Spring work in the garden and garden at their summer cottage. What work should be done in the garden in spring Work in the garden in spring

We have prepared brief instructions on spring work in the garden and a few "cheat sheets" with brief general information about plant life.

Early spring is the time to prepare beds, sow and care for seedlings. And since we're taking care of the plants for the coming weeks and months, it doesn't hurt to brush up on the short general ideas about their life.

The main thing

Vegetable Plants Need 5 Essential Factors environment: sunlight, heat, moisture, air, food. If all this is in abundance, then only then can we hope for full growth and a rich harvest. But the lack of any of these factors cannot be replaced by an excess of others, and it is this deficiency that will determine further fate plants.

Photo: AiF / N. Belyavskaya

Greenhouse preparation

As soon as the weather permits, the soil in the greenhouse should be dug up onto a shovel bayonet. At the same time, fertilizers are applied: in the future cucumber bed - 5-6 kg of humus, 50 g of nitroammophoska or other complex fertilizer and 300 g of ash per 1 m   2. Where tomatoes, peppers and eggplant will grow, the dose of humus should be halved.

Warm beds

If you planned to do in a greenhouse warm beds for early sowing or planting, it is necessary to remove part of the soil (10-15 cm) and introduce biofuel in a layer of 20-30 cm into grooves 40 cm wide. Then pour 15-20 cm on top fertile soil. Make ridges and cover them with a film to speed up heating and reduce heat loss.

Film greenhouse

It is necessary to stretch a new film on greenhouses in such a way that by the end of April, cold-resistant early ripening vegetables can be sown in it.

The first step is to prepare the frame. If necessary, it is repaired and painted in White color, since the film ages faster on a dark surface. Sharp corners and protruding parts of the frame are best wrapped with strips of old film or non-woven fabric.

Film for greenhouses can be combined into a single sheet right size soldering iron or iron through tracing paper or paper (film melting point - 120-140 ° C). So it will be easier to cover the greenhouse - in calm weather, the cloth is thrown over the frame and the edges are attached to the bottom of the structure.

Photo: AiF / T. Zavyalova


When purchasing seed, choose varieties recommended for your area - they are better adapted to the local climate and are more reliable. How do you know that a particular variety is zoned, because this information is usually not indicated on seed bags? Buyers have to trust sellers and specialist literature.

Clarifications from the Editor

A zoned variety is a variety included in the current "Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation" and recommended for cultivation in one or more regions (in which it has already successfully passed state tests).

Those who own the Internet can find out whether a variety has been zoned or not by going to the official resource of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for the Testing and Protection of Breeding Achievements: gossort.com. We find the “Register” section there and get into the “State Register of Breeding Achievements Approved for Use”. We select the culture we need (for example, we took a zucchini) and open the corresponding plate with varieties.

It may seem complicated, but we need only three adjacent columns - the name of the variety, its "year of birth" and the recommended growing regions, indicated by numbers from 1 to 12.

Residents of the Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk and Tula regions belong to the Central region. In the register, it is always indicated by the number 3. The gardens of summer residents of the Vologda, Kaliningrad, Kostroma, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver and Yaroslavl regions are located in the North-West region, which is marked with the number 2.

If the number of your region is indicated opposite the variety, then it is zoned there. For example, from our plate for the Moscow region, zucchini Apollo, Astoria and Aeronaut are recommended, and for the Leningrad region - Arlika and Aeronaut.

How many seeds do you need?

Seeding rates can be followed. For the final calculation, you need to know the approximate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beds.

Seeding rate, g/1 m 2
culture Consumption
Pumpkin, zucchini, squash 0,3-0,5
Peas 15-25
Cabbage 0,2-0,3
Carrot, parsley 0,4-0,6
Radish 1,5-2,0
radish 0,5-1,0
Turnip 0,1-0,2
Salad 0,1-0,3
Beetroot 0,8-1,6
Beans 7-14


Last year's seeds should not be used without germination testing. It is done like this: you need to take 10-100 seeds of each type of vegetable, spread them evenly between the sheets paper napkins, place on a plate and moisten well. The temperature should be constantly around 20 ° C, and the napkin should be damp all the time. After seed germination, conclusions are drawn: if the germination rate does not exceed 10%, then sowing does not make sense. If 40% of the seeds germinated, the seeding rate should be doubled.

Sowing preparation

There are many ways seedbed preparation seeds aimed at obtaining friendly seedlings healthy plants and increasing productivity.

First you need to select the largest and "poured" seeds. Tomato and pumpkin seeds (except cucumber) are kept in a 1% potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes, and then washed in water. Against fungal and bacterial diseases of cabbage, carrots, parsley, celery and beets, the seeds are heated in water at a temperature of 45-50 ° C for 20 minutes, followed by cooling.

Photo: AiF / T. Zavyalova


All methods of "home" pre-sowing preparation refer to seed that has not undergone industrial processing. If the seeds are colored bright colors, they are sown without additional manipulations.

Soaking is carried out immediately before sowing. Seeds swell, their shell softens and is freed from substances that inhibit germination. Pumpkin, cabbage, turnip, rutabaga, radish, radish, and legume seeds need twice their volume to soak, while carrots, parsley, parsnips, dill, beets, lettuce, and onion seeds need four times as much.

The duration of soaking at a temperature of 20-25 °C also depends on the crop. For cabbage, lettuce, turnip, radish, rutabaga, radish, pumpkin need 12 hours, for tomato, pepper, eggplant, beets, carrots, parsley, dill, parsnip, celery - 48 hours, and the water must be changed 2-3 times a day .

Photo: AiF / N. Belyavskaya

Admission early harvest accelerates additional stimulation of seeds. Infusion is suitable for her wood ash: 2 tbsp. spoons are poured into 1 liter of water, insisted for 1 day, then the seeds are kept in a filtered solution for 6 hours. A 24-hour “bath” of seeds in diluted aloe juice is effective: 1 part juice 2 parts water.

The soil

A loose root layer gives the roots the opportunity to breathe and develop well without interference. As a result root system absorbs nutrients more efficiently, which will positively affect plants and crops. If the earth is loose, it is easier to deal with weeds and pests.

Sowing and planting of cold-resistant crops should be carried out when the soil is in a soft-plastic state. It is not difficult to determine it: the soil easily rolls into a non-disintegrating tourniquet 3-4 mm thick and does not stain hands (we are talking about loamy and clay soils. - Note. ed. ). During this period, the soil has already warmed up enough and contains the optimal amount of moisture. It stays like this for about two weeks.

Photo: AiF / E. Shutova Plants contain quite a lot of water. It maintains them in an elastic state and participates in all vital processes. With the help of water, nutrients move through the plant body, and evaporation protects it from overheating. With its lack of vegetables become coarse, hard, bitter in taste. On the contrary, with an excess of water during cultivation, the products will be watery, slightly aromatic, tasteless.

If the soil breaks into small pieces when rolling, but still forms a cohesive piece when squeezed, this is a hard-plastic state, which means that seeds and seedlings will need additional watering. If, when squeezed, the lump does not change shape and the pieces do not stick together, then the conditions for seed germination and seedling survival are very poor: there is no water in the upper soil layer.

spring digging

It is necessary to dig up the earth right before sowing or planting, so that moisture does not evaporate. If the digging is done, and the sowing is pushed back, the prepared bed can be covered with an old film, carefully pressing the edges with soil or stones.

In the spring they dig with the obligatory turnover of the reservoir. Even if you did the same work in the fall, this event must be repeated in the spring in order to detect and select the rhizomes of perennial weeds and soil pests - wireworms (larvae of the click beetle) and others. At the same time, fertilizers and other additives can be applied to the soil.

What to contribute?

Before digging, spread evenly over the entire surface of the emerging ridge mineral fertilizers. For 1 m 2 they add: ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, chlorine-free potash fertilizer(30 g each per 1 m 2) or complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (100-120 g). Organic fertilizers are added right along the way in every third or fourth groove between the dug up and undigged parts of the soil.

Fresh manure can only be applied for cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin (5-8 kg per 1 m 2). If you "treat" them with potatoes, then this will cause him a scab disease; carrots, parsnips, root parsley they will react by branching root crops; in manured onions, the bulbs will ripen later. Semi-rotted manure and compost are applied under cabbage, potatoes, rutabaga (4-6 kg per 1 m 2). Carrots, parsley, parsnips, celery, turnip onions, radishes, lettuce, dill are grown in areas where organic fertilizers were applied last year. On poor soils for these crops, 2-3 kg per 1 m 2 of only completely decomposed manure or compost (humus) can be applied. Duration of action organic fertilizers on heavy soils- up to 3-4 years, on sandy - up to 2 years.

If there is a need for liming in the spring, then chalk, slaked, quicklime, dolomite flour, cement dust, wood ash and other calcium-containing materials - 300-500 g per 1 m 2 - are scattered evenly on the soil surface along with mineral fertilizers and immediately dug up to prevent loss of nitrogen from mineral fertilizers.

Are garden beds necessary?

In the conditions of the North-West and in damp areas, it is better to grow vegetable crops on ridges or ridges - the soil in them warms up faster in spring and is freed from excess moisture. On light soils, the ridges are made up to 10 cm high, on loamy soils - up to 15-20, a convenient width - 1 m. In the process of forming the beds, the soil is loosened and leveled with a rake. The edges are formed so that along them rollers 5-8 cm high are obtained: they will prevent the erosion of the soil during irrigation or rain.

Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are the main nutrients that plants need. Most of all they need nitrogen, which promotes the growth of green leaf mass. Phosphorus gives plants energy and promotes root development, builds resistance to disease, and influences flower and fruit set. Potassium is involved in the formation of tissues and the construction of the whole plant, promotes the development of powerful roots. Increases the resistance of plants to diseases and their cold resistance, provides better preservation products. In addition to these three elements, plants need calcium, magnesium and trace elements in small quantities. In addition to them, vegetable crops need humus (humus).


The optimum temperature for seed germination of cold-resistant vegetable plants is 20-25 °C, and for heat-loving plants - 25-30 °C.

Photo: AiF / N. Belyavskaya

Sowing dates*

Sowing begins when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 3-5 ° C. Around this time, coltsfoot blooms en masse. You can sow cold-resistant crops: carrots, parsnips, parsley, dill, radishes, spinach, turnips, onions (seeds), leaf lettuce, Beijing cabbage, peas, coriander (cilantro), watercress, leafy mustard. At the same time, seedlings are planted early, late white cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli.

From May 20, when the soil warms up to 5-8 ° C (landmark - birch leaves reach the size of a coin of 10 kopecks), it's time to sow beets and beans. And only in late May - early June, if the soil temperature rises to 12-15 ° C (dandelions bloom), heat-loving crops are sown: cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, beans, fennel, basil.

Affects all vital processes occurring in the plant throughout its existence. And although we may think that in the open field we cannot regulate the temperature, this is not at all the case. Lighter soils, ridges and ridges, a mulched surface allow the roots to warm up faster during the day and cool less at night, and it is always warmer in places protected from the wind. If the weather is too hot, refreshing watering will help the plants.

If the cold weather drags on, the sowing and planting of heat-loving crops and potatoes can be shifted by more late dates. There is no need to rush here.

Seeding technologies

Dry soil before sowing must be thoroughly loosened and shed to a depth of at least 15-20 cm, then make grooves and sow the seeds, trying to comply with the seeding rate. Thickened sowing in the future will bring you a lot of trouble and problems. Shoots in the "brush" will stretch, the plants will shade each other.

When sowing any crops, ash is added (1 cup per running meter) or superphosphate (20 g), since phosphorus from the first days promotes the active growth of the root system.

The lack of nutrients in the soil affects the plant from the first days, and in the future it is almost impossible to completely compensate for their deficiency. Therefore, the main pre-sowing and pre-planting fertilization (during digging) is mandatory. In the future, periodic top dressing will also be needed.

For a normal life, plants need oxygen, and not only all aboveground parts, but also to roots and seeds sown in the soil. Leaves also need carbon dioxide, which is actively involved in the processes of organic synthesis.

The depth of sowing depends on the size of the seeds and the characteristics of the soil. On the lungs loose soils need deeper incorporation compared to heavy soils. The smaller the seeds, the closer to the surface they should be.

Small seeds of carrots, parsley, onions, radishes, various kinds cabbages are usually sown to a depth of 1-2 cm. Larger seeds - beets, spinach, cucumber - by 2-4 cm. Peas, beans, melon, zucchini and squash are deepened by 3-5 cm, onion sets - by 4-9 cm, pumpkin - 6-10 cm.

It is impossible to water immediately after sowing - the water will wash the seeds to a great depth and displace the air necessary for seed germination from the soil pores.

Photo: AiF / T. Zavyalova


Zucchini, squash and cucumber seeds cannot be germinated. In the future, this threatens with diseases of the root system - rot. They can only be soaked for 12-24 hours in aloe extract, or in ash infusion, or in solution drinking soda(5 g per 1 liter of water) or soluble complex fertilizer (1 g per 1 liter). In the same solutions, you can soak the seeds of beets, onions, radishes and other crops.

It is good if high-stemmed plants grow in the open ground on adjacent rows on both sides of the cucumber and zucchini: beans, corn, peas. With such protection, the air temperature in cool weather around the "sissies" will be 2-5 ° C higher than in open space.

Early ripening greens: dill, lettuce, coriander, watercress, Beijing cabbage can be sown in portions throughout the summer at intervals of 10-15 days. In the North-West, it is better to sow radishes before the end of May, then take a break for the period of white nights until the end of July. With a long light day this culture does not form a root crop, but immediately proceeds to flowering.

Crops can be covered with old film, paper or lightweight, air and moisture permeable nonwoven fabric. Non-woven can remain on the ridges long time- under it, young plants will be better protected from frost, and then from pests.

Seeds germinate if there is at least 10% oxygen in the soil air. Usually it is sufficient, but with severe waterlogging, dense soil and under the soil crust, gas exchange in germinating seeds is hindered, which often leads to inhibition and death of seedlings.


When planting any seedlings in a permanent place, it is good to add 0.5 handfuls of humus, 5-6 peas of superphosphate or one tablespoon of ash to each well.


From about May 20, you can plant seedlings of cauliflower, celery, lettuce, onions, onion sets, garlic, potatoes, seedlings of medium varieties of white cabbage.

The end of May - right time for planting seedlings of broccoli, kohlrabi, leek in open ground.

Seedlings of tomato and pumpkin crops are determined for permanent residence under open sky no earlier than June 10, when the danger of frost has passed. In the greenhouse, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers are planted earlier - be guided by the weather and, just in case, cover the plants.

This is the main source of energy that is spent on education (synthesis) organic matter in leaves, vitamins and other compounds necessary for the plant. Everyone needs light vegetable plants, but some crops are considered more demanding (these are vegetables with edible fruits: tomato, pepper, cucumber, eggplant, pumpkin, beans), others are less (root crops, lettuce, cabbage, perennial vegetables).

Photo: AiF / N. Belyavskaya

Landing nuances

bulbs onion for seedlings for friendly germination, before planting, soak in warm (40 ° C) water for 2-6 hours and cut off “on the shoulders”, if it has not yet sprouted, or cut the bottom crosswise.

Plant seedlings of all crops better evening, wells before planting are abundantly watered to the depth of the arable layer. Plants are buried in the soil to the first true leaf, trying not to cover the growing point. The soil around the plants is mulched with a layer of 1-2 cm with peat, wet compost, humus and not watered, but only sprinkled with water. Post-plant watering will compact the soil, which can crust over.

For safety net, planted seedlings can be covered with non-woven material.

It is important to prevent thickening, thin out and remove weeds in time. Rows of plants are best placed from north to south so that they are evenly lit in the morning and afternoon. In the greenhouse, it is advisable to monitor the cleanliness of the roof: wash glass or polycarbonate, replace the film in time.

Now winter is living out its last days and comes into its own, such a long-awaited for every gardener, spring.

Very soon the garden will recover from the heavy frosty everyday life and will breathe deeply.

During this period, active spring work begins in the garden and garden. It is necessary to prepare for the hot period of planting, watering and harvesting.

The main concerns of the summer resident in March

The first half of March is marked by harvesting and soil preparation.. The last snow crust that has formed around the trees must be removed with a garden fork. This procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage those parts of the plants that are under the snow.

Trees must be whitewashed by the middle of the month. Young trees are covered with a mixture of mullein and clay to recharge after a long winter. As a pest control, blackcurrant bushes are poured over hot water, and a film is laid under the bush itself so that pests from the soil cannot get out.

When the air temperature crosses the mark of +5 degrees, the first spraying is carried out in the garden. All branches damaged by pests are removed and burned.

Be sure to check whether the plants survived the winter well. To do this, it is necessary to make a small incision along the base on the damaged-looking tissues. If there is no blackness on the cut and it is a light green hue, then the plant is not damaged. At the end of March, spraying against pests is carried out blue vitriol.

When active snow melting begins, it is necessary to properly dispose of the melt water. If your site has large slopes, then here it is necessary to make small grooves across so that the fertile soil layer has not been carried away by water.

If your garden is located in a lowland, then the water should be diverted into deep ditches or pits so that the roots do not rot from lack of air. On flat sandy and light clay surfaces, melt water does no harm.

Work in the country in the spring is not complete without preparation for planting different cultures. In March days, seeds are sown for seedlings of cauliflower and white cabbage, beets, tomatoes and onions. The soil for sowing is selected loose, fertile and not acidic. It must be prepared by mixing peat, fertile soil, humus, as well as tree resin and mineral fertilizers.

April preparations at their summer cottage

Cleanup continues in April upper layers soil, removal of the bark near the kidneys. All garbage after complete drying of the soil is collected and burned. If the garden in past seasons was invaded by ticks, aphids, psyllids or suckers, then trees and shrubs should be sprayed with nitrofen. This must be done before the buds begin to open.

The circles around the trees must be dug up and loosened, being careful not to damage the roots. This is necessary not only to improve the quality of the soil, but also to destroy infections and pests. For some time, the trunk circles are covered with a film so that pests cannot get from winter shelters to trees. The film can be removed when the moths stop flying.

Also in April, they dig up the soil with the introduction of ash and mineral fertilizers. After the digging is completed, the earth is leveled with a rake. In heavy soils make ridges. IN warm years at the end of April, early crops can be sown.

Dacha in May

The main spring work in the country begins in May. This month is considered the most crucial period for every gardener. The success of the entire summer season depends on the correctness of all events at this time.

To begin with, a thorough cleaning is carried out in the garden, props and films are removed, and the remains of last year's plants are also disposed of. It is necessary to wash greenhouses and greenhouses, to clean water drains. Don't forget to check garden tools, since the period of its active use begins.

The soil must be periodically loosened and weeds removed. Do not forget about the mulching of trees and shrubs. It can be done with humus or fresh compost.

May is the time for planting a variety of decorative and vegetable crops . At this time, carrots and potatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, melons are sown in already prepared holes.

Frosts often occur in May, which is why experienced gardeners temperature fluctuations are closely monitored. In extreme cases, on frosty days, special smoke fires are lit on the site in order to prevent the flowers of fruit trees from freezing. On cold evenings, seedlings are covered with thick paper.

Carrying out work in the garden in the spring, it is necessary to approach each event with special care. During this crucial period, you are preparing for a successful summer season so you can't miss anything. A garden and a garden require a lot of attention, effort and time. But it's worth it!

With the onset of spring, nature wakes up and the time of work begins in summer cottages and in the garden.

Nature comes alive with the arrival of spring

March is the first month of spring and in some regions it can still be frosty for planting to begin. But it is already quite possible to start cleaning the garden area and garden.

Preparing for the season in March

Spring work in the garden begins with cleaning. It is necessary to remove the entire territory from autumn debris and accumulated over winter period sora - branches, leaves, grass residues, etc. It is worth taking this event responsibly, as uncleaned windbreak and other winter rubbish spoils the impression of appearance site, in heaps of such garbage, a favorable environment is created for various pests. In the process of clearing the land, remove any weeds left over from the fall. Now they are easily pulled out along with the root system.

We clean the foliage and grass, if we didn’t do it in the fall

Then it is worth carefully inspecting the garden buildings and determining the need for repairs. Not prevent spring-cleaning garden house– something needs to be painted, something needs to be whitewashed. In other words, both the territory of the garden and the house itself must be put in order.

Make a revision of tools: clean, lubricate, sharpen

Check your garden tools. Some of them probably need to be sharpened or repaired, and some inventory items can already be completely replaced. Pay attention to clothes designed for working in the garden. There is no specific set, it all depends on local climatic conditions region. Make sure that there is clothing available in which to work in hot weather, and in the rain, and in the windy cool. Don't forget shoes and gloves.

Work directly on the ground

Spring gardening should begin with planning what will be planted where. Please note that the landing sites of some garden crops must be periodically alternated with each other. Decide on the sunny sides of the garden and those that are in the shade most of the day. Trim trees and shrubs around the site.

We carry out pruning of trees and shrubs, if we did not do it in the fall

Plants need to be fertilized. This must be done even in the presence of fertile soil. Fertilize the soil with a mixture of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. They affect the growth of roots and shoots, are responsible for the formation of good inflorescences and fruits. Such fertilizers can be applied even at a time when there is snow on the ground. When it finally thaws, nutrients will enter the soil along with moisture.

It is important to properly prepare the intended areas of the field for planting seeds. If necessary, dig the earth, crush large pieces into small earthen clods, etc.

Dig up the ground, if you didn’t do it in the fall and outline the beds, don’t forget about crop rotation

Assess the quality of the land. In the case when it is heavy, it is necessary to add fine gravel, coarse sand to the soil to increase airiness. In such soil, water will not accumulate at the root system and will not cause its rotting process. Conversely, if the soil is too crumbly, it is necessary to add some clay-containing soil to it to delay nutrients and moisture.

It is better to fertilize the land with fertilizers in the fall before plowing. In the spring, apply 1/3 of the recommended dose

When loosening the soil, remember that you do not need to dig it often, because. useful material at the same time they go deep into the soil. When digging, the soil structure itself suffers. If loosening is required, then it must be done to a depth of no more than 10 cm.

Working with seeds

Before planting seeds, they must be prepared for this. The seeds of each plant are prepared differently, but there are general rules. It is necessary to sort them out and choose large ones, without signs of damage and disease, physical damage. In order to separate bad seeds from good ones, you need to warm them up on the stove for 2-3 hours. Then in a glass with a solution of the 1st tbsp. dip the heated seeds with a spoonful of salt and water. Poor quality ones will float, they can be thrown away.

Seed rejection before planting

The rest must be placed in gauze before they germinate. Don't forget to harden the seeds. To do this, they need to be placed in the refrigerator for several hours. After the seeds germinate, they can be planted in pre-prepared boxes, a greenhouse or a greenhouse. The main condition that must be observed in this case is to get on future sprouts as much as possible more sunlight.

According to the same principle, seeds of annual flowers are prepared for their future planting in open ground. By the way, the area of ​​the field intended for planting flowers also needs to be prepared - fertilize, best of all in the first month of spring, until the ground has completely thawed. The same rule is true for other areas of the garden intended for growing garden and horticultural crops.

Things to do in April

This month, spring work in the garden becomes more intense. If roses or grapes were covered in autumn, now the covers can be removed. If the field area has not yet warmed up and planting work is done early, it's time to start laying out greenhouses or greenhouse structures. Before planting seeds, make sure that the greenhouse in the garden stands on the ground with a closed film for a while. This is necessary to warm the soil in the greenhouse.

In April, we install greenhouses and greenhouses, plant seedlings

It is also worth paying attention to fruit and berry plantings. It is necessary to prune dry branches, thin out young shoots, and eliminate those branches that grow inside the crown. In order to prevent damage to trees by pests, it is necessary to treat the stem parts with special preparations. The second month of spring is the optimal time for planting new trees and shrubs.

April is the time for planting trees and shrubs.

At the same time, strawberries and raspberries are being prepared. Dried stems are cut out from raspberries, if necessary, thinned out. In a garden with strawberries, an extra mustache is cut off and thinning is also performed.

Gardening in May

May days are the most troublesome and time-consuming days in the garden. And in the same month, numerous pests appear and come to life. That is why it is worth checking fruit and berry plantings. Inspect the currant for the absence of ticks. Carefully examine the kidneys - their large size indicates that there may be a tick in them. They need to be collected and burned, you can't just throw them away. At the time of flowering of the currant, make sure that there are no inflorescences of a dirty pink hue. When they are found, you need to dig such a bush and burn it.

In May, active planting of beds begins

Inspect seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses. A sign of her defeat spider mite are the twisting of the leaves down or the presence of convex gaps on them. If an infection with a tick or aphids is detected, it is necessary to treat them with biological products against these pests.

We remove the old strawberry leaves and cut through the rest of the berry, if we didn’t do it in the fall, or we just dig up the ground

If the seedlings are sluggish, with leaves beginning to turn yellow, then you should feed it. May, depending on weather conditions and the degree of heating of the soil, you need to plant seedlings. Why first prepare the place - make a hole, pour water into it. It is best to pre-mulch the soil using peat or dry grass. Pay attention to the thickness of the mulching layer, it must be at least 10 cm so that it is not blown away by the wind or washed away by rain. Soil mulching is performed to retain moisture, create a comfortable cool atmosphere in hot weather. This technology does not apply to eggplant and pepper seedlings.

Removing the first weeds

Remove any emerging weeds. Be careful when weeding an area with perennials. In order to remove weeds along with the root, it is best to weed with your hands. Those areas that do not perennials, can be processed by special means against weeds.

We plant potatoes

The most favorable time for planting potatoes is the flowering period of bird cherry. The soil temperature should be around +12 0 C +15 0 C. Potatoes need to be prepared for planting. Remove tubers that have not sprouted, rotted or have any other shortcomings. Put the selected potatoes in a warm place to increase the intensity of germination. The depth of planting potatoes should be half the bayonet of a standard shovel. During the planting of potatoes, fertilizers can be immediately applied to the soil - ashes or straw.

Cooking trees and shrubs: we protect from pests

Fruit and berry trees and shrubs should also be processed. Spraying against pests should be carried out at the beginning of the flowering period, then spray again after 14 days.

Grafting trees

If tree grafting has been planned, now is the time to do so. There is only one limitation - you cannot vaccinate during the growing phase of the moon. This is due to the fact that during this period most of juice is in the branches of trees, and with a waning moon - in the root system.

The work in the garden and garden, of course, does not end there, but if you do all the basic types of work, you can be sure that in the fall you will be able to collect good harvest.

Competent work in the spring in the garden and vegetable garden are very important agrotechnical measures that allow you to perform correct fit and get the highest yield.

Spring work in the garden and garden: when and where to start

Be sure to check and prepare for the upcoming season.

A number of activities are also required, including cleaning, pruning, removal of shelters, prevention, preparation for grafting and planting. As a rule, in the southern regions, such work can begin as early as March. IN middle lane our country and the northern regions, the deadlines are shifted by a couple of weeks.

gardening in spring

It is necessary to start carrying out the first spring work in the garden with the onset of the first warm days and after the majority of the snow cover has melted.

Garden cleaning after winter

Cleaning consists in removing all plant debris, as well as revision of the soil and garden plantings in the country. It is early spring - the period of the appearance of the first weeds. Still insufficiently strong roots are quite easily removed from the wet spring soil. The first warm spring days provoke active growth overgrowth not only on the soil, but also on the surface garden paths which should be thoroughly rinsed with a strong jet of water from an ordinary garden hose.

Should be remembered that any spring activities related to water should be carried out only at positive temperatures, which will prevent the formation of ice. All planting containers, as well as flowerpots, planters and flower pots intended for growing plants in the coming season, also need revision, high-quality cleaning, and, if necessary, restoration of integrity.

Work in the garden in early spring (video)

Pruning fruit trees and shrubs

In the spring, in most cases, sanitary cleaning is carried out, as well as removal of all old and redundant shoots and branches:

  • annual raspberry shoots need to be crowned by cutting off the top five buds, which allows stimulating the formation of new root shoots. All frozen weakened shoots are subject to removal;
  • currant bushes thin out in spring. On chokeberry, branches older than seven years are removed. On bushes of red and white-fruited currants, branches older than ten years should be cut. You also need to cut out excess root shoots and weakened shoots. All frozen tops are cut;
  • starting from the age of three, it is required to thin out gooseberry bushes, as well as remove old branches and excess shoots, which improves the illumination of fruits and increases productivity;

  • it is necessary to do spring pruning of bushy varieties of cherries very carefully, removing thickening and old branches, taking into account fruiting on last year's peripheral branches. It is best to shorten in the summer, after fruiting;
  • the annual spring formation of fruit plantations allows maintaining the habitus and improves insolation of the aerial part. Any molding must be done with the determination of the direction of growth processes of skeletal branches;
  • plums are best grown in stems, as bushy forms thicken faster and become less fruitful. Formation begins almost immediately after planting seedlings in a permanent place, which will create a productive crown by four to five years.

It is possible to form a crown of fruit trees in a tiered-sparse, horizontal or saucer-shaped, as well as a vertical or palmette version.

Rules and terms for removing winter shelters

or special designs must be inspected, thoroughly cleaned and rinsed.

After the winter shelters dry out, they can be stored until the autumn cold. From the garden area, necessarily old and cut branches in the process of spring formation, fallen leaves and withered grass, as well as any other debris of plant and non-plant origin.

March in the country: protecting plants from sunburn in early spring

In the first decade of March, the illumination increases, therefore, in the daytime, the stem part and branches of garden plantations are able to warm up significantly, therefore, during night frosts, the heated wood dies off. Darkening, peeling and cracking are observed on areas with sunburn.

Whitewashing the trunk and branching of skeletal branches can effectively reduce the heating of the bark. It is best to whitewash garden plantings in the fall or in the last decade of February, choosing a dry and sunny day for this purpose. Before proceeding with processing, it is necessary to revise the plants and, if necessary, take preventive or therapeutic measures. Whitewashing can be done with acrylic water-dispersion paint"VD-AK 0508" or means "Dekoprof". It is also allowed to tie the stem part with white parchment.

How to process trees in spring (video)

How and how to treat trees in the spring from pests

The processing time varies depending on the type of plants and the composition of the solutions used for spraying:

  • prevention of fungal diseases, damage by mosses and lichens before bud break, copper sulphate, diluted at the rate of 100-150 g per bucket of water;
  • spraying vine and soil around before bud break from bacterial cancer, spotty necrosis and anthracnose with iron sulphate at the rate of 200 g per bucket of water;
  • mandatory processing of garden plantings before flowering from California scale insects, suckers, mites, weevils and flower beetles "Iskra-M", "Fufanon", "Iskra-double effect", "Karbofos", "Aliot" or "Biotlin";
  • processing currants with "Commander", "Bison", "Tanrek", "Iskra Zolotoy" or "Inta-Vir" on blossoming buds and first leaves;
  • processing gooseberries with "Topaz" or "Soon" before flowering.

It is also necessary to spray peach, apricot and cherry in order to protect against maniliosis, curliness and clasterosporiasis with "Horus", "Cuprolux", "Abiga-Peak" or "Ordan" after flowering.

Grafting and planting trees

As a rule, by the first decade of May, the planting of fruit and berry trees and shrubs is already over, and the time for grafting has come. It is best to perform such an event when the buds swell and slightly begin to open on the selected rootstocks. Spring grafting can be done in several ways:

  • Copulation;
  • butt;
  • split;
  • saddle;
  • In a side cut.

Regardless of the method used, a prerequisite for obtaining a good result is the use of quality tool and special grafting tape.

Things to do in the garden in spring

Spring is the time for the main preparatory activities in gardens and greenhouses. During this period, attention should be paid to winter crops, perennial crops, and prepare beds open ground and in greenhouses for planting and sowing work.

Main activities

The garden is cleared of debris and plant residues. It is also required to remove all the shelters that covered winter crops and the least cold-resistant garden crops for the winter period.

As soon as the greenhouse soil warms up, it is necessary to dig it into one bayonet of a shovel. At the same time, the main fertilizers are required:

  • on cucumber ridges is applied to each square meter about 5–6 kg of high-quality humus, with the addition of 50 g of any complex fertilizer and a couple of glasses of wood ash;
  • on ridges prepared for growing tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, the dose of humus will need to be halved;
  • when preparing “warm ridges”, the top 15 cm of soil should be removed, after which the biomass should be laid and sprinkled with a layer of fertile soil.

In the same period, film garden structures should be prepared. The time of stretching the film cover on the greenhouses must be calculated in such a way that in the last ten days of April it would be possible to sow the most cold-resistant and early ripening garden crops.

Important check the condition of the aerial part of the garden berries and replace the old mulch layer. It is best to use organic matter as mulch, presented:

  • sawdust;
  • compost;
  • tree bark and chips;
  • straw;
  • rotted leaves.

Good result gives the use of mulching covering fabric. In March or April, garden soil is fertilized with complex universal fertilizers "Nitroammofoska" or "Azofoska".

When to start planting in the country

Sowing and planting cold-resistant garden crops should be done while the soil is still in a soft and plastic state. During such a period, the soil is already warm enough and contains the amount of moisture that is optimal for the growth and development of crops.

It is recommended to dig the earth immediately before sowing or landing work that will not allow moisture to evaporate. If necessary, all dug-up ridges, in order to preserve moisture, must be covered before sowing polyethylene film, which is fixed with stones.

How to prune berry bushes in spring (video)

The harvest will depend on how correctly and in a timely manner the entire volume of spring work in gardens and orchards will be carried out. That is why spring period- the most responsible time for everyone who is engaged in private gardening and vegetable growing.

With the onset of winter, gardeners and gardeners take a short break and rest from work in the country. But with the onset of spring, they again have to work in the garden and garden. Let's find out in more detail what activities need to be carried out on the plots so that gardeners and gardeners are satisfied with the harvest.

Basic gardening in spring

With the onset of spring, the first work begins not in the garden, but in the garden. This is related to that most activities are carried out before sap flow and the appearance of the first kidney.

What needs to be done:

Coniferous tree care in spring

So that the bright spring sun does not damage the crowns coniferous trees, they must be covered with an old bedspread or burlap. The roots of coniferous trees must be shed warm water th. This procedure will help to melt the snow faster and protect the trees from dehydration.

If during the winter the branches broke or dried up, then they must be removed. Also, do not forget about mulching. You can make it with pine bark or crushed cones. This process helps retain moisture. last longer and prevent weeds.

Spring care for currants, raspberries and gooseberries

Spring work in the garden

To get a good harvest from the beds, it is necessary to prepare the garden for planting in the spring. What should be done?

Spring lawn care

If you have a lawn then you need to take care of him, starting in early spring. As soon as the snow on the lawn begins to melt, you need to scatter mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lawn.

When the soil dries out a little, it is necessary to remove all leaves and debris from the lawn. After that, it is necessary to loosen the lawn with a special rake-scarifier. This procedure will enable young shoots to grow.

In order for the soil to be saturated with oxygen, pierce it around the entire perimeter of the lawn with a fork.

If during all the above works the surface of the lawn is damaged, these areas must be leveled in height, cover with sand and sow with a new lawn.

In May, the lawn needs to be mowed, but it is not worth trampling on it much so that your marks do not remain.

strawberry care

Everyone loves strawberries, both adults and children. But not everyone knows that proper care In the spring, a good harvest depends on strawberries. How to care for this berry in the spring?

From the area where strawberries grow, it is necessary to remove all snow-retaining materials. Remove debris and old blackened leaves. Cut off old mustaches and inflorescences. It is better to burn all collected garbage in order to protect your berry from last year's diseases and pests.

After that, apply a nitrogen-containing fertilizer under each bush. To get a good harvest, strawberries need to be fed before flowering and after flowering. Cooking yeast is suitable for this, chicken manure, mullein, sodium sulfate, potassium, nitrophosphate, weed tincture. But you also need to feed it correctly, otherwise excessive feeding can lead to the death of strawberries.

New leaves that swell should be dug in with earth. The soil around the strawberry bushes must be loosened.

Before the appearance of leaves, each bush must be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. And when it's warm, bushes must be sprayed with a solution from calcium chloride and wood ash.

If some strawberry bushes are frozen, then new bushes can be planted in their place.

If you do not want your berry to be attacked by slugs, you should mulch with wood ash or pine needles.

Spring work in the country: planting new flowers

In early March, you can already plant the following flowers: hyacinths, crocuses, snowdrops, asters petunias. But if you want these flowers to please you with their flowering earlier, need to plant seeds at home first in special boxes, and with the onset of heat, plant seedlings in the ground.

Before planting the seeds, they must be soaked for several minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. After this procedure, the seeds must be dried, and can be planted.

Land for planting must also be prepared. Better if it consists of humus, sand and soil.

If you decide to plant bulbous plants, then before planting they must be kept for thirty minutes in a potassium permanganate solution. This is necessary so that they are not exposed to various viruses and fungi.

When disembarking bulbous plants into the ground, make sure that the bulb is strictly directed downwards. Landing should be carried out when the air temperature at night is above ten degrees. Otherwise, your flowers will die.

The soil must be well water-permeable. Sandy soil needs to be fertilized with compost, and if the soil does not pass water well, then a little crushed stone and sand should be poured into the bottom of each hole.

If you do it right, then your flower bed will be the most beautiful in the country.

Now you know what spring work in the garden and garden is, what needs to be done to get a good harvest. Stick to these rules and you'll be fine. Happy harvest!
