfluous to see photos of such products, for example, in this article. You can choose the design of the tracks from the pictures or develop your own. It is not necessary for all tracks to be the same in width and design. First of all, it is necessary to determine which of them will be used most often and intensively, for example, for the transportation of various goods on a trolley. They should be wider and made using the most durable and durable coating. The paths in general should be wide enough to move around the site without effort and harm to the surrounding vegetation. Experience shows that a width of 80 cm is sufficient for a garden plot.

Plot marking

For straight tracks, marking is simple - using pegs at the ends of the sections and a cord. For winding paths, it is required large quantity pegs located at a shorter distance.


The device of concrete paths in the country is not complete without soil preparation, which consists in removing the soil along the entire length of the path. The depth of the removed soil layer depends on its composition. If it is rocky or sandy, then it is enough to remove 20 cm; if it is clayey, then at least 30 cm of soil must be removed. The bottom of the resulting ditch should be filled with drainage materials, which can be used as a layer of gravel, first of a large fraction, then a smaller one, and finally a layer of sand. This is necessary so that moisture does not linger on the track and next to it.

Formwork preparation

In order to make concrete paths in the country with your own hands, formwork should be installed on the sides. To do this, use boards with a width not less than the depth of the poured concrete layer and a thickness of at least 15 mm. It is necessary that the upper cut of the boards be even in order to level the poured concrete layer along it.

The formwork is set in level so that the path is even. But for self-removal of rainwater, it is necessary to make a slight slope (1-2 degrees) from one edge of the path to the other. To increase the strength of the structure, it should be taken into account that when the temperature of the soil and air changes, concrete, like any other material, changes its linear dimensions. Therefore, it is necessary to fill the track not with a continuous tape of concrete, but divide it by inserting transverse gasket strips 1-2 cm thick every 1-2 m. To facilitate subsequent removal, they should be lubricated with used machine oil. The side boards of the formwork are fastened together by means of rails. This is necessary so that when pouring, the integrity of the formwork is not violated.


Before pouring concrete paths in the country, it is advisable to reinforce them. For this, a mounting grid or simply pieces of reinforcement laid out on a prepared pillow after 10-20 cm, both along and across the track, are suitable. It is desirable that the reinforcement does not lie at the very bottom of the prepared base. To do this, put under it, for example, bottle caps, pieces of tiles or bricks.

When mixing, water is added to the density of sour cream or thicker. The less liquid solution, the stronger the track, but more effort or a special vibrating tool is required to compact the concrete layer. On the other hand, it is more convenient to work with a liquid solution and level it. Therefore, choose the density yourself.

It is important to take into account that the prepared solution must be used in its entirety within one hour after mixing it. Experts categorically do not recommend adding water to the prepared mass, since this greatly deteriorates the strength of the resulting coating.

So that the tracks do not turn out gray and nondescript, they are painted. This can be done already on the finished coating, but such painting is short-lived. It is better to add pigment dyes when mixing concrete. Then its entire layer turns out to be colored. In this case, however, the pigment consumption is greater, but the effect obtained is worth it. You can choose any color for painting, but yellow, blue, red shades, as well as ocher color are better suited for the garden plot.

The leveling of the concrete layer is carried out by the rule along the upper layer of the formwork. To make the surface not just smooth, but patterned, you can apply a pattern on it. Often, special stencil-matrices (the so-called printed concrete) are used for this. This design can be carried out after a few hours or the next day, when the concrete sets a little, but does not harden at all. Before performing such an operation, a tinting fixative is applied to the surface of the track. It helps after embossing to give the surface amazing beautiful texture, simulating various natural materials(paving stone, stone, boardwalk, etc.). The pattern applied to the surface of the concrete path depends only on your imagination.

To protect paint and texture stamped concrete from mechanical and atmospheric influences, acrylic impregnation is applied to its surface. After one or two days, carefully remove the cross spacers in the concrete band.

Waiting for solidification

After pouring concrete, its surface is covered with plastic wrap so that it hardens gradually. On hot summer days, it is advisable to moisten it periodically by spraying it with water. Final readiness can be determined by the color of the concrete. If it is not yet dry, it is shiny and dark. You can use the tracks only after complete drying (5-6 days after pouring).

Finishing the track

Other coverage options

- Brick path. Its characteristic is pleasant appearance, the ability to maintain a certain distance between bricks for filling with colored sand, cement-sand mortar or soil for grass germination. Bricks are laid on the mortar layer so that their surface is 10-15 mm higher than the surrounding soil, giving a slight slope from the center to the edges of the path. At the same time, water from precipitation will not linger on the track. The preparation of the base does not differ from the case considered earlier, except that the depth of the base must correspond to the thickness of the bricks used.

When laying out bricks, use a level and a rubber mallet, deepening the brick by tapping on it, if necessary. If the brick needs to be lifted, then it is taken out, a little mortar is placed under it and inserted back. Instead of a solution, it is convenient to use dry cement-sand mixture. After laying, the track is watered with water, and gradually this mixture sets and hardens. Naturally, it is impossible to use the track until the final hardening of the mortar or mixture on which the brick is laid.

For the strength of the resulting coating, it is desirable to use not ordinary brick, but clinker (paving), obtained at an increased firing temperature from special grades of clay. Silicate white brick only suitable for indoor or wall works, and red is gradually destroyed under the influence of precipitation. It is desirable to install a curb stone along the edges of the path. Otherwise, the structure eventually becomes unusable, starting with the extreme bricks.

- Pavement pavement. The arrangement is no different from brick. The exception is the ability to use tiles of a wide variety of (commercially available) shapes and colors. The peculiarity is that tiles cannot be used for interior work - they are short-lived and collapse under the influence of adverse atmospheric conditions in a short time. The thickness of paving slabs should be at least 6 cm. The peculiarity of laying is that the tiles are selected in shape and color, starting from the center of the path to its edges. The edges are laid out last, as they often require cutting the tiles to match the configuration of the path's borders. For cutting, you can use a grinder with cutting discs for concrete. To achieve the long-term strength of such a path, it is also desirable to install curbstones.

- Paths from saw cuts of a tree. They are perhaps the most budget-friendly to manufacture and look very attractive. For their manufacture, cuts of old trees are required. different diameter 10-15 cm thick. To give strength to this material, it must be processed in order to prevent decay processes. To do this, saw cuts are pre-treated, for example, with drying oil or a solution blue vitriol and dry. That part of the saw cut, which will be inside the base of the track, is additionally processed by immersing it in molten bitumen.

The difference between the technology and the previously given one is the preparation of a deeper base in accordance with the thickness of the cuts. They can be placed directly into sand cushion, but better - in cement-sand mortar, sinking to a depth treated with bitumen. The gaps between the protruding parts of the cuts are subsequently filled with sand, stone chips or gravel. You can also fill them with soil and sow grass for lawns. outer surface it is advisable to sand the saw cuts and cover them with several layers of varnish for outdoor work. This will make the texture of the wood look better.

Do-it-yourself repair of concrete paths in the country house

Over time, under the influence of mechanical and atmospheric phenomena, the tracks begin to deteriorate. This is more or less typical for any materials used, especially if the manufacturing technology is not sustained. It is important to carry out their repair, without waiting for a complete transition into an unusable state. To do this, use the same materials that were taken for their arrangement. Damaged parts are dismantled and replaced with similar ones without flaws. Therefore, it is advisable, when arranging the tracks, to stock up in advance with a certain amount of coating material in order to carry out timely and complete repairs.


We examined how concrete paths are created in the country with our own hands. We hope that the presented material will help you in the implementation of design plans for arranging the site.

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How to make a concrete path in the country with your own hands?

Sometimes you want to create a unique and at the same time simple garden path in your summer cottage with minimal cash costs. In addition to the familiar garden path made of paving slabs and natural stone, ordinary concrete paths are often used, which are additionally decorated with various decorative accessories. Now we will talk about how to make a concrete garden path with your own hands.

The advantage of a concrete path in the country

Concrete path in the country

Concrete is one of the most popular building materials. The main advantage of concrete as a building material is as follows:

  • High durability and material strength
  • Easy to create concrete structures, including paths
  • Cheapness of the material
  • High resistance to adverse weather conditions(moisture resistance, frost resistance, etc.)

It is precisely because of its high strength properties and ease of manufacture concrete mortar, this building material is often used in the construction business, in particular for the construction of foundations (tape, columnar, pile, etc.).

Types of concrete paths

Concerning garden paths, then the merit of concrete is that it is able to withstand the mechanical loads that will fall on the path, and will also last for decades, while uniquely decorating the garden plot (if you really want to).

Without the participation of creative thinking, an ordinary concrete path is beneficial in that, with minimal monetary costs, you can increase the comfort of moving between certain, inconspicuous nodes of the backyard territory (for example, in the backyard from the garage to the chicken coop or hozblok).

Another advantage of a concrete garden path is that it is quite easy to do it yourself, without involving the help of specialists and professional tools and technology.

Also, the advantage of concrete garden paths is that you can easily make a curving path, you just need to build a suitable formwork.

As for the decorative function of concrete garden paths, it should be noted here that if various color pigments are added to the mixture during the preparation of the concrete solution, the path can be not only gray, but also yellow, pink, green, complementing flower beds and hedges in an original way. You can also use natural stone to decorate concrete garden paths. tile mosaic, etc. All that is needed is to plant the decoration in the solution, after it has hardened for 2-3 hours.

concrete walkway decoration

Do-it-yourself technology for creating a concrete path

Before proceeding to create a concrete path with your own hands, you need to acquire the following materials and tools:

  • Concrete
  • Sand (preferably river)
  • Reinforcement bars (it is better to choose A3 rebar with a thickness of 12 mm)
  • Formwork materials (boards or plywood sheets)
  • bayonet shovel
  • Master OK
  • Pick
  • A container where the solution will be mixed (a trough will do)
  • Bucket
  • Ruberoid
  • Decor elements of a concrete path (natural stone, tiles, etc.)

In order to make a solid concrete path in the garden with your own hands, you must follow these steps:

  1. We mark the boundaries of the future track. To do this, we use wooden pegs and a rope.
  2. On the marked area, remove the turf layer (about 5 cm). The bottom of the trench must be perfectly level. If a bayonet shovel fails to remove the soil (a lot of stones or other obstacles), we use a pickaxe.
  3. We lay roofing material on the bottom (preferably in 2 layers). So that the path does not settle in the future, before laying the roofing material, it is recommended to pave the bottom with concrete screeds or flat stones (only in this case the trench should be deeper by the thickness of the stone). The purpose of the roofing material is to protect the path from erosion.
  4. We build formwork around the entire perimeter of the track. From the outside, we support the boards with reinforcement bars.
  5. Let's start mixing the solution. We pour concrete and sand into the trough in a ratio of 1: 2. Thoroughly mix the dry mixture with a shovel and gradually add water to a homogeneous consistency until a solution is formed that resembles sour cream with a density.
  6. For convenience, the solution is poured into a bucket and transferred to the place of pouring. With the help of a trowel, we lay the solution in the pit, evenly distributing it over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe track to the top. Do not forget that the surface of the poured concrete is the path, so try to make it perfectly even.
  7. As soon as the mortar sets a little (after a couple of hours), proceed to decorate the path with tile mosaics or flat natural stones.
  8. After 2-3 days, knock down the formwork and after a week you can enjoy walking along a concrete garden path made by yourself.

That's the whole technology of creating a concrete garden path with your own hands. We draw your attention to the fact that in hot weather, in order to prevent cracking of the concrete path, which has not yet hardened, it is recommended to moisten it with cold water several times a day.

The idea of ​​​​the original concrete path in the country

How to make a concrete path for a garden in the country?

Do-it-yourself garden paths made of concrete are the best option for landscaping summer cottages: they are easy to make, they are reliable and durable. With proper pouring, precipitation will not accumulate on the surface. Concrete is moisture- and frost-resistant, able to withstand high mechanical loads, due to its roughness - non-slip. You can independently implement any design solutions at a relatively low cost of materials.

The main stages of creation by steps

Before proceeding with the improvement of the summer cottage, it is necessary to mark the future paths in the garden on the plan, taking into account the slope of the area, the direction of the drainage system, the location of buildings, drains, flower beds. It is also important to ensure that underground communications do not interfere. There are several arrangement methods. It is possible to pour concrete using formwork, special forms for making paths, by laying ready-made slabs. What does it depend on:

  • choice of materials and their quantity;
  • necessary tools;
  • the duration of the work;
  • final cost.

After that, preparations for pouring in the country begin. According to the developed plan, future concrete paths on the garden plot should be marked with pegs and fishing line (rope). The more winding, the more beacons will need to be installed. Further work is carried out according to a certain method of arrangement.

Filling with formwork

To make a step-by-step path with your own hands in the garden in the country, it is important to properly prepare the base. Removed first upper layer soil and compaction. The easiest way to do this is to use a vibrating tool; in its absence, they take a manual rammer. The depth and choice of substrate (pillow) depend on the type of soil in the garden and future loads. So, clay is recommended to be removed about 50 cm and backfilled river sand 30 cm, the same is suitable for preparing the entry of vehicles. On heavy soils, a sand-gravel mixture is used, 30 cm thick.

After compaction of the earth, in order to avoid washing out of the substrate, a layer of roofing material or geotextile is laid on the bottom and sides of the trench. The latter also passes moisture well. Each filled layer is compacted and spilled with water. Some experts recommend laying additional geotextiles in order to increase the duration of operation, and place crushed stone between the sand to improve drainage.

Further, for the arrangement of concrete paths in the country, a formwork (temporary structure) should be made of wood or plywood. For getting expansion joints every 1.5 m, separators made of metal or siding residues are installed. To increase the reliability of the finished path for the garden, reinforcement with pieces of wire (5-8 mm) or a mesh with large cells allows. Just before filling, the walls inside the formwork are lubricated with machine oil or other greasy composition. The entire inner surface is poured with ready-made concrete, leveled, covered with polyethylene and left to dry. In summer, this will take 4-5 days, in cold weather 10-12, after which the formwork is removed.

Pouring concrete into special elements

To make the tracks in your summer cottage more aesthetic will help plastic molds that really buy in construction stores or make your own. The initial stage in the garden is carried out in the same way as in the above method, only it is enough to go deep into the ground by 10 cm. Curbs are placed on the sides of the trench, which are easy to do for a summer residence using silicone molds. The soil is compacted, covered with geotextiles, 3–5 cm of rubble is poured on top or, to reduce the cost of arranging paths, slag. A mold pre-lubricated from the inside is installed on the prepared surface for pouring the track. To save money, stones are laid in all elements.

In order to fill plastic structures with high quality, flowing concrete is required, therefore special plasticizers are introduced into its composition. Without them, you can not get tiles with smooth edges without defects. Hardeners provide fast drying. The solution is poured into molds with stones, Special attention is given to narrow parts where it is more difficult to remove air. It is leveled with a spatula or trowel, the excess is removed.

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To quickly create paths with concrete elements in the country, several (up to 5 pieces) forms are used simultaneously. After 20–40 minutes, the plastic structure is carefully removed so as not to damage the edges. It is more convenient to do this if there are special handles. Otherwise, hold at opposite (diagonal) corners. At least for a day, the surface is covered with a film. After the concrete has completely dried, the edges and gaps are covered with sand or gravel. Some owners prefer to use soil with grass seeds in the garden for this.

In hardware stores there is a wide selection of elements for laying in the country. They differ in size, shape, color and price, they allow you to equip paths with little effort and time. For this, they produce following works in the garden:

  • after marking, about 15 cm of soil is removed;
  • the surface is prepared as described above;
  • then the main material is laid down.

For the substrate, it is better to use sand with fractions up to 7 mm. If dimensions concrete elements large, they will not move even when the car is moving. The path in the country is often created from 40x40 cm slabs, which are arranged so that the distance between their centers does not exceed a step. The gaps are filled with coarse sand or fine gravel.

In order to make a quality path in the country, some subtleties are taken into account. First of all, the correct width of concrete paths is important. Usually it varies between 0.5–1.3 m. Between the beds, it is enough to fill in a narrow one - 0.4 m. The form is chosen by the owner at will, however, experts recommend creating driveways as even as possible. If traffic is planned, two lanes for wheels can be made.

When designing, one should not forget about the slope, which should be 1–2 cm per meter of the track axis. This will allow precipitation to drain in the required direction, and it is also necessary to make special drainage. It is better to fill garden paths in the country in the warm season - the higher the temperature, the better coverage. However, in extreme heat, when concrete is gaining strength, it is regularly watered.

Paths in the garden are decorated different ways, the simplest of which is staining. Also, a drawing is applied to the surface with a sharp object, for example, a screwdriver, and a coarse brush will help to create a relief. Pebbles, shells and others are pressed into wet concrete decorative elements. Ironing is often carried out - rubbing a coloring composition with a grater.

A common mistake novice masters make when pouring concrete paths with their own hands is the wrong proportions of the components, which depend on the maximum load on the base. For pedestrian use, the composition is suitable: for 1 part of cement M500 4 - gravel and 2.5 - sand. For a car, a ratio of 1: 2.5: 1.5 is taken - such concrete is denser and can withstand more pressure. To give a certain color, special pigments are introduced - 5–15 kg are added per 1 m3 of solution, depending on the desired effect. When choosing them, you need to carefully study the instructions - some are not suitable for reinforcement.

It is important for novice craftsmen to remember that the concrete path in the garden should be poured in one day, otherwise cracking may occur. In addition, there are no expansion joints. A shiny surface in the country is obtained by impregnation with wax, synthetic resin or liquid glass. The main thing is to choose the right composition so as not to damage the structure of the concrete.

Do-it-yourself concrete paths in the country

Along with the development and construction of a house, one should not forget about such important details as the territory itself, which needs to be cleaned and put in order. Most often, people prefer to install gazebos, equip flower beds. and sow the rest of the territory with a lawn. But to make it comfortable for you to move around the territory of your site, you should think about the paths. The very best and practical material for this purpose is concrete, which can withstand more than one year, regardless of temperature and humidity, but only if the technology is followed. It is quite simple to equip concrete paths in the country, for this you need to buy all the material, as well as read the advice from experts, which will be discussed in this article.


If you have not yet decided whether such paths are needed on the territory of your site, then you should familiarize yourself with their main advantages:

  • the durability and strength of concrete will allow the paths to remain in their original condition for many years;
  • the process of creating such tracks is quite simple, so everyone can handle it;
  • available material;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions.

The concrete path can easily withstand almost any mechanical load, so children can run on it all the time. Optionally, you can use special forms that will give a more aesthetic appearance to the dacha area. There is no need to involve specialists in the work process, as it is very simple and does not require special knowledge.

Varieties of technologies

Since a concrete garden path involves the use of a liquid solution, everyone has a unique opportunity to give it any shape. For example, in the very simple version using foundation technology. So, a trench is dug along the planned route, formwork is developed and prepared cement mortar.

Special forms are also used, thanks to which it is possible to obtain a relief surface with a clear pattern. It is enough to buy or rent several forms. Do not forget that cement can be dyed in several colors, using special pigments.

When choosing a technology for pouring concrete, you should not go too deep into the ground, 15-20 cm is enough. The height of the path should rise 5 cm above the ground level. This will allow rainwater not to linger on the surface and drain.


Original garden path made of concrete

When arranging, it is worth using a backfill or a drainage layer, thanks to which moisture will not flow to the concrete path, as a result, its service life will increase. The surface should not be flat, but have a slight slope. You can also make a bulge in the center, which will allow rainwater to drain and not linger on the surface.

It is worthwhile to study in advance the state of groundwater, which puddles will point you to, long time do not dry out after rain. That is why the height of the track should be slightly higher than the main ground level. For water to flow into the right direction, it is worth equipping a drainage system from a perforated pipe.

Additional lighting can be installed along the concrete paths or plants can be planted. You can use large stones in the form of decor.

Walkway layout

Since garden paths do not belong to large-scale construction, you do not need to obtain any permits for their organization. So, the width can be from 50 to 80 cm. They can be placed in absolutely any place, but you should think in advance about the convenience of moving around the site.

In order to accurately plan the location of the tracks throughout the site, it is worth inspecting it first. This will place them correctly. If there are intersections, then there is no need to make platforms on them. The width of all parts of the track must be the same. Do not forget that at first all routes must be plotted on the territory plan, and then transferred to the site itself.

It is believed that the best route is already trampled places that the owners have done on their own and use them.

Preliminary work

If you do not know how to make concrete garden paths, then pay attention to the following tips and tricks. Once the route is chosen, the preparatory work. At the first stage, the top layer of soil is removed along the planned direction by at least 20 cm, since a special layer will be laid on the bottom, and wooden formwork will be installed on the sides.

The evenness of the lines and the smoothness of the structures will depend on the correct formation of the formwork. Experts recommend using a board or plywood for this. If curbs are installed along the edges, then it can be fixed directly during concrete pouring, but in this case it is important to maintain evenness, which will require a building level.

Each layer must be carefully compacted so that after the first rain the structure does not collapse and water does not penetrate into the concrete layer. It is also necessary to remove air bubbles from the solution, which can form during kneading, and after drying, mold will form faster in the voids, from which destruction will begin.

Formwork materials should be chosen durable, as the cement mortar is very heavy. Gravel or crushed stone is used for the layer, in rare cases sand.

Carrying out the main work

When the base of the track is fully prepared, you can proceed to the direct pouring of concrete. You can knead it yourself or order it from a construction company, if we are talking about large volume. It is important to maintain all proportions: 3 parts of crushed stone and sand go to 1 part of cement. It is best to mix with a concrete mixer, since manually this process will be too time-consuming and complicated.

It is recommended to pour the concrete solution in one stage, only in this case it is possible to obtain a uniform and smooth surface. If, however, the procedure is carried out in several stages, then it is worth leveling the layer each time so that it lies very evenly. After completion of work, the surface of the track must be watered for several days, and also covered with polyethylene. It may take a week to dry completely.

To get the most durable design, you should use Additional materials(reinforcing metal). So, before pouring the concrete solution, various pieces of reinforcement or mesh are laid at the bottom of the formwork.

Colored garden path

Because of the gray color, many prefer paving slabs, which can be not only of different shapes, but also of color. In fact, it is necessary to carefully study different technologies and methods, since in recent times professionals can easily paint and concrete. For this, special coloring pigments are used, which are added directly when the mortar is mixed in a concrete mixer.

If you want to get a multi-colored track, then you can enter into each batch different quantity pigment, or use other colors. This method is great for pouring concrete mortar into special molds. If the technology was followed incorrectly, then as a result you can get a layered solution with flakes, which is not suitable for laying garden paths. Also a good option for coloring is multi-colored stone chips, which are used instead of crushed stone.

When choosing this technology, it is necessary to carefully calculate the amount of coloring matter, in addition, after drying, the color may change. It is important to do a test run first.

To create a pattern on the surface of concrete, it is worth using various ways. Until the cement has hardened, a relief is created. Some artistic nature tree leaves are used for decoration, thanks to which an original ornament is created. That's how easy it is to create concrete paths at their summer cottage. If you have experience in this direction, then share it by leaving comments after this article.

Thanks to these videos, you can visually familiarize yourself with one of the popular technologies production of concrete paths:

country affairs

How to concrete a path in the country

Concrete paths are just one of the options for arranging your summer cottage, as I already wrote in the article “What to make a path in the country”.

This option is suitable for those who do not like to bother too much, who prefer minimalism and practicality. A concrete path will cost you less than a paving slab path and you will make it much faster.

How to concrete a path in the country? You will need the following tools:

Smooth long strips about 8 centimeters wide. Old platbands may well come up. This one will be, as it were, the limiters of your path, thanks to them the solution will not spread, and the edges will turn out to be even and neat

How to concrete the path in the country house yourself, using materials:

  1. Rubble. You can use broken brick or stone;
  2. Cement;
  3. Sand;

Can be ordered ready concrete, but the whole problem there is that you may not have time to work it out or not calculate required amount concrete and the remains will have to be taken out somewhere.

Let's see how to concrete the path in the country with our own hands? The order of work.

Mark the place where you will have your future track.

In order not to adjust the excess afterwards, you can pull two laces along the edges of the track. Remove the top layer of soil, dig at least on the floor of the bayonet. Stamp everything well so that later your path does not sink and split.

Install the planks on the sides, see that they run parallel to each other. In order to set the strips in the same plane, you can use the spirit level.

To prevent the slats from falling apart, drive in the stakes on the sides from the back, and the slats can be nailed to the stakes. Pour crushed stone or broken brick or stone into the resulting formwork, also properly level and compact it. Stir the cement-sand mortar in proportions: (1 part cement: 3 parts sand).

Fill the track with mortar and level the mortar well with a rule. In principle, the track is ready, you can still try to iron it, for this, pour a little dry cement onto the mortar that has not yet hardened and smooth it with a spatula, rule or trowel.

Also you can see video Dacha inspection. Paths in the country

Attention, only TODAY!

To the question What can be planted at the dacha to go once a week, on weekends? given by the author Maria Antonova the best answer is I plant everything and drive once on Saturday to Sunday

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What can be planted in a summer cottage to drive once a week, on weekends?

Answer from Strabismus[guru]
Almost everything, with watering, you can think over, bottles with cut-off necks with water are buried, potatoes are sprayed from bugs, flowers can also be picked up drought-resistant,

Answer from sketch[guru]
as long as you can plant potatoes, it will clear the ground of weeds, you don’t need to water it, just spud it 1-2 times over the summer, but also spray it from beetles if they appear; plant several bushes berry crops, they will also grow by themselves, without watering

Answer from Olga[guru]
Shrubs almost do not require care and ornamental and berry

Answer from Neurosis[expert]
nothing... any culture requires care.. stupid question... because you will not feed the children, the cat and the dog once a week!

Answer from Elena Ivanova[guru]
Potatoes, onions, cabbage, beets, carrots, parsley, dill. From this already in the country you can cook something. These vegetables grow on the collective farm and no one waters them every day. And the greenfinch will endure, but without it, nowhere. Oh, and berry bushes. While they are growing up, your schedule may already change.

Answer from Cat[guru]
hand over the cottage on the terms - part of the harvest with home delivery))

Answer from Yatiana Afonina[guru]
Reply to CAT. Well, who will rent a dacha under such conditions? He rents mostly young couples, who find it cheaper to live in a country house in the summer than to rent a house in the city. After all, they will pay only the amount of payment for a plot for a year for a summer cottage, which is much cheaper than a rented apartment in the city for a month. And they, as a rule, do not plant anything, do not sow and do not plow. Barbecue and rest, yes. And it’s easier and safer for the owners of the dacha to hand over the dacha - it will be paid and at least some kind of supervision of it.

Answer from N.[guru]
If you do drip irrigation, then everything.
But then stand up all weekend .... weed.)

Answer from A DROP[guru]
Guys, where are you from? The bulk of summer residents visit their plots only on weekends, do not have any drip irrigation and grow whatever their heart desires. And for how long to stand "up ... " it's as you yourself want. It seems that everyone has forgotten that rain and sun exist. Happy Cosmonautics Day!!

Answer from Ludmila Klochkova[guru]
I recommend purchasing a flatbed. with it, work is done faster. And I do everything with rubber gloves. so it's faster too. You can grow everything. Only you will have little time to process the site. besides, on weekends, rainy weather can interfere with work.

All the owners of a summer house once think about decorating it, bringing something special into the atmosphere. Of course, you can go to specialized stores and buy whatever your heart desires. But if summer residents want their place of rest to be unique and inimitable, then it will be much more interesting to make decorations with their own hands. Jewelry made by yourself will give the owners both a creative mood and aesthetic pleasure.

We choose original ideas for giving

Each owner of a summer residence, if desired, can find a lot of the most different ideas to decorate your site. For the manufacture of most scenery, only improvised means and minimal costs will be enough. And old, unnecessary furniture and interior items will inspire creativity even more. Often, seemingly completely useless and forgotten things can come in handy. Country designers use in their work everything that comes to hand: a broken old furniture, unnecessary toys, various bottles and dishes, car tires, leftover building materials and much more.

Not a single summer cottage is complete without intricate interesting flower beds. Uniqueness flower arrangements can be added by planting them in old containers. It can be barrels, pots, and even carts. Many summer residents build various fences for flower beds.

Cosiness will always be added by original paths at their summer cottage. They are made from timber or stone. And the rest of the materials can always be used for the construction of the next composition.

Bottles and plastic jars are especially popular with country designers. From them it is easy and simple to build a lot of interesting sculptures, decorations for flower beds, borders. There are no limits for imagination here.

Be sure to place a bird feeder in the country. Children usually love to watch birds. And with a bird feeder, birds will be a frequent guest at their summer cottage. It can be made from a plastic bottle, and from an unnecessary block of wood, and from twigs.

Without much difficulty, you can make a variety of figures that will bring comfort and individuality to the country atmosphere. For their manufacture, you can use a variety of design solutions and materials. For example, polymer clay, leftovers polyurethane foam, gypsum and other building materials. Just gotta start creative work and it will immediately become clear that nothing is impossible.

Crafts from improvised means

The most popular among improvised materials for crafts are bottles, various plastic jars and boxes. Before starting work, you should definitely think over the details so that the result is really beautiful, and does not resemble a bunch of plastic waste.

Plastic bottles are easy to cut, they are easy to give desired shape. And if you cover the result of the work suitable paints, then bright, unique decorations for a summer residence are obtained. For example, you can make figures of animals (pigs, cows, bees) or fairy-tale characters. By making such decorations, you can unleash your creative potential, and each time the crafts will be more and more perfect. With a large amount of unnecessary plastic, not only crafts are made from it, but also pieces of furniture.

If there is a glass cutter among the tools, then you can make original pots from glass bottles. Such crafts look very stylish and easily fit into any design. Candle holders can be made in the same way.

Bottle caps can also be useful for decorating furniture, decorative fences, creating compositions and even curtains. You can also use chocolate egg toy containers.

Remains natural stone perfect for decorating a pond in the country. A small pond will bring a unique comfort to the atmosphere of the cottage. Around will look good flower beds, crafts or a recreation area. If the pond turns out to be large enough, then it can be decorated with an interesting bridge.

Every motorist will always have old tires. You can simply paint them and make bright bases for a flower bed out of them, or you can show your imagination and cut out various shapes.

Arrangement of a play area in the country

While landscaping and decorating a summer cottage, do not forget about the children. They need their own territory for games and entertainment. Children of all ages love swings. They can be made from ordinary boards and ropes or use metal chains and old tires painted in bright colors. From improvised materials it is easy to build slides, swings, rocking chairs. The main thing is that everything is strong and reliable.

Toddlers will definitely need a sandbox. Her borders will look interesting from multi-colored bottles or log cabins. The sandbox in the form of a ship or car will look original. It is recommended to make an awning over the sand to protect from the bright sun.

Children will certainly enjoy having their own playhouse in the allotment. Benches, a table or other furniture can be placed inside. Everything depends on fantasy. The house can be decorated with a bright flower bed or homemade decorations. Usually the guys themselves are happy to take part in decorating their territory.

Ideas for decorating a fence in the country

The fencing will best emphasize the uniqueness of the suburban area. The fence is not only the protection of the territory, but also the so-called business card hosts.

simple wooden or iron fence- it's trite. It must be decorated. You can decorate the fence with the most different materials: flower pots, crafts in the form of animals, painted landscapes and everything that is enough for imagination. For example, unnecessary bright-colored rubber boots will look original as pots.

You can decorate the fence with old disks. They reflect sunlight and look interesting in any light. Different patterns can also be applied to the discs.

The fence looks spectacular wooden round timber, painted "under colored pencils". With such a fence, you can also fence off the children's territory in the country.

Any fence will look cozier if some climbing plants grow along it. There are various types that grow very quickly. For example, decorative beans or morning glory. You can plant vines. They grow much slower, but also look more expensive. Beyond comparison in this case wild grapes. Grape leaves gradually change their color and retain their beauty until the frost. It looks original when the "grape fence" turns into a canopy. This design gives the fence an old look.

Flowering shrubs planted along it will become beautiful decorations for a low fence. You can combine plants with different colors and flowering time.

In the evening, different lanterns on the fence look beautiful. It is also possible to make them yourself from improvised materials. Or you can simply place candles in painted glass jars attached to the fence. The main thing is that the flame does not fall on the fence.

A lot of room for imagination will open up to those who like to draw. You can draw anything on the surface of the fence: nature, plots, cartoon characters, ornament, small patterns in the form of flowers, butterflies, ladybugs. It is easy to draw on any fence, but it is easier on a corrugated fence.

Compositions of caps, shells, stones, dishes look original. It is easy to make plastic flowers from the bottoms of bottles and paint them in rich colors - they will look beautiful on a wooden fence.

We make flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds will help transform the summer cottage and bring color to its atmosphere. When choosing plants, be sure to take into account their individual characteristics. First of all, it is worth deciding on the flowers "soloists", that is, the main plants in the flower bed. The choice can be stopped at three or four types.

The design of flowers with ornamental herbs and leaves of an interesting shape looks beautiful. With them, the flower bed will be original, even when the flowers do not bloom. But do not try to place a lot of different plants in the country. The territory of the site should look holistically and harmoniously.

Of course, it’s not enough just to plant flowers beautifully. The flower beds also decorated around look more original. The composition must be complete.

Flower beds can be decorated using any unnecessary items. The article has already said that it is easy to make small flower beds from old tires painted in bright colors. You can use a wheelbarrow, a cart, an unnecessary beehive, or even an old car. The main thing is that everything is done neatly and aesthetically. If desired, you can add decorations to the flower garden in the form of homemade bees, butterflies, interesting stuffed animals.

You can make a small fence around the flower bed. For its manufacture, it is possible to use plastic bottles or cups, a fence made of tyn, stones. The flowerbed smoothly turning into a lawn looks beautiful.

Setting up a recreation area

At the cottage, a comfortable place for outdoor recreation must be equipped. This issue must be approached very responsibly. It all depends on the preferences and desires of the owners. It can be just a laid out area with a table and comfortable chairs or hammocks placed in the shade.

At any summer cottage, a gazebo will look spectacular, which can be made from the remaining building materials. Arbors look beautiful, the walls of which are decorated with climbing plants. Bright soft pillows or blankets look cozy as decorations.

Swings can be not only for children, but also for adults. It will not be difficult to build wide wooden swing for rest or make hanging somewhere in the shade of trees. For convenience, they can be decorated with soft pillows.

In the recreation area, you will definitely need a barbecue. It can be made, for example, from old barrel. Flashlights can be provided for the evening and night time.

When making and decorating a summer cottage, it is worth remembering that a summer cottage is a place of rest from everyday life and bustle of the city. It should be comfortable and calm, and the environment should be pleasing to the eye. It is important not to overload the territory with crafts or some kind of design solutions, everything should be in moderation. Imagine, create, surprise!

All happy owners of a summer cottage strive to make it beautiful and well-groomed. I want family trips to the country to be useful and enjoyable.

And the eye pleased not only good harvest in greenhouses and garden beds, but also graceful flower beds with beautiful flowers, interesting garden sculptures, the murmur of water of artificial streams and ponds.

It is a pleasure to work and relax in such a garden. This article will tell you interesting ideas self-registration cottages and country houses.

How to get started with landscaping

It is impossible to create a landscape design for your site without its general improvement. The territory should be cleared of unsightly stumps and other debris, all soil irregularities should be smoothed out and the trees already growing on the territory should be ennobled.

In the process of arranging the site, it should be divided into different zones. Think in advance where it is better to create a recreation area, summer kitchen, a sports ground, where to put a brazier, flower beds, beds and other structures.

Even at this stage, it would be good to adequately assess the material possibilities. And if they don't let you buy ready-made options landscaping, you can always find ideas for creating them with your own hands.

Site zoning

It is better to plan the arrangement of a site on which there are already buildings by determining a place for a vegetable garden. It should be chosen in accordance with the preferences of the crops grown.

And so that newly planted or grown young plants do not damage birds and small animals, you can stick plastic forks into the ground among the plants, they will scare away pests.

Good to know: to speed up the growth of seedlings, you can use a cut canister or plastic bottle, which will create the effect of a greenhouse, keeping heat and moisture inside.

They will help save space and get a good crop of climbing props. They can be easily and quickly made with your own hands, for example, from wood.

Flowerbeds and flower beds

Beautiful flower beds and flower beds are the pride of the hostess. There are some life hacks that will help you decorate them quickly and in an original way.

A small place in the garden can be decorated with a flower garden that creates the effect of a lake with swans. For this you only need plastic bottles, two small pieces of plywood (cut out the neck and head of swans from it) and paint in order to apply a pattern to the figures.

Plant small flowers inside the composition blue flowers. The following flowers will do:

  • Lobelia;
  • Blue iris;
  • Nigella;
  • Sage;
  • Lupine;
  • Hydrangea;
  • Heliotrope;
  • Flax blue;
  • Petunia.

secret forever blooming garden very simple. In order for the beauty of chic flowers to please constantly, it is necessary to replace seasonal flowers. There are a few simple ideas how to speed up and facilitate this process.

The planter method also works in making a flower bed. It is enough just to bury the pots in the ground and replace plants in them that have already faded to flowering ones.

This method will take significantly less time and effort than replanting the flower bed every time. And the flower garden will always look well-groomed and blooming.

The third method will have to spend a little more time when landing, but it differs from the previous ones by even lower costs later. The method works well with . They need to be planted in several levels: the lowest one that blooms the latest, and the topmost primrose.

Resting at the cottage

Rest on the garden plot is an integral part of the trip, so you can’t do without a gazebo. Furnishings made of ordinary transport pallets will help to surprise and delight vacationers.

To make an economical and comfortable sofa you will need:

  • 2 pallets of template parameter;
  • metal corners;
  • bars about 50-60 mm in size;
  • any paint specialized for woodworking, colored or colorless varnish;
  • a set of screws and washers with bolts;
  • electric drill with a drill;
  • gloves and goggles.

Making a sofa from a euro pallet

So, to make a sofa, a pre-cleaned pallet needs to be cut into two parts. One part should consist of four crossbars for sitting, and the second of three - this will be the back of the future sofa.

Connect the edges of both parts perpendicularly, fasten them with self-tapping screws or screws, while tightly tightening. To both sides of the fastened parts, you need to glue 1-2 narrow rails parallel to each other, this will give the structure rigidity.

From the remaining bars, cut out four blanks for the legs. They should be made wide and not high, which will increase the stability of the structure, and make rest on it more comfortable.

Attach the legs to the bottom of the pallet with metal corners. Cover the finished bench with paint or varnish. arranging cozy corner in the garden, corner sofas are made from the same base.

Canape from plastic bottles

Also interesting canapes, sofas, beds and chairs can be made from plastic bottles. Scheme for cutting and assembling bottles for construction:

Bottles must be taped together with good compression so that all sections are thoroughly strong.

A module of sixteen sections must be grouped with others until the design reaches the desired size. It will take at least 750 bottles to make a single bed.

For a double standard bed you need about 1500 bottles. A double sofa will require approximately 400 - 500 bottles. About 250 bottles per chair.

It's important to know: use only two-liter bottles for work.

There is no need to lay any scaffolds on the bed. A firm mattress made of quality foam is enough.

In order to add an interesting appearance to the sofa, you can sew a case or a cape.

Wooden pergola (gazebo) do it yourself

For the construction of the beginning, you should prepare the necessary building materials and tools:

  • a hammer;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • wood screws or nails;
  • screwdriver;
  • paint or varnish;
  • tassel;
  • antiseptic agent;
  • concrete mortar;
  • trellis panels;
  • 2 wooden bars 100 * 50 mm and 100 * 100 mm each (they will serve as side beams);
  • a wooden block of at least 70 * 70 mm (for the construction of a support);
  • 2 wooden bars 50 * 50 mm (will serve as transverse beams).

Process all wooden parts protective agent, dry them well.

Dig 4 holes with a depth of at least 60 cm. Install support bars in them and pour concrete.

Wait for the supports to dry completely for several days. Attach the horizontal beams to the supports.

Note: it is most efficient and reliable to make a spike connection, for this you need to drive a spike into the end end of the beam, and make vents for the spike in the installation site. The beam fixed in this way will be more stable.

Nail the transverse beams on the upper horizontal crossbars at a uniform distance with nails.

Brazier from a metal barrel

In order to be able to fry kebabs in the country, you will need a barbecue. And it is also possible to make it yourself, for example, from an old metal barrel.

First you need to make a layout, then cut off the outer part of the barrel with a grinder, while the ends should be left. From the cut off part, by welding loops and handles to it, you can make a lid.

Metal corners will serve as legs for the barbecue. The corners must be cut into four equal segments and welded to the end section of the barrel.

Advice: for the durability of the structure, the metal of the barrel must be thick enough.

Now you should measure the length of the barrel and cut two corners equal to this length. This will serve as a support for the skewers. Weld them to the inside of the barrel.

To make such a street swing, first determine the angle at which two vertical parts will be connected to each other. The wider the seat, the greater the angle you need to make.

Vertical bars are fastened with bolts. To more confidently fix the base, connect the beams at a height equal to a third of the length of the support from the ground with transverse boards.

You need to fasten the parts using a corner, and attach them with self-tapping screws. The design will become more reliable with two parallel connecting boards.

Trapeze linings are mounted on the internal parts, and the cross beam is attached to the uprights. This design must be dug into the ground.

To do this, dig 4 holes 1 m deep. Fill in the rubble, then insert the posts into the holes and pour concrete. Mount the swing on the support.


Also, on its several acres, you can build a small playground. And you can start with such an original sandbox.

Doesn't the sandbox have to be square? You can construct a circle from logs and paint it in different colors. This process will create a positive mood not only for the builder, but also for the child.

During the collection of such a sandbox, there are likely to be many ideas for organizing a playground, so do not be afraid to implement them.

Children are very restless and, of course, they will want to actively play in the sandbox. And to make the games even more exciting, you can arrange a simple labyrinth or sandy passage out of logs.

To organize a rate with a capacity of 130 - 4200 liters, it is recommended to use polyethylene. First you need to form a ledge-shaped pit with gentle slopes.

Clean the bottom of roots, stones and sharp objects. Cover with sand impregnated with waterproofing by about 10 cm. Submit polyethylene film, leaving a margin of 60 cm on all sides, this will ensure fixation.

Sprinkle the film with sand, earth or flat pebbles and evenly fill with water, making sure that no air remains under the film. Fix the edges of the film with earth or stones. It remains only to make the decor of the reservoir.

Any moisture-loving plants can be planted along the edges; from the north, the pond should be protected from strong wind by planting shrubs. Water lilies and other hydrophytic plants are best planted in pots for ease of maintenance of the reservoir.

Thus, without applying special efforts and without spending a lot of money, you can decorate your summer cottage beautifully, in an original and tasteful way. You just need to use your imagination and sleight of hand.

See the following video for many new ideas for giving and gardening:
