About potash fertilizers in detail. Potash fertilizers: types, properties, feeding rules

For normal development, plants need to receive a large number of various elements from the soil. With their shortage, special fertilizers are used, including those based on potassium.

Potash fertilizers are mineral substances used for potassium enrichment, they increase crop yields and improve their quality characteristics. With a lack of potassium, metabolic processes are disturbed, the production of protein and complex carbohydrates slows down.

IMPORTANT! One of the first signs of potassium deficiency in plants is sluggish, drooping leaves.

The disadvantage of this element can be determined by the following features:

  • "marginal burn" - the edges of the leaves die off;
  • the appearance of brown spots;
  • discoloration and curling of leaves;
  • the stem becomes thinner and less elastic;
  • growth retardation and delayed flowering.

A sufficient amount of potassium makes plants more resistant to low temperatures, lack of moisture, pests and a number of diseases. The fruits become more beautiful and resistant to transportation, they are stored longer, their taste qualities improve.


  • fruit crops accumulate more monosaccharides;
  • in root crops, the amount of sugar increases;
  • the proportion of starch increases in potatoes;
  • in cereal crops, the stems become thicker, the plants later lean towards the ground;
  • flax and hemp produce better quality fibers.


Potash fertilizers can be used to feed and spray plants, as well as to enrich the soil. The effectiveness of their use directly depends on the type of soil:

  1. On sandy, podzolic, peaty calcareous, and also red soils, it leads to a noticeable increase in yield and an increase in its quality.
  2. Loams, chernozems, serozems - the result of the additional introduction of potassium is almost imperceptible. On such soils, it is recommended to feed only some plant species that are most sensitive to its lack.
  3. Salt licks - the use of such fertilizers is not required, since the potassium content is quite high.

IMPORTANT! For calcareous soils, the dosage must be increased!

Potash fertilizers are used in several main ways:

  • the main fertilizer for soil enrichment - in the fall when digging or plowing the land;
  • sowing - added directly to the hole when planting certain types of crops (potatoes, cucumbers, etc.);
  • for top dressing - diluted with water and used when watering plants.

IMPORTANT! With an insufficient content of nitrogen and phosphorus, the effect of potassium fertilizer will be minimal!

Plants should be fed with potash fertilizers in cases where there is a lack of this element. Also, such top dressing is produced for:

  • additional nutrition of flowers and vegetables - in early and mid-spring;
  • winter preparation perennials- during the ripening of the crop;
  • lawn grasses - in the fall;
  • fruit and berry trees and shrubs - in years with a large amount of harvest.

IMPORTANT! It is better to feed the plants with potassium after heavy rains!

Among the plants that need an increased intake of potassium are nightshade and silage crops, most of fruit trees and shrubs. At the same time, fertilizers with the presence of sodium are better suited for root crops - it contributes to the flow of nutrients to the roots. For greenhouse plants, potatoes, flax and buckwheat, as well as other chlorophobic crops, fertilizers that do not contain it are suitable.

Video - Potash fertilizers


All potash fertilizers are divided into several large groups:

  • concentrated - these include potassium chloride and potassium sulfate, potassium magnesia and kalimag, potassium carbonate, potassium chloride electrolyte;
  • raw - potassium salts sylvinite and kainite;
  • from industrial waste - cement dust, furnace ash;
  • complex - potassium nitrate, ammophosphate, nitrophosphate, liquid complex fertilizers;
  • combined - a variety of mixed fats treated with acids, ammonia and other substances.

The table below shows the most common potash fertilizers and their main characteristics.

KCl mixed with NaCl15-20 gr per m2From natural ore by galurgical and flotation methods
K2SO4Suitable for crops that do not tolerate chlorine; applied to greenhouse plants20-25 gr per m2Teach by processing potassium chloride
Potassium salt KCl*MgSO4*3H2O mixed with NaClUsed for fertilizing fruit and berry crops autumn30-40 gr per m2Obtained by mixing potassium chloride with sylvinite
KNO3It is most often used for feeding greenhouses and irrigating fruit and berry plants; as a base fertilizer, it is applied to the soil in spring - early summer.15 - 25 gr per 10 liters of waterIN industrial scale- decomposition of potassium chloride and sodium nitrate, at home - leaching of manure with water with the addition of ash, lime, etc.
K2SO4*MgSO420-30 gr per m2Obtained by processing chenite
K2CO3Used for feeding potatoesMixed with peat in a ratio of 1:2 or 2:3A by-product of processing nepheline into aluminum
Potassium is presented in the form of K3PO4 and K2CO3, also contains oxides, sulfates and chlorides of calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc.It is used as a fertilizer and top dressing for all types of plants throughout the year.Aqueous solution in a ratio of 1:10 - for irrigation, as a dry fertilizer when planting - ½ cup per wellwood burning product
cement dust K2CO3, KHCO, K2SO4, CaCO3, MgO, etc.Suitable for crops that do not tolerate chlorine; used to neutralize acidic soilsMixed with peat in a ratio of 1:1Is a waste product of cement production
K2SO4*MgSO4 mixed with CaSO4 and NaClIt is applied to all agricultural crops as the main fertilizer and in the form of dressings.40-45 gr per m2Potassium magnesia concentrate
Chleorpotassium electrolyte KCl with a small amount of NaCl and MgCl2Used for autumn soil fertilization15-20 gr per m2Waste of magnesium production from carnallite

Too much potassium

Excessive intake of potassium leads to uneven maturation of crops. Plants are less resistant to pests and diseases, more difficult to tolerate frost and lack of moisture. Growth retardation, lighter coloration and early leaf fall are noted. The thickness of the peel increases and the size of the fruits themselves decreases, their taste becomes less pronounced, and the shelf life is reduced. The absorption of magnesium, zinc, calcium and a number of other elements decreases, magnesium starvation of plants may occur.

Production of potash fertilizers

The production of potash fertilizers is carried out in several ways, the main of which is the processing of potash salts: carnelite, sylvinite, kainite, shenit and some others.

The main countries producing potassium salts are: Russia, Canada, Belarus, Germany, Turkmenistan. Moreover, the share of the first three accounts for more than 80% of world production.

They are also the leading producers of potash fertilizers. Germany, China, Israel and Jordan have significant production volumes. The difference between the last two countries is that they produce fertilizers based on salts. Dead Sea. The leading consumers of fertilizers are the USA, Brazil and India, France, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Italy and some other countries also occupy a prominent place in the world market.

Most of the potash fertilizers produced in Russia is potassium chloride - about 98%. The rest is potassium sulfate. In Russia, the largest potassium deposits are located in the Upper Kama basin - more than 30% of the world's reserves are concentrated there. A number of enterprises are engaged in the extraction and processing of potash ores, the largest of which are Uralkaliy and Silvinit. Potash fertilizers containing sulfates are produced from kainite and langbeinite rocks, as well as from alunites. Their reserves are being developed in the Orenburg and Saratov regions, as well as in Bashkiria. Among the producers of potassium sulfate are also enterprises of the aluminum industry - here it acts as a by-product of the processing of bauxite ores.

Any plants cultivated by man need mineral fertilizers. In modern agriculture, there are practically no soils left that would contain required amount trace elements. Every year more and more top dressings are required, as crops impoverish arable land, extracting mineral elements from them for growth and development.

The indispensability of the trace element

The most important elements required for the normal development of flora are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

In plants, potassium is contained in the cell sap and cytoplasm, in contrast to nitrogen and phosphorus, which are part of the organic substances of the body. The lack of this element provokes growth retardation, stem thinning, impaired synthesis of complex carbohydrates and protein formation.

With a normal amount of the desired chemical element in the nutrient medium, photosynthesis is accelerated in plants, the process of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, cell metabolism is more intense, and the body's resistance to diseases and pests increases. Increased formation of organic acids makes fruits more useful and nutritious, also increases the shelf life of grown products.

Main features potassium deficiency are considered:

With the mechanization of agriculture, the introduction of mineral supplements has become much easier. Potassium is used to enrich soils where cereals, oilseeds, sugar, vegetable and fruit crops are grown, in indoor crop production.

When using all types of potash fertilizers, it is imperative to take into account the type of soil into which they are applied: clay soils they themselves contain a large amount of this element, while peat, on the contrary, are poor in it.

Types of potash fertilizers

Potash fertilizers are made from reddish ores containing this chemical element, or from by-products of various industries. Natural salts such as sylvinite, langbeinite and shenit are the richest in it - they contain up to 25% potassium in their composition.

Why plants need potassium

I'm on own experience convinced that potash fertilizers help plants become more hardy, resistant to drought and frost, they provide faster growth and fruit formation.

If “burnt” edges and a bluish tint or small “rusty” marks appear on the leaves, and the buds and inflorescences become lethargic and frail, then you can, without hesitation, diagnose a plant with a lack of potassium.

IN large quantities potassium is necessary for sunflower, buckwheat, beets (including sugar), potatoes and other vegetable crops. Rye, wheat and other grains consume less potassium.

Proper fertilization will help the plant acquire many useful properties, increase immunity to diseases and natural phenomena, while the inept use of fertilizers can lead to various backfire until the death of the plants. The use of fertilizers requires great care and attention. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the type of plant and the composition of the soil. In heavy clay soils there is always more potassium than in light sandy soils, while the poorest soil in potassium is peat. It should also be taken into account that potash fertilizers are chloride and sulfate, and each of these types has its own purpose, its own pluses and, unfortunately, minuses.

Types of potash fertilizers and their features

Chloride potash fertilizers looks like crystals Pink colour. In general, these fertilizers have a positive effect on plants: they increase yield, increase immunity to diseases and pests, promote good tuber set and increase their shelf life, and also prolong the life of the plants themselves. But there is, unfortunately, an important negative nuance - the chlorine content. Since interaction with chlorine is harmful to plants, it is necessary to fertilize the soil long before sowing, and fertilizer must be applied in a strictly defined amount. Frequent or abundant use of chlorine fertilizers adversely affects the condition of the soil: a shift in the pH value to the acid side may occur. Potassium chloride can only be used on light soils, for example, sandy: harmful chlorine is washed out of such soil by precipitation, and useful potassium remains and is easily absorbed by the soil. It should also be remembered that in no case should potassium chloride be used to fertilize tomatoes, potatoes and indoor plants.

A much broader list positive qualities at potassium sulphate (potassium sulfate). In addition to sulfur and potassium, magnesium and calcium are included in the composition of such fertilizers, which favorably affects plants. In addition, potassium sulfate can be used at any time of the year and on any soil. It is suitable for all plants, including those that do not tolerate chlorine: potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, peas, all berry crops, as well as indoor plants.

The choice of fertilizers for indoor plants requires great care and attention, and the application requires extreme precision in dosage. First of all, it should be understood that you can only feed healthy plant during its period of rapid growth. IN more need potassium flowering plants, for example

For good growth and normal development, all plants require nutrients at the time they need them. One of the essential ingredients is potassium. Its lack in the soil is compensated in the form of potash fertilizers. Its oxide is K2O, in the form of which the content of the element is calculated.

They are in the first place in the list of basic top dressings and significantly increase the yield in agriculture. Also, tuks are strong for improving product quality and increasing crop resistance to various types diseases.

What are potash fertilizers?

Potassium fertilizer is a mineral that fruits need to improve their taste properties, for proper leaf development, and to increase the resistance of crops and garden plants to pest attacks and various diseases. Thanks to him, the crop is stored much longer.


The main types of potash fertilizers include:

  1. Potassium sulfate. A highly concentrated potassium-containing fat. Contains 50% active ingredient. Valued for the presence of magnesium and calcium. Also, the composition of the substance includes sulfur, which has a beneficial effect on the vital activity of plants. More often used for fertilizer, radishes and radishes;
  2. Potassium nitrate. Fat with the presence of potassium (38%) and nitrogen (13%). Advantages given, for the ability to dissolve well in water and long shelf life;
  3. wood ash. Common mineral fertilizer. It is valued for its availability and contains such useful elements as: potassium, magnesium, calcium, as well as iron, copper, etc. A large amount of calcium successfully neutralizes strong soil acidity. It is used for feeding potatoes, cabbage and root crops, it fertilizes well;
  4. Kalimagnesia. This is a fertilizer that contains potassium and magnesium. Works effectively on sandy ground. When dissolved, it gives a precipitate;
  5. Potassium chloride. The composition of the fat contains 60% of the active substance. It looks like small pink crystals. It is considered the main potassium-containing fat. Application found on all types of soils, except for sandy soil. Suitable for nourishing fruit trees and berry bushes;
  6. Potassium salt. In addition to 40% of the active substance, it contains a chlorine element. Not recommended for use in the spring and summer;
  7. Potash. The composition does not have a chloride element, but potassium oxide slightly exceeds 50%. Potassium carbonate is active on acidic soil.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of potash fertilizers include the following:

  1. Strengthening the immune system of the plant. Thanks to this, the culture is completely protected from diseases and harm from weather conditions;
  2. Reliable barrier against harmful insects;
  3. Compatibility with other mineral fertilizers;

Almost all crops easily absorb potash fertilizers.

If we talk about the minuses, then it all depends on the type of potassium-containing fat:

  • Potassium sulfate - not effective on all soils.
  • Potassium magnesia ─ the union with potassium carbonate is prohibited.
  • Potash or potassium carbonate - no mixing with anything. Poorly stored.
  • Potassium nitrate ─ can only be used in neutral soil. Application simultaneously with manure is not recommended. At high humidity turns to stone. The cost of fertilizer is very high.
  • Potassium chloride - contains chlorine, which adversely affects the soil. Not suitable for most vegetable crops. Important! Chlorine is very polluting.

Remember! If you are using potassium nitrate, keep solvents and detergents away. If saltpeter is accidentally combined with one of these agents, it explodes.

How is potassium fertilizer obtained?

main sources

To obtain potassium-containing fats, the following raw materials are used:

  1. Mineral potassium formations, that is, ores;
  2. Product from fertilizers of natural origin;
  3. Waste from industrial processing.

If we take the main type, then it is obtained from natural salts that are processed. They contain sulfur such as langbeinite, schenite and kainite, as well as carnallite and sylvinite chlorides.

Signs of potassium deficiency

Potassium is found in plant cells in ionic form, as well as in cell sap. Its content is much less in the root system, tuber and seed. The young leaf and shoot contain the highest amount of this element. There is much more potassium in the stems of cereal crops than in the grains themselves. Using straw as the main feed for cows, the element passes into manure, and then back into the soil. This is how the fertility of the land is restored.

If the potassium element is not enough, then the plant signals this by external signs:

  1. There are many spots on the foliage.
  2. Foliage changes color. At first it becomes yellow, then it can turn brown, and sometimes turn blue.
  3. The edges of the leaves dry up, the cells of the leaf plate gradually die off.
  4. Leaf veins sag, trying to hide in the tissue structure.
  5. The stem loses density and becomes thin.
  6. Plant growth is drastically slowed down.
  7. Visible wrinkled folds appear on the surface of the leaves.
  8. The process of formation of ovaries and buds slows down.
  9. All foliage on the plant is twisted.

With a lack of this element, processes such as:

  1. The synthesis of a simple carbohydrate into a complex one is slowed down;
  2. The cells stop producing protein;
  3. The reproductive organs stop developing;
  4. The stalk of culture is weakening.

How to apply?

  • Potassium-containing fats in their composition contain substances that are highly soluble in water.. When they are introduced into the ground, they instantly react with its constituents. Chlorine, which remains in the composition, is gradually washed out of the ground.
  • Fertilizers with potassium are applied in October, when they dig up the garden. During this process, there is a proper mixing of substances with the moist layers of the earth, where the root is usually located. Nutrients are absorbed faster.
  • In the case of loose and light soil, potassium-containing fertilizers are recommended to be applied in March, April. This is done so that the potassium element does not quickly wash out of the soil.
  • Potassium-containing fats are highly acidic. Therefore, it is better to use them in combination with lime.

For cucumbers

The most common option for feeding cucumbers is the use of sulfate fertilizer with an active ingredient concentration of 50%. crystalline powder white color readily soluble in water. It is important to note that it does not contain chlorine.

Before applying one of the fertilizers, you need to know the composition of the soil and familiarize yourself with the requirements for growing each individual variety of cucumbers.

Cucumbers always change the color of the foliage if they need potassium-containing fats.

Before the appearance of fruits, cucumbers are fed with mullein. To do this, 200 grams of manure is diluted in 12 liters of water.

For tomatoes

Potassium chloride and potassium sulfate for fertilizer are the best fit.

It is common for gardeners to use potassium sulfate, due to the lack of a chlorine element in it. As for potassium chloride, it will ideally fertilize the soil after picking tomatoes, that is, in the fall.

When buying a fertilizer, always pay attention to the recommendations for use, they are always indicated on the packaging.

To get tomatoes right amount potassium-containing elements must be added to the ground 50 grams of potassium sulfate, diluted in 1 cube (100 l) of water. With such nutrition, tomatoes on the bushes will increase significantly, and the stem with leaves will have a healthy appearance.

Potash fertilizers, along with nitrogen and phosphorus, are the main mineral supplements needed by plants. Potassium increases the resistance of plants to any adverse factors: low temperatures, lack of moisture, pests and diseases. It normalizes the water regime of plants, ensures their timely and abundant flowering. A sufficient amount provides good growth roots of plants, therefore, additional potassium nutrition is needed, first of all, for root crops. Potassium improves appearance fruits, it affects their aroma and color.

A lack of potassium makes the leaves of plants drooping and lifeless, often light green spots can be seen along the edge of the leaf. In the absence of this important element about three times the edge lower leaves become brown or rusty. When the leaves curl down and acquire a characteristic wrinkling, then we can talk about a serious potassium starvation of plants.

Some potash fertilizers contain chlorine, which adversely affects the growth of most plants. Therefore, it is desirable to use chlorine-containing fertilizers precisely when autumn processing soil. Potash fertilizers are perfectly soluble in water, so they can be applied in the form of liquid top dressing of various crops.

The main types of potash fertilizers

Potassium chloride (KCl) is the best known high potassium fertilizer. It contains up to 60% potassium. This is a universal preparation: it is suitable for almost all crops and can be used on any soil. Potassium chloride should be added to autumn period so that 40% of the chlorine included in its composition does not have negative impact on plants. During the winter, chlorine is washed out into the deeper soil layer. There are departures from general rule: celery and spinach respond well to root dressing namely potassium chloride. The use of potassium chloride in protected ground is not recommended in order to avoid an increased concentration of salts.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


One of the best potash fertilizers that do not contain chlorine is potassium sulfate (K2SO4). It contains up to 50% potassium and about 20% sulfur, necessary for plants for normal photosynthesis. Potassium sulphate is suitable for all cruciferous vegetables: for turnips, radishes, radishes and all types of cabbage. In protected ground, it is applied when planting seedlings and as top dressing in the summer, when the fruit is formed and ripened.
The recognized leader among fertilizers for greenhouse plants is potassium nitrate (KNO3). It is a potassium-nitrogen compound containing 45% potassium and 14% nitrogen. It has a beneficial effect on tomatoes grown in greenhouses. During fruit ripening, with a lack of potassium, solid green areas form in tomatoes, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stalk.

For liquid dressings of most plants, 30-40 g of saltpeter is dissolved in a bucket of water, it can be applied during autumn or spring tillage.

When potassium chloride is added to natural potassium salts (sylvinite or cainite), 40% is obtained. This fertilizer contains, in addition to potassium, also chlorine and sodium. not suitable for plants that are sensitive to high chlorine content, but it works well on beets, various fodder and table root crops. It is undesirable to use potassium salt in the spring and summer, it is applied during autumn tillage (30-40 g per 1 m2).

Potassium magnesia is well suited for sandy soils. Potassium-magnesium fertilizer containing up to 28% potassium and 16% magnesium. It is recommended to use it as a root top dressing. With the main application, the norm is 40 g / m², potassium magnesia can be applied in the spring before sowing seeds or before planting seedlings.

Potash fertilizer with the optimal content of potassium and phosphorus is potassium monophosphate. Perfect for root top dressing of tomatoes grown in protected ground. When watering, it is recommended to dissolve 10-15 grams per bucket of water. The first top dressing is carried out during the period of fruit setting, after 2-3 weeks - the second.

A good fertilizer containing readily available potassium is wood ash. It also contains phosphorus, calcium and a large number of trace elements, vital needed by plants. Potassium is included in its composition in the form of potassium carbonate - potash (KCO3).

The ash obtained from the burning of birch firewood contains up to 13% potassium. Ash should be stored in a dry place, damp potash loses its beneficial features. Ash can be used at any time of the year: in the fall they are brought in for digging, in spring and summer during the entire period of development of horticultural and horticultural crops. Ash has a positive effect on all plants.

How to apply potash fertilizers to different crops

Potassium-loving plants include the following crops: peas, melon, cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, peppers, radishes, radishes, lettuce, beets, pumpkins, pears, cherries, gooseberries, plums, red currants, apple trees. Vegetable crops are recommended to be systematically fed with a weakly concentrated solution throughout the entire period of plant development. Potash fertilizers can be mixed with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers and applied simultaneously. Under garden plants it is recommended to apply potash fertilizers only twice. First, in the first half of summer, when the orchard intensively increases its green mass. Then in the second half of summer, during the period of root growth and fruiting. For berry crops good effect give regular fertilizing with potassium sulfate.

By the name of complex fertilizers, you can always understand whether they contain potassium. If the name has the ending "-ka", it indicates the presence of this element. For example: nitrophoska, nitroammofoska, carboammofoska. These fertilizers contain potassium compounds, which contain 15 to 19 percent potassium.

Potassium deficiency in the cucumber bed leads to the fact that the fruits become pear-shaped: narrow, underdeveloped from the side of the stalk and swollen from the other end.

All nightshade crops, these include potatoes, tomatoes and peppers, need potassium more than other plants. When feeding these vegetable crops, you can increase the recommended dose of drugs by about one and a half times.

It is advisable to do top dressing after showers, when the potassium content in the leaves decreases. For foliar dressings a solution of potassium sulfate is well suited. Almost all plants need additional potassium nutrition during flowering, during this period it is recommended to add potassium nitrate.

The increased content of potassium does not harm plants, but its high concentration in the soil slows down the absorption of other nutrients. useful elements. Therefore, when applying potash fertilizers, it is necessary to comply with the norms specified in the instructions for use.

The judicious use of fertilizers containing potassium increases the resistance of plants to the vagaries of the weather, improves the appearance and taste of fruits. It is almost impossible to get a rich harvest without using them.

Potassium supplements

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not of their own free will;
  • pain during or after exercise;